Automotive QM Manual Config Guide

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Automotive Systems

SAP R/3 Documentation

Release 4.6C
Quality management
Automotive Systems

0 Change management.....................................................................................1
0.1 Status and Release Information....................................................................................1
0.2 Changes to previous releases.......................................................................................1
1 Introduction.....................................................................................................1
1.1 About this manual...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Contact persons..............................................................................................................2
1.3 rere!uisites...................................................................................................................2
1." Starting transactions in SA.........................................................................................2
1.".1 SA R#3 $enus.................................................................................................................... 3
1.".2 %sing favorites.................................................................................................................... "
1.".3 &irect use of transaction codes......................................................................................... '
1."." Creating a ne( session...................................................................................................... )
2 *rgani+ational structure and process description......................................1
2.1 SA ,uality $anagement -,$......................................................................................1
2.1.1 Integration........................................................................................................................... 1
2.1.2 /unctions............................................................................................................................. 1
2.2 SA *rgani+ational levels..............................................................................................2
2.2.1 Client0 company code......................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2 urchasing organi+ation.................................................................................................... 3
2.2.3 lant..................................................................................................................................... 3
3 $aster data......................................................................................................1
3.1 ,uality planning..............................................................................................................1
3.1.1 Catalog................................................................................................................................. 1 Characteristic attributes -1.......................................................................................... 3 1as2s -2......................................................................................................................... 3 %sage decisions -3....................................................................................................... 3
3.1.1." Causes -'...................................................................................................................... 3
3.1.1.' &efect types -3.............................................................................................................. 3
3.1.1.) Complaint -&................................................................................................................. 3 &efect locations -5....................................................................................................... "
3.1.2 $aintaining catalogs.......................................................................................................... " Creating Code groups.................................................................................................. " Changing code groups................................................................................................ ) Creating and changing codes..................................................................................... )
3.1.2." 1ranslating code groups and codes...........................................................................6
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page
Automotive Systems

3.1.2.' *vervie( on catalog types.......................................................................................... 3

3.1.2.) Selected sets.............................................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Sample management........................................................................................................ 13 Sampling procedures................................................................................................. 13 Sample si+e................................................................................................................. 13 &ynamic modification rule.........................................................................................13
3.1." ,$ (or2 centers............................................................................................................... 23
3.1.' $iscellaneous production resource#tools......................................................................32
3.1.'.1 7here8used lists......................................................................................................... 3"
3.1.'.2 Replacing production resources#tools # mass change............................................3)
3.1.) $aster inspection characteristics..................................................................................."0
3.1.).1 Creating master inspection characteristics............................................................."0
3.1.).2 Changing # displaying master inspection characteristics.......................................'3
3.1.).3 &eleting a master inspection characteristic.............................................................'3
3.1.)." 7here8used list of master inspection characteristics.............................................)0
3.1.).' Replacing master inspection characteristics...........................................................)1
3.1.4 ,$ vie( of the material master record...........................................................................)2 $aintaining a ,$ vie(............................................................................................... )2 $aintaining the ,$ vie( using (or2flo(s...............................................................42 $ass maintenance...................................................................................................... 4"
3.1.6 ,uality info record............................................................................................................ 61 $aintaining a !uality info record..............................................................................61 $ass maintenance...................................................................................................... 30
3.1.3 ,uality level....................................................................................................................... 33 $aintaining the !uality level...................................................................................... 33 ,uality level history................................................................................................... 34 &isplaying all !uality levels of a certain inspection stage......................................36
3.2 Inspection planning....................................................................................................104
3.2.1 1as2 list types................................................................................................................. 104 Reference operation set........................................................................................... 104 Inspection plan......................................................................................................... 104
3.2.2 $aintaining inspection plans......................................................................................... 106 $aintaining header data........................................................................................... 113 $aintaining inspection operations..........................................................................114 Allocating tools......................................................................................................... 116
3.2.2." Creating ne( inspection characteristics from (ithin the tas2 list -no master
inspection characteristic..................................................................................................... 120
3.2.2.' Allocating tools to inspection characteristics.......................................................134
3.2.2.) Referencing master inspection characteristics.....................................................136 %nloc2ing a reference..............................................................................................1"0 &efining dependent characteristic specifications.................................................1"1 Copying characteristics from other tas2 lists........................................................1"3 %sing reference operation sets.............................................................................1"" 7here8used list of master inspection characteristics.........................................1") Replacing master inspection characteristics.......................................................1"4 7here8used list of reference operation sets........................................................1"6" Replacing reference operation sets......................................................................1"3
3.2.3 rinting inspection plans............................................................................................... 1'2 rinting lists of inspection plans -general. available in the system.....................1'2 rinting lists of inspection plans by material.........................................................1'3 rinting inspection plans......................................................................................... 1''
3.2." &isplaying a list of missing inspection plans...............................................................1')
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page
Automotive Systems

3.2.' &isplaying a list of multiple material#inspection plan allocations...............................1'3

3.2.) Inspection planning using the 5ngineering 7or2bench -579...................................1)1
3.2.).1 579: Starting the 5ngineering 7or2bench...........................................................1)1
3.2.).2 579: Selecting a (or2ing area...............................................................................1)2
3.2.).3 579: 5ntering selection criteria.............................................................................1)2
3.2.)." 579: roduct Structure 9ro(ser...........................................................................1))
3.2.).' 579: Creating inspection plans.............................................................................1)4
3.2.).) 579: Changing an inspection plan........................................................................142
" 9usiness transactions...................................................................................1
".1 ,uality inspection in procurement...............................................................................1
".1.1 Inspection lot....................................................................................................................... 2
".1.1.1 Automatic creation of an inspection lot.....................................................................2
".1.1.2 $anual creation of an inspection lot...........................................................................2
".1.1.3 rinting sample dra(ing instructions.........................................................................)
".1.2 Results recording............................................................................................................... )
".1.2.1 7or2list......................................................................................................................... 4
".1.2.2 Results recording (or2list........................................................................................... 4
".1.2.3 7or2list inspection lots.............................................................................................1)
".1.2." Recording results (ithout (or2lists.........................................................................22
".1.2.' Recording results....................................................................................................... 23
".1.2.) Adding characteristics............................................................................................... 23
".1.2.4 S2ipping re!uired characteristics.............................................................................30
".1.2.6 ;aluating and closing characteristics......................................................................30
".1.2.3 &efects recording....................................................................................................... 31
".1.3 $a2ing usage decisions................................................................................................... 3)
".1.3.1 7or2list for inspection lots....................................................................................... 3)
".1.3.2 Recording results (or2list.........................................................................................36
".1.3.3 %& (ithout (or2list.................................................................................................... "0
".1." Sampling............................................................................................................................ '2
".2 ,uality notification.......................................................................................................'6
".2.1 Structure of !uality notifications.....................................................................................'6
".2.2 ,uality notification types................................................................................................. '6
".2.3 Creating a !uality notification..........................................................................................'3
".2.3.1 1ab: Sub<ect................................................................................................................ )1
".2.3.2 1ab &ates and !uantities........................................................................................... ))
".2.3.3 1ab ,$ order.............................................................................................................. )6
".2.3." 1ab Item...................................................................................................................... )3
".2.3.' 1ab: 1as2s -immediate measures.............................................................................41
".2." Action bo=......................................................................................................................... 4"
".2.' utting !uality notifications in process..........................................................................46
".2.) Completing !uality notifications......................................................................................46
".2.4 utting a notification bac2 in process.............................................................................43
".2.6 Action log.......................................................................................................................... 60
".2.3 &ocument flo(.................................................................................................................. 62
".2.10 Creating attachments..................................................................................................... 6"
".2.11 rinting !uality notifications -shop papers..................................................................64
".2.12 $ailing !uality notifications -shop papers...................................................................30
".2.13 7or2lists.......................................................................................................................... 31
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page
Automotive Systems

' 5valuations......................................................................................................1
'.1 ossibilities for evaluations in SA..............................................................................1
'.2 ;endor analysis -standard analysis.............................................................................2
'.3 5valuations using fle=ible analyses...........................................................................12
'.3.1 Characteristics of fle=ible analyses................................................................................12
'.3.2 Calling up a fle=ible analyses..........................................................................................13
'.3.3 Selecting selection parameters.......................................................................................1"
'.3." &isplaying a fle=ible analysis..........................................................................................1'
'.3.' *ffice integration............................................................................................................. 16
'.3.) /ormatting for SRS........................................................................................................... 20
'." Conti81eves reports......................................................................................................21
) *verlapping functions....................................................................................1
).1 Scrap recording...............................................................................................................1
).1.1 rere!uisites to use transaction >$"2.............................................................................1
).1.2 rocessing transaction >$"2............................................................................................ 3
).1.3 Reversing scrap recordings............................................................................................... )
).2 Scrap recording and updating in ,$IS........................................................................4
).2.1 ?raphical diagram.............................................................................................................. 4
).2.2 5=planation......................................................................................................................... 6
4 &ocuments and forms....................................................................................1
4.1 Sample dra(ing instruction -S&I..................................................................................1
4.1.1 /ield description sample dra(ing instruction..................................................................2
4.1.2 5=ample for a sample dra(ing instruction......................................................................."
4.2 Inspection instruction....................................................................................................'
4.3 Inspection report.............................................................................................................)
4.3.1 /ield description inspection report...................................................................................)
4.3.2 5=ample for an inspection report and information report.............................................12
4." Inspection plan printout...............................................................................................1"
4.".1 /ield description inspection plan printout......................................................................1"
4.".2 5=ample for an inspection plan printout.........................................................................1'
4.".3 rintout inspection plan 8 header data............................................................................14
4."." rintout inspection plan 8 operation # inspection characteristic...................................13
4.".' rintout inspection plan @ inspection plan footer..........................................................20
4.".) Inspection plan 8 Aayout................................................................................................... 21
6 Authori+ations.................................................................................................1
3 Appendi=.........................................................................................................1
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page !
Automotive Systems

10 ?lossary........................................................................................................1
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page !
Automotive Systems

Change management
0 Change management
0.1 Status and Release Information
Release 31.09.2003
0.2 Changes to previous releases
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Automotive Systems

Change management
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Automotive Systems

1 Introduction
1.1 About this manual
#$e manual $as 10 c$a%te&s. #$ose c$a%te&s 'ealing (it$ maste& 'ata, )usiness t&ansactions,
e*aluations an' o*e&la%%ing +unctions inclu'e also 'etails on menu %at$s o& t&ansaction co'es.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
Inspection plan Create (QP01)
#$e 'ocument +ollo(s t$e se/uence o+ t$e %&ocess. All +unctions &e+e&&ing to 'i++e&ent %&ocesses o&
($ic$ a&e not a clea&0cut %a&t o+ t$e )usiness %&ocess a&e mentione' in t$e c$a%te& 12*e&la%%ing
n t$is manual t$e 'ealing (it$ &e%o&ts (ill )e e-%laine' )y a +e( &e%&esentati*e e-am%les.
Plant s%eci+ic 'i++e&ences to t$e stan'a&' %&ocess a&e mentione' in t$e a%%en'i- an' 'ocumente' )y
a''itional 'esc&i%tions.
"ot e*e&y sc&een +iel' (ill )e a''&esse'. 2nly t$ose +iel's &ele*ant +o& t$e %&ocess (ill )e e-amine'.
#$e 'esc&i%tion o+ all ot$e& +iel's can )e accesse' )y using t$e 310$el% +unction.
4ints an' menu %at$s (ill )e ma&5e' %a&ticula&ly .
- $enu paths (ill )e ma&5e' )y t$e sym)ol .
- 5=amples (ill )e ma&5e' )y t$e sym)ol .
- Bints (ill )e ma&5e' )y t$e sym)ol .
- 7arning notices (ill )e ma&5e' )y t$e sym)ol .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Automotive Systems

1.2 Contact persons
6&. 7ot8e #el. 069 9603 3919
1.3 rere!uisites
3o& a )ette& un'e&stan'ing o+ t$e +unctions 'esc&i)e' in t$is manual a )asic 5no(le'ge o+ 6S0
:in'o(s, 6S02++ice an' a ce&tain %&o+iciency in 'ealing (it$ t$e SAP R/3 Release 4.6 su&+ace is
1." Starting transactions in SA
#$e&e a&e 'i++e&ent %ossi)ilities to sta&t a %&og&am ;t&ansaction< in SAP R/3.
=sing t$e SAP R/30 stan'a&' menu o& SAP R/30use& s%eci+ic menu.
=sing +a*o&ites
=sing t&ansaction co'es 'i&ectly
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2
Automotive Systems

1.".1 SA R#3 $enus
Re/ui&e' %&og&ams ;t&ansactions< may )e sta&te' in t$e SAP ,asy Access sc&een )y o%ening t$e
menu %at$s o+ t$e %&og&ams ste% )y ste% %&essing .
Calling up the transaction to create an inspection plan:
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
Inspection plan Create (QP01)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3
Automotive Systems

The transaction codes can be displayed using the
menu settings.
Choose Extras Settings from the main menu,
select Display technical names (transaction
codes) from the settings.
This setting provides an additional display
of transaction codes in the SAP
menu, like e.g. transaction code
1.".2 %sing favorites
>ou can a'' t$e t&ansaction to t$e %e&sonal +a*o&ites )y clic5ing on t$e selecte' &o( in t$e SAP0menu
o& SAP0use& menu using t$e &ig$t mouse )utton. So t$e most im%o&tant t&ansactions +o& an in'i*i'ual
use& can )e collecte' among t$e +a*o&ites.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4
Automotive Systems

A 'i&ect t&ansaction co'e can )e a''e' )y clic5ing on t$e +a*o&ites &o( using t$e &ig$t mouse )utton
;option #Insert ransaction!).
n t$e same manne& you may 'elete +a*o&ite ent&ies ;option #Delete "a#orite!).
1.".3 &irect use of transaction codes
3&e/uently use' t&ansactions can )e ente&e' 'i&ectly in t$e comman' &o(. A+te&(a&'s %&ess .
+ you (ant to sta&t a t&ansaction +&om an acti*e %&og&am you $a*e to ty%e in an #n an' a+te&(a&'s t$e
t&ansaction co'e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?
Automotive Systems

The active program $ill close immediately $ithout $arning and $ithout saving. The ne$
program $ill start at once.
:$en sta&ting t$e t&ansaction co'e )y an #o a ne( session (ill )e o%ene' automatically an' t$e
selecte' t&ansaction (ill )e sta&te'.
1."." Creating a ne( session
n SAP you a&e a)le to (o&5 on se*e&al sessions. #$e num)e& o+ sessions is limite' )y t$e system
an' s$oul' )e 5e%t lo( 'ue to system %e&+o&mance. >ou can ca&&y out se*e&al t&ansactions in
'i++e&ent %a&allel sessions.
%f you $ork on the same master data or document during parallel sessions you may block
#o c&eate a ne( session %&ess t$e )utton , ($ic$ can )e +oun' on e*e&y SAP sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6
Automotive Systems

#o en' a session %&ess one o+ t$e )uttons until you get )ac5 to t$e main sc&een.
Closing t$e sessions (it$ t$e (in'o(s +unctions, e. g. using , may cause a loss o+ 'ata.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

*rgani+ational structure and

process description
2 *rgani+ational structure and process description
2.1 SA ,uality $anagement -,$.
2.1.1 Integration
#$e Q6 a%%lication uses t$e integ&ation o+ SAP to connect Q6 +unctions (it$ ot$e& SAP com%onents
li5e mate&ial management, %&o'uction, sales an' cont&olling.
2.1.2 /unctions
#$e Q6 a%%lication su%%o&ts tas5s in /uality %lanning, /uality ins%ection an' /uality cont&ol.
3u&t$e&mo&e, it c&eates /uality ce&ti+icates an' su%%o&ts t$e %&o)lem management using /uality
#$e +ollo(ing com%onents a&e %a&t o+ Q6.
6aste& 'ata ;e.g. mate&ial maste&, catalogs, ins%ection c$a&acte&istics, ins%ection met$o's,
'ynamic mo'i+ication &ules, sam%le %&oce'u&es<
Quality %lanning ;ins%ection %lans, &e+e&ence o%e&ation sets, mate&ial s%eci+ications<
Q6 in %&ocu&ement
Q6 in sales an' 'ist&i)ution
ns%ection lot %&ocessing ;ins%ection lot c&eation an' ins%ection lot com%letion<
Results &eco&'ing
De+ects &eco&'ing
Sam%le management
Quality in+o&mation system
Dynamic mo'i+ication o+ t$e ins%ection sco%e
Quality ce&ti+icates
Quality noti+ications
#est e/ui%ment management
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Automotive Systems

*rgani+ational structure and

process description
2.2 SA *rgani+ational levels
2&gani8ational le*els a&e $ie&a&c$y le*els +o& sto&ing SAP 'ata.
CAS ;Continental Automoti*e Systems< 'istinguis$es )et(een cent&al an' local systems. @ot$
systems use t$ei& o(n o&gani8ational le*els.
2.2.1 Client0 company code
#$e client is t$e $ig$est $ie&a&c$y le*el. Acco&'ing to SAP a client is a sel+0containe' unit in an R/3
System ;e.g. a co&%o&ate g&ou%< &ega&'ing comme&cial, o&gani8ational, an' tec$nical te&ms. ,*e&y
client $as its o(n 'ata suc$ as maste& 'ata an' t&ansaction 'ata, use& maste& 'ata an' c$a&t o+
#$e company code is t$e smallest o&gani8ational unit +o& ($ic$ a com%lete sel+0containe' set o+
accounts can )e '&a(n u% on %u&%ose o+ e-te&nal &e%o&ting. 2n com%any co'e le*el all su%%o&ting
'ocuments +o& +inancial statements suc$ as )alance s$eets an' %&o+it an' loss statements a&e
Com%any co'es a&e im%lemente' using t$e customi8ing o+ +inancial accounting. 3o& Continental
#e*es ,u&o%e eac$ count&y $as its o(n com%any co'e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2
Automotive Systems

*rgani+ational structure and

process description
2.2.2 urchasing organi+ation
A purchasing organisation is an o&gani8ational unit &es%onsi)le +o& %&ocu&ing mate&ials o& se&*ices
+o& one o& mo&e %lants an' +o& negotiating gene&al con'itions o+ %u&c$ase (it$ *en'o&s.
A %u&c$asing o&gani8ation can )e assigne' to one o& mo&e %lants an' a %lant can )e %&ocu&e' )y
one o& mo&e %u&c$asing o&gani8ations.
n t$e cent&al system ;CS,< t$e &e+e&ence %u&c$asing o&gani8ations a&e not assigne' to %lants. n t$e
local systems t$e %u&c$asing o&gani8ations a&e assigne' to %lants.
2.2.3 lant
#o cont&ol stoc5 it is necessa&y to im%lement %laces in t$e system, ($e&e stoc5 is 5e%t. #$is is 'one
)y %lants an' sto&age locations.
A plant is an o&gani8ational unit (it$in a com%any ;com%any co'e<, ($ic$ %&o'uces mate&ials o&
%&o*i'es goo's an' se&*ices. t &e%&esents t$e o&gani8ational le*el +o& %lanning an' in*ento&y
management an' can consist o+ se*e&al sto&age locations. #$e %lant is t$e main o&gani8ational le*el
in mate&ial management.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3 $aster data
3.1 ,uality planning
3.1.1 Catalog
A catalog allo(s an e-act 'e+inition o+ ins%ection &esults, o)se&*ations, tas5s o& 'ecisions, since
%e&ce%tions, not &ate' )y num)e&s, a&e usually &ate' 'i++e&ently )y 'i++e&ent %e&sons. n catalogs t$ese
in+o&mation is stan'a&'i8e' )y uni/ue 5eys an' t$ei& 'esc&i%tion. 3o& stan'a&'i8ation (it$in a client o&
%lant you nee' co'es +o& &ating an' e*aluation. A catalog contains uni/ue, non0nume&ical 'ata on
%lant o& client le*el.
Catalogs use' at Continental #e*es a&e *ali' (o&l'(i'e. #$e maintenance o+ t$ese catalogs is 'one
)y t$e 'e%a&tments cent&al /uality an' a+te&0sales se&*ice.
6issing o& ne( ent&ies $a*e to )e a%%lie' +o& *ia t$e cent&al /uality 'e%a&tment.
#$e co&&es%on'ing +o&m can )e accesse' in t$e system D10 client 4?0 *ia *ffice 7or2place
Shared folders R5A5AS5 %? $*&%A5S ,$8,%AAI1C 00 ?5D5RAA Re!uest
for addition#change of SA catalogs.
#$e $ie&a&c$y st&uctu&e o+ a catalog may )e as +ollo(s.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Catalog type
Code group
;client le*el<
Code group
Selected set
;%lant le*el<
Set codes
Com)ining co'es +&om se*e&al
co'e g&ou%s
Automotive Systems

$aster data
n catalogs co'e g&ou%s an' selecte' sets a&e on t$e same le*el. #$e 'i++e&ence )et(een t$em is t$at
co'e g&ou%s a&e maintaine' on client le*el an' selecte' sets a&e 'e+ine' on %lant le*el.
Co'e g&ou%s contain co'es. Co'es, t$at a&e assigne' to a co'e g&ou% a&e also 5no(n as
g&ou% co'es.
Selecte' sets com)ine any co'es, e*en +&om 'i++e&ent co'e g&ou%s.
n catalogs t$e lo(est le*el o+ in+o&mation a&e co'es, ($ic$ a&e inclu'e' in co'e g&ou%s an'
selecte' sets.
Co'e g&ou%s an' selecte' sets o+ a catalog a&e use' to c&eate an' collect co'es, li5e e.g. t$e co'e'
'esc&i%tions o+ usage 'ecisions, causes o& 'e+ect ty%es.
SAP stan'a&' uses t$e +ollo(ing catalog ty%es.
#$e catalog ty%es use' )y Continental0#,!,S in /uality management a&e.
C$a&acte&istic att&i)utes ;1<
#as5s ;2<
=sage 'ecisions ;3<
Causes ;?<
De+ect ty%es ;9<
Com%laint ;D<
De+ect locations ;,<
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#$e catalog ty%es use' at Continental0#,!,S a&e )&ie+ly e-%laine' )elo(. Characteristic attributes -1.
#$is catalog ty%e is use' +o& &eco&'ing &esults an' 'e+ining /ualitati*e ins%ection c$a&acte&istics.
!isual c$ec5s o5ay / not o5ay
not acco&'ing to inst&uctions 1as2s -2.
#$is catalog contains tas5s &esulting +&om /uality noti+ications. #y%ical co'e g&ou%s a&e e.g..
#as5s conce&ning %&o'uct 'esign
#as5s in %&o'uction
#as5s in logistics
#as5s o+ t$e *en'o&
#as5s at custome& %sage decisions -3.
#$is s%ecial catalog ty%e is use' +o& ins%ection lot com%letion. ,.g..
Acce%tance (it$ &ese&*ations
Acce%tance a+te& &e(o&5
ReAection, &etu&n 'eli*e&y to *en'o&
3.1.1." Causes -'.
#$e catalog ty%e BCausesC is use' +o& /uality noti+ications. #y%ical causes +o& 'e+ects a&e.
:&ong (o&5 'ocuments
De+ect test e/ui%ment
#ool 'e+ects
3.1.1.' &efect types -3.
#$e 'e+ect ty%es o+ t$is catalog allo( e-act 'esc&i%tions o+ 'e+ects.
:&ong so+t(a&e *e&sion
:&ong so+t(a&e %a&amete&s
:&ong so+t(a&e con+igu&ation
Cont&ol so+t(a&e +ailu&e
Secu&ity conce%t so+t(a&e +ailu&e
Diagnose so+t(a&e +ailu&e
3.1.1.) Complaint -&.
Dlo)al 'esc&i%tion use' as title o& su)Aect o+ noti+ications ;'e+ect noti+ications, %&o)lem noti+ications,
com%laints, etc.<. #$ese catalog ent&ies a&e use' only +o& custome& com%laints o& *en'o& com%laints
)ase' u%on custome& com%laints.
Com%laints o+ co'e g&ou% BSo+t(a&e com%laintsC.
"ot &ele*ant so+t(a&e &elais
So+t(a&e 'e+ecti*e
So+t(a&e 'oes not +it to ,C=
,SD / ,6C 'istu&)ance
2t$e& so+t(a&e +aults
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3
Automotive Systems

$aster data &efect locations -5.
#$e main &e+e&ence o+ an ins%ection o& com%laint is usually a single mate&ial o& an assem)ly. + it is an
assem)ly, t$e ne-t le*el to locate t$e 'e+ect is t$e )ill o+ mate&ial. Possi)le 'e+ect locations +o& t$e
mate&ial ,0Regulato& a&e.
Dui'e )us$
Dui'e (as$e&
#$&ea' %&otecti*e ca%
3.1.2 $aintaining catalogs
At Continental #e*es catalogs a&e maintaine' cent&ally.
#$ey a&e )uil' u% $ie&a&c$ically. Creating Code groups
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Catalog
Co%e group E%it (QS&1)
#$e initial sc&een +o& c&eating/c$anging/'is%laying a catalog is s$o(n.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4
Catalog type
Code group
Selected set
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#o c&eate a co'e g&ou% +ollo( t$ese ste%s.
1. C$oose a catalog num)e& ;'ata +iel' catalog<.
2. ,nte& a 5ey +o& t$e co'e g&ou%.
#o 'is%lay e-isting co'e g&ou%s, sea&c$ using t$e aste&is5 ;E<.
3. C$oose .
#$e co'e g&ou% o*e&*ie( (ill )e s$o(n.
4. P&ess
#$e co'e g&ou% ta)le is &ea'y +o& in%ut.
,nte& t$e +ollo(ing *alues.
0 a 5ey +o& t$e co'e g&ou%
Pay attention to t$e name con*ention +o& co'e g&ou%s at Continental #e*es.
1.02. 'igit. ,$
3. 'igit. 8
4.06. 'igit. 000
9.0F. 'igit. num)e& ;un&est&icte', usually using ste%s o+ +i*e o& ten<
0 a s$o&t 'esc&i%tion +o& t$e co'eg&ou%
0 a status +o& t$e co'e g&ou% ;+o& use t$e co'e g&ou% $as to )e &elease'<
0 a long te-t +o& t$e co'e g&ou% ;o%tional<
?. Sa*e you& ent&ies.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?
Automotive Systems

$aster data Changing code groups
3ollo( t$e ste%s as e-%laine' in c$a%te& BC&eating co'e g&ou%sC inclu'ing ste%s 3 an' 4. C$oose t$e
co'e g&ou% you (ant to c$ange.
#$en you a&e a)le to c$ange s$o&t 'esc&i%tion, status an' long te-t.
The key of the code group cannot be changed. %f you $ant to change this key, you $ill have to
delete the code group and create a ne$ one. Creating and changing codes
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Catalog
Co%e group E%it (QS&1)
#$e initial sc&een +o& maintaining catalogs (ill )e s$o(n again. 3ollo( t$ese ste%s.
1. ,nte& a catalog num)e& an' t$e co'e g&ou% 5ey ;o& E< an' %&ess .
6a&5 a co'e g&ou% an' c$oose .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3. 2n t$e +ollo(ing sc&een t$e co'es (ill )e 'is%laye'. >ou can c$ange t$e s$o&t 'esc&i%tion an' t$e
long te-t.
The code itself cannot be changed. %f you $ant to change the code, you $ill have to
create a ne$ code and to delete the old one.
4. #o c&eate a ne( co'e %&ess
"e( co'es may )e ente&e' in t$e ta)le. 3ill out 5ey an' s$o&t 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e co'e. 2%tionally
you may ente& a long te-t.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.2." 1ranslating code groups and codes
#o ente& te-t +o& co'e g&ou%s an' co'es in 'i++e&ent languages
c$oose t$e %at$ 'tilities Choose language ($en c$anging
co'e g&ou%s o& co'es.
A %o%0u% (in'o( (ill a%%ea&, ($e&e you can c$oose t$e
'esi&e' language.
=se t$e menu %at$ E%it ranslation to maintain te-ts in t$e c$osen language.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.2.' *vervie( on catalog types
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Catalog
Co%e group In%ex (QS&()
An o*e&*ie( o+ all catalog ty%es o& o+ a single one can )e 'is%laye' as +ollo(s.
C$oose ($ic$ o+ t$e catalog ty%es an' co'e g&ou%s you (oul' li5e to see.
#$e c$osen catalog ty%es (ill )e 'is%laye'. P&ess ;n'e-< +o& 'is%lay.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.2.) Selected sets
A co'e g&ou% ;client le*el< can $a*e many 'i++e&ent ent&ies. A num)e& o+ 100 co'es may )e %ossi)le.
#o &e'uce t$e num)e& o& to st&uctu&e t$ese co'es, selecte' sets may )e )uil' +&om t$ese co'e
g&ou%s. #$e co'es can )e c$osen +&om 'i++e&ent co'e g&ou%s o+ a catalog. Selecte' sets a&e
maintaine' on %lant le*el.
,s%ecially +o& catalog ty%es 1 ;c$a&acte&istic att&i)utes< an' 3 ;usage 'ecision< co'es o+ co'e g&ou%s
s$oul' )e g&ou%e' using 'i++e&ent as%ects. A''itionally t$e *aluations BAcce%tC o& BReAectC a&e
allocate' to e*e&y co'e o+ a selecte' set. De%en'ing on t$e ins%ection ;incoming ins%ection,
%&o'uction ins%ection< t$e selecte' sets %ossess only t$ose co'es, t$at +it t$e ins%ection ty%e.
#$e selecte' sets o+ catalog , ;'e+ect locations< a&e c&eate' )y %&o'ucts.
#$e selecte' sets o+ a catalog ty%e can )e c&eate' o& c$ange' using t$e +ollo(ing menu %at$.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Catalog
Selecte% set E%it (QS)1)
#$e initial sc&een +o& maintaining selecte' sets (ill )e s$o(n.
,nte& catalog, %lant an' t$e selecte' set you (ant to c$ange. + you (ant to list all selecte' sets o+ a
catalog an' %lant, ente& an aste&is5 E as selecte' set.
P&ess .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 10
Automotive Systems

$aster data
An o*e&*ie( on selecte' sets (ill )e 'is%laye'.
C$ange s$o&t 'esc&i%tion, long te-t o& status o+ t$e selecte' sets.
The key of the selected sets cannot be changed. %f you $ant to change this key, you $ill have
to enter a ne$ selected set and to delete the old one.
#o c&eate ne( selecte' sets %&ess . #$en t$e ta)le can )e c$ange'. ,nte& 5ey,
'esc&i%tion an' status o+ t$e ne( selecte' set ;+o& use it $as to )e &elease'<. >ou may ente& a long
te-t, too.
Pay attention to t$e name con*ention +o& selecte' sets at Continental #e*es.
1.02. 'igit. ,$
3. 'igit. E
4.06. 'igit. 000
9.0F. 'igit. "um)e& ;un&est&icte', usually using ste%s o+ +i*e o& ten<
Allocating codes to a selected set
#o allocate co'es to a selecte' set +ollo( t$ese ste%s.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Catalog
Selecte% set E%it (QS)1)
#$e initial sc&een +o& maintaining selecte' sets (ill )e s$o(n again.
1. C$oose catalog num)e& an' %lant an' %&ess .
2. 6a&5 a selecte' set an' select .
3. C$oose .
4. P&ess 34 .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 11
Automotive Systems

$aster data
?. #$e co'e g&ou%s o+ t$e c$osen catalog (ill )e liste'. 2%en t$e +ol'e&s to 'is%lay t$e
co&&es%on'ing co'es.
6. 6a&5 t$e co'es to )e ta5en o*e& into t$e selecte' set.
9. P&ess .
F. n catalog 3 ;usage 'ecision< allocate a *aluation ;acce%t / &eAect< to eac$ co'e.
9. Sa*e you& ent&ies.
&emoving codes from selected sets
#o &emo*e co'es +&om selecte' sets ma&5 t$e co'e an' %&ess ;'elete<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 12
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.3 Sample management
+ sam%ling %&oce'u&es an' o%tional 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ules a&e in use, t$e system is a)le to
a'Aust t$e ins%ection sco%e to t$e /uality le*el. #$is %&oce'u&e is not use' at Continental #e*es. Sampling procedures
Sam%ling %&oce'u&es 'ete&mine t$e ins%ection sco%e an' *aluation mo'e +o& &eco&'ing &esults
;/ualitati*e c$a&acte&istics, tole&ances, c$a&acte&istic att&i)utes, etc.<. A sam%ling %&oce'u&e is
allocate' to an ins%ection c$a&acte&istic o+ an ins%ection %lan i+ t$is is set acco&'ingly in t$e cont&ol
in'icato& o+ t$e c$a&acte&istic.
#$e a'*antage in using sam%ling %&oce'u&es is t$at ins%ection c$a&acte&istics a&e not *aluate'
manually ;acce%t/&eAect< )ut can )e *aluate' automatically )ase' u%on t$e %&oce'u&e.
#$e maintenance o+ sam%ling %&oce'u&es is 'one on a com%&e$ensi*e le*el in all %lants.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Sample
Sampling proce%ure Create * Change * Display (QD+1 * QD+, * QD+-)
A+te& ente&ing t$e sam%ling %&oce'u&e an' con+i&ming *ia you (ill )e s$o(n t$e ne-t sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 13
Automotive Systems

$aster data
S$o&t te-t G 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e sam%ling %&oce'u&e
Sam%ling ty%e G 'ete&mines ty%e an' sco%e o+ t$e sam%le
At Continental #e*es B+i-e' sam%leC is usually use'.
De%en'ing on t$e selecte' sam%ling ty%e a''itional 'ata may )e necessa&y.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 14
sampling type &ependence
100 G 3i-e' sam%le ,nte& a +i-e' sam%le /uantity e.g. 10 ;%ce.<
200 0 100 H ins%ection "o +u&t$e& 'ata necessa&y, )ecause t$e com%lete ins%ection
lot /uantity (ill )e use' as sam%le /uantity.
300 G Sam%ling sc$eme ,nte& a sam%ling sc$eme.
400 G Pe&centage sam%le ,nte& a %e&centage, e.g. 10 ;H<, i.e. 10H o+ t$e ins%ection lot
/uantity a&e sam%le /uantity
Automotive Systems

$aster data
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
!aluation mo'e G #$e *aluation mo'e 'e+ines &ules +o& acce%ting o& &eAecting a sam%le. Sam%ling
ty%e an' *aluation mo'e a&e use' to 'e+ine t$e %a&amete&s +o& sam%le 'ete&mination.
#$e +ollo(ing o%tions can )e c$osen.
ins%ection %oint G @y 'e+ining t$e ins%ection %oint ty%e in t$e sam%ling %&oce'u&e, you s%eci+y
($et$e& t$e system c&eates ins%ection %oints +o& an ins%ection lot, an' i+ so, $o( many $a*e to )e
c&eate'. t is use' +o& ins%ection in %&o'uction only.
usage in'icato& G + t$e )loc5ing in'icato& is ma&5e', t$is sam%ling %&oce'u&e cannot )e use'
A+te& con+i&ming (it$ t$e ne-t sc&een (ill a%%ea&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 16
Automotive Systems

$aster data
"o ins%ection stage c$ange G @y setting t$e in'icato& 0 "o stage c$ange 0 you can %&e*ent an
ins%ection stage c$ange +&om ta5ing %lace. #$is means t$at t$e sam%le si8e (ill not )e
'ynamically mo'i+ie'.
6ulti%le sam%les G De+inition o+ an a''itional *aluation &ule. + t$is o%tion is set, +u&t$e& 'ata $as to
)e s%eci+ie'.
+ you use sam%ling %&oce'u&e 100 o& 400 %&ess t$e )utton to 'is%lay anot$e& sc&een, ($e&e
you $a*e to ente& sam%le /uantity o& %e&centage.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 19
Automotive Systems

$aster data
:$en using /ualitati*e ins%ection c$a&acte&istics ente& in 'ata +iel' acce%tance num)e& t$e ma-imum
num)e& o+ 'e+ect units o+ a sam%le t$at still &esults in an acce%tance.
Sa*e you& ent&ies. #$e sam%ling %&oce'u&e may )e use' in ins%ection %lans a+te& sa*ing.
Translating description'
#o t&anslate 'esc&i%tions it is necessa&y, to log on to t$e SAP R/3 system using t$e 'esi&e' language.
6aintain te-ts in t$is language using t&ansaction QD!2 ;C$ange sam%ling %&oce'u&e<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1F
Automotive Systems

$aster data Sample si+e
#$e sam%le si8e 'esc&i)es t$e ins%ection sco%e +o& incoming ins%ections. #$e system contains t$e
+ollo(ing sam%ling %&oce'u&es.
Sam%le si8e ins%ection
?0I F0I 12?I 200 !isual ins%ection ;/ualitati*e ins%ection c$a&acte&istics<
1?0 Cleanliness ins%ection
20 ns%ection c$a&acte&istics ;/ualitati*e, /uantitati*e<
? Ru))e& ins%ection
#$is ins%ection contains +i*e 'i++e&ent ins%ections +o& a single %a&t
4 ns%ection using 3D measu&ing mac$ines
1 C$emical analysis
assum%tion. #$e mate&ial is %a&t o+ a mate&ial )atc$
100 H Pilot lot &ynamic modification rule
Dynamic mo'i+ication &ules contain t$e 'e+inition o+ ins%ection stages an' t$e con'itions t$at lea' to
an ins%ection stage c$ange.
#$e ins%ection sco%e may *a&y 'e%en'ing on ins%ection stages. 3o& stea'y ins%ection sco%es ot$e&
con'itions +o& ins%ection stage c$anges may occu&.
Dynamic mo'i+ication &ules may )e ente&e' in an ins%ection %lan ;$ea'e&, c$a&acte&istics< o& in t$e
mate&ial maste& ;ins%ection ty%e<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 19
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Dynamic mo'i+ication &ules a&e maintaine' c&oss0%lant. #$ey can )e use' +o&
Sam%ling %&oce'u&es ;sam%le si8e / ins%ection se*e&ity< "ot use' at Continental #e*esJ
ns%ection lots
ns%ection c$a&acte&istics o+ ins%ection %lans ;ins%ection sco%e<
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Sample
Dynamic mo%i.ication rule Create * Change * Display (QD/1 * QD/, * QD/-)
#$e initial sc&een +o& maintaining 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ules (ill )e 'is%laye'.
,nte& t$e 5ey +o& t$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule. #$is 5ey $as a lengt$ o+ t$&ee 'igits. =se t$e )utton
to co%y e-isting 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ules.
Con+i&m %&essing to 'is%lay t$e $ea'e& 'ata o+ t$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 20
Automotive Systems

$aster data
S$o&t te-t G 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule
#ime o+ 'ynamic mo'i+ication G Dynamic mo'i+ication at usage 'ecision G #$e 'ynamic
mo'i+ication is 'one a+te& t$e usage 'ecision $as ta5en %lace.
Dynamic mo'i+ication at lot c&eation G mme'iate 'ynamic mo'i+ication a+te& lot c&eation. #$e
system assumes, t$at t$e ins%ection lot / all ins%ection c$a&acte&istics a&e acce%te'. #$is is
'e+ault at Continental #e*es.
Reset %e&io' G a+te& t$is time %e&io' t$e ins%ection stage (ill sta&t again (it$ t$e +i&st stage o+ t$e
'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule.
=sage in'icato& G )loc5ing in'icato& G )loc5s t$e usage in ins%ection %lans
=sage in'icato& G =sage in tas5 list / %lan G t$is 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule is use' in an ins%ection
%lan. + t$is +lag is set, t$e &ule cannot )e 'elete'. #$e +lag is set automatically )y t$e system, i+
t$is &ule is use' in an ins%ection %lan. t (ill )e &eset automatically, i+ t$e allocation to an
ins%ection %lan is cancelle'.
P&ess ;ne-t sc&een< to 'e+ine t$e ins%ection stages.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 21
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Stage G s 'e+ine' )y allocating an ins%ection se*e&ity ;o& t$e s5i% in'icato&< an' )y 'e+ining &ules
+o& t$e ins%ection stage c$ange.
%nspection change stages have to be defined for each inspection stage.
ns%ection se*e&ity G + using sam%ling sc$emes t$e ins%ection se*e&ity $as to )e i'entical to t$e
ones use' in t$e sc$emes. ;"ot use' at Continental #e*es<

S5i% G ns%ection stage is a s5i%, i.e. c$a&acte&istics o& ins%ection lots a&e not ins%ecte'.
%nspection severity should not be entered for skips.
St G initial ins%ection stage
(as to be assigned to an inspection stage.
S$o&t te-t G 'esc&i%tion / te-t o+ ma-. 40 'igits.
StC G Stage c$ange +o& t$e ins%ection stage. #$is +lag is set automatically, ($en t$e con'itions
+o& an ins%ection stage c$ange a&e 'e+ine'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 22
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3o& eac$ stage t$e stage c$anges $a*e to )e maintaine' to 'e+ine t$e %&oce'u&e in cases o+
Bacce%tance ;2K<C an' B&eAection ;not 2K<C.
6a&5 t$e stage you (ant to maintain. P&ess t$e )utton to c&eate stage c$anges.
Do s2ip S2ip
"o. o+ ins%ections G "um)e& o+ ins%ections ($ic$ a&e o5ay, t$at a&e necessa&y to &eac$ t$e ne-t
ins%ection stage. =sually it is +ollo(e' )y a s5i%. S5i%. "um)e& o+ s5i%s, usually +ollo(e' )y an
6a-imum s5i% 'u&ation G ma-imum s5i% 'u&ation in 'ays.. + t$is 'u&ation is e-cee'e' ;no goo's
&ecei%t / ins%ection lot<, t$e ne-t ins%ection stage is &eac$e'.
Can only )e ente&e' +o& s5i%s.
"e( ins%ection stage ;2K< G #$e ins%ection stage to )e use' +o& t$e ne-t ins%ection i+ t$e
con'itions +o& an acce%tance a&e met.
ReAections G "um)e& o+ &eAections &esulting in an ins%ection stage c$ange. =sually it &esults in t$e
initial ins%ection stage.
"e( ins%ection stage ;not 2K< G #$e ins%ection stage to )e use' +o& t$e ne-t ins%ection i+ t$e
con'itions +o& a &eAection a&e met.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 23
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Dynamic mo'i+ication &ules maintaine' at Continental #e*es.
Dynamic mo'i+ication &ules 'e+ine t$e ins%ection +&e/uency +o& goo's &ecei%ts ;incoming ins%ections<.
#$e +ollo(ing &ules a&e maintaine' in t$e SAP R/3 system.
&ynamic modification rule: Incoming inspection 001
stage acti*ity num)e& o+ 2K ins%ection lots +o& a stage c$ange
1. stage ? ins%ections ?
2. stage 3 s5i%s F
3. stage 1 ins%ection 9
4. stage 3 s5i%s 12
?. stage 1 ins%ection 13
6. stage 3 s5i%s 16
9. stage 1 ins%ection 19
F. stage 3 s5i%s 20
9. stage 1 ins%ection 21
10. stage 6 s5i%s 29
11. stage 1 ins%ection 2F
12. stage 6 s5i%s 34
13. stage 1 ins%ection 3?
14. stage 6 s5i%s 41
1?. stage 1 ins%ection 42
16. stage 6 s5i%s 4F
19. stage 1 ins%ection 49
1F. stage 6 s5i%s ??
19. stage 1 ins%ection ?6
20. stage 12 s5i%s 6F
21. stage 1 ins%ection 69 (it$ an ins%ection sco%e o+ 1? ins%ections
22. stage Pe&manent s5i%
99. stage Pe&manent ins%ection
#$e R/3 /uality le*el is use' to cont&ol ins%ection &e/ui&ements +o& mate&ial / *en'o& &elations$i%s
'e%en'ing on +u&t$e& ins%ections. t &eco&'s t$e 'esc&i)e' stage c$anges.
+ a lot is &eAecte', it is &eset automatically to stage 1.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 24
Automotive Systems

$aster data
A manual stage c$ange (it$out c&eating a''itional ins%ection lots is %ossi)le. t s$oul' )e 'one only i+
t$e incoming /uality allo(s it o& ma5es it necessa&y.
#$e ins%ection $isto&y o+ mate&ial / *en'o& &elations$i%s is com%&e$ensi)le.
+ stage 22 is &eac$e', +u&t$e& ins%ections can )e ca&&ie' out only i+ t$e /uality le*el is c$ange'
+ /uality %&o)lems occu&, t$e /uality le*el can )e c$ange' manually to %e&manent ins%ection ;stage
&ynamic modification rule: Incoming inspections (ith intermediate inspections 002
stage Acti*ity num)e& o+ 2K ins%ection lots +o& a
stage c$ange
1. stage ? ins%ections ?
2. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
3. stage 3 s5i%s F
4. stage 1 ins%ection 9
?. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
6. stage 3 s5i%s 12
9. stage 1 ins%ection 13
F. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
9. stage 3 s5i%s 16
10. stage 1 ins%ection 19
11. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
12. stage 3 s5i%s 20
13. stage 1 ins%ection 21
14. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
1?. stage 6 s5i%s 29
16. stage 1 ins%ection 2F
19. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
1F. stage 6 s5i%s 34
19. stage 1 ins%ection 3?
20. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
21. stage 6 s5i%s 41
22. stage 1 ins%ection 42
23. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
24. stage 6 s5i%s 4F
2?. stage 1 ins%ection 49
26. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
29. stage 6 s5i%s ??
2F. stage 1 ins%ection ?6
29. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
30. stage 12 s5i%s 6F
31. stage 1 ins%ection 69 (it$ an ins%ection sco%e o+ 1?
32. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
33. stage Pe&manent s5i% 6a-. 1F0 'ays o& 19 s5i%s
94. stage 1 ins%ection
9?. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
96. stage Pe&manent s5i% 6a-. 36? 'ays
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$aster data
99. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
9F. stage Pe&manent s5i%
99. stage Pe&manent ins%ection
#$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule Bncoming ins%ections (it$ inte&me'iate ins%ectionsC allo(s a ce&tain
num)e& o+ inte&me'iate ins%ections ;1L10< (it$out c$anging t$e /uality le*el to %e&manent
ins%ection. + t$e inte&me'iate ins%ections a&e 2K, t$e ins%ection le*el )e+o&e t$ese ins%ections 'oes
not $a*e to )e set manually again. #$e inte&me'iate stage (ill )e le+t an' t$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication
&ule (ill continue. =sually t$e inte&me'iate ins%ections a&e s5i%%e'. #$ey a&e acti*ate' manually
($en /uality %&o)lems occu&.
#$e ma-imum s5i% 'u&ation ;in 'ays< o& t$e ma-imum num)e& o+ s5i%s o+ stage 33 a&e use' to
ins%ect mate&ial/*en'o& &elations$i%s %e&io'ically.
Stage 96 can )e &eac$e' manually only. n t$is stage +u&t$e& ins%ections (ill )e 'one e*e&y 36? 'ays.
Stage 9F can only )e &eac$e' manually, too. 3u&t$e& ins%ections a&e only %ossi)le i+ t$e /uality le*el
is c$ange' manually.
#$e R/3 /uality le*el can )e c$ange' to stage 99 manually, i+ %e&manent ins%ections a&e necessa&y
'ue to se&ious /uality %&o)lems.
&ynamic modification rule: Incoming inspection 003 -) inspections in fi=ed intervals.
stage acti*ity num)e& o+ 2K ins%ection lots
+o& a stage c$ange
1. stage 6 ins%ections 6
2. stage S5i% 6a-. 90 'ays
3. stage 1 ins%ection 9
4. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
94. stage 6 ins%ections 6
9?. stage S5i% 6a-. 30 'ays
96. stage 1 ins%ection 9
99. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
9F. stage Pe&manent s5i%
99. stage Pe&manent ins%ection
#$is 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule (it$ inte&me'iate ins%ections allo(s a ce&tain num)e& o+ inte&me'iate
ins%ections ;1L10< (it$out c$anging t$e /uality le*el to %e&manent ins%ection. + t$e inte&me'iate
ins%ections a&e 2K, t$e ins%ection le*el %&io& to t$ese ins%ections 'oes not $a*e to )e set manually
again. #$e inte&me'iate stage (ill )e le+t an' t$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule (ill continue. =sually t$e
inte&me'iate ins%ections a&e s5i%%e'. #$ey a&e acti*ate' manually ($en /uality %&o)lems occu&.
#$e ma-imum s5i% 'u&ation ;in 'ays< o& t$e ma-imum num)e& o+ s5i%s a&e use' to ins%ect
mate&ial/*en'o& &elations$i%s %e&io'ically.
Stage 94 can )e &eac$e' manually only. 3u&t$e& ins%ections a&e ca&&ie' out e*e&y 30 'ays.
Stage 9F can only )e &eac$e' manually, too. 3u&t$e& ins%ections a&e only %ossi)le i+ t$e /uality le*el
is c$ange' manually.
#$e R/3 /uality le*el can )e c$ange' to stage 99 manually i+ %e&manent ins%ections a&e necessa&y
'ue to se&ious /uality %&o)lems.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 26
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$aster data
&ynamic modification rule: Incoming inspection (ith laboratory#functional inspection 00'
stage acti*ity num)e& o+ 2K ins%ection lots
+o& a stage c$ange
1. stage 1 ins%ection 1
2. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
3. stage 19 s5i%s ;o&. ma-. 36? 'ays< 20
1. stage 1 ins%ection 21I 41I 61I ...
2. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
3. stage 19 s5i%s ;o&. ma-. 36? 'ays< 40I 60I F0I ...
99. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
9F. stage Pe&manent s5i%
99. stage Pe&manent ins%ection
#$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule +o& la)o&ato&y/+unctional ins%ections allo(s e-%ensi*e ins%ections in
la)o&ato&ies o& e-%ensi*e +unctional ins%ections in ce&tain inte&*als.
#$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule is )uilt +o& a ne*e&0en'ing ins%ection.
,*e&y 20
ins%ection lot (ill )e ins%ecte'.
#$e stages %e&manent s5i% an' %e&manent ins%ection can )e &eac$e' o& le+t only manually.
&ynamic modification rule: Incoming inspection for identity inspection 004
stage acti*ity num)e& o+ 2K ins%ection lots
+o& a stage c$ange
1. stage 4 ins%ections 4
2. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality ins%ections
3. stage 1 ins%ection ?
4. stage S5i%s ;ma-. 1F0 'ays< 6a-. 1F0 'ays
99. stage =% to 10 ins%ections at /uality %&o)lems
9F. stage Pe&manent s5i%
99. stage Pe&manent ins%ection
#o minimi8e e++o&ts in goo's &ecei%t an i'entity ins%ection is ca&&ie' out. An i'entity ins%ection
contains a''itional c$a&acte&istics a%a&t +&om t$e ones o+ a no&mal 'imension ins%ection. An i'entity
ins%ection is an e-%an'e' 'imension ins%ection.
#$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule is )uilt +o& a ne*e&0en'ing ins%ection.
,*e&y 1F0 'ays an ins%ection lot (ill )e ins%ecte'.
#$e stages %e&manent s5i% an' %e&manent ins%ection can )e &eac$e' o& le+t only manually.
&ynamic modification rule: ?oods issue 011
stage acti*ity num)e& o+ 2K ins%ection lots +o& a stage c$ange
1. stage ? ins%ections ?
2. stage Pe&manent s5i%
99. stage Pe&manent ins%ection
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$aster data
#$e R/3 /uality le*el is use' to cont&ol ins%ection &e/ui&ements +o& mate&ial / *en'o& &elations$i%s
'e%en'ing on +u&t$e& ins%ections. t &eco&'s t$e 'esc&i)e' stage c$anges.
+ a lot is &eAecte', it is &eset automatically to stage 1.
A manual stage c$ange (it$out c&eating a''itional ins%ection lots is %ossi)le. #$is s$oul' )e 'one
only i+ t$e incoming /uality allo(s it o& ma5es it necessa&y.
#$e ins%ection $isto&y o+ mate&ial / *en'o& &elations$i%s is com%&e$ensi)le.
+ le*el 2 is &eac$e', +u&t$e& ins%ections can )e sta&te' only )y c$anging t$eR/3 /uality le*el manually.
#$e R/3 /uality le*el can )e c$ange' to stage 99 manually i+ %e&manent ins%ections a&e necessa&y
'ue to se&ious /uality %&o)lems.
1ranslating description:
#o t&anslate 'esc&i%tions it is necessa&y, to log on to t$e SAP R/3 system using t$e 'esi&e' language.
6aintain te-ts in t$is language using t&ansaction QDR2 ;C$ange 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2F
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$aster data
3.1." ,$ (or2 centers
Q6 (o&5 cente&s as maste& 'ata a&e use' +o& %&o'uction an' cont&ol. Q6 (o&5 cente&s a&e use' to
st&uctu&e (o&5lists an' $a*e to )e ente&e' ($en c&eating ins%ection %lans.
#o c&eate a Q6 (o&5 cente& +ollo( t$ese ste%s.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata 0or1 center
Q2 0or1 center 0or1 center Create * Change * Display (C/Q1 * C/Q, * C/Q-)
%lant G 5ey i'enti+ying a uni/ue %lant
:o&5 cente& G 5ey i'enti+ying a (o&5 cente&.
"um)e& con*ention +o& Q6 (o&5 cente&s.
1.03. 'igit. 343
4.0F. 'igit. any num)e&s ;un&est&icte'<
:o&5 cente& catego&y G 5ey 'istinguis$ing (o&5 cente& catego&ies li5e e.g. PP (o&5 cente&s o& Q6
(o&5 cente&s.
Co%y +&om G e-isting (o&5 cente& use' +o& co%ying. Data +&om t$is (o&5 cente&s can )e ta5en o*e&
into t$e ne( (o&5 cente&.
,nte& %lant, (o&5 cente& num)e& an' (o&5 cente& catego&y. C$oose to maintain )asic 'ata.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 29
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$aster data
S$o&t te-t G 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e (o&5 cente&. #$is 'ata +iel' contains a s$o&t 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e o)Aect
;e.g. an o&gani8ational unit, /uali+ication o& e*ent<
Pe&son &es%onsi)le G 5ey i'enti+ying a %e&son o& g&ou% o+ %e&sons &es%onsi)le +o& maintaining t$is
(o&5 cente&.
7ocation G 5ey +o& t$e location, ($e&e t$e (o&5 cente& is.
=sage G 5ey cont&olling in ($ic$ tas5 list ty%es t$e o)Aect may )e use' ;e.g. t$e (o&5 cente& o&
%&o'uction &esou&ce/tool<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 30
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$aster data
Stan'a&' *alue 5ey G 5ey containing a ma-imum o+ si- stan'a&' *alues (it$ 'esc&i%tion an'
'imension ;e.g. time o& a&ea<. Stan'a&' *alues a&e use' as %a&amete&s in +o&mulas +o& calculating
o%e&ation times, &e/ui&e' ca%acity o& costs. A %a&amete& D is allocate' to t$ese stan'a&' *alues. #$is
%a&amete& D is use' to i'enti+y t$e stan'a&' *alue in +o&mulas. #$e %a&amete& D 'e+ines t$e 5ey
(o&' o+ a stan'a&' *alue ;e.g. setu%, mac$ine, la)o&<.
Sa*e you& ent&ies. #$e (o&5 cente& (ill )e sa*e' an' you (ill &etu&n automatically to t$e initial
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 31
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.' $iscellaneous production resource#tools
P&o'uction &esou&ce/tools a&e o%e&ational +acilities, test e/ui%ments o& 'ocuments use' to ca&&y out
ins%ections in %&o'uction o& goo's &ecei%t.
#$e +ollo(ing 5in's o+ %&o'uction &esou&ces/tools a&e 'istinguis$e'.
mate&ial, ta5en into account in mate&ial management, e.g. in*ento&y management, mate&ial
&e/ui&ement %lanning an' %&ocu&ement
e/ui%ments, e.g. test e/ui%ments o& e-%ensi*e tools, ($ic$ $a*e to )e se&*ice'.
'ocuments, e.g. '&a(ings o& %&og&ams, +o& ($ic$ t$e 'ocument management system is use'.
2t$e& tools ;(it$ tool maste& 'ata<, ($ic$ maintenance is less time0consuming
3o& t$e ins%ection %lanning at Continental #e*es t$&ee 5in's o+ %&o'uction &esou&ces/tools a&e use',
mate&ial, 'ocuments an' miscellaneous.
#ools can )e assigne' to t$e o%e&ations in ins%ection %lans, ($e&e t$ey a&e nee'e'.
#$is is 'one ($en maintaining ins%ection %lans. #$e %&oce'u&e +o& maintaining ins%ection %lans is
'esc&i)e' in c$a%te& 3.2.2.
2n t$e o%e&ation o*e&*ie( o+ an ins%ection %lan ma&5 t$e o%e&ation, to ($ic$ a tool s$oul' )e
+ some tools al&ea'y e-ist, %&ess t$e )utton to 'is%lay t$em.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 32
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$aster data
=se t$e menu %at$ E%it 3e4 entries an' c$oose t$e ty%e o+ %&o'uction &esou&ce/tool. #$en you
a&e a)le to ente& t$e 5ey o+ a ne( tool.
+ no tool $as )een assigne', you get t$e %o%0u% (in'o( s$o(n a)o*e.
As a 'e+ault tool catego&y Bmate&ialC is %&o%ose'. =se t$e )uttons
to c$ange t$e tool catego&y.
=se cont&ol 5ey 1000 o& 1003 i+ you get t$e tool +&om a test e/ui%ment 'e%a&tment.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 33
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$aster data
3.1.'.1 7here8used lists
P&o'uction &esou&ce/tools can )e assigne' to o%e&ations in ins%ection %lans. =se t$e ($e&e0use' list
to get an o*e&*ie( on ins%ection lists, ($e&e a tool is use'.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Pro%uction
resources*ools 0here5use% list (C670)
2n t$e initial sc&een ente&
t$e 5ey +o& t$e tool
tas5 list ty%e
tas5 list status
#$e ($e&e0use' list is e-ecute' )y %&essing t$e )utton .
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$aster data
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3.1.'.2 Replacing production resources#tools # mass change
=se t$is t&ansaction to &e%lace a ce&tain %&o'uction &esou&ce/tool in se*e&al o& all ins%ection %lans.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Pro%uction
resources*ools /eplace (C67))
2n t$e initial sc&een ente&
t$e 5ey +o& a tool ;($ic$ s$oul' )e &e%lace'<
tas5 list ty%e
tas5 list status.
P&ess t$e )utton to 'is%lay a ($e&e0use' list +o& t$e selecte' %&o'uction &esou&ce/tool.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 36
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$aster data
!ia t$e menu %at$ Settings /eplace 4ith an' )y c$oosing a ty%e o+ %&o'uction &esou&ce/tool you
(ill &ecei*e t$e +ollo(ing sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 39
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$aster data
,nte& t$e 5ey +o& t$e ne( %&o'uction &esou&ce/tool an' a %lant.
P&ess t$e )utton to get )ac5 to t$e ($e&e0use' list.
3&om t$e ($e&e0use' list c$oose t$e o%e&ations ($e&e t$e %&o'uction &esou&ce/tool s$oul' )e
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
A+te&(a&'s %&ess t$e )utton to &e%lace t$e %&o'uction &esou&ce/tool in t$ese o%e&ations.
+ t$e tool s$oul' )e &e%lace' in all o%e&ations, use t$e menu %at$ )dit Selections Select all
P&Ts to ma&5 all o%e&ations.
A+te&(a&'s %&ess t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 39
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$aster data
3.1.) $aster inspection characteristics
ns%ection c$a&acte&istics 'esc&i)e ($at s$oul' )e c$ec5e'. #$ey 'e+ine ins%ection &e/uests +o&
mate&ials o& %&o'ucts. #o ma5e ins%ection %lanning mo&e com+o&ta)le, ins%ection c$a&acte&istics can
)e c&eate' as maste& 'ata calle' maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics. As an a'*antage ins%ection
c$a&acte&istics 'o not $a*e to )e c&eate' +o& eac$ ins%ection %lan. 6aste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics
can )e &e+e&ence' o& co%ie' to ins%ection %lans.
Anot$e& a'*antage +o& maintaining ins%ection c$a&acte&istics is, t$at ($e&e0use' lists a&e c&eate' an'
maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics can )e &e%lace' using a mass c$ange ;i+ t$ey $a*e )een
#$e +ollo(ing c$a%te&s 'esc&i)e, $o( maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics a&e c&eate', c$ange',
'is%laye' o& 'elete'.
3.1.).1 Creating master inspection characteristics
=se t$e t&ansaction to c&eate maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning $asic %ata Inspection
characteristic Create (QS,1)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 40
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$aster data
%lant G %lant *ali' +o& t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic. t $as to )e ente&e' ($en c&eating one.
6aste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic G "um)e& o+ t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic. #$e num)e& is
allocate' manually.
1.02. 'igit ,$
3. 'igit 8
4.0F. 'igit se!uential number
e.g. Q60000099
!ali' +&om G 'ate, +&om ($ic$ t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic is *ali'
Class c$a&acte&istic G + you (ant to lin5 a class c$a&acte&istic an' a maste& ins%ection
c$a&acte&istic, ente& t$e num)e& o+ t$e class c$a&acte&istic. #$is means, ins%ection &esults a&e
$an'e' o*e& to )atc$ classi+ication. #$is 'ata +iel' is not use' at Continental #e*es.
Data to co%y +&om, i+ nee'e'
A+te& ente&ing 'ata on t$e initial sc&een, %&ess to &eac$ t$e ne-t sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 41
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$aster data
%&eset in'icato&s G use' as in%ut $el%. t contains 'e+ault %a&amete&s +o& cont&ol in'icato&s.
Quantitati*e / Qualitati*e c$a&acte&istic G + t$e %&eset in'icato& is not use', t$ese +lags in'icate ($ic$
5in' o+ c$a&acte&istic it is.
Dene&al in+o&mation
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 42
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Status G Cont&ols ($et$e& t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic may )e use'. Set to B2C i+ t$e
usage s$oul' )e allo(e'.
7anguage 5ey G language use' +o& te-ts
S$o&t te-t G 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic
Sea&c$ +iel' G te-tI use' +o& matc$co'e sea&c$
nte&nal c$a&acte&istics 'esc&i%tion G may )e use' to ente& an a''itional c$a&acte&istic 'esc&i%tion
A''itional in+o&mation
Aut$o&i8ation g&ou% G use' to cont&ol aut$o&i8ation +o& t$is t&ansaction
ns%ecto& /uali+ication G use' to c$ec5 t$e /uali+ication o+ an ins%ecto&
3&action calculation G 'ist&i)ution 5ey
:eig$ting o+ c$a&acte&istic G in'icating t$e im%o&tance o+ a c$a&acte&istic.
n+o +iel's G 'ata +iel's +o& a''itional in+o&mation
P&ess .
Sc&eens +o& cont&ol in'icato&s a&e s$o(n. #$ey 'e%en' on t$e 5in' o+ c$a&acte&istic i+ it is a /ualitati*e
o& /uantitati*e c$a&acte&istic.
n t$e +ollo(ing sections t$e maintenance o+ /uantitati*e an' /ualitati*e c$a&acte&istics is 'esc&i)e',
as it is 'one ($en c&eating o& c$anging maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics. #$e maintenance is
in+luence' )y t$e 5in' o+ c$a&acte&istic. @ecause o+ t$is t$e %&oce'u&e +o& )ot$ 5in's o+ c$a&acte&istics
is 'esc&i)e' se%a&ately.
,uantitative characteristics
Quantitati*e c$a&acte&istics a&e *a&ia)le c$a&acte&istics, +o& ($ic$ nume&ical measu&e' *alues can )e
Cont&ol in'icato&s
Succee'ing t$e cont&ol in'icato&s +o& /uantitati*e c$a&acte&istics.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 43
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$aster data
Cont&ol in'icato& sc&een 1
7o(e& s%eci+ication limit.
+ t$is +lag is set, a lo(e& s%eci+ication limit $as to )e ente&e' in t$e ins%ection %lan.
=%%e& s%eci+ication limit.
+ t$is +lag is set, an u%%e& s%eci+ication limit $as to )e ente&e' in t$e ins%ection %lan.
C$ec5 ta&get *alue.
+ t$is +lag is set, a ta&get *alue $as to )e ente&e' in t$e ins%ection %lan. #$e system c$ec5s
automatically i+ t$e ta&get *alue lies (it$in t$e tole&ances.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 44
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$aster data
Sam%ling %&oce'u&e.
A sam%ling %&oce'u&e $a*e to )e assigne' to t$e c$a&acte&istic in t$e ins%ection %lan. #$e sam%ling
%&oce'u&e 'ete&mine t$e ins%ection sco%e an' *aluation mo'e ;att&i)uti*e, *a&ia)le, manual, L< +o&
t$e &esult &eco&'ing. + you 'on1t assign a sam%ling %&oce'u&e a 100H ins%ection ta5es %lace.
A''iti*e sam%le.
#$e sam%le si8e is inc&ease' )y t$e /uantity t$at is &e/ui&e' +o& t$e ins%ection o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic. t
is set, e.g., i+ ins%ections a&e ca&&ie' out on %a&allel.
SPC c$a&acte&istic.
De+ines ($et$e& a cont&ol c$a&t $as to )e &un ;t$e +lag +o& sam%ling %&oce'u&e is man'ato&y<.
Dest&ucti*e ins%ection.
n'icates c$a&acte&istics, ($ic$ use a 'est&ucti*e ins%ection ;'est&ucte' /uantity (ill )e %oste' M#o
sam%le usage in in*ento&y management<.
Summa&i8e' &eco&'ing.
#$e &eco&'ing &esults o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic a&e maintaine' as summa&y *alue.
Single &esult.
#$e single &eco&'ing &esults a&e maintaine' in t$e system ;measu&e' *alues, co'es,...<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
"o c$a&acte&istics &eco&'ing.
"o ins%ection &esults a&e ente&e'.
Classe' &eco&'ing.
#$e ins%ection &esults o+ a c$a&acte&istic a&e ente&e' as classe' *alues.
De+ects &eco&'ing.
+ t$is +lag is set, a 'e+ects &eco&'ing is ca&&ie' out ($en &eAecting t$e c$a&acte&istic. P&e&e/uisite +o&
an automatic 'e+ect &eco&'ing is, t$at a 'e+ect co'e ;+&om catalog 9 N 'e+ect ty%es< is ente&e' in t$e
ins%ection %lan. + no 'e+ect co'e is ente&e', a (a&ning message (ill a%%ea& at sa*ing t$e ins%ection
Re/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic.
Results $a*e to )e &eco&'e' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic )e+o&e a usage 'ecision can )e ca&&ie' out.
2%tional c$a&acte&istic.
Results 'o not $a*e to )e &eco&'e' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic )e+o&e a usage 'ecision can )e ca&&ie' out.
A+te& acce%tance.
#$is +lag is use' +o& con'itional c$a&acte&istics. #$is c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' only i+ t$e
%&e*ious &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation $as )een *aluate' BAC ;acce%tance<. #$e +lag
is use' e.g. +o& e-%ensi*e ins%ections, t$ese a&e ca&&ie' out only ($en t$e +o&me& c$a&acte&istic $as
)een acce%te'.
A+te& &eAection.
#$is +lag is use' +o& con'itional c$a&acte&istics. #$is c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' only i+ t$e
%&e*ious &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation $as )een *aluate' BRC ;&eAection<.
,.g.. + a *isual ins%ection 'etects a )u&&, t$e c$a&acte&istic $as to )e &eAecte'. A con'itional
c$a&acte&istic may )e use' +o& a 'etaile' ins%ection o+ t$e )u&& an' may &esult in an acce%tance a+te&
A+te& +illing out cont&ol in'icato& sc&een 1 %&ess to 'is%lay t$e secon' cont&ol in'icato& sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 46
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Sco%e not +i-e'.
#$e ins%ection sco%e is not c$ec5e' at &esults &eco&'ing. #$e num)e& o+ %a&ts to )e ins%ecte' $as to
)e 'ete&mine' )y t$e ins%ecto&.
3i-e' sco%e.
#$e ins%ection sco%e $as to )e 5e%t e-actly at &esults &eco&'ing. ;+ t$e ins%ection lot /uantity is less
t$an t$e ins%ection sco%e, t$en t$e ins%ection lot /uantity is 'e+ine' as t$e ins%ection sco%e.<
Smalle& sco%e.
Sam%le /uantity may )e smalle& t$an t$e calculate' ins%ection sco%e ($en &eco&'ing &esults.
7a&ge& sco%e.
Sam%le /uantity may )e la&ge& t$an t$e calculate' ins%ection sco%e ($en &eco&'ing &esults.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 49
Automotive Systems

$aster data
"o 'ocumentation.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults no a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' as 'ocumentation.
Documentation i+ &eAecte'.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults an a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' as 'ocumentation i+ t$e c$a&acte&istic
$as )een &eAecte'.
Documentation &e/ui&e'.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults an a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' in any case as 'ocumentation.
7ong0te&m ins%ection.
t is allo(e' to ma5e a usage 'ecision e*en i+ t$e &esults $a*e not )een &eco&'e' yet ;e.g. ins%ection
ta5es %lace 'u&ing a long %e&io' o+ time<. 3o& suc$ c$a&acte&istics it is %ossi)le to &eco&' &esults an'
'e+ects e*en i+ t$e =D (as al&ea'y ma'e.
Sc&a% s$a&e/Q0sco&e.
De+ines ($et$e& t$e +&action o+ noncon+o&ming units +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic is ta5en into account ($en
t$e sc&a% s$a&e +o& t$e ins%ection lot is calculate'. t is use' to calculate t$e Q0sco&e ;#$e Q0sco&e is
not use' at Continental #e*es<.
RR c$ange 'ocs.
:$en &eco&'ing o& c$anging t$e &esults c$ange 'ocuments a&e c&eate' o& u%'ate'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#est e/ui%ment assignment.
#est e/ui%ments ($ic$ $a*e to )e use' +o& &esult &eco&'ing can )e assigne' to t$is c$a&acte&istic
;e.g. cali%e&<.
2n o%e&ation le*el all &e/ui&e' %&o'uction &esou&ces/tools +o& all c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e o%e&ation a&e
assigne' using t$e mate&ial num)e& o+ t$e %&o'uction &esou&ces/tools ;test e/ui%ments<.
2n c$a&acte&istics le*el t$e &e/ui&e' %&o'uction &esou&ces/tools ;test e/ui%ments< +o& t$is
c$a&acte&istic a&e assigne' .
Reco&' measu&e' *alues.
3lag $as to )e set, i+ single measu&e' *alues $a*e to )e &eco&'e' an' con+i&me' +o& t$is
+ t$e +lag is set, a ce&tain num)e& o+ single measu&e' *alues $as to )e con+i&me'.
+ t$e +lag is not set, no single measu&e' *alues can )e con+i&me'. 2nly t$e mean *alue an' t$e
stan'a&' 'e*iation can )e con+i&me'.
Calculate' c$a&acte&istic.
#$e &esults a&e not 'ete&mine' )y ins%ecting t$e c$a&acte&istic, )ut )y calculation +&om &esults o+
c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e same o%e&ation ;+lag Reco&' measu&e' *alues $as to )e set<
A0 N %a&amete& ; $e&e. single measu&e' *alue<
0010 N c$a&acte&istic, +&om ($ic$ t$e *alue is ta5en ;$e&e. c$a&acte&istic 0010<.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction.
Do not %&int.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill not )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction.
Do not %&int at s5i%.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction i+ t$e&e is no s5i%.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 49
Automotive Systems

$aster data
,uantitative data and tolerance 2ey
2n t$e ne-t ste% t$e /uantitati*e 'ata is maintaine' +o& t$e c$a&acte&istic. 3u&t$e&mo&e tole&ance limits
a&e set.
C$oose t$e menu %at$ *oto uantitative +ata o& %&ess t$e )utton .
#$e sc&een +o& /uantitati*e 'ata (ill )e 'is%laye'. :$ic$ 'ata +iel's a&e o%ene' +o& in%ut 'e%en's on
cont&ol in'icato&s set +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic. + maintaine' e.g. cont&ol in'icato&s +o& use o+ lo(e& an'
u%%e& limits, all 'ata +iel's +o& maintaining t$ese limits a&e 'is%laye'.
#$e most im%o&tant 'ata +iel's a&e 'esc&i)e' )elo(.
Decimal %laces G %&ecision use' +o& *alues. + no *alue is ente&e', t$e system assumes 0 'ecimal
6easu&ement unit G measu&ement unit +o& *alues ;e.g. ta&get *alue, tole&ances<.
#a&get *alue G #$e measu&e' *alue o+ a /uantitati*e c$a&acte&istic s$oul' not 'i++e& +&om t$is *alue.
#ole&ance 5ey G #$ese 5ey may contain ta&get *alue, measu&ement unit, 'ecimal %laces an'
tole&ances. t is use' to 'e+ine tole&ances +o& c$a&acte&istics cent&ally.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?0
Automotive Systems

$aster data
7o(e&/=%%e& limit G 7o(e& / u%%e& limit +o& a measu&e' *alue o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic. !alues o++ limits
ma5e t$e ins%ection &e+use t$e *aluation )y M&eAecte'1.
As 'esc&i)e' a tole&ance 5ey can )e use' as an in%ut $el%. + a tole&ance 5ey is use', its *alues a&e
ta5en o*e& into t$e sc&een. #$e *alues can )e c$ange'.
3&om t$e menu c$oose 8oto olerance 1ey
C$oose a tole&ance 5ey +&om t$e list )y 'ou)le0clic5ing on it.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?1
Automotive Systems

$aster data
,ualitative characteristic
Qualitati*e c$a&acte&istics a&e att&i)uti*e c$a&acte&istics t$at cannot )e measu&e' )y nume&ical
Cont&ol in'icato&s
Cont&ol in'icato&s +o& /ualitati*e c$a&acte&istics a&e s$o(n )elo(.
Cont&ol in'icato&s sc&een 1
C$a&acte&istics att&i)ute.
#$e c$a&acte&istic is att&i)uti*e an' &e+e&s to a catalog.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?2
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Sam%ling %&oce'u&e.
A sam%ling %&oce'u&e $a*e to )e assigne' to t$e c$a&acte&istic in t$e ins%ection %lan. #$e sam%ling
%&oce'u&e 'ete&mine t$e ins%ection sco%e an' *aluation mo'e ;att&i)uti*e, *a&ia)le, manual, L< +o&
t$e &esult &eco&'ing. + you 'on1t assign a sam%ling %&oce'u&e a 100H ins%ection ta5es %lace.
A''iti*e sam%le
#$e sam%le si8e is inc&ease' )y t$e /uantity t$at is &e/ui&e' +o& t$e ins%ection o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic. t
is set, e.g., i+ ins%ections a&e ca&&ie' out %a&allel.
SPC c$a&acte&istic.
De+ines ($et$e& a cont&ol c$a&t is to )e &un ;t$e +lag +o& sam%ling %&oce'u&e is man'ato&y<.
Dest&ucti*e ins%ection.
n'icates c$a&acte&istics, ($ic$ use a 'est&ucti*e ins%ection ;'est&ucte' /uantity (ill )e %oste' M#o
sam%le usage1 in in*ento&y management<.
Reco&'ing t$e num)e& o+ 'e+ects.
n t$e &esults &eco&'ing, you can ente& t$e num)e& o+ noncon+o&ming units and t$e num)e& o+ 'e+ects.
:$en using sam%ling %&oce'u&es +o& incoming ins%ections maintaine' in t$e system, a con+i&mation
o+ 'e+ect is not %ossi)le, )ecause t$ese sam%ling %&oce'u&es contain an ins%ection )ase' u%on
'e+ecti*e %a&ts.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?3
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Summa&i8e' &eco&'ing.
#$e &eco&'ing &esults o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic a&e maintaine' as a summa&y *alue.
Single &esult.
#$e single &eco&'ing &esults a&e maintaine' in t$e system ;measu&e' *alues, co'es,...<.
"o c$a&acte&istics &eco&'ing.
"o ins%ection &esults a&e ente&e'.
Classe' &eco&'ing.
#$e ins%ection &esults o+ a c$a&acte&istic a&e ente&e' as classe' *alues.
De+ects &eco&'ing.
+ t$is +lag is set, a 'e+ects &eco&'ing is ca&&ie' out ($en &eAecting t$e c$a&acte&istic. P&e&e/uisite +o&
an automatic 'e+ect &eco&'ing is, t$at a 'e+ect co'e ;+&om catalog 9 N 'e+ect ty%es< is ente&e' in t$e
ins%ection %lan. + no 'e+ect co'e is ente&e', a (a&ning message (ill a%%ea& at sa*ing t$e ins%ection
Re/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic.
Results $a*e to )e &eco&'e' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic )e+o&e a usage 'ecision can )e ca&&ie' out.
2%tional c$a&acte&istic.
Results 'o not $a*e to )e &eco&'e' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic )e+o&e a usage 'ecision can )e ca&&ie' out.
A+te& acce%tance.
#$is +lag is use' +o& con'itional c$a&acte&istics. #$is c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' only, i+ t$e
%&e*ious &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation $as )een *aluate' BAC ;acce%tance<. #$e +lag
is use' e.g. +o& e-%ensi*e ins%ections, ($ic$ a&e ca&&ie' out only ($en t$e +o&me& c$a&acte&istic $as
)een acce%te'.
A+te& &eAection.
#$is +lag is use' +o& con'itional c$a&acte&istics. #$is c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' only, i+ t$e
%&e*ious &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation $as )een *aluate' BRC ;&eAection<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?4
Automotive Systems

$aster data
,.g.. + a *isual ins%ection 'etects a )u&&, t$e c$a&acte&istic $as to )e &eAecte'. A con'itional
c$a&acte&istic may )e use' +o& a 'etaile' ins%ection o+ t$e )u&& an' may &esult in an acce%tance a+te&
A+te& +illing out cont&ol in'icato& sc&een 1 %&ess to 'is%lay t$e secon' cont&ol in'icato& sc&een. #$is
sc&een is simila& to t$e sc&een o+ /uantitati*e c$a&acte&istics. #$e 'ata +iel's Reco&' measu&e' *alues
an' Calculate' c$a&acte&istics a&e )lan5e' out.
Sco%e not +i-e'.
#$e ins%ection sco%e is not c$ec5e' at &esults &eco&'ing. #$e num)e& o+ %a&ts to )e ins%ecte' $as to
)e 'ete&mine' )y t$e ins%ecto&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ??
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3i-e' sco%e.
#$e ins%ection sco%e $as to )e 5e%t e-actly at &esults &eco&'ing. ;+ t$e ins%ection lot /uantity is less
t$an t$e ins%ection sco%e, t$en t$e ins%ection lot /uantity is 'e+ine' as t$e ins%ection sco%e.<
Smalle& sco%e.
#$e ins%ection sco%e may )e smalle& t$an t$e calculate' ins%ection sco%e at &esults &eco&'ing.
7a&ge& sco%e.
#$e ins%ection sco%e may )e la&ge& t$an t$e calculate' ins%ection sco%e at &esults &eco&'ing.
"o 'ocumentation.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults no a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' as 'ocumentation.
Documentation i+ &eAecte'.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults an a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' as 'ocumentation, i+ t$e c$a&acte&istic
$as )een &eAecte'.
Documentation &e/ui&e'.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults an a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' in any case as 'ocumentation.
7ong0te&m ins%ection.
t is allo(e' to ma5e a usage 'ecision, e*en i+ t$e &esults $a*e not )een &eco&'e' yet ;e.g. ins%ection
ta5es %lace 'u&ing a long %e&io' o+ time<. 3o& suc$ c$a&acte&istics it is %ossi)le to &eco&' &esults an'
'e+ects e*en i+ t$e =D (as al&ea'y ma'e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?6
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Sc&a% s$a&e/Q0sco&e.
De+ines ($et$e& t$e +&action o+ noncon+o&ming units +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic is ta5en into account, ($en
t$e sc&a% s$a&e +o& t$e ins%ection lot is calculate'. t is use' to calculate t$e Q0sco&e ;#$e Q0sco&e is
not use' at Continental #e*es<.
RR c$ange 'ocs.
:$en &eco&'ing o& c$anging &esults, c$ange 'ocuments a&e c&eate' o& u%'ate'.
#est e/ui%ment assignment.
#est e/ui%ments ($ic$ $a*e to )e use' +o& &esults &eco&'ing can )e assigne' to t$is c$a&acte&istic
;e.g. cali%e&<.
2n o%e&ation le*el all &e/ui&e' %&o'uction &esou&ces/tools +o& all c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e o%e&ation a&e
assigne' using t$e mate&ial num)e& o+ t$e %&o'uction &esou&ces/tools ;test e/ui%ments<.
2n c$a&acte&istics le*el t$e &e/ui&e' %&o'uction &esou&ces/tools ;test e/ui%ments< +o& t$is
c$a&ate&istic a&e assigne'.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction.
Do not %&int.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill not )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction.
Do not %&int at s5i%.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction i+ t$e&e is no s5i%.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?9
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Catalog assignment
Co'e g&ou%s o& selecte' sets an' e*en single co'es can )e allocate' to 'e+ect co'es in case o+
n t$is case c$oose +&om t$e menu 8oto Catalogs .or the characteristic o& %&ess t$e )utton
($en (o&5ing on a c$a&acte&istic.
$aintaining te=ts in other languages
A''itionally s$o&t an' long te-t may )e maintaine' in 'i++e&ent languages.
C$oose +&om t$e menu ?oto additional languages
o& %&ess t$e )utton o+ a c$a&acte&istic.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.).2 Changing # displaying master inspection characteristics
=se t$e +ollo(ing %at$ to c$ange o& 'is%lay a maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning 2aster %ata Inspection
characteristic Change * Display -,S23#,S2".
2n t$e initial sc&een ente& %lant an' maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic. Con+i&m $itting to 'is%lay t$e
c$a&acte&istics sc&een. #$e&e you a&e a)le to c$ange t$e 'ata.
Sa*e you& c$anges %&essing t$e )utton ;Sa*e<.
3.1.).3 &eleting a master inspection characteristic
A maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic may )e 'elete' using t$e +ollo(ing %at$.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning 2aster %ata Inspection
characteristic Delete (QS,))
2n t$e initial sc&een ente& %lant an' maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic.
A+te&(a&'s %&ess t$e )utton . #$e gene&al 'ata (ill )e s$o(n.
#o 'elete it, %&ess t$e )utton .
Con+i&m t$e %o%0u%.
A maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic can only )e 'elete' i+ t$e usage in'icato& is not set +o& any
*e&sion o+ t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic ;i.e. it $as ne*e& )een use' in a tas5 list,
mate&ial s%eci+ication o& ce&ti+icate %&o+ile<. + it $as )een use', all lin5s to t$ese o)Aects $a*e to
)e 'elete' an' t$e status o+ t$e c$a&acte&istic $as to )e c$ange' to +eletion flag. #$e
c$a&acte&istic (ill )e 'elete' )y t$e ne-t a&c$i*ing session.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?9
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.)." 7here8used list of master inspection characteristics
#$is ($e&e0use' list can )e use' to 'is%lay all ins%ection %lans using a s%eci+ic maste& ins%ection
Logistics Quality management Quality planning 2aster %ata Inspection
characteristic 0here5use% list (QS,9)
A+te& ente&ing c$a&acte&istics num)e& an' %lant %&ess t$e )utton to 'is%lay a list o+ all
ins%ection %lans ($e&e t$e c$a&acte&istic is use'.
#$e list contains ins%ection %lans an' t$ei& o%e&ations using t$e c$a&acte&istic.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 60
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.).' Replacing master inspection characteristics
=se t$is +unction to &e%lace maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics in some o& all ins%ection %lans.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning 2aster %ata Inspection
characteristic /eplace (QS,7)
2n t$e initial sc&een ente& t$e c$a&acte&istic you (ant to &e%lace an' t$e ne( c$a&acte&istic. P&ess t$e
)utton to 'is%lay a ($e&e0use' list +o& t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic you (ant to
6a&5 t$e o%e&ations in ($ic$ t$e ol' c$a&acte&istic s$oul' )e &e%lace'. + you (ant to &e%lace it in all
o%e&ations, %&ess t$e )utton ;select all<. A+te&(a&'s &e%lace it in t$e selecte' o%e&ations )y
%&essing t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 61
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.4 ,$ vie( of the material master record
#$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' o+ SAP R/3 is s%litte' into 'i++e&ent *ie(s. #$e Q6 *ie( e-%an's t$e
gene&al 'ata an' contains /uality &e/ui&ements li5e e.g. ins%ection ty%es o& ce&ti+icate ty%e. #$e Q6
*ie( is %lant0s%eci+ic.
P&e&e/uisite +o& maintaining a Q6 *ie( is, t$at a mate&ial maste& &eco&' e-ists. .e. mate&ial num)e&
an' gene&al 'ata a&e maintaine' in SAP R/3.
n+o&mation a)out ne(ly c&eate' mate&ial maste& &eco&'s in t$e local system is gi*en to t$e %e&son
&es%onsi)le +o& maintaining maste& 'ata )y (o&5+lo(s. #$e Q6 *ie( can )e c&eate' +&om t$is
(o&5+lo(. $aintaining a ,$ vie(
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Logistics 2aster Data
2aterial Create * Change (2201 * 220,)
6ate&ial G 6ate&ial num)e& e-isting in SAP R/3. #$e mate&ial num)e& is man'ato&y.
n'ust&y secto& G #$e in'ust&y secto& is %a&t o+ t$e gene&al 'ata an' 'oes not $a*e to )e ente&e'.
6ate&ial ty%e G #$e mate&ial ty%e is ta5en +&om t$e gene&al 'ata, too.
C$ange num)e& G "um)e& i'enti+ying a uni/ue c$ange maste& &eco&'.
Co%y +&om G =se' to co%y Q6 'ata +&om anot$e& mate&ial.
,nte& t$e mate&ial num)e& +o& ($ic$ you (oul' li5e to maintain t$e Q6 *ie(.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 62
Automotive Systems

$aster data
an' c$oose a %lant.
#$e Q6 *ie( (ill )e s$o(n.
>ou can sa*e t$e *ie( selection an' o&gani8ational le*els )y %&essing t$e )utton on
t$e 'esi&e' sc&een.
#o )lan5 t$ese sc&eens in t$e +utu&e, ma&5 t$e o%tions an'
P&esetting t$e *ie( selection an' o&gani8ational le*els
t is %ossi)le to %&eset t$e *ie( selection an' o&gani8ational le*els.
+efault ,ie$s... or -rgani.ational levels...
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 63
Automotive Systems

$aster data
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 64
Automotive Systems

$aster data
=se t$e o%tions an' to use t$e %&esetting ($en
c&eating o& c$anging Q6 *ie(s in t$e +utu&e.
#$e %&esetting can )e c$ange' at any time i+ 'i++e&ent *alues a&e ente&e'.
3o& a single c$ange co&&ect t$e %&esetting using t$e )uttons . :$en
c&eating o& c$anging 'ata again, t$e system (ill use t$e sa*e' %&esetting again.
?eneral data -1he data fields used at Continental 1eves are highlighted.
@ase unit o+ measu&e G unit o+ measu&e in ($ic$ t$e stoc5 o+ a mate&ial is manage'. t (ill )e +ille'
+&om t$e gene&al 'ata *ie(.
=nit o+ issue G unit o+ measu&e use' +o& goo's issues
Plant s%eci+ic mate&ial status G %lant0s%eci+ic in'icato& &est&icting t$e use o+ a mate&ial.
?R processing time G Doo's &ecei%t %&ocessing time maintaine' )y %u&c$asing on t$e
%u&c$asing *ie(I num)e& o+ 'ays nee'e' +o& ins%ectionI i+ a long ins%ection %e&io' is necessa&y,
ente& t$e estimate' ins%ection 'u&ation. #$is time is ta5en into account in mate&ial &e/ui&ement
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Catalog %&o+ile G %&o+ile use' +o& P6 an' Q6 noti+ications.
Q6 mate&ial aut$o&i8ation G &est&icting access o+ mate&ial s%eci+ic 'ata to ce&tain use&s
ost to inspection stoc2 @ De+ines i+ t$e mate&ial is ins%ecte' ;(it$out ins%ection lot %&ocessing<
an' t$e goo's &ecei%t is %oste' to t$e ins%ection stoc5. #$is +lag is ta5en o*e& to %u&c$ase items
an' goo's &ecei%t items as a 'e+ault. t is set automatically i+ ins%ection ty%es a&e acti*ate'.
&ocumentation re!uired @ C$anges to ins%ection lots an' usage 'ecisions a&e 'ocumente'.
Inspection setup @ + t$is +lag is set, Q6 ins%ection 'ata e-ists on t$e mate&ial in t$e maintaine'
%lant .
ns%ection inte&*al G #ime inte&*al +o& &eins%ection
rocurement data
,$ procurement active G + t$is +lag is set, Q6 %&ocu&ement +o& all %lants o+ a client is acti*e. 2n
%lant le*el a cont&ol 5ey $as to )e maintaine'. + Q6 %&ocu&ement s$oul' not )e use', ins%ection
ty%es $a*e to )e 'eacti*ate' an' t$e cont&ol 5ey an' t$e +lag +o& BQ6 %&ocu&ement acti*eC $as to
)e 'elete'. ns%ection ty%es s$oul' not )e 'eacti*ate' i+ o%en %u&c$ase o&'e&s e-ist. @ecause
Q6 %&ocu&ement (as acti*e ($en c&eating t$e %u&c$ase o&'e&, a /uality ins%ection s$oul' )e
ca&&ie' out e*en i+ t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' 'oes not &e/ui&e it. #$e&e+o&e o%en %u&c$ase o&'e&s
s$oul' )e close' +i&st )e+o&e 'eacti*ating Q6 %&ocu&ement. + a status %&o+ile is set in t$e /uality
in+o &eco&', a (a&ning message (ill a%%ea& ($en 'eacti*ating Q6 %&ocu&ement.
,$ control 2ey G #$e Q6 cont&ol 5ey 'e+ines /uality &e/ui&ements +o& a mate&ial. #$ese can )e
&e/ui&ements conce&ning t$e *en'o&, e.g. a''ing ce&ti+icates ($en 'eli*e&ing, o& conce&ning t$e
%u&c$ase& ;a''ing /uality &e/ui&ement 'ocuments<. + a &elease is necessa&y, t$e com)ination o+
*en'o& an' mate&ial $as to )e &elease' ;/uality in+o &eco&'<. + Q6 %&ocu&ement is acti*e, a cont&ol
5ey $as to )e ente&e' on %lant le*el ;you cannot sa*e (it$out t$e cont&ol 5ey<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 66
Automotive Systems

$aster data
=sage o+ cont&ol 5eys.
Ct&lKey S$o&t te-t Desc&i%tion
0001 !en'o& &elease Quality in+o &eco&' man'ato&yI t$is is t$e usual cont&ol 5eyJ
0002 !en'o& &elease, tec$. 'eli*e&y te&ms Quality in+o &eco&' an' tec$nical 'eli*e&y te&ms necessa&y
+ t$is cont&ol 5ey is use', a 'ocument +o& tec$nical 'eli*e&y te&ms
$as to )e maintaine'. #$e +lag B#ec$. 'eli*e&y te&msC (ill )e set
0003 !en'.&elease,tec$.'el.te&ms,QA ag&eem. Quality in+o &eco&', tec$nical 'eli*e&y te&ms an' QA ag&eement
+ t$is 5ey is use', not only a 'ocument (it$ tec$nical 'eli*e&y
te&ms $as to e-ist, )ut a''itionally a QA ag&eement (it$ t$e
*en'o& $as to )e maintaine'. t is maintaine' in t$e /uality in+o
0004 !en'.&el,#ec$Del#.,QA ag&eement, ce&ti+. Quality in+o &eco&', tec$nical 'eli*e&y te&ms, QA ag&eement an'
ce&ti+icates a&e necessa&y
A''itionally a ce&ti+icate ty%e $as to )e maintaine'.
000? !en'o& &elease, ce&ti+icate =sage %ossi)le.
0006 Deli*e&y &elease, 'ocumentation &e/ui&e' #$is 5ey s$oul' not )e use', )ecause it is not su%%o&te' )y t$e
0009 Deli*e&y &elease, in*oice )loc5 "ot +o& use in Q6.
FFFF !en'o& )loc5 inacti*e @loc5 set in t$e /uality in+o &eco&' is 'eacti*ate'. #$e )loc5
+unction o+ t$e /uality in+o &eco&' 'oes not )loc5 a mate&ial0
*en'o&0com)ination ;Customi8ing<.
9999 All +unctions acti*e (it$ e&&o& message =sage not %ossi)le
Certificate type
#$e ce&ti+icate ty%e 'e+ines t$e ce&ti+icate t$e *en'o& $as to a'' to t$e 'eli*e&y. + you ente& a
ce&ti+icate, you s$oul' c$oose a cont&ol 5ey using ce&ti+icates, ot$e&(ise t$e ente&e' 'ata is o+ no
use. #$e in%ut +iel' is acti*ate' )y t$e cont&ol 5ey. + a ce&ti+icate is necessa&y, you (ill )e as5e'
+o& it ($en %osting t$e goo's &ecei%t.
#a&get Q6 system.
#$is 5ey an' its 'esc&i%tion 'e+ines t$e &e/ui&ements +o& t$e Q6 system o+ t$e *en'o&.
:$en ca&&ying out %u&c$asing +unctions li5e in/ui&ies o& %u&c$ase o&'e&s t$e system c$ec5s i+ t$e
Q6 system o+ t$e *en'o& meets t$e &e/ui&ements ente&e' in t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&'
;customi8ing ta)le<. + it 'oes not meet t$e &e/ui&ements, a %u&c$ase o&'e& cannot )e c&eate'
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 69
Automotive Systems

$aster data
C$ec5e' using.
Logistics 2aterial management Purchasing 2aster %ata +en%or
Central Change(:;0,)
,nte& *en'o& an' %lantI ma&5 allI c$oose secon' %ageI Q6 system
#ec$nical 'eli*e&y te&ms
#$is +lag in'icates t$at tec$nical 'eli*e&y te&ms a&e allocate'.
#$e +lag is set automatically i+ t$e SAP 'ocument management system is acti*e an' an
co&&es%on'ing cont&ol 5ey is set. #ec$nical 'eli*e&y te&ms can )e %&inte' ($en %&ocessing
%u&c$ase o&'e&s.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Logistics 2aster Data
2aterial echnical %eli#ery terms Create (Q+11)
Document ty%es
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Inspection data
P&ess t$e )utton to 'is%lay a (in'o( containing ins%ection ty%es. ns%ection ty%es
a&e use' to cont&ol necessa&y ins%ections. Se*e&al 'i++e&ent ins%ection ty%es may )e *ali' at a time.
#o ente& ne( ins%ection ty%e acti*ate t$e ta)le %&essing t$e )utton .
#$e +ollo(ing ins%ection ty%es can )e use'.
ns%ection ty%es +o& incoming ins%ections.
01, 0101 un' 0102
ns%ection ty%es use' in %&o'uction.
9, 9 un' 1?
ns%ection ty%es +o& goo's issues.
10, 11 un' 12
The default values sho$n as detailed information on the inspection types should not be
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 69
Automotive Systems

$aster data
,*e&y ins%ection ty%e contains 'etaile' in+o&mation. + you ente& a ne( ins%ection ty%e, %&ess .
Post to ins%ection stoc5 G causes %ostings o+ mate&ial to t$e ins%ection stoc5. A mate&ial t&ans+e&
can only )e 'one in Q6 )y a usage 'ecision.
ns%ection +o& 4= G Dete&mines t$at t$e ins%ection lot is not c&eate' )y t$e goo's &ecei%t %osting
)ut ($en a s$i%%ing noti+ication is &ecei*e'.
ns%ection (it$ mate&ial s%eci+ication G + t$is +lag is set, t$e mate&ial ins%ection is )ase' u%on t$e
mate&ial s%eci+ication. #$e ins%ection )y mate&ial s%eci+ication can e-%an' o& e*en &e%lace t$e
ins%ection (it$ tas5 list.
ns%ection (it$ tas5 list G 6eans t$at a tas5 list is necessa&y +o& ins%ection.
ns%ection )y con+igu&ation G + t$is +lag is set, con+igu&ations +&om t$e sales o& %&o'uction o&'e&
may e-%an' o& c$ange ins%ection c$a&acte&istics +&om tas5 lists o& mate&ial s%eci+ications ($en
c&eating an ins%ection lot.
Automatic assignment G t$e system t&ies to allocate a tas5 list automatically. #$is +lag can only )e
set i+ t$e +lag Bns%ection (it$ tas5 listB is set.
ns%ection )y c$a&acte&istics G A &esult &eco&'ing )ase' u%on ins%ection c$a&acte&istics is
necessa&y +o& t$e ins%ection lot. #$e&e+o&e an ins%ection (it$ tas5 list is man'ato&y. ns%ection )y
c$a&acte&istics is a %&e&e/uisite +o& 'ynamic mo'i+ication )ase' u%on c$a&acte&istics. .e. i+
+ynamic modification at material or characteristic level is c$osen, t$e 'ecision on t$e ne-t /uality
le*el 'e%en's u%on t$e *aluation o+ t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic.
Sam%ling %&oce'u&e G #$is 'ata +iel' is use' only, i+ t$e ins%ection is not )ase' u%on a tas5 list. +
you ente& a sam%ling %&oce'u&e, t$e sam%le si8e is calculate' +&om t$e ins%ection lot /uantity.
100H ins%ection G #$e sam%le si8e is e/ual to t$e ins%ection lot /uantity.
ns%ection H G n t$is case t$e sam%le si8e is t$e ente&e' %e&centage o+ t$e ins%ection lot
6anual sam%le calculation G + t$is +lag is set, t$e calculation $as to )e sta&te' manually in t$e
ins%ection lot.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 90
Automotive Systems

$aster data
6anual sam%le ent&y G #$is +lag 'ete&mines, t$at you $a*e to ente& t$e sam%le si8e you&sel+
Dynamic mo'i+ication &ule G #$is 'ata +iel' is use' only, i+ t$e ins%ection is not )ase' u%on a tas5
list.0 + a 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule $as )een ente&e', t$e /uality le*el (ill )e 'ete&mine' )y
mate&ial, %lant an' ins%ection ty%e. #$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication c&ite&ia is 'ete&mine' using t$e
ins%ection lot o&igin ($en maintaining t$e /uality le*el ;automatically<.
S5i%s allo(e' G S5i%s a&e allo(e' ($en calculating t$e sam%le si8e. + all c$a&acte&istics o+ an
ins%ection lot a&e on status s5i%, a s5i% lot (ill )e c&eate'.
Automatic usage 'ecision G + t$is +lag is set, t$e system (ill ta5e usage 'ecisions +o& ins%ection
lots automatically. #$e ins%ection lot $as to +ul+il t$e +ollo(ing con'itions. All c$a&acte&istics a&e
close', no c$a&acte&istic $as )een &eAecte', no 'e+ect an' no /uality noti+ication e-ist, t$e lea'
time ente&e' in customi8ing $as to )e &eac$e'.
Se&ial num)e&s %ossi)le G + t$is +lag is set, t$e ins%ection lot contains in'i*i'ual %ieces (it$ se&ial
num)e&s. 3o& t$e mate&ial t$e se&ial num)e& &e/ui&ement $as to )e set in t$e mate&ial maste&
&e/ui&e' using a se&ial num)e& %&o+ile. 3o& t$e +ollo(ing ins%ection lot o&igins a list o+ se&ial
num)e&s is ta5en o*e& into t$e ins%ection lot. ins%ection )ase' u%on goo's mo*ementsI
ins%ection in %&o'uction.
A*e&age ins%ection 'u&ation G A*e&age ins%ection 'u&ation +o& an ins%ection ty%e in 'ays. + t$e
sta&t 'ate o+ an ins%ection is ente&e', t$e en' 'ate (ill )e calculate' using t$e a*e&age ins%ection
'u&ation. + t$e en' 'ate is ente&e', t$e sta&t 'ate (ill )e calculate'. 7i5e t$e goo's &ecei%t
%&ocessing time t$e a*e&age ins%ection 'u&ation in+luences t$e sc$e'uling o+ sales o&'e&s.
Q0sco&e %&oce'u&e G Co'e' 5ey o+ t$e %&oce'u&e use' to calculate t$e Q0sco&e. #$is most sim%le
%&oce'u&e ta5es o*e& t$e Q0sco&e +&om t$e co'e o+ t$e usage 'ecision. A 'i++e&ent %&oce'u&e
calculates t$e Q0sco&e )ase' u%on t$e sc&a% s$a&e o+ t$e ins%ecte' c$a&acte&istics. Q0sco&e
%&oce'u&es a&e not use' at Continental #e*es at t$e moment.
Allo(e' sc&a% s$a&e G Some Q0sco&e %&oce'u&es nee' a sc&a% s$a&e to calculate t$e Q0sco&e.
Cont&ol ins%ection lot G #$is +lag is use' +o& incoming ins%ections. 3o& a se/uence o+ 'i++e&ent
goo's &ecei%ts an e-isting ins%ection lot may )e e-%an'e' un'e& ce&tain con'itions an' a ne(
ins%ection lot (ill not )e c&eate'.
t may )e use' +o& t$e ins%ection lot o&igins 01, 04, 0?, 0F. 3ollo(ing ent&ies a&e %ossi)le.
2ne ins%ection lot +o& eac$ goo's &ecei%t item G 3o& eac$ goo's &ecei%t item an ins%ection lot
(ill )e c&eate'.
2ne ins%ection lot +o& eac$ %u&c$ase o&'e& item o& %&o'uction o&'e& item an' )atc$ G An
ins%ection lot is c&eate' +o& t$e +i&st goo's &ecei%t o+ a %u&c$ase o&'e& item o& %&o'uction
2ne ins%ection lot +o& eac$ mate&ial 'ocument, mate&ial an' )atc$ G 3o& eac$ mate&ial
'ocument ;+o& eac$ goo's &ecei%t t&ansaction< an' eac$ mate&ial/)atc$ an ins%ection lot (ill
)e c&eate'. #$is may )e t$e case i+ 'i++e&ent %u&c$ase o&'e&s o& 'i++e&ent 'eli*e&ies o+ t$e
same mate&ial a&e %&ocesse' (it$ one goo's &ecei%t %osting.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 91
Automotive Systems

$aster data
2ne ins%ection lot +o& eac$ mate&ial an' )atc$ G 3o& eac$ mate&ial an' )atc$ an ins%ection lot
(ill )e c&eate'. #$is is use+ul i+ mate&ial $as to )e $an'le' in )atc$es.
n'i*i'ual Q6 o&'e& G + t$is +lag is set, an in'i*i'ual Q6 o&'e& +o& eac$ mate&ial / ins%ection ty%e
com)ination is c&eate'.
Q6 o&'e& G in'i*i'ual num)e& o+ t$e Q6 o&'e& use' +o& collecting costs.
Activating an inspection type
Pa&amete&s o+ an ins%ection ty%e a&e acti*ate' ($en t$e co&&es%on'ing +lag is set . $aintaining the ,$ vie( using (or2flo(s
As soon as a ne( %&o'uction mate&ial $as )een c&eate' in a local system ;usually )y t$e %lant c$ange
se&*ice 'e%a&tment<, t$e %e&sons &es%onsi)le +o& Q6 maste& 'ata (ill )e in+o&me' *ia an e-%&ess
mail. #$is means, t$e %o%0u% s$o(n )elo( (ill a%%ea& on sc&een imme'iately a+te& c&eating t$e
maste& &eco&'.
A''itionally a (o&5 item is c&eate' in t$e in)o- +ol'e&.
=se t$e menu < 0or1place In=ox 0or1.lo4 to 'is%lay o%en (o&5 items.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 92
Automotive Systems

$aster data
6a&5 t$e (o&5 item an' %&ess B,-ecuteC o& 'ou)le0clic5 on it to o%en t$e (o&5 item.
#$e t&ansaction to maintain t$e Q6 *ie( (ill )e s$o(n. "ecessa&y %a&amete&s (ill )e set as a 'e+ault
an' can )e c$ange'. Con+i&m t$e sc&een se/uence (it$ B,nte&C.
A+te& c&eating/sa*ing t$e Q6 *ie( t$e %o%0u% s$o(n )elo( (ill )e 'is%laye'.
+ you (ant to close t$e c&eation o+ t$e Q6 *ie(, %&ess t$e )utton . #$e (o&5
item (ill )e 'elete' +&om t$e in)o- +ol'e&. #$e (o&5 item (ill )e 'elete' +o& all use&s t$at $a*e
&ecei*e' t$e (o&5 item.
+ t$e c&eation s$oul' not )e close', %&ess t$e )utton . #$e (o&5 item (ill )e 'is%laye' in
t$e in)o- +ol'e& o+ t$e use& ($o %&ocesse' t$e (o&5 item. #$is use& can continue %&ocessing t$e (o&5
item. @ut it (ill )e 'elete' +&om t$e in)o- +ol'e& o+ all ot$e& use&s ($o $a*e &ecei*e' it.
t is %ossi)le to &eset t$e (o&5 item *ia t$e )utton , so all ;&es%onsi)le< use&s (ill $a*e access to it
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 93
Automotive Systems

$aster data $ass maintenance
$ass change of inspection data for materials
#$e +unction mass c$ange o+ ins%ection 'ata allo(s to c$ange ins%ection 'ata +o& se*e&al ;all< %lants
o& +o& a %&e'e+ine' section o+ maste& 'ata.
=se t$e mass c$ange to acti*ate/'eacti*ate ins%ection 'ata o& to maintain it.
Logistics Quality management Inspection planning Logistics 2aster Data
2aterial Inspection setup (Q60>)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 94
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Activate#deactivate inspection types
0 + t$is +lag is not set, t$e ins%ection ty%e (ill )e acti*ate' +o& t$ose mate&ials
to ($ic$ al&ea'y assigne' it )ut 'eacti*ate' yet.
+ t$is +lag is set, t$e ins%ection ty%e (ill )e acti*ate' +o& all mate&ials e*en i+ it (as not assigne' to
t$em )e+o&e.
0 + t$is +lag is not set, t$e mate&ial (ill )e c$ange' only i+ t$e&e (ill )e no
inconsistency a+te& t$e %&ocessing )et(een 66 stoc5s an' Q6 stoc5s ;(it$out c&eating ins%ection
+ t$e +lag is set, ins%ection lots (ill )e c&eate' to a*oi' inconsistencies i+ necessa&y.
0 + t$is +lag is set, all selecte' mate&ials (ill )e %&ocesse' imme'iately.
+ t$is +lag is not set, a list o+ selecte' mate&ials (ill )e 'is%laye'. 6ate&ials going to )e %&ocesse' can
)e c$osen manually +&om t$is list.
G + t$is +lag is set, c$ange 'ocuments (ill )e c&eate' +o& all c$anges o+
,nte& ins%ection ty%es going to )e acti*ate'/'eacti*ate'
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Continue %&essing ;e-ecute<.
+ t$e +lag is set, all selecte' mate&ials (ill )e %&ocesse' imme'iately. +
t$e +lag is not set, a list o+ selecte' mate&ials (ill )e 'is%laye'. 6ate&ials
going to )e %&ocesse' can )e c$osen manually +&om t$is list.
Single processing
0 + t$is +lag is not set, t$en t$e mate&ial (ill )e c$ange' only i+ t$e&e (ill
)e no inconsistency a+te& t$e %&ocessing )et(een 66 stoc5s an' Q6 stoc5s ;(it$out c&eating
ins%ection lots<.
+ t$e +lag is set, ins%ection lots (ill )e c&eate' to a*oi' inconsistencies i+ necessa&y.
G + t$is +lag is set, c$ange 'ocuments (ill )e c&eate' +o& all c$anges o+
Continue %&essing ;e-ecute<.
4e&e t$ose mate&ials a&e selecte' +o& ($ic$ ins%ection ty%es s$oul' )e c$ange'.
=se t$e )utton to maintain 'etaile' in+o&mation on t$e ins%ection ty%es.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 96
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#$e ins%ection ty%es going to )e %&ocesse' (ill )e sa*e' )y t$e icon .
$ass processing
0 + t$is +lag is not set, t$en t$e mate&ial (ill )e c$ange' only i+ t$e&e (ill
)e no inconsistency a+te& t$e %&ocessing )et(een 66 stoc5s an' Q6 stoc5s ;(it$out c&eating
ins%ection lots<.
+ t$e +lag is set, ins%ection lots (ill )e c&eate' to a*oi' inconsistencies i+ necessa&y.
0 + t$is +lag is set, all selecte' mate&ials (ill )e %&ocesse' imme'iately.
+ t$is +lag is not set, a list o+ selecte' mate&ials (ill )e 'is%laye'. 6ate&ials going to )e %&ocesse' can
)e c$osen manually +&om t$is list.
G + t$is +lag is set, c$ange 'ocuments (ill )e c&eate' +o& all c$anges o+
,nte& ins%ection ty%es going to )e acti*ate'/'eacti*ate'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 99
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Continue %&essing t$e )utton ;e-ecute<.
A sc&een +o& maintaining ins%ection ty%es (ill a%%ea&.
C$ange +lags an' 'ata +o& ins%ection ty%es.
Continue $itting .
+ t$e +lag is set, all selecte' mate&ials (ill )e %&ocesse' imme'iately.
+ t$e +lag is not set, a list o+ selecte' mate&ials (ill )e 'is%laye'.
6ate&ials going to )e %&ocesse' can )e c$osen manually +&om t$is list.
#o sa*e t$e ins%ection 'ata +o& selecte' mate&ials %&ess t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Creating ,$ vie(s
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Logistics 2aster Data
2aterial Exten%a=le 2aterials (22)0)
=se maintenance status Q an' a''itional selection c&ite&ia to get an o*e&*ie( on mate&ials t$at 'o not
contain a Q6 *ie(.
6ate&ial t$at is not su)Aect to /uality ins%ection can )e 'elete' +&om t$e list ;ma&5 an' %&ess
)utton <. #$ese mate&ials (ill not )e 'is%laye' ($en sta&ting t$e t&ansaction ;66?0< again.
#o maintain a Q6 *ie( +o& a mate&ial, ma&5 it an' %&ess t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 99
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#$en you a&e a)le to maintain t$e Q6 'ata as mentione' )e+o&e. P&ess t$e )utton ;ne-t sc&een<
to go to t$e ne-t mate&ial.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F0
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.6 ,uality info record
+ a mate&ial is su)Aect to /uality ins%ections ;acco&'ing to t$e cont&ol 5ey ente&e' on t$e Q6 *ie(<,
t$e mate&ial/*en'o& com)ination $as to )e &elease'. #$is is 'one )y c&eating a /uality in+o &eco&'.
#$e /uality in+o &eco&' is maintaine' on %lant le*el. t contains
t$e ins%ection ty%e +o& se&ies0ins%ection at t$e *en'o& ;acce%tance ins%ection< an' a lea' time +o&
ins%ections )e+o&e t$e goo's &ecei%t. ;not use' at Continental #e*es<,
)loc5ing o%tions +o& %u&c$ase o&'e&s. @loc5ing o%tions +o& in/ui&ies, sou&ce 'ete&mination an'
goo's &ecei%t s$oul' not )e use' ;not use' at Continental #e*es<,
a status %&o+ile +o& a'minist&ation o+ *en'o& &elations$i%s ;se/uence o+ ins%ections<,
t$e %ossi)ility to ente& a QA ag&eement.
:it$out c&eating a /uality in+o &eco&' an in/ui&y still can )e c&eate', )ut a %u&c$ase o&'e& o&
sc$e'uling ag&eement cannot )e c&eate'.
=sually t$e /uality in+o &eco&' is c&eate' a+te& maintaining t$e Q6 *ie( in t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&'. $aintaining a !uality info record
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Logistics 2aster Data
Quality in.o recor% procurement Create * Change * Display (QI01*QI0,*QI0-)
!ia t$is %at$ t$e initial sc&een +o& c&eating o& c$anging ;o& 'is%laying< a /uality in+o &eco&' (ill )e
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F1
Automotive Systems

$aster data
6ate&ial, *en'o& an' %lant a&e man'ato&y. >ou can co%y an e-isting /uality in+o &eco&'. #o 'o so
ente& t$e co&&es%on'ing 'ata you (ant to co%y +&om.
2n t$e initial sc&een %&ess to 'is%lay t$e /uality in+o &eco&'.
Deletion +lag G is set to ma&5 a /uality in+o &eco&' +o& 'eletion.
#$e %&og&ams OQ36Q190 ;'eleting single /uality in+o &eco&'s< an' OQ36QD,7 ;'eleting se*e&al
/uality in+o &eco&'s< a&e a*aila)le to 'elete /uality in+o &eco&'s.
'eleting single /uality in+o &eco&'s. OQ36Q90
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F2
Automotive Systems

$aster data
'eleting se*e&al /uality in+o &eco&'s. OQ36QD,7
Release date G =% to t$is 'ate you a&e allo(e' to %u&c$ase mate&ial +&om t$e *en'o& in t$e
'e+ine' %lant. + t$e&e is no time &est&iction, ente& 31.12.9999.
+ t$e &elease 'ate $as e-%i&e', %u&c$ase o&'e&s cannot )e c&eate' anymo&e. Sc$e'uling
ag&eements can still )e c&eate'J 2nly a (a&ning message (ill a%%ea&. A manual 'eli*e&y sc$e'ule
cannot )e c&eate' +o& t$e sc$e'uling ag&eementJ + t$e 'eli*e&y sc$e'ule is c&eate' automatically
)y t$e 6RP &un, t$is 'ate is not ta5en into account an' t$e 'eli*e&y sc$e'ule (ill )e c&eate'.
Release /uantity G 3o& a %u&c$ase o&'e& t$e system c$ec5s i+ t$e %u&c$ase o&'e& /uantity
e-cee's t$e &elease' /uantity ;%u&c$ase o&'e& /uantities +&om 'i++e&ent %u&c$ase o&'e&s (ill )e
accumulate'<. A %u&c$ase o&'e& can )e c&eate' only i+ t$e &elease' /uantity is not e-cee'e'. +
t$e &elease' /uantity is )lan5 an' t$e &elease' /uantity is acti*ate', no %u&c$ase o&'e& can )e
%&ocesse'. t is allo(e' to c&eate sc$e'uling ag&eementsJ A manual 'eli*e&y sc$e'ule cannot )e
c&eate' +o& t$e sc$e'uling ag&eementJ + t$e 'eli*e&y sc$e'ule is c&eate' automatically )y t$e
6RP &un, t$is 'ata +iel' is not ta5en into account an' t$e 'eli*e&y sc$e'ule (ill )e c&eate'.
@loc5 G #$e *en'o& is )loc5e' )ecause o+ /uality &easons. #$is )loc5 is *ali' +o& a ce&tain %lant.
#$e /uality le*el +o& t$is mate&ial/*en'o& com)ination is set to %e&manent ins%ection. 3u&t$e&mo&e,
t$e &es%onsi)le 6RP cont&olle& ;6RP 1 *ie( o+ t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&'< is in+o&me' *ia an
e-%&ess mail ;see )elo(<. Pe&manent ins%ection is *ali' +o& t$e co&&es%on'ing %lant.
@loc5ing +unction an' )loc5ing &eason (ill )e %&inte' on t$e sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction. =se
)loc5ing &easons sta&ting (it$ 9P only.
+ a *en'o& s$oul' )e )loc5e' com%letely, )loc5 $im *ia t$e *en'o& maste& 'ata.
#$e (o&5 item is sent to t$e in)o- +ol'e& o+ t$e &es%onsi)le 6RP cont&olle&.
=se t$e menu *ffice 7or2place Inbo= 7or2flo( to 'is%lay t$e o%en (o&5 items.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F3
Automotive Systems

$aster data
6a&5 it an' %&ess t$e )utton B,-ecuteC o& 'ou)le0clic5 on t$e (o&5 item to o%en it.
#$e t&ansaction +o& maintaining t$e sou&ce list (ill )e sta&te'.
+ se&ious /uality %&o)lems occu& c$ange t$e 6RP in'icato& +&om 2 to 1. #$is means no automatic
'eli*e&y sc$e'ule (ill )e c&eate' anymo&e.
:$en lea*ing t$e t&ansaction t$e +ollo(ing %o%0u% a%%ea&s.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F4
Automotive Systems

$aster data
+ you (ant to close t$e %&ocess, %&ess t$e )utton . #$e (o&5 item (ill )e
'elete' +&om t$e in)o- +ol'e&. #$e (o&5 item (ill )e 'elete' +o& all use&s t$at &ecei*e' t$e (o&5 item.
+ t$e %&ocess s$oul' not )e close', %&ess t$e )utton . #$e (o&5 item (ill )e 'is%laye' in
t$e in)o- +ol'e& o+ t$e use& ($o %&ocesse' t$e (o&5 item. #$is use& can continue %&ocessing t$e (o&5
item. @ut it (ill )e 'elete' +&om t$e in)o- +ol'e& o+ all ot$e& use&s ($o &ecei*e' it.
t is %ossi)le to &eset t$e (o&5 item *ia t$e )utton , so all ;&es%onsi)le< use&s $a*e access to it
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Ce&ti+ication G#$e Q6 system use' )y t$e *en'o& can )e ente&e' $e&e. :$en ca&&ying out
%u&c$asing +unctions li5e e.g. c&eating an in/ui&y o& %u&c$ase o&'e& t$e system c$ec5s i+ t$e Q6
system o+ t$e *en'o& meets t$e &e/ui&e' Q6 system ente&e' in t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&'. + t$e
&e/ui&ement is not met, t$e %u&c$ase o&'e& cannot )e c&eate' ;customi8ing<. #$is 'ata +iel' is not
use' )ecause t$e system uses t$e Q6 system o+ t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&'.
Inspection control G #$e ins%ection cont&ol 'eci'es ($et$e& an ins%ection lot is c&eate' o& not.
3ollo(ing o%tions a&e a*aila)le.
Qns%ection acti*e i+ *en'o& is not ce&ti+ie'Q 0 An ins%ection lot is c&eate' i+ t$e mate&ial maste&
&eco&' 'eman's it an' no ot$e& +unction +o&)i's it.
Q"o ins%ectionQ G "o ins%ection lot is c&eate' e*en i+ t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' 'eman's
Qns%ection acti*e in'e%en'ent o+ *en'o& ce&ti+icationQ G An ins%ection lot (ill )e c&eate' e*en
i+ a s5i% s$oul' )e use' acco&'ing to t$e Q6 system o+ t$e *en'o&. #$is is t$e usual entry at
!en'o& sou&ce ins%ection G De+ines t$e ins%ection ty%e +o& t$e sou&ce ins%ection at t$e *en'o&. +
t$e sou&ce ins%ection is 'one at t$e *en'o&, a''itionally, set t$e +lag Source insp. / no *&. #$is
a*oi's t$at an a''itional ins%ectional lot is c&eate' ($en %osting t$e goo's &ecei%t. ;"ot use' at
Continental #e*es )ecause ins%ection lots a&e not c&eate' an' t$e&e+o&e no SRS 'ata e-ists.<
Ce&ti+ication cont&ol G Cont&olling t$e ce&ti+icate &ecei%t. t 'e+ines ($at 5in' o+ ce&ti+icates a&e
#$e status %&o+ile is use' to cont&ol t$e mate&ial/*en'o& &elations$i%, i.e. it contains t$e *ali' status
o+ t$e mate&ial/*en'o& &elations$i%. An ins%ection ty%e is allocate' to eac$ status.
0hen creating a 1uality info record enter the status profile ,$000003 ;t$is is t$e only *ali'
status %&o+ile +o& incoming ins%ections<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F6
Automotive Systems

$aster data
:$en ente&ing t$e status %&o+ile t$e initial
status &elivery relation opened (ill )e
set. #$e status management contains t$e
a))&e*iation an' t$e status.
#$e cu&&ent status is $ig$lig$te' in )lue.
#$is use& status can )e c$ange'
#$e status %&o+ile (ill )e c$ange' +&om
BneuC to B*oa)C ($en %osting a goo's &ecei%t. #$is (ay it is %ossi)le to acce%t se&ies 'eli*e&ies
'es%ite o+ o%en sam%les.
3u&t$e&mo&e, t$e ins%ection ty%e 0102 ;Se&ies
DR 'es%ite o%en sam%le< (ill )e acti*e +o& t$e
ne-t incoming ins%ection an' t$e tas5 list +o&
se&ies (ill )e allocate'. Acco&'ing to t$e
ins%ection ty%e 0102 a s5i% is not %ossi)le an'
t$e usage 'ecision $as to )e ma'e manually ;no
auto. =D<.
+ t$e usage 'ecision +o& t$e ins%ection lot o+
t$e sam%les $as )een ma'e an' t$e &esult is
2K ;sam%les a&e acce%te'<, t$e status %&o+ile
(ill c$ange +&om B*oa)C to Bse&iC. #$e ne-t
incoming ins%ection (ill use ins%ection ty%e 01
;incoming ins%ection< an' t$e tas5 list +o&
se&ies (ill still )e use'. + ins%ection lots (it$ ins%ection ty%e 0102 still e-ist, t$e usage
'ecision $as to )e ma'e manually, )ecause an automatic usage 'ecision (it$ t$e acco&'ing
Ao) is not %ossi)le.
All status c$anges a&e 'ocumente'. =se t$e menu )2tras Status3nderungen to 'is%lay
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F9
Automotive Systems

$aster data
P&ess t$e )utton to 'is%lay 'ate an' time o+ status c$anges o& 'eletions.
=se t$e )utton to get a list in'icating ($en eac$ status $as )een acti*e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page FF
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Quality ag&eement G 3o& $an'ling o+ QA 'ocuments t$e SAP +unction /uality ag&eements is use'.
+ t$e Q6 cont&ol 5ey o+ t$e Q6 *ie( 'eman's a QA 'ocument, it $as to )e ente&e' $e&e using
t$e 'ocument management system. 2t$e&(ise no %u&c$ase o&'e& can )e %&ocesse'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F9
Automotive Systems

$aster data $ass maintenance
=se t$e mass maintenance +o& /uality in+o &eco&'s to %&ocess se*e&al &eco&'s at once.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Logistics 2aster Data
Quality in.o recor% procurement Collecti#e processing (QI09)
=se t$e selection to 'e+ine ($ic$ /uality in+o &eco&'s s$oul' )e %&ocesse'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 90
Automotive Systems

$aster data
>ou can ente& single *alues o& inte&*als +o& mate&ial, %lant o& *en'o&. 3u&t$e&mo&e, *ia t$e multi%le
selection ;)utton < you a&e a)le to ente& a''itional single *alues o& inte&*als o& you can e*en
e-clu'e t$em.
=se t$e )utton to im%o&t ASC te-t +iles i+ necessa&y.
,nte& %at$ an' name o+ t$e +ile. P&ess t$e )utton to im%o&t t$e +ile into t$e multi%le selection.
#$e mass maintenance can )e use' to 'is%lay, c$ange o& c&eate /uality in+o &eco&'s. t is cont&olle'
)y t$e ta)s .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 91
Automotive Systems

$aster data
A+te& e-ecuting t$e selection you (ill get a list o+ all selecte' &eco&'s.
6a&5 t$e 'ata &eco&'s you (ant to %&ocess. =s t$e )utton ;sa*e< to c&eate o& c$ange t$e ma&5e'
At t$e en' you (ill get a message containing t$e num)e& o+ %&ocesse' /uality in+o &eco&'s.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 92
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.1.3 ,uality level
#$e /uality le*el is c&eate' automatically ($en t$e +i&st se&ies DR is %oste'. #$e c&eation o+ t$e
/uality le*el can )e 'one manually ($en using dynamic modification at lot level, in case you 'o not
(ant to sta&t (it$ t$e +i&st ins%ection stage o& i+ an incoming ins%ection is not necessa&y +o& t$e
+ you use dynamic modification at characteristic level, you cannot c&eate t$e /uality le*el
manually. + you 'o not (ant to sta&t (it$ t$e +i&st ins%ection stage o+ t$e 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule,
e-ecute t$e &e%o&t O6QDQ710 an' a+te&(a&'s c$ange t$e c&eate' /uality le*el manually. $aintaining the !uality level
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection Quality le#el
Create * Change * Display (QDL1*QDL,*QDL-)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 93
Automotive Systems

$aster data
,nte& %lant, mate&ial an' *en'o& o& custome&. P&ess t$e )utton o& to 'is%lay anot$e&
selection sc&een i+ mo&e t$an one se&ies tas5 list e-ists. + t$is is not t$e case, t$e /uality le*el (ill )e
'is%laye' imme'iately.
+ mo&e t$an one tas5 list e-ists, select t$e co&&ect /uality le*el an' its tas5 list. ;#$is s$oul' not )e t$e
case in t$e li*e system, )ecause t$en an automatic allocation o+ tas5 lists (oul' not )e %ossi)le.<
Dou)le0clic5 on a &o( to go to t$e ne-t sc&een s$o(n )elo(.
#$e 'is%lay is 'i++e&ent +o& 'ynamic mo'i+ication at lot le*el o& at c$a&acte&istic le*el.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 94
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#$is sc&een 'is%lays t$e ins%ection stage an' t$e num)e& o+ ins%ections since t$e ins%ection stage
c$ange +o& t$e ins%ection lot.
#$e /uality le*el (ill )e u%'ate' ($en %osting a goo's &ecei%t.
+ a usage 'ecision ta5en )e+o&e is c$ange' late& on, t$e /uality le*el (ill not )e co&&ecte'. #$e /uality
le*el $as to )e c$ange' manually. + you c$ange it manually, you $a*e to ente& a &eason +o& c$anging.
#$e Bol'C an' Bne(C /uality le*el is 'ocumente' using t$e com%any0s%eci+ic ta)le OQQ74S#.
#$e same a%%lies i+ t$e usage 'ecision $as to )e c$ange' )ecause o+ an inco&&ect long te&m
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#$e num)e& o+ B2KC o& Bnot 2KC ins%ections o+ t$e ins%ection stage can )e 'is%laye' )y %&essing t$e
)utton .
n+luence o+ t$e ins%ection ty%e on t$e /uality le*el.
ns%ection lots o+ ins%ection ty%e 01 go t$&oug$ all ins%ection an' s5i% stages o+ t$e 'ynamic
mo'i+ication &ule.
ns%ection lots o+ ins%ection ty%e 0102 go t$&oug$ all ins%ection an' s5i% stages o+ t$e 'ynamic
mo'i+ication &ule, too. @ut all ins%ection lots $a*e to )e ins%ecte' )ecause o+ t$e ins%ection ty%e 0102
;no s5i%s allo(e'<.
ns%ection lots o+ ins%ection ty%e 0101 ;sam%le< $a*e no in+luence on t$e /uality le*el.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 96
Automotive Systems

$aster data ,uality level history
:$en c$anging t$e /uality le*el manually, you al(ays $a*e to ente& a &eason +o& c$anging )e+o&e
sa*ing t$e c$anges.
Dynamic mo'i+ication at lot le*el.
Dynamic mo'i+ication at c$a&acte&istic le*el.
#$e &eason as (ell as ol' an' ne( 'ata o+ t$e /uality le*el a&e 'ocumente' in a ta)le. #$is ta)le can
)e accesse' using t&ansaction S,16 ;'ata )&o(se&<. ,nte& ta)le name OQQ74S# ;OQQ74S#R!<
an' con+i&m $itting .
#$e selection sc&een $as to )e +ille' out acco&'ingly. A+te&(a&'s %&ess )utton )2ecute ;3F<.
client %lant mate&ial num)e& *en'o& 'ate o+ c$ange time o+ c$ange use&
c$ange'. c$ange' ne( /uality le*el. "o. o+ 2K / not 2K ins%ections since ins%ection stage c$ange
o%e&ation c$a&acte&istic
ol' ins%ection stage "o o+ ins%ections / not 2K ins%ections c$ange &eason
o+ t$e ol' ins%ection stage
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 99
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#$e columns Bc$ange' o%e&ationC an' Bc$ange' c$a&acte&isticC a&e )lan5 o& +ille' (it$ B0000C ($en
using 'ynamic mo'i+ication at lot le*el.
6a&5 a &o( an' %&ess t$e )utton +isplay o& Change to 'is%lay all 'ata +iel's o+ t$is ta)le +o& t$e
selecte' &o(. &isplaying all !uality levels of a certain inspection stage
Call u% t&ansaction S,16.
Select ta)le QDQ7.
P&ess t$e )utton to maintain use& settings.
,.g. settings +o& t$e 'is%lay ;7ist (i't$, ma-. num)e& o+ $its, layout< o& +iel' 'esc&i%tions o+ t$e
selection menu.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
,nte& %lant an' ne-t ins%ection stage on t$e selection sc&een.
=se t$e +unction )2ecute ;3F< to 'is%lay all /uality le*els o+ a %lant ;$e&e. %lant 0010< (it$ a
ce&tain ins%ection stage ;$e&e. ins%ection stage 99 %e&manent ins%ection<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 99
Automotive Systems

$aster data
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 100
Automotive Systems

$aster data
C$anging t$e list layout
=se t$e )utton ;c$ange layout< to c$ange t$e list layout use&0s%eci+ically acco&'ing to you&
A+te& %&essing t$is )utton a %o%0u% (ill a%%ea& ($ic$ inclu'es t$e +unctions +o& c$anging t$e layout.
#$e le+t section on t$e ta) Columns s$o(s t$e cu&&ent list layout. #$e columns a&e 'is%laye' +&om to%
to )ottom in t$e se/uence on t$e sc&een +&om t$e le+t to t$e &ig$t.
Columns not necessa&y can )e )lan5e' out. 6a&5 t$e column an' %&ess t$e )utton to mo*e t$e
'ata +iel's to t$e columns set.
A''itional 'ata +iel's o+ t$e columns set can )e 'is%laye' in t$e list. 6a&5 t$ese 'ata +iel's an' %&ess
t$e )utton to mo*e t$em to t$e columns.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 101
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$aster data
=se t$e )utton ;sea&c$< to sea&c$ +o& columns.
#$e se/uence o+ t$e columns 'is%laye' in t$e list can )e c$ange' using t$e )uttons .
3i&st ma&5 t$e column you (oul' li5e to mo*e. >ou can also mo*e se*e&al columns at once ;%&ess t$e
s$i+t05ey ($en ma&5ing columns<.
+ contents o+ a column can )e summe' u% a c$ec5)o- (ill )e s$o(n
in t$e co&&es%on'ing column. + t$is )o- is c$ec5e', t$e system (ill calculate t$e total automatically
an' 'is%lay it )eneat$ t$e co&&es%on'ing column in t$e list.
=se t$e ta) Sort to ente& c&ite&ia +o& so&ting t$e list an' to ma&5 columns +o& ($ic$ a su)total s$oul'
)e calculate'.
#$e ta) 4ilter contains c&ite&ia to set a +ilte& +o& t$e list. 2nly t$ose 'ata &eco&'s (ill )e s$o(n, t$at
matc$ t$e +ilte& c&ite&ia.
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$aster data
=se t$e ta) ,ie$ to in+luence t$e list ty%e.
#$e ta) +isplay contains 'is%lay o%tions li5e e.g. g&i' lines o& column $ea'ings.
=se t$e )utton ;sa*e layout< to sa*e t$e layout use&0s%eci+ically. >ou may $a*e a loo5 at t$e
layout +i&st )y %&essing t$e )utton an' a+te&(a&'s sa*ing it using t$e )utton ;sa*e layout<.
n )ot$ cases t$e +ollo(ing sc&een (ill a%%ea&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 104
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$aster data
,nte& a name an' a 'esc&i%tion +o& you& layout. Pay attention t$at a use&0s%eci+ic layout al(ays $as to
sta&t (it$ a lette&.
+ you ma&5 t$e o%tion 'e+ault, t$is layout (ill )e sa*e' as t$e stan'a&' layout in you& use& %&o+ile.
#$e use&0s%eci+ic layouts can only )e accesse' )y t$e use&, ($o c&eate' t$em.
+ you (ant a 'i++e&ent layout, %&ess t$e )utton ;select layout< an' c$oose one +&om t$e list. #$is
layout (ill )e use' +o& t$e list.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 10?
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$aster data
,-%o&ting list contents to an e-cel ta)le
=se t$e )utton to e-%o&t t$e list contents to 6ic&oso+t ,-cel.
3i&st a message (ill a%%ea& containing t$e in+o&mation, t$at +ilte&s, so&ting, totals an' su)totals (ill not
)e ta5en o*e&.
in t$e ne-t (in'o( c$oose t$e 5in' o+ ta)le.
6ic&oso+t ,-cel (ill )e sta&te' an' t$e content o+ t$e list (ill )e 'is%laye' as an ,-cel0s$eet.
Sa*e t$e ta)le in ,-cel i+ necessa&y.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 106
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$aster data
3.2 Inspection planning
#$e ins%ection %lan 'e+ines t$e ins%ection o%e&ations an' t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istics going to )e
ins%ecte'. #$e ins%ection %lan t$at is inclu'e' in t$e Q6 mo'ule is &elate' to &outings an' &ate
&outings o+ P&o'uction Planning ;PP< an' to maste& &eci%es o+ P&ocess n'ust&y ;PP0P<. #$ese tas5
list ty%es 'i++e& only slig$tly. 3o& ins%ections in %&o'uction a''itional ins%ection %lans 'o not $a*e to
)e maintaine'. ns%ection c$a&acte&istics can )e 'e+ine' in &outings, &ate &outings o& maste& &eci%es.
At Continental #e*es se%a&ate &outings o& Bins%ection &outingsC a&e use' (it$ a g&ou% counte& ?0.
>ou can c&eate ins%ection %lans +o& 'i++e&ent usages, e.g. ins%ection %lans +o& incoming ins%ections o&
ins%ections in %&o'uction. #$e co&&ect selection (ill )e 'one *ia t$e ins%ection %lan usage.
An ins%ection %lan can )e c&eate'.
co%ying a &e+e&ence o%e&ation set
co%ying an e-isting ins%ection %lan
&e+e&encing to a &e+e&ence o%e&ation set
3.2.1 1as2 list types Reference operation set
Re+e&ence o%e&ation sets a&e tas5 list ty%es t$at cannot )e use' 'i&ectly +o& ins%ection %lanning o&
%&o'uction %lanning. =sually t$ey a&e not &elate' to a mate&ial ;e*en i+ it is %ossi)le< an' ca&&y an
in'e%en'ent i'enti+ication num)e& an' 'esc&i%tion. #$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation set contains o%e&ation
an' c$a&acte&istic se/uences o+ten use'. #$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation %lan can )e &e+e&ence' to
ins%ection %lans on o%e&ation le*el, i.e. t$e ins%ection %lan an' &e+e&ence o%e&ation set a&e lin5e'.
,*e&y c$ange o+ t$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation set &esults in a c$ange o+ t$e lin5e' ins%ection %lans. All
ins%ection %lans containing suc$ a &e+e&ence can )e liste' using a system &e%o&t. #$e &e%o&t inclu'es
ne-t to t$e list itsel+ se*e&al maintenance +unctions. Re+e&ence o%e&ation set can )e use' +o& co%ying
instea' o+ &e+e&encing, too.
#$e num)e& allocation is 'one manually.
1. 'igit ,
2.0F. 'igit continuous number
,-am%le. Q0000099
A''itional notes. tas5 list ty%e. S, t&ansactions QP.., .... Inspection plan
#$e tas5 list ty%e Bins%ection %lanC is use' in t$e Q6 mo'ule to %&ocess /uality ins%ections in
%&ocu&ement an' %&o'uction. #y%ical ins%ection ty%es a&e t$e ins%ection o+ goo's &ecei%ts o& goo's
issues. ns%ection %lans contain all +unctions o+ &e+e&ence o%e&ation sets. @ecause o+ t$is t$e manual
'eals only (it$ t$e ins%ection %lan itsel+.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 109
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$aster data
3.2.2 $aintaining inspection plans
#o c&eate ;c$ange o& 'is%lay< an ins%ection %lan, c$oose.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
Inspection plan Create (QP01)
nitial sc&een to c&eate an ins%ection %lan.
#$e uni/ue i'enti+ication o+ an ins%ection %lan is 'one *ia mate&ial an' %lant o& *ia g&ou% an' g&ou%
6ate&ial G 5ey to i'enti+y a mate&ial.
Plant G 5ey to i'enti+y a mate&ial.
D&ou% G Se*e&al ins%ection %lans +o& a mate&ial (it$ 'i++e&ent usages may )e g&ou%e'. n a g&ou% t$e
'i++e&ent ins%ection %lans a&e 'istinguis$e' )y t$e g&ou% counte&.
C$ange num)e& G "um)e& i'enti+ying a uni/ue c$ange maste& &eco&'
Key 'ate G Date use' +o& c&eating o& c$anging t$e ins%ection %lan
Re*ision le*el G n'icating t$e c$ange status o+ a mate&ial o& 'ocument
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 10F
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$aster data
Copying an inspection plan
+ an e-isting ins%ection %lan s$oul' )e co%ie', %&ess t$e )utton .
+ no g&ou% is ente&e' on t$e initial sc&een )e+o&e you %&ess t$e )utton, a ne( g&ou% (ill )e c&eate'
automatically +o& t$e ins%ection %lan )y t$e system. + a g&ou% is ente&e', t$is g&ou% (ill )e 5e%t an'
t$e g&ou% counte& (ill )e inc&ease' )y one.
A+te& %&essing t$e )uttons a %o%0u% (ill a%%ea&, ($e&e you s$oul' select t$e tas5 list
2n t$e ne-t sc&een ente& mate&ial num)e& an' %lant o& g&ou%. + you ente& a g&ou%, all mate&ial/tas5
list &elations (ill )e co%ie', too. =se +u&t$e& c&ite&ia +o& t$e tas5 list selection to &est&ict t$e tas5 list
selection. A ce&tain ins%ection %lan o+ a g&ou% can )e selecte' )y ente&ing t$e g&ou% counte&.
+ mo&e t$an one ins%ection %lan e-ists +o& a mate&ial o& g&ou%, t$ey (ill )e 'is%laye' +o& selection.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 109
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A+te& selecting t$e 'esi&e' ins%ection %lan it (ill )e use' +o& co%ying. #$e ne( ins%ection %lan (ill )e
'is%laye'. ,nte& t$e status o+ t$e ne( ins%ection %lan in t$e co&&es%on'ing 'ata +iel'. #$en t$e
ins%ection %lan is com%letely maintaine' an' can )e c$ange' o& sa*e'.
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Creating a ne( inspection plan (ithout reference
#o c&eate a ne( ins%ection %lan %&ess t$e )utton o& .
+ one o& mo&e ins%ection %lans e-ist +o& t$e mate&ial, a %lan o*e&*ie( (ill )e s$o(n. 2t$e&(ise t$is
sc&een (ill not )e 'is%laye'.
#$e e-isting %lan can )e c$ange' $e&e e*en i+ you a&e in c&eation mo'e.
#o c&eate a ne( ins%ection %lan c$oose t$e )utton +&om t$e stan'a&' tool)a&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 112
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$aster data $aintaining header data
#$e +i&st ste% to c&eate an ins%ection %lan is to ente& t$e $ea'e& 'ata.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 113
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#as5 list
D&ou% G5ey o+ t$e c$osen g&ou%
D&ou% counte& G consecuti*e num)e& (it$in a g&ou%. :$en c&eating a ne( tas5 list t$e g&ou%
counte& (ill )e inc&ease' )y one.
Plant G 5ey i'enti+ying a uni/ue %lant
7ong te-t e-ists G n'icating i+ a''itional te-ts $a*e )een ente&e' *ia
Dene&al 'ata
Deletion +lag G + t$is +lag is set t$e ins%ection %lan (ill )e 'elete' on t$e ne-t a&c$i*ing session.
=ntil t$at session t$e +lag can )e &eset at any time.
%sage G Dete&mines t$e +unctions t$at may use t$is tas5 list.
Status G n'icates t$e %&ocessing status o+ a tas5 list, e.g. i+ t$e ins%ection %lan is still )eing
c&eate' o& &elease'.
Status 1 an' 3 a&e use' +o& &outings only.
Planne& g&ou% G Key 'ete&mining t$e %e&son o& g&ou% o+ %e&sons &es%onsi)le +o& maintaining t$e
tas5 list.
Planning (o&5 cente& G Key 'ete&mining t$e (o&5 cente& use' as c&itical (o&5 cente& +o& ca%acity
e*aluations o+ %lanne' o&'e&s.
3&om lot si8e G 7o(e& lot si8e limit +o& t$is tas5 list.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 114
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#o lot si8e G =%%e& lot si8e limit +o& t$is tas5 list.
%nit of measure G #$e unit o+ measu&e is ta5en +&om t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' ($en t$e tas5
list is c&eate'. 2nly t$ose mate&ials can )e allocate' to t$is tas5 list, t$at use t$e same )ase unit
o+ measu&e. + you (ant to use 'i++e&ent units o+ measu&e, you $a*e to c&eate 'i++e&ent ins%ection
2l' tas5 list num)e& G Can )e use' to ente& t$e ;ol'< ins%ection %lan num)e& +&om ot$e& systems.
+ 'ynamic mo'i+ication s$oul' )e use', t$is $as to )e maintaine' in t$e $ea'e& 'ata.
Pa&amete&s +o& 'ynamic mo'i+ication/ins%ection %oints
ns%ection %oints G #o i'enti+y ins%ection %oints a com)ination o+ 'ata +iel's can )e ente&e' in
t$e customi8ing. #$ese com)inations may contain use&0s%eci+ic 'ata +iel's an' +i-e' 'ata
+iel's an' t$ei& 5eys an' se/uence acco&'ing t$e ins%ection %oint ty%e. ;2nly use' +o&
ins%ections in %&o'uction / &e%etiti*e manu+actu&ing<
Sam%le0'&a(ing %&oce'u&e G 6aste& 'ata o)Aect (it$ inst&uctions +o& sam%le0'&a(ing ;"ot
use' at Continental #e*es.<
&ynamic modification level G :it$out an ent&y no 'ynamic mo'i+ication (ill ta5e %lace. #$is
means t$at e*e&y ins%ection lot (ill )e ins%ecte'. +
'ynamic mo'i+ication s$oul' )e use', a 'ynamic
mo'i+ication le*el an' a 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule
a&e necessa&y.
+ you use 'ynamic mo'i+ication at lot le*el, a''itional 'ata +iel's (ill )e 'is%laye'.
6o'i+ication &ule G #$is mo'i+ication &ule is *ali' +o& all ins%ection c$a&acte&istics.
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$aster data
A'minist&ati*e 'ata
+ t$e tas5 list $as )een maintaine' com%letely, a'minist&ati*e 'ata (ill )e s$o(n in t$e
$ea'e&. t contains t$e *ali'ity %e&io', t$e %e&son ($o c&eate' it an' ($en it (as c&eate'. t
also contains t$e num)e& o+ ins%ections t$is tas5 list $as )een use' +o& an' t$e 'ate o+ t$e last
ins%ection acco&'ing to t$is tas5 list.
=se t$e long te-t +unction o+ t$e $ea'e& to maintain te-t +o& %&intouts o+ t$e ins%ection %lan.
Pay attention to 5ee%ing t$e co&&ect se/uence o+ 'ata s$o(n )elo(.
#$e a))&e*iation 77 is use' to %&int li+e cycle 'ocuments.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 116
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$aster data $aintaining inspection operations
A+te& ente&ing t$e $ea'e& 'ata, 'e+ine ins%ection o%e&ations.
P&ess t$e )utton .
2%e&ation o*e&*ie(
*peration G 5ey +o& t$e o%e&ation
7or2 center G :o&5 cente& use' +o& ins%ection;s<. #$e (o&5 cente& can )e use' as selection
c&ite&ia +o& selecting ins%ection lots.
lant G uni/ue 5ey +o& a %lant
Control 2ey G 5ey 'e+ining ($ic$ economic o%e&ations can )e ca&&ie' out +o& t$is o)Aect o+ t$e
tas5 list
Standard te=t 2ey G 5ey containing o+ten use' o%e&ation 'esc&i%tions
&escription G s$o&t 'esc&i%tion +o& t$e o%e&ation
Aong te=t e=ists G + t$is +lag is set, a''itional te-t $as )een ente&e'. P&ess t$e )utton to
'is%lay o& maintain it. #$e +lag is set automatically )y t$e system.
Reference tas2 list group and reference group counter G i'enti+ying a &e+e&ence o%e&ation set
allocate' to t$is o%e&ation
Administrative data G 7ists in+o&mation on c&eation an' c$anges o+ t$e o%e&ation
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 119
Automotive Systems

$aster data Allocating tools
2n t$e o%e&ation o*e&*ie( o+ t$e tas5 list ma&5 t$e o%e&ation to ($ic$ a tool s$oul' )e allocate' an'
%&ess t$e )utton ;#ool<.
+ tools al&ea'y e-ist, an o*e&*ie( +o& t$e allocate' tools to t$is o%e&ation (ill a%%ea&.
=se t$e %at$ )dit 5e$ entries an' c$oose t$e tool ty%e o& %&ess one o+ t$e )uttons
to ente& t$e 5ey o+ a ne( tool.
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$aster data
+ no tool $as )een allocate' yet, t$is (in'o( (ill a%%ea& imme'iately. As a 'e+ault t$e tool ty%e
B6ate&ialC (ill )e %&o%ose'.
P&ess one o+ t$e )uttons to c$ange t$e tool ty%e.
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$aster data
3.2.2." Creating ne( inspection characteristics from (ithin the tas2 list -no master inspection
ns%ection c$a&acte&istics a&e su)o&'inate to ins%ection o%e&ations. #$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic is
use' to 'esc&i)e t$e c$a&acte&istic an' to cont&ol t$e &esult &eco&'ing. >ou can &e+e& to an ins%ection
met$o', sam%ling %&oce'u&e an' 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule. De%en'ing on t$e ty%e o+ c$a&acte&istic
/ualitati*e o& /uantitati*e &e/ui&ements +o& c$ec5s an' &esult &eco&'ing can )e 'ete&mine'. :$en
allocating t$e tas5 list to mate&ial ;man'ato&y<, *en'o& ;o%tional< o& custome& ;o%tional< a''itional
'e+ault *alues can )e maintaine'. #$is means t$at t$e&e is no nee' +o& you as an ins%ection %lanne&
to c&eate &e'un'ant ins%ection %lans, i+ you only $a*e to mo'i+y *en'o&0s%eci+ic o& custome&0s%eci+ic
ta&get *alues.
#o allocate an ins%ection c$a&acte&istic to an o%e&ation, c$oose an o%e&ation +&om t$e o%e&ation
o*e&*ie( ;ma&5< an' %&ess +&om t$e tool)a&. #$e c$a&acte&istic o*e&*ie(
(ill )e s$o(n.
2n t$e c$a&acte&istic o*e&*ie( ente& a %&o%osal +o& t$e c$a&acte&istic cont&ol in'icato& o& ma&5 t$e
co&&es%on'ing 'ata +iel' Q" o& Q7. Con+i&m %&essing to 'is%lay necessa&y sc&eens automatically.
,uantitative characteristic
A /uantitati*e c$a&acte&istic is a c$a&acte&istic, +o& ($ic$ nume&ical *alues can )e &eco&'e'.
Cont&ol in'icato&
Cont&ol in'icato&s +o& /uantitati*e c$a&acte&istics a&e s$o(n )elo(.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 120
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$aster data
Cont&ol *ie( 1
7o(e& s%eci+ication limit.
+ t$is +lag is set, a lo(e& s%eci+ication limit $as to )e ente&e' in t$e ins%ection %lan.
=%%e& s%eci+ication limit.
+ t$is +lag is set, an u%%e& s%eci+ication limit $as to )e ente&e' in t$e ins%ection %lan.
C$ec5 ta&get *alue.
+ t$is +lag is set, a ta&get *alue $as to )e ente&e' in t$e ins%ection %lan. #$e system c$ec5s
automatically, i+ t$e ta&get *alue lies (it$in t$e tole&ances.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 121
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$aster data
Sam%ling %&oce'u&e.
A sam%ling %&oce'u&e is allocate' to t$e mate&ial in t$e ins%ection %lan. Sam%ling %&oce'u&es
'ete&mine t$e ins%ection sco%e an' *aluation mo'e +o& &eco&'ing &esults ;/ualitati*e c$a&acte&istics,
tole&ances, c$a&acte&istic att&i)utes, etc.<.
A''iti*e sam%le
#$e si8e o+ t$e %a&tial sam%le is inc&ease' )y t$e /uantity t$at is &e/ui&e' +o& t$e ins%ection o+ t$is
c$a&acte&istic. t is set, e.g., i+ ins%ections a&e ca&&ie' out %a&allel.
SPC c$a&acte&istic.
De+ines ($et$e& a cont&ol c$a&t is going to )e &un ;t$e +lag +o& sam%ling %&oce'u&e is man'ato&y<.
Dest&ucti*e ins%ection.
n'icates c$a&acte&istics, ($ic$ use a 'est&ucti*e ins%ection ;'est&ucte' /uantity (ill )e %oste' to
ins%ection sam%le in in*ento&y management<.
Summa&i8e' &eco&'ing.
#$e &eco&'ing &esults o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic a&e maintaine' as a summa&i8e' *alue.
Single &esult.
#$e single &eco&'ing &esults a&e maintaine' in t$e system ;measu&e' *alues, co'es,...<.
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$aster data
"o c$a&acte&istics &eco&'ing.
"o &eco&'ing &esults a&e maintaine'.
Classe' &eco&'ing.
#$e &eco&'ing &esults o+ a c$a&acte&istic a&e maintaine' as classe' &eco&'ings.
De+ects &eco&'ing.
+ t$is +lag is set, a 'e+ects &eco&'ing is ca&&ie' out ($en &eAecting t$e c$a&acte&istic. P&e&e/uisite +o&
an automatic 'e+ect &eco&'ing is, t$at a 'e+ect co'e ;+&om catalog 9 N 'e+ect ty%es< is ente&e' in t$e
ins%ection %lan. + no 'e+ect co'e is ente&e', a (a&ning message (ill a%%ea& +o& eac$ &esult &eco&'ing.
Re/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic.
Results $a*e to )e &eco&'e' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic )e+o&e a usage 'ecision can )e ca&&ie' out.
2%tional c$a&acte&istic.
Results 'o not $a*e to )e &eco&'e' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic )e+o&e a usage 'ecision can )e ca&&ie' out.
A+te& acce%tance.
#$is +lag is use' +o& con'itional c$a&acte&istics. #$is c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' only i+ t$e
%&e*ious &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation $as )een *aluate' BAC ;acce%tance<. #$e +lag
is use' e.g. +o& e-%ensi*e ins%ections ($ic$ a&e ca&&ie' out only ($en t$e +o&me& c$a&acte&istic $as
)een acce%te'.
A+te& &eAection.
#$is +lag is use' +o& con'itional c$a&acte&istics. #$is c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' only, i+ t$e
%&e*ious &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation $as )een *aluate' BRC ;&eAection<.
,.g.. + a *isual ins%ection 'etects a )u&&, t$e c$a&acte&istic $as to )e &eAecte'. A con'itional
c$a&acte&istic may )e use' to c$ec5 t$e )u&& an' may &esult in an acce%tance a+te& all.
A+te& +illing out cont&ol in'icato& sc&een 1 %&ess to 'is%lay t$e secon' cont&ol in'icato& sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 123
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Sco%e not +i-e'.
#$e ins%ection sco%e is not 'ete&mine' automatically. #$e num)e& o+ %a&ts going to )e ins%ecte' $as
to )e 'ete&mine' )y t$e ins%ecto&.
3i-e' sco%e.
#$e ins%ection sco%e $as to )e 5e%t e-actly ($en &eco&'ing t$e &esults. ;+ t$e sam%le /uantity is less
t$an t$e ins%ection sco%e, t$en t$e sam%le /uantity is 'e+ine' as t$e ins%ection sco%e.<
Smalle& sco%e.
Sam%le /uantity may )e smalle& t$an t$e calculate' ins%ection sco%e ($en &eco&'ing t$e &esults.
7a&ge& sco%e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 124
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Sam%le /uantity may )e la&ge& t$an t$e calculate' ins%ection sco%e ($en &eco&'ing t$e &esults.
"o 'ocumentation.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults, no a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' as 'ocumentation.
Documentation i+ &eAecte'.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults an a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' as 'ocumentation i+ t$e c$a&acte&istic
$as )een &eAecte'.
Documentation &e/ui&e'.
:$en &eco&'ing t$e &esults a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' in any case as 'ocumentation
7ong0te&m ins%ection.
t is allo(e' to ma5e a usage 'ecision e*en i+ t$e &esults $a*e not )een &eco&'e' yet ;e.g. ins%ection
ta5es %lace o*e& a long %e&io' o+ time<.
Sc&a% s$a&e/Q0sco&e.
De+ines ($et$e& t$e +&action o+ noncon+o&ming units +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic is ta5en into account, ($en
t$e sc&a% s$a&e +o& t$e ins%ection lot is calculate'. t is use' to calculate t$e Q0sco&e ;#$e Q0sco&e is
not use' at Continental #e*es<.
RR c$ange 'ocs.
:$en &eco&'ing o& c$anging t$e &esults, c$ange 'ocuments a&e c&eate' o& u%'ate'.
#est e/ui%ment assignment.
#est e/ui%ment use' to &eco&' &esults is allocate' to t$is c$a&acte&istic ;e.g. sli'ing calli%e&<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 12?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
2n o%e&ation le*el tools +o& all c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e o%e&ation a&e allocate' using t$e mate&ial num)e&
o+ t$e tool ;test e/ui%ment<.
2n c$a&acte&istics le*el a tool ;test e/ui%ment< is allocate' to a c$a&acte&istic using t$e mate&ial
Con+i&m *alues.
3lag $as to )e set i+ single measu&e' *alues $a*e to )e 'ete&mine' an' con+i&me' +o& t$is
+ t$e +lag is set, a ce&tain num)e& o+ single measu&e' *alues $as to )e con+i&me'.
+ t$e +lag is not set, no single measu&e' *alues can )e con+i&me'.
Calculate' c$a&acte&istic.
#$e &esults a&e not 'ete&mine' )y ins%ecting t$e c$a&acte&istic )ut )y calculation +&om &esults o+
c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e same o%e&ation ;+lag Con+i&m *alues $as to )e set<
A0 N %a&amete& ; $e&e. single measu&e' *alue<
0010 N c$a&acte&istic, +&om ($ic$ t$e *alue is ta5en ;$e&e. c$a&acte&istic 0010<.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction.
Do not %&int.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill not )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction.
Do not %&int at s5i%.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction, i+ t$e&e is no s5i%.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 126
Automotive Systems

$aster data
,ualitative characteristic
Qualitati*e c$a&acte&istics a&e att&i)uti*e c$a&acte&istics +o& ($ic$ no nume&ic *alues can )e &eco&'e'.
Cont&ol in'icato&
Cont&ol in'icato&s +o& /ualitati*e c$a&acte&istics a&e s$o(n )elo(.
Cont&ol *ie( 1
C$a&acte&istics att&i)ute.
#$e c$a&acte&istic is att&i)uti*e an' &e+e&s to a catalog.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 129
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Sam%ling %&oce'u&e.
A sam%ling %&oce'u&e is allocate' to t$e mate&ial in t$e ins%ection %lan. Sam%ling %&oce'u&es
'ete&mine t$e ins%ection sco%e an' *aluation mo'e +o& &eco&'ing &esults ;/ualitati*e c$a&acte&istics,
tole&ances, c$a&acte&istic att&i)utes, etc.<.
A''iti*e sam%le
#$e si8e o+ t$e %a&tial sam%le is inc&ease' )y t$e /uantity t$at is &e/ui&e' +o& t$e ins%ection o+ t$is
c$a&acte&istic. t is set, e.g., i+ ins%ections a&e ca&&ie' out %a&allel.
SPC c$a&acte&istic.
De+ines ($et$e& a cont&ol c$a&t is going to )e &un ;t$e +lag +o& sam%ling %&oce'u&e is man'ato&y<.
Dest&ucti*e ins%ection.
n'icates c$a&acte&istics, ($ic$ use a 'est&ucti*e ins%ection ;'est&ucte' /uantity (ill )e %oste' to
ins%ection sam%le in in*ento&y management<.
De+ects con+i&mation.
n &esults &eco&'ing you a&e a)le to con+i&m t$e num)e& o+ 'e+ects instea' o+ t$e num)e& o+ 'e+ecti*e
%a&ts. :$en using sam%ling %&oce'u&es +o& incoming ins%ections maintaine' in t$e system, a
con+i&mation o+ 'e+ect is not %ossi)le, )ecause t$ese sam%ling %&oce'u&es contain an ins%ection
)ase' u%on 'e+ecti*e %a&ts.
Summa&i8e' &eco&'ing.
#$e &eco&'ing &esults o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic a&e maintaine' as a summa&i8e' *alue.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 12F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Single &esult.
#$e single &eco&'ing &esults a&e maintaine' in t$e system ;measu&e' *alues, co'es,...<.
"o c$a&acte&istics &eco&'ing.
"o &eco&'ing &esults a&e maintaine'.
Classe' &eco&'ing.
#$e &eco&'ing &esults o+ a c$a&acte&istic a&e maintaine' as classe' &eco&'ings.
De+ects &eco&'ing.
+ t$is +lag is set, a 'e+ects &eco&'ing is ca&&ie' out ($en &eAecting t$e c$a&acte&istic. P&e&e/uisite +o&
an automatic 'e+ect &eco&'ing is, t$at a 'e+ect co'e ;+&om catalog 9 N 'e+ect ty%es< is ente&e' in t$e
ins%ection %lan. + no 'e+ect co'e is ente&e', a (a&ning message (ill a%%ea& +o& eac$ &esult &eco&'ing.
Re/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic.
Results $a*e to )e &eco&'e' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic )e+o&e a usage 'ecision can )e ca&&ie' out.
2%tional c$a&acte&istic.
Results 'o not $a*e to )e &eco&'e' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic )e+o&e a usage 'ecision can )e ca&&ie' out.
A+te& acce%tance.
#$is +lag is use' +o& con'itional c$a&acte&istics. #$is c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' only, i+ t$e
%&e*ious &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation $as )een *aluate' BAC ;acce%tance<. #$e +lag
is use' e.g. +o& e-%ensi*e ins%ections, ($ic$ a&e ca&&ie' out only ($en t$e +o&me& c$a&acte&istic $as
)een acce%te'.
A+te& &eAection.
#$is +lag is use' +o& con'itional c$a&acte&istics. #$is c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' only i+ t$e
%&e*ious &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation $as )een *aluate' BRC ;&eAection<.
,.g.. + a *isual ins%ection 'etects a )u&&, t$e c$a&acte&istic $as to )e &eAecte'. A con'itional
c$a&acte&istic may )e use' to c$ec5 t$e )u&& an' may &esult in an acce%tance a+te& all.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 129
Automotive Systems

$aster data
A+te& +illing out cont&ol in'icato& sc&een 1 %&ess to 'is%lay t$e secon' cont&ol in'icato& sc&een. #$is
sc&een is simila& to t$e sc&een o+ /uantitati*e c$a&acte&istics. #$e 'ata +iel's Con+i&m *alues an'
Calculate' c$a&acte&istics a&e )lan5e' out.
Sco%e not +i-e'.
#$e ins%ection sco%e is not 'ete&mine' automatically. #$e num)e& o+ %a&ts to )e ins%ecte' $as to )e
'ete&mine' )y t$e ins%ecto&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 130
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3i-e' sco%e.
#$e ins%ection sco%e $as to )e 5e%t e-actly ($en &eco&'ing &esults. ;+ t$e sam%le /uantity is less
t$an t$e ins%ection sco%e, t$en t$e sam%le /uantity is 'e+ine' as t$e ins%ection sco%e.<
Smalle& sco%e.
Sam%le /uantity may )e smalle& t$an t$e calculate' ins%ection sco%e ($en &eco&'ing &esults.
7a&ge& sco%e.
Sam%le /uantity may )e la&ge& t$an t$e calculate' ins%ection sco%e ($en &eco&'ing &esults
"o 'ocumentation.
:$en &eco&'ing &esults no a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' as 'ocumentation.
Documentation i+ &eAecte'.
:$en &eco&'ing &esults an a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' as 'ocumentation, i+ t$e c$a&acte&istic
$as )een &eAecte'.
Documentation &e/ui&e'.
:$en &eco&'ing &esults a''itional te-t $as to )e ente&e' in any case as 'ocumentation.
7ong0te&m ins%ection.
t is allo(e' to ma5e a usage 'ecision e*en i+ t$e &esults $a*e not )een &eco&'e' yet ;e.g. ins%ection
ta5es %lace o*e& a long %e&io' o+ time<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 131
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Sc&a% s$a&e/Q0sco&e.
De+ines ($et$e& t$e +&action o+ noncon+o&ming units +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic is ta5en into account, ($en
t$e sc&a% s$a&e +o& t$e ins%ection lot is calculate'. t is use' to calculate t$e Q0sco&e ;#$e Q0sco&e is
not use' at Continental #e*es<.
RR c$ange 'ocs.
:$en &eco&'ing o& c$anging &esults, c$ange 'ocuments a&e c&eate' o& u%'ate'.
#est e/ui%ment assignment.
#est e/ui%ment use' to &eco&' &esults is allocate' to t$is c$a&acte&istic ;e.g. sli'ing calli%e&<.
2n o%e&ation le*el tools +o& all c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e o%e&ation a&e allocate' using t$e mate&ial num)e&
o+ t$e tool ;test e/ui%ment<.
2n c$a&acte&istics le*el a tool ;test e/ui%ment< is allocate' to a c$a&acte&istic using t$e mate&ial
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction.
Do not %&int.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill not )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction.
Do not %&int at s5i%.
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic (ill )e %&inte' on t$e ins%ection inst&uction i+ t$e&e is no s5i%.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 132
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Details +o& gene&al 'ata, /uantitati*e 'ata, catalogs, sam%les, cont&ol in'icato&
Details Dene&al 'ata
Pa&tial sam%le 0 "um)e& o+ t$e %a&tial sam%le allocate' to t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e tas5 list.
ns%ecto& /uali+ication G n+o&mation on t$e /uali+ication o+ t$e ins%ecto& necessa&y to ca&&y out t$e
3&action calculation G 'ist&i)ution 5ey
:eig$ting o+ c$a&acte&istic G in'icating t$e im%o&tance o+ a c$a&acte&istic ;use' +o& t$e ins%ection %lan
C$a&acte&istic0D G 5ey +o& i'enti+ying a c$a&acte&istic
Data o&igin G s%eci+ies +&om ($ic$ 'ata sou&ce t$e &esults 'ata s$oul' )e co%ie'.
ns%ection met$o' G 5ey o+ an ins%ection met$o' ;#$e ins%ection met$o' 'esc&i)es t$e %&ocessing o+
an ins%ection<
#est e/ui%ment G 'esc&i)ing t$e test e/ui%ment;s< allocate' to t$is c$a&acte&istic ;ma-. ?<
n+o +iel's G +iel's +o& a''itional in+o&mation
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 133
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Details +o& /uantitati*e 'ata
:$ic$ 'ata +iel's a&e 'is%laye' 'e%en's on t$e cont&ol 5eys c$osen +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic.
#$e most im%o&tant 'ata +iel's a&e e-%laine' )elo(.
Decimal %laces G %&ecision use' +o& *alues. + no *alue is ente&e', t$e system assumes 0 'ecimal
6easu&ement unit G measu&ement unit +o& *alues ;e.g. ta&get *alue, tole&ances<.
#ole&ance 5ey G #$ese 5ey may contain ta&get *alue, measu&ement unit, 'ecimal %laces an'
tole&ances. t is use' to cent&ally 'e+ine tole&ances +o& c$a&acte&istics.
#a&get *alue G #$e measu&e' *alue o+ a /uantitati*e c$a&acte&istic s$oul' not 'i++e& +&om t$is *alue.
7o(e&/=%%e& limit G 7o(e& u%%e& limit +o& a measu&e' *alue o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic. !alues o++ limits
cause t$e ins%ection to &e+use t$e *aluation )y M not acce%te'1.
As 'esc&i)e' a tole&ance 5ey can )e use' as an in%ut +acility. + a tole&ance 5ey is use', its *alues a&e
ta5en o*e& into t$e sc&een. #$e *alues can )e c$ange'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 134
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Details catalog
@y ente&ing a co'e g&ou% o& selecte' set only t$e allocate' co'es (ill )e 'is%laye' +o& t$e automatic
'e+ect &eco&'ing ;cont&ol in'icato& +o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic<. #$is means t$e selection o+ co'es
+o& t$e ins%ecto& is &est&icte'.
+ a 'e+ect co'e is ente&e', t$is co'e (ill )e use' automatically +o& &eAection. "o manual selection is
+ no ent&y is ma'e, t$e com%lete 'e+ect catalog (ill )e 'is%laye' +o& t$e acti*ate' automatic 'e+ect
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 13?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Details sam%le
4e&e t$e sam%ling %&oce'u&e, ($ic$ $as to )e use' +o& t$is c$a&acte&istic, $as to )e ente&e'.
+ t$e ins%ection %lan is using 'ynamic mo'i+ication at c$a&acte&istic le*el, a''itional 'ata (ill )e
'is%laye'. #$e&e you $a*e to ente& a 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule +o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic o& an
ins%ection c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e same o%e&ation containing a 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule.
Details cont&ol in'icato&
Dis%laying an' maintaining cont&ol in'icato&s.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 136
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.2.2.' Allocating tools to inspection characteristics
+ t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic $as to )e ins%ecte' using a ce&tain test e/ui%ment, t$is test e/ui%ment
$as to )e allocate' to t$e c$a&acte&istic as a tool.
2n o%e&ation le*el t$e tool $as to )e im%lemente'. #$e allocation is 'one *ia t$e gene&al 'ata o+ t$e
ins%ection c$a&acte&istic.
#$is 'ata (ill only )e 'is%laye' o& can only )e c$ange', i+ t$e o%tion Test e1uipment assignment $as
)een acti*ate' (it$in t$e cont&ol in'icato&s.
=se t$e )utton to allocate u% to +i*e tools to a c$a&acte&istic.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 139
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.2.2.) Referencing master inspection characteristics
ns%ection c$a&acte&istics a&e su)o&'inate to ins%ection o%e&ations. #$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic is
use' to 'esc&i)e t$e c$a&acte&istic an' to cont&ol t$e &esult &eco&'ing. >ou can &e+e& to an ins%ection
met$o', sam%ling %&oce'u&e an' 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule. De%en'ing on t$e ty%e o+ c$a&acte&istic
/ualitati*e o& /uantitati*e &e/ui&ements +o& c$ec5s an' &esult &eco&'ing can )e 'ete&mine'. :$en
allocating t$e tas5 list to mate&ial ;man'ato&y<, *en'o& ;o%tional< o& custome& ;o%tional< a''itional
'e+ault *alues can )e maintaine'. #$is means t$at t$e&e is no nee' +o& you as an ins%ection %lanne&
to c&eate &e'un'ant ins%ection %lans i+ you $a*e to mo'i+y *en'o&0s%eci+ic o& custome&0s%eci+ic ta&get
#o allocate an ins%ection c$a&acte&istic to an o%e&ation, c$oose an o%e&ation +&om t$e o%e&ation
o*e&*ie( ;ma&5< an' %&ess +&om t$e tool)a&. #$e c$a&acte&istic o*e&*ie(
(ill )e s$o(n.
#o &e+e&ence a 'e+ine' maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic ente& t$e num)e& o+ t$is c$a&acte&istic in t$e
'ata +iel' 6aster inspection characteristic o& sea&c$ +o& it using t$e matc$co'e sea&c$ . 6aste&
ins%ection c$a&acte&istics o+ any %lant can )e use', as +a& as you $a*e t$e aut$o&i8ation.
A+te& con+i&ming (it$ a sam%ling %&oce'u&e $as to )e allocate' to t$e c$a&acte&istic, i+ t$is $as )een
maintaine' (it$in t$e cont&ol in'icato&s o+ t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic. + 'ynamic mo'i+ication
$as )een maintaine' in t$e $ea'e& o+ t$e tas5 list, a 'ynamic mo'i+ication &ule can )e ente&e'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 13F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
A+te& con+i&mation *ia t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic is &e+e&ence'.
Re+e&ence' means, t$at all c$anges t$at a%%ly to t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic also a%%ly to
t$e ins%ection %lans it is &e+e&ence' to.
#$e sym)ols in column 1Re+e&ence to maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic1 in'icates t$at a &e+e&ence
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 139
Automotive Systems

$aster data %nloc2ing a reference
+ 'ata o+ t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic s$oul' )e c$ange' ;e.g. cont&ol in'icato&s o&
/uantitati*e 'ata<, t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic $as to )e unloc5e'. + you unloc5 it, t$e
&e+e&ence (ill )e lost.
#o unloc5 a c$a&acte&istic, ma&5 t$e co&&es%on'ing &o(. =se t$e menu %at$ )dit 7nlock master
charac o& t$e )utton to unloc5 it.
A+te& t$e c$a&acte&istic $as )een unloc5e' all *alues can )e c$ange' ;e.g. cont&ol in'icato&s,
/uantitati*e 'ata<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 140
Automotive Systems

$aster data &efining dependent characteristic specifications
+ ins%ection %lans +o& e.g. ce&tain mate&ials only 'i++e& )y some c$a&acte&istics, e.g. tole&ances, it is
not necessa&y to c&eate ne( ins%ection %lans. t is %ossi)le to 'e+ine 'e%en'ent c$a&acte&istic
s%eci+ications. #o 'e+ine t$ese, t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic $as to )e unloc5e'.
#o 'e+ine 'e%en'ent c$a&acte&istic s%eci+ications ma&5 a c$a&acte&istics &o( an' %&ess t$e )utton
=se t$e )utton o& to get a selection list o+ mate&ials allocate' to t$is
ins%ection %lan.
3&om t$is selection list c$oose t$e mate&ial you (ant to c$ange.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 141
Automotive Systems

$aster data
=se t$e )utton o& t$e )utton 5e$ entries to 'is%lay a sc&een ($e&e you can ente& t$e
ne( c$a&acte&istic *alues +o& t$e c$osen mate&ial.
#$is sc&een $as to )e +ille' out as s$o(n a)o*e. ,nte&ing a ta&get *alue is not necessa&y ;not a
&e/ui&e' 'ata +iel'<. P&ess to con+i&m t$e ente&e' *alues.
A+te&(a&'s sa*e t$e ne( c$a&acte&istic allocation.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 142
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#$e limits a&e only *ali' +o& t$is allocation, all ot$e& mate&ials still use t$e BusualC *alues o+ t$e no&mal
c$a&acte&istic o& maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic. Copying characteristics from other tas2 lists
t is %ossi)le to co%y c$a&acte&istics +&om ot$e& ins%ection %lans.
#o co%y a c$a&acte&istic +&om anot$e& tas5 list, %lace t$e cu&so& in a c$a&acte&istics &o(, ($e&e t$e
c$a&acte&istic going to )e co%ie' s$oul' )e ente&e'.
+ t$e&e a&e mo&e c$a&acte&istics +ollo(ing
t$is one, t$ey (ill )e mo*e' 'o(n(a&'s.
=se t$e menu %at$ Copy
.Characteristics. o& t$e )utton
an' select t$e
ins%ection %lan an' c$a&acte&istics going
to )e co%ie'.
#o co%y c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e same
o%e&ation, ma&5 t$e c$a&acte&istics going
to )e co%ie', an' %lace t$e cu&so& on t$e
&o(, a+te& ($ic$ t$e c$a&acte&istics s$oul'
)e ente&e'. + t$e&e a&e +u&t$e&
c$a&acte&istics +ollo(ing t$e ma&5e' one,
t$ese (ill )e mo*e' 'o(n(a&'s.
=se t$e menu %at$ )dit Copy into
operation to co%y t$em.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 143
Automotive Systems

$aster data %sing reference operation sets
Re+e&ence o%e&ation sets a&e im%lemente' on o%e&ation le*el. #o im%lement t$em an e-isting
o%e&ation $as to )e ma&5e' o& t$e cu&so& $as to %lace' on an e-isting o%e&ation. =se )2tras
&eference Create o& t$e )utton to 'is%lay t$e sc&een s$o(n )elo(.
,nte& t$e o%e&ation, ($ic$ s$oul' contain t$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation set. #$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation set
$as to )e ente&e' in t$e 'ata +iel' BD&ou% &e+e&&e' toB o& use t$e matc$co'e sea&c$ to select tas5 lists
o+ ty%e BSB.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 144
Automotive Systems

$aster data
+ you e-ecute t$e sea&c$, a list o+ &e+e&ence o%e&ation sets (ill )e 'is%laye'. C$oose t$e co&&ect one
+&om t$e list. P&ess o& sa*e it to im%lement t$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation set.
As long as t$e &e+e&ence is acti*e, t$e co&&es%on'ing o%e&ation is $ig$lig$te' in g&ey an' cannot )e
=se )2tras &eference 7nlock to unloc5 t$is &e+e&ence an' c$ange t$e o%e&ation i+ necessa&y.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 14?
Automotive Systems

$aster data 7here8used list of master inspection characteristics
=se t$e ($e&e0use' list to 'is%lay t$ose ins%ection %lans containing a ce&tain maste& ins%ection
Logistics Quality management Quality planning 2aster %ata Inspection
characteristic 0here5use% list (QS,9)
A+te& ente&ing t$e num)e& o+ t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic an' a %lant %&ess t$e )utton
to get t$e ($e&e0use' list +o& t$e selecte' maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic.
#$is list contains t$e ins%ection %lan an' t$e co&&es%on'ing o%e&ations using t$e c$a&acte&istic.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 146
Automotive Systems

$aster data Replacing master inspection characteristics
=se t$is +unction to &e%lace maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics in se*e&al o& all ins%ection %lans
Logistics Quality management Quality planning 2aster %ata Inspection
characteristic /eplace (QS,7)
2n t$e initial sc&een ente& t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic to )e &e%lace' an' t$e ne(
c$a&acte&istic. P&ess t$e )utton to get a ($e&e0use' list +o& t$e maste& ins%ection
c$a&acte&istic, t$at s$oul' )e &e%lace'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 149
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3&om t$e ($e&e0use' list c$oose t$ose o%e&ations, ($e&e t$e c$a&acte&istic s$oul' )e &e%lace'.
+ it s$oul' )e &e%lace' in all o%e&ations, %&ess t$e )utton ;ma&5 all<.
A+te&(a&'s &e%lace t$e c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e selecte' o%e&ations )y %&essing t$e )utton . 7here8used list of reference operation sets
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
/e.erence <peration Set 0here5use% list (C6(0)
A+te& ente&ing g&ou% an' tas5 list status %&ess t$e )utton ;e-ecute< to 'is%lay t$e ($e&eGuse' list
+o& t$e selecte' &e+e&ence o%e&ation set.
#$is list contains t$e ins%ection %lans an' co&&es%on'ing o%e&ations using t$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 14F
Automotive Systems

$aster data" Replacing reference operation sets
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
/e.erence operation set /eplace (C6())

SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 149
Automotive Systems

$aster data
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?0
Automotive Systems

$aster data
2n t$e initial sc&een ente& t$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation set going to )e &e%lace' an' t$e ne( one. ,nte&
+u&t$e& selection c&ite&ia ;o%tional e-ce%t tas5 list status< +o& ins%ection %lans an' %&ess t$e )utton
;e-ecute< to get a ($e&e0use' list +o& t$e &e+e&ence o%e&ation set, t$at s$oul' )e &e%lace'.
3&om t$e ($e&e0use' list c$oose t$e o%e&ations in ($ic$ t$e ol' &e+e&ence o%e&ation set s$oul' )e
A+te&(a&'s %&ess t$e )utton to com%lete t$e &e%lacement.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?1
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.2.3 rinting inspection plans rinting lists of inspection plans -general. available in the system
ns%ection %lans can )e selecte' an' %&inte' using 'i++e&ent c&ite&ia. #$is &e%o&t %&ints al&ea'y e-isting
ins%ection %lans. :it$out ente&ing a g&ou% counte& all ins%ection %lans o+ a g&ou% inclu'ing t$ei&
ins%ection c$a&acte&istics s%eci+ication (ill )e %&inte'.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
Inspection plan Print (general) (CP0))
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?2
Automotive Systems

$aster data rinting lists of inspection plans by material
ns%ection %lans +o& a s%ecial mate&ial can )e %&inte' as (ell. #$is &e%o&t %&ints ins%ection
c$a&acte&istics s%eci+ications *ali' +o& a selecte' mate&ial o& +o& a s%eci+ic mate&ial/*en'o&/custome&
com)ination. #$e same ins%ection %lan *e&sion (ill )e selecte', t$at is use' to c&eate an ins%ection
lot +o& t$e mate&ial.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
Inspection plan Print (selecti#e) (CP0>)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?3
Automotive Systems

$aster data
De%en'ing on t$e selecte' +unction an' c$osen selection c&ite&ia t$e system c&eates a list o+ e-isting
ins%ection %lans.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?4
Automotive Systems

$aster data rinting inspection plans
#o %&int an ins%ection %lan use t&ansaction OQ36PD10.
3ill out t$e selection sc&een. P&ess t$e )utton ;e-ecute< to sta&t t$e selection.
+ you ma&5e' t$e 'ata +iel' Print previe$ (it$ an BPC, t$e selecte' ins%ection %lan (ill )e 'is%laye' on
sc&een +i&st. #o %&int it use t$e menu %at$ Te2t Print.
+ you (ant to select &e+e&ence o%e&ation sets ;tas5 list ty%e 1S1< 'o not ente& a %lant o& mate&ial
num)e& on t$e selection sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1??
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#$e long te-t 'is%laye' in t$e $ea'e& $as )een maintaine' in t$e $ea'e& o+ t$e ins%ection %lan using
t$e long te-t +unction ;see 6aintaining $ea'e& 'ata<.
3.2." &isplaying a list of missing inspection plans
=se t$is +unction to 'ete&mine, ($ic$ mate&ials a&e not lin5e' to a *ali' ins%ection %lan.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
Inspection plan 2issing or unusa=le inspection plans (QP09)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?6
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#o sea&c$ +o& a mate&ial use any com)ination o+ t$e selection c&ite&ia ;mate&ial, %lant, ins%ection ty%e,
5ey 'ate<.
P&ess t$e )utton to &ecei*e a list o+ mate&ials (it$ missing o& in*ali' ins%ection %lans.
3&om (it$in t$is list use t$e )utton to 'is%lay t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' o& t$e )utton
to go to t$e ins%ection %lan.
=se t$e +ollo(ing +unction to c&eate a list o+ mate&ials in %u&c$ase )ut +o& ($ic$ no *ali' ins%ection
%lan e-ists.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
Inspection plan 2issing or unusa=le inspection plans in procurement (QP07)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?9
Automotive Systems

$aster data
#o sea&c$ +o& a mate&ial use any com)ination o+ t$e selection c&ite&ia ;mate&ial, %lant, ins%ection ty%e,
5ey 'ate<.
A+te& $itting you (ill get a list o+ mate&ials (it$ missing o& in*ali' ins%ection %lans.
3&om (it$in t$is list use t$e )utton to 'is%lay t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' o& t$e )utton
to s(itc$ to t$e ins%ection %lan.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.2.' &isplaying a list of multiple material#inspection plan allocations
Sta&t t&ansaction OQ36P7F0 to gene&ate t$e list.
A+te& ente&ing selection c&ite&ia ;%lant, tas5 list ty%e an' usage< sta&t t$e list )y %&essing t$e )utton
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?9
Automotive Systems

$aster data
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 160
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.2.) Inspection planning using the 5ngineering 7or2bench -579.
=se t$e ,nginee&ing :o&5)enc$ +o& a )ette& o*e&*ie( on ins%ection %lans an' its +aste& maintenance.
3i&st c$oose (o&5ing a&ea BPR=,3P7A"C ;De&man +o&. ins%ection %lan<. #$is (ay you get t$e
in+o&mation you nee' to c&eate o& %&ocess an ins%ection %lan.
,nte& selection c&ite&ia to 'e+ine, ($ic$ ins%ection %lans s$oul' )e 'is%laye' o& %&ocesse' in t$e
,nginee&ing :o&5)enc$.
#$e system co%ies t$e selecte' ins%ection %lans +&om t$e 'ata)ase to you& (o&5list.
#$en you can %&ocess t$e ins%ection %lans o+ you& (o&5list. + you c&eate ne( %lans, t$ese %lans (ill
)e t&ans+e&&e' to you& (o&5list.
A+te&(a&'s you sa*e you& (o&5list.
#$e system (&ites ne( an' c$ange' ins%ection %lans to t$e 'ata)ase.
=sing t$e ,nginee&ing :o&5)enc$ you a&e a)le to c&eate ne( ins%ection %lans, to co%y e-isting %lans
an' to &e+e&ence o& to co%y &e+e&ence o%e&ation sets. 3u&t$e&mo&e, you a&e a)le to %&ocess ins%ection
3.2.).1 579: Starting the 5ngineering 7or2bench
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Inspection planning
Inspection plan 0or1=ench (C0$Q2)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 161
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.2.).2 579: Selecting a (or2ing area
,nte& t$e nee'e' (o&5ing a&ea an' %&ess ;Continue<.
@y c$oosing a (o&5ing a&ea t$e ,nginee&ing :o&5)enc$ (ill )e set u% +o& a ce&tain tas5. n t$is case
t$e (o&5ing a&ea is ins%ection %lans.
:o&5ing a&eas can +ocus on t$e +ollo(ing o)Aect ty%es.
Beader -tas2 list.
De+ines t$at t$e selection c&ite&ia $a*e +ocus on tas5 list $ea'e&s. #$e system loa's all
o%e&ations o+ a tas5 list to you& (o&5list.
De+ines t$at t$e selection c&ite&ia $a*e +ocus on o%e&ations. #$e system loa's only ce&tain
;selecte'< o%e&ations o+ a tas5 list to t$e (o&5list. @ecause less o)Aects a&e s$o(n, t$is 'is%lay
is mo&e e++icient +o& use.
9*$ header
De+ines t$at t$e selection c&ite&ia $a*e +ocus on @26 $ea'e&s. #$e system loa's all items o+ a
@26 to you& (o&5list.
De+ines t$at t$e selection c&ite&ia $a*e +ocus on items o+ a @26. #$e system loa's only
ce&tain ;selecte'< items o+ a @26 to you& (o&5list.
At the moment the focus on task list headers should be used only.
=se t$e )utton ;sa*e as 'e+ault< to sa*e t$e selecte' (o&5ing a&ea as a 'e+ault. #$en t$e Po%0=%
+o& ente&ing a (o&5ing a&ea (ill not )e 'is%laye' anymo&e.
3.2.).3 579: 5ntering selection criteria
De%en'ing on t$e c$osen (o&5ing a&ea, a sc&een +o& ente&ing selection c&ite&ia +o& an ins%ection %lan
(ill )e 'is%laye'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 162
Automotive Systems

$aster data
+ you %&ess t$e )utton you a&e a)le to c$oose +&om e*en
mo&e selection c&ite&ia.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 163
Automotive Systems

$aster data
A+te& ente&ing selection c&ite&ia you $a*e t$e +ollo(ing 'is%lay %ossi)ilities.
Acco&'ing to t$e +ocus o+ you& (o&5ing a&ea t$e sc&een headers overvie$ o& -peration overvie$ (ill
)e 'is%laye'. + t$e&e a&e se*e&al tas5 lists t$at matc$ t$e selection c&ite&ia, a ta)le +o& selection (ill )e
#$e (eaders overvie$ (ill )e s$o(n.
#$e -perations overvie$ (ill )e s$o(n.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 164
Automotive Systems

$aster data
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 16?
Automotive Systems

$aster data
;ns%ection c$a&acte&istics<
#$e %nspection characteristics overvie$ (ill )e s$o(n.
3.2.)." 579: roduct Structure 9ro(ser
3o& a mo&e com+o&ta)le %&ocessing o+ ins%ection %lans acti*ate t$e P&o'uct St&uctu&e @&o(se& using
t$e )utton . #$e P&o'uct St&uctu&e @&o(se& is a na*igation tool, ($ic$ 'is%lays ins%ection %lans,
o%e&ations an' ins%ection c$a&acte&istics $ie&a&c$ically in an o)Aect t&ee.
#$en you a&e a)le to maintain ins%ection %lans )y selecting t$em 'i&ectly +&om t$is t&ee.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 166
Automotive Systems

$aster data
3.2.).' 579: Creating inspection plans
Copying an inspection plan
,nte& mate&ial num)e& an' tas5 list ty%e o+ t$e co%y tem%late in section Conte2t.
6a&5 t$e 'esi&e' co%y tem%late.
P&ess t$e )utton ;Co%y<.
A selection sc&een +o& t$e ta&get 'ata (ill )e 'is%laye'.
n t$e Conte2t section o+ t$e ta&get 'ata ente& mate&ial num)e& an' tas5 list ty%e +o& t$e ne(
ins%ection %lan.
#o co%y all su)o&'inate o)Aects an' to c&eate ne( &e+e&ences +o& t$em, ma&5 t$e o%tion
:$ic$ o)Aects a&e co%ie', can )e set in t$e o%tions o+ t$e co%y a&ea .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 169
Automotive Systems

$aster data
=se t$e )utton to c&eate a ne( ins%ection %lan )ase' u%on t$e co%y tem%late.
#$e ne( ins%ection %lan (ill )e in'icate' as )loc5e'. !alues (ill )e ta5en +&om t$e co%y tem%late.
$aintaining tas2 list header data
=se t$e ta)s to (o&5 on t$e
%&o%ose' 'ata +o& t$e tas5 list $ea'e&.
$aintaining operations
#o maintain 'e+ault *alues +o& t$e o%e&ations, ma&5 t$e tas5 list you (ant to %&ocess. A+te&(a&'s go to
t$e o%e&ations o*e&*ie( o+ t$e tas5 list *ia t$e menu %at$ Task list -perations.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 16F
Automotive Systems

$aster data
=se t$e ta)s to c$ec5 an' c$ange ;i+ necessa&y< t$e 'e+ault *alues o+ t$e o%e&ations.
Inspection characteristics
#o c&eate ne( ins%ection c$a&acte&istics o& to alte& e-isting c$a&acte&istics ma&5 an o%e&ation an'
c$oose t$e menu %at$ Task list %nspection characteristics.
=se t$e ta)s to maintain t$e single ins%ection c$a&acte&istics.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 169
Automotive Systems

$aster data
roduction resources and tools
#o allocate a tool to an ins%ection c$a&acte&istic, c$oose t$e menu %at$ Task lists Production
resources and tools +&om t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic o*e&*ie(.
%n difference to the #classic8 transactions for maintaining inspection plans, $hich allo$ the
allocation of up to five tools, the )ngineering 0orkbench only allo$s to allocate one tool.
4or a faster access to certain ob9ects use the tree.
+ouble:click on an ob9ect to divert to the corresponding overvie$ and details screens.
+ all 'ata o+ t$e ne( ins%ection %lan $as )een maintaine', sa*e it using t$e )utton ;sa*e<.
#$e system (&ites you& (o&5list, inclu'ing $e ne( ins%ection %lans, to t$e 'ata)ase.
>ou &ecei*e t$e system message .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 190
Automotive Systems

$aster data
Creating an inspection plan (ithout copying
,nte& t$e mate&ial num)e& an' tas5 list ty%e o+ a tem%late in section Conte2t.
C$oose t$e )utton ;C&eate < o& %&ess ;Continue<.
n t$e $ea'e& o*e&*ie( ne( &o(s (ill )e 'is%laye' +o& ente&ing ne( ins%ection %lans.
=se t$e ta)s o+ t$e 'i++e&ent le*els to maintain 'ata +o& t$e ne( ins%ection %lan.
+ you (ant to co%y e-isting o)Aects, it is &ecommen'e' to use t$e '&agS'&o% +unction in t$e o*e&*ie(
,.g., i+ you (ant to co%y an o%e&ation, clic5 on t$is o%e&ation using t$e le+t mouse )utton, $ol' t$e
mouse )utton an' '&ag t$e o%e&ation to you& ne( ins%ection %lan.
A+te&(a&'s 'e+ine t$e se/uence in ($ic$ t$e o%e&ations s$oul' )e ca&&ie' out.
#o 'e+ine ($ic$ o)Aects s$oul' )e co%ie' (it$ t$e o%e&ation use t$e co%y o%tions ($ic$ can )e
accesse' *ia ;settings<.
,.g., i+ you (ant to co%y an o%e&ation inclu'ing its su)o&'inate tools )ut (it$out t$e su)o&'inate
ins%ection c$a&acte&istics, use t$e +ollo(ing setting +o& t$e co%y a&ea.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 191
Automotive Systems

$aster data
+ all *alues o+ t$e ne( ins%ection %lan $a*e )een maintaine', sa*e t$e ins%ection %lan using t$e
)utton ;sa*e<.
#$e system (&ites you& (o&5list, inclu'ing t$e ne( ins%ection %lan, to t$e 'ata)ase.
>ou (ill &ecei*e t$e system message .
3.2.).) 579: Changing an inspection plan
#o c$ange an ins%ection %lan c$oose t$e same 'ata as +o& c&eation o+ a ne( %lan.
3i&st loa' t$e tas5 list you (oul' li5e to c$ange to you& (o&5list.
n you& (o&5list ma&5 one o& mo&e ins%ection %lans you (oul' li5e to %&ocess.
#o c$ange t$em %&ess t$e )utton ;C$ange/7oc5<.
3i&st t$e system loc5s t$ese ins%ection %lans, i.e. t$ey cannot )e %&ocesse' )y anot$e& use&.
#$e ins%ection %lans (ill )e ma&5e' )y t$e sym)ol ;o)Aect loc5e'<.
"o( you can c$ange t$ose 'ata +iel's ($ic$ a&e &ea'y +o& ent&y.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 192
Automotive Systems

$aster data
+ you maintaine' all c$anges, sa*e t$e ins%ection %lan using t$e )utton ;sa*e<.
#$e system (&ites you& (o&5list, inclu'ing t$e ne( ins%ection %lan, to t$e 'ata)ase.
>ou (ill &ecei*e t$e system message .
A+te&(a&'s unloc5 t$e ins%ection %lan using t$e menu %at$ 4ea'e& Dis%lay/=nloc5. #$e ins%ection
%lan can no( )e %&ocesse' again )y ot$e& use&s.
%f you make a change on operation level, only this operation $ill be locked. -ther operations of
the same task list can be maintained by other users at this time.
+ you (ant to c$ange an o)Aect loc5e' )y anot$e& use&, you (ill &ecei*e t$e +ollo(ing message.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 193
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
" 9usiness transactions
".1 ,uality inspection in procurement
#$is c$a%te& outlines $o( a /uality ins%ection is 'ocumente' an' com%lete' in SAP. =sually a /uality
ins%ection is %&ocesse' a+te& t$e automatic c&eation o+ an ins%ection lot a+te& a goo's &ecei%t.
3u&t$e&mo&e, it (ill e-%lain $o( an ins%ection lot can )e c&eate' manually. #$e %&ocessing (ill )e t$e
#$is c$a%te& is not a)out maintaining t$e maste& 'ata, ($ic$ is 'esc&i)e' in c$a%te& 3.
Regula& %&ocessing o+ a goo's &ecei%t using t$e Q6 mo'ule
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".1.1 Inspection lot
#$e ins%ection lot is t$e inst&ument +o& t$e ins%ecto&, i.e. it ca&&ies all in+o&mation necessa&y to %&ocess
t$e ins%ection.
De%en'ing on t$e ins%ection ty%e an' on t$e %a&amete&s o+ t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' t$e mate&ial
(ill )e %oste' to t$e /uality ins%ection stoc5 ($en c&eating t$e ins%ection lot.
#o c&eate an ins%ection stoc5 t$e co&&es%on'ing ins%ection ty%e $as to )e acti*ate'.
".1.1.1 Automatic creation of an inspection lot
+ t$e co&&es%on'ing ins%ection ty%e o+ t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' is acti*ate', t$e ins%ection lot (ill
)e c&eate' automatically ($en %osting t$e goo's &ecei%t. t inclu'es all in+o&mation o+ t$e DR %osting
an' you can go to t$e co&&es%on'ing 'ocuments +&om (it$in t$e ins%ection lot.
+ a sou&ce ins%ection is 'one at t$e *en'o& an' maintaine' in t$e /uality in+o &eco&', t$e incoming
ins%ection can )e 'eacti*ate'. ;#$is +unction is not use' at Continental #e*es.<
".1.1.2 $anual creation of an inspection lot
Simila& to t$e automatic c&eation t$e co&&es%on'ing ins%ection ty%e $as to )e acti*ate' in t$e mate&ial
maste& &eco&'.
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection Inspection lot
Processing Create * Change * Display (Q601*Q60,*Q60-)
6ate&ial G 6ate&ial num)e&
Plant G 5ey +o& a uni/ue %lant
ns%ection lot o&igin G #$is o&igin names t$e o&igin o+ t$e ins%ection lot an' ;usually< com)ines se*e&al
ins%ection ty%es.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
2n t$e initial sc&een ente& mate&ial, %lant an' o&igin ;01 N goo's &ecei%t<. P&ess to 'is%lay anot$e&
selection sc&een.
+ se*e&al ins%ection ty%es a&e acti*ate' +o& t$e c$osen o&igin, c$oose one o+ t$ose +&om t$e ne-t
:$en %osting a goo's &ecei%t, t$e *ali' ins%ection ty%e (ill )e 'ete&mine' automatically using t$e
status o+ t$e /uality in+o &eco&' o& t$e 'ocument ty%e o+ t$e %u&c$asing o&'e& ;+o& sam%les<.
C$oose t$e co&&ect ins%ection ty%e an' con+i&m $itting . + ins%ection ty%e 01 o& 0102 is c$osen, t$e
ins%ection lot (ill )e %&ocesse' an' com%lete' simila& to a se&ies goo's &ecei%t. + you use ins%ection
ty%e 0101, no ins%ection %lan (ill )e allocate'. #$is means, t$e&e (ill )e no &esult &eco&'ing, Aust a
usage 'ecision.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Inspection lot !uantity G /uantity o+ t$e ins%ection lot
"um)e& containe&s G num)e& o+ t&a'ing units containe' (it$in t$e ins%ection lot
Sta&t 'ate G Sta&t 'ate +o& ins%ection. De+ault (ill )e cu&&ent 'ate , ($ic$ can )e c$ange'.
ns%. en' 'ate G ,n' 'ate o+ ins%ection. + no 'ate is ente&e', t$e system calculates it using t$e
sta&t 'ate an' a''ing t$e a*e&age ins%ection 'u&ation ente&e' in t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' +o& t$e
ins%ection ty%e. + t$e a*e&age ins%ection 'u&ation is )lan5, t$e cu&&ent 'ate (ill )e ta5en.
6anu+actu&e& G + you &ecei*e t$e mate&ial +&om 'ist&i)uto&s, use t$is 'ata +iel' to ente& t$e
manu+actu&e& o+ t$e mate&ial.
;endor G uni/ue *en'o& num)e&. =se' to ta5e o*e& in+o&mation +&om t$e *en'o& maste& &eco&'.
urchasing organi+ation G 5ey o+ a %u&c$asing o&ganisation. #$e %u&c$asing o&ganisation is an
o&gani8ational unit 'i*i'ing a com%any 'ue to %u&c$asing &e/ui&ements.
S$o&t te-t G S$o&t 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e ins%ection lot ;40 'igitsI use t$e )utton ;long te-t< to a''
a''itional te-ts.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
+ you %&ess , t$e system t&ies to allocate an ins%ection %lan to t$e ins%ection lot. An in+o&mation
message (ill a%%ea& in t$e status )a&, telling you t$at t$e /uality ins%ection (ill )e %&e%a&e'.
#$e system status s$oul' c$ange to R,7 ;&elease'< an' CA7C ;Sam%le calculate'<.
#o 'is%lay t$e status 'etails in a se%a&ate (in'o(, %&ess t$e )utton .
A%a&t +&om t$e status it inclu'es t$e actual %ossi)le
economic o%e&ations.
At t$e en' sa*e t$e ins%ection lot %&essing .
+ mo&e t$an one ins%ection %lan o& i+ no ins%ection %lan e-ists an' is acti*ate', t$e system cannot
'ete&mine t$e ins%ection %lan automatically. n t$is case a %o%0u% (in'o( (ill a%%ea&. =se t$is %o%0
u% to allocate an ins%ection %lan. A+te&(a&'s sa*e t$e ins%ection lot. #$e status )a& (ill 'is%lay an
in+o&mation message telling you t$e num)e& o+ %lant an' t$e one o+ t$e ne( ins%ection lot c&eate'.
A+te& sa*ing t$e ins%ection lot can )e %&ocesse'.
".1.1.3 rinting sample dra(ing instructions
@y %&essing t$e )uttons you a&e a)le to %&int an
ins%ection inst&uction o& sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction at any time +&om (it$in t$e ins%ection lot.
De%en'ing on customi8ing %a&amete&s t$e sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction may )e %&inte' automatically
($en c&eating t$e ins%ection lot ;'e+ault at Continental0#e*es<.
".1.2 Results recording
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
+ an ins%ection %lan ca&&ying ins%ection c$a&acte&istics is use', t$e &esults o+ t$e ins%ection $a*e to
)e &eco&'e'.
".1.2.1 7or2list
#o &eco&' &esults o+ an ins%ection, t(o 'i++e&ent 5in's o+ (o&5lists a&e a*aila)le, ($ic$ (ill )e
e-%laine' in t$is c$a%te&. n gene&al, &esults can )e &eco&'e' 'i&ectly (it$out using (o&5lists. @ot$
%&oce'u&es (ill use t$e same sc&een +o& &esult &eco&'ing.
".1.2.2 Results recording (or2list
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection 0or1list /esults
recor%ing (QE)13)
nitial sc&een.
#$is selection sc&een 'oes not contain &e/ui&e' 'ata +iel's. Rest&ict as many %a&amete&s as %ossi)le,
to get s$o&t lists an' im%&o*e t$e system %e&+o&mance.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
=se t$e )utton ;use& settings< to 'e+ine in'i*i'ual settings +o& t$e &esult &eco&'ing an' to in+luence
t$e %&ocessing acco&'ing to you& nee's.
=se t$e ta) &ecording configuration to 'e+ine e.g. t$e na*igation cont&ol +o& &esults &eco&'ing.
Close on continue
+ t$e +ollo(ing &e/ui&ements a&e met, t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic o& %a&tial sam%le (ill )e close'
($en &eco&'ing o& c$anging &esults.
3o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic t$e cont&ol in'icato&s 4i2ed scope o& Smaller scope a&e set.
#$e ta&get sam%le sco%e is &eac$e'.
>ou $a*e t$e aut$o&i8ation to *aluate an' close t$e c$a&acte&istic.
A+te& &eco&'ing t$e &esult +o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic you c$ose Continue.
Automatic close ($en na*igating
+ t$e +ollo(ing &e/ui&ements a&e met, t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic o& %a&tial sam%le (ill )e close'
($en &eco&'ing o& c$anging &esults.
3o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic t$e cont&ol in'icato&s 4i2ed scope o& Smaller scope a&e set.
#$e ta&get sam%le sco%e is &eac$e'.
>ou $a*e t$e aut$o&i8ation to *aluate an' close t$e c$a&acte&istic
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
A+te& &eco&'ing t$e &esult +o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic you $a*e use' t$e na*igation
+unction to go to t$e ne-t ins%ection lot, ne-t o%e&ation, ne-t c$a&acte&istic o& you %&esse' t$e
)utton ;ack o& Characteristics overvie$.
Automatic close ($en sa*ing
+ t$e +ollo(ing &e/ui&ements a&e met, t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic o& %a&tial sam%le (ill )e close'
($en &eco&'ing o& c$anging &esults.
3o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic t$e cont&ol in'icato&s 4i2ed scope o& Smaller scope a&e set.
#$e ta&get sam%le sco%e is &eac$e'.
>ou $a*e t$e aut$o&i8ation to *aluate an' close t$e c$a&acte&istic.
A+te& &eco&'ing t$e &esult +o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic you $a*e sa*e'.
Automatic close on con+i&mation o+ last *alue
+ t$e +ollo(ing &e/ui&ements a&e met, t$e o%e&ation (ill )e sa*e'.
Results $a*e )een &eco&'e' o& c$ange'.
#$e cu&so& is %lace' on t$e last c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e o%e&ation.
#$e ta&get sam%le sco%e o+ t$e last c$a&acte&istic is &eac$e'.
A+te& &eco&'ing t$e &esult +o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic you $a*e c$osen Continue.
Do to ne-t c$a&., %a&tial sam%le, ins%. unit
+ t$e +ollo(ing &e/ui&ements a&e met, t$e ne-t c$a&acte&istic, ne-t %a&tial sam%le o& ne-t ins%ection
unit (ill )e 'is%laye' automatically ($en &eco&'ing &esults.
#$e ta&get sam%le sco%e o+ t$e last c$a&acte&istic is &eac$e'.
A+te& a com%lete &esult &eco&'ing you $a*e c$osen Continue, ,aluate o& Close.
Do to t$e ne-t o%e&ation going to )e ins%ecte'
+ t$e +ollo(ing &e/ui&ements a&e met, t$e ne-t ins%ection o%e&ation (ill )e 'is%laye' automatically.
Results $a*e )een &eco&'e' o& c$ange'.
#$e cu&so& is %lace' on t$e last c$a&acte&istic o+ t$e o%e&ation.
#$e ta&get sam%le sco%e o+ t$e last c$a&acte&istic is &eac$e'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
A+te& &eco&'ing t$e &esult +o& t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic you $a*e c$osen Continue.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 10
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
S5i% t$e c$a&acte&istic o*e&*ie( sc&een
+ t$e o%e&ation contains c$a&acte&istics (it$ status 1 o& 2, t$e c$a&acte&istics o*e&*ie( (ill )e s5i%%e'
an' t$e &esult (ill )e &eco&'e' on t$e main sc&een o+ t$e ins%ection c$a&acte&istic.
Single *alues a&e not automatically e-%an'e'
A+te& ente&ing &esults t$e c$a&acte&istics o*e&*ie( (ill not 'is%lay &o(s +o& single &esults.
=se t$e ta) %nspection point identification to 'e+ine e.g. t$e +iel' com)ination +o& ins%ection %oints.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 11
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
De+ine %a&ticula& ent&ies +o& &eco&'ing on t$e +efault values ta).
De+ine t$e &e%o&t ty%e on t$e +efects recording ta) an' o++e& a multi%le selection o+ 'e+ect co'es.
2n t$e ta) ,ie$ 'e+ine, i+ g&a%$ics s$oul' )e sta&te' imme'iately a+te& e-ecuting t$e t&ansaction o& i+
t$e g&a%$ic s$oul' )e sta&te' on &e/uest.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 12
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
P&ess t$e )utton ;e-ecute< to 'is%lay t$e (o&5list acco&'ing to t$e ente&e' selection c&ite&ia.
Dou)le0clic5 on t$e 'i++e&ent le*els to get access to t$e co&&es%on'ing &esult &eco&'ing automatically.
T ns%ection lot le*el ;10000333666< 0U =sage 'ecision
T 2%e&ation le*el ;0010< 0U Reco&'ing &esults +o& all c$a&acte&istics o+ an
T C$a&acte&istics le*el ;0010< 0U Result &eco&'ing +o& a single c$a&acte&istic
#$e (o&5list s$o(s only ins%ection lots to ($ic$ an ins%ection %lan is allocate'. #$is is t$e &eason
($y ins%ection lots +o& sam%les (ill not )e 'is%laye'.
#$e colou& o+ ins%ection lots in'icates i+ it $as to )e ins%ecte' o& s5i%%e'. + it $as to )e ins%ecte' it
(ill )e $ig$lig$te' in )lue. S5i%s o& al&ea'y com%lete' ins%ection lots a&e $ig$lig$te' in )lac5.
#$e colou&e' in'icato& in +&ont o+ t$e c$a&acte&istic s$o(s i+ t$e c$a&acte&istic $as )een acce%te'
;g&een< o& &eAecte' ;&e'<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 13
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e liste' 'ata o+ t$e (o&5list ;$e&e. ins%ection lot num)e&, mate&ial
num)e& (it$ s$o&t te-t, *en'o& an' c&eation 'ate o+ t$e ins%ection lot<
can )e c$ange' use&0s%eci+ic.
C$ange layout
#$e le+t section on t$e ta) Columns s$o(s t$e cu&&ent list layout. #$e columns a&e 'is%laye' +&om to%
to )ottom in t$e se/uence on t$e sc&een +&om t$e le+t to t$e &ig$t.
Re'un'ant columns can )e )lan5e' out. 6a&5 t$e column an' %&ess t$e )utton to mo*e t$e 'ata
+iel's to t$e columns set. A''itional 'ata +iel's o+ t$e columns set can )e 'is%laye' in t$e list. 6a&5
t$ese 'ata +iel's an' %&ess t$e )utton to mo*e t$em to t$e columns.
#$e se/uence o+ columns can )e c$ange' using t$e column P2S.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 14
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e 'is%laye' columns an' t$e se/uence o+ t$e columns in t$e (o&5list itsel+ can )e set )y t$e use&,
too. Place t$e mouse %ointe& on t$e column $ea'e&, %&ess t$e le+t mouse )utton an' mo*e t$e
column to t$e ne( %osition. P&ess t$e )utton on t$e to% &ig$t co&ne& o+ t$e ta)le to sa*e t$e ne(
>ou can e*en 'e+ine you& ne( layout as a 'e+ault.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".1.2.3 7or2list inspection lots
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection 0or1list Inspection
Change %ata *Display %ata (Q6-,*Q6--)
#$is (o&5list is use' to 'is%lay ins%ection lots t$at $a*e not )een +ully %&ocesse' 'e%en'ing on t$e
setting o+ t$e &a'io )utton. ;&esult &eco&'ing, =D, in*ento&y %osting<.
2n t$is sc&een ente& selection c&ite&ia +o& ins%ection lots an' *alues +o& list %a&amete&s.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 16
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Do not ente& 'ata in t$e 'ata +iel' . + you ente& a
num)e&, t$e list (ill not 'is%lay t$e +i&st P $its. nstea', only t$e +i&st P ent&ies o+ t$e 'ata)ase (ill )e
=se t$e )utton to sa*e t$e selection c&ite&ia an' to list %a&amete&s as a use&0s%eci+ic
+ 'ata +iel's cannot )e c$ange' ;e.g. t$e lot c&eation 'ate<, use t$e )utton ,ariant attributes to c$ec5
+o& a selection *a&ia)le. Delete it to c$ange t$e 'ata +iel' contents.
A+te& maintaining selection %a&amete&s an' *alues +o& list settings %&ess t$e )utton to sa*e t$em.
:$en t$e t&ansaction is sta&te' again, t$ese *alues (ill )e ente&e' as a 'e+ault. >ou can use o&
c$ange t$em.
#$e t&ansaction (ill )e sta&te' )y $itting ;e-ecute<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 19
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
C$anging t$e list layout
=se t$e )utton ;c$ange layout< to c$ange t$e list layout use&0s%eci+ically acco&'ing to you&
A+te& %&essing t$e )utton a (in'o( (ill a%%ea& ($ic$ o++e&s t$e +unctions +o& layout c$anges.
#$e le+t section on t$e ta) Columns s$o(s t$e cu&&ent list layout. #$e columns a&e 'is%laye' +&om to%
to )ottom in t$e se/uence on t$e sc&een +&om t$e le+t to t$e &ig$t.
Re'un'ant columns can )e )lan5e' out. 6a&5 t$e column an' %&ess t$e )utton to mo*e t$e 'ata
+iel's to t$e columns set. A''itional 'ata +iel's o+ t$e columns set can )e 'is%laye' in t$e list. 6a&5
t$ese 'ata +iel's an' %&ess t$e )utton to mo*e t$em to t$e columns.
#$e se/uence o+ t$e columns 'is%laye' in t$e list can )e c$ange' using t$e )uttons .
3i&st ma&5 t$e column you (oul' li5e to mo*e. >ou can also mo*e se*e&al columns at once ;%&ess t$e
S$i+t05ey ($en ma&5ing columns<.
=se t$e )utton ;sa*e layout< to sa*e t$e layout use&0s%eci+ic. >ou may $a*e a loo5 at t$e layout
+i&st )y %&essing t$e )utton an' a+te&(a&'s sa*ing it using t$e )utton ;sa*e layout<.
n )ot$ cases t$e +ollo(ing sc&een (ill a%%ea&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1F
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
,nte& a name an' a 'esc&i%tion +o& you& layout. Pay attention t$at a use&0s%eci+ic layout al(ays $as to
sta&t (it$ a lette&.
+ you ma&5 t$e o%tion 'e+ault, t$is layout (ill )e sa*e' as t$e stan'a&' layout to you& use& %&o+ile.
#$e use&0s%eci+ic layouts can only )e accesse' )y t$e use& ($o c&eate' t$em.
+ you (ant a 'i++e&ent layout, %&ess t$e )utton ;select layout< an' c$oose one +&om t$e list. #$e
list (ill )e 'is%laye' using t$e c$osen layout.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 19
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e +ollo(ing +unctions can )e accesse' +&om t$e (o&5list.
6aintaining / c$anging usage 'ecisions
Reco&'ing / c$anging 'e+ects
3o& mo&e 'etails on %&ocessing 'e+ects see c$a%te& ;Reco&'ing 'e+ects<.
Reco&'ing / c$anging &esult
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 20
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
C$anging ins%ection lots
3u&t$e& +unctions a&e.
P&inting a SAP ins%ection &e%o&t
P&inting a SAP /uality ce&ti+icate
Reco&'ing a 'e+ect
#$is is t$e same +unction as 'esc&i)e' a)o*e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 21
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".1.2." Recording results (ithout (or2lists
+ ins%ection lot num)e&s an' ins%ection o%e&ation num)e&s a&e 5no(n o& can )e selecte' using t$e
matc$co'e sea&c$ +unctions on t$e initial sc&een, &esults can )e &eco&'e' (it$out using (o&5lists.
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection Inspection result "or
operation /ecor% (QE01)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 22
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".1.2.' Recording results
n gene&al, &esults can )e &eco&'e' on o%e&ation / c$a&acte&istic le*el, i.e. &esults can )e &eco&'e'
se%a&ately +o& eac$ (o&5 cente&.
#$e &esult &eco&'ing can )e accesse' as 'esc&i)e' )e+o&e eit$e& )y using (o&5lists o& in a 'i&ect (ay.
@ot$ %&ocesses (ill gui'e you to t$e same sc&een +o& &eco&'ing &esults.
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection Inspection result "or
operation /ecor% (QE01)
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection 0or1list /esults
recor%ing (QE)13)
Reco&'ing &esults using (o&5lists.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 23
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e le+t %a&t o+ t$e sc&een contains a $ie&a&c$ical 'is%lay o+ ins%ection lots.
ins%ection lot o& %a&tial lot
%f open characteristics e2ist, these $ill be highlighted by colours in the hierarchical tree.
#$e cu&&ent *aluation status is in'icate' )y t&a++ic lig$ts.
!aluation o+ t$e c$a&acte&istic
;g&ey< (it$out *aluation
;g&een< acce%te'
;&e'< &eAecte'
*aluation misse'
ns%ection lots t$at $a*e to )e ins%ecte' a&e $ig$lig$te' in )lue.
S5i%s o& %&ocesse' ins%ection lots a&e $ig$lig$te' in )lac5.
>ou can use t$e (o&5list to na*igate com+o&ta)ly )et(een t$e 'i++e&ent le*els.
2n o%e&ation le*el t$e c$a&acte&istics o*e&*ie( +o& t$is o%e&ation (ill )e 'is%laye'.
>ou get an o*e&*ie( on t$e c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e o%e&ation. 2n t$is o*e&*ie( t$e &esults can )e
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9usiness transactions
#$e c$a&acte&istics o*e&*ie( is 'i*i'e' into t$e +ollo(ing *ie(s (it$ 'i++e&ent +ocus.
?eneral G 2*e&*ie( an' &eco&'ing %ossi)ility +o& summa&i8e' *alues an' single *alues
Summari+ed 0 2*e&*ie( an' &eco&'ing %ossi)ility +o& summa&i8e' *alues
%nit to be inspected G 2*e&*ie( an' &eco&'ing %ossi)ility +o& single *alues (it$ &e+e&ence to a
sam%le 'e*ice
Indicators 0 2*e&*ie( an' &eco&'ing %ossi)ility +o& summa&i8e' *alues an' single *alues 'is%laying
t$e cont&ol in'icato&s ;e.g. summa&i8e' &eco&'ing, %a&tial sam%les, measu&e' *alues, cont&olling
c$a&acte&istic, automatic 'e+ect &eco&'ing<
#$e 'i++e&ent *ie(s can )e selecte' *ia t$e 'i++e&ent ta)s.
#$e c$a&acte&istics o*e&*ie( allo(s to na*igate )et(een c$a&acte&istics an' o%e&ations.
+ you (ant to select a s%eci+ie' c$a&acte&istic, 'ou)le0clic5 on t$e c$a&acte&istic (it$in t$e o*e&*ie( o&
'ou)le0clic5 on t$e c$a&acte&istic (it$in t$e (o&5list. Anot$e& %ossi)ility is, ma&5ing t$e line (it$in t$e
c$a&acte&istic o*e&*ie( an' to %&ess t$e )utton .
Sc&een. Single *alues +o& c$a&acte&istics
#$is sc&een is use' to &eco&' &esults +o& a single c$a&acte&istic 'e%en'ing on t$e (ay o+ &eco&'ing.
#$e&e a&e 'i++e&ent (ays +o& &eco&'ing &esults 'e%en'ing on i+ e.g. +o& eac$ sam%le 'e*ice t$e &esults
$a*e to )e &eco&'e' o& i+ summa&i8e' *alues a&e ente&e' li5e mean *alue an' stan'a&' 'e*iation.
t 'e%en's on t$is &eco&'ing ty%e ($ic$ 'ata $as to )e ente&e' on t$e c$a&acte&istics sc&een ($en
&eco&'ing &esults. n gene&al t$e +ollo(ing &eco&'ing ty%es a&e su%%o&te'.
Summa&i8e' &eco&'ing
Single *alue &eco&'ing
Classe' &eco&'ing
>ou can also &eco&' &esults +o& a c$a&acte&istic in se*e&al %a&tial sam%les. + c$a&acte&istics a&e
&eco&'e' /uantitati*e ;measu&e' *alues<, /ualitati*e ;att&i)ute co'es +o& c$a&acte&istics (it$ selecte'
sets< o& att&i)uti*e, 'e%en's on t$e settings o+ t$e cont&ol in'icato& o+ t$e tas5 list.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2?
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9usiness transactions
Summari+ed recording
:$en &eco&'ing summa&i8e' statistics, t$e +ollo(ing ty%es o+ &esults a&e su%%o&te'.
5umber of defects
,nte& t$e num)e& o+ ins%ecte' units in t$e 'ata +iel' %nspected. :$en closing t$e c$a&acte&istic t$is
num)e& (ill )e com%a&e' to t$e %&e'e+ine' sam%le sco%e an' c$ec5e' +o& com%liance (it$
%&e'e+ine' tole&ances.
#$e num)e& o+ 'e+ect sam%le units is ente&e' in t$e 'ata +iel' 5o. of defects. #$is num)e& may not )e
g&eate& t$an t$e num)e& o+ ins%ecte' %a&ts.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 26
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9usiness transactions
Coded characteristic attributes for the inspection characteristic
>ou can con+i&m co'e' c$a&acte&istic att&i)utes +o& an ins%ection c$a&acte&istic i+ you $a*e assigne' a
selecte' set to t$e c$a&acte&istic in t$e ins%ection %lan.
Quantitati*e con+i&mation
,nte& t$e num)e& o+ ins%ecte' %a&ts in t$e 'ata +iel' %nspected.
#$e num)e& o+ ins%ecte' %a&ts )elo( o& a)o*e t$e tole&ance limits a&e ente&e' in t$e 'ata +iel's 5o.
above o& 5o. belo$.
3o& /uantitati*e ins%ection c$a&acte&istics (it$out tole&ance limits, ente& t$e num)e& o+ noncon+o&ming
units in t$e 5onconforming +iel'. #$e +iel's 5o. above an' 5o. belo$ a&e not 'is%laye'.
Coded characteristic attributes for single units
>ou can con+i&m co'e' c$a&acte&istic att&i)utes +o& an ins%ection c$a&acte&istic, i+ you $a*e assigne' a
selecte' set to t$e c$a&acte&istic in t$e ins%ection %lan.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 29
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9usiness transactions
Single value recording
:$en &eco&'ing single *alues, t$e +ollo(ing ty%es o+ &esults a&e su%%o&te'.
5umber of defects
3o& an att&i)uti*e single *alue &eco&'ing )ase' on t$e num)e& o+ 'e+ects, ente& in t$e column
valuation o+ t$e Single ,alues sc&een a&ea t$e *aluation ;acce%te'/&eAecte'<. + it is &eAecte' you may
)e as5e' +o& a 'e+ect class. #$e system u%'ates t$e *alues in t$e +iel's %nspected, 5o. of defects an'
6easured values
,nte& t$e measu&e' *alues +o& t$e unit to )e ins%ecte'. #$e system *aluates t$e measu&e' *alues.
#$ose t$at lie (it$in t$e tole&ance &ange 'e+ine' )y t$e u%%e&/lo(e& limit ;section. s%ecs< a&e *alue'
BAC ;acce%te'< in t$e ,al column. 6easu&e' *alues t$at lie outsi'e t$e tole&ance &ange a&e &eAecte'. +
a measu&e' *alue is &eAecte' ;R<, t$e system ente&s t$e 'e+ect class o+ t$e co'e %&e'e+ine' in t$e
tas5 list in t$e +efects Class column.
A+te& a measu&e' *alue is ente&e', t$e system u%'ates t$e 'ata in t$e +iel's %nspected,
5onconforming, 5o.above, 5o.belo$ an' 2:bar.
+ no con+i&mation o+ measu&e' *alues $as )een %lanne' +o& an ins%ection c$a&acte&istic (it$ a single0
si'e' o& 'ou)le0si'e' tole&ance &ange, you only con+i&m t$e *aluation ;2K / not 2K< +o& eac$ single
unit. A+te& t$e *aluation is ente&e', t$e system u%'ates t$e *alues in t$e +iel's %nspected an'
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2F
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9usiness transactions
".1.2.) Adding characteristics
+ it is necessa&y to a'' ins%ection c$a&acte&istics to t$e
%&e'e+ine' ins%ection sco%e, use t$e menu %at$ )dit
Create additional characteristic o& t$e )utton o+ t$e
c$a&acte&istics o*e&*ie(.
,nte& a maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics. 2nly t$ose maste&
ins%ection c$a&acte&istics can )e use', t$at $a*e )een ente&e'
)e+o&e as maste& 'ata.
De+ault *alues o+ t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics a&e ta5en o*e& to t$e ne( c$a&acte&istic.
#o c$ange t$ese *alues you must $a*e t$e aut$o&i8ation to c$ange maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istics.
#$e +ollo(ing *alues can )e c$ange'.
Quantitati*e c$a&acte&istic. s$o&t te-t, u%%e& s%ecs limit, lo(e& s%ecs limit, ta&get *alue, 'ecimal
Qualitati*e c$a&acte&istic. s$o&t te-t
,nte& a sam%ling %&oce'u&e +o& t$e c$a&acte&istic. + t$e +lag +o& t$e sam%ling %&oce'u&e is not set in
t$e maste& ins%ection c$a&acte&istic, t$e sam%ling %&oce'u&e ente&e' on %lant0le*el in customi8ing (ill
)e use'. + t$is is not set, eit$e&, t$e c$a&acte&istic (ill )e ins%ecte' (it$ 100H.
#$e ne(ly assigne' c$a&acte&istic can )e %&ocesse' li5e a %lanne' c$a&acte&istic. ,*e&y ne(
c$a&acte&istic gets t$e num)e& 9000
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 29
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9usiness transactions
".1.2.4 S2ipping re!uired characteristics
+ a &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istic s$oul' not
)e ins%ecte', t$is c$a&acte&istic
s$oul' )e close' ($ile &eco&'ing
&esults an' %&o*i'e' (it$ an
co&&es%on'ing ins%ection 'esc&i%tion.
#$e c$a&acte&istic can )e close'
(it$out ente&ing a *alue using t$e
menu %at$ )dit Characteristic
4orce completion o& )y %&essing t$e )utton .
A+te&(a&'s a (in'o( (ill )e 'is%laye' as5ing you +o& acce%tance o&
&eAection o+ t$e c$a&acte&istic.
#$e a'*antage o+ t$is %&oce'u&e is t$at a+te& closing all c$a&acte&istics t$e ins%ection lot is
&es%ecti*ely ma&5e' on t$e (o&5list an' t$e&e+o&e tu&ne' *ali' +o& ta5ing a usage 'ecision.
".1.2.6 ;aluating and closing characteristics
#$e *aluation 'ete&mines i+ t$e /uality &e/ui&ements a&e met. #$e &esult o+ t$e *aluation is t$e )asis
+o& t$e usage 'ecision. #$e *aluation +unction (ill )e calle' u% automatically i+ you t&y to close a
+ you (ant to *aluate manually, %&ess t$e )utton ;*aluate< on t$e c$a&acte&istics o*e&*ie( o&
single c$a&acte&istic sc&een. + you use t$e +unction on t$e o*e&*ie( sc&een, t$is +unction (ill )e
ca&&ie' out +o& all ma&5e' c$a&acte&istics o&, i+ no c$a&acte&istic is ma&5e', +o& t$e c$a&acte&istic ($e&e
t$e cu&so& is %lace' onto.
A+te& &eco&'ing &esults t$e c$a&acte&istics $a*e to )e close' to ca&&y out t$e *aluation. #$is can )e
ca&&ie' out on t$e c$a&acte&istics o*e&*ie( o& single c$a&acte&istics sc&een. #o close it %&ess t$e
)utton . + you $a*e to co&&ect it a+te&(a&'s, you $a*e to unloc5 it +i&st. #o 'o so %&ess t$e )utton
, co&&ect t$e *alue an' close t$e c$a&acte&istic again. + you use a sam%ling %&oce'u&e t$at 'oes
not *aluate a c$a&acte&istic automatically ($en closing o& you 'o not use any sam%ling %&oce'u&e, t$e
c$a&acte&istic $as to )e *aluate' manually. #$e system (ill as5 +o& t$e *aluation )y 'is%laying t$e
co&&es%on'ing sc&een to acce%t o& &eAect t$e c$a&acte&istic.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 30
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9usiness transactions
A+te& all &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istics $a*e )een *aluate' t$e usage 'ecision can )e ma'e. #$e colou& o+
c$a&acte&istics c$anges in t$e (o&5list acco&'ing to t$ei& *aluation. #$e colou& o+ t$e lette&s c$anges
+&om )lue to )lac5.
+ t$e c$a&acte&istic is acce%te' t$is (ill )e in'icate' )y a
g&een t&a++ic lig$t, i+ it is &eAecte' )y a &e' one.
Automatic *aluation o+ c$a&acte&istics
Status o+ a c$a&acte&istic
#$e %&ocessing status in'icates t$e actual %&ocessing state o+ a c$a&acte&istic.
".1.2.3 &efects recording
De+ects can not only )e &eco&'e' ($en &eco&'ing &esults, )ut also using t$e (o&5list +o& ins%ection lots
an' e*en )e+o&e ma5ing t$e usage 'ecision on t$e co&&es%on'ing sc&een.
:$en &eco&'ing &esult 'e+ects can )e &eco&'e' on t$&ee le*els.
ns%ection lot
:$en &eco&'ing 'e+ects you $a*e to ente& a &e%o&t ty%e on t$e +i&st sc&een. t can )e %&eselecte' *ia
use& %a&amete&s o& use& settings. #$e sc&een s$o(n )elo( al&ea'y 'is%lays t$e +ollo(ing sc&een
containing t$e 'e+ect o*e&*ie(.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 31
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Se*e&al 'e+ects can )e &eco&'e' using t$e catalog. #$is is 'one )y selecting a co'e o+ t$e
co&&es%on'ing column. 3u&t$e&mo&e, t$e num)e& o+ 'e+ects can )e ente&e'. + no num)e& is ente&e',
t$e system sets t$e num)e& to B1C.
#$e 'e+ect &eco&' s$oul' )e acti*ate'. #$is is 'one )y %&essing t$e )utton . #$is (ill
'is%lay t$e ne-t sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 32
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
>ou can ente& a 'esc&i%tion +o& t$e com%lete /uality noti+ication. t (ill )e 'is%laye' in t$e /uality
noti+ication in t$e s$o&t te-t 'ata +iel' un'e& 'esc&i%tion. #$e &es%onsi)le 'e%a&tment 'e+ines t$e
'e%a&tment +o& +u&t$e& %&ocessing an' t$e &es%onsi)le %e&son 'e+ines ($o is &es%onsi)le +o& it. #$is
%e&son (ill see t$e c&eate' /uality noti+ication in $is (o&5list.
#$e 'ata +iel' +o& t$e &es%onsi)le 'e%a&tment can )e %&eallocate' *ia use& %a&amete&s.
#$e 'e%a&tment can )e selecte' manually. #o 'o so %&ess t$e )utton Structure search t(ice.
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9usiness transactions
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9usiness transactions
C$oose t$e &es%onsi)le 'e%a&tment +&om t$e list, e.g. /uality assu&ance 'e%a&tment o+ %lant 01.
#$e &es%onsi)le %e&son can )e 'ete&mine' )y ente&ing t$e name in t$e &ig$t 'ata +iel' o& )y sea&c$ing
+o& t$e use& using a''&ess 'ata on t$e co&&es%on'ing ta).
All &e+e&ence 'ata, li5e e.g. %u&c$ase o&'e&, mate&ial, *en'o& an' ins%ection lot, (ill )e ta5en o*e& into
t$e ne(ly c&eate' /uality noti+ication.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3?
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".1.3 $a2ing usage decisions
#$e usage 'ecision, s$o&t +o&m =D, is t$e +inal ste% (it$in an ins%ection using ins%ection lots.
De%en'ing on t$e ins%ection ty%e an' t$e settings o+ t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&' an in*ento&y %osting
+&om /uality stoc5 may )e necessa&y.
Dene&ally t$e +ollo(ing %&oce'u&es can )e 'istinguis$e' ($en ma5ing a usage 'ecision )y a
necessa&y in*ento&y %osting.
,nte&ing t$e =D an' t&ans+e&&ing t$e /uality stoc5 ;'etaile' 'esc&i%tion in c$a%te&<
#&ans+e& +&om /uality stoc5 only
#$is may )e necessa&y i+ t$e mate&ial is nee'e' )e+o&e a =D is ma'e, e.g. )ecause o+ a
%&o'uction s$o&tage.
+ t$e =D is ta5en, no &esults can )e c$ange' o& &eco&'e' anymo&e +o& t$e ins%ection lot, e-ce%t +o&
long te&m c$a&acte&istics. 3u&t$e&mo&e, 'e+ect &eco&'ings o& c$anges o+ 'e+ect &eco&'ings a&e not
%ossi)le. 2nly t$e 'e+ecti*e /uantity can )e c$ange'.
#o ma&5 an ins%ection lot &es%ecti*ely, ($ic$ means t$at t$e =D can )e ma'e, all &e/ui&e'
c$a&acte&istics o+ t$e ins%ection lot $a*e to )e close'.
=sually it is %ossi)le to ma5e a =D (it$out closing all &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istics ;see S5i%%ing &e/ui&e'
c$a&acte&istics 4.1.2.?<.
".1.3.1 7or2list for inspection lots
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection 0or1list Inspection
Change %ata (Q6-,)
3i&st you (ill get t$e initial sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 36
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9usiness transactions
,nte& selection c&ite&ia an' e-ecute t$e t&ansaction %&essing t$e )utton .
#$e (o&5list +o& ins%ection lots (ill )e 'is%laye' acco&'ing to t$e ente&e' selection c&ite&ia.
6a&5 t$e ins%ection lot an' %&ess t$e )utton ;usage 'ecision<.
>ou (ill )e gui'e' to t&ansaction A"" an' t$e +ollo(ing sc&een (ill )e 'is%laye'.
2n t$is sc&een t$e =D can )e ma'e as 'esc&i)e' in c$a%te& an' t$e in*ento&y %osting can )e
ca&&ie' out.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 39
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".1.3.2 Recording results (or2list
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection 0or1list /esults
recor%ing (QE)13)
3i&st you get t$e initial sc&een al&ea'y 'esc&i)e'.
#$is sc&een 'oes not contain &e/ui&e' +iel's. n gene&al you s$oul' ente& as many %a&amete&s as
%ossi)le to get a s$o&t list an' to im%&o*e t$e system %e&+o&mance.
A+te&(a&'s e-ecute t$e t&ansaction )y %&essing t$e )utton ;e-ecute<.
2n t$e le+t si'e o+ t$e sc&een t$e (o&5list (ill )e s$o(n acco&'ing to t$e ente&e' selection c&ite&ia.
Dou)le0clic5 on ins%ection lot le*el to get to t&ansaction A"" an' t$e +ollo(ing sc&een (ill )e
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3F
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
2n t$is sc&een t$e =D can )e ma'e as 'esc&i)e' in c$a%te& an' t$e in*ento&y %osting can )e
ca&&ie' out.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 39
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".1.3.3 %& (ithout (or2list
+ t$e ins%ection lot num)e&s a&e 5no(n o& can )e selecte' using t$e matc$co'e sea&c$ +unction, t$e
usage 'ecision can )e ma'e (it$out using (o&5lists.
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection Inspection lot 'sage
%ecision /ecor% (Q611)
nitial sc&een.
,nte& t$e ins%ection lot num)e& an' %&ess o& $it .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 40
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e sc&een o+ ma5ing t$e usage 'ecision (ill a%%ea&.
Con+i&m ce&ti+ication &ecei%t
+ t$e +ollo(ing e&&o& message a%%ea&s ($en
ma5ing a usage 'ecision, t$e &ecei%t o+ a
/uality ce&ti+icate $as to )e con+i&me'.
#o 'o so c$oose t$e menu %at$ )dit Confirm receipt of
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 41
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
De+ect &eco&'ing
#o &eco&' 'e+ects %&ess t$e )utton an' ente& a &e%o&t ty%e.
#$e 'ata +iel' &e%o&t ty%e can )e %&eset using t$e co&&es%on'ing use& %a&amete&s.
Anot$e& %ossi)ility +o& a %&eset o+ t$e &e%o&t ty%e is to use t$e )utton +o& use& settings in t$e &esult
&eco&'ing (o&5list.
#$e ta) defect recording can )e use' to %&eset t$e &e%o&t ty%e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 42
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
"o( you can &eco&' 'e+ects in a catalogue. #o &eco&' 'e+ects select t$e co'e o+ t$e co&&es%on'ing
column. 3u&t$e&mo&e, ente& t$e num)e& o+ 'e+ects. + no num)e& is ente&e', t$e system sets it to B1C.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 43
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e 'e+ect &eco&' s$oul' )e acti*ate'. #$is is 'one )y %&essing t$e )utton . #$is (ill
'is%lay t$e ne-t sc&een.
>ou can ente& a 'esc&i%tion +o& t$e com%lete /uality noti+ication. t (ill )e 'is%laye' in t$e /uality
noti+ication in t$e s$o&t te-t 'ata +iel' un'e& 'esc&i%tion. #$e &es%onsi)le 'e%a&tment 'e+ines t$e
'e%a&tment +o& +u&t$e& %&ocessing an' t$e &es%onsi)le %e&son 'e+ines ($o is &es%onsi)le +o& it. #$is
%e&son (ill see t$e c&eate' /uality noti+ication in $is (o&5list.
#$e 'ata +iel' +o& t$e &es%onsi)le 'e%a&tment can )e %&eallocate' *ia use& %a&amete&s.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 44
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
+ t$e &es%onsi)le 'e%a&tment is not %&eset, select it using t$e matc$co'e sea&c$ an' %&ess t$e )utton
Structure search.
#$e &es%onsi)le %e&son can )e 'ete&mine' )y ente&ing t$e name in t$e &ig$t 'ata +iel' o& )y sea&c$ing
+o& t$e use& using a''&ess 'ata on t$e co&&es%on'ing ta).
3o&ce' closu&e
As 'esc&i)e' )e+o&e it may )e necessa&y to use a +o&ce' closu&e. #$is may )e necessa&y, i+ not all
&e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istics $a*e )een close'.
n t$is case %&ess t$e )utton . Con+i&m t$e +ollo(ing secu&ity inte&&ogation. + you
ente& an' sa*e a =D co'e t$e %o%0u% (ill a%%ea&, too, i+ o%en &e/ui&e' c$a&acte&istics e-ist.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4?
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Reco&'ing a 'e+ecti*e /uantity
De+ecti*e /uantities a&e &eco&'e' using t$e )utton .
)ntered defective 1uantities are used in S&S to calculate ppm key numbers.
"o( ente& a usage 'ecision co'e.
+ necessa&y e-%an' nee'e' co'e
Dou)le0clic5 on a co'e to co%y it to
t$e +iel' +o& t$e =D co'e.
#$e in+o&mation (ill )e co%ie' to
t$e =D co'e +iel', too. A%a&t +&om
t$e co'e g&ou% an' co'e t$e
system co%ies t$e *aluation co'e,
/uality sco&e an' +ollo(0u% action.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 46
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
3ollo(0u% action o+ a usage 'ecision
Acti*ity, t$at is e-ecute' a+te& ma5ing a usage 'ecision.
n t$e selecte' set o+ catalog 3 ;usage 'ecision< t$e 5ey o+ a +ollo(0u% action is allocate' to a usage
'ecision. + t$is co'e is ente&e' ($en a usage 'ecision is ma'e, t$e system ca&&ies out t$e +ollo(0u%
action allocate' to t$is co'e.
#$e catalog 7sage decisions contains t(o selecte' sets ;N< +o& ma5ing usage 'ecisions.
#$e selecte' set Q6N00001 ;=D sam%ling goo's &ecei%t< contains co'es an' +ollo(0u% actions +o&
usage 'ecisions o+ sam%les.
#$e selecte' set Q6N00001 ;=D se&ial 'eli*e&y &ecei*ing< contains co'es an' +ollo(0u% actions +o&
usage 'ecisions o+ &egula& 'eli*e&ies.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 49
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
%& code ,$E00001 -sample. follo(8up action
2101 Acce%tance sam%le +&ee &elease 'ate is set to in+inite
status o+ /uality in+o &eco&' is set to Bse&iC
u%'ate o+ ta)le OQ@,
%&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
2102 Acce%ance sam%le +&ee (it$ cont&ol ins%. &elease 'ate is set to 2 yea&s
status o+ /uality in+o &eco&' is set to Bse&iC
u%'ate o+ ta)le OQ@,
%&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
2103 Acce%t sam%le (it$ &est&iction su%. +ault status o+ /uality in+o &eco&' is set to Bse&iC
u%'ate o+ ta)le OQ@,
%&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
calling u% t&ansaction Change 1uality info record
210? Acce%t sam%le (it$ &est&iction ;C# +ault< status o+ /uality in+o &eco&' is set to Bse&iC
u%'ate o+ ta)le OQ@,
%&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
calling u% t&ansaction Change 1uality info record
2199 Acce%tance +o& test lot cancelling calling u% t&ansaction Change 1uality info record
2201 ReA. sam%les, one time &el., +ail. su%%lie& u%'ate o+ ta)le OQ@,
%&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
calling u% t&ansaction Change 1uality info record
2202 ReAection sam%le u%'ate o+ ta)le OQ@,
%&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
calling u% t&ansaction Change 1uality info record
2204 Acce%t sam%les, no se&ies &el. ;C# +ault< u%'ate o+ ta)le OQ@,
%&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
calling u% t&ansaction Change 1uality info record
220? ReAect sam%les ;C# +ault< u%'ate o+ ta)le OQ@,
%&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
calling u% t&ansaction Change 1uality info record
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4F
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
%& code ,$E00002 -series. follo(8up action
1101 Acce%tance automatic in*ento&y %osting ;to un&est&icte' use<
1102 Acce%tance (it$ in+o to t$e su%%lie& %&inting t$e ins%ection &e%o&t
sen'ing t$e ins%ection &e%o&t *ia SAP06ail
1103 Acce%tance (it$ &ese&*ations 'i*e&ting to t&ansaction Change 1uality level
1104 Acce%tance (it$ 'e*iation 'i*e&ting to t&ansaction Change 1uality level
110? Acce%tance a+te& so&ting 'i*e&ting to t&ansaction Change 1uality level
1106 Acce%tance a+te& &e(o&5 'i*e&ting to t&ansaction Change 1uality level
1199 Acce%tance +o& test lot cancelling 'i*e&ting to t&ansaction Change 1uality level
automatic in*ento&y %osting ;to un&est&icte' use<
1201 ReAection, )ac5s$i%ment to t$e su%%lie& automatic in*ento&y %osting ;to )loc5e' stoc5<
1202 ReAection, sc&a%%ing to ou& o(n account automatic in*ento&y %osting ;to )loc5e' stoc5<
1203 ReAection, &e(o&5 to ou& o(n account automatic in*ento&y %osting ;to )loc5e' stoc5<
n*ento&y %osting
#$e in*ento&y %osting $as to )e ca&&ie' out ($en mate&ial $as )een t&ans+e&&e' to /uality stoc5 'ue to
t$e ins%ection lot c&eation, e.g. +o& a goo's &ecei%t. n*ento&y %ostings a&e not necessa&y +o& manually
c&eate' ins%ection lots.
n gene&al, t$e t&ans+e& +&om /uality stoc5 can )e ca&&ie' out (it$out ma5ing a usage 'ecision. #$is
(oul' )e a s%ecial &elease.
C$oose t$e ta) to 'is%lay t$e 'ata +iel's +o& t$e
in*ento&y %osting.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 49
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e )utton is 'is%laye' only i+ a =D co'e $as )een ente&e' t$at is &elate' to an
in*ento&y %osting. @y clic5ing t$is )utton t$e system co%ies t$e /uantity to )e %oste' in t$e
co&&es%on'ing 'ata +iel' )ase' u%on t$e =D co'e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?0
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e +ollo(ing in*ento&y %ostings a&e %ossi)le.
#o un&est&icte'0use mate&ial (ill )e %oste' to t$e un&est&icte'0use stoc5
#o sc&a% mate&ial is 'e+ect an' (ill )e sc&a%%e' to t$e e-%ense o+ Continental #e*es.
#$e mate&ial (ill )e %oste' using a 'esignate' account.
#o sam%le usage #$e mate&ial, ins%ecte' in a 'est&ucti*e ins%ection, (ill )e %oste' using a
'esignate' account.
#o )loc5e' stoc5 =sing t$is +unction t$e mate&ial (ill )e sto&e' (it$ )loc5ing &eason B&etu&n to
*en'o&C. #$e s$i%%ing 'e%a&tment initiates t$e &etu&n to t$e *en'o&.
2t$e& in*ento&y %ostings not mentione' $e&e a&e not allo(e'.
Sa*ing t$e usage 'ecision
P&ess t$e )utton to sa*e t$e usage 'ecision inclu'ing t$e in*ento&y %osting.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?1
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".1." Sampling
P&ocess o+ sam%ling
To inspect the first regular delivery or deliveries for sampling $hen a material is changed, use
the status B*oa)B to make sure that all deliveries use inspection type !"!< and no skips are
Ste% 1 ;A<. C&eating a %u&c$ase o&'e& (it$ o&'e& ty%e 6? +o& +i&st sam%le o& 69 +o& c$ange sam%le
Ste% 3. ;A< Posting t$e goo's &ecei%t.
#&ansaction 6@01 N DR %osting
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?2
Creating a
order (ith
order type $'
or $4
Samples are
lot creation
If nec.
status in
!uality info
lot manually
If nec.
status in
!uality info
Samples are
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
,nte& 'ocument 'ate, 'eli*e&y note, mo*ement ty%e ;101<, %u&c$ase o&'e& num)e& an' %lant an'
%&ess t$e )utton .
+ necessa&y co&&ect t$e /uantity, %&ess t$e )utton Copy an' sa*e.
Ste% 2. ;@< C&eating an ins%ection lot manually
Logistics Quality management Quality inspection Inspection lot
Processing Create (Q601)
,nte& mate&ial, %lant an' ins%ection lot o&igin ;01<. A+te& %&essing , select t$e ins%ection ty%e on t$e
+ollo(ing sc&een.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?3
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
,nte& ins%ection lot /uantity, *en'o& an' %u&c$asing o&gani8ation.
Con+i&m (it$ an' sa*e %&essing t$e )utton .
Ste% ? ;A< o& 3 ;@<. i+ necessa&y, c$ec5 an' c$ange t$e status o+ t$e /uality in+o &eco&'.
Logistics Quality management Quality planning Logistics 2aster Data
Quality in.o recor% procurement Change (QI0,)
,nte& mate&ial, *en'o& an' %lant an' $it .
=se t$e )utton to c$ange t$e status manually.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?4
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
C$ange status i+ necessa&y an' sa*e a+te&(a&'s $itting t$e )utton ;sa*e<.
Ste% 9;A< o& ?;@<. =sage 'ecision
Dou)le0clic5 on ins%ection lot le*el.
Select =D co'e an' %&ess )utton ;sa*e<.
+ you sa*e t$e usage 'ecision +o& a sam%le, t$e %o%0u% (in'o( s$o(n )elo( (ill a%%ea&.
n t$is %o%0u% ente& o& select using t$e matc$co'e +unction.
Document *e&sion
C$ange in'e- o+ t$e mate&ial
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ??
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Sam%ling ty%e,
C$ange num)e&
A te-t &o(
:$en sa*ing, 'ocument *e&sion an' c$ange in'e- o+ t$e mate&ial a&e com%a&e' to t$e %&esent
'ocument *e&sion an' c$ange in'e- ;*ie(. )asic 'ata 1 '&a(ing ;ta)le 6ARA<< in t$e cent&al system
;CS,<. + t$e ente&e' 'ocument *e&sion o& c$ange in'e- is g&eate& t$an t$e one o+ t$e cent&al system,
an e&&o& message (ill a%%ea&. @y %&essing t$e Copy )utton t$e sam%ling 'ata, inclu'ing 'ocument
*e&sion, c$ange in'e- mate&ial, sam%ling ty%e, c$ange num)e& an' te-t, (ill )e u%'ating t$e sam%ling
$isto&y ;ta)le OQ@,<.
#$is ta)le can )e accesse' *ia t&ansaction S,16 ;'ata )&o(se&<.
=se t$e )utton to maintain use& settings, e.g. list settings ;list (i't$, ma-imum num)e& o+ $its,
+o&mat o+ t$e list 'is%lay< o& +iel' 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e selection menu.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?6
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
n t$e 'ata )&o(se& ente& ta)le name OQ@,
an' %&ess .
2n t$e +ollo(ing selection sc&een ;$e&e Aust a cut0out< ente& necessa&y 'ata.
>ou (ill &ecei*e a &esult list acco&'ing to t$e ente&e' selection c&ite&ia.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?9
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2 ,uality notification
Com%laints a&e %&ocesse' in SAP using /uality noti+ications. #$e 'i++e&ent 5in's o+ /uality noti+ications
$a*e )asically t$e same st&uctu&e an' %&o*i'e t$e same +unctions. Some o+ t$e 'ata on t$e 'i++e&ent
sc&eens may 'i++e& acco&'ing to t$e 'i++e&ent /uality noti+ication ty%es.
".2.1 Structure of !uality notifications
#$e SAP /uality noti+ication is inclu'es t$e $ea'e& an' item 'ata ;'e+ect items<.
#o eac$ noti+ication a mate&ial num)e& is allocate'. De+ect items a&e use' to cont&ol se*e&al 'e+ects o+
a mate&ial. #$e 'e+ect itsel+ is 'esc&i)e' )y 'e+ect ty%e, 'e+ect location an' a cause ;custome&
com%laint only<. A%a&t +&om 'e+ect 'esc&i%tions also cont&ol measu&es can )e go*e&ne' )y t$e /uality
noti+ication. Res%onsi)le %e&sons an' %lanne' 'ates can )e allocate' to t$ese measu&es to su%e&*ise
t$em. 6easu&es can )e allocate' to t$e $ea'e& o+ t$e noti+ication ;usually imme'iate measu&es< o& to
'e+ect items ;co&&ecti*e o& %&e*enti*e measu&es<.
".2.2 ,uality notification types
Quality0&elate' %&o)lems can occu& in 'i++e&ent )usiness, o&gani8ation o& %&o'uction a&eas an' can )e
o+ 'i++e&ent 5in's. #o 'etect t$e 'i++e&ent causes o+ t$ese %&o)lems, t$e system 'istinguis$es )et(een
'i++e&ent /uality noti+ication ty%es. #$is c$a%te& 'eals (it$ *en'o&0&elate' noti+ications only.
De%en'ing on t$e a%%lication a&ea ;goo's &ecei%t, %&o'uction, custome& com%laints< 'i++e&ent
noti+ication ty%es a&e use'.
Q2 +o& noti+ication o+ *en'o&0&elate' %&o)lems
;Vnoti+ication o+ 'e+ectsV< in t$e goo's &ecei%t
Q3 +o& noti+ication o+ %&o)lems in %&o'uction
;Vnte&nal %&o)lem noti+ication1<
Q4 +o& noti+ication o+ *en'o&0&elate' %&o)lems
;Vnoti+ication o+ 'e+ectsV< in %&o'uction
Q? +o& noti+ication o+ *en'o&0&elate' %&o)lems
;Vnoti+ication o+ 'e+ectsM< )ase' u%on custome& com%laints
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?F
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.3 Creating a !uality notification
Logistics Quality management Quality noti.ication Create (Q201)
nitial sc&een.
"oti+ication ty%e G #$is 5ey is use' to 'istinguis$ noti+ications )ase' u%on ty%e, o&igin an' ot$e&
c&ite&ia. #$e c$a&acte&istics o+ eac$ noti+ication ty%e is 'e+ine' in customi8ing.
"oti+ication G =ni/ue i'enti+ication o+ a noti+ication in t$e system. #$e num)e& assignment is 'one
inte&nally )y t$e system, ($en a noti+ication is sa*e'.
Re+e&ence "oti+ication G "um)e& o+ a noti+ication use' as a tem%late. + you &e+e&ence to a noti+ication
($en c&eating a ne( one, 'ata o+ t$e noti+ication $ea'e& inclu'ing long te-t an' %a&tne&, items an'
tas5s inclu'ing t$ei& long te-ts (ill )e ta5en o*e& into t$e ne( noti+ication.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?9
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Key 'ata o+ a noti+ication
"oti+ication G noti+ication num)e& assigne' )y t$e SAP system ;see )e+o&e<. #$e num)e& assignment
is ca&&ie' out ($en t$e noti+ication is sa*e'.
"oti+ication ty%e G see a)o*e
Status G cu&&ent %&ocessing status o+ t$e /uality noti+ication
Desc&i%tion G S$o&t 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e noti+ication
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 60
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.3.1 1ab: Sub<ect
Reference ob<ect
tem ;&e/ui&e' 'ata< G 5ey, 'ete&mining a uni/ue mate&ial.
Plant +o& mat. ;&e/ui&e' 'ate < G Key, 'e+ining a uni/ue %lant.
!en'o&@atc$ ;)lan5e' out, i+ it is not use'< G "um)e&, t$at allocates a mate&ial, manu+actu&e' in
)atc$es o& lots, to a uni/ue )atc$.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 61
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Reference documents
Re+e&ence noti+ G "um)e& o+ t$e &e+e&ence noti+ication ;($en c&eate' using a tem%late<
Pu&c$asing 'oc. G "um)e& o+ t$e %u&c$asing 'ocument ;Pu&c$ase o&'e& o& sc$e'uling
ag&eement< / item num)e& (it$in t$e %u&c$asing 'ocument
#$e %u&c$asing 'ocument can )e ente&e' manually o& assigne' using t$e acti*ity 1Assign
%u&c$asing 'ocument1.
6ate&ial 'oc. G >ea& / "um)e& / tem o+ t$e mate&ial 'ocument ;DR %osting 'ocument<
#$e mate&ial 'ocument can )e assigne' manually o& *ia t$e action 1assign mate&ial 'ocument1.
Re+e&ence "o. G ,-te&nal &e+e&ence num)e&, t$at is not c$ec5e' )y t$e system ;e.g. com%laint
num)e& o+ t$e *en'o&<
Pa&tne& 'ata inclu'es all %e&sons ($o $a*e somet$ing to 'o (it$ t$e noti+ication. #$ese a&e t$e
%e&sons ($o initiate t$e noti+ication, an' t$e ones ($o $a*e to %&ocess t$e noti+ication. >ou a&e a)le
to ente& %a&tne& 'ata +o& t$e noti+ication $ea'e& an' +o& tas5s. Pa&tne& 'ata, t$at can )e ente&e' in t$e
$ea'e&, is %&e'e+ine' 'e%en'ing on t$e noti+ication ty%e.
3unction ;&e/ui&e' 'ata< G Desc&i%tion o+ t$e +unction o+ t$e %a&tne&
Su%%lie&. 0 su%%lie& o+ t$e 'e+ect mate&ial
De%t. &es%. ;$ea'e&<. De%a&tment &es%onsi)le +o& %&ocessing t$is noti+ication
=se& &es%. ;$ea'e&<. =se& &es%onsi)le +o& %&ocessing t$is noti+ication
Pa&tne& G 5ey i'enti+ying a uni/ue %a&tne& ;e.g. *en'o& num)e&, use&<
"ame, A''&ess G ta5en +&om t$e maste& 'ata o+ t$e %a&tne&
>ou can use t$e matc$co'e sea&c$ +unction to select a %a&tne&. #$e )utton +o& t$e
matc$co'e (ill )e 'is%laye' on t$e &ig$t si'e o+ t$e 'ata +iel' i+ you %lace t$e
cu&so& on it.
#o sea&c$ +o& a *en'o& num)e& ente& all in+o&mation you $a*e on t$e *en'o&. >ou can also use
(il'ca&'s ;F &e%laces a al%$anume&ic se/uence o+ *a&ia)le lengt$I G &e%laces a single al%$anume&ic
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 62
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 63
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
=se t$e st&uctu&e sea&c$ to sea&c$ +o& t$e &es%onsi)le 'e%a&tment.
#o sea&c$ +o& a use& use t$e ta) 7sers by address data an' ente& t$e name o+ t$e use&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 64
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Desc&i%tion G S$o&t te-t, 'is%laye' in t$e (o&5lists o+ /uality noti+ications. S$oul' al(ays )e
7ong te-t G can )e use' +o& 'e+ect 'esc&i%tion an' comments on 'e+ects. Data on ente&ing o&
c$anging te-ts is &eco&'e'. C$anges a&e logge'.
=se t$e )utton to access t$e long te-t e'ito&.
Comments, t$at s$oul' not )e %&inte' in t$e ins%ection &e%o&t, $a*e to )e in'icate' in t$e +o&mat
column as B#F B.
De+ect ty%e G catalogue' 'e+ect 'esc&i%tion using co'eg&ou% an' co'e
#e-t G S$o&t 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e 'e+ect item
=se t$e )utton ;tem< to ente& +u&t$e& items.
#$e )utton ;tem 'etail< can )e use' to 'is%lay 'etails o+ an item.
P&ess t$e )utton ;"e-t< to go to t$e ne-t item.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6?
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.3.2 1ab &ates and !uantities
P&io&ity G 5ey 'ete&mining t$e im%o&tance o+ e-ecution.
Re/ui&e' sta&t an' 'esi&e' en' a&e calculate' )ase' u%on customi8ing
%a&amete&s ;inte&*als<.
1 *e&y $ig$ P&ocessing o+ t$is noti+ication s$oul' )e com%lete' a+te& one 'ay.
2 no&mal P&ocessing o+ t$is noti+ication s$oul' )e com%lete' a+te& +i*e 'ays.
3 lo( P&ocessing o+ t$is noti+ication s$oul' )e com%lete' a+te& 9F 'ays.
#$e calculation is )ase' u%on t$e +acto&y calen'a&.
@&ea5'o(n G t$is +lag s$oul' )e use' i+ a mac$ine $as )&o5en 'o(n. ;"ot &ele*ant<
Re/. sta&t G Re/ui&e' sta&t +o& %&ocessing o+ t$e noti+ication ;Date/#ime<.
Desi&e' en' G Desi&e' en' +o& com%leting t$e noti+ication ;Date/#ime<.
S$oul' )e maintaine', ot$e&(ise monito& +unctions in (o&5lists cannot )e ca&&ie' out.
6al+unct. Sta&t G Sta&t o+ t$e mal+unction ;Date/#ime<. ;"ot &ele*ant<
6al+unct. ,n' G ,n' o+ t$e mal+unction ;Date/#ime<. ;"ot &ele*ant<
De%t. Res%. ;$ea'e&< 0 Res%onsi)le 'e%a&tment ;$ea'e&<I ent&y (ill )e ta5en o*e& +&om ta)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 66
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
=se& Res%. ;$ea'e&< G Res%onsi)le use& ;$ea'e&<I ent&y (ill )e ta5en o*e& +&om ta) 1Su)Aect1.
Com%laint /ty. G contains t$e com%laint /uantity
Re+. Quantity G &e+e&ence /uantityI use' as &e+e&ence +o& t$e noti+ication, e.g. ins%ection lot
/uantity. 2n inte&nal 'e+ects t$e %&o'uction /uantity can )e ente&e' $e&e.
Retu&nDeli*Qty G contains t$e &etu&n 'eli*e&y /uantity
Retu&ne' on G 'ay o+ &etu&n
De+ /ty ;int.< G %a&t o+ com%laint /uantity, t$at $as )een cause' inte&nally. Do not ente& +o&
noti+ication ty%es Q2I Q4 an' Q?.
De+ /ty ;e-te&.< G %a&t o+ com%laint /uantity, t$at $as )een cause' e-te&nally ;i.e. )y t$e *en'o&<.
#$e total o+ inte&nal an' e-te&nal 'e+ect /uantity s$oul' not e-cee' t$e com%laint /uantity. #$e
ente&e' /uantity is use' +o& %%m calculation in Q4 an' Q? noti+ications.
,uality of response
Quality o+ &es%onse is use' in SRS. .e., i+ you a&e not satis+ie' (it$ t$e &eaction time o& &es%onse
o+ a *en'o&, s(itc$ t$e &a'io )utton to Mno5M. #$e *en'o& (ill )e 'o(n &ate' in SRS.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 69
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.3.3 1ab ,$ order
Q6 o&'e& G Cost collecto& to &eco&' 'e+ect costs o+ a /uality noti+ication. Possi)le costs. $ou&s,
mate&ial an' +i-e' costs
@usiness a&ea G Key i'enti+ying a uni/ue )usiness a&ea
2&'e& ty%e G 2&'e& ty%e o+ t$e Q6 o&'e&
Account assignment use' as cost o)Aect +o& t$e settlement o+ costs
2&'e& G Key i'enti+ying a uni/ue inte&nal o&'e&.
Cost cente& G Key i'enti+ying a uni/ue cost cente&.
Sales o&'e& G Key i'enti+ying a uni/ue sales o&'e&.
C2 a&ea G Key i'enti+ying a uni/ue cont&olling a&ea.
S%ec. SR G t$is +lag is set i+ you (ant to maintain settlement &ules +o& a Q6 o&'e& in 'etail.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6F
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.3." 1ab Item
Subordinate tab: Item overvie(
=se t$e 'i++e&ent columns o& a &o( to &eco&' 'e+ects.
Subordinate tab: Causes
@e+o&e ente&ing causes, ma&5 one o& mo&e items an' t$en c$oose t$e ta) . n case o+ a
*en'o&0&elate' /uality noti+ication t$e cause tol' )y t$e *en'o& can )e ente&e' $e&e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 69
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Subordinate tab: 1as2s -corrective measures.
#$is ta) is use' to &eco&' tas5s conce&ning an item. #$ese tas5s a&e calle' co&&ecti*e measu&es.
#$ey s$oul' list tas5s t$at (ill sol*e t$e %&o)lems com%letely.
n case o+ a *en'o&0&elate' /uality noti+ication t$e tas5s ca&&ie' out )y t$e *en'o& can )e ente&e'
#$e maintenance an' status management o+ tas5s on $ea'e& an' item le*el is i'entical. #$ese to%ics
(ill )e 'esc&i)e' in c$a%te& 4.2.3.?.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 90
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.3.' 1ab: 1as2s -immediate measures.
2n t$is ta) ente& tas5s t$at &e+e& to t$e com%lete /uality noti+ication.
3o& eac$ tas5 t$e +ollo(ing 'ata can )e 'e+ine'.
catalogue 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e tas5
a %e&son ;%a&tne&< &es%onsi)le +o& e-ecuting t$e tas5. + necessa&y, t$e %a&tne& can )e c$ange'
late& on.
a time inte&*al in ($ic$ t$e tas5 $as to )e e-ecute'.
#as5 'ata can )e 'is%laye' on 'i++e&ent 'etail le*els. nstea' o+ t$e tas5 o*e&*ie(, tas5 'etails can )e
6a&5 a tas5 an' %&ess t$e )utton ;'etail *ie(<
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 91
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
>ou can use t$e matc$co'e sea&c$ +unction to select a &es%onsi)le %e&son. #$e )utton +o& t$e
matc$co'e (ill )e 'is%laye' on t$e &ig$t si'e o+ t$e 'ata +iel' i+ you %lace t$e cu&so& on it.
#$e matc$co'e sea&c$, s$o(n, )elo(, (ill )e 'is%laye'. ,nte& a name o& t$e aste&is51E1.
3u&t$e&mo&e, t$e %lanne' +inis$ o+ t$e tas5 an' t$e status s$oul' )e maintaine'.
+ t$e tas5 is com%lete', t$e status $as to )e c$ange' to com%lete an' it $as to )e ente&e' ($en t$e
tas5 $as )een +inis$e' an' ($o e-ecute' it.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 92
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
Status management tas5s
#o %&ocess a tas5, t$e status management $as to )e use'.
3o& t$e status management use t$e )uttons .
3i&st t$e tas5 is &elease' )y %&essing t$e )utton . #$en t$e tas5 can )e ca&&ie' out.
A+te& t$e e-ecution o+ t$e tas5 com%lete it using .
+ t$e tas5 $as )een ca&&ie' out success+ully, use t$e )utton to in'icate it.
=se& status can )e set *ia t$e )utton .
Status 'etails can )e 'is%laye' using t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 93
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2." Action bo=
:$en you %&ocess /uality noti+ications, you can use t$e action )o- to e-ecute +ollo(0u% +unctions.
3ollo(0u% +unctions ma5e t$e %&ocessing o+ noti+ications easie&. #$ey a&e 'ocumente' as an action o&
tas5 in t$e noti+ication $ea'e& a+te& )eing e-ecute'.
#$e action )o- is 'is%laye' as an o*e&*ie(
t&ee. n t$is mo'e t$e +ollo(0u% +unctions a&e
'is%laye' in a list using 'i++e&ent colou&s.
#$e colou&s $a*e t$e +ollo(ing meaning.
#$e +ollo(0u% +unction is acti*e an' can
)e e-ecute'.
#$e +ollo(0u% +unction is inacti*e an'
cannot )e e-ecute' ;yet<.
#$e +ollo(0u% +unction $as )een
e-ecute' an' cannot )e e-ecute' again.
>ou can use t$is +unction to sea&c$ t$e solution 'ata)ase +o&
sym%toms an' solutions t$at may )e simila& to t$e %&o)lem you a&e
cu&&ently %&ocessing.
+ you +in' a sym%tom/solution in t$e 'ata)ase t$at a%%lies to t$e
%&o)lem in you& cu&&ent noti+ication, you can.
Document you& 'ata)ase sea&c$ as an acti*ity in t$e
Co%y t$e tas5s associate' (it$ t$e solution into you&
"ot use' at Continental #e*es.
>ou can 'is%lay a list o+ *en'o&s +o& you& com%laint mate&ial. 3&om
t$is list you can select an' assign a *en'o& to t$e noti+ication you
a&e %&ocessing.
+ you (ant to c&eate a &etu&n 'eli*e&y (it$ &e+e&ence to an o&iginal
%u&c$asing 'ocument, you must +i&st assign t$is 'ocument to t$e
noti+ication. #$is +unction can )e use' to assign t$e %u&c$asing
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 94
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9usiness transactions
'ocument to a noti+ication.
=se t$is +unction to assign e.g. a goo's &ecei%t to a noti+ication.
Dis%lay t$e stoc5 o*e&*ie( +o& t$e com%laint mate&ial.
=se t$is +unction to t&ans+e& t$e mate&ial +&om sto&age location to
anot$e&, e.g. +&om t$e %&o'uction sto&age location to t$e sto&age
location +o& )loc5e' stoc5.
=se t$is +unction to t&ans+e& mate&ial to t$e )loc5e' stoc5 ;stoc5
ty%e S). As long as a mate&ial is in t$e )loc5e' stoc5, you can
'eci'e ($et$e& to sc&a% t$e mate&ial o& &etu&n it to t$e *en'o&.
#$e usual mo*ement ty%es +o& t$is in*ento&y %osting a&e Q344Q in
66 an' Q309Q in :6.
#$e system %&ints a goo's &ecei%t/issue sli% ca&&ying t$e &ele*ant
'ata, ($ic$ can )e %lace' on t$e mate&ial.
t is use' to %&int an inte&nal goo's issue sli% +o& &etu&ning t$e
mate&ial to t$e *en'o&.
+ you 'ete&mine, t$at t$e mate&ial $as to )e ins%ecte', you can
t&ans+e& it to t$e /uality ins%ection stoc5 ;stoc5 ty%e ).
#$e usual mo*ement ty%es +o& t$is in*ento&y %osting a&e Q322Q in
66 an' Q321Q in :6.
+ ins%ection ty%e 0F ;ins%ection ($en t&ans+e&&ing< +o& t$is
mo*ement $as )een acti*ate' in t$e /uality 'ata o+ t$e mate&ial
maste& &eco&', an ins%ection lot (ill )e c&eate' automatically ($en
%osting to t$e /uality ins%ection stoc5.
#$e system %&ints a goo's &ecei%t/issue sli% containing t$e &ele*ant
'ata ($ic$ can )e %lace' on t$e mate&ial.
"ot use' at Continental #e*es.
+ e.g. t$e mate&ial in t$e )loc5e' stoc5 $as )een so&te' o&
&e(o&5e', t$e B2KC /uantity can )e t&ans+e&&e' )ac5 to t$e
un&est&icte'0use stoc5.
#$e usual mo*ement ty%es +o& t$is in*ento&y %osting a&e Q343Q in
66 an' Q309Q in :6.
#$e system %&ints a goo's &ecei%t/issue sli% containing t$e &ele*ant
'ata ($ic$ can )e %lace' on t$e mate&ial.
+ t$e com%onent 0arehouse management ;7,0:6< is acti*e in
you& com%any, use t$is +unction to c&eate a t&ans+e& o&'e& to
t&ans+e& t$e mate&ial +&om a sto&age location to anot$e& one.
"ot use' at Continental #e*es.
+ you 'ete&mine t$at t$e mate&ial cannot )e use' anymo&e, you can
sc&a% it.
"ot use' at Continental #e*es.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9?
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#o )e a)le to c&eate a &etu&n 'eli*e&y, ma5e su&e t$e noti+ication
contains t$e +ollo(ing in+o&mation. mate&ial, %lant, *en'o&, com%laint
/uantity, an' i+ a%%lica)le, t$e )atc$.
>ou $a*e t$e +ollo(ing o%tions to c&eate a &etu&n 'eli*e&y.
Creating a return delivery $ith reference to an original purchasing
:$en you c$oose t$is +unction, t$e system 'is%lays a 'ialog )o- in
($ic$ you ente& *a&ious in+o&mation +o& t$e &etu&n 'eli*e&y. 6a5e
su&e you set t$e in'icato& &eturn delivery $ith reference to original
purchase order in t$e 'ialog )o-.
+ se*e&al goo's &ecei%ts e-ist +o& t$e %u&c$asing 'ocument, you
must select t$e goo's &ecei%t in anot$e& 'ialog )o-, +o& ($ic$ you
(ant to %&ocess t$e &etu&n 'eli*e&y.
Creating a returns to vendor $ithout referencing an original
purchasing document
#$e system c&eates a %u&c$ase o&'e& (it$ a &etu&ns item an' a
&etu&n 'eli*e&y in t$e )ac5g&oun'. #$e system 'is%lays a 'ialog )o-
in ($ic$ you can ente& *a&ious in+o&mation +o& t$e &etu&n 'eli*e&y.
6a5e su&e you 'o not set t$e in'icato& &eturn delivery $ith
reference to original purchase order.
#$e system 'is%lays a secon' 'ialog )o- in ($ic$ you can ente&
a''itional in+o&mation +o& t$e 'eli*e&y.
+ a %u&c$asing in+o &eco&' e-ists, t$e system %&o%oses t$e
settlement 'ata containe' in t$e in+o &eco&'. #$is in+o&mation is t$en
co%ie' into t$e %u&c$ase o&'e& (it$ t$e &etu&ns item.
A+te& c&eating t$e 'eli*e&y, t$e system 'is%lays t$e log +o& t$e
'eli*e&y &un. :$en you e-it t$e log, t$e system &eco&'s t$e
'ocument +lo( )et(een t$e noti+ication, %u&c$ase o&'e&, an'
'eli*e&y. #$e system t$en e-its t$e noti+ication.
"ot use' at Continental #e*es.
#$e system sa*es t$e noti+ication an' )&anc$es to t$e 'eli*e&y in
t$e c$ange mo'e. #$is allo(s you to a'' o& c$ange in+o&mation in
t$e 'eli*e&y, %ic5 t$e o&'e&, an' %ost t$e goo's issue.
+ you %oste' t$e mate&ial to t$e /uality stoc5 an' t$e system
c&eate' an ins%ection lot, you can use t$is +unction to )&anc$ to t$e
t&ansaction +o& ma5ing a usage 'ecision.
Documents in'icating t$at you &e/uest a statement +&om t$e *en'o&.
n t$e tas5 'etails a 'ate an' a &es%onsi)le %e&son +o& t$is tas5 can
)e a''e'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 96
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
An FD &e%o&t is a stan'a&' +o&m t$at is use' in t$e automo)ile
in'ust&y to 'ocument t$e co&&ection o+ 'e+ects. 3o& e-am%le, as an
automo)ile manu+actu&e&, you can use t$is +ollo(0u% +unction to
&e/uest an FD &e%o&t +&om a *en'o& to &ecei*e a statement a)out
t$e con+i&me' 'e+ects an' $o( t$e *en'o& inten's to co&&ect t$e
>ou can use t$is +unction to c&eate an FD &e%o&t +o& a 'e+ect ($ile
%&ocessing a /uality noti+ication. :$en you sa*e t$e noti+ication, t$e
system %&ints t$e FD &e%o&t )y means o+ a co&&es%on'ing +ollo(0u%
:it$ t$is +unction inte&nal notes o& &ema&5s can )e &eco&'e'. #$e
system 'ocuments t$e memo as a noti+ication.
=se t$is +unction to c$ange t$e /uality le*el o+ t$e co&&es%on'ing
mate&ial0*en'o& com)ination. + e.g. t$e 'e+ects $a*e )een 'etecte'
in %&o'uction, a %ossi)le s5i% le*el can )e c$ange' into an
ins%ection le*el.
>ou can use t$is +unction to &eco&' a tele%$one call t$at you
initiate' ($ile %&ocessing a noti+ication. #$e system logs t$e 'etails
o+ you& tele%$one call as a noti+ication acti*ity.
>ou can use t$is +unction to &ea' an' +o&mat selecte' 'ata in a
noti+ication, ($ic$ t$e system can t$en %&int, +a-, o& sen' as an
e0mail to an inte&nal o& e-te&nal ;nte&net< a''&ess.
>ou can *ie( t$e 'ocument in a %&int %&e*ie( )e+o&e you sa*e t$e
noti+ication. :$en you sa*e t$e noti+ication, t$e system sen's t$e
notice )y e-ecuting a co&&es%on'ing +ollo(0u% action.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 99
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9usiness transactions
".2.' utting !uality notifications in process
A /uality noti+ication can )e %ut in %&ocess i+ all &ele*ant in+o&mation to 'esc&i)e t$e %&o)lem $as )een
ente&e'. #$en t$e noti+ication is &elease' +o& +u&t$e& %&ocessing. + a Q6 o&'e& e-ists +o& t$e
noti+ication, t$is noti+ication is &elease' automatically )y t$e system.
#o &elease it manually c$oose t$e menu %at$ 5otification 4unctions Put in process o& %&ess t$e
)utton .
#$e system status o+ t$e noti+ication (ill c$ange +&om Qoutstan'ingQ ;2S"2< to Qnoti+ication in
%&ocessQ ;"2PR<.
".2.) Completing !uality notifications
#o com%lete a /uality noti+ication call u% t$e c$ange +unction
Logistics Quality management Quality noti.ication Change (Q20,)?
#$e sc&een to c$ange a noti+ication (ill )e 'is%laye'. ,nte& t$e num)e& o+ t$e noti+ication, ($ic$ you
(ant to c$ange, an' %&ess .
n c$ange mo'e select. 5otification 4unction Complete o& $it t$e )utton .
#$e 'ialogue (in'o( to c$ange t$e com%letion 'ata (ill )e 'is%laye'.
S%eci+y t$e com%letion 'ate/time an' ma&5 t$e co&&ect +lag +o& t$e cause o+ t$e %&o)lem ;inte&nal o&
P&ess t$e )utton ;continue<. #$e noti+ication (ill )e com%lete'. #$e noti+ication (ill &ecei*e t$e
status Bnoti+ication com%lete'C ;"2C2<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9F
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
The notification can only be completed, if all tasks have at least the status completed.
".2.4 utting a notification bac2 in process
A com%lete' noti+ication can )e %ut )ac5 in %&ocess, i+ +u&t$e& %&ocessing is necessa&y.
#o 'o t$at, select in c$ange mo'e t$e menu %at$ 5otification 4unction ;ack in process.
#$e status o+ t$e noti+ication (ill c$ange +&om "2C2 to "2PR.
3i&st you (ill )e as5e' i+ t$e ol' com%letion 'ate s$oul' )e ta5en o*e& into t$e noti+ication.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 99
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9usiness transactions
".2.6 Action log
#$e system &eco&'s c$anges to noti+ication in t$e action log. t 'ocuments.
($ic$ 'ata (e&e c$ange' +o& t$e selecte' +iel's
status c$anges
($o ma'e t$e c$anges
($en t$e c$anges (e&e ma'e
c$anges ma'e to tas5s, items, acti*ities an' %a&tne&s
Select t$e menu %at$ )2tras 5otification documents Action log o& %&ess t$e )utton
2n t$e initial sc&een o+ t$e action log all c$anges o+ t$e noti+ication $ea'e& a&e &eco&'e'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F0
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9usiness transactions
=se t$e )utton to 'is%lay an o*e&*ie( on e-isting items an' tas5s.
Detaile' in+o&mation on items an' tas5s can )e 'is%laye' )y $itting t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F1
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.3 &ocument flo(
:it$ t$is +unction t$e 'ocument +lo( +o& a /uality noti+ication can )e 'is%laye' as a list o& net(o&5
>ou can see %&ece'ing 'ocuments ;'ocuments +&om ($ic$ t$e cu&&ent noti+ication o&iginate', li5e e.g.
t$e num)e& o+ a goo's &ecei%t 'ocument o& t$e ins%ection lot num)e&<, su)se/uent 'ocuments
;'ocuments o&iginating +&om t$e cu&&ent noti+ication, e.g. t$e num)e& o+ a t&ans+e& 'ocument< an' Q#o0
an'0+&omQ &e+e&ences )et(een 'ocuments.
#o 'is%lay t$e 'ocument +lo(, use t$e +ollo(ing +unctions.
Document +lo( ;list +o&m<. C$oose t$e %at$ )2tras 5otification documents +ocument flo$
Document +lo( ;net(o&5 g&a%$ic<. C$oose t$e %at$ )2tras 5otification documents +ocument
flo$ *raphic
o& %&ess t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F2
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e 'ocument +lo( s$o(s all 'ocuments ;ins%ection lot, DR 'ocument, t&ans+e& 'ocument, ...< +o& t$e
noti+ication in g&a%$ical +o&m. Dou)le0clic5 o& %&ess t$e )utton to 'is%lay t$e
single 'ocument o& t$e ins%ection lot.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F3
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.10 Creating attachments
=se t$e se&*ices +o& o)Aects to a'' attac$ments li5e e.g. ins%ection &e%o&ts o& %ictu&es to t$e /uality
noti+ication. #$ese attac$ments (ill )e 'is%laye' in t$e 'ocument +lo(, too.
3i&st c$oose an o)Aect you (ant to attac$.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F4
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e 'esi&e' attac$ment $as to )e selecte' an' (ill )e assigne' to t$e /uality noti+ication a+te&
%&essing t$e )uttons .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F?
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SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F6
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9usiness transactions
".2.11 rinting !uality notifications -shop papers.
P&inte' /uality noti+ication 'ata is calle' s$o% %a%e&s. #o %&int a /uality noti+ication call u% t$e /uality
noti+ication in c$ange mo'e. #$en select t$e %at$ 5otification Print 5otification o& %&ess t$e
)utton ;%&int<.
#$e 'ialogue sc&een +o& selecting t$e s$o% %a%e&s (ill )e s$o(n. #$is 'ialogue sc&een lists all %a%e&s,
t$at can )e %&inte' +o& t$e noti+ication ty%e.
Select an' %&int t$e ins%ection &e%o&t +&om t$e s$o% %a%e&s.
=se t$e 'ata +iel' -utput language to select t$e language +o& t$e out%ut. =sually t$e language
ente&e' in t$e *en'o& maste& 'ata is use'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F9
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e ins%ection &e%o&t can )e sa*e' as a %'+0+ile on you& local com%ute&.
+ t$e +lag in column D MDelete a+te& out%ut1 is not set, t$e s%ool &e/uest (ill )e %&ese&*e'
an' can )e sa*e' as a %'+0+ile using t$e t&ansaction OQPD3.
=se t$e %at$ System -$n spool re1uests to 'ete&mine t$e num)e& o+ t$e s%ool
Sta&t t$e t&ansaction OQPD3
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page FF
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
,nte& s%ool &e/uest num)e&, 'estination an' +ilename.
,-ecute t$e t&ansaction )y %&essing ;e-ecute<.
4it t$e )utton to sa*e t$e +ile on you& com%ute&.
#$e %'+0+ile (ill )e sa*e' to t$e ente&e' 'estination +ol'e&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F9
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
".2.12 $ailing !uality notifications -shop papers.
A %&e&e/uisite to sen' a /uality noti+ication *ia e0mail is t$at t$e inte&net e0mail a''&ess $as )een
maintaine' in t$e use& %&o+ile.
#o sen' s$o% %a%e&s *ia e0mail, %&ess t$e )utton ;%&int< (it$in t$e /uality noti+ication. #$e
'ialogue sc&een s$o(n )elo( (ill a%%ea&. C$oose t$e s$o% %a%e&, you (ant to sen', ente& t$e e0mail
a''&ess o+ t$e &eci%ient an' %&ess t$e )utton ;%&int %&e*ie(<.
C$ec5 in t$e status )a&, i+ t$e e0mail $as )een sent success+ully o& not.
A+te& a ma-imum o+ 10 minutes ;Ao) %e&io' o+ t$e Ao) t$at t&ans+e&s t$e 'ata to t$e mail se&*e&< t$e
s$o% %a%e& ;$e&e. ins%ection &e%o&t< (ill )e attac$e' to an e0mail an' sent.
6ail an' ins%ection &e%o&t (ill )e sent using t$e language ente&e' in t$e *en'o& maste& 'ata. =se t$e
'ata +iel' -utput language in t$e 'ialogue sc&een to c$oose a 'i++e&ent language.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 90
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e 'ocuments sent a&e &eco&'e' in -ffice 0orkplace -utbo2 +ocuments an' can )e
accesse' t$e&e.
".2.13 7or2lists
n SAP t$e (o&5lists o+ /uality noti+ications, 'e+ect items, tas5s an' actions can )e 'is%laye' an'
Logistics Quality management Quality noti.ication 0or1list 3oti.ication
Change %ata (Q210) or Display %ata (Q211)
#$e %&ocessing o+ tas5s an' 'e+ect items is simila& to /uality noti+ications.
??? 3oti.ication*Item Change %ata (Q210*Q21&*)
or Display %ata (Q211*Q21)*)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 91
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
n t$e 'ata +iel' Partner 7ser &esp. ((ead) ente& t$e use& name o+ t$e %e&son ($ose (o&5list you li5e
to 'is%lay o& %&ocess.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 92
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
=se t$e selection sc&een an' its selection c&ite&ia to +ilte& an' 'is%lay ce&tain noti+ications +&om t$e
mass o+ /uality noti+ication.
#$e )utton o& t$e menu )dit +ynamic selections gi*e access to a''itional selection c&ite&ia.
=se a use& *a&iant to %&eset t$e selection c&ite&ia. t (ill )e use' automatically ($en t$e use& logs on.
P&ess t$e )utton to sa*e t$e selection %a&amete&s an' *alues +o& list settings as a use&
C$anging t$e list layout
=se t$e )utton ;c$ange layout< to c$ange t$e list layout use&0s%eci+ic acco&'ing to you& nee's.
A+te& %&essing t$is )utton a %o%0u% (ill a%%ea& listing t$e +unctions to c$ange t$e layout.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 93
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e le+t section on t$e ta) Columns contains t$e %&esent list layout. #$e columns a&e 'is%laye' +&om
to% to )ottom in t$e se/uence on t$e sc&een +&om t$e le+t to t$e &ig$t.
Re'un'ant columns can )e )lan5e' out. 6a&5 t$e column an' %&ess t$e )utton to mo*e t$e 'ata
+iel's to t$e columns set.
A''itional 'ata +iel's o+ t$e columns set can )e 'is%laye' in t$e list. 6a&5 t$ese 'ata +iel's an' %&ess
t$e )utton to mo*e t$em to t$e columns.
=se t$e )utton ;sea&c$< to sea&c$ +o& columns.
#$e se/uence o+ t$e columns 'is%laye' in t$e list can )e c$ange' using t$e )uttons .
3i&st ma&5 t$e column you (oul' li5e to mo*e. >ou can also mo*e se*e&al columns at once ;%&ess t$e
S$i+t05ey ($en ma&5ing columns<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 94
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
+ contents o+ a column can )e summe' u%, a c$ec5)o- (ill )e s$o(n in t$e co&&es%on'ing column.
+ t$is )o- is c$ec5e', t$e system (ill calculate t$e total
automatically an' 'is%lay it )eneat$ t$e co&&es%on'ing column in t$e list.
=se t$e ta) Sort to ente& c&ite&ia +o& so&ting t$e list an' to ma&5 columns +o& ($ic$ a su)total s$oul'
)e calculate'.
#$e ta) 4ilter contains c&ite&ia to set a +ilte& +o& t$e list. 2nly t$ose 'ata &eco&'s (ill )e s$o(n, t$at
matc$ t$e +ilte& c&ite&ia.
=se t$e ta) ,ie$ to in+luence t$e list +o&mat.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9?
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e ta) +isplay contains 'is%lay o%tions li5e e.g. g&i' lines o& column $ea'ings.
=se t$e )utton ;sa*e layout< to sa*e t$e layout use&0s%eci+ic. >ou may $a*e a loo5 at t$e layout
+i&st )y %&essing t$e )utton an' a+te&(a&'s sa*ing it using t$e )utton ;sa*e layout<.
n )ot$ cases t$e +ollo(ing sc&een (ill a%%ea&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 96
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
,nte& a name an' a 'esc&i%tion +o& you& layout. Remem)e& t$at a use&0s%eci+ic layout al(ays $as to
sta&t (it$ a lette&.
+ you ma&5 t$e o%tion 'e+ault, t$is layout (ill )e sa*e' as t$e stan'a&' layout in you& use& %&o+ile.
#$e use&0s%eci+ic layouts can only )e accesse' )y t$e use& ($o c&eate' t$em.
+ you (ant a 'i++e&ent layout, %&ess t$e )utton ;select layout< an' c$oose one +&om t$e list. #$is
layout (ill )e use' +o& t$e list.
Re+e&ence +iel' monito&
n t$e selection sc&een t$e +iel' monito& +unction can )e acti*ate'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 99
Automotive Systems

9usiness transactions
#$e /uality noti+ication list s$o(s a t&a++ic lig$t, ($ic$ c$anges colou&s 'e%en'ing on t$e status o+ t$e
T D&een. P&ocessing sta&t in t$e +utu&e
T >ello(. P&ocessing sta&te' an' in time
T Re'. Closing o*e&'ue
T none no 'ates maintaine'
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9F
Automotive Systems

' 5valuations
An e*aluation is t$e &esult o+ e-ecuting a &e%o&t. #$e e*aluation can )e 'is%laye' on sc&een o& sent to
a %&inte&.
n many e*aluations you can go to 'etaile' 'ata o& 'ocuments )y 'ou)le0clic5ing o& )y using t$e
co&&es%on'ing )uttons on sc&een.
Stan'a&' e*aluations can )e accesse' *ia t$e SAP ,asy Access menu.
=se t$e SAP ,asy Access menu to na*igate to t$e +ol'e& %nformation systems o+ t$e co&&es%on'ing
'.1 ossibilities for evaluations in SA
#$e SAP system 'istinguis$es )et(een t$e +ollo(ing analysis %&oce'u&es.
Stan'a&' analysis o+ pre:aggregated 'ata in 7S ;logistics in+o&mation system as a
gene&al 'ata )ase +o& all logistic mo'ules<. #$ey a&e sto&e' in +ol'e&s o+ t$e in+o&mation
system. Stan'a&' analyses a&e e*aluations, t$at a&e %&e'e+ine' )y SAP o& can )e
'e+ine' )y t$e use&.
3le-i)le analysis o+ pre:aggregated 'ata in 7S. 3le-i)le analyses can )e use' to
com%ile 'ata in'i*i'ually, to agg&egate it an' to )uil' &e%o&ts com+o&ta)ly.
Re%o&ts using uncompressed SAP online 'ata. #$ese &e%o&ts $a*e to )e (&itten )y t$e
use& $imsel+ as A@AP &e%o&ts.
7S N 7ogistics in+o&mation system ;s$a&e' 'ata )ase +o& all logistic mo'ules<
A@AP/4 N P&og&amming language o+ SAP
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Automotive Systems

'.2 ;endor analysis -standard analysis.
Logistics Quality management Quality control ;ey .igures +en%or
Inspection lots <#er#ie4 (2C+6)
:$en sta&ting t$is %&og&am t$e selection sc&een +o& t$e analysis (ill )e 'is%laye'.
#$is sc&een is use' to 'ete&mine t$e 'ata ($ic$ s$oul' )e &ea' )y t$e e*aluation %&og&am.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2
Automotive Systems

:it$out ente&ing any selection c&ite&ia all 'ata, sa*e' in t$e system +o& t$is e*aluation, (ill )e
'is%laye'. @y ente&ing selection c&ite&ia t$e e*aluation (ill )e &est&icte' to ce&tain *alues, e.g. 'ata o+
%lant 0001 o& 'ata o+ a ce&tain *en'o&0mate&ial com)ination. 3o& t$e &est&iction t(o 'ata +iel's a&e
a*aila)le +o& eac$ selection c&ite&ia, ($e&e single *alues o& &anges can )e ente&e'. A''itional *alues
can )e ente&e' *ia t$e )utton ;multi%le selection<.
#$e&e a''itional single *alues o& &anges can )e inclu'e' o&
e-clu'e' .
P&ess t$e )utton ;use& settings< to maintain use&0s%eci+ic c$a&acte&istics, 5ey +igu&es
an' %a&amete&s.
3i&st con+i&m t$e use& ($ose settings s$oul' )e maintaine'. #$e system %&o%oses t$e o(n use&
name, so you s$oul' not c$ange anyt$ing $e&e.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3
Automotive Systems

P&ess t$e )utton to o%en a selection sc&een +o& c$a&acte&istics. t
can )e use' to 'ete&mine t$e '&ill0'o(n se/uence.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4
Automotive Systems

#$e le+t column 'is%lays t$e %&esent selection o+ c$a&acte&istics. #$e &ig$t column s$o(s t$e %ool o+
not0use' c$a&acte&istics. 6a&5 a c$a&acte&istic an' %&ess t$e co&&es%on'ing
a&&o( to select c$a&acte&istics.
+ you (ant to c$ange t$e se/uence, ma&5 +i&st t$e c$a&acte&istic ($ic$
s$oul' )e mo*e'.
A+te&(a&'s clic5 on t$e 'ata +iel' a)o*e ($ic$ t$e c$a&acte&istic s$oul'
)e ente&e'.
n t$is e-am%le t$e c$a&acte&istic material s$oul' )e mo*e' a)o*e t$e
c$a&acte&istic vendor.
#o mo*e it, %&ess t$e )utton ; mo*e<.
Con+i&m t$e se/uence $itting .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?
Automotive Systems

P&ess t$e )utton to select 5ey +igu&es.
=se t$e )utton to 'is%lay t$e co&&es%on'ent sc&een. #$e
%&ocee'ing o+ selecting an' so&ting 5ey +igu&es is t$e same as t$e %&ocessing o+ c$a&acte&istics.
P&ess t$e )utton to maintain *alues +o& t$e layout o& to ente& t$e e*aluate' time %e&io' as
a 'e+ault.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6
Automotive Systems

+ t$e o%tion B5ey an' 'esc&i%tionC $as )een selecte' +o& t$e c$a&acte&istics layout, t$e column (i't$ o+
t$e c$a&acte&istics column s$oul' )e c$ange' &es%ecti*ely.
#$e settings a&e sa*e' )y $itting t$e )utton .
=se t$e )utton ;e-ecute< to sta&t t$e e*aluation.
#$e )asic list s$o(s t$e total /uantity 'i*i'e' )y %lant. Acco&'ing to t$e se/uence 'e+ine' +o& t$e
c$a&acte&istics, t$e list can )e '&ille'0'o(n to t$e ne-t le*el )y 'ou)le0clic5ing on a &o(. 2nly t$e
mate&ials o+ t$e c$osen %lant (ill t$en )e 'is%laye'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

#$e )utton %&o*i'es 'i++e&ent +unctions. t co&&es%on's to t$e 'ou)le0clic5ing on a 'ata +iel'.
#$e column (i't$ can )e c$ange' i+ you use it on a column $ea'e&. #$is c$ange is only *ali'
+o& t$e cu&&ent session.
+ you use it on a c$a&acte&istic, t$e ne-t le*el (ill )e 'is%laye'.
=se' on a in'icato&, it 'is%lays all 5ey +igu&es +o& t$e c$a&acte&istic.
P&ess t$e )utton to sa*e t$e e*aluation on you& local com%ute&.
+ you (ant to sen' t$e e*aluation to anot$e& SAP use&, %&ess t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F
Automotive Systems

=se t$e )utton to 'is%lay a SAP g&a%$ic.
#$e )utton com%lies to 'ou)le0clic5ing on a c$a&acte&istic. :it$in t$e c$a&acte&istic t$e single
*alues o+ t$e ne-t '&ill0'o(n le*el (ill )e s$o(n.
+ you (ant to c$ange t$e '&ill0'o(n, %&ess t$e )utton . n t$at case all mate&ials a&e
s$o(n, e.g. not only mate&ials +o& a single %lant.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

A c$&onological 'is%lay o+ 5ey +igu&es can )e 'is%laye' )y $itting t$e )utton . 3i&st t$e
co&&es%on'ing in'icato& column $as to )e ma&5e'.
=se t$e )uttons to so&t t$e list in ascen'ing o& 'escen'ing o&'e&. 3i&st ma&5 t$e column use'
+o& t$e so&ting o+ t$e list. #o ma&5 a column clic5 on its $ea'e&.
A &an5ing list can )e 'is%laye' )y %&essing t$e )utton . Again ma&5 t$e co&&es%on'ing
column +i&st.
A+te&(a&'s 'ete&mine t$e ma-imum num)e& o+ &an5s, ($ic$ s$oul' )e 'is%laye'.
As a &esult you get a &an5ing +o& t$e selecte' in'icato&. 2t$e& c$a&acte&istic items (ill )e 'is%laye' as
a &emain'e& in total.
A''itional 5ey +igu&es can )e maintaine' using t$e )utton .
#$ese a&e *ali' +o& t$e actual session only. #$e use& settings &emain unc$ange'.
#$e %&esent selection *e&sion can )e sa*e' %&essing t$e )utton .
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 10
Automotive Systems

,nte& name an' 'esc&i%tion o+ t$e selection *e&sion an' sa*e it )y %&essing .
:$en accessing t$e ne-t e*aluation you can call u% t$is *e&sion $itting t$e )utton .
Dou)le0clic5 to 'is%lay t$e selecte' selection *e&sion.
=se t$e menu )2tras %nspection lots to )&anc$ to t$e o&iginal 'ocument, i.e. t$e ins%ection lot,
+&om e.g. t$e '&ill0'o(n )y mate&ial. A list o+ selecte' ins%ection lots (ill )e 'is%laye'. Dou)le0clic5 on
an ins%ection lot to 'is%lay it.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 11
Automotive Systems

'.3 5valuations using fle=ible analyses
=se +le-i)le analyses to com%ile 'ata in'i*i'ually, to agg&egate it an' to )uil' &e%o&ts com+o&ta)ly. n
'oing so t$e +unctionality o+ t$e &e%o&t (&ite& is use', a tool to c&eate &e%o&ts +o& 'i++e&ent a%%lications.
'.3.1 Characteristics of fle=ible analyses
T %ossi)ility to calculate 5ey +igu&es +&om ot$e& 5ey +igu&es ;e.g. %%m<
T %&e'e+ine', not c$angea)le 'ata g&ou%ing ;'&ill0'o(ns st&uctu&e< (it$in a single e*aluation
;ot$e& 'ata g&ou%ings a&e %ossi)le )y a''itional e*aluations<
T su)se/uent c$ange o+ summa&i8ation le*els %ossi)le
T Com%lete 'is%lay o+ all in+o&mation o+ all $ie&a&c$y le*els
T Dis%lay o+ 'ata in 6S ,-cel, i+ t$e 6S 2++ice integ&ation is acti*ate'
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 12
Automotive Systems

'.3.2 Calling up a fle=ible analyses
Logistics Quality management Quality control ;ey .igures ools "lexi=le
analyses E#aluation Execute (2C:&)
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 13
Automotive Systems

#o 'is%lay a +le-i)le analysis ente& e*aluation st&uctu&e an' e*aluation.
+ifferent evaluations may e2ist for a single evaluation structure, $hich contain different
characteristics>key figure combinations of the evaluation structure.
)valuation structure and evaluation can be preset using user parameters.
'.3.3 Selecting selection parameters
P&ess t$e )utton ;e-ecute< to get a selection sc&een +o& ente&ing selection %a&amete&s.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 14
Automotive Systems

@y ente&ing co&&es%on'ing selection c&ite&ia, t$e selection can )e &est&icte' to ce&tain c$a&acte&istics
;e.g. %lants, mont$s, *en'o&s , etc.<.
2+ten use' com)inations o+ selection %a&amete&s can )e sa*e' as a *a&iant.
A+te& maintaining t$e selection c&ite&ia use t$e )utton ; sa*e as *a&iant< to sa*e t$em.
P&ess t$e )utton to access sa*e' *a&iants. #$e sa*e' c$a&acte&istics a&e a 'e+ault an' can )e
c$ange' o& com%lete' )e+o&e e-ecuting.
+ata fields named #Set8 should not be used for selection.
'.3." &isplaying a fle=ible analysis
P&ess t$e )utton ;e-ecute< to 'is%lay a +le-i)le analysis acco&'ing to t$e ente&e' selection
Column 1 an' 2 contain t$e 5ey +igu&es %%m num)e& ;SRS< an' total /uantity ;N ins%ection lot /
'eli*e&e' /uantity<
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?
Automotive Systems

Ro( 1 ;EEE N $ig$est summa&i8ation le*el< contains.
#$e summa&i8e' %%m num)e& / total /uantity +o& all *en'o&s o+ %lant 0001 in time %e&io' 01.2003 until
Ro( 2 ;EE<
#$e summa&i8e' %%m num)e& / total /uantity o+ *en'o& 4uetten)e&ge& P&o'u5tionstec$ni5 +o& all
mate&ial num)e&s 'eli*e&e' )y $im +&om mont$ 01.2003 until 02.2003
Ro( 3 ;E<
#$e summa&i8e' %%m num)e& / total /uantity o+ *en'o& 4uetten)e&ge& P&o'u5tionstec$ni5 +o& all
mate&ial num)e&s 'eli*e&e' )y $im in mont$ 01.2003
Ro( 4 ;last le*el, no +u&t$e& summa&i8ation<
#$e summa&i8e' %%m num)e& / total /uantity +o& mate&ial num)e& 1000F100013602000 in mont$
%f the analysis display a ?@? as unit of measure, different units of measure have been
=se t$e icons on t$e le+t ma&gin to e-%an' o& colla%se &o(s.
+ ce&tain summa&i8ation le*els s$oul' )e 'is%laye' in t$e list, c$oose t$e menu %at$ Settings
Summation levelsA .
+ e.g. single *en'o&s (it$ t$ei& mont$ly +igu&es s$oul' )e 'is%laye', c$oose summa&i8ation le*els 1
an' 2.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 16
Automotive Systems

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Automotive Systems

'.3.' *ffice integration
#$e 2++ice nteg&ation can )e use' as an alte&nati*e to t$e list 'is%lay. t allo(s to 'is%lay t$e selecte'
'ata using ot$e& a%%lications.
#$e 2++ice nteg&ation is e-ecute' (it$ t$e )utton ;2%tions 2++ice nteg&ation<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1F
Automotive Systems

#$e 2++ice a%%lication ;6ic&oso+t ,-cel o& 7otus 123< is sta&te' (it$in t$e SAP R/3 (in'o(. #$us t$e
+unctions o+ o++ice a%%lications a&e a*aila)le +o& %&ocessing.
#$e $ie&a&c$y le*els o+ SAP in'icate' )y t$e 'i++e&ent num)e& o+ aste&is5s ;E< a&e t&ans+e&&e' into
st&uctu&ing le*els o+ 6S ,-cel. #$e $ig$est $ie&a&c$y le*el VV com%lies to st&uctu&ing le*el V1V in 6S
=se Settings -ptions o& t$e )utton ;2%tions 2++ice nteg&ation< to s(itc$ )et(een t$e list
'is%lay ;inacti*e< an' t$e 2++ice integ&ation.
%f the defined -ffice application is not installed on your PC, the list $ill be displayed in the
conventional list format.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 19
Automotive Systems

'.3.) /ormatting for SRS
,-ecute )2tras SAP:4le2ible Analyses B.C +&om t$e ,-cel menu.
#$is a''0in e-ecutes t$e +ollo(ing tas5s.
Summa&i8ation o+ 'e+ecti*e /uantity an' 'e+ecti*e /uantity ;e-te&nal<
A'Austment o+ column (i't$ an' +&ames
Deleting unnecessa&y notes ;&e'uces t$e +ile si8e )y ?0H<
Prere1uisite for formatting is the installation of the )2cel add:in on the local PC using the
)DC)= Add:%n 6anager.
The document for the Supplier &ating Systems (S&S) used at Continental Teves can be found
in the CAS %ntranet follo$ing uality management Supplier development
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 20
Automotive Systems

'." Conti81eves reports
#$e +ollo(ing &e%o&ts can )e calle' u% as a t&ansaction, *ia t$e Q6 menu o& t&ansaction OQ01.
rogram 1itle
OQ2FA@10 OQ2FA@10 0 ns%ection ce&ti+icate %&inting
OQ2FA@20 OQ2FA@20 0 @lan5 ins%ection ce&ti+icate %&inting
OQ36@,10 OQ36@,10 0 Re%etiti*e0/ cont&ol sam%ling o*e&*ie(
>,3)9520 >,3)9520 8 ;endor8material data overvie(
>,3)&306 >,3)&306 8 9*$ brea2 do(n 8 overvie( for ,8planning of components
>,3)/A10 >,3)/A10 8 Inspection Aots 8 *vervie( of defects
OQ36P@90 OQ36P@90 0 Quality &e%o&t %&inting
>,3)&10 >,3)&10 8 Inspection plan printing
OQ36PD20 OQ36PD20 0 @lan5 ins%ection %lan +o&m %&inting
OQ36P7F0 OQ36P7F0 0 7ist o+ multi%le mate&ial0%lan assignments
>,3),10 >,3),10 8 9*$ brea2 do(n8overvie( f. ,8planning of components
OQ36!,10 OQ36!,10 0 Collecti*e =sage Decision +o& S5i%07ots (it$ 'e+ects
Call0u% *ia OQ01
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 21
Automotive Systems

*verlapping functions
) *verlapping functions
).1 Scrap recording
).1.1 rere!uisites to use transaction >$"2
#$e &e%etiti*e manu+actu&ing %&o+ile ;mate&ial maste& &eco&'< $as to allo( o%tional &e%o&ting
%oint )ac5+lus$
#$e &ele*ant o%e&ations $a*e to )e maintaine' in t$e &outing as &e%o&ting %oints. ;cont&ol 5ey<
A ne( stan'a&' costing $as to )e ca&&ie' out.
#a)le O6390 $as to )e +ille' (it$ 'esi&e' %a&amete&s.
#a)le O6390
#$is ta)le O6390 $as to )e maintaine' on client/%lant le*el.
A&ea item
Pa&amete& maintaine' in O642 +o& t$e selection assem)ly/%&o'uction. t cont&ols t$e +ollo(0u%
selection o+ %a&amete&s in t$is ta)le.
6o*ement ty%e
Contains t$e mo*ement ty%e +o& sc&a% %ostings, ($ic$ s$oul' )e use' )y t$e system.
6o*ement ty%e e-cess consum%tion
Contains t$e mo*ement ty%e, ($ic$ s$oul' )e use' )y t$e system +o& late& %ostings.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Automotive Systems

*verlapping functions
Acti*ity %osting
Contains t$e ty%e o+ acti*ity %osting use' +o& %ostings.
2*e&*ie(/@26 e-%losion
not use' anymo&e.
P&o'uction *e&sion
ent&y is %&o%ose' on t$e initial sc&een o+ t&ansaction O642.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2
Automotive Systems

*verlapping functions
).1.2 rocessing transaction >$"2
#&ansaction O642 is use' to sim%li+y t$e use o+ t&ansaction 63@3.
2n t$e initial sc&een ente& %lant, mate&ial, %&o'uction *e&sion, )ac5+lus$ /uantity an' select %&o'uction
o& assem)ly.
A+te& %&essing t$e +ollo(ing e&&o& message (ill a%%ea&.
This error message cannot be avoided, because the system offers a selection of possible
scrap reasons only if it has read the entered plant.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3
Automotive Systems

*verlapping functions
A+te& selecting a &eason %&ess )utton ;e-ecute<.
:it$out any inte&+e&ence o+ t$e use& t$e t&ansaction 63@3 (ill )e e-ecute'.
3i&st t$e ente&e' 'ata in O642 is c$ec5e'. + t$is %&og&am c$ec5 $as )een success+ul, cont&ol 'ata +o&
63@3 is c&eate' an' t&ans+e&&e' along (it$ t$e ente&e' 'ata to t$e %&ocessing t&ansaction 63@3.
63@3 is e-ecute' in t$e )ac5g&oun' )ecause o+ t$e ente&e' %a&amete&s until a +inal sc&een is
#$en t$e use& ta5es o*e& +u&t$e& %&ocessing.
@e+o&e t$e +inal %osting c$anges to t$e 'is%laye' @26 a&e %ossi)le. #$is (ay a''itional %a&ts can )e
maintaine' o& not0use' %a&ts can )e 'elete'.
At t$is time t$e use& %&ocesses t&ansaction 63@3.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4
Automotive Systems

*verlapping functions
+ all necessa&y 'ata $as )een maintaine', %&ess t$e )utton ;%ost< +o& t$e 'ata )ac5u%.
A+te& %osting t$e system (ill &etu&n to t$e initial sc&een o+ t&ansaction O642.
A %osting 'ocument is c&eate'.
#$e %osting log can )e 'is%laye' using t&ansaction 6312.
2+ cou&se t&ansaction 63@3 can )e accesse' 'i&ectly.
%f the data checks of pre:transaction E6B< detect an inconsistency, an error screen $ith an
error message $ill be displayed by transaction 64;4. The user has to correct the data
manually or / if this is to comple2 / to cancel the transaction.
#o cancel t$e t&ansaction %&ess t$e +unction 5ey 312 ;Cancel< o& )utton se*e&al times. #$e initial
sc&een o+ t&ansaction O642 (ill )e s$o(n. t may )e necessa&y to %&ess 312 se*e&al times )ecause
t$e acti*e cont&ol o+ t$e %&e0t&ansaction $as to )e &e(&itten.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?
Automotive Systems

*verlapping functions
).1.3 Reversing scrap recordings
#o &e*e&se a sc&a% &eco&'ing, t&ansaction O642 $as to )e e-ecute', too.
,nte& %lant an' 'ocument num)e& o+ t$e 'ocument going to )e &e*e&se'.
#o &e*e&se t$e 'ocument %&ess )utton .
A+te&(a&'s t$e +ollo(ing message (ill )e 'is%laye'.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6
Automotive Systems

*verlapping functions
).2 Scrap recording and updating in ,$IS
).2.1 ?raphical diagram
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

*verlapping functions
).2.2 5=planation
#$e &e%o&ts e*aluate t$e +ollo(ing 'ata.
C2 &e%o&t/66 ;OC2F1060<.
o Gsc&a%%ing o+ stoc5 using mo*ement ty%e ??1
C2 &e%o&t/PP ;OC2F10?1<.
o Gmaintaine' sc&a% o+ %&o'uction
Data o+ )ot$ &e%o&ts is (&itten to ta)le OQA=S.
#$e &e%o&t OQ32SC10 &ea's t$e ta)le OQA=S an' c&eates /uality noti+ications o+ ty%e Q3.
#$ese noti+ications a&e o%ene' an' com%lete' imme'iately.
;+ +u&t$e& %&ocessing is necessa&y, you can %ut it )ac5 in %&ocess<
#$e automatic sa*ing o+ t$e noti+ication &esults in an u%'ating o+ /uality noti+ication 'ata in
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4 &ocuments and forms
4.1 Sample dra(ing instruction -S&I.
#$e sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction gi*es in+o&mation on t$e necessa&y sam%le si8e t$at $as to )e ta5en
+&om t$e ins%ection lot/goo's &ecei%t an', i+ necessa&y, in+o&mation on t$e 'ist&i)ution o+ t$e sam%le to
'i++e&ent (o&5 cente&s.
3u&t$e&mo&e, t$e sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction contains se*e&al mate&ial an' *en'o& s%eci+ic 'ata.
#$e sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction (ill )e %&inte' ($en t$e goo's &ecei%t is %oste' o& t$e ins%ection lot is
c&eate', 'e%en'ing on settings in customi8ing.
Com%any s%eci+ic ta)le OQPARA in'icates ($ic$ %&inte& is use' an' t$e num)e& o+ %&inte' SDs.
+ t$e ins%ection lot is s5i%%e' ;an' a %&intout is necessa&y any(ay<, t$e %&intout (ill inclu'e a te-t
telling t$at a sam%le s$oul' not )e '&a(n )ecause o+ s5i%.
+ sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction s$oul' )e %&inte' again a+te& t$e o&iginal %&intout, you $a*e to initiate t$e
%&intout manually *ia BC$ange ins%ection lotC an' )utton . #$e +ollo(ing
(a&ning $as to )e con+i&me' (it$ .
,*en +o& a manually c&eate' ins%ection lot t$e sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction (ill )e %&inte' automatically
($en sa*ing.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.1.1 /ield description sample dra(ing instruction
/ield 5=planation ossible entries
Sample &ra(ing Instruction
P&int 'ate / P&int
P&int 'ate o+ t$e SD
P&int time o+ t$e SD
29.02.2003 / 19 .39 .46
Page Automatic %age num)e& Page. 001
Plant actual %lant +&om ins%ection lot 0001
6ate&ial 6ate&ial num)e& an' 'esc&i%tion +&om mate&ial
maste& 'ata
10004600?00301000 $ig$
%&essu&e mem)&ane
D! / 6. Document *e&sion o+ t$e dra(ing ;+&om +iel'
6ARC0OOA,P< an' c$ange in'e- o+ t$e
material ;+&om +iel' 6ARC0OOA,6< ta5en +&om
t$e *ie( %lant c$ange se&*ice/(o&5 sc$e'uling o+
t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&'
03 / 01
S$o&t num)e&
,u&o%ean A&ticle "um)e& ;,A"< (it$ alte&nati*e
)ase unit o+ measu&e +&om mate&ial maste&
&eco&'. =se' +o& a+te&ma&5et only.
n a+te&ma&5et a s$o&t num)e& ;N o&'e&/ catalog
num)e&< is use' +o& t$e mate&ial.
40066330092F9 / A,K
Su%%lie& "um)e& an' 'esc&i%tion +&om ins%ection lot 90090F 3&eu'en)e&g
Release Release le*el an' &elease num)e& +&om )asic
'ata 1 o+ mate&ial maste& &eco&' ;6ARA<
0F / 01111161
C$ange C$ange ty%e an' c$ange num)e& o+ %lant
c$ange se&*ice / (o&5 sc$e'uling *ie( o+
mate&ial maste& &eco&' ;6ARC<
21 / 011109F6
nst&uction nst&uction o+ %lant c$ange se&*ice / (o&5
sc$e'uling *ie( o+ mate&ial maste& &eco&'
3i&st. nitial sam%le
D! N Document *e&sion, 6 N c$ange in'e-
mate&ial, Sam%l.0Date N sam%ling 'ate, !al N
,*aluation ;A N acce%t, R N &eAect<
Data is ta5en +&om t$e sam%ling $isto&y ;OQ@,<
o+ mate&ial an' *en'o& ;most actual ent&y<.
06 02 10.06.2002 A
Cont&ol. Cont&ol sam%le, (.o. (.o.
C$ange. C$ange sam%le, (.o. (.o.
ns%. 7ot nte&nally assigne' continous num)e& 0100003?9399
ns%. Plan #as5 g&ou% an' g&ou% counte& o+ t$e ins%ection
4F0 / 1
C$ange Date Date o+ t$e last c$ange o+ t$e ins%ection %lan 0?.11.2000
Doo's &ec. no "um)e& o+ t$e DR 'ocument ;mate&ial
,m%ty in case o+ a manually c&eate' ins%ection
Deli*e&y 'ate DR 'ate +&om DR 'ocument
,m%ty in case o+ a manually c&eate' ins%ection
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 2
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

Del. Quantity DR /uantity
,m%ty in case o+ a manually c&eate' ins%ection
Del. "ote no. "um)e& o+ 'eli*e&y note ;o+ t$e *en'o&<
Re/ui&e' +o& %osting t$e DR
,nte&e' in +iel' &eference o+ mate&ial 'ocument
$ea'e& ;ta)le 6KP3<
=nloa'ing %oint #e-t +iel' +o& DR %ostings 6&. 7ot8e
Sto&age location "um)e& o+ t$e sto&age location use' +o& %osting
t$e mate&ial.
@atc$ Plant s%eci+ic +iel' ;acti*ate' *ia ta)le OQPARA<
to $an' o*e& a *en'o& )atc$ num)e&. #$e
content o+ +iel' tem te-t o+ t$e DR %osting (ill )e
%&inte' on t$e SD.
2nly use' +o& %lant Palmela
242F0 / 24299
Se&ies %&e*.
n+o&mation +&om t$e status o+ t$e /uality in+o
n case o+ a sam%le ins%ection lot t$e sam%le
ty%e is %&inte' acco&'ing to t$e 'ocument ty%e o+
t$e %u&c$ase o&'e&.
nitial sam%le
+ an ent&y e-ists in +iel' @loc5ing +unction o+ t$e /uality in+o &eco&', t$e t(o 'igit co'e along
(it$ t$e 'esc&i%tion an' te-t +&om +iel' @loc5ing &eason (ill )e ente&e'.
Reprint S&I
+ a &e%&int is 'one ;using )utton <, a note (ill a%%ea&.
Do sample to be dra(n0 s2ipHHH
i+ t$e ins%ection lot is s5i%%e'
Sam%le no. al(ays 00000 000000
Qantity. n
sam%ling unit
Acco&'ing unit o+ measu&e o+ ins%ection %lan,
acco&'ing sam%le si8e
40,000 S#
Quantity in )ase 40 S#
Sample distribution to the laboratories
Sam%le no. Al(ays 00000 000000
2 2%e&ation acco&'ing ins%ection %lan 0010
:o&5 cente& :o&5 cente& o+ o%e&ation 99320301
Plant Plant o+ (o&5 cente& 0001
"ame o+ (o&5
:o&5 cente& 'esc&i%tion ncoming ins%ection
"o. Sam%le si8e +o& eac$ (o&5 cente& 20 S#
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 3
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.1.2 5=ample for a sample dra(ing instruction
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 4
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.2 Inspection instruction
#$e ins%ection inst&uction
can )e %&inte' automatically )y t$e system ($en %osting a goo's &ecei%t / c&eating an
ins%ection lot. Can )e %&inte' manually )y t$e use&, too.
contains ins%ection s%eci+ications o+ t$e ins%ection %lan. #$e $ea'e& o+ t$e ins%ection
inst&uction is i'entical to t$e $ea'e& o+ a sam%le '&a(ing inst&uction.
contains tools necessa&y +o& ins%ection.
'esc&i)es contents an' %&oce'u&es o+ an ins%ection +o& a ce&tain (o&5 cente&.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page ?
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.3 Inspection report
n gene&al t$e ins%ection &e%o&t is %&inte' +&om (it$in a /uality noti+ication.
#$e in+o&mation &e%o&t is %&inte' +o& sam%le ins%ection lots as a +ollo(0u% action o+ t$e usage 'ecision
o& +o& usage 'ecision 1102 +o& se&ies ins%ection lots.
#$e ins%ection &e%o&t %&inte' *ia t$e menu is t$e SAP ins%ection &e%o&t. #$e SAP ins%ection &e%o&t
can )e %&inte' (it$out a usage 'ecision ;+o& inte&nal use only<.
#o initiate a &e%&int o+ an in+o&mation &e%o&t use &e%o&t OQ36P@90. #$e %&inte& use' +o& t$e %&intout is
'e+ine' in customi8ing.
4.3.1 /ield description inspection report
n t$is c$a%te& t$e +iel's o+ an ins%ection an' in+o&mation &e%o&t a&e 'esc&i)e'. An ins%ection &e%o&t o+
a /uality noti+ication an' an in+o&mation &e%o&t +o& sam%ling a&e inclu'e' as e-am%les.
/ield name
;%&inte' on
ins%ection &e%o&t<
5=planation ossible entries
Plant a'&ess ;)ig lette&s<
#a5en +&om ta)le #001:
#$e 'e%a&tment 'esc&i%tion is ta5en %lant0s%eci+ic
+&om ta)le OQPARA.
Continental #,!,S AD S Co. o4D
:e&5 3&an5+u&t
QualitWtssic$e&ung @esc$a++ung
Due&ic5est&aXe 9
D06044F 3&an5+u&t am 6ain
P$one. ta5en +&om %lant0s%eci+ic ta)le OQPARA Y 49 ;69< 960301
3a-. 3a- "o. +&om use& 'ata o+ &es%onsi)le use& o&
$ea' o+ 'e%a&tment ;Setting acc. ta)le OQPARA<.
Plant a'&ess a)o*e *en'o& a'&ess ;small lette&s<
ta5en +&om %lant0s%eci+ic ta)le OQPARA
Continental #,!,S AD S Co. o4D
Post+ac$ 90 01 20
D060441 3&an5+u&t
!en'o& a'&ess, automatically ta5en +&om t$e
%u&c$asing *ie( o+ t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&'
Continental #e*es AD S C2.
o4D act
:e&5 Di+$o&n AC#
3F?1F Di+$o&n
Su%%lie& no. automatically ta5en +&om t$e %u&c$asing *ie( o+
t$e mate&ial maste& &eco&'
Su%%lie& +a- 3a- "um)e& o+ t$e *en'o& 0?3910F3211F
ns%ection &e%o&t
+o& %&intout +&om

3o& %&intout +&om
ins%ection lot
"oti+ication ty%e Q2. 1Se&ies1
"oti+ication ty%e Q4 o& Q?. 1com%laint1
3o& =D co'e 1102 1Anna$me n+o an 7ie+e&ant1
;%&inte' +&om ins%ection lot<. 1Se&ies1
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 6
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

=D co'e o&
ins%ection lot
3o& =D o+ an ins%ection lot (it$ ins%ection ty%e
0101. 1sam%le1
Place o+
"oti+ication ty%e Q2. 1Doo's &ecei%t1
"oti+ication ty%e Q4. 1P&o'uction1
"oti+ication ty%e Q?. 1Custome&1
3o& ins%ection lot.1 MDoo's &ecei%t1
Doo's &ecei%t
6essage no. "um)e& o+ t$e co&&es%on'ing noti+ication, i+
ns%ection lot no. "o. o+ co&&es%on'ent ins%ection lot
3o& noti+ication ty%e Q4 'ete&mine' )y t$e
mate&ial 'ocument num)e& ;DR 'ocument<
ente&e' (it$in t$e noti+ication.
Date P&int 'ate o+ ins%ection &e%o&t 19.0?.2003
Page Page num)e& o+ t$e te-t 001
6ate&ial no. #a5en +&om noti+ication o& ins%ection lot 100020F00?F10100F
D! / 6 Document *e&sion an' c$ange in'e- mate&ial
+&om *ie( %lant c$ange se&*ice / (o&5 sc$e'uling
+o& se&ies ins%ection lots
3o& sam%le ins%ection lots ta5en +&om ta)le OQ@,
02 / 02
Pa&t name #a5en +&om noti+ication o& ins%ection lot,
'esc&i%tion o+ t$e %a&t
Doo's &ec. no. #$e DR 'ocument num)e& s$oul' )e ente&e' i+
%ossi)le, )ecause t$e 'eli*e&y note is 'ete&mine'
using t$e DR 'ocument. #$is (ay t$e *en'o& is
a)le to allocate t$e 'e+ect to a 'eli*e&y. + t$e DR
'ocument num)e& is not 5no(n, t$e
in+o&mation1+&om stoc51 (ill )e 'is%laye'.
+&om stoc5
Deli*e&y 'ate Date o+ t$e goo's &ecei%t 2F.03.2003
2&'e& "o. Sc$e'uling ag&eement o& %u&c$asing o&'e& as
&e+e&ence +o& t$e goo's &ecei%t
Deli*e&y note no. 'eli*e&y note num)e& o+ t$e *en'o& ;'ete&mine'
(it$ &e+. to t$e DR 'ocument<
;al%$a nume&ical
ent&ies %ossi)le<
@atc$ no. not use'
'eli*e&e' /uantity +&om DR 'ocument
usually simila& to ins%ection lot /uantity
=nit o+ measu&e @ase unit o+ measu&e +&om mate&ial maste& &eco&'
usually %ce +o& %iece
1'eli*e&e' /uantity1 minus 1com%laine' /uantity1
+&om noti+ication
3o& in+o&mation &e%o&t using =D co'e
Quantity1un&est&icte'0use1 +&om
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

in*ento&y %osting o+ ins%ection lot
;simila& to 'eli*e&e' /uantity minus
&etu&ne' /uantity minus Mto sam%le
'e+ecti*e /uantity
1com%laine' /uantity1 +&om noti+ication
3o& in+o&mation &e%o&t using =D co'e 1102.
,nt&y in +iel' 'e+ect /uantity.
Quantity 1to sam%le usage1 +&om ins%ection lot.
#$e *alue o+ t$e %a&ts, ins%ecte' 'est&ucti*ely, is
%oste' to a cost cente&.
Quantity &etu&ne' 1Retu&ne' /uantity1 +&om noti+ication
3o& in+o&mation &e%o&t using =D co'e 1102.
Quantity 1to )loc5e' stoc51 +&om in*ento&y %osting
o+ ins%ection lot
Com%lies (it$ t$e /uantity &etu&ne' to t$e *en'o&.
/ailure description
A''itional te-t on co'e an' co'e g&ou% o+ a''itionally maintaine' 'e+ects. Settings can )e
ma'e %lant0s%eci+ic
Sta&ts (it$ te-t o+ co'e g&ou% an' te-t o+ 'e+ect
co'e o+ all items t$at a&e %a&t o+ t$e noti+ication
3i&st &o( o+ te-t o+ 'e+ect item
A+te&(a&'s s$o&t an' long te-t o+ noti+ication
1he long te=t of the %& can be used to
maintain additional te=ts for internal
information. 1o ma2e sure that this te=t is not
printed0 the indicator #F has to be set left of the
te=t section in the control field of the editor.
'&ill 'iamete&
'&ill $ole to la&ge.
=sage 'ecision + t$e ins%ection &e%o&t is %&inte' +o& a Q4 o& Q?
noti+ication, t$is +iel' is em%ty.
2nly +o& ins%ection &e%o&t o+ o&igin goo's &ecei%t,
i.e. Q2 noti+icatio%n, in+o&mation &e%o&t +o&
com%letion o+ a sam%le ins%ection lot o&
in+o&mation &e%o&t using =D co'e1102.
=D co'e an' te-t o+ =D co'e, along (it$ 'ate, on
($ic$ t$e =D (as ma'e
acce%tance a+te&
ns%ection &e%o&t
n+o +iel'.
Stan'a&' te-ts ;OQRP@RS#,77RQ6R----< +o&
tas5s o+ co'es 0020, 00F0, 0090, 0100 an' 0220
+&om noti+ication.
6aintaine' at t$e en'
o+ t$e +ile' 'esc&i%tion
;i.e. at t$e )ottom o+
t$is ta)le<
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page F
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

3i-e' te-t acco&'ing to mat&i- Q@,SA03?.P7S
;see )elo(<
3o& in+o&mation &e%o&t o+ =D 111021 o& in+o&mation
&e%o&t o+ sam%le ins%ection lots ;e-ce%t :04<.
#$e &e%o&t (oul' gene&ate' auto. an' t$e&e+o&e it
)ea&s no signatu&e.
;3o& :04 no te-t, )ecause t$e in+o&mation &e%o&t
(ill )e signe' )y t$e %u&c$asing 'e%a&tment.<
#$e &e%o&t L
3o& ins%ection &e%o&t o+ noti+ication ;e-ce%t :04<.
#$e &e%o&t (oul' gene&ate' auto. an' t$e&e+o&e it
)ea&s no signatu&e.
;3o& :04 no te-t, )ecause t$e in+o&mation &e%o&t
(ill )e signe' )y t$e %u&c$asing 'e%a&tment.<
#$e &e%o&t .....
De%a&tment 3o& ins%ection &e%o&t o+ noti+ication.
De%a&tment +&om use& 'ata o+ &es%onsi)le use& o&
$ea' o+ 'e%a&tment ;settings acc. ta)le
3o& in+o&mation &e%o&t at com%letion o+ sam%le
ins%ection lot o& in+o&mation &e%o&t +o& =D co'e
De%a&tment +&om use& 'ata o+ %e&son, ma5ing t$e
=D, o& $ea' o+ 'e%a&tment ;settings acc. ta)le
#ele%$one no. 3o& ins%ection &e%o&t o+ noti+ication.
#el.0"o. +&om use& 'ata o+ &es%onsi)le use& o&
$ea' o+ 'e%a&tment ;settings acc. ta)le
3o& in+o&mation &e%o&t at com%letion o+ sam%le
ins%ection lot o& in+o&mation &e%o&t +o& =D co'e
#el.0"&. +&om use& 'ata o+ %e&son, ma5ing t$e =D,
o& $ea' o+ 'e%a&tment ;settings acc. ta)le
e0mail 3o& ins%ection &e%o&t o+ noti+ication.
,06ail +&om use& 'ata o+ &es%onsi)le use& o& $ea'
o+ 'e%a&tment ;settings acc. ta)le OQPARA<.
3o& in+o&mation &e%o&t at com%letion o+ sam%le
ins%ection lot o& in+o&mation &e%o&t +o& =D co'e
,06ail +&om use& 'ata o+ %e&son, ma5ing t$e =D,
o& $ea' o+ 'e%a&tment ;settings acc. ta)le
Contact %e&son 3o& ins%ection &e%o&t o+ noti+ication.
Res%onsi)le use& acco&'ing noti+ication $ea'e&
3o& in+o&mation &e%o&t at com%letion o+ sam%le
ins%ection lot o& in+o&mation &e%o&t +o& =D co'e
%e&son, ma5ing t$e =D, acco&'ing ins%ection lot
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 9
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

De%a&tment $ea' $ea' o+ 'e%a&tment acc. ta)le OQPARA
#$e $ea' o+ 'e%a&tment can )e 'e+ine'
se%e&ately +o& t$e t$&ee o&igins 1Doo's &ecei%t1,
1P&o'uction1 an' 1Custome&1 in ta)le OQPARA ;)y
maintaining t$e co&&es%on'ing =se&0D<.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 10
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

Dist&i)uto& Dist&i)ution list +&om ta)le OQPARA
#$e 'ist&i)ution list can )e 'e+ine' se%e&ately +o&
t$e t$&ee o&igins 1Doo's &ecei%t1, 1P&o'uction1 an'
1Custome&1 in ta)le OQPARA.
n+o&mation, t$at t$e &e%o&t e-cee's one %age. +ollo(ing %age 002
n+o +iel', +i-e' te-ts acc. mat&i- Q@,SA03?.P7S
1e=t IResponseJ acc. inspection report after selecting a tas2 on level !uality
notification header
ns%ection &e%o&t
:e e-%ect a &es%onse to t$e a)o*e +ailu&e;s<
)y L
3o& tas5s o+ co'e g&ou% Q6009999 an' Co'e
0090 in t$e /uality noti+ication $ea'e&.
:e &e%o&t t$e a)o*e +ailu&e only +o& you&
:e 'o not e-%ect a &es%onse.
As +ollo(0u% action +o& =D co'e 1102
;Acce%tance n+o&mation to *en'o&<
1e=t IResponseJ of inspection report from !uality notification
;n gene&al te-ts +o& co'es o+ tas5 co'e g&ou% Q6009999<
Initiated by
Su)mission o+ an FD &e%o&t is &e/ui&e' )y. Q6009999, 0020
#$e 'eli*e&y (as &e(o&5e' at you& e-%ense.. Q6009999, 00F0
Please &es%on' )y Q6009999, 0090
#$e 'eli*e&y (as so&te' at you& e-%ense. Q6009999, 0100
#$e 'eli*e&y (as &e(o&5e' at you& e-%ense. Q6009999, 0110
#$e 'eli*e&y (ill )e &etu&ne' to you. Q6009999, 0200
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 11
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.3.2 5=ample for an inspection report and information report
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 12
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 13
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4." Inspection plan printout
3o& ins%ection %lans t(o 5in's o+ %&ocessing e-ist ;see c$a%te& 3.2.3<.
Plans can )e selecte' an' %&inte' )y 'i++e&ent c&ite&ia o& )y a ce&tain mate&ial.
#o %&int an ins%ection %lan call u% t&ansaction OQ36PD10, ente& necessa&y selection c&ite&ia an'
e-ecute it ;see c$a%te&<.
#o +ill t$e co&&es%on'ing +iel's on t$e %&intout, t$e +ollo(ing 'ata $as to )e ente&e' in t$e long te-t o+
t$e ins%ection %lan $ea'e&.
4.".1 /ield description inspection plan printout
3iel' name
;7ong te-t
in ins%.%lan<
e-%lanation Possi)le ent&ies
D! Document *e&sion, +o& ($ic$ t$e
ins%ection %lan is *ali'
6 6ate&ial in'e-, +o& ($ic$ t$e
ins%ection %lan is *ali'
!# ,nt&y ne-t to +iel' 'ist&i)ution list 16:0Q
PO Plan c$ange counte& in +oote& 01
#1 1. te-t &o( in +iel' note. Release. 30F000110909
#2 2. te-t &o( in +iel' note C$ange. 32100011191F
#3 3. te-t &o( in +iel' note
#4 4. te-t &o( in +iel' note
77 #e-t +o& li+e cycle ca&' ns%ection %an c&eate'. 29.03.2002
77 #e-t +o& li+e cycle ca&' PO 01 o%e&ation 30 'elete'
77 #e-t +o& li+e cycle ca&' :i&e 'iamete& an' lengt$ 70 in o%e&ation
77 #e-t +o& li+e cycle ca&' PO01 c$ange', 09.0?.2002, Poloms5i,
77 #e-t +o& li+e cycle ca&'
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 14
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.".2 5=ample for an inspection plan printout
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1?
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 16
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.".3 rintout inspection plan 8 header data
Data +iel' Desc&i%tion Data o&igin "otes
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 19
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1F
Dist&i)ution list +o&
t$e ins%. Plan
3&om long te-t Key B!#.B
Plan 'esc&i%tion
an' usage
3&om usage an' long te-t 5ey
3" 306 N 'esc&i%tion Y
3" 309 N 'esc&i%tion Y
2t$e&(ise N 'esc&i%tion Y
3o& %lant Di+$o&n ns%. Plan
$ea'e&. +o& tas5 list ty%e "
=se te-t +&om tas5 list ty%e Q
;ns%ection %lan< ;D3 uses
&outings only<
Desc&i%tion 6ate&ial
6ate&ial maste& 'ata
6at. no. 6ate&ial num)e& P&Z+%lan Ko%+'aten #a)le 6AP706A#"R
6 C$ange in'e-
3&om 7ong te-t 5ey B6.B
"otice "ote ;4 &o(s< 3&om 7ong te-t 5ey gene&al.
B#1.B, B#2.B, B#3.B o'. B#4.B
S$eet o+ Page counte& Continous %age num)e&
C&eate'. Date o+ %lan
C$ange'. Date o+ last
De%t.. De%a&tment o+
%e&son ($o
c$age' last
"ame "ame o+ %e&son
($o c$ange' last
;Status< Release status o+
3&om status
0 N B"ot &elease'/ n (o&5B
1 N BRelease'B
Plant Plant 'e+ault
ns%. a&ea/
Cost cente&/
:o&5 cente& /
ns%ection a&ea/
Cost cente&/
:o&5 cente& /
State o+
De%a&tment o+ (o&5 cente&
Cost cente& o+ (o&5 cente&
:o&5 cente&
P&o'uction ste%
D&a(ing no. D&a(ing num)e&
D! Document *e&sion 3&om 7ong te-t 5ey BD!.B
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4."." rintout inspection plan 8 operation # inspection characteristic
Data +iel' Desc&i%tion Data o&igin "otes
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 19
"um)e& an'
'esc&i%tion o+
2%e&ation s$o&t te-t :it$out lea'ing 8e&os
"um)e& an'
'esc&i%tion o+
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic s$o&t
@y +o&mat B"DB no %&int o+
c$a&acte&istic long te-t
:it$out lea'ing 8e&os
CA 3lag.
&e/ui&e' B o&
3&om gene&al ins%ection
c$a&acte&istic 'ata
;($eig$ting<, BDB, B:B o& )lan5
*alue, #a&get,
S%eci+ic 'ata o+
t$e c$a&acte&istic
ns%ection c$a&acte&istic 'ata
Desc&i%tion o+ t$e
test e/ui%ment,
t$at s$oul' )e
Allocation #227 on
o%e&ation/c$a&acte&istic le*el
[ N test e/ui%ment +&om test
e/ui%ment sto&e
Cont&ol 5ey 1000 NU %&int B [B
Y test e/ui%ment te-t
Cont&ol 5ey 1001 NU %&int only
test e/ui%ment te-t
Re+e&ence to
Allocation #227 as 'ocument
on o%e&ation/c$a&acte&istic le*el
PC #as5l ist c$ange
C$a&acte&istic0&elate' 0U
content +&om in+o +iel'01
ns%. si8e/
ns%. &ate/
Quantity o+ %a&ts
to )e ins%ecte',
inte&*al +o&
allocate' sam%ling
C$a&acte&istic G&elate' 'ata
maintaine' in sam%ling
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.".' rintout inspection plan @ inspection plan footer
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 20
Data +iel' Desc&i%tion Data o&igin "otes
\ #as5 list
g&ou% U /
\ g&ou%
#as5 list g&ou%
an' g&ou% counte&
3&om tas5 list maste& 'ata
CC %lan #as5 list c$ange
counte& +&om
ins%ection %lan
3&om long te-t 5ey
BPO.B ;$ea'e&<
#e-t 3oote& Stan'a&' te-t in
+oote&, %lant
!ia %lant ta)le
System an' client System
Automotive Systems

&ocuments and forms

4.".) Inspection plan 8 Aayout
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 21

39)0 ...
Inspection plan data Series

1B> casing
#1. ...
#2. ...
S$eet 1 o+ 1
C&eate'. 13.06.199F
C$ange'. 09.04.199F
ns%.a&ea/ Cost cente&/
:o&5 cente&/ 3OS#.
#3. ...
#4. ...
De%t.. OSQ
"ame. 7ot8e
n (o&5/nacti*e o& Release'
Inspection operation
ns%. c$a&acte&istic
E N 'u&ing %&o'uction

*alue, #a&get,
#est e/ui%ment
[ N test e/ui%ment
ns%.si8e /
20 Anarbeitung
10 4eig$t
20 P&ocessing
Y / 0 0,20
. 2.
mm [ 6eX*o&&ic$tung 60
7e$&'o&n 600690130
!isual ins%ection
3&om .9
1 %ce / 2$
30 /lansch
10 3lansc$loc$0
Y 0,1F
mm 7e$&'o&n 600690130
A#, "
4 %ce / 2$
"0 AnschlKsse

?0000113 / ?1 CC %lan02 #$e ins%ection %lan $as al(ays to )e use' (it$ t$e *ali'
'&a(ing CD3 ;6?0<
Automotive Systems

6 Authori+ations
Aut$o&i8ations a&e use' to allo( access to ce&tain t&ansaction in t$e SAP system o& to &est&ict
t&ansactions +o& ce&tain use&s. Aut$o&i8ations a&e g&ou%e' in %&o+iles an' assigne' to t$e use& maste&
'ata o+ a use&.
#$e 'ocumentation conce&ning t$e aut$o&i8ation conce%t o+ Continental #,!,S can )e +oun' in t$e
int&anet *ia 6utomoti#e Systems C6S @omepage In.ormation echnology $usiness
Systems S6P $asis.
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Automotive Systems

3 Appendi=
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1
Automotive Systems

10 ?lossary
SAP R/3, 4.6C Quality management Release 31.09.2003 Page 1

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