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Looking to attain a promising position as a Developer and to utilize my knowledge and skills in a
challenging and creative environment and build my career with dedication and commitment in a
growth-oriented organization
Course Specialization University Percentage ear
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!ec"nical #no$ledge
'()LL' o* +
Strengt"s and %bilities
,bility to work in a team (u can change samples)
-ard work
.apable o* analyzing and solving problems
/ositive attitude with a thirst to learn more and more
%cademic Project
!itle: ur project name
!ools: ***
Personal &etails
0ame 1 !!!!
2ather3s 0ame 1 !!!!
4ender 1 !!!!
0ationality 1 !!!!
(nown Languages 1 !!!!
I assure you of the best output from my end. & I also confirm that the information provided by me is true and
Date1 (0ame)

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