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I want you to be condent in how Im making decisions on your behalf when

youre at home and Im in Austin, when dealing with the diverse order of
business presented before the legislature, little of which often makes the
news, but all of which impacts you, your family, your neighborhood, your
wallet, your job and the future of Texas in one form or another. Here are my
guiding principles that Id be privileged to carry to Austin on your behalf
principles you can hold me to no ifs, ands or buts.
Protect the sanctity of life
Fully support those who have served our country in the military
and are due our respect
Fight for a restrained approach to expanding the role of government
and regulatory growth.
Protect strong property rights
Reclaim and enforce Texas states rights under the Tenth Amendment
Defend our right to bear arms under the Second Amendment
Support and respect the traditional family as the foundational
component of our society
Advocate and strengthen local control of our education process
Recognize and promote the enduring value of personal responsibility
Promote an environment for free market capitalism to ourish and
position Texas for growth
Be accountable youll know what Ill do and what Ive done
My objectives, my energies
and my votes on each issue
before the legislature will
be framed as an extension
of these values.

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