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Chapter 1

Foundations of Engineering Economy

Solutions to Problems
1.1 Time value of money means that there is a certain worth in having money and the
worth changes as a function of time.
1.2 Morale, goodwill, friendship, convenience, aesthetics, etc.
1.3 (a) Evaluation criterion is the measure of value that is used to identify !est".
(!) The primary evaluation criterion used in economic analysis is cost.
1.# $earest, tastiest, %uic&est, classiest, most scenic, etc
1.' (f the alternative that is actually the !est one is not even recognized as an
alternative, it o!viously will not !e a!le to !e selected using any economic
analysis tools.
1.) (n simple interest, the interest rate applies only to the principal, while compound
interest generates interest on the principal and all accumulated interest.
1.* Minimum attractive rate of return is the lowest rate of return (interest rate) that
a company or individual considers to !e high enough to induce them to invest
their money.
1.+ E%uity financing involves the use of the corporation,s or individual,s own funds
for ma&ing investments, while de!t financing involves the use of !orrowed funds.
-n e.ample of e%uity financing is the use of a corporation,s cash or an
individual,s savings for ma&ing an investment. -n e.ample of de!t financing is a
loan (secured or unsecured) or a mortgage.
1./ 0ate of return 1 (#'2/)))(133)
1 #.)'4
1.13 0ate of increase 1 5(2/ 6 22)2227(133)
1 31.+4
1.11 (nterest rate 1 (2*',33322,333,333)(133)
1 13.*'4
1.12 0ate of return 1 (2.32))(133)
1 3+.34
8hapter 1 1
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
1.13 =rofit 1 +(3.2+)
1 >2,2#3,333
1.1# = ? =(3.13) 1 1,)33,333
1.1= 1 1,)33,333
= 1 >1,#'#,'#'
1.1' Earnings 1 '3,333,333(3.3')
1 >1*,'33,333
1.1) (a) E%uivalent future amount 1 13,333 ? 13,333(3.3+)
1 13,333(1 ? 3.3+)
1 >13,+33
(!) E%uivalent past amount@ = ? 3.3+= 1 13,333
1.3+= 1 13,333
= 1 >/2'/.2)
1.1* E%uivalent cost now@ = ? 3.1= 1 1),333
1.1= 1 1),333
= 1 >1#,'#'.#'
1.1+ #3,333 ? #3,333(i) 1 '3,333
i 1 2'4
1.1/ +3,333 ? +3,333(i) 1 133,333
i 1 2'4
1.23 A 1 2#3,333 ? 2#3,333(3.13)(3)
1 >312,333
1.21 8ompound amount in ' years 1 1,333,333(1 ? 3.3*)
1 >1,#32,''2
Bimple amount in ' years 1 1,333,333 ? 1,333,333(3.3*')(')
1 >1,3*',333
8ompound interest is !etter !y >2*,''2
1.22 Bimple@ 1,333,333 1 '33,333 ? '33,333(i)(')
i 1 234 per year simple
8ompound@ 1,333,333 1 '33,333(1 ? i)

(1 ? i)
1 2.3333
(1 ? i) 1 (2.3333)
i 1 1#.+*4
8hapter 1 2
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
1.23 Bimple@ 2= 1 = ? =(3.3')(n)
= 1 =(3.3')(n)
n 1 23 years
8ompound@ 2= 1 =(1 ? 3.3')
(1 ? 3.3')
1 2.3333
n 1 1#.2 years
1.2# (a) Bimple@ 1,333,333 1 = ? =(3.1')(13)
2.'= 1 1,333,333
= 1 >'23,333
(!) 8ompound@ 1,333,333 1 =(1 ? 3.1')
#.3#')= 1 1,333,333
= 1 >321,3#3
1.2' =lan 1@ (nterest paid each year 1 #33,333(3.13)
1 >#3,333
Total paid 1 #3,333(3) ? #33,333
1 >'23,333
=lan 2@ Total due after 3 years 1 #33,333(1 ? 3.13)
1 >'32,#33
Cifference paid 1 '32,#33 6 '23,333
1 >12,#33
1.2) (a) Bimple interest total amount 1 1,*'3,333(3.3*')(')
1 >)'),2'3
8ompound interest total 1 total amount due after # years 6 amount !orrowed
1 1,*'3,333(1 ? 3.3+)
6 1,*'3,333
1 2,3+3+') 6 1,*'3,333
1 >)33,+')
(!) The company should !orrow 1 year from now for a savings of >)'),2'3 6
>)33,+') 1 >2',3/#
1.2* The sym!ols are A 1 DE = 1 >'3,333E i 1 1'4E n 1 3
1.2+ (a) AF(i4,n,-,=) finds the future value, A
(!) (00(firstGcell@lastGcell) finds the compound interest rate, i
(c) =MT(i4,n,=,A) finds the e%ual periodic payment, -
(d) =F(i4,n,-,A) finds the present value, =
8hapter 1 3
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
1.2/ (a) A 1 DE i 1 *4E n 1 13E - 1 >2333E = 1 >/333
(!) - 1 DE i 1 114E n 1 23E = 1 >1#,333E A 1 3
(c) = 1 DE i 1 +4E n 1 1'E - 1 >1333E A 1 >+33
1.33 (a) =F 1 = (!) =MT 1 - (c) $=E0 1 n (d) (00 1 i (e) AF 1 A
1.31 Aor !uilt;in E.cel functions, a parameter that does not apply can !e left !lan&
when it is not an interior one. Aor e.ample, if there is no A involved when using
the =MT function to solve a particular pro!lem, it can !e left !lan& !ecause it is
an end function. Hhen the function involved is an interior one (li&e = in the =MT
function), a comma must !e put in its position.
1.32 (a) 0is&y
(!) Bafe
(c) Bafe
(d) Bafe
(e) 0is&y
1.33 (a) E%uity
(!) E%uity
(c) E%uity
(d) Ce!t
(e) Ce!t
1.3# <ighest to lowest rate of return is as follows@ 8redit card, !an& loan to new
!usiness, corporate !ond, government !ond, interest on chec&ing account
1.3' <ighest to lowest interest rate is as follows@ rate of return on ris&y investment,
minimum attractive rate of return, cost of capital, rate of return on safe
investment, interest on savings account, interest on chec&ing account.
1.3) H-88 1 (3.2')(3.1+) ? (3.*')(3.13) 1 124
Therefore, M-00 1 124
Belect the last three proIects@ 12.#4, 1#4, and 1/4
1.3* End of period convention means that the cash flows are assumed to have occurred
at the end of the period in which they too& place.
1.3+ The following items are inflows@ salvage value, sales revenues, cost reductions
The following items are outflows@ income, loan interest, re!ates to dealers,
accounting services
8hapter 1 #
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
1.3/ The cash flow diagram is@

1.#3 The cash flow diagram is@

1.#1 Time to dou!le 1 *22+
1 / years
1.#2 Time to dou!le 1 *22/
1 + years

Time to %uadruple 1 (+)(2)
1 1) years
1.#3 # 1 *22i
i 1 1+4 per year
1.## -ccount must dou!le in value five times to go from >)2,'33 to >2,333,333 in 23
years. Therefore, account must dou!le every 232' 1 # years.

0e%uired rate of return 1 *22#
1 1+4 per year
FE Re#ie$ Solutions
1.#' -nswer is (c)
1.#) 2= 1 = ? =(3.3')(n)
n 1 23
-nswer is (d)

8hapter 1 '
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
3 1 2 3
# ' ) * +
A1 D
i 1 134
3 1 2 3 # '
= 1 D
i 1 1'4
1.#* -mount now 1 13,333 ? 13,333(3.13)
1 >11,333
-nswer is (c)
1.#+ i 1 *22/ 1 + 4
-nswer is (!)
1.#/ -nswer is (c)
1.'3 Jet i 1 compound rate of increase@
23' 1 1)3(1 ? i)
(1 ? i)
1 23'21)3
(1 ? i) 1 (1.#)/)
(1 ? i) 1 1.3*//'
i 1 *.//'4 1 +.34
-nswer is (c)
8hapter 1 )
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
E%tended E%ercise Solution
F & '
1. >2333
3 1 2 3 #
>'33 >'33 >'33

A 1 5K56/333(1.3+) 6 '337 (1.3+)L 6 '337 (1.3+) ? (23336'33)
1 >613,/)3.)3
or A 1 6/333(A2=,+4,3) 6 '33(A2-,+4,3) ? 2333
2. - spreadsheet uses the AF function as shown in the formula !ar. A 1 >613,/)3.)1.
8hapter 1 *
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
3. A 1 5K56/333(1.3+) 6 3337 (1.3+)L 6 '337 (1.3+) ? (2333 61333)
1 >611,22*.33
8hange is 2.324. Jargest maintenance charge is in the last year and, therefore, no
compound interest is accumulated !y it.
#. The fastest method is to use the spreadsheet function@
AF(12.324,3,'33,/333) ? 2333
(t displays the answer@
A 1 >612,##'.#3
Case Study Solution
There is no definitive answer to the case study e.ercises. The following are
e.amples only.
1. The first four steps are@ Cefine o!Iective, information collection, alternative
definition and estimates, and criteria for decision;ma&ing.
M!Iective@ Belect the most economic alternative that also meets re%uirements such
as production rate, %uality specifications, manufactura!ility for design
specifications, etc.
(nformation@ Each alternative must have estimates for life (li&ely 13 years), -M8
and other costs (e.g., training), first cost, any salvage value, and the M-00. The
de!t versus e%uity capital %uestion must !e addressed, especially if more than >'
million is needed.
-lternatives@ Aor !oth - and N, some of the re%uired data to perform an analysis
= and B must !e estimated.
-M8 e%ual to a!out +4 of = must !e verified.
Training and other cost estimates (annual, periodic, one;time) must !e
8onfirm n 1 13 years for life of - and N.
M-00 will pro!a!ly !e in the 1'4 to 1+4 per year range.
8riteria@ 8an use either present worth or annual worth to select !etween - and N.
8hapter 1 +
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
2. 8onsider these and others li&e them@
Ce!t capital availa!ility and cost
8ompetition and siOe of mar&et share re%uired
Employee safety of plastics used in processing
3. Hith the addition of 8, this is now a ma&e2!uy decision. Economic estimates
needed are@
8ost of lease arrangement or unit cost, whatever is %uoted.
-mount and length of time the arrangement is availa!le.
Bome non;economic factors may !e@
:uarantee of availa!le time as needed.
8ompati!ility with current e%uipment and designs.
0eadiness of the company to enter the mar&et now versus later.
8hapter 1 /
PROPRIETAR !ATERIA". 9 The Mc:raw;<ill 8ompanies, (nc. -ll rights reserved. $o part of this Manual may !e
displayed, reproduced or distri!uted in any form or !y any means, without the prior written permission of the pu!lisher, or used
!eyond the limited distri!ution to teachers and educators permitted !y Mc:raw;<ill for their individual course preparation. (f you are
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

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