6.1.3 Permutations of N Different Objects Taken R at A Time

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6.1.3 Permutations of n different objects taken r at a time.

1. In how many ways can 6 students be seated on 3

chairs arranged in a row ?
2. There are 8 contestants in a drawing contest. How
many ossib!e ways "or the "irst three !aces to be
won by the contestants ?
3. How many ordered arrangements are there i" we
want to arrange # out o" 12 bas$et !ayers ?
&. 'n e(amination aer has si( )uestions. The
students need on!y to answer "our o" them. In how
many di""erent ways can the students answer the &
)uestions ?

#. In how many di""erent ways can 3 o" the !etters in
the word * +,-.,'/ * be arranged without
reetition ?

6. In how many di""erent ways can & o" the !etters in
the word * 0-/+1T2, *be arranged without
reetition ?
3. In how many di""erent ways can 2 o" the !etters in
the word * 4I5T' *be arranged without
reetition ?
8. In how many di""erent ways can ha!" o" the !etters in
the word * /-6172* be arranged without
reetition ?
%. How many "our8digit numbers can you "orm using
the digits 29 39 #9 6 and 3 ?
10.How many "i:e8digit numbers can you "orm using
the digits 29 39 &9 6 9 39 8 and % ?
Permutations & Combinations 3

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