Harley Reflections Edited

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Harleys 2013-2014 Reflections

1. What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the
rest of your life?
I think I will remember everything we did in the morning, as sixth grade.
The writing, the reading, and the math, the things we always do in the
morning. It will be hard to get used to a new schedule for my new school. It
will be something that I take to every school I got to.
2. What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?
I am proud of my Weebly, or Electronic Portfolio. This year has the most
items and the most amounts of words, as in captions. It was a lot of stuff
that I put on it, but I have it all, at least the things that I thought should go
on it. It was the most amount of my work put on the computer, one place or
3. What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?
They helped me with my writing assignments. They corrected them, making
them better. I checked them first, and then I had people check them.
Different people checked them at different times, but Sami corrected most
of mine after I was done with them. He critiqued them, saying that this
should be like that, or that should be like this, but he was never demanding,
although he was annoying, sometimes cracking jokes in the middle of my
writing checks.
4. What was the most challenging part of this year for you?
The most challenging part was creating a resume because I didnt know how
a resume looked. We looked online at resumes, but none of them really
appealed to me. All of them were bland, and I wanted mine to stand out
from the rest, in writing and in color. That is why I made my resume purple.
Since this was my first time doing one, it will be a big learning experience.
5. Where is your favorite place in our classroom (or school)? Why?
My favorite place in our classroom is my desk. This is because I feel at
home when I am at MY own desk. It is my own personal alcove which stores
my book, writing utensils, and my writing journal. It is also the place where
I put my drawings if I dont put them in my locker.
6. If you could change one thing that happened this year, what would it be?
I would change the speeches. This is because I already did those speeches
last year, and it would have been a learning experience for me. There were
a few speeches that were changed, like our recent speech, the Edgar Allen
Poe one. We didnt do that one last year. It would have been the biggest
thing I took away from this year.

7. What are three things you did this year to help your classmates?
I cleaned up after myself, leaving it almost impossible for anyone to trip
over any of my belongings. I kindly suggested what I thought of the
situation, like a math problem or something, and tried to learn from it or
help people understand it better. Finally, I tried to help people if they
needed assistance in anything, homework related or not.

8. What are the three most important things you learned this year?
I learned the surface area of a sphere, which is

. This is useful if I ever

need to wrap a ball in wrapping paper. Also, what an idiom is. It is saying
that means something else than what it really means, such as hit the hay.
That means go to bed. The last thing is that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand
was assassinated in Serbia, and was the Archduke of Austria-Hungary. This
was very confusing in Mr. Tangemans history class about WWI.
9. What is something that was hard for you at the start of the year, but is easy
It is easy to keep my desk organized now, because it looked like a hurricane
hit the inside of my desk at the start of the year. Now, it looks all neat and
organized, but is still a bit messy. I was never really a neat person, so I try
to be neat, but it doesnt come to me like it does with ICT. I tried to keep it
organize, but it fell apart quickly. I hope next year my desk is neat and
clean from the next person to use it.
10. In what area do you feel you made your biggest improvements?
I feel my writing has improved the most, as in creative wise. My hand
writing is still not so good, but I can create stories about whatever my head
is thinking about at that moment in time. That is why not very many of my
stories have many things in common.
11. What is your favorite part of the day in our class? Why?
My favorite part is ICT. This is where all my skills on the computer are put
to use, such as hand-eye-coordination. It comes to me as easily as walking
down the street. This is because it has been passed down through genes,
because my parents work on computers for a living, making money and
fixing things.
12. What is something you taught your teacher or classmates this year?
I taught my math class about logarithms. A logarithm is another way to
write an exponential number. You write Log first, then you would look at
the subscripted number, such as
, and then you would find the x that is in
the problem, and you would know what it is. Sometimes the subscript isnt
there, but everything else is.
13. Of the books you read this year, which was your favorite? Why?
My favorite book that we read in class was Out of my Mind. It is about a girl
who has cerebral palsy and cant do a bunch of stuff, like eating, and is the
super smart. She makes a quiz team with the highest score, of 100%. They
win their community Whiz Kids contest, and go to DC. I wont spoil the rest
for you, if you decide to read it.
14. What was the best piece of writing that you did this year? Why do you
think it is your best?
I think my best piece of writing was my Idiom story. It was over 1100 words
long, and I made it up, not writing anything down in the beginning. It took a
while to complete it, and I didnt feel like I was done. I thought it needed
another few pages, because originally, it was three and a half pages long,
but I wanted at least four or five. It was my greatest story from the
beginning I started typing it.
15. What person at our school has made the biggest impact in your life
this year? Why?
Sami is, because I didnt have any other friends at this school. He has
agreed to come to my house on numerous occasions and hang out. He is
annoying at times, but that is just his personality talking. He is a great
friend and a good partner.
16. What is something the teacher could have done to make this year
She could have done nothing that comes to my mind that would make this
year better. It was a great year. I just cannot think of anything that could
have been changed to make this last past school year a better school year,
although I sometimes would like less homework. That is because of my
personal life outside of school, like swimming. My dad sometimes tells me to
just not do my homework sometimes because it is really late for that. That
is all.

17. What are six adjectives that best describe this school year?
Funny, because everyone had a time when it was there time to be funny.
Caring, because everyone has stood up for everyone and helps everyone
out if they are hurt. Spontaneous, because there were some things that
should have been brought up sooner but were brought up at the exact
moment, surprising everyone. Hard, because all the teachers made us try
our best in gym and in other classes, such as giving our best effort for
writing a story. Sporty, because we worked hard at gym and it paid off
because we got free play and played organized sports. And finally, Word
filled, because we read many books, we made a couple books, we wrote
many stories, to many to count, and we recently created a newspaper with
many words in it. Mine has over 1000, I think.
18. Knowing what you know now, if you could write a letter to yourself
that would travel back in time so that you would receive it at the start of the
school year, what advice would you give your younger self?
I would say, Buck up, because not everything goes your way. It is really
annoying when someone is harassing you and you tell them to stop, but
they keep doing it. When this happens, if they do it more than one, just
either tell a teacher, or make a game of it, saying, Really, again today? I
thought you just did that yesterday. That would show you notice what they
are doing, and youre not mad, but you would like them to stop.
19. When you consider the rest of your life, what percentage of what you
learned this year do you think will be useful to you? Explain.
90% of what I learned this year will be useful to me. This is because the
other 10% was just review from last year. Math will help me in the long run,
whatever job I get. Reading and writing will help me be creative in ways I
cant explain. ICT will help me if I get a job working on computers, which I
hope to do, because it is what is easiest for me.
20. What advice would you give students who will be in this class next
Be prepared for anything. It can happen. Stay strong, in school, and you will
progress on to middle school or the next year here. You will get used to the
teacher, because they have changed many times for me. I have had two
teachers in the last year.

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