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From Basic To Complex

In order to write a good essay, students should learn how to write complex sentences.
1. Take a basic sentence:
Julie lost her bag.
2. Expand on it: (add an adjective)
Julie lost her pink handbag.
3. Expand again with additional information:
Julie lost her pink handbag in a bus station.
. Combine two sentences:
Julie lost her pink handbag. She was waiting or her bus.
Julie lost her pink handbag while waiting or her bus.
Julie lost her pink handbag while waiting or her bus at the bus station.
!. "ake s#bstit#tions:
Julie lost her handbag ...
Juan lost her mobile phone...etc.
$. %dd information and constr#ct a short narrati&e aro#nd the sentences st#dents ha&e
Julie was waiting or her bus at the bus station when she lost her handbag. She also lost her
mobile phone and everything else in the handbag.
!ow, try expanding the ollowing sentences.
" She likes to play badminton.
# $igarette smoking is ha%ardous to health.
& ' thie entered my house.

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