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Quarter 1 Midterm

Jasmine Meza
Unit #1- Colonialism
• The most important topic we covered
for Unit 1 was Colonialism. The
Indigenous people suffered a lot
during this time. They were brutally
tortured and they were scared so they
wouldn’t fight back. Many of them
were killed during this time. The
Spaniards needed people to work for
them so they went to Africa and that
was the start of the Middle Passage,
Atlantic Slave trade, and slavery.
Colonialism affects us today because
led to all the other things that
happened. It led to the start of
slavery, mixed people like mestizos,
the Middle Passage, Atlantic Slave
Trade, etc.
Unit #2- Jim Crow Laws
• The most important topic we studied for
Unit 2 was the Jim Crow Laws. They
were based on the court case “Plessy vs.
Ferguson.” The case said that Blacks
would have “separate-but-equal” places.
These laws were names after a dance
that made fun of African- Americans.
They were the laws that made separate
schools, water- faucets, bathrooms, etc.
These laws led to Blacks moving to
bigger cities where they faced different
kinds of racism. They had to live in
assigned areas called ghettos. The
results of ghettos still affect us today.
These results include things such as
violence, drug abuse, and poverty.
Unit #3- Mexican- American War
• The Mexican- American War started
when the U.S. tried to invade Mexico
for no reason and Mexico attacked.
The U.S. then declared war on Mexico.
The U.S. won as a result that they had
better weapons and more soldiers.
They set up the Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo. The treaty allowed the U.S. to
get many of the states we have now
like California, New Mexico, Arizona,
Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. The U.S.
only paid Mexico $15 million for all
the land they gained. If none of this
would have happened, Californians
would be speaking Spanish. That is
how it affects us since we would be
Most Important- Colonialism
• This is the most important because it led to
everything else.
• Almost all of the Indigenous people were killed,
as a result people were Africans were brought to
work and slavery started.
• Almost all of the people in Latin America are
mestizos as a result of colonialism.
• Leadership is when people take initiative. They
do things without being asked.
• Leaders show respect and they are responsible,
they are a good example others.
• Good leaders lead in people in a positive way.

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