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I Am Venus
Meeting Information
Objectie! To establish team member roles and website organization
Date! 05/18/2014
Time! 7:00 PM EST
Ca##$In Number! 21!" 41#$15#0 Access Co%e! 255 !%85
Ca##e% &'! &ebe''a (illiams (aci#itator! &ebe''a (illiams
Time)ee*er! T)* +ecretar'! T)*
Atten%ees! &ebe''a (illiams+ ,shle- &enz+ Megan ./idr-+ ,llison Solomon
,re*aration for Meeting
,#ease Rea%! n/a
,#ease &ring! something to ta0e notes with
Action Items (rom ,reious Meeting
1tem / &es2onsible / */e *ate
-. n/a
Agen%a Items
1tem / Time ,llotted
-. 3all meeting to order / 1 min/te 7:01"
/. ,ttendan'e and 4/or/m / 1 min/te 7:02"
0. Motion to a22ro5e agenda / 1 min/te 7:0!"
1. 6rganization and 7ob des'ri2tions / 15 min/tes 7:18"
2. 8ew loo0 9or website / 7 min/tes 7:25"
3. :/ne arti'les / 15 min/tes 7:40"
4. :/ne 9a'eboo0 2osts / 5 min/tes 7:45"
5. 62en dis'/ssion / 10 min/tes 7:55"
6. S'hed/le ne;t meeting / 4 min/tes 7:5%"
-7. ,d7o/rn meeting / 1 min/te 8:00"
Ot8er Notes or Information
-. Please log in to the meeting 5$10 min/tes earl- so we 'an begin at e;a'tl- 7:00 PM EST<
/. 19 we do not rea'h a 'on'l/sion or 9inish a to2i' 9or an- agenda item within the allotted time 9rame or
d/ring o2en dis'/ssion+ the item will be tabled 9or the ne;t meeting<
0. )e 2re2ared with an- 4/estions or ideas -o/ ha5e 9or the o2en dis'/ssion 2ortion o9 the meeting<

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