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Random Thoughts on Adversity

My Two Cents Worth

My missionary niece was working on an upcoming lesson on dealing with adversity in missions and
wrote me concerning this. Ive served God for almost thirty-five years now and encountered lots of
experiences, negative and positive, along the journey. So, here are a few random thoughts on adversity.

Through the flood
Through the fire
Through the good times
Through the bad times
Always through.

Bottom line: the Lord has been with us and He has always seen us through.

The exciting part of adversity is God always sees us through it, strengthens us by it, and causes us to
grow in it. Sometimes the key phrase is "this too shall pass."

The Scriptures says, Tribulation worketh patience. We say, No thanks. God says, The medicine isn't
going to taste good but it is going to make you better.

At times we can laugh in the face of adversity and illness BUT it is usually after the fact; on the other side
of it.

God promises to bring us through and be with us on the journey. "Praise be to the LORDwho has not
abandoned his kindness and faithfulnessAs for me, the LORD has led me on the journey" (Genesis

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