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Rizki Dwi Kurniasary, Usman Tri Arifin 2013, DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE
Final Report of Electronics Engineering Program, Department of Electro Engineering,
State Polytechnic of Malang.
Supervisor : Hari Kurnia Safitri, ST.,MT and Ir. Tarmukan, MT

Current technology developments very rapidly in various fields especially in the
engineering world. Many sophisticated media are used in a variety of places that have
an impact on the lifestyle of the people practical. It is also felt by academic activities.
The majority of student attendance system is still manual and Student Identity Card
(KTM) is only used as proof only. Though student card can be used as absentee system
automatically. In this report, as the KTM will utilize automatic attendance system
which are sent directly to admin for storing data of students who take the course.
In this final project was Design and Manufacture Attendance University Student
using RFID Card Microcontroller Based With Data Access Through Wi-Fi. The
working principle is student attendance device using RFID cards (Radio Frequency
Identification) as Student Identity Card. When Student Identity Card which has been
brought to the attendance card reader is mounted sensor RFID Reader with distance
cm, then the data is processed using ATMega162 microcontroller and sent to a
server computer via Wi-Fi using WizFi210. Data sent will be stored in a computer and
sent back to the attendance and displayed to the LCD screen. If the card data in
accordance with the words "Terimakasih" will appear on the LCD screen, and if the
data does not match the data on the central computer LCD screen will display the
words "Error". Focused software to manage systems that are built work, so it can work
in accordance with the desired stage.
Based attendance system testing that has been done can be concluded that the
way student attendance should be regularly and one by one. Lag time to be absent from
one student to another student who is at least 3 seconds as to prevent the occurrence of
data is not stored, level of success in the use of these tools to reach 100%.

Keywords : Microcontroller, RFID, ATMega162, WizFi210, Computer, LCD

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