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The excavation works at the Mass Grave site, Mannar have been stopped from

Wednesday - 5th March. The decision was made after discussion held yesterday near the
Grave ite presided over by Mannar Ma!istrate Ms. "nanthi #ana!aratnam.
The meetin! was held at the Mass Grave ite yesterday to decide about the future actions
to be undertaken re!ardin! the excavation at the !rave site.
$t has been further decided to continue further excavation only after the receipt of the
report on the already recovered human skeletal remains.
Mannar Ma!istrate Ms. "nanthi #ana!aratnam has ordered the %olice to submit a report
to the &ourts on 'th May.
"t yesterday(s discussion ).*.+aydiyaratne , -udicial Medical .fficer "nuradapura/
0.#odituwakku , )irector, "rcheolo!ical 1esearch, &olomb/ +i2ayaratna , .fficer,
"rcheolo!ical )epartment/ .#. -oseph , uperintendent of %olice, Mannar/ #anthewatte
- "ssistant uperintendent of %olice, Mannar/ Thikari %erera , .$&, %olice tation,
Mannar, and $nspector Wickremasekera , &riminal $nvesti!ation )epartment, &olombo, -
"lready excavation works were conducted for 34 times and so far 56 human skeletal and
body parts were recovered from the site. The !rave site has been so far du! to a si7e of
5.684 meter in width, 49.684 meter lon! and 649 c.m deep.
"ll those recovered human skeletal remains were neatly boxed and stored at the Mannar
General :ospital.

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