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Schoolhouse Technologies Vocabulary Worksheet Factory

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Scrambled Sentences
How can you tell if there's an elephant in your sandwich? You can't pick it up.
The words in the sentences have been scrambled. On the lines
provided below each sentence, re-write the words of the
sentence in the correct order.
The baby whose name was Raven pointed at the bladder.
at was baby Raven the the pointed whose name bladder
If we went to talk to him about a problem he would drop everything else.
everything would to drop about a went him if talk problem else to we he
As I was on my way to the window, I saw an interesting fellow.
was interesting saw to an I as on way the I my fellow window
Even though he wasn't going to be there for long, I still asked God to let him make it.
to there him it to still though be wasnt going let long he asked God make for even I
I got a call that broke my heart.
broke my a that call heart got i
Mr Bambang was the kind of teacher who knew what his students wanted.
wanted what was who the teacher students of his knew kind Bambang mr
As the sun goes down, it slowly falls asleep.
down goes slowly as sun it the asleep falls
Do you want a laptop bag in a unique shape that will complement your suit?
complement unique a do in that shape bag laptop a your want suit you will
When it was light, the raven had disappeared.
the light was had disappeared it raven when
When my family was living in Sydney, we used to go to a place called Snow Mountains.
place to Sydney to family was living when Mountains a used my Snow in we go called

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