International Law and The Problem of Sea Pirates in East Asia

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International Law and the problem of sea pirates in East Asia

International Piracy law non-existent, insufficient or effective only to an extent?

Why is East Asia a target zone?
Other potential issues?
Good title!
Disruptive how?
Compared to international terrorism?
slow moving undefended ships were an easy target for pirates set on looting and plunder.
Throughout the Nineteenth century a legal regime developed in response to the threat
1958 Geneva Convention on the High Seas, and then the 1982 United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
Piracy, how defined
International law, when not applicable
intrinsically linked to the economic and political crisis in Somalia
creation of a specialist international criminal tribunal to deal with pirates ad hoc?
Coordinated approach, comprehensive law
Go through if necessary
beefed-up security measures from shipowners a soln.? cost attached
In the meantime, ship owners are prepared to pay a premium to protect ship, cargoes and crews
in what has become a multi-million dollar industry for security firms and insurers.

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