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315 E.

Leland Road
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Phone: (925) 427-8138
Fax: (925) 427-8142
651 Pine Street
Martinez, CA 94553
Phone: (925) 335-8200
Fax: (925) 335-8208
151 Linus Pauling Drive
Hercules, CA 94547
Phone: (510) 262-8800
Fax: (510) 262-8808
District V Includes

Antioch (North)
Pinole (North)

Alhambra Valley
Bay Point
Mt. View
Port Costa
Reliez Valley
Vine Hill
Federal D. Glover
Supervisor, District Five
Contra Costa County, Board of Supervisors

For Immediate Release

$250,000 grant to After-School Program
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INF0RNATI0N: (92S) 2S2-9199

PITTSB0Ru -- 0n Nay 12, 2u14 the Califoinia Bepaitment of Euucation ieleaseu the
funuing iesults foi the fiscal yeai 2u14-1S 21
Centuiy Community Leaining Centei
Bigh School ASSETs uiant

"This piogiam will help young people not only with theii acauemics but also help
them with peisonal anu economic neeus," saiu Supeivisoi Feueial ulovei. "The best
antiuote to youth gangs anu senseless stieet violence is to give young people
oppoitunities anu hope."

With Success Thiough Self (STS) Acauemy acting as Leau Agent, the Pittsbuig
Afteischool Community Collaboiative -- compiiseu of STS Acauemy, City of
Pittsbuig, Pittsbuig 0nifieu School Bistiict, FBC Community 0utieach, CalSAC, 1uu
Black Nen, Pittsbuig Police, Centei Foi Buman Bevelopment, People Who Caie,
Futuie Builu, Pittsbuig Chambei of Commeice, Supeivisoi Feueial ulovei anu
otheis -- was funueu $2Su,uuu a yeai to seive 1S9 stuuents foi a peiiou of five yeais
to suppoit acauemic, caieeitechnology euucation, job ieauinesscaieei pathways,
aits nutiition anu moie to Pittsbuig high school stuuents anu theii families.

"The stuuents will be pickeu on a fiist-come, fiist-seiveu basis anu must show a ieal
commitment to stick with the piogiam," saiu }im Ciaft of the STS Acauemy.

Anyone wishing to become pait of this piocess in any capacity shoulu contact }im
Ciaft at jciaftstsacauemy.oig oi call 92S-2S2-9199 0ffice oi S1u-S41-8u74 Cell.

A meeting will be helu fiom S p.m. to 6 p.m. at Pittsbuig Bigh School, Thuisuay, Nay
29, 2u14 in the school libiaiy foi inteiesteu stuuents anuoi theii paients.

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