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Thai Chicken & Asparagus Curry

1. Finely chop onion, and place in small bowl
2. Crush garlic clove, and place in bowl with onion
3. Remove leaves from lemon grass stem, quarter
lengthways, and place in bowl with onion and garlic
4. Trim ends of asparagus, chop in half, and put aside
5. Remove stalks from coriander, and put aside
6. Remove fat from chicken, and cut into 2cm cubes
7. Heat oil in a wok, on medium hob, high heat
8. Stir-fry chicken in batches until golden all over, transfer
chicken to a bowl, and set aside
9. Return wok to heat
10. Add onion, garlic and lemongrass into wok and stir-fry
for 1 minute
11. Add curry paste to the wok and stir for a further
12. Return chicken to the wok
13. Add coconut milk, stock and kaffir lime leaf
14. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat to medium and
simmer for 2 minutes
15. Add asparagus and cook for a further 2 minutes, or
until green
16. Season with fish sauce
17. Plate up
18. Garnish with coriander
Amount Food
1 tbsp. Sunflower oil
350g Chicken breast fillets
1 Garlic clove
Lemongrass stem
1 tbsp. Green curry paste
150ml Coconut milk
cup Chicken stock
1 Kaffir lime leaf
bunch Thin asparagus
To season Fish sauce
To garnish Coriander
Pot w. lid
Small bowl
Small bowl
Large bowl
Paring knife
Vegetable chopping board
Poultry chopping board
Scrap bowl
Wooden spoon
Garlic crusher
Can opener

Action Plan
Amount of Time Task
0-5 mins Get apron and hair net on,
wash hands
5-10 mins Get equipment out
10-15 mins Prep food (steps 1-6)
15-30 mins Cook food (steps 7-15)
30-35 mins Present food (16-18)
35-48 mins Clean Up

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