Leib Jahtub - The Fourth Estonian Song

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Leib jahtub

Akna all must metsar. Akna peal koltub kuvr.

Mida on maailmas uut? Kiirus, vaid kiirus, ei muud.
Lapsed taas tulla ei saa - lhike aeg, pikk on maa.
Kummutil pildid reas, lelill nende seas,
kuldjuuksed peas.

Refr. Valgel laual rtiku all palav leib.
Madal on uksepiit, lapsed on linud siit.
Leib jahtub, oodates neid.
Krge taevas, madalad, suitsunud laed ...
Trepil on valget lund, puud on tis karget und.
Ootamist tiksumas aeg.

Aknad tis lillelist jd: mis sa sealt vaatad vi ned!
Tulema keegi kord peab, kui ta veel teed siia teab ...
Linnas on siledaid teid - on seal ka magusam leib?
Kuidas seal endaks saad? Juured on sul kesk maad,
memm ja su taat, memm ja su taat ...

Refr. Valgel laual rtiku all palav leib ...

Cooling bread

Dark forest behind the window. In front of the window a fading envelope.
Whats new in the world? Speed, only speed, nothing else.
Children cant come again time is short, road is long.
Pictures on the commode, an everlasting among them,
With golden hair.

On the white table under the towellays hot bread.
Low is the doorpost, children are gone.
Bread is cooling waiting for them.
Sky is high, ceilings low and black from smoke
White snow on stairways, fresh dream on the trees.
Time is ticking the expectation.

Frozen flowers on the windows what can you see trough there!
Someonehas to come, if he still knows the road.
The paths are smoother in the city, but is the bread there sweeter also?
How can you become yourself there? Your roots are in the countryside,
Also your mum and dad, your mum and dad

On the white table

Kiirus- speed
Lapsed- children
Laual- table
Jahtub-is cooling
Taevas- sky
Lumi- snow
Aknad- windows
Tee- road
Linn- city
Juured- roots

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