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Evaluation of experiment 2

On Monday the 12
of May I completed my second experiment
for my main meal. Before I walked in the room I had to put on
my apron and hair net. When I walked in the cooking room I
began to set up and wash my hands. I began by putting my
chicken on to cook. I had less chicken than my first experiment
as when I completed the first experiment there was a lot of
chicken left over. Next I was preparing to cook my pita bread
when I realised that it had split in half. So my new plan was to make 4 mini wraps. With the pita
bread I didnt cook it as much as I did in experiment 1 because it was very crunchy and hard to wrap
up at the end. The chicken took less time to cook than in experiment 1. Once the chicken and pita
bread finished cooking I started my Tzatiki. The Tzatiki only took 5 minutes. When I completed the
Tzatiki I began to assemble. I placed the food differently than in experiment 1. First was the salad
mix, next the chicken, following the Tzatiki and finally a garnish of feta. The pita bread was a success
and looked very appealing.
PLUS MINUS Improvements
Chicken took less time to cook than in
experiment 1

The pita bread was not as crunchy as
last time so it was easier to wrap
Pita bread split

A lot of the mixutre was left over as I had to
make mini wraps

Make the pita bread a bit darker to
add colour

Cut the cucumber thinner

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