May Newsletter 2013 Revised-4

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Dear Families,

I hope you enjoyed the

wonderful contributions
your child made to last weeks Open
House! The rade ! students san
beautifully at the "prin #oncert,
and each students work was
represented at the $rts Display
and the %iterary display& The
children should be 'ery proud!
I would like to share some
important news reardin this
Grade 3 EQAO Test
The rade ( children will be writin
their )*$O test the mornins of
Monday, May 26th and Tuesday, May
+lease note that rade ( students
will be writin the )*$O ,ath test
in French& This test is to e'aluate
your childs ,ath knowlede from
their early primary years until now&
The children ha'e been preparin all
year so they should be in ood

In-Class Learnin
In ,ath, the children ha'e been
sol'in word problems throuhout
the year& They ha'e been applyin
their reasonin skills in a 'ariety of
ways& I encourae the children to
build on their rote memory of math
facts at home& -e are currently
workin on our +robability and
,oney unit&
In %anuae, the children will be
demonstratin their understandin
of written materials throuh oral
and brief written responses, as well
as e.tendin their understandin of
a te.t throuh follow/up acti'ities&
-e will soon be wrappin up our
"ocial "tudies units and mo'in on
to "cience& Once this happends, the
rade !s will be learnin about
$nimals and the rade (s will be
learnin about plants&
Class !oo"s # $aily
This is a friendly reminder that
your child should be readin on a
daily basis& +lease be sure that they
arri'e on a daily basis with their
purple readin folder so that I can
'erify this&
$s always, please let me know if you
ha'e any 0uestions or concerns&
+lease note that for the month of
,ay and 1une the workshops will
continue to take place& $ll
workshops will howe'er be cancelled
the last week of ,ay due to )*$O&
,ath -orkshops take place e'ery
Tuesday (ornin )ro( *+,- a( until *+.-
a(. +lease note that I dont take
attendance and that this workshop
isnt mandatory but it is an
enrichment opportunity for your
child& +lease note that the children
participate in fun acti'ities to help
reinforce concepts tauht in class&
$ll %anuae workshops will take
place e'ery Thursday (ornin from
2345 am until 2365 am&
Other I('ortant $ates

Monday, May ,,th
I would like to wish all the
ama7in class moms a
belated Happy ,others

Tuesday, May ,3
Open house 893(:pm / 23::
Monday, May ,/
<o "chool, =ictoria Day/
Math &or"sho's+ Tuesday
,ornins from 2345 am until 2365
Lanuae &or"sho's+ Thursday
mornins from 2345 am until 2365
am& 8>einnin ,ay ?th !:4(;
,adame -oolner

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