Individual Teaching Philosophy

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Individual Teaching Philosophy

My Individual Teaching Philosophy is based on my belief that students

flourish in an environment that caters to all their needs. In this, as a teacher, I
will do all that I can to provide this environment. To me, this environment is one
that is stimulating and engaging for each student. Furthermore, it is one in
which their wellbeing is appreciated and nurtured.
I recognise that each student has their own unique personality and
upbringing. Therefore, the classroom environment should be one that
celebrates each person's individuality. s a teacher, this concept can be
represented throughout the lesson content, materials and assessment
strategies chosen. I will strive to create a classroom where respect is shown to
everyone. In this, I hope that each student feels as though they are welcome for
who they are. Furthermore, I hope that their thoughts and ideas are
encouraged. I hope that through student ac!nowledging individuality, they draw
upon their own e"periences and prior understandings to positively benefit their
n environment that is safe and supportive, I feel, has a balance of
routine and fle"ibility. The routine in a classroom should be student focussed, to
help develop stability. This routine, however, should be fle"ible to adapt to
different learning situations that may arise. I strive as a teacher, to loo! out for
those opportunities. In doing so, I hope to encourage students to ta!e initiative
in their learning, and not to shy away from their imagination. I feel it is my role
as a teacher, to create an environment where students recognise that they have
the freedom to share their thoughts, interests and abilities. I envision students
discovering new understandings, and from this, students becoming increasingly
encouraged to further learn. I hope to facilitate this learning through challenging
the students with questions. #i!ewise, I hope to see the students mirror this as
they develop their inquiry s!ills.
I recognise the positive influence that a student's outside school
community can have on their learning. s a teacher, I feel that it is important to
create opportunities for parents and guardians to not only be informed in the
students education, but have an active role in their learning. In doing so, I hope
to encourage students to lin! what they learn in the classroom to the wider
world. To achieve this, I feel that it is my role to demonstrate how learning can
be applied throughout different areas of the curriculum.
s a teacher, I feel that it is critical to develop personally in the area of
self awareness. Therefore, I will ma!e an effort to continuously reflect on all
aspects of teaching so that my understanding of teaching is continually
developing. The result of this is an increased level of self awareness, which I
hope e"tends to an increased level of the awareness of others. I envision
students also developing in this area, so that the classroom environment fosters
in students the belief that they have the potential to become all that they can to
positively influence the world.

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