Lesson Plan

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Session Plan

Secondary design and technology

Name: Jamie Wilson Year: First year
Day: Monday Subject: Design and technology
Theme: Glow Ball
Class: Year 8 class
Learning Objective/s
To understand the fundamentals of Renewable and non renewable energy
To understand the basic health and safety of a workshop and Electronics,
when soldering.
The basic Understanding of electronics.
To have a working circuit board by the end of the session.

National Curriculum, and
secondary design and
technology strategies.

Prior knowledge and skills required by pupils:
The Children should have basic knowledge of non
renewable and renewable energy as they would of touch
on it in year 7 so the pupils will be recapping and
suggesting there views during the session.
Also the health and safety they will have basic
knowledge of as they have been using the workshops
since year 7, but we have to go over it again to make
sure all pupils understand how to work safely in the

Needs of specific learners:
There will be a teacher to every pupil and step by step
instructions so every child will have all the help they need
if they are struggling with any of the work at hand in the

Key areas:

Non renewable
Health and safety

Balloons, Soldering irons,
heat gloves, eye protection
glasses, solder, wire
cutters, solder sucker, MDF
boards, clippers to hold
PCB board, Glow ball
packs, work booklets. Lesson: Morning session

Criteria: Glow ball, electronics part of the glow ball
How: Class/Group/ Individual: They will be doing the presentation as a group but the soldering will be individual
Focus Standards and review of progress

Time Teaching & Organisation Strategies

Pupil Responses

Name & role of
Support Adult/s
Start: Introduction/oral work:
The children will be greeted by Mr J Wilson. Before
entering the class room we will tell the pupils what to do
when they walk in the class room.
Each chair has a smiley face on it which they pupils will us
later on in the session.
Register will be taken before session starts.
The pupils will be taken through the Objectives for the
morning session and what they will gain out off the
The first activity each pupil is given a balloon to rub on the
head or themselves to create static electricity , the pupils
are asked what is produced when you rub it agenised you
causing it to stick to you.
(Balloons will be put aside after the starter activity.)

The pupils will respond yes sir or miss
during the register.
Pupils will put hands up if they know
what is produced when the balloon is
rubbed against you. Answer should
be= Static electricity

Mr Wilson
Miss Weatherburn

Development /Main Activity

The pupils will then be taken through a presentation on
Non renewable energy and renewable energy. The
presentation will have various questions throughout so the
presentation is very interactive with the pupils and it gets
them to use knowledge they all ready have.
The first slides of the presentation are all about introducing
renewable and non renewable energy and how it affects
are everyday lives.
We will have a game half way through the presentation
where we when through the disadvantages and the
advantages of wind energy and coal, so to very different
ways of making energy. They smiley and sad faces will be
used during the game and then the we will select the
answer with the most votes so it is fair, we will get one
pupil up to click the answer which they all agreed on.
The last section of the presentation we will explain how
wind is created and how Faradays law works using a
interactive program where each pupil will have ago to see
how electricity is made in a simple way to help them

Questions during presentation:

Can anyone name me a device they
use every day that they couldnt live
(Students list things mobile phones
and other electrical devices).
What do all these devices have in
(Hopefully someone says they all use
So what are the main ways we get all
this electricity at our disposal?
(Fossil fuels, renewable ways)
Can anyone name a disadvantage to
burning fossil fuels to produce
(Pollution and fossil fuels will run out)
So can anyone tell me of a way of
generating electricity that doesnt
cause pollution and comes from an
energy source that wont run out?
(Solar energy, hydropower, biomass
energy and wind power)
can anyone think of a way in which
wind power has been used before
wind turbines?
(Sails on ships and windmills for
grinding grain)
First of all what does a wind turbine
need to work?

Mr Wilson
Miss Weatherburn


If pupils finish the work before hand we will complete the
Non renewable and renewable energy work sheet in the
booklet, As shown on (worksheet 1B )

Can go though work sheet on their
own or as a group.
Mr Wilson
Miss Weatherburn


Pupils will be given a sticky note at the end of the morning
session to give one point from these areas:
Non renewable and renewable energy
Health and safety

This is to see what they have learned.
Also at the end of the morning session will go over
Objectives to see if we have met them all as a group.

Pupils will write the three points down
and we will go through them as a
group on the board.

Mr Wilson
Miss Weatherburn

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