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Child Development Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Lesson Plan for

Language and Literacy
Britney Collins
Victor Valley Community College
Ecellent! "#$"# %Su&mit as a final'
(ame of Activity)
*ead aloud the &oo+ Gro,ing Vegeta&le Soup &y Lois Ehlert and use a flannel
&oard and pieces that correlate ,ith the pictures in the &oo+-

Curriculum Area)
Language and Literacy
Length of Activity)
.#/"0 1inutes

Learning 2&3ectives)
2&3ective .)
D*PD 1easure 45/ 1emory and 6no,ledge) 7he child ,ill &e a&le to demonstrate
they listened to the story &y &eing a&le to ans,er 8uestions ,hen called
2&3ective ")
D*DP 1easure .9/ Interest in Literacy) 7he child ,ill &e a&le to reflect on
the characters and actions of the story &y placing the felt pieces in the
correct location on the flannel &oard-
2&3ective 4)
D*DP 1easure .#) Epression of self through language) 7he child ,ill &e a&le
to say recently learned voca&ulary li+e shovel: ra+e: hose: seed: etc;
1aterial$E8uipment (eeded)
Gro,ing Vegeta&le Soup &y Lois Ehlert
<lannel &oard
Different colored felt
7hread and se,ing machine
Burlap &ag
Child/si=e plastic gardening tools
Purchase &oo+ Gro,ing Vegeta&le Soup &y Lois Ehlert
Purchase $ma+e flannel &oard: tools: and garden specific o&3ects that
relate to the story
Place all the felt inside the &urlap &ag
I ,ill introduce the activity during circle time-
7o create an interest or desire on the part of the child to participate
I ,ill place the &urlap &ag in the middle of them and say: >2+ay my
friends: it?s time to read a story- I ,ill as+ them if they li+e soup@
Ahat their favorite soup is- I ,ill as+ them if they ,ant to +no, ,here
soup comes from-
I ,ill introduce the materials ,e ,ill &e using &y first getting them
interested in the &ag- I ,ill say: >I &rought something for you- Ahat
do you thin+ is in the &ag@B I ,ill open it and randomly hand them
each a different tool that ,ill go on the flannel &oard- I ,ill tell
them ,hat o&3ect they have- I ,ill descri&e each o&3ect and tell them
,hy they are important to gardening and tell them to hold on to it
until it is their turn to share ,ith the class-
Some s+ills I ,ill need to demonstrate ,ill &e ho, to use the tools of
the garden &y ta+ing my o,n felt pieces: %duplicates of their felt
pieces' shovel: ra+e: and hose and sho,ing them ho, they are used on
the flannel &oard- I ,ill teach them hand gestures to sho, >ra+ing:
digging: hoeing: sun shinning: plant gro,ing-B
Guidance and safety issues that I may need to ma+e the children a,are
of are ho, to sit in the circle at story time- I ,ill say: >Ahat do ,e
do ,hen ,e listen to a story@ Ae +eep our hands to ourselves and our
listening ears are on-B
I ,ill get them started &y saying: >Let?s see if these tools are in
the &oo+- Ahen the &oo+ tal+s a&out the tool you?re holding: come up
to the &oard and post it for us to see-B
Ahile I?m reading: children ,ill &e epected to &ring up their felt
o&3ects as they are mentioned in the story- I ,ill support them as they
post the o&3ects and encourage ta+ing turns- *eminding them of the
name of their o&3ect and ho, it is used- Encouraging the use of ne,
7he opened ended 8uestions I?ll as+ a&out the story?s characters are)
>Ahat is different a&out the veggies in the &oo+?s garden and the
veggies at the store@ Co, do farmers get their fruits and veggies@ Co,
do you get your fruits and veggies@ Co, do fruits and veggies move from
the farm to the store@ Ahat tools are used in gardening@ Ahat do plants
need to gro,@ Ahat seeds ,ould you ,ant to plant in your garden@B
I ,ill encourage children to ,or+ together &y as+ing them if the
o&3ects that ,ere placed on the flannel &oard are in the right spots- I
,ill as+: >7he sun ,as put net to the sand: is it in the right place@
Ahere is the sun outside@ >Ahat is this o&3ect net to the shovel@B
I ,ill support individual children &y calling out their names: giving
them praise: and correcting negative &ehavior-
I ,ill have garden tools: harvest &urlap &ag: gardening &oo+s: and seed
pac+ets to epand and enrich the garden eperience-
Ahat additional materials ,ill you have on hand to epand or enrich the
I ,ill give the children a ,arning that the activity ,ill end soon &y
saying: >7he story is over and our garden is complete- (o,: I need
your help getting our garden &ac+ in the &ag- Do you remem&er ,hat felt
&oard piece you had@ Ahen I call your name: come and ta+e it do,n and
place it in the &ag-B
I ,ill involve the children in the cleanup process &y having them put
the felt &oard pieces in a &ag this ,ill also &e a part of the
transition song and dance-
I ,ill transition children to the net activity &y singing a song and
having the children dance to the song- 7he children ,ill then go to
free play: &ut first they have to ,ash their hands- 7hey ,ill &e
ecused to get to the hand ,ashing station &y follo,ing the ,ords in
the song- It ,ill &e a song they +no,: ,ith &asic lyrics that can &e
changed to relate to the theme of the story- Ahen the item they have in
their hands is said in to the song the child ,ill drop the item in the
&ag and go ,ash their hands- 7he second teacher in the class ,ill &e
there ,aiting there for them-
7hey ,ill have to ,aitD ,hile they are ,aiting they ,ill &e singing the
song and dancing to the movement cues in the song: >7his is ho, you
ra+e/ra+e/ra+e- 7his is ho, you eat/eat/eat Ea tomato?- 7he Esun?
is shining in the s+y it is so very high/high/high- 7he Eroots? are
in the ground and they go do,n/do,n/do,n-B
7he considerations for ending this activity are children?s difficult
&ehavior- Children fighting or not follo,ing the rules for
7hroughout the day$,ee+: ,hat opportunities ,ill the children have to
reflect &ac+ on this activity@
Children ,ill have free time to ma+e their o,n story using the garden flannel
&oard- 7hey ,ill have access to a &urlap &ag and child si=ed gardening tools
in the dramatic play area- 7hey ,ill have access to gardening &oo+s such as)
Fac+Gs Garden &y Cenry Cole %Paper&ac+': Eating the Alpha&et &y Lois Ehlert
%Board &oo+': Planting a *ain&o, &y Lois Ehlert %Board &oo+': and 7he Little
Gardener &y Fan Gerardi %Board &oo+'- Children ,ill also have art stations
throughout the ,ee+ in ,hich they can use potato stamps: celery paint&rushes:
stra,&erry finger paints: seed collages: and gardening tools to paint ,ith-

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