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Parthiv Yadav Mobile: (+91) 8128009676

To acquire a entry level position in the college where I can use my good teaching
skills for the better development of the students.
'( E)perie*$e
Developed CRM project for HSM Food International Company.
Developed Accounting Software for Maruti Electronic and Home Appliance.
Developed !"# Innovation Council ponored project MS!SCR$%%.
&or'ing in Agratta "ec(tar pvt ltd. A a trainee developer from june )*+,.
E-perienced in Advanced .H. Codeigniter Framewor'.
Ed+$atio*al ,a$-"ro+*d
In final of computer engineering from !.".# at v.v.p engineering college wit( C!.A / 0.+0
+*1) From wati' c(ool of cience wit( 234 in )*+*
from Saint Mary5 Sc(ool wit( 004 in )**0
(E./0'.12 34'223
%anguage S'ill6
Advanced .H.7main language8.
.H. Codeigniter Framewor'.
&ordpre CMS.
Android .latform for Application development.
Core java.

Reearc( .aper pu:li(ed on ;etter Encryption "ec(ni<ue For &irele Encryption
protocol uing RSA Algorit(m '330-097-6202
"a'en a "raining eion7E-pert "al'8 on S"". on Android application development in
=.=.. Engineering College9Raj'ot.
"a'en a &or'(op on &ordpre we:ite development in =.=.. Engineering
Developed !"# Innovation Council ponored project MS!SCR$%%.
&inner in "-twe: Developer Compitition.
[Type text]
.re note pu:li(ed in leading new paper of raj'ot for inauguration of android app :y
Dr A'(ay >umar 7!"# =ice C(ancellor 8.
?ame in !.".# ite a a Reearc( paper article pu:lication url @
App developed @ (dlegend 9 vvp attendance 9 vvp college on android platform.
mini project for 'nowledge center7portal8
ite developed in wordpre @ www.(dlegend.t'
Developed CRM project for HSM Food International Company.
Developed Accounting Software for Maruti Electronic and Home Appliance.
Certified Et(ical Hac'ing E-pert7%evel ,8.
Gender : Male
Marital status : Single
D.O.B : 2
August 1992
Languages Kn!n : Englis"# Gu$arati and %indi

Per&anent Address : '($anta s)iet* +Nara*ana,
-ala!ad rad
.. )s& )&.le/
Parthiv Yadav

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