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United Nations Development Programme

Global Environment Facility Energy Efficiency Programme in Nigeria

Second National Energy Efficiency Summit
Promoting Energy Efficiency for National Development and Environmental Sustainability

Conference Proceedings

November 2012
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This report was put together by the Project Team of the UNDP GEF Energy Efficiency Programme. The
information contained in this report is solely the responsibility of the Project Team.

The UNDP or her partners - the GEF and the Nigerian Government should not be held liable in any way
for any information shared in this document.

GEF-UNDP Nigeria 2012


GEF UNDP Energy Efficiency Programme
Energy Commission of Nigeria
Plot 701C, Central Area
Garki, Abuja
Phone: +234 9 876 0871

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AEPB Abuja Environmental Protection Board
CFLs Compact fluorescent lamps
COREN Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria
CPC Consumer Protection Council
CREDC Community Research and Development Centre
ECN Energy Commission of Nigeria
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
EDAN Electrical Dealers Association of Nigeria
EE Energy efficiency
EESC Energy Efficiency Steering Committee
FME Federal Ministry of Environment
FOTE Friends of the Environment
GEF Global Environment Facility
GHGs Greenhouse gases
HOFA Hotel Owners Forum Abuja
ICEED International Centre for Energy, Environment and Development
ITA International Technical Adviser
KWh/yr Kilowatt hour per year
LED Light Emitting Diode
MEPS Minimum energy performance standards
NAPEP National Poverty Eradication Programme
NCEEC National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation
NERC Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission
NESREA National Environmental Standard & Regulation Agency
NGOCE NGO Coalition for the Environment
NGOs Nongovernmental organizations
NIA Nigeria Institute of Architects
NITT Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology
NNRA Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority
NSE Nigeria Society for Engineers
NYSC National Youth Service Corps
PHCN Power Holding Company of Nigeria
S & L Standard and Labels
SEAN Student Environmental Assembly of Nigeria
SON Standard Organization of Nigeria
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
USD United States Dollars

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The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with support from the Global
Environment Facility (GEF) and in Collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Environment
(FME), the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) and the National Centre for Energy Efficiency
and Conservation (NCEEC) has commenced the implementation of a project to promote energy
efficiency in Nigeria. The overall objective of the project is to improve the energy efficiency of
end-use appliances used in Nigeria to reduce energy demand. The project will assist Nigeria to
increase access to electricity and at the same time mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases
resulting from energy generation.

As part of the activities to achieve the objective of the Energy Efficiency Project, the UNDP and
other implementing partners of the Project began the yearly event to create awareness on the
gains and importance of energy efficiency. This years event - Second National Energy
Efficiency Summit was organized with the theme Promoting Energy Efficiency for National
Development and Environmental Sustainability. The objectives of the Summit were to create
awareness on the importance and gains of energy efficiency in meeting national development
and environmental sustainability; and to integrate energy efficiency into national policy,
strategies and programmes towards achieving the goals of vision 20-20-20 of the Nigerian

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A total number of 340 participants attended the Summit. In attendance were energy efficiency
experts from different regions of Nigeria, the academia, representatives of various ministries,
department and agencies (MDAs), NGOs, representatives of state governments, private sector,
profession bodies Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA), Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE),
members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), religious organizations, international
organizations, members of the diplomatic community, student bodies and the media. The
Summit was declared opened by the Honourable Minister of Environment Mrs. Hadiza
Mailafiya, represented by Mr. Taye Haruna, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of

Other dignitaries present were the Director-General, Energy Commission of Nigeria, represented
by Dr. (Mrs.) Roseline Kela, Director - Energy Management Training and Manpower
Development (EMTMD), the representative of the Executive Governor of Abia State, Mr.
Charles Nwantor; the Honourable Commissioner of Energy, Delta State, Mr. Charles Emetulu;
Country Director UNDP, represented by the Deputy Country Director, Mr. Janthomas Hiemstra;
the International Technical Advisor of the UNDP GEF Energy Efficiency Programme in Nigeria,
Dr. Jason Yapp; the Director-General, National Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Zaria,
Alhaji Yusuf Aminu Musa; the Senior Special Assistant to the President and National
Coordinator of NAPEP, Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa-Balewa and the GEF Operational Focal Point,
Mrs. Olabisi Jaji.

The Keynote address was delivered by Dr. Jason Yapp on behalf of the UNDP Climate Change
Technical Advisor, Mr. Benoit Lebot. A total of five (5) presentations were made on the first day
and nine (9) presentations were made on the second day by various speakers from within and
outside Nigeria. Key features of the Summit were the public presentation of the following

Preliminary Report of the End-use Monitoring Study in Nigeria
Draft Revised Energy Efficiency Training Manual
Draft National Energy Efficiency Policy
Draft Report of the Nigerian Appliance Inventory Study

1.1: Welcome Address by Prof. A. S. Sambo, DG of Energy Commission of Nigeria

In his welcome address, the Director General (DG), Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) who
was represented by Dr. Mrs. R. Kela welcomed all participants on behalf of the ECN and other
implementing partners of the UNDP- GEF Nigeria Energy Efficiency Programme. He stated that
the objectives of the on-going GEF-supported Energy Efficiency Project will complement past
and current activities of the ECN to create awareness on the importance of energy efficiency and
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to integrate energy efficiency into national policy in other to achieve vision 202020 of the
Federal Government of Nigeria.

L-R: Mrs. Jaji, Dr. Kela, Hon. Nwator, Mr. Haruna, Hon. Emetulu, Mr. Hiemstra & Mr. Tafawa-Balewa

1.2 Overview of GEF EE Programme by Etiosa Uyigue

The National Coordinator of GEF Energy Efficiency Programme in Nigeria, Mr. Etiosa Uyigue
emphasized the importance of adopting energy efficiency measures to help address the energy
crisis in Nigeria. According to him, the main objective of the EE programme is to improve the
energy efficiency of end-use appliances in Nigeria. He stated that UNDP-GEF plans to achieve
this objective by assisting the government of Nigeria to put in place comprehensive EE policy
and legislations.

He enumerated the four major components of the programme which include the capacity
enhancement of relevant stakeholders and awareness creation; setting up minimum energy
performance standards (MEPS) for appliances in Nigeria; establishment of testing centres for
enforcement of EE standards and labels; and supporting processes that will upscale the
penetration of EE appliances in Nigeria. He reported that the end-use metering study to gather
baseline data on lighting equipment, air conditioners and refrigerators has been conducted in five
geo-political zones of the country and will soon be carried out in the south east zone.

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1.3 Goodwill Messages

1.3.1 Commissioner of Ministry of Science & Technology, Abia State

The Commissioner of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Abia State, Mr. Charles .O.
Nwator, who represented the Governor of Abia State said that energy issues are of paramount
importance to the people and Government of Abia State. He said availability of energy will help
to sustain the tempo of commercial, industrial and entrepreneurial spirit of the people of Abia
State. Speaking further, he said that Abia State is endowed with diverse energy resources that
need to be efficiently put into use. The Commissioner stated that the State is also facing
environmental challenges that need to be addressed.

Mr. Charles Nwator advised that government should take steps to ensure that imported transport
and production equipment coming into the country are properly tested for energy efficiency
before allowing them into Nigeria. He expressed his appreciation to the Energy Commission of
Nigeria and her organizing partners UNDP, GEF and the Federal Ministry of Environment for
initiating this wonderful, well thought out programme. He envisaged more of this kind of
synergy to enable stakeholders contribute effectively and be part of the energy road map.

Overview of Participants

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1.3.2 Commissioner of Energy, Delta State

The Commission of Energy, Delta State, Hon Charles C. Emetulu, in his goodwill message
opined that wastages are in all sectors of Nigeria, but energy accounts for the greatest of them
all. He said Delta State has imbibed the idea of using energy saving bulbs and the state is
investing heavily on renewable energies. According to him, Delta State is collaborating with
ECN to train their state indigenes. He is optimistic that Nigeria is capable of producing cheaper
and sustainable energy. He expressed the support of the government and people of Delta State
for the on-going UNDP GEF EE programme in Nigeria.

1.3.3 Ade Mamonye Lekoetje, UNDP Nigeria Country Director

The UNDP Nigeria Country Director, Ade Mamonye Lekoetje was represented by Mr.
Janthomas Hiemstra, the Deputy Country Director (Programmes) stated that climate change is a
big global phenomenon and applauded the government of Nigeria for adopting the climate
change policy. He stated further that a lot of work needs to be done in Nigeria in the area of EE.
He said Ghana has set a pace ahead of Nigeria. He enjoined all organizations represented in the
Summit to carry out energy audit of their organizations and imbibe EE best practices. He also
enjoined all participants to take personal responsibility to imbibe EE best practices. He wished
all the participants a wonderful proceeding.

1.3.4 Coordinator of NAPEP

The Senior Special Assistant to the President and Coordinator of the National Poverty
Eradication Programme (NAPEP), Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa-Balewa said that the poor people are
being neglected in most policy formulation in Nigeria, and yet they are the ones who keep the
economy running. According to him, the average poor man in Nigeria needs only a lamp and in
some cases a refrigerator, he therefore advocate for the incorporation of renewable energy into
the policy document for the poor masses in Nigeria. He said NAPEP is in support of the UNDP
GEF EE programme in Nigeria.

1.4 Keynote Address by Benoit Lebot, UNDP Regional Centre, Dakar

Benoit Lebot, the Energy and Environment Group Practice Leader, UNDP Regional Centre,
Dakar was represented by the Dr. Jason Yapp, the International Technical Adviser, UNDP GEF
EE Programme. He presented the paper titled The Role of Energy Efficiency in National
Development and Environmental Sustainability. In his presentation, he made reference to
Ghana, a neighboring country that has achieved a lot of savings through the adoption and
implementation of EE programme. He said that the lack of standards and label in Nigeria has
exposed the country to the import and proliferation of inefficient appliances.

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Dr. Yapp expressed great optimism that the on-going GEF EE programme will help to create an
enabling environment for the promotion of energy efficiency. He outlined the barriers to EE
practice in Nigeria and suggested ways of overcoming them. Dr. Yapp enumerated the four
components of the UNDP GEF EE Programme and gave a summary of the progress of the
project as follows:
metering study to capture the baseline energy consumption of appliances in high, medium
and low income households is progressing well
these data will be used to develop the Standard and Label for lighting, AC and
refrigerator in collaboration with SON
equipment for the testing centres are being sourced and will be installed in 2013 along
with training of personnel to run the testing facilities
the EE policy is being developed
the top down (custom) and bottom up (market sales) baseline inventory data are being
collected and finalized to understand the appliance market

1.5 Address by the Honorable Minister of Environment Mrs. Hadiza Mailafiya

Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Mr. Taye Haruna represented the
Honorable Minister of Environment Mrs. Hadiza Mailafiya. In the address, he stated that the
objective of the on-going GEF-supported project is to improve the EE of appliances used in
residential and public buildings in Nigeria to mitigate climate change. According to her, climate
change is one of the greatest threats facing the world today, and this is mainly caused by the
emission of green house gases (GHGs) and most of the GHGs come from energy generation. He
further stated that more energy is lost in Nigeria through wasteful practices and to this effect the
Ministry of Environment is promoting the use of clean cook stoves. She called on Nigerians to
change their lifestyle by changing the way they consume energy. He then declared the EE
Summit opened on behalf of the Minister and wish all the participants fruitful deliberations
(details in Appendix 1).

1.6: Vote of Thanks by the GEF Operational Focal Point

The GEF Operational Focal Point, Mrs. Olabisi Jaji expressed gratitude to the President, Dr.
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for buying into GEF development programme. She thanked the
Honorable Minister of Environment, Prof. (Mrs.) Hadiza Mailafiya for all her effort in making
the project a success. She expressed gratitude to other implementing partners of the EE Project

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2.1: First Technical Session

This Session was chaired by Dr. Mrs. R. Kela, Director of EMTMD, Energy Commission of

2.1.1: Preliminary Report of the End-use Monitoring Study

Dr. Jason Yapp presented the preliminary report of the End-use Monitoring Study. He said the
objective of the study is to assess the current level of electricity consumption and efficiency of
refrigerators, air conditioners and lighting appliances used in Nigeria. The data collected in the
study will be used to design S and L and also serve as a tool to campaign among Nigerian policy
makers and legislators on the gains of energy efficiency. Dr. Yapp spoke on the methodology of
the study and that baseline data is being collected in Sokoto, Bauchi, Benin City, Lagos, Abuja
and Enugu. Dr Yapp showed the preliminary data collected in Abuja with the data collected from
France, Sweden and the UK and found higher energy consumption (>1,000 kWh/yr) for
refrigerators in Nigeria. He also gave an example of cases whereby the use of energy efficient
lighting products could reduce peak load demand by about 60% in Nigeria.

2.1.2: Revised Energy Efficiency Training Manual

The consultant reviewing the Energy Efficiency Training Manual, Mr. Ohunakin S. Olayinka of
Covenant University, presented the contents of the Manual to the stakeholders. The stakeholder
present requested that they should be given more time to study the document and that they will
send their comments via email to the Project Team.

2.3 Second Technical Session

Mr. Richard Adewumi of the Standard Organization of Nigeria chaired the Second Technical

2.3.1 Draft National Energy Efficiency Policy

The Chief Executive Officer of Everlink Sourcing Ltd, the consultant contracted to develop the
National Energy Efficiency Policy (NEEP), Mr. Benjamin Ogbalor presented the draft policy
before stakeholders. He said that the best way to implement EE best practices in Nigeria is to
have a workable policy supported with S and L. The draft NEEP proposed an institutional
framework for implementing EE policy in Nigeria.

2.3.2: Draft Report of the Nigerian Appliance Inventory Study

John Davison Associates is the local consultant contracted to conduct the Nigerian Appliance
Inventory Study. The representative of the John Davison Associates, Dr. David Omotosho
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presented before stakeholders the progress made so far on the study. He said that although the
task of collecting top down data in study is very difficult, that they are working with the Nigerian
Customs to get all the necessary information. The inventory study focuses on lighting
equipment, air conditioners and refrigerators using the HS code system.

Participants requested for copies of the various documents so that they can study them and make
comments appropriately. The need to develop EE policy at state and local government level
came up as a suggestion during the meeting. One of the participants raised the concern that
NEEP focuses mainly on electricity consumption and appliances that use electricity. It was
suggested that NEEP should cover other energy sources such as thermal energy and the transport
sector. Stakeholders are of the opinion that the policy document should mainstream EE
international best practices and should clearly state the role of the utility companies. It was
proposed that certain percentage of the cost of energy be set aside to promote EE.

Exhibition of Energy Efficiency Equipment at the Summit

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3.0 First Technical Session

The First Technical Session was chaired by Mr. Onok Effiong, the President of the Hotel Owners
Forum, Abuja (HOFA)

3.1 Promoting Energy Efficiency in Nigeria: Human Practices and Wastage by Ohunakin
Olayinka Soledayo, Covenant University

Mr. Ohunakin Olayinka Soledayo, Covenant University, Ogun State presented the paper titled
Promoting Energy Efficiency in Nigeria: Human Practices and Wastage. In his presentation,
Mr. Ohunakin said that despite the proven cost-effectiveness of energy efficient technologies, a
significant proportion of potential energy efficiency improvements remain untapped due to
numerous factors; the chief of these factors is human behavior and attitudes. He enumerated the
several human behaviours leading to wastage of energy in Nigeria. An example of such
behaviours is what he called the Tokunboh Syndrome, where people believed that fairly used
appliances last longer than new ones without bothering about their energy consumption. In
tackling these energy wasteful behaviours and attitudes, Mr. Ohunakin suggested a two-way
approach which includes technological and behavioural approaches. He advocated for workable
policies to promote technologies, appliances or practice that improve the efficient use of energy
at the level of the final user as well as continuous awareness programmes to inculcate EE best

3.2: Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings Towards Energy Efficient Buildings in East
Africa by Vincent Kitio, UN Habitat, Chief Urban Energy Section, Kenya

The paper explained that the UN-HABITAT is an agency of the United Nations mandated by the
UN General Assembly to promote sustainable urban development and adequate shelter for the
world population. UN-Habitat is the lead agency committed to improving the living conditions
of the slum dwellers; assists local, regional and national authorities in their effort to increase
access to modern, clean and reliable energy services; and promotes energy efficiency and the use
of renewable energy in urban areas. It further explained that in order to successfully promote
energy efficiency in buildings, there is need for countries to review country specific housing
policy to include EE measures; prepare EE in building policies, session papers and by-laws for
enactment, adoption and enforcement; and clearly define mandatory and voluntary measures.

4.0 Second Technical Session

The session was chaired by Mr. Okon Ekpenyong of the Energy Commission of Nigeria. The
session featured two presentations.

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4.1 Promoting Energy Efficiency: The Ghanaian Experience Ernest Asari, Energy Foundation,

The speaker outlined all the steps, the challenges and the successes recorded by the Energy
Foundation Ghana in the promotion of energy efficiency in Ghana, working with the Ghanaian
Government. He opined that with sheer determination, Nigeria and other African countries could
replicate what Ghana has done in the promotion of energy efficiency. He therefore commended
the UNDP-GEF EE Programme in Nigeria and described its activities as the right step towards
promoting energy efficiency in Nigeria.

4.2: Energy Efficiency Best practices Mr. Ekong Onofiok, President Hotel Owners Forum
(HOFA), Abuja

The paper focused on international EE best practices which have been adopted in several
countries and which could also be replicated here in Nigeria. The best practices detailed in the
paper are: minimum energy performance standards (MEPS); standard and label (S&L);
retrofitting homes and public buildings; landscaping; providing incentives; and use of renewable
energy technologies (RETs).

L-R: Ogbutu, Dr. Yapp, Mr. Tokunbor, Prof. Ogbeibu, Mr. Shogo and Mr. Kolo (Technical
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5.0: Third Technical Session

These sessions was chaired by Prof. Anthony Ogbeibu, University of Benin

5.1 Conducting Energy Audit in Residential and Public buildings Prof. Wole Adegbenro
National Center for Energy Efficiency and Conservation, University of Lagos

Mr. Abolarin Sogo Mayokun represented by Prof. Adegbenro, the Director of the National
Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation, University of Lagos. Mr. Mayokun spoke on
the ways to conduct energy audits. He stated that energy audits could be conducted in the
residential, commercial, service and industrial sectors. Major objective of an energy audit is to
determine whether the current energy being used in any system is actually needed or not. He
taught the audience on how to identify energy efficiency appliances. He further stated the
importance and benefits of energy auditing. Mr. Abolarin concluded by outlining the different
types of energy audits and their features.

5.2 Energy Efficiency and Environment: Awareness Creation and Communication Strategies
Dr. Uyi Ojo, Programme Director, Environmental Rights Action/ Friends of the Earth, Nigeria

Dr. Uyi Ojo of Environmental Rights Action was represented Mr. Nosa Tokunbor. In his
presentation, Mr. Tokunbor disclosed the need for advocacy to promote energy efficiency. He
described the media practitioners as very strategic partners that are trusted by both the public and
policy makers. According to him, the media connects political agenda with policy agenda and
provide a platform for the voiceless in society.

5.3 Consumer Incentives Programmes: Expanding Energy Efficiency Market in Nigeria Mr.
Shams T. Kolo, Consumer Protection Council

Mr. Shamm Kolo stated that the low level of energy supply in Nigeria has marked the decrease
in economic growth in recent years. Consequently, unless something is done quickly to address
the situation, the economic indices will continue to dwindle. He continued that the situation may
increase poverty rate and death of innocent Nigerians. He observed that the consumer should be
taken into consideration when policies and programme of government are being developed so as
to always ensure adequate awareness and sensitization on the right products. He outlined several
measures of ensuring consumer protection that could be deployed to assist the Nigerian

4.5: Next Step and Way Forward Dr. Jason Yapp, International Technical Adviser, GEF
UNDP EE Programme, Nigeria

Dr. Jason outlined the expected outcomes and outputs of the project in Nigeria when completed.
He outlined the activities in the EE Project to include the metering study, development of
training manual, baseline inventory study and development of the EE policy. He said that the
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future activities will include setting up testing and certification facilities for lighting equipment,
air conditioners and refrigerators; legislative documents to set standards; design label; install
CFL disposal facility; monitoring and verification of project.

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Appendix 1: Communiqu

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The two-day 2
National Energy Efficiency Summit was organized by UNDP GEF Energy
Efficiency Programme in Nigeria with the theme Promoting Energy Efficiency for National
Development and Environmental Sustainability. The UNDP GEF Nigeria Energy Efficiency
Programme is being implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the
Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) and the Federal Ministry of Environment and supported
by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

The Summit is part of activities geared towards the successful implementation of the UNDP-
GEF Energy Efficiency Programme. The objectives of the Summit were to create awareness on
the importance and gains of energy efficiency in meeting national development and
environmental sustainability; and to integrate energy efficiency into national policy, strategies
and programmes towards achieving the goals of vision 20-20-20 of the Nigerian government

The Summit was declared opened by the Honourable Minister of Environment Prof. (Mrs.)
Hadiza Mailafiya, who was ably represented by Mr. Taye Haruna, the Permanent Secretary,
Federal Ministry of Environment. Other dignitaries at the summit include the Director-General,
Energy Commission of Nigeria, represented by Dr. (Mrs.) Roseline Kela; the representative of
the Executive Governor of Abia State, Barrister Charles Nwantor who is the state Commissioner
for the Ministry of Science and Technology; the Honourable Commissioner of Energy, Delta
State, Mr. Charles Emetulu; the Deputy Country Director (Programmes) of the UNDP, Mr.
Janthomas Hiemstra; the International Technical Advisor of the UNDP GEF Energy Efficiency
Programme in Nigeria, Dr. Jason Yapp; the Director-General, National Institute of Transport
Technology (NITT), Zaria, Alhaji Yusuf Aminu Musa; the Senior Special Assistant to the
President and National Coordinator of NAPEP, Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa-Balewa and, Nigeria
GEF Focal Point, Mrs. Olabisi Jaji.

A total number of 340 participants attended the Summit. In attendance were energy efficiency
experts from different regions of Nigeria, the academia, representatives of various government
ministries, departments and agencies, NGOs, representatives of state governments, private
sector, professional bodies Nigerian Institute of Architects, Nigerian Society of Engineers,
members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), religious organizations, international
organizations, members of the diplomatic community, student bodies and the media.

The Keynote address was presented by Dr. Jason Yapp on behalf of the UNDP Climate Change
Technical Advisor, Mr. Benoit Lebot. A total of five (5) presentations were made on the first
day, which included the Preliminary Report of the End-use Monitoring Study; Draft Revised
Energy Efficiency Training Manual; Draft National Energy Efficiency Policy and the Draft
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Report of the Nigerian Appliance Inventory Study. On the second day, a total of nine (9)
technical papers were presented by various speakers from within and outside Nigeria.


Stakeholders at the Summit observed with serious concern that:

Energy supply in the country is inadequate and far from efficient, therefore energy
efficiency should be given adequate attention;
Many Nigerians do not have access to prepaid meters and this discourages them from
being energy efficiency conscious;
Some energy efficient bulbs in the Nigerian market do not last as long as the estimated
life span partly due to the voltage fluctuations and the presence of substandard bulbs in
the system;
The cost of energy efficient lamps are relatively high compared to that of incandescent
Nigeria has become a dumping ground for obsolete, second hand, substandard and high
energy consuming appliances;
Climate change is one of the greatest threat facing the world today, Nigeria inclusive, and
this is mainly caused by greenhouse gas emission from energy generation;
Energy wasteful behaviours and attitudes, estimated bills and unmetered consumptions
contributes to energy wastage;
Inadequate awareness on the benefits of energy efficiency best practices is a major barrier
to the promotion of energy efficiency in Nigeria.
The poor people residing in rural parts of the country are often left out in the formulation
and implementation of policies;
If we save energy and reduce wastage by using efficient appliances, we will increase
access to electricity in Nigeria;
Electrical appliances beyond 5 years of use have been proven to consume more energy;
Following global experiences, adopting energy efficient best practices has been proven to
be cheaper than building a new power plant;
Using energy efficient appliances/products, Nigeria could reduce peak load on electricity
consumption by 60%;
Nigeria is in need of a robust policy in energy efficiency


In view of the above mentioned observations, the following recommendations were made:

Intensive awareness creation and sensitization on the benefits of imbibing energy
efficiency best practices should be carried out by all stakeholders;
That regulatory agencies have a critical role to play in ensuring that only energy efficient
appliances are in the market for patronage;
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Government should make policies and legislations to promote energy efficiency
especially in the area of setting minimum energy efficiency standards and label and
develop frameworks for enforcement;
Cost and quality of energy efficient appliances should be adequately addressed by the
Ministries, departments and agencies and other organizations are encouraged to carry out
energy audit and to adopt the energy efficiency best practices;
All participants were encouraged to take personal responsibility on energy efficiency best
Nigerians should be encouraged to change their life style by changing the way they
consume energy;
It should be made mandatory for utility companies to provide prepaid meters to all their
Nigeria should develop a workable energy efficiency policy to encourage energy
efficiency best practices;
Certain percentage of proceeds from the sale of electricity should be set aside by
government to promote energy efficiency;
Energy efficiency best practices should be mainstreamed into housing policy in Nigeria;
Government should put in place a policy to gradually phase-out incandescent bulbs in
Government should provide incentives for large scale energy consumers to retrofit their
obsolete appliances with energy efficient ones;
Members of the academia should carry out further research to ascertain the
electromagnetic radiation from Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) & light emitting
diodes (LEDs);

The participants in the Summit wish to express appreciation to UNDP-GEF for providing the
fund for this summit and also the collaborating agencies, Federal Ministry of Environment
(FMEv), Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN), and the National Center for Energy Efficiency
and Conservation (NCEEC).

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Appendix 2: Speech by the Honorable Minister of Environment


1. It is a great honour and privilege to address you on this occasion of the 2
Energy Efficiency Summit. This event is a component of the GEF-UNDP Project on Promoting
Energy Efficiency in Residential and Public Sector in Nigeria, being jointly implemented in a
collaborative partnership with UNDP Country office, Federal Ministry of Environment and the
Energy Commission of Nigeria.

2. The overall objective of the project is to improve efficiency of a series of end-use
equipment such as refrigerators, air conditioners, lighting, electric motors, fans, and heating
appliances, etc. used in residential and public buildings in Nigeria.

3. Since inception of the project in May last year, a number of milestones have been
achieved. These include training of key stakeholders from the Energy Commission of Nigeria,
Manufacturers Association of Nigeria and Hotel Owners Forum Abuja on Imbibing Energy
Efficiency Best Practice; Study to assess efficiency of house-hold and office appliances;
Commissioned a vendor (Standard Organization of Nigeria-SON) to provide Testing Facility to
test energy efficiency in Nigeria; Prepared Draft National Energy Efficiency Policy.

4. The main objectives of this years summit are:
To create awareness on the importance and gains of energy efficiency in meeting
national development and environmental sustainability;
To integrate energy into national policy, strategies and programmes towards
achieving the goals of vision 20-20-20

5. Climate Change is one of the greatest threats facing the world today, and is caused
mainly due to the emission of greenhouse gases as a result of human activities. A large part of
the greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere come from energy generation and use.
Reducing the impacts of the use of energy on the environment has been described as one of the
key technical, political and moral challenges facing the world today.

6. Energy efficiency measures are cheaper, cleaner and faster to install than any other
energy options. Energy efficiency measures have the potential to promote economic
development and can lead to job creation and saving of household expenditure. In addition,
energy efficiency can play a pivotal role in the mitigation of climate change; this assertion is
contained in the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), which has demonstrated that improved energy efficiency will play a key role in
the mitigation of climate change impacts.
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7. Energy efficiency has become a key driver of sustainable development in many
economies in the world. The efficient use of energy leads to saving of personal income of
families, reduces the need to build more power stations, enhances more access to energy and
frees financial resources for use in other sectors of the economy. In Nigeria today, energy supply
is alternated due to insufficient generation capacity and inefficiency in consumption. With good
energy management at the residential, public and private sector, there will be no need to alternate
electricity supply.

8. Nigeria has been part of the global efforts towards promoting the use of low carbon
energy sources as deliberate means of combatting climate change and enhancing environmental
sustainability. The Federal Ministry of Environment as the focal point for implementing the
Climate Change Convention has been collaborating with other relevant Ministries and Agencies
to implement various initiatives aimed at providing low carbon energy sources to the citizenry,
particularly renewable energy sources including solar, bio-gas and jathropha, etc. This project
will therefore serve to complement governments efforts in this direction.
9. Nigeria is facing challenges in the energy sector with very low generation capacity and a
high energy demand due to a large population and industrial development. Also, a significant
percentage of the generated energy is lost through poor transmission and distribution
infrastructure. More energy is lost due to the wasteful consumption patterns in homes, factories
and offices.

10. A large percentage of the energy we generate in Nigeria comes from the burning of fossil
fuel (oil and gas). Experts have asserted that Nigeria can save up to half of the energy currently
consumed in the country if energy is efficiently utilized. For every kilowatt of electricity we
consume, there is an equivalent emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Efficient use of energy
can help to reduce the emission of GHGs, reduce the reliance on petroleum to drive our economy
and also reduce the negative environmental impacts associated with the generation of energy.

11. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) recognized that access to modern
affordable energy services in developing countries is essential for the achievement of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and sustainable development. In December 2010, the
UNGA declared the year 2012 the International Year of Sustainable Energy for all. The UNGA
called on the United Nations (UN) Secretary General, in consultation with the UN-Energy
programme, to organize and coordinate activities during the Year in order to increase awareness
on the importance of addressing energy issues, including modern energy services for all, access
to affordable energy, energy efficiency and the sustainability of energy sources and use at local,
national, regional and international levels.

12. The UN Secretary General with support from the UN-Energy and the UN Foundation is
leading a new global initiative tagged Sustainable Energy for All. This initiative is designed
to engage governments, the private sector and civil society organizations globally with the goal
of achieving sustainable energy for all and to reach three major objectives by 2030: ensuring
universal access to modern energy services; doubling the rate of improvement in energy
efficiency and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
~ 21 ~

13. I want to express my gratitude to the UNDP for all their support and efforts in bringing
this project to Nigeria; and to call on other organizations from the private sector, NGOs
international organizations to throw their support to this project aimed at promoting energy
efficiency in Nigeria.

14. It is my honour and privilege to declare this summit open. I also wish you a fruitful

Thank you.

~ 22 ~

Appendix 3: Speech by the Honorable Commissioner for Science and Technology, Abia State

~ 23 ~

~ 24 ~

Appendix 4: List of Participants

1 Engr. Ese Ochoga
NSE, 15 Awolowo Rd Ikoyi,
Lagos 0803 320 8351
2 Engr. M.B. Shehu
President Nig. Society for
Engineers 0803 474 0800
3 Engr. Ayo Fanimokun
Nat. Chairman Nig. Inst. Of
Mechanical Engrs. 0802 323 6914
4 ARC. Usen Udoh
Nigerian Institute of
Architects(NIA) 0803 549 0104
5 Michael Egwudah Esther SEAN 0806 436 3670
6 ARC (Mrs) Mobolaji Adeniyi
Nigerian Institute of
Architects(NIA) 0803 501 1037
Engr. Olayande Joseph
Sunday ECN/NSE 0807 693 2070
8 Engr. Ozele Maxwell NSE Environment Division 0802 799 9755
9 Titigbe Onyeka SEAN 0703 245 9923
10 Osajiele Agatha
Community Research and
Development Centre (CREDC) 0807 311 8695
11 Engr. Dayo Olugboye
Nigerian Society of Engineers
(NSE) 0805 537 6590
12 Engr. Ogochukwu Okeke NSE - APWEN 0803 966 5778
13 Igberase Mary Sunday SEAN 0803 260 8214
14 Engr. Ben-Osy Okoh NSE Abuja 0806 003 7227
ARC. Salihu Wanigi
Mohammed Nigeria Institute of Architechs 0803 450 6625
16 Osasumwen CREDC 0807 061 3517
17 Ugah Godwin Unimke BAS Associates 0706 854 1079
18 Edwin E. Usang NGOCE, Calabar, CRS 0803 450 2456
19 Anthony Akpan J PAVE, Lagos 0803 351 0419
20 Dr. Unachukwu G.O NCERD UNN 0805 052 5033
21 Tosin V. Apiriola Women & Youth Dev. Iniatives 0803 443 8759
22 Marutse N. Ogba
Ass. For Waste Recovery and
Renewable energy 0803 450 1502
Ogbemudia Osamuyi
Community Research &
Development Centre(CREDC) 0806 350 5709
24 Dr. Daniel Kwesi Yawson IUCN - KYB Project 0802 523 8195
25 Harry Ogheneovo Abolo
Community Research &
Development Centre(CREDC) 0803 489 2559
26 Chike Chikwendu Friends of the Environment 0802 318 8059
27 Mrs Foluke Okeya Reachout Foundation 0806 231 8924
28 Yaura Schiff GIZ

~ 25 ~

29 Patrick . A. Chiekwe
Foundation for the
Conservation of the
Earth(FOCONE) 0806 116 2477

Portharcourt, R/S
30 Dike Victor
Atmosphonic Physics Group,
Dep. Of Physics. Imo State Uni 0806 880 8091
31 Ifueko Aideyan 0802 222 8370
32 Shunone Henry Kato
Foundation for the
Conservation of the
Earth(FOCONE) soundairmas@gmail 0810 330 3181
33 Hassan Mohammed Hope for the Hopeless 0706 104 2173
34 Murtala Abdalrahman
Abuja Muslim Forum, National
Mosque, 0803 968 6733
35 Lugard Okonobo Children of the Farmers Club 0703 848 8642
36 Linda Ikeji Children of the Farmers Club 0818 079 8929
37 Chikezie Ndubuis RCCE, Katsina 0803 589 2330
38 Iziduh Ruth
Africa Youth Environment
Initiative (AYEN) 0706 082 8323
39 Purpose O. Iserhien ICWECD 14, Osazuwa St, B/City 0803 875 8819
40 Cecilia Eigbedion BADBAB, Lagos 0813 492 2514
41 Ayogu Juliet R and B Magazine 0806 935 5705
42 Ifesinachi Obi Children of the Farmers Club

0803 856 4757
43 Angela Okoye
Org. for the Sustainee of the
Nig. Environment 0803 229 0333
44 Sanyaolu Oluwakemi
Org. for the Sustainee of the
Nig. Environment 0805 851 6877
45 Prince Olawuyi O.
Young Volunteers for the
Environment, Nigeria 0803 441 3230
46 Steve Akinkumin
Young Volunteers for the
Environment, Nigeria 0807 732 4669
47 Mil Odey Oyama RRDC, Calabar 0803 503 3824
48 Mohammed Ali Foundation for Development 0818 767 9282
49 Abimbola Tiamiyu NASFAT 0806 046 9806
Harry Awolayeofor
The HAVIDS Centre for
Environment and Development 0803 342 2651
51 Ekwoyi O. OCHIGBO Dev. Foundation 0706 640 7000
52 Ayo Tella
Initiative For Nature and Human
Dev. (INHD)

53 Paul Ishaya 0809 562 9692
54 Asimibi Chidi
Centre for Development
Support Initiatives 0803 662 9168
55 Etuk Eno Abasi NIMSA - SCOEPA 0803 779 4575
56 Sani Ibrahim Maryam NIMSA - SCOEPA 0806 275 1345
~ 26 ~

57 Mrs Abdulsalam Taiwo Centre for Renewable Energy

58 Michael -Donovan Ezeilo Culture Green 0807 720 4547
59 Hamzat B. Lawal ICEED/NYCAN/AYICC-Nigeria 0806 869 9956
60 Olowookere Joseph Reachout Foundation 0803 532 3609
61 Yahaya Tonga
Greenthinking Environment
Dev. 0803 619 1174
62 Ikechukwu Chiemenem
Global Network for Sustainable
Env. 0806 397 0530
63 A. Oyelola, mni LEAD - AWA, Lagos

64 Odele M.O. UNDP, Abuja 0802 336 1263
65 Ibrahim Bako
Centre for Development and
Support Initiative 0803 828 3998
66 Collins
Centre for Development and
Support Initiative 0806 288 5667
67 Emmanuel Shall
Initiative for Community
Development 0703 960 5610
68 Mohammed Abdulraizak AEID, Yola

0803 628 3998
69 Rufai . S. Kolawole NARAP 0802 345 7655
70 Nwokocha Anozie Innocent FENRAD 0806 377 1269
71 Bala-Gbogbo Sarah NIMSA 0806 811 4881
72 Osaze Paul CREDC 0815 433 7139
73 Eze Godson Delsuth, Oghara 0803 372 2137
74 Lincoln .E. CREDC 0805 643 4148
75 Paul Umukoro Energy Efficiency Snt.D 0803 548 9245
76 Arimokwu .F. Ikechukwu Intl. Distribution 0803 282 7241
77 Olumide Fatoki Schneider Electric Nig Ltd 0807 8191 507
78 Yakubu Chun Pamtronics Nig. Ltd 0806 806 2248
79 Mike Adegun Gloryland Ltd. 0803 323 7141
80 Oluwole Kayode Gloryland Ltd.

0803 808 7597
81 Funsho Beckley Gloryland Ltd. 0813 868 4921
82 Samson Ayo Gloryland Ltd.

0803 808 7597
83 Prince Okafor AGESAT Technologies Ltd 0803 311 3268
84 Turee Tella
International Energy Service
Limited, 94 Awolowo road, Ikoyi 0803 385 5764
85 Ben Ogbalor Everlink Sourcing Ltd, Abuja 0803 668 1396
86 Aogo Olajide Everlink Sourcing Ltd 0703 055 2009
87 Pamela Braide Everlink Sourcing Ltd 0703 243 9693
88 Ishola Abdulganiyu ABIGA Intergrated Concept Ltd 0805 424 9717
89 Olubiyi Odeinde
VERYSOL GmbH, Dortmund,
Germany, 0802 344 3614
90 Felix Onyema
TRAID Facilities Partnership Ltd,
Lekki Lagos 0813 026 6611
~ 27 ~

91 Alao Rilwan O.
ALFCOM Resources Service,
Abuja 0809 876 4301
92 Bitrus Pam Pamtronics Nig. Ltd 0703 787 4208
93 Abuke Etteba Tomror

0807 178 0035
94 Felils Akphonun EDAN

0803 304 9910
95 Emma Nnadi EDAN

0805 208 0171
96 Johnson . U. Ikponmwosa 0703 737 8821
97 Chief Ogbutu E.N. EDAN 0803 327 2313
98 Sunday Anene EDAN

0803 343 5160
99 Ikenna Francis EDAN 0802 343 5343
100 Odukale Olayide De Smoothway 0706 216 7765
101 Chike Paul
Centre for Youth Policy
Research and Advocacy
(CYPRAD) 0703 459 1637
102 Mathew Agho
Community Research &
Development Centre(CREDC) 0807 071 8092
103 Dr. D.B. Omotosho John Davidson Associates 0803 311 5459
104 Fabiyi Iretioluwa De' Smoothways Ltd 0803 052 5971
105 Anu Akinola 0803 304 0866
106 Bunmi Obidare
Keep Tend Environment
Development Initiative 0803 325 5846
107 Oladipo Osibo UNDP oladipo.osibo@undp 0805 550 9313
108 Dr. Jason Yapp UNDP

109 Christine K Heinrich Boll Foundation 0803 629 0279
110 Dr. Vincent Kitio UN - HABITAT

111 Gamal Abouameira Embassy of Egypt 0708 780 3770
112 Ilinca Balan EU

113 Malte Liaverschedr EU

114 Yemi Banjo UNIDO 0816 306 7622
115 Segun Adaju UNDP/Bank of Industry 0802 420 7468
116 Ronke Olubimise UNDP-GEF-SGP sgpnigeria@gmail 0805 988 6269
117 Ibe Grace UNDP 0806 282 7138
118 Janthomas Hiemstra UNDP

119 Etiosa Uyigue UNDP 0802 897 8877
120 Rev Emmanuel Eguakhide
Church of the Pentecost FHA
Estate, Lugbe Diocese of Kubwa 0803 375 2414
121 Umar Rufai
Water and Sewage Muslim
Community Life-Camp 0805 525 2179
122 Umar Mohammad Gekpa
Abuja Muslim Forum, National
Mosque, 0803 553 4808
123 Alhaji Yakubu Adamu Wuse II Life Camp Mosque

0803 763 0172
124 Zuluqami Abdulrahim Wuse II Life Camp Mosque 0805 965 1961
~ 28 ~

125 Josephine T. Akande
Mountain of Fire and Miracles
Ministries Middle Belt Reg. II 0802 833 8666
126 Ugah Abines
Mountain of Fire and Miracles
Ministries Middle Belt Reg. II 0803 966 8700
127 Sunday Akande
Mountain of Fire and Miracles
Ministries Middle Belt Reg. II

0805 741 3225
128 Amadi Gloria N CKC Kubwa 0813 785 5872
129 Ibrahim Ramal
Nigeria Association of Arabic
and Islamic Studies Teachers
FCT 0803 371 8010
130 Aliyu B.Muhammad Area 1 Central Mosque

0806 566 9356
131 N.A.A. Dan-Musa Jahi Jumarat Mosque

0803 638 7210
132 Musa Muhammed Jahi Jumarat Mosque

0803 321 7715
133 Apostle Dr Mrs Okafor
Mountzion Salvation Church of
Christ Global 0803 605 6747
134 Pst Agholor Lucky
Mountzion Salvation Church of
Christ Global 0703 125 9231
135 Mahmud Abdulganiyi Islamic Youth League Kuje 0805 797 9515
136 Aliyu Sulamai Islamic Youth League

0805 925 9149
137 Dr. Attah Salifu Islamic Youth League 0705 580 0208
138 Mr. Austin Nahu Christian Men Fellowship ECWA 0706 552 2233
139 Kefas Y. Hosea ECWA Men's Fellowship 0806 715 8759
140 Pauline C. Nganyadi Catholic Church CKC. Kubwa 0803 595 3572
141 Aliyu Usman Central Mosque Life Camp

0703 300 4243
142 Ernest Asare Energy Foundation Ghana
233 244 320-
143 Mike Okwoche TVC Lagos 0806 238 0681
144 Engr. Ono Ekong Hotel Owners Forum Abuja 0807 620 9989
145 Rabiu Abubakar Practitioners ROYA 0806 222 9792
146 Nkechi Uzoka Raypower FM 0803 315 6147
147 Michael Simire Independent Newspapers 0803 714 8384
148 Abolarin Sogo
National Centre for Energy
Efficiency & Conservation,
Lagos 0802 811 4010
149 Dorcas Igoner AIT, Abuja 0809 167 1449
150 Stephen Adebayo AIT 0802 544 2920
151 Rotimi Osasona National Mirror 0805 639 2454
152 Nosa Tokunbor ERA/FOEN Benin City 0806 344 4687
153 Tunde Adeniyi Business Day 0803 678 7108
154 Bankole Olubamise DevNet 0802 660 8087
155 Obadiah Bulus Fed. Minstry of Environment 0806 572 1267
156 Daze Larai FMEN 0803 786 4375
~ 29 ~

157 Okpotu London Fed. Min. of EMEN 0805 960 5929
158 Chinedum Uwaegbulor The Guardian 0803 309 8502
159 Grace Ike ITV 0806 016 2802
160 Funana Bidam ITV

0803 162 9706
161 Julius Atoi Thisday 0803 704 1075
162 Emmanuel Elebeke Vanguard Newspaper 0802 715 9646
163 Ohunakin O.S. Convenant University 0805 096 1730
164 Aloysius Okeke Nigerian Sentry Newspaper 0702 667 1440
165 Segun Jones Coastal Telegraph 0809 523 0108
166 Nnebe Alex African Security Watch Mag. 0803 588 6218
167 Isaac Okamel ITV, Abuja

0817 039 8200
168 Okungbowa Ose Golden
Community Research &
Development Centre(CREDC) 0803 849 0387
169 Ahaneku C. Peter NEST 0802 842 2263
170 Samuel Onyekachi FENRAD 0803 895 5387
171 Williams Mbolo FGC 0803 230 6756
172 I.E Abiola-Awe FMEnv 0803 445 2959
173 Achimugu A.W Consumer Protection Council 0805 084 1160
174 Ibezim .I. Stanley ECN 0806 634 6271
175 Onunyere C. Destiny ECN 0706 056 2290
176 Rev. S.B Zaki ECWA Garki 0803 678 2909
177 Hamisu Gaya CPC 0803 621 9330
178 Collins Iwuagwu
Lin Energy & Tech Services Ltd,
Wuse II 0803 366 5700
179 Femi Adedokun Gloryland IM Ltd. 0808 840 1775
180 Okafor stella No 12 Nyanya Road 0813 925 3337
181 Wilford Zwaluan The Leberator Newspaper 0818 788 8020
182 Engr. Kalu Okwara
Association of Illumination
Professionals 0703 512 5228
183 Ajeka Makol Vahniss/Gribbs Engineering 0812 901 5633
184 Jude O. Akonam CPC, Wuse II 0803 316 3799
185 Usman Ibrahim Lugbe Mosque

0703 773 5400
186 Yusuf Abdulazeez Abuja National Mosque 0803 331 6758
187 Maureen Akintayo
FEDEN/LEAD Anglophone, 8
Thorburn Ave. Yaba Lagos 0803 499 5427
188 Engr. Dipo Mabogaje NSE H/Q Abuja 0803 378 6520
189 Yesufu Jafaru FMCT Abuja 0704 543 4558
190 Samerino Chima Green Switch 0807 704 8481
191 Dvine Freeman Digital Hub 0803 060 0827
192 Engr. S.Arobolo Fed. Min. of Transport 0805 203 9275
193 Onaolapo Mary NYSC 0803 481 3625
~ 30 ~

194 Awodiran Eniola Corp Member 0806 041 6006
195 Onuora Ifeanyi Corp Member 0703 576 8879
196 Kalu Osu John Corp Member 0803 860 4933
197 Isaac Galadima Corp Member 0803 806 7582
198 Effioanwan Etim Corp Member 0806 054 6402
199 Offiong Etim Corp Member 0703 014 6672
200 Akpuaka Uchenna Corp Member 0706 211 8561
201 Oladoyin Busayo Corp Member 0803 041 9283
202 Ojuolape Mohammed Corp Member 0818 987 6627
203 Akila Daniel Corp Member 0803 080 8261
204 Maduakolam Chibuike . K. Corp Member 0803 961 9100
205 Orem Sunday Corp Member 0703 133 2530
206 Jones Temitope Corp Member 0703 646 2546
207 Dayo Kalejaiye Corp Member 0706 535 3110
208 Anene Somadina C Corp Member 0803 958 0467
209 Olubumi Otti Corp Member 0803 616 1930
210 Bridget .O. Etim Corp Member 0803 607 7398
211 Adah Efe Corp Member 0809 957 0578
212 Ezeh Ugochukwu .J. Corp Member 0703 325 5945
213 Eimoga .O. Kingsley Corp Member 0805 415 7051
214 Paul Audu Lakodi Corp Member 0816 154 6387
215 Iwuagwu Ifesinachi .J. Corp Member

0706 208 3446
216 Odunna Chinonye .I. Corp Member 0703 772 2546
217 Atanu .O. Jennifer Corp Member 0813 538 3656
218 Momodu Rose Corp Member

0706 166 9766
219 Okedo Sandra Ogochukwu Corp Member 0818 181 1019
220 Igara Joy Udunna Corp Member 0806 341 3153
221 Dyopkuzah Yusuf . S. Corp Member dyop2004@hotmail 0803 153 0096
222 Peter Eno Akpan Corp Member 0807 990 0760
223 Eric Jonathan Corp Member

0806 931 5099
224 Yahaya H. Jonga NYSC 0803 619 1174
225 Onwukwe Chigozerim S. NYSC 0806 765 6196
226 Cynthia Kings Ove NYSC 0810 600 0077
227 Etoruom Angela E. NYSC 0803 365 8420
228 Adam M. Tanko NYSC 0803 646 9114
229 Zainab Lawal Bature NYSC 0809 213 3331
230 Abubakar Faridah Lawal NYSC 0809 155 1493
231 Offor Stella Ifeoma NYSC 0703 134 9113
232 Asmau Abba Tukur NYSC

0703 932 1669
233 Buhari Safina S. NYSC 0816 764 4454
~ 31 ~

234 Emeana Ikenna NYSC 0806 336 9734
235 Ijeoma Madueke NYSC

236 Chine Ogochukwum NYSC 0806 210 2921
237 Romujesu Akinolu NYSC 0806 616 6760
238 Adeyemo Adekemi Latifat NYSC 0806 765 4863
Abdulsalam Busayo
Mujidat NYSC 0803 785 1689
240 Bello Abdullahi NYSC 0806 692 796
241 Habu Salihu Magaji NYSC 0803 784 5044
242 Abdulraheem Salihu .D NYSC 0803 344 1077
243 Samuel Shaibu Ikanu NYSC 0706 960 8585
244 Ismeal Rahim NYSC

245 Charles Emetulu Ministry of Energy Asaba 0807 542 5718
246 Dafe T . Oghoro Ministry of Energy Asaba 0803 742 5354
247 Prof. Ayobami Salami Obafemi Awolowo University 0803 376 1041
248 Atukosi Ekene E.
Ministry of Science & Tech.
Awka 0803 508 6540
Okeke Emmanuel
Ministry of Science & Tech.
Awka 0803 798 8703
250 Ijoma A.A. mni
Ministry of Science & Tech.
Umuahia 0803 729 0663
251 Mr. C.O Nwator
Ministry of Science & Tech.
Umuahia 0703 211 8635
252 Engr. Mrs Rita C. Okengwu
Ministry of Science & Tech.
Umuahia 0805 326 8804
253 Prof. Anthony E. Ogeibu University of Benin, B/City 0803 294 3822
254 Prof. C.E Okaka University of Benin, B/City 0806 519 5704
255 Habib S. Lamin Energy Commission of Nigeria 0803 379 8894
256 Oyeledun Babatunde
National Centre for Energy
Efficiency & Conservation,
Lagos 0813 750 2111
257 Jimoh L. Taiye
Nigeria Nuclear Regulatory
Authority, Abuja 0803 468 9928
258 Sabo S. Yabaya NNRA 0803 808 7507
259 Abiola Ojuolape NNRA 0803 640 5705
260 James A. Gana ECN 0803 595 2043
261 John E. Ben ECN 0803 592 5378
262 Elder Otareh Otareh
UCTH, Calabar Greenpage Int
Serv. 0803 368 6562
263 Dr yau Idris NNRA 0803 386 0632
264 Engr Shamm Kolo Consumer Protection Council 0803 324 5456
265 Ahmad Tijjani ECN , Abuja 0803 679 5709
~ 32 ~

266 Garba M. Saleh ECN, Abuja 0806 150 9441
267 Adewumi Richard SON 0808 226 5927
268 Bashir I. Isah NUC, Abuja 0813 332 2815
269 Dr C.J Nwosu NUC, Abuja 0803 313 5868
270 Dr R. Kela ECN, Abuja 0803 715 8361
271 Engr Edokobi CJ ECN, Abuja 0806 925 1752
272 Engr Ukabiale NERC, Abuja 0805 516 0180
273 Barr Ken Agum Environment

0803 786 3701
274 Mr Emmanuel Adesibo Environment

275 Engr. Peter Awunde COREN 0805 607 2878
276 Alh. Yahaya Y Aladire ECN, Abuja

0803 700 5046
277 Sulaiman Mustafa FMLHUA, Abuja 0818 689 3313
278 Dr Mahdu Makoyo NBTI, Abuja 0803 953 9407
279 Aluyu Ibrahim Ministry of Science and Tech 0803 330 2117
280 ARC. Timmy O. Ikhisemojie University of Benin, B/City 0802 327 4716
281 Ojabo Lawrence Fed. Ministry Environment 0803 347 1618
282 Dr. Ahmed Abdulwaheed ECN 0702 660 8194
283 S. Abraham ECN

0813 070 8644
284 Dr. Aluyu Jauro Rep. Director NCPRD, ECN

285 Dr. Emmanuel Ogbomide rep. Director NCEE, Benin 0803 386 2226
286 Oki Olufemi Daniel Rep. DG- SMEDAN 0803 043 2554
287 Shiru B. Peter ECN 0806 549 4965
288 Okon Ekpeyong ECN 0803 292 0873
289 Grace Atiegoba
Fed. Ministry of Lands, Housing
& Urban Development 0803 314 6260
290 Nathan Awuapila ECN, Abuja 0703 782 8978
291 Isa Buba FMST 0802 469 0485
292 Ja'afahu Y. Bawa ECN, Abuja 0805 358 6656
293 Engr P.O Evesor Fed. Ministry of Power 0803 674 5149
294 Ilesanmi Federal Ministry

0805 964 9248
295 Akoni J.O AEPB 0805 537 8108
296 Fatima B.M. Gimba AEPB 0809 699 9000
297 Ezeani Chinonso AEPB 0803 776 0618
298 Yakubu Suleiman AEPB 0803 817 9191
299 Mr. Haruna Taiye
Federal Ministry of

0803 786 3781
300 Onasanya .O. Adenike Consumer Protection Council 0803 452 6867
301 Abbas Musa ECN, Abuja 0805 335 9747
302 Femi Babalola Environment

0803 786 3281
303 Ibrahim Aminu R. S.E.C.E 0813 480 7774
304 Mrs Mariah M. Abam Energy Commission of Nigeria 0803 703 7340
~ 33 ~

305 Kamal M. Ibrahim ECN, Abuja 0803 366 8422
306 Yusuf Aminu Musa NITT Zaria 0803 370 0885
307 Kanyru G Nduk NITT Zaria 0803 813 2096
308 Ikenna C. Mark ECN 0803 185 2092
309 Osaghae George N. ECN 0700 180 9265
310 Raheem Mudashir .O. NESREA H/Q 0803 243 8424
311 Kinyang Rimamndeya FMST H/Q

312 Agharese Lucy Edevbaro CREDC 0803 753 2272
313 Mukhtar Abubakar NAPEP, Fed. Sect.

314 Kabiru Mohammad NAPEP, Abuja

315 Victory Kpegebor NAPEP, Abuja 0803 598 3785
316 Muhd D. Alhassan KSHI Kano

0806 129 4313
317 Yahaya Musa KSHI Kano

0808 873 6803
318 Engr. Abdulkabir Aliyu ECN 0806 677 2841
319 Olasusi K. Alex ECN 0803 621 2778
320 Eme Ojugo CPC 0803 284 8434
321 Engr. Peter Ogwuda NSCDC (NHQ) Abuja 0803 401 0115
Oluwafumilayo NSCDC /Zone 5 0812 234 8110
323 John Habila A.
Ministry of Science & Tech
Kaduna 0806 157 3224
324 Mrs H.K. Mohammed Fed. Min. of Environment

0803 786 0383
325 Nura Idris Abdullahi Energy Commission of Nigeria 0803 704 4102
326 Engr. Umar Bande
Energy Dept. Sokoto State,
Usman Faruk Sect. 0803 606 0779
327 Okay Rose .C. HOFA 0818 488 4836
328 Engr. C.C. Ohakwe PHCN CHQ, Maitama, Abuja 0806 765 9362
329 Engr T.O. Dina Fed. Ministry of Power 0803 359 2035
330 Engr. Ahmed M.B.
Min. of Housing & Urban Dev.
Lafia 0803 256 5961
Hon C.C. Okoli
(Commissioner) Min. of Science & Tech Awka 0803 914 3703
Mr. S.E. Ezibe (Special
Min. of Science & Tech
Anambra State 0803 339 1754
333 Helen Uzoagba (Mrs) Energy Commission of Nigeria 0803 645 9604
334 Joshua Yari Garba ECN 0803 476 2472
335 Mrs. O.B. Jaji Fed. Min. of Environment

0803 597 2521
336 Mrs. Nosa Uyigue CREDC 0802 752 3599
337 Oluwayemi fabiyi ECN 0703 590 7878
338 Bulus Awose ECN

339 Ifeoma Nwoka Fortis Bank
340 Duru Onyinye Fortis Bank
~ 34 ~

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