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Child Development 2 LESSON PLAN

Age(s)/Grade Level of Stdents: K Stdent Completing Plan: Sixx Adams- lee

!ea"hing Date: 11-13-13 Lo"ation: Berwyn Heights #entor:_Ms.Vega__
Lesson Plan $%%%%%%%%%
Lesson !opi":
Lesson O&'e"tive(s)( a statement of the expected learning outcome: The student will identify the main character in The !ittle "ed
Hen# and descri$e two e%ents that ta&e place in the story' (The student will...)
The students will identify shapes and colors of animals'
)arm*p( !ist some things you &now a$out apples'
+ntrod"tion - describe precisely what will be said to begin the lesson:
(e will descri$e apples and what characteristics they ha%e' (e will tal& a$out different colors and
Pro"edre - list specific steps to complete the activity; tell how the students will participate:
1' )raw a apple on a paper plate'
*' +ut out the pieces of paper and glue them on paper plate'
3' Be a$le to gi%e a one word description of the apple'
Assessment - how will you know they learned the objective describe what you will do to assess!evaluate the lesson.
!he stdents ,ill des"ri&e the "olor and shapes of the apple-
Closre * describe precisely what will be said to summari"e the lesson#
!oda. ,e learned "olors and shapes of apples-
/isal(s)/ Prop(s) - list item(s) to be used from the classroom$ home$ or to be made#
,aper plate
#aterial(s)/ E0ipment - list all materials and e%uipment needed to prepare and teach the lesson:
Paper plate, Glue , Colored pencil
Resource: Book and page; Internet website;

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