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Career Plan

TyBresha Glass
1500 Old Birmingham Hwy
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 35404
Career Field and Specific Jobs
Write a paragraph or two using complete sentences and correct nglish to e!plain the following"
The career field that would li!e to enter would be either criminal in"estigation or "oice acting#
selected "oice acting because $m a big fan of anime%manga, and thin! "oicing a character might be a lot
of fun& chose criminal in"estigation because grew u' watching mystery animes and mo"ies, and find
the way that detecti"es sol"e crimes e(tremely well thought out, and wanted that for myself# n the field
of criminal in"estigation, would li!e to become a 'ri"ate detecti"e& that seems to be where the money is#
)sually, "oice acting allows you to be able to act and s'ea! better, so this im'ro"es s'eech s!ills#
*riminal in"estigation im'ro"es your thin!ing and 'ublic s'ea!ing, since you ha"e to e('lain to others
how you sol"ed the crime#
Specific Jobs in Chosen Field
Pri#ate $n#estigator %Criminal $n#estigation&
Forensic Scientist
Script Writer %'oice (cting&
()* )irector
Certifications or )egrees +eeded
To be a private investigator, you usually have to have a bachelors degree.
,y +etwor-
.ist people who could be helpful with your /ob search0 $nclude some of the following people"
,r# ,artin-History Teacher.
,rs# /edding-*ouselor.
1aulieena 2ones-mother., 2ames 3lass-father., 2uana Hardrich -ste'mother.
4omoni5ue 2oiner-friend., ,egan 4owney-friend., and 2ordan Hall-friend.
(ction Plan
The ste's that need to ta!e to start and !ee' my career on trac! are to first ma!e sure study so that
can e(cel in my choice of career# Another is to ma!e sure that my choice is the correct choice so
that don$t waste time in a career that won$t en6oy# 1hysical fitness is 'art of criminal
in"estigation, and 7orensics might be another class that is re5uired# The additional courses that
'lan to enroll in are maybe acting and "oice training-if that is a class. at 4artmouth )ni"ersity#
'lan to enroll into this uni"ersity as soon as can, 'erha's a month after my graduation# 'lan to
obtain a ,aster$s degree in criminal in"estigation and a 3raduate degree in acting# n the ne(t few
years, $d li!e to accom'lish getting hired to become an official criminal in"estigator# ,y future
career goals include "oicing a character in a huge anime series and being able to catch a 8big time9

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