Antiguan Pineapple Bread.: Chef: Suzanne Quintner

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Antiguan Pineapple Bread.

Chef: Suzanne Quintner

This is a great cake to enjoy with a cup of tea.
Serves :Makes one loaf
Degree of difficulty: Medium
Cooking Time: 1 hour
ou need:
230g pain four
2 teaspoons !aking powder
pinch Sat.
110g softened !utter
"0g #ight !rown sugar
100g $astor Sugar
1 teaspoon %ngostura !itters or 1 Tsp &ania e'tract.
2 eggs ighty !eaten
1(0g chopped fresh pineappe.
Sift together the four) !aking powder and sat.
$ream !utter and sugars unti ight and fuffy.
*hisk eggs with the !itters or &ania and add to !utter mi'ture aternatey with four.
Then add the pineappe.
+ake in a oaf pan for a!out one hour at 1"0 degrees $.
,ou may need to co&er the cake with foi after -( mins. $oo in the tin) wrap we and
ea&e o&ernight !efore sicing.
!eftover Potential: This cake wi keep we in the freezer.
Imperial Metric
1 ounce [oz] 437.5 grain 28.35 g
1 pound [lb] 16 oz 0.4536 kg
1 stone 14 lb 6.3503 kg
1 hundredeight [ct] 112 lb 50.802 kg
1 long ton !"#$ 20 ct 1.016 t
1 milligram [mg] 0.0154 grain
1 gram [g] 1,000 mg 0.0353 oz
1 kilogram [kg] 1,000 g 2.2046 lb
1 tonne [t] 1,000 kg 0.9842 ton
%ountr&' (ntigua and )arbuda
2 large seet potato
1*2 cups sugar
2 1*2 cups +lour
,ash o+ all spice
,ash o+ cinna-on raisin !optional$
.rate seet potato and add sugar to grated potatoes. /ea0e +or a hile 1 it ill spring ater +ro- the
-i2ture !so &ou don3t ha0e to add ater at an&ti-e$. 4i2 in +lour and add spices and raisin. 5+ the -i2ture
is too thick then &ou -a& proceed to add a little ater6 i+ the -i2ture -a& see- too ater& add a little
-ore +lour. 7poon so-e -i2ture into +oil paper. 8ou -a& be able to -ake at least +i0e indi0idual ,ucuna
+ro- the abo0e recipe. 9rap ,ucuna and place in boiling ater and boil +or 45 -inutes until the& are +ir-.
"nrap and en:o& !it ill be hot$. ;ope &ou like it.

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