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The Central Library of IIT-Gandhinagar supports the main objective of the instit
ute to become a world class institution in Engineering, Sciences and Humanities
& Social Sciences.
The library has a rich collection of books on Electrical Engineering, Chemical E
ngineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Mathem
atics, and Humanities & Social Sciences. The collection includes reference books
, text books, CDs etc. We are constantly in a process of increasing our collecti
on of books further.
IIT-Gandhinagar library has also started subscribing to research journals in ele
ctronic as well as printed formats. E-journals available with various reputed on
line scientific databases such as American Chemical Society, American Physical S
ociety, American Mathematical Society, Annual Reviews, ASME, IEEE, JSTOR, MathSc
inet, Nature, Science-Direct and SpringerLink and can be accessed
Library Services
Circulation Services
Library provides general access to collectionand a full range of loan services.
These services include issue of materials from the circulating collections, che
cking in returned materials, and shelving of reading materials. Circulation staf
f in the library will also assist you in placing reservation and recall requests
on items that are issued out and will help you in locating items in the stack a
rea and deal with related matters
Reference and Information Services
Library offers individualized service to assist students, faculty, researchers a
nd staff in locating the required information, or information sources available
in the RC or elsewhere. Library staff at the circulation desk and in the readin
g area are available to help readers to,
discover the rich collection of reading materials.
identify and use electronic and print reference tools.
formulate information search strategies.
locate information in the library and elsewhere.
answer specific information questions.
Central Library maintains a book bank mainly of undergraduate level text books t
o help students belonging to economically and socially weaker sections of the so
ciety. The bank has two collections namely (I) Special Collection (BC) for SC/ST
Students (ii) Technological Lending Library.
Inter-library Loan Service
The Central Library maintains excellent exchange relations with a number of libr
aries in the country including those in Mumbai and can borrow / procure for its
users the books and periodicals not available with us. The library can also proc
ure soft/hard copies of articles needed by our users from publishers, vendors, a
nd/or other service providers including NISCAIR, New Delhi, British Library etc
quite promptly.
Photocopy services
The Central Library offers photocopying service to all its members, walk-in user
s and others. Only single copy of journal articles and book chapters are provide
d for private study and research purpose.
Users Awareness
The library takes an active part in the orientation programme organized by the i
nstitute for the benefit of new students in the beginning of academic year. They
are taken around the library to familiarize them with various resources and ser
vices available for them. Training sessions are also organized whenever a new pr
oduct or service is introduced.
Any user desiring to know more about library resources and service or to learn h
ow to use a particular resource like OPAC, e-journals, databases etc. should con
tact Incharge, Reference service.
Document Delivery Service (DDS)
Library arranges to get photocopies of papers from journals, conference proceedi
ngs and sources that are not held in its collection from different sources. Ther
e is no separate charge for providing theservice to the library members. This s
ervice is provided for academic and research purpose to the faculty, research sc
holars, students and staff, who are members of the library. Members are request
ed to send a formal request to the library with complete bibliographic details o
f documents required. Please send your requests at or lib
Resource Sharing
Library is a member of Indian Digital Library in Engineering Sciences & Technolo
gy, New Delhi (INDEST), UGC-InfoNet Digital Library Consortium, Ahmedabad, Devel
oping Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi and other professional bodies. Librar
y has made a co-operative arrangement with most of the IIT Libraries, many resou
rceful libraries and library networks in the country. Through this arrangement,
Inter Library Loan and Document Delivery Services are offered to faculty members
, research scholars and students.

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