Cluster CLI Commands by Module

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Command Line Tutorial

Isilon created the OneFS command line user interface provide a rich command set of commands
that allow you to monitor and manage the cluster, the individual nodes that comprise the cluster,
and view all content stored on the cluster. Isilons command-line interface (CLI) includes additional
commands that enable you to manage an Isilon cluster outside of the web administration interface.
These commands extend the standard UNIX command set you normally use on a Free BSD System.
You can access the command-line interface by opening a secure shell (SSH) connection to any node
in the cluster. The first logical cluster node contains some additional information used to configure
new nodes as they join the cluster.

There are two sets of isi commands. The isi (space) commands contain the commands commonly
used by storage administrators. Some of these isi commands have sub-commands to allow the
storage administrator to narrow their focus to a specific activity. Other commands are global
commands with no additional sub-commands. You can view the isi command structure from the
man page by typing man isi and you redirect this to an output file to later print the full set of
commonly used commands. There are approximately 39 commands available for use. You can type
isi command help and receive specific command help. Many of these commands are tab
complete commands. Tabcomplete means as you type the command and hit the tab key and the
next set of sub-commands appears for your choice.

Isilon also provides some isi_ (underscore) commands for use by the storage administrator to allow
them to retrieve configuration information about the cluster. These commands do not have a man
page for printout. These commands may have or may not have a tabcomplete command structure.
You can type isi_ command help and receive specific command help. You can perform the same
output redirection as mentioned above for the isi_ commands. There are over 230 of these
commands. We do not recommend you utilize any these commands beyond the ones demonstrated
in class unless directed by Isilon Global Support.

isi config commands (cluster configuration)

isi config (at >>>prompt) status advanced: provides the full internal interface configuration.

The isi config command opens a sub console where node and cluster settings can be configured.
When in the isi config console, other Isilon configuration commands are unavailable and only isi
config commands are valid. Once you have made all the necessary configuration updates to the
cluster. The changes command displays a list of changes to the cluster configuration that have been
entered into the isi config tool, but have not been applied to the system yet.

For example here is the command run on the cluster before any configuration changes have been

dog-pools-1#isi config
Welcome to the Isilon IQ configuration console.
Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Isilon Systems LLC. All rights reserved.
Enter 'help' to see list of available commands.
Enter 'help <command>' to see help for a specific command.
Enter 'quit' at any prompt to discard changes and exit.

Node build: Isilon OneFS v6.5.5.2 B_6_5_5_32(RELEASE)
Node serial number: M265195626L

dog-pools >>>changes

There are no uncommitted changes.

If you made changes as shown below youd view this system display output similar to the following

dog-pools >>>changes

Cl ust er name : ol dName - > newName
Encodi ng : ut f - 8 - > cp932
i nt - a I P r anges : { 192. 168. 3. 142- 192. 168. 5. 215} - > {192. 168. 5. 11-
192. 168. 8. 155}
Node i d 1 l nn : 1 - > 5
Node 1 l ni i nt - a: 192. 168. 5. 135 - > 192. 168. 7. 143
Node 2 l ni i nt - a: 192. 168. 5. 162 - > 192. 168. 7. 201
J oi n mode : Manual - > Secur e

When configuration changes are made you will need to apply them to the cluster. The commit
command applies configuration settings that have been entered into the the isi config tool, but have
not been applied to the system yet. After applying the changes, the commit command exits the isi
config tool. You must run his command must be run from within the isi config cluster configuration

Some configuration commands may require a cluster reboot. You will be prompted for any changes
needing a reboot. For example, some IP changes to the Infiniband back end will require a cluster

At the console prompt type isi configand immediately you will be prompted with three >(greater
than signs) signifying you have entered into the isi config console.

help - To view the isi config command set type help or a ? at the >>>prompt. If no options are
specified, all valid commands are displayed:

Document ed commands ( t ype hel p <t opi c>) :
changes del i pr ange hel p i pset mi gr at e net mask r emove t i mezone
commi t encodi ng i nt er f ace j oi nmode mt u qui t shut down ver si on
dat e exi t i pr ange l nnset name r eboot st at us wi zar d

Or you can run help [<command>]

The following command display help for lnnset: help lnnset

lnnset - lnnset [<old lnn><new lnn>] Displays a table of LNN, Device ID, and Internal IP for each
node in the cluster, when executed without any arguments. Changes a node's Logical Node
Number from <old lnn>to <new lnn>. <new_lnn>must be unused. Users logged into the shell or
WebUI of a node who's LNN has changed will need to re-log in to view the new LNN.

date - date [<time_and_date>] The date command displays and/or sets the current time and date
on a node. If you choose not to set the date using the following format, the current time and date
for this node is displayed. Specify in the following form: <yyyy>/<mm>/<dd><hh>:<mm>:<ss>

The following command sets the time and date to 1:00 PM on January 31st, 2012:
date 2012/01/31 13:00:00 Note that the time is in 24 hour format.

Changes will not be updated until you run the commit command and reboot the cluster. However,
the updated date will reflect time passed since you originally specified the new date.

For example, if you need to change the default UTF-8 encoding to another value choose the
encoding command with this syntax: encoding [{list| <Encoding>}]. If no options are specified, the
current encoding is displayed. You can list the the supported encodings this way:

dog-pools >>>encoding

Cur r ent encodi ng i s: ut f - 8.
dog- pool s >>> encodi ng l i st

Wi ndows- SJ I S cp932
Wi ndows- 949 cp949
Wi ndows- 1252 cp1252
EUC- KR euc- kr
EUC- J P euc- j p
EUC- J P- MS euc- j p- ms
UTF- 8- MAC ut f - 8- mac
UTF- 8 ut f - 8
I SO- 8859- 1 ( Lat i n- 1) i so- 8859- 1
I SO- 8859- 2 ( Lat i n- 2) i so- 8859- 2
I SO- 8859- 3 ( Lat i n- 3) i so- 8859- 3
I SO- 8859- 4 ( Lat i n- 4) i so- 8859- 4
I SO- 8859- 5 ( Cyr i l l i c) i so- 8859- 5
I SO- 8859- 6 ( Ar abi c) i so- 8859- 6
I SO- 8859- 7 ( Gr eek) i so- 8859- 7
I SO- 8859- 8 ( Hebr ew) i so- 8859- 8
I SO- 8859- 9 ( Lat i n- 5) i so- 8859- 9
I SO- 8859- 10 ( Lat i n- 6) i so- 8859- 10
I SO- 8859- 13 ( Lat i n- 7) i so- 8859- 13
I SO- 8859- 14 ( Lat i n- 8) i so- 8859- 14
I SO- 8859- 15 ( Lat i n- 9) i so- 8859- 15
I SO- 8859- 16 ( Lat i n- 10) i so- 8859- 16
dog-pools >>>

The following command sets the default encoding to Windows-949: encoding cp932.

exit - command discards changes and exits the isi config tool. The quit command is an alias of the
exit command. Either can be typed to discard any changes not committed.
The following command discards changes and exits the isi config tool: exit.

dog-pools >>>lnnset 17 27
Node 17 changed to Node 27. Change will be applied on 'commit'
dog-pools >>>exit

You have made the following configuration changes:

Node id 25 lnn: 17 ->27
Would you like to commit your changes before quitting? [yes]
Are you sure you want to quit without committing? All uncommitted changes will be lost. [no]

lnnset- lnnset [<old lnn><new lnn>] In keeping with the help and exit command examples above,
the lnnset command displays the logical node number (LNN), device ID, and internal IP address for
each node in the cluster, and changes the LNNs of nodes. If no options are specified, the lnnset
command displays a table containing the LNN, device ID, and internal IP address of each node in the
cluster. <old lnn>Specifies the current LNN. <new lnn>Specifies a new LNN for the node. New LNN
must not be currently assigned to another node.

dog-pools >>>lnnset

LNN Devi ce I D Cl ust er I P
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 1 152. 53. 222. 30
2 2 152. 53. 222. 31
3 3 152. 53. 222. 32
4 7 152. 53. 222. 35
5 5 152. 53. 222. 33
6 6 152. 53. 222. 34
7 31 152. 53. 222. 36
8 26 152. 53. 222. 37
9 27 152. 53. 222. 38
10 28 152. 53. 222. 39
16 24 152. 53. 222. 45
17 25 152. 53. 222. 46

To change the LNN of a node from 1 to 5, run the following command: lnnset 1 5

dog-pools >>>lnnset 17 27
Node 17 changed to Node 27. Change will be applied on 'commit'

reboot - reboot [<nodes>] the reboot command reboots nodes.
Note: The following information describes the behavior of the reboot command while in the isi
config cluster configuration tool. If you use the reboot command on an unconfigured node, reboot
does not accept any arguments. If no options are specified, only the local node is rebooted. Using
the <nodes>suffix specifies which nodes to reboot. Valid values are <any_node_LNNs>and all.

To reboot a node with an LNN of 3, run the following command: reboot 3
To reboot all the nodes, run the following command: reboot all

shutdown - shutdown [<nodes>] the shutdown command shuts down nodes. If no options are
specified, only the local node is shut down. Using the <nodes>suffix specifies one or more nodes to
shut down. Valid values are <any_node_LNNs>and all.

To shut down a node with an LNN of 3, run the following command: shutdown 3
To shut down the cluster, run the following command: shutdown all

To familiarize yourself with specific isi commands, we provide them into the sections that mirror the
classroom structure.

isi network commands

First time cluster configuration requires the storage administrator to create internal and external
network interfaces. The command line configuration wizard navigates you through this task. Once
the cluster has rebooted with the finalized network information the storage administrator can use
the isi networks command structure to create, modify or view:
isi networks: provides a means to manipulate the external network settings as needed
isi networks create subnet n=name g=gateway IP Address: creates the SmartConnect
isi networks create pool n=Subnet:Pool: create a pool as needed from the subnet
isi networks modify pool n=Subnet:Pool: modify a pool as needed to change its configuration
isi networks --sc-rebalance-all: rebalance the connections to a specific subnet pool
isi networks --dns-servers=: To set the DNS servers after the initial configuration is completed
isi networks list ifaces v: to view the full configured external interfaces and basic internal

isi devices: provides a means to add, remove, or view the status of a device in the cluster
isi_for_array: run the same command across all the cluster nodes simultaneously
isi_for_array date: validate cluster node date differentials
isi_hw_status: Check hardware status
isi status: provides real-time status information
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 179 to view additional isi networks commands

isi directory service commands

First time directory services configuration requires the storage administrator to create directory
services connectivity to the cluster. Usually the storage administrator performs these configurations
through the web administration interface. The storage administrator can use the isi auth command
structure to to create, modify or view:
isi auth ads join --domain=<DNSDomain>--user=<string>--password=<Password>: joins the
cluster to an Active Directory (AD) domain. If this command is run while already joined to an AD
domain, the cluster will be rejoined. The cluster can be joined to a single AD domain at a time.
This command is not atomic and a failure could result in losing existing domain connectivity.
isi auth config list --ldap-: to configure the LDAP service parameters
isi auth ads spn create --spn=<SPN>: adds a Service Principal Name (SPN) for a machine
account. A service principal name (SPN) is the name by which a client uniquely identifies an
instance of a service. The Kerberos authentication service can use an SPN to authenticate a
service. When a client wants to connect to a service, it locates an instance of the service,
composes an SPN for that instance, connects to the service, and presents the SPN for the service
to authenticate.
isi auth ads status: displays whether a cluster is joined to an Active Directory domain. If joined,
the system displays information about the joined domain and the machine account. The
machine account typically uses the cluster name.
isi auth ads accounts list: displays a list of Active Directory machine accounts that are available
to the cluster.
isi auth config ldap modify: configures Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) attributes
for non-standard directories.
isi auth config ldap list: lists current Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) attribute
configuration settings.
isi auth local users list: displays a list of local users on the system. If no options are specified, the
system displays all local users.
isi auth status: displays the current status of authentication providers.
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 12 to view additional isi auth commands

isi client access commands

Once you configure the cluster to communicate to a directory service, then you connect the clients for
individual authentication. You can also connect clients locally to the cluster as needed. Clients are
authenticated onto the cluster while users are authorized to access files and directories.
isi auth ads users list: display a list of users on Active Directory domains.
isi auth local groups create: creates a local group on the cluster.
isi auth local users create: creates a new user account on the cluster.
isi nfs clients list: displays a list of all clients holding NLM locks.
isi nfs exports list -v -r: detailed information on existing export rules and their default settings
and see whether clients are resolved
isi nfs locks list: displays a list of current locks.
isi smb config global: configure global smb parameters
isi smb config share list: displays a list of share configuration parameters.
isi smb file list: displays information on open files, including their file IDs.
isi smb permission list: displays a list of existing permissions.
isi smb session list: displays a list of existing sessions.
isi smb share create: creates a new SMB share.
isi smb share list: displays information on existing shares.
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 12 to view additional isi auth commands

isi events commands

The cluster transmits events to the web administration display. These same events can be viewed from
the command line with some of the commands below.

isi events list: displays a list of system events.
isi events notifications create: creates a new notification.
isi events notifications list: displays a list of settings for a notification.
isi events quiet: marks events as quieted. Notifications are not sent for quieted events.
isi events show: displays an event's information.
isi snmp: manages Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) settings.
snmpget : SNMP Get commands for viewing parameters
snmpwalk: SNMP Get-Nexts to walk a tree of parameters
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 104 to view additional events commands
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 282 to view additional snmp commands

cluster data layout commands

The storage administrator has the opportunity to modify the data protection and layout on the cluster
for directories and files. This layout is performed in the web administration user interface.

isi smartpools commands

SmartPools are configured in web administration user interface. The configured SmartPools policy can
be applied using this command.

isi smartpools process --path=/ifs/home/ -v: Applies the SmartPools file pool policy to files and
directories under /ifs/home.

isi snapshot commands

SnapshotIQ is a flexible data protection application that is available as a licensed on the Isilon cluster.
SnapshotIQ provides a convenient local "insurance policy" for your users with a minimum of effort. You
can schedule multiple snapshots at hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly recurring intervals, for
directory, sub-directory, or file-system levels. You can also create snapshots manually.

isi snapshot autocreate: enables or disables the automatic creation of scheduled snapshots.
isi snapshot create: creates snapshots.
isi snapshot enable: allows snapshots to be taken.
isi snapshot list: enables you to view a list of existing snapshots or snapshot details.
isi snapshot schedule create: enables you to create a new snapshot schedule policy.
isi snapshot usage: displays a list of existing snapshots and their disk usage.
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 264 to view additional snapshot commands

isi sync commands

The Isilon SyncIQ software is an optional tool that enables you to flexibly manage and automate data
synchronization between two Isilon IQ clusters. The SyncIQ can copy data from one Isilon cluster to
another, or synchronize data by replicating files from a source cluster to a target cluster and then
deleting any files on the target that are not present on the source.
isi sync bandwidth create bandwidth: limits that control how much SyncIQ-generated network
traffic the cluster can process during specified time periods.
isi sync config: manages SyncIQ global configuration parameters.
isi sync policy create: creates SyncIQ policies. SyncIQ policies automate data synchronization
between two Isilon IQ clusters.
isi sync jobs list: displays information on existing SyncIQ jobs.
isi sync policy assess: tests existing SyncIQ policies to determine how many files and directories
would be processed and transferred if it were run.
isi sync policy run: runs existing SyncIQ policies.
isi sync start: starts the SyncIQ application.
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 322 to view additional sync commands

isi ndmp (Backup) commands

Isilons clustered storage systems support the Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) open
standard, which enables interoperability with several leading backup products. Isilon clustered storage
systems support full backup and restore operations through NDMP v3 or NDMP v4. The isi fc commands
are used when a Backup Accelerator is used.
isi fc disable: disables fibre channel ports.
isi fc enable: enables fibre channel ports.
isi fc list: displays a list of fibre channel ports.
isi fc set: configures fibre channel port settings.
isi ndmp kill: terminates an NDMP session.
isi ndmp list: displays a list of NDMP sessions.
isi ndmp probe: displays diagnostic information for sessions.
isi ndmp settings set: changes the value of an NDMP setting.
isi ndmp user create: creates a new NDMP user account.
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 168 to view additional ndmp commands

isi smartquota commands

The Isilon SmartQuotas monitors and enforces administrator-defined storage limits. Through its use
of accounting and enforcement quota limits, reporting capabilities, and automated notifications,
SmartQuotas can manage storage utilization, monitor disk storage, and issue alerts when disk
storage limits are exceeded.
isi quota create: creates new quota domains.
isi quota import: imports quota domains and configurations from external sources.
isi quota list: displays a list of existing domains.
isi quota reporting show: command displays quota report settings.
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 216 to view additional quota commands

isi iscsi commands

The Isilon iSCSI is an optional application that provides Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
support on an Isilon cluster. The iSCSI enables you to configure, provision, and connect block storage for
Microsoft Windows, Linux, and VMware systems.
isi iscsi isns discover: displays a list of iSNS-provided initiators that can connect to targets on
the system.
isi iscsi isns enable: configures or starts the iSNS client service.
isi iscsi list: displays information about current iSCSI sessions.
isi iscsi pool add: creates or adds to a list of SmartConnect pools that iSCSI targets will
connect through by default. Default SmartConnect pools are ignored by targets that already
have SmartConnect pools configured.
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 143 to view additional iscsi commands

isi virtualization commands
The Isilon for VCenter is an optional application that provides VMWare VCenter connectivity to manage
Isilon storage for VMDK files. There are no CLI commands. All configurations are performed via the web
administration user interface.

isi avscan commands

Isilon clusters interoperate with the following anti-virus servers using the Internet Content Adaptation
Protocol (ICAP) which enables the OneFS operating system to perform enterprise-wide scanning for
computer viruses and other security threats by integrating with third-party scanning services.
isi avscan config: sets and displays global configuration settings for anti-virus scanning.
isi avscan policy add: creates an anti-virus scan policy.
isi avscan policy run: runs an anti-virus scan policy.
isi avscan quarantine: quarantines a file manually. Quarantined files cannot be read
or written to.
isi avscan report scan: displays information about recent anti-virus scans.
Visit the OneFS Command Reference guide page 77 to view additional avscan commands

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