Research Flyer Olga Tennison

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Mailing address

Olga Tennison Autism

Research Centre
School of Psychological Science
La Trobe University
Kingsbury Drive
Victoria 3086 Australia
T + 61 3 9479 2497
F + 61 3 9479 1956

ABN 64 804 735 113
CRICOS Provider 00115M

Parenti ng and Chi l d Outcomes:
An exploratory study of the impact of autism symptoms
Do autism symptoms influence parenting?
Help us find out!

This study will investigate whether parent symptoms of autism and parent well-being
influence the behaviour and daily living skills of their typically developing child.

Who can participate?

Families consisting of a mother and a father living together at home with at least one child aged
5 -11 years, who does not have an autism spectrum disorder or another disability.

However, to be eligible for this study, the parents also need to have a close relative with an ASD.
For example:
they have another child who has an ASD,
the parent's own brother, sister or parent has an ASD, or
one of the parent's themselves has a diagnosed ASD.

What is involved?

Both mothers and fathers will be asked complete questionnaires about themselves which can be accessed online via an
email link or by post.

The primary caregiver will also be asked to complete questionnaires about their typically developing child, which can also
be accessed online via an email link, except one which must be sent by post.

Parents will be asked to invite the typically-developing childs teacher to complete two questionnaires about their child.
These questionnaires will be posted to you for the teacher, who can return themdirectly to us by reply-paid mail.

Each family will receive a Coles-Myer Gift Voucher to the value of $20 as a thank you for participation.

Contact Information

Li ndsay Pamment,
Research Assi stant, Ol ga Tenni son Auti sm Research Centre
Ph: (03) 9479 3271
E-mai l :
UHEC approval 13-0671 fa

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