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Annual Professional Development Plan Incorporating Reflection

Annual Professional Growth Plan for: 2014 to 2015 Name: Ashley Kossack
Assignment and/or Career Goal: To constantly improve my professional teaching qualities as
to be a positive influence on my students and to be the most effective educator possible by use
of regular implementation of new techniques and constant professional reflective practice of
said implementation.
Goals: Short term - Improving on implementing more high-engagement activities in my lesson
plans to encourage deeper learning and involvement of students, as well as focusing on areas of
weakness for students and overcoming obstacles.
Long term - Focusing on preparing my students for their educational futures and aiding in the
development of positive skills they can take with them as they advance to higher grades or
post-secondary education. Also, maintaining my own professional reflection as to be able to
make necessary changes/adaptations as necessary for constant growth and personal
Teaching Quality Standard Reference: Manitoba Education Administration Handbook for
Strategies Timeline Resources
-Staying current on new information and advances
in my subject areas of science and applicable areas
of involvement.
-Implementing new techniques and activities into
classroom lesson plans.
-Use of multiple styles of assessments in order to
get an accurate picture of student success.
-Trial of various classroom management skills until
suitable methods are revealed.
-Application of organizational approaches in order
gain continual improvement and ease with
classroom and professional tasks.
-Daily reflection of all practices above to remain
on a successive path of overall improvement as a
professional educator.
Current -
June 2015
by re-
-Online research/scholarly
documents and studies
-Interaction with peers and
current professionals
-Professional development
-Personal ideas and plans
-Adaptations of previous
-Other compiled resources
accessible to the teaching
-Available provincial

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Reflection/Indicator of Success (to be assessed at the end of timeline)

a) How successful have I been in meeting my goal?

b) How has my professional practice improved?

c) How has student learning improved?

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