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Abnormal Bleeding

Cervical Dysplasia

Uterine Bleeding

What is the difference between DUB

and AUB?

What are the possible causes for


Which women are candidates for

referral for an endometrial Bx?



All amenorrhea is pregnancy in sexually

active women until proven otherwise

A sexual history is imperative

Assessing AUB

General Appearance

Sexual Maturity


Skin and hair

ead and !eck

Breast "xam

#elvic "xam
#rogesterone (hallenge
"ndometrial Bx
Maturation Index

#regnancy $est

AUB )i**erential

Imper*orate ymen

Stenotic +s

Asherman,s Syndrome

"ndocrine Syndromes -name these.



"ating disorders

//// !ame more/ 0hich ones are common/

(ervical (ytology

(ervical cancer is uncommon

It is caused by the persistence o* high risk


2334 only 5533 deaths due to cervical ca

657 o* all *emale deaths

4&83 cancer related deaths


#1 is the culprit

Ac9uired during sexual intercourse

(oloni:es in the lower GU tract

$ ;one is susceptable

%re9uently no s&s

Associated with genital warts

Many #1 types 4<= 4> being high risk

#ap Guidelines

Initiation o* screening appx6 ? yrs a*ter *irst

vaginal intercourse and not later than 24 yrs6

0omen age @3 and over with cervix

? or more documented consecutive

technically satis*actory normal negatives
within prior 43 years may elect to cease

0hy the change in guidelines/


A87 chance o* regressing on their own

+bservation over time is reasonable

Aggressive treatment is reasonable

$hink $hese $hrough

What is ASCUS?

ow do you follow ASCUS?

ow do you follow up a !A! that has

inade"uate sampling?

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