1816 On The Island of

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1816 On the island of

Barbados an enslaved African by the name of Bussa, led a revolt over the British rulers.
The 'Bussa Rebellion' was responsible for the slave law being removed from legislation
in Barbados though slavery had already been abolished since 1!" by British #arliament.
According to the Antislavery.org web site$
Bussa was taken from Africa and enslaved on Bayleys plantation in the late 18th century.
On 16 April 1816 he led the longest revolt in Barbados against white plantation owners.
At the time Bussa was head-ranger at Bayleys. he revolt was not spontaneous. !t was
well planned and organi"ed as an attempt to influence the general abolitionist politics of
the time. Bussa commanded some #$$ freedom fighters against troops of the %irst &est
!ndia 'egiment( but he was killed in battle. )is troops continued the fight until they were
defeated by fire power( but it is reported that many went into battle shouting the name of
Bussa. %or this reason the rebellion has been known to generations of Barbadians as
Bussa*s 'ebellion. !n 1+8,( a full 16+ years later( the -mancipation .tatue was unveiled
in Barbados. !t is the work of Barbados* best known sculptor /arl Broodhagen. 0any
Barbadians identified it with Bussa( in hon our of the famous warrior who led the fight in
the remarkable 1816 revolt. !n the folk memory and consciousness of Barbadians( Bussa
still lives.

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