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Botanical Name: Ephedra gerardiana.

Wall . ex Stapf
Family Name:


Local Name: Soom

Urdu Name: Asamania
English name: Ephedra
Part used: Whole plant
Flowering: May - July

Description: Ephedra is an evergreen shrub. Stem is slender; erect grooved, green and
branching. Branchlets green, ascending and smooth. Leaves are small, scale
like, articulate, and sheathing at each joint. Ephedra is a dioecious plant, in
which male reproductive organs (Staminate strobili) and female reproductive
organs (Female strobili) are born on separate plants. Staminate strobilus
solitary or 2 to 3 together. Female strobilus solitary. Fruit, ovoid, red.

Habitat: In Gilgit/Baltistan it is found dry lands, dry hill slope. And dry sandy tracts

Medicinal uses: The tincture is cardiac and circulatory stimulant. Liquid extract is used for
controlling asthmatic attack. Decoction of stem and root is considered a remedy
for rheumatism and syphilis in Russia. In china it is used to treat bronchial
asthama, cold, flu, edema, typhoid, cough and various pains. In Pakistan and
India it is used to relieve bronchial asthama.

Locally it is used to relieve asthama and rheumatism.

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