Book Review:the World of Naagraaj

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Book review:The world of naagraaj

The novel is about a simple minded,pleasant man who is one of the many
inhabitants of malgudi,a resident of kabir street.he is someone who has achieved
little in life and is prone to day dreaming and having long and continous
conversations in his head. He lives in his ancestral house that has been left to
him as his share of the property by his elder brother gopu who always bullies
nagraj around.nagrajs mainpasttime is to inhabit the pyol of the house where
he spends many hours.he helps his friend coomar of the boeing saree for no
renumeration.tnen a deviation comes in his life that his brother gopus son comes
to live with nagraj as gopu rebuked him for not lookimg to farm chores.then he
starts living there and falls prey to drinking and gambling.this disturbs nagraj
and his wife very much.his late night habits also disturbs them.then he leaves
that home also and marries to a girl who loves playing harmonium gopu also
comes finding his son but he refuses to come then he comes with nagraj and
starts living with them again and nagraj then remains much disturbed due to
ratnas harmonium and also he has to leave his room for them.the very painful
instance in this story is that at last also nagraj is not able to get rid of ratnas
singing and nagraj is also not able to complete his story till the end of the story.

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