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By, Sarita Jugistir

Canis Lupus Familiaris
The domestic dog is a
subspecies of the gray
wolf. The dog was the first
domesticated animal ever
known. He is a pet animal
, that is friendly but barks
a lot. He mostly likes
people especially females.
He is able to have a better
understanding when
females talk to him. He
likes to play and run. His
favorite toy is a ball.
Two different animals
Canis lupus dingo New Guinea singing dog
Canis Lupus Dingo/ New Guinea
Singing Dog
Their origins are still a matter of debate, but they most likely were
population. Both animals are very similar, but they can be distinguished by
some genetic markers and overall the two Breeds seem to have different
typical personalities. The dingoes and singers are the most likely ferals
animal who were domesticated then later returned to being WILD. There
really isnt a solid line where one lets off and the other begins, and
classification is not always an exact science.
Family: Canidae
They are biological
family of carvivorans
that includes domestic
dogs. Canid family is
two tribes.

Order: Carnivor
Family Family
Order Order

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