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Ain Shams University
Facul f y of Engi neeri ng
Design and Production Dept.
3' d Year Production
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
May 2005
Ouest i on
( 1)
Compl et e:
A) Improving
quality takes place due to improvements in both quality of----------- and quality of
The latter improvements are accomplished by rvhat is vaguely called
which actually consists of the eiimination of both and
quality problems.
B) Anyone who advocates an "improvement" should realize that he is trying to introduce two
very different kinds of change, i.e. a change in---------
e.g.------------and------------ and a
change in the of the people affected e.g.----------' -----and .ln advocacy
of the latter change, he is well advised to use the tools of the
In advocacy of the
former change, he is well advised to use the----------
conduct their affairs through a specific sequence of activities. Discuss with
activities are of two main varieties, managerial and technological activities. Give
some examples of each.
Ouest i on
A) Discuss in some details the various categories of quality costs.
B) What is meant by "maldistribution of quality losses". Give examples of your won
Describe how can this concept be used for the economical attack of the quality
Ouest i on
l'.ndor quality problems vary substantially from the earlier to the twentieth century.
giving suitable examples.
B) Discuss the various means of qualifying sourres of supply'
Ouest i on
various responsibilities of the chief inspector. Discuss one of these responsibilities in
some details.
B) Define each of the following giving suitable examples from the manufacturing or service
i ) Rel i abi l i t y
i i ) Mai nt ai nabi l i t y
i i i ) Val ue Anal ysi s
i v) Usabi l i t y

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