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Engineering Dictionary

1. ABDC: Abbreviation for after bottom dead center.
2. ABMA - American Boiler Manufacturers
3. ABRASION - The wearing away of a surface by
rubbing, as with sandpaper on wood.
. ABRASION RESISTANCE - The ability of a
material to resist surface wear.
!. ABRASIVE EROSION - "rosive wear caused by
the relative motion of solid particles which are
entrained in a fluid, moving nearly parallel to a
solid surface.
#. ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY - Amount of moisture in
the air, indicated in $g%$g of dry air.
&. ABSOLUTE PRESSURE - Total pressure
measured from an absolute vacuum. 't e(uals
the sum of the gauge pressure and the
atmospheric pressure corresponding to the
). ABSOLUTE PRESSURE - Air at standard
conditions *&+,- air at sea level with a
barometric pressure of 2...2 in /g0 e1erts a
pressure of 1.#.# psi. This is the pressure in
a system when the pressure gauge reads
2ero. 3o the absolute pressure of a system is
the gauge pressure in pounds per s(uare inch
added to the atmospheric pressure of 1.#.#
psi *use 1.& psi in environmental system
wor$0 and the symbol is 4psia4.
temperature measurement in which 2ero
degrees is absolute 2ero.
1+. ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE5 The temperature
measured when absolute 2ero is used as a
reference. Absolute 2ero is 62&3.1#,7 or
#..#.,-, and is the lowest measured
temperature $nown.
12. ABSOLUTE ZERO - A hypothetical temperature at
which there is total absence of heat. 3ince
heat is a result of energy caused by molecular
motion, there is no motion of molecules with
respect to each other at absolute 2ero. 't is
theoretically the coldest possible temperature.
Temperature measured from absolute 2ero *6
!..#&,-, or 62&3.1#,70.
1. ABSORBENT - A material which, due to an affinity
for certain substances, e1tracts one or more
such substances from a li(uid or gaseous
medium with which it contacts and which
changes physically or chemically, or both,
during the process. 7alcium chloride is an
e1ample of a solid absorbent, while solutions
of lithium chloride, lithium bromide, and
ethylene glycols are li(uid absorbents.
1!. ABSORBER - That part of the low side of an absorption
system, used for absorbing vapor refrigerant.
1#. ABSORPTION - A process whereby a material e1tracts
one or more substances present in an atmosphere
or mi1ture of gases or li(uids accompanied by the
material8s physical and%or chemical changes.
which the refrigerant, as it is absorbed in another
li(uid, maintains the pressure difference needed for
successful operation of the system.
1). ABSORPTION REFRIGERATOR - :efrigerator that
creates low temperatures by using the cooling effect
formed when a refrigerant is absorbed by chemical
1.. ABSORPTION SYSTEM - A refrigeration system in
which the refrigerant gas evolved in the evaporator
is ta$en up in an absorber and released in a
generator upon the application of heat.
2+. ABSORPTION TOWER - A tower or column, which
effects contact between a rising gas and a falling
li(uid, so that part of the gas may be ta$en up by
the li(uid.
21. ABT: Abbreviation for automatic bus transfer; an
automatic electric device that supplies power to vital
e(uipment. This device will shift from the normal
power supply to an alternate power supply any time
the normal supply is interrupted.
22. ACCELERATION - The rate of change of velocity, as a
function of time. "1pressed in m%s.
increase in velocity of a body falling freely in a
vacuum. 'ts value varies with latitude and elevation.
The 'nternational 3tandard is 32.1& ft. per second
per second.
2. ACCELERATION PERIOD - 'n cavitation and li(uid
impingement erosion, the stage following the
incubation period, during which the erosion rate
increases from near 2ero to a ma1imum value.
2!. ACCELRATION - The time rate of change of velocity;
i.e., the derivative of velocity; with respect to time.
2#. ACCEPTABLE WELD - A weld that meets all of the
re(uirements and the acceptance criteria prescribed
by the welding specifications.
2&. ACCESSIBLE HERMETIC - An assembly of motor and
compressor, inside a single bolted housing unit.
2). ACCUMULATOR 6 3torage tan$ which receives li(uid
refrigerant from evaporator and prevents it from
flowing into suction line before vapori2ing.
2.. ACETONE - A filler added to acetylene cylinders,
capable of absorbing 2! times its own volume of
3+. ACID - <iterally hitter, but chemically the state of a water
solution containing a high concentration of hydrogen
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Engineering Dictionary
31. ACID ATTACK - 7aused by an incomplete
flushing after an acid cleaning process of
boilers or similar e(uipment.
32. ACID CLEANING - The process of cleaning the
interior surfaces of steam generating units by
filling the unit with dilute acid accompanied by
an inhibitor to prevent corrosion and by
subse(uently draining, washing, and
neutrali2ing the acid by a further wash of
al$aline water.
33. ACID CONDITION IN SYSTEM 6 7ondition in
which refrigerant or oil in a system, is mi1ed
with vapor and fluids that are acidic in nature.
3. ACID EMBRITTLEMENT - A form of hydrogen
embrittlement that may be induced in some
metals by an acid.
3!. ACID GAS - A gas that that forms an acid when
mi1ed with water. 'n petroleum processing,
the most common acid gases are hydrogen
sulfide and carbon dio1ide.
3#. ACID RAIN - Atmospheric precipitation with an p/
below !.# to !.&.
3&. ACID SOAK - A method of acid cleaning, in which
the acid is pumped into the boiler and rests
there for a period of time.
3). ACIDIC - The reaction of a substance with water
resulting in an increase in concentration of
hydrogen ions in solution *see acid0.
3.. ACIDIFIED - The addition of an acid *usually nitric
or sulfuric0 to a sample to lower the p/ below
2.+. The purpose of the acidification is to 4fi14
a sample so it will not change until it is
+. ACIDITY - :epresents the amount of free carbon
dio1ide, mineral acids, and salts *especially
sulfates of iron and aluminum0 which
hydroly2e to give hydrogen ions in the water.
The acidity is reported as millie e(uivalents
per liter of acid, or ppm acidity as calcium
carbonate, or p/, the measure of hydrogen
ion concentration.
1. ACOUSTIC - A term pertaining to sound, or the
science of sound.
2. ACROSS THE LINE - A method of motor starting,
which connects the motor directly to the
supply line on starting or running.
3. ACTION - :efers to the action of a controller. 't
defines what is done to regulate the final
control element to effect control.
. ACTIVATED ALUMINA - 7hemical which is a
form of aluminum o1ide. 't is used as a drier or
!. ACTIVATED CARBON - 's a specially processed
carbon, used as a filter drier. 7ommonly used
to clean air.
#. ACTIVATED SLUDGE - An aerobic biological process
for conversion of soluble organic matter to solid
biomass, removable by gravity or filtration.
&. ACTIVE STORAGE PILE - A method of stoc$piling coal,
sometimes called live storage. The pile is located
outside the plant but ad=acent to it, and usually
contains four or five days of operating supply. The
pile is not compacted, as it is not stored long
enough to be e1posed to the ha2ard of spontaneous
). ACTUATOR - The portion of a regulating valve, which
converts mechanical, fluid, thermal, or electrical
energy; into mechanical motion to open or close the
valve seats or other such devices.
.. ADDITIVE5 A material that is added to improve fuel or
!+. ADIABATIC - 9ccurring with no addition or loss of heat
from the system under consideration.
!1. ADIABATIC CHANGE - A change in the volume,
pressure, or temperature of a gas, occurring without
a gain of heat or loss of heat.
!2. ADIABATIC COMPRESSION - 7ompressing a gas
without removing or adding heat.
!3. ADIABATIC COOLING - A method in which
paramagnetic salts are pre6cooled, and then
demagneti2ed, thereby producing further cooling.
!. ADIABATIC EFFICIENCY 6The ratio of actual wor$
output of a heat engine to the ideal output.
!!. ADIABATIC EXPANSION - The e1pansion of a gas,
vapor, or li(uid stream from a higher pressure to a
lower pressure, with no change in enthalpy.
temperature that would be attained by the products
of combustion provided the entire chemical energy
of the fuel, the sensible heat content of the fuel and
combustion above the datum temperature were
transferred to the products of combustion. This
assumes5 >o heat loss to surroundings and no
!&. ADIABATIC PROCESS 6 A thermo6dynamic process in
which no heat is e1tracted from or added to the
system of the process.
determine absolute or relative humidity.
!.. ADJUSTABLE DIFFERENTIAL - A means of changing
the difference between the control cut6in and cutout
#+. ADJUSTABLE RESISTOR 6 A resistor whose value can
be mechanically changed, usually by the use of a
sliding contact.
#1. ADSORBENT 6 A material which has the ability to cause
molecules of gases, li(uids or solids to adhere to its
internal surfaces without changing the adsorbent
physically or chemically. 'n water treatment, a
synthetic resin possessing the ability to attract and
to hold charged particles.
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Engineering Dictionary
#2. ADSORPTION - The adhesion of the molecules of
gases, dissolved substances, or li(uids in
more or less concentrated form, to the surface
of solids or li(uids with which they are in
contact. 7ommercial adsorbent materials
have enormous internal surfaces.
#3. ADSORPTION INHIBITORS - They are materials
which caused them to be adsorbed on to the
metal surface due to their polar properties.
#. ADVECTION 6 The transfer of heat by hori2ontal
movement of air.
#!. AERATION - "1posing to the action of air, li$e
blowing air through water before discharging
to a river.
##. AERATION CELL 6 *see o1ygen cell0
#&. AEROBIC - A condition in which 4free4 or
dissolved o1ygen is present in water.
#). AERODYNAMIC NOISE - Also called generated
noise, self6generated noise; is noise of
aerodynamic origin in a moving fluid arising
from flow instabilities. 'n duct systems,
aerodynamic noise is caused by airflow
through elbows, dampers, branch wyes,
pressure reduction devices, silencers and
other duct components.
#.. AFTERCOOLER5 A device used on turbo6charged
engines to cool air that has undergone
&+. AGGLOMERATE - The clustering together of a
few or many particles into a larger solid mass.
&1. AGITATOR - A device used to cause motion in
confined fluids.
&2. AIR - A substance containing by volume
appro1imately &) 6 &.? nitrogen; 2+..!?
o1ygen, ..? argon, traces of carbon dio1ide,
helium, etc.
firing oil in which the oil is atomi2ed by
compressed air, which is forced into and
through one or more streams of oil which
results in the brea$ing of the oil into a fine
&. AIR BIND5 The presence of air in a pump or pipes,
which prevents the delivery of li(uid.
&!. AIR BLAST TRANSFORMER 6 A transformer
cooled by forcing a circulation of air around its
&#. AIR BLANKETING 6 An accumulation of air in a
heat e1changer or other vessel which
impedes heat transfer.
&&. AIR BLEEDER5 A device that removes air from a
hydraulic system. Types include a needle
valve, capillary tubing to the reservoir, and a
bleed plug
&). AIR CAPACITOR 6 's a capacitor, which uses air
as the dielectric between the plates.
&.. AIR CHANGES - A method of e1pressing the amount of
air lea$age into or out of a building or room in terms
of the number of building volumes or room volumes
)+. AIR CLEANER 6 A devise used to remove air borne
impurities @A device *filter0 for removing unwanted
solid impurities from the air before the air enters the
inta$e manifoldA
)1. AIR COIL 6 7oil on some types of heat pumps used
either as an evaporator or a condenser.
)2. AIR COMPRESSOR5 A device used to increase air
)3. AIR CONDITIONER 6 They are basically refrigeration
devices cooling air and rooms rather then food
). AIR CONDITIONER, UNITARY - An evaporator,
compressor, and condenser combination; designed
in one or more assemblies, the separate parts
designed to be assembled together.
)!. AIR CONDITIONING 6The process of treating air to
simultaneously control its temperature, humidity,
cleanliness, and distribution to meet the
re(uirements of the conditioned space.
)#. AIR CONDITIONING UNIT - An assembly of e(uipment
for the treatment of air so as to control,
simultaneously, its temperature, humidity,
cleanliness and distribution to meet the
re(uirements of a conditioned space.
)&. AIR CONDITIONING, COMFORT - The process of
treating air so as to control simultaneously its
temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution
to meet the comfort re(uirements of the occupants
of the conditioned space.
)). AIR COOLER - A factory6encased assembly of elements
whereby the temperature of air passing through the
device is reduced.
).. AIR DEFICIENCY 6 'nsufficient air, in an air6fuel mi1ture,
to supply the o1ygen re(uired for complete o1idation
of the fuel.
.+. AIR DIFFUSER - A circular, s(uare, or rectangular air
distribution outlet, generally located in the ceiling
and comprised of deflecting members discharging
supply air in various directions and planes, and
arranged to promote mi1ing of primary air with
secondary room air.
.1. AIR DIFFUSION AERATORS - They are aerators into
which air is pumped into the water through
perforated pipes, plates, or any other method.
.2. AIR DUCT 6 A tube or conduit for conveying air from one
place to another.
.3. AIR EJECTOR5 A =et pump that removes air and non6
condensable gases.
.. AIR FLOTATION 6 A process of accelerating
sedimentation, by introducing air into the water, this
lowers the density of the water, and increases the
differences in the densities of the water and the
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Engineering Dictionary
suspended particles. *BA-0, Bissolved Air
.!. AIR6FUEL RATIO5 The ratio *by weight or by
volume0 between air and fuel.
.#. AIR GAP 6The space between magnetic poles, or
between the rotating and stationary
assemblies in a motor or generator.
.&. AIR HANDLER 6 The fan blower, heat transfer
coil, filter, and housing parts, of a system.
.). AIR HEATER / PREHEATER 6 The air6heater is in
the path of the boiler gases after the
economiser, so that the air for combustion
absorbs heat from the gases before they enter
the stac$.
... AIR HEATER ELEMENT 6 Chen applied to :otary
airheaters, the plate bundles forming the heat
e1change surfaces.
1++. AIR INFILTRATION D The lea$age of air into a
room through crac$s in doors, windows, and
other openings.
1+1. AIR PURGE - The removal of undesired matter by
replacement with air.
1+2. AIR SATURATED - Moist air in which the partial
pressure of the water vapor is e(ual to the
vapor pressure of water at the e1isting
temperature. This occurs when dry air and
saturated water vapor coe1ist at the same dry6
bulb temperature.
1+3. AIR SENSING THERMOSTAT 6 A thermostat unit,
in which the sensing element is located in the
refrigerated space.
1+. AIR STANDARD 6 Air having a temperature of
*2+,70, a relative humidity of 3# percent, and
under a pressure of 1.&+ E3'A. The gas
industry usually considers *1#,70 as the
temperature of standard air.
1+!. AIR6STARTING VALVE5 A valve that admits
compressed air to the air starter for starting
1+#. AIR VENT 6 Falve, either manual or automatic, to
remove air from the highest point of a coil or
piping assembly.
1+&. AIR WASHER - A water spray system or device
for cleaning, humidifying, or dehumidifying the
1+). AIR, AMBIENT - Generally the air surrounding the
1+.. AIR, DRY - Air without contained water vapor.
11+. AIR, OUTDOOR - Air ta$en from outdoors and,
therefore, not previously circulated through
the system.
111. AIR, RECIRCULATED - :eturn air passed
through the conditioner before being again
supplied to the conditioned space.
112. AIR, REHEATING - 'n an air conditioning system, the
final step in treatment, in the event the temperature
is too low.
113. AIR, RETURN - Air returned from conditioned or
refrigerated space.
11. AIRBORNE SOUND - 3ound which reaches the point of
interest by radiation through the air.
11!. AIR-COOLED CONDENSER 6 /eat of compression is
transferred from condensing coils to surrounding air.
This may be done either by convection or by a fan
or blower.
11#. AIR INFILTRATION 6 The lea$age of air into a setting or
11&. AIR-SENSING THERMOSTAT D A thermostat unit, in
which the sensing element is located in the
refrigerated space.
11). ALCOHOL BRINE - A water and alcohol solution, which
remains as a li(uid below +,7.
11.. ALGAE - A minute fresh water plant growth which forms
a scum on the surfaces of recirculated water
apparatus, interfering with fluid flow and heat
transfer. <ower form of plant life, usually green and
blue green algae appear in cooling water systems.
They are responsible for copious amounts of stringy
green slime masses.
12+. ALIGN5 To bring two or more components of a unit into
the correct positions with respect to one another.
121. ALIVE - A term referring to a circuit in which a current is
flowing. Also referred to as live.
122. ALKALI 6 A substance having mar$ed basic properties.
Applying to hydro1ides of potassium, sodium,
lithium, and ammonium. They turn red litmus to
blue. 'ncludes hydro1ides of the al$aline earth
metals of barium, strontium, and calcium.
123. ALKALINE - /aving a p/ greater than &.
12. ALKALINE BOIL-OUT - "mployed to remove oil and
grease deposits from heating surfaces.
12!. ALKALINITY 6 An e1pression of the total basic anions
*hydro1yl groups0 present in a solution. 't also
represents, particularly in water analysis, the bi6
carbonate, carbonate, and occasionally, the borate,
silicate, and phosphate salts which will react with
water to produce the hydro1yl groups.
12#. ALLEN TYPE SCREW - A screw with a recessed he1
shaped head.
12&. ALLOWANCE5 The difference between the minimum
and the ma1imum dimensions of proper functioning.
12). ALLOY - A substance having metal properties and being
composed of two or more chemical elements of
which at least one is a metal *A mi1ture of two or
more different metals, usually to produce improved
12.. ALLOY STEEL - 3teel containing specific (uantities of
alloying elements *other than carbon0and commonly
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Engineering Dictionary
accepted amounts of manganese, copper,
silicon, sulfur, and phosphorus0.
13+. ALTERNATING CURRENT (AC - "lectric current
in which the direction of the current alternates
or reverses. 'n a #+ /ert2 *cycle0 current, the
direction of current flow reverses in 1%12+th of
a second; most commonly used current.
131. ALTERNATOR - A device which converts
mechanical energy, into alternating current.
132. ALTIMETER - An instrument used to measure the
height above a reference point, such as
ground or sea level.
133. ALUM - 's an aluminum sulfate or filter alum. Acts
in the range of !.+ to ).+ p/.
13. ALUMINA - Aluminum o1ide occasionally found as
an impurity in water in very small amounts.
13!. AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE - Temperature of
fluid *usually air0 which surrounds ob=ect on all
13#. AMBIENT CONDITIONS 6 The conditions of
temperature, pressure, and humidity, e1isting
around an instrument.
13&. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 6 The temperature of
the air surrounding the e(uipment.
13). AMBIENT NOISE 6The normal sound in a room or
other location.
of screw or thread, commonly used on pipe
fittings to assure a tight seal.
used in the Hnited 3tates for measuring the
si2e of solid wires.
11. AMINE - A chemical use in water treatment as a
filming or neutrali2ing agent to protect the
metal parts.
12. AMMETER - An instrument for measuring the
magnitude of electric current flow.
13. AMMETER SHUNT - A low6resistance conductor,
placed in parallel *shunt0 with an ammeter
movement, so that most of the current flows
through the shunt, and only a small portion
flows through the ammeter. This e1tends the
useful range of the meter.
1. AMMONIA - 7hemical combination of nitrogen and
hydrogen *>/30. Ammonia is a very efficient
refrigerant and identified as :611&.
1!. AMORPHOUS - A solid not having a repetitive
three6dimensional pattern of atoms.
1#. AMPACITY - A wire8s ability to carry current safely,
without undue heating. The term formerly
used to describe this characteristic was
current capacity of the wire.
1&. AMPERAGE - An electron or current flow of one
coulomb per second, past a given point in a
1). AMPERE - The unit used for measuring the (uantity of
an electrical current flow. 9ne ampere represent a
flow of one coulomb per second.
1.. AMPERE HOUR - A term used for rating battery
capacity. As stated, an ampere for an hour; e15 !
amperes for 2+ hours I 1++ amp hour on a 2+ hr
1!+. AMPERE TURNS - A term used to measure magnetic
force. 't represents the product of amperes, times
the number of turns of the coil, in an electromagnet.
1!1. AMPLIFICATION - The process of obtaining an output
signal greater than the input signal, through au1iliary
power controlled by the input signal. The process of
increasing the strength, current, power, or voltage,
of the signal.
1!2. AMPLITUDE - The ma1imum instantaneous value of
alternating current or voltage. 't can be in either a
positive or negative direction. The greatest distance
through which an oscillating body moves from the
mid point.
1!3. ANAEROBIC - A condition in which 4free4 or dissolved
o1ygen is not present in the water.
1!. ANALYSIS - Juantitative determination of the
constituent parts *The process of determining the
composition of a substance, by chemical or physical
1!!. ANALYSIS, ULTIMATE 6 7hemical analysis of solid,
li(uid or gaseous fuels. 'n the case of coal or co$e,
determination of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen,
o1ygen, and ash.
1!#. ANEMOMETER - An instrument for measuring the
velocity of a fluid.
1!&. ANGLE OF LAG OR LEAD - The phase angle
difference, between two sinusoidal wave forms
having the same fre(uency.
1!). ANGLE VALVE - A type of globe valve design, having
pipe openings at right angles to each other. Hsually
one opening on the hori2ontal plane and one on the
vertical plane.
1!.. ANGSTROM UNITS - A unit of wave length, e(ual in
length to one ten billionth.
1#+. ANHYDROUS CALCIUM SULFATE 6 A dry chemical,
made of calcium, sulfur, and o1ygen.
1#1. ANION - A negatively charged ion such as the chloride
ion, 7l
1#2. ANION INTERCHANGE - The displacement of one
negatively charged particle by another on an anion6
e1change material. This principle is used with water
1#3. ANNEAL - To soften by heating and allowing to cool
slowly *To heat a metal and to cool it in such a
manner as to toughen and soften it. Brass or copper
is annealed by heating it to a cherry red color and
dipping it suddenly into water while hot. 'ron or steel
is slowly cooled from the heated condition to
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Engineering Dictionary
1#. ANNEALING - A process of heat treating metal, to
get the desired properties of softness and
ductility, *easy to form0.
1#!. ANNUNCIATOR5 A device, usually electro6
mechanical, used to indicate or transmit
information. 3ee ">G'>" 9:B":
1##. ANODE - 'n electrolysis or electrochemical
corrosion, a site where metal goes into
solution as a cation leaving behind an
e(uivalent of electrons to be transferred to the
opposite electron, called the cathode.
1#&. ANODIZING - The treatment of a metal surface
whereby the metal is made anodic.
1#). ANSI - American >ational 3tandard 'nstitute,
which is an organi2ation defining standards for
computer language.
1#.. ANSI-B!"#!# - Eower Eiping.
1&+. ANSI-B!"#!$ - :efrigeration Eiping.
1&1. ANTHRACITES - 7oals containing .+ per cent or
more carbon and 1+ percent or less volatile
matter. They light up less readily but burn with
an intense heat, without smo$e and with little
1&2. ANTI KNOCK VALUE - A premature e1plosive
combustion, as the detonation of the fuel air
mi1ture in an internal combustion engine,
produces a characteristic $noc$. The Anti
Knoc$ Falue is the measure of its resistance
to the condition which tends to produce this
1&3. ANTICIPATING CONTROL - 9ne which, by
artificial means, is activated sooner than it
would be without such means, to produce a
smaller differential of the controlled property.
/eat and cool anticipators are commonly used
in thermostats.
1&. ANTICIPATORS - A small heater element in two6
position temperature controllers which
deliberately cause false indications of
temperature in the controller in an at tempt to
minimi2e the override of the differential and
smooth out the temperature variation in the
controlled space.
additive to reduce corrosion.
additive used to reduce or prevent foaming.
1&&. ANTIFOAM AGENTS 6 The reduction of carry over
by the addition of polymeri2ed esters,
alcoholLs, and amides. The antifoam agent is
absorbed on the steam generating surface
resulting in a hydrophobic condition, causing
fewer but larger steam bubbles, which readily
coalesce. These agents also wea$en the wall
of the bubble formed, causing them to (uic$ly
burst on the water surface.
1&). ANTIFOULANTS - Are materials which prevent fouling
from depositing on heat transfer e(uipment.
Materials that prevent deposits forming; include anti6
o1idants, metal coordinators, and corrosion
inhibitors. 7ompounds that prevent deposition are
surfactants. They act as detergents or dispersants.
1&.. ANTIFREEZE - 7ompounds of glycolLs or alcoholLs, that
lower the free2ing point of cooling water systems.
1)+. ANTIFRICTION BEARING5 A bearing containing rollers
or balls plus an inner and outer race. The bearing is
designed to roll, thus minimi2ing friction.
1)1. ANTIOXIDANT - A substance which when added in
small amounts to petroleum products, will delay or
inhibit undesirable changes; such as the formation
of gum, sludge, and acidity, which are brought about
by o1idation.
1)2. ANTI-OXIDANT - An additive for the purpose of
reducing the rate of o1idation and subse(uent
deterioration of the material.
1)3. ANTI-SCUFFING LUBRICANT - A lubricant that is
formulated to avoid scuffing.
1). ANTI-SEIZURE PROPERTY - The ability of the bearing
material to resist sei2ure during momentary
lubrication failure.
1)!. ANTI-WEAR ADDITIVE - A lubricant additive to reduce
1)#. API - American Eetroleum 'nstitute.
1)&. API GRAVITY (API DEGREE - A measure of density
used in the H3 petroleum industry.
1)). APPARENT (EMF - The apparent voltage, as
measured by the drop in pressure due to a current
flowing through a resistance.
1).. APPARENT WATTS - The product of volts times
amperes, in an alternating current circuit.
1.+. APPROCH TEMPERATURE - The difference in the
temperature of the boiler feedwater leaving the
economi2er section compared to the water in the
steam drum, typically it is in between 1+D+
*7alculating the 4actual4 approach temperature, and
comparing it to the 4as6designed4 approach
temperature is an effective tool in assessing
performance in the 4bac$ end4 of the /:3G, and
indicates how well the economi2er is operating0.
1.1. A%UEOUS - Catery. A substance containing water.
1.2. A%UIFER - A porous, subsurface geological structure
carrying or holding water.
1.3. ARC - A flash, caused by an electric current ioni2ing a
gas or vapor.
1.. ARC BRAZING - A bra2ing process in which the heat
re(uired is obtained from an electric arc.
1.!. ARC FURNACE - An electric furnace, in which heat is
produced by an arc between two electrodes.
1.#. ARCING5 "lectrons leaping the gap between the
negative and the positive poles
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Engineering Dictionary
1.&. ARC WELDING - A group of welding processes
which produce coalescence of metals by
heating them with an arc, with or without the
application of pressure, and with or without
the use of a filler metal.
1.). ARC WELDING - A process where coalescence is
obtained by heating with an electric arc.
1... ARCHIMIDES PRINCIPAL 6 3tates that an
upward force acting on a body wholly or partly
submerged in a fluid, is e(ual to the weight of
the fluid displaced, and acts through the
center of gravity of the fluid displaced, or the
center of buoyancy.
2+1. ARMATURE - the rotating part of an electric motor
or generator. The moving part of a relay or
2+2. ARMATURE AIR GAP - The air space between
the stationary and rotating parts of a motor or
generator, through which magnetic lines of
force pass.
magnetic field produced by current flowing in
the armature winding, that opposes and
reduces the number of magnetic lines of force,
produced by the field magnets of a motor or
2+. ARMATURE BAR - 7opper bars used in place of
wire windings, in large armatures, generators,
or motors.
2+!. ARMATURE CIRCUIT - The path that the current
ta$es, in flowing through the windings from
one brush to another.
2+#. ARMATURE COIL - The loop or coil of copper
wire, placed on the armature core, and
forming part of the winding.
2+&. ARMATURE CORE -The laminated iron part of the
armature, formed from thin sheets or dis$s of
steel, on which the windings are placed.
2+). ARMATURE CURRENT - The current flowing from
the armature of a generator, to the armature
of a motor. >ot including the current ta$en by
the shunt field.
reduction in the effective magnetic lines of
force, produced by the armature current.
21+. ARMATURE REACTION 6 The magnetic effect of
current flowing in the armature windings *The
effect, that the magnetic field produced by the
current flowing in the armature, has on the
magnetic field produced by the field coils0.
resistors, designed to regulate the speed or
tor(ue of a loaded motor, by placing a
resistance in the armature or power circuit.
212. ARMATURE RESISTANCE - The resistance of the wire
used in the windings of the armature, measured
between the rings or brushes, or from positive to
negative terminals.
213. ARMATURE SLOT 6The groove or slot in the armature
core, into which the coils or windings are placed.
21. ARMATURE TESTER - Any device used for locating
faults or defects in the armature winding.
21!. ARMATURE VARNISH 6 's a li(uid put on the field and
armature windings, to improve the insulation of the
cotton covering on the wires.
21#. ARMATURE WINDING - All of the copper wire placed
on the armature, and through which the current
21&. AROMATICS - A group of hydrocarbons of which
ben2ene is the parent. They are called 4aromatics4
because many of their derivatives have sweet or
aromatic odorous.
21). ARTIFICIAL MAGNET - 's a manufactured magnet,
which is distinguished from a natural occurring
21.. ASHRAE - The American 3ociety of /eating,
:efrigeration, and Air 7onditioning "ngineers.
22+. ASME - American 3ociety of Mechanical "ngineers.
221. ASME APPENDIX SECTION I - "1plains matter which is
mandatory, unless specifically referred to in the
rules of the code, including formulas.
222. ASME BOILER CODE - The boiler code listing
standards, specified by the American 3ociety of
Mechanical "ngineers, for the construction of
223. ASME PART PEB SECTION I 6 :e(uirements for
electric boilers.
22. ASME PART PFH SECTION I 6 :e(uirements for
feedwater heaters.
22!. ASME PART PFT SECTION I - :e(uirements for
firetube boilers.
22#. ASME PART PG SECTION I - General re(uirements for
all methods of construction.
22&. ASME PART PMB SECTION I - :e(uirements for
miniature boilers.
22). ASME PART PVG SECTION I - :e(uirements for
organic fluid vapori2er generators.
22.. ASME PART PW SECTION I - :e(uirements for boilers
fabricated by welding.
23+. ASME PART PWT SECTION I - :e(uirements for
watertube boilers.
231. ASME SECTION I - Eower Boilers.
232. ASME SECTION II - Material specifications.
233. ASME SECTION III - >uclear Eower Elant 7omp&nents.
23. ASME SECTION IV - /eating boilers.
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Engineering Dictionary
>ondestructive e1amination.
23#. ASME SECTION VI - :ecommended rules for the
care and operation of heating boilers.
23&. ASME SECTION VII - :ecommended rules for the
care and operation of power boilers.
23). ASME SECTION VII APPENDIX - 7onsists of
conversion factors for converting 'mperial
units to 3' Hnits.
routine operation of power boilers.
9pe(ating and maintaining boiler appliances.
Erevention of direct causes of boiler failure.
rules for the design of installations.
9peration of boiler au1iliaries.
of internal chemical conditions.
2#. ASME SECTION VIII - Eressure vessels.
2&. ASME SECTION X - -iberglass reinforced plastic
pressure vessels.
2). ASME SECTION XI - :ules for inservice
inspection of >uclear Eower Elant
2.. ASPECT RATIO - The ratio of the length to the
width, of a rectangular air grille or duct.
draws sample of air through it to measure
2!1. ASPIRATION 6 Eroduction of movement in a fluid
by suction created by fluid velocity.
2!2. ASTM - American 3ociety for Testing and
2!3. ASYNCHRONOUS - >ot having the same
fre(uency. 9ut of step, or phase.
2!!. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR - An induction motor,
whose speed is not synchronous with the
fre(uency of the supply line.
2!#. ATDC5 Abbreviation for after top dead center
2!&. ATMOSPHERE - 's the mi1ture of gases and
water vapor surrounding the earth.
electricity, produced between cloud fronts in
the atmosphere.
PRESSURE - Eressure e1erted by the weight of
the atmosphere; standard atmospheric pressure is
1+1.32! $Ea or 1.+132! bars or 1.#.# psia or
2...21 inches of mercury at sea level.
2#+. ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF VALVE - Automatic valve for
relieving pressure in a condenser should it rise
slightly above atmospheric.
2#1. ATOM - The smallest complete particle of an element,
which can be obtained, yet which retains all physical
and chemical properties of the element.
2#2. ATOMIC NUMBER - The number of protons found in the
nucleus of an atom, of an element.
2#3. ATOMIC WEIGHT - The weight of an elementary atom,
in relation to the weight of an atom of hydrogen. A
hydrogen atom being ta$en as 1.++g.
2#. ATOMIZE - Erocess of changing a li(uid to minute
particles or a fine spray.
turbine deposits caused by impurities in the water
used for attemperators. *7hemicals used with
attemperating water should be of the volatile type0.
2##. ATTEMPERATOR - An apparatus for reducing and
controlling the temperature of a superheater vapor
or a fluid.
2#&. ATTENUATION - The sound reduction process in which
sound energy is absorbed or diminished in intensity
as the result of energy conversion from sound to
motion or heat.
2#). ATTRITION 6 The rubbing of one particle against
another in a resin bed; frictional wear that will affect
the site of resin particles.
2#.. AUTOMATIC 6 3elf6acting. 9perating by its own
mechanism, when activated by some triggering
2&+. AUTOMATIC CONTROL - The process of using the
differences, between the actual value, and desired
value, of any variable, to ta$e corrective action,
without human intervention.
2&1. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER - A device that measures
the value of a measured variable, and operates to
correct or limit the deviation from a selected
reference. Both measuring and control applications.
2&2. AUTOMATIC DEFROST 6 3ystem of removing ice and
frost from evaporators automatically.
metering device that senses low6side pressure and
modulates in order to maintain low6side pressure
off part of the main steam flow at one, two, or three
points. Falved partitions between selected stages
control the e1tracted steam pressure at the desired
level. Chen e1tracted steam flowing through the
unit does not produce enough shaft power to meet
the demand, more steam flows through the turbine
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Engineering Dictionary
to e1haust. <ocated between steam supply
and process steam headers.
2&!. AUTOMATIC FROST CONTROL 6 7ontrol which
automatically cycles refrigerating system to
remove frost formation on evaporator.
which correlates steam flow, pressure, shaft
speed, and shaft output, for any one turbine
2&&. AUTOMATIC ICE CUBE MAKER 6 :efrigerating
mechanism designed to automatically produce
ice cubes in (uantity.
of control, in which the controller output,
changes at a rate proportional to the deviation
or error. The output will continue to change as
long as any deviation or error e1ists.
2&.. AUTOMATION - The employment of devices,
which automatically control one or more
2)+. AUTOTRANSFORMER - A transformer in which
both primary and secondary coils, have turns
in common. The step up or step down of
voltage, is accomplished by taps in common
2)1. AUXILIARY CONTACTS - A set of contacts that
perform a secondary function, usually in
relation to the operation of a set of primary
2)2. AUXILIARY MACHINERY5 Any system or unit of
machinery that supports the main propulsion
units or helps support the ship and the crew.
"1amples of au1iliary machinery are pumps,
evaporators, steering engines, air6conditioning
and refrigeration e(uipment, laundry and
galley e(uipment, dec$ winches, and so forth.
2)3. AVAGADRO,S HYPOTHESIS 6 3tates that e(ual
volumes of different gases, at the same
temperature and pressure, will contain e(ual
numbers of molecules.
2). AVAGADRO,S NUMBER (N 6 The number of
elementary units such as atoms, formula
units, molecules, or ions, that constitute one
mole of the said particle.
2)!. AVERAGING ELEMENT 6 A thermostat sensing
element which will respond to the average
duct temperature.
2)#. AXIAL5 'n a direction parallel to the a1is. A1ial
movement is movement parallel to the a1is.
2)&. AXIAL EXPANSION D "1pansion parallel to the
line of the rotor.
2)). AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSOR 6 Hses rotor blades
shaped li$e airfoils, to bite into the air, speed it
up, and push it into the subse(uent stationary
blade passages. These passages are shaped
to form diffusers, that slow up the incoming
air, and ma$e it pressuri2e itself by catching up with
the air ahead of it.
2).. AXIAL THRUST D The tendency for a turbine shaft to
move a1ially in line with the bearings as a result of
the force produced by the steam flow.
2.+. AXIS5 The centerline running lengthwise.
2.1. AZEOTROPE - /aving constant ma1imum and minimum
boiling points.
2.2. AZEOTROPIC MIXTURE 6 "1ample of a2eotropic
mi1ture 6 refrigerant :6!+2 is mi1ture consisting of
).) percent refrigerant :622 and !1.2? :611!. The
refrigerants do not combine chemically, yet
a2eotropic mi1ture provides refrigerant
characteristics desired.
2.3. ABBIT METAL 5 *see bearing, babbit0.
2.. BABBIT5 An antifriction metal lining for bearings that
reduces the friction between moving components.
2.!. BACKLASH5 The distance *play0 between two movable
2.#. BACK PRESSURE - A pressure e1erted contrary to the
pressure producing the main flow (Eressure in low
side of refrigerating system; also called suction
pressure or low6side pressure0.
2.&. BACK PRESSURE TURBINE D A turbine from which all
the steam is e1hausted at some pressure above
atmospheric for use in afactory process or for
central heating *The "1haust of the turbine is used
for another process instead of condrnsing the same
in a condenser0.
2.). BACK SEATING 6 -luid opening%closing such as a
gauge opening or to seal the =oint where the valve
stem goes through the valve body.
2... BACK WORK RATIO - 's the fraction of the gas turbine
wor$ used to drive the compressor.
3++. BACKGROUND NOISE - 3ound other than the wanted
signal. 'n room acoustics, the irreducible noise level
measured in the absence of any building occupants.
3+1. BACKING RING - Bac$ing in a form of a ring, generally
used in welding of piping.
3+2. BACKWASH - The counter6current flow of water through
a resin bed *that is, in at the bottom of the e1change
unit, out at the top0 to clean and regenerate the bed
after e1haustion *water treatment0. Also, the
process whereby a filtering mechanism is cleaned
by reversing the flow through the filter.
curved fan blading has the most suitable
characteristics for boiler forced6d raught fans and is
widely used for this purpose.
3+. BACTERIA - Microscopic unicellular living organisms.
3+!. BAFFLE 6 Elate or vane used to direct or control
movement of fluid or air within confined area.
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Engineering Dictionary
3+#. BAGHOUSE - A chamber containing bags for
filtering solids out of gases.
3+&. BALANCED DRAUGHT - The use of a forced6d
raught fan to force combustion air into the
furnace either through the fuel bed or through
the burner, coupled with the use of an
induced6draught fan to draw the gases
through the boiler. Thus a state of balance is
maintained in the combustion chamber.
3+). BALANCED VALVE5 A valve in which the fluid
pressure is e(ual on both sides *the opening
and closing directions0.
3+.. BALL BEARING5 A bearing that uses steel balls
as its rolling element between the inner and
outer ring *race0.
31+. BALL CHECK VALVE5 A valve consisting of a ball
held against a ground seat by a spring. 't
serves to chec$ the flow or to limit the
pressure of a li(uid or substance.
311. BALLAST GAS - Are the nonflammable portion of
the gas, such as carbon dio1ide.
312. BAROMETER - 'nstrument for measuring
atmospheric pressure. 't may be calibrated in
pounds per s(uare inch, in inches of mercury
in a column in millimeters or $Ea.
313. BARRING GEAR D "(uipment for slowly rotating
the turbine shaft when it is off load.
3ometimes called 8turningL or 8trollingL gear.
31. BASE - An al$aline substance.
31!. BASE LOAD 6 Base load is the term applied to
that portion of a station or boiler load that is
practically constant for long periods.
31#. BASE METAL - The metal present in the largest
proportion in an alloy. *7opper is the base
metal in brass0
31&. BASE METAL - The substrate metal that is coated
or protected by a surface coating.
31). BASICITY - The ability of a substance to boost the
p/ after neutrali2ing all the acid species.
31.. BATCH OPERATION - The utili2ation of ion6
e1change resins to treat a solution in a
container wherein the removal of ions is
accomplished by agitation of the solution and
subse(uent decanting of the treated li(uid.
32+. BAUDELOT COOLER - /eat e1changer in which
water flows by gravity over the outside of the
tubes or plates.
321. BAUMANN EXHAUST - A special design of the
e1haust end of a turbine to give e1tra effective
area for the e1haust steam to pass to the
322. BBDC5 Abbreviation for before bottom dead
323. BDC5 Abbreviation for bottom dead center. The position
of a reciprocating piston at its lowest point of travel.
32. BEARING5 A mechanical component, which supports
and guides the location of another rotating or sliding
32!. BEARING, AIR - A bearing using air as a lubricant.
32#. BEARING, ALIGNING - A bearing with an e1ternal
spherical seat surface that provides a compensation
for shaft or housing deflection or misalignment.
32&. BEARING, ANNULAR - Hsually a rolling bearing of
short cylindrical form supporting a shaft carrying a
radial load.
32). BEARING, ANTI-FRICTION - A bearing containing a
solid lubricant.
32.. BEARING, AXIAL LOAD 5 *see bearing, thrust0
33+. BEARING, BABBIT - A bearing metal of non6ferrous
material, containing several tin6based alloys, mainly
copper, antimony, tin and lead.
331. BEARING, BALL - A rolling element bearing in which
the rolling elements are spherical.
332. BEARING, BIG END - A bearing at the larger
*cran$shaft0 end of a connecting rod in an engine.
333. BEARING, BIMETAL - A bearing consisting of two
33. BEARING, BOTTOM END 6 *see bearing, big end0
33!. BEARING, BUSH - A plain bearing in which the lining is
closely fitted into the housing in the form of a bush,
usually surfaced with a bearing alloy.
33#. BEARING, CHATTER - Fibration of a shaft =ournal
because of e1cessive clearance at the bearing
33&. BEARING, CIRCULAR STEP - A flat circular hydrostatic
bearing with a central circular recess.
33). BEARING, CLEARANCE5 The distance between the
shaft and the bearing surface.
33.. BEARING, FIXED PAD - An a1ial or radial load bearing
e(uipped with fi1ed pads, the surface of which a are
contoured to promote hydrodynamic lubrication.
3+. BEARING, FLOATING - A bearing designed or mounted
to permit a1ial displacement between shaft and
31. BEARING, FLOATING RING - A type of =ournal bearing
that includes a thin ring between the =ournal and the
bearing. The ring floats and rotates at a fraction of
the =ournal rotational speed.
32. BEARING, FLUID 6 *see hydrostatic bearing0
33. BEARING, FULL JOURNAL - A =ournal bearing that
surrounds the =ournal by a full 3#+,.
3. BEARING, GAS - A =ournal or thrust bearing lubricated
with gas.
3!. BEARING, HALF JOURNAL - A bearing e1tending 1)+,
around a =ournal.
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Engineering Dictionary
3#. BEARING, JOURNAL - A machine part in which a
rotating shaft revolves or slides.
3). BEARING, MAGNETIC - A type of bearing in
which the force that separates the relatively
moving surfaces is produced be a magnetic
3.. BEARING, MAIN - A bearing supporting the main
power6transmitting shaft.
3!+. BEARING, MITCHELL 6*see tilting pad bearing0.
3!1. BEARING, NEEDLE - A bearing in which the
relatively moving parts are separated by long
thin rollers that have a length6to6diameter ratio
e1ceeding !.+.
3!2. BEARING, NONCONTACT - A bearing in which
no solid contact occurs between relatively
moving surfaces.
3!3. BEARING, PEDESTAL - A bearing that is
supported on a column or pedestal rather than
on the main body of the machine.
3!. BEARING, PIVOT - An a1ial load bearing, radial6
load6type bearing which supports the end of a
shaft or pivot.
3!!. BEARING, POROUS - Made from porous
material, such as compressed metal powders,
the pores acting either as reservoirs for
holding or passages for supplied lubricant.
3!#. BEARING, ROLLER - A bearing in which the
relatively moving parts are separated by
3!&. BEARING, RUBBING - A bearing in which the
relatively moving parts slide without deliberate
3!). BEARING, SELF-ALIGNING - A roller6element
bearing with one spherical raceway that
automatically provides compensation for shaft
or housing deflection or misalignment.
independent of e1ternal lubrication. These
bearings may be sealed for life after pac$ing
with grease or may contain self6lubricating
3#+. BEARING, SLEEVE - A cylindrical plain bearing
used to provide radial location for a shat,
which moves a1ially. 3leeve bearings consist
of one or more layers of bearing alloys,
bonded to a steel bac$ing.
3#1. BEARING, SLIDE - A bearing used or positioning
a slide or for a1ial alignment of a long rotating
3#2. BEARING, STEP - A plane surface bearing that
supports the lower end of a vertical shaft.
3#3. BEARING, THRUST - A bearing in which the load
acts in the direction of the a1is of rotation.
3#. BEARING, TILTING PAD - A pad bearing in which the
pads are free to ta$e up a position at an angle to the
opposing surface according to the hydrodynamic
pressure distribution over its surface.
3#!. BEARING, TRUNNION - A bearing used as a pivot to
swivel or turn an assembly.
3##. BED - A mass of ion6e1change resin particles contained
in a column.
3#&. BED DEPTH - The height of the resinous material in the
column after the ion e1changer has been properly
conditioned for effective operation.
3#). BED EXPANSION - The effect produced during
bac$washing when the resin particles become
separated and rise in the column. The e1pansion of
the bed due to the increase in the space between
resin particles may be controlled by regulating
bac$wash flow *typical with water treatment0.
3&+. BELLOWS - 7orrugated cylindrical container which
moves as pressures change, or provides a seal
during movement of parts.
3&1. BELLOWS SEAL - A type of mechanical seal that
utili2es a bellows for providing secondary sealing.
3&2. BENDING MOMENT - The algebraic sum of the couples
or the moments of the e1ternal forces, or both, to
the left or right of any section on a member
sub=ected to bending by couples or transverse
forces, or both.
3&3. BERNOULLI,S THEOREM 6 'n stream of li(uid, the sum
of elevation head, pressure head and velocity
remains constant along any line of flow provided no
wor$ is done by or upon li(uid in course of its flow,
and decreases in proportion to energy lost in flow.
3&. BICACARBONATE ALKALINITY - The presence in a
solution of hydro1yl *9/60 ions resulting from the
hydrolysis of carbonates or bicarbonates. Chen
these salts react with water, a strong base and a
wea$ acid are produced, and the solution is al$aline.
3&!. BICARBONATE - An ion or salt of carbonic acid,
containing hydrogen, carbon, and o1ygen */7+30,
such as sodium bicarbonate, >a/7+3.
3&#. BIMETAL STRIP 6 Temperature regulating or indicating
device which wor$s on principle that two dissimilar
metals with une(ual e1pansion rates, welded
together, will bend as temperatures change.
3&&. BIMETALLIC COUPLE 6 A =oint or union of two
dissimilar metals.
3&.. BIOCIDE - A chemical used to control the population of
troublesome microbes.
3)+. BLACK LI%UOR - The li(uid material remaining from
pulpwood coo$ing in the soda or sulfate
paperma$ing process.
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Engineering Dictionary
3)2. BLADE DEPOSITES 6 'mpurities carried over in
the 3team and deposited on the turbine
blades as afine coating.
3)3. BALDE FOULING 6 The accumulation on turbine
blades of impurities carried over from the
boiler with the steam.
3). BLADE LOSS 6 <oss caused by the inefficiency of
3)&. BLAST FREEZER 6 <ow6temperature evaporator
which uses a fan to force air rapidly over the
evaporator surface.
3)). BLAST FURNACE GAS - 's the waste product
from furnaces used to smelt iron ores.
designed to slowly relief a li(uid or gas form
3.+. BLEEDING 6 3lowly reducing the pressure of
li(uid or gas from a system or cylinder by
slightly opening a valve.
3.1. BLEEDOFF - The continuous removal of water
from a re6circulating water system.
3.2. BLEEDOFF RATE - The rate at which water is
continuously removed from a system.
3.3. BLOCK DIAGRAM5 A diagram in which the ma=or
components of a piece of e(uipment or a
system are represented by s(uares,
rectangles, or other geometric figures, and the
normal order of progression of a signal or
current flow is represented by lines.
3.. BLOWBY5 "1haust gases that escape past the
piston rings.
3.!. BLOWDOWN - 'n connection with boilers or
cooling towers, the process of discharging a
significant portion of the a(ueous solution in
order to remove accumulated salts, deposits
and other impurities.
3.#. BLOWDOWN.-SAFETY VALVE 6 The difference
between the pressure at which a safety valve
opens and at which it closes.
3.&. BLOW-OFF VALVE 6 A specially designed,
manually operated, valve that connects to the
boiler for the purpose of reducing the
concentration of solids in the boiler or for
draining purposes. *9ften called bottom
3.). BLOWER5 A low6pressure air pump, usually a
rotary or centrifugal type of pump, that
supplies air above atmospheric pressure to
the combustion chambers of an internal6
combustion engine.
3... BLUEPRINTS5 7opies of mechanical or other types of
technical drawings.
++. BOILER 6 7losed container in which a li(uid may be
heated and vapori2ed.
+1. BOILER BLOW PIPING5 Eiping from the individual
boiler blow valves to the overboard connection at
the s$in of the ship.
+2. BOILER DESIGN PRESSURE5 Eressure specified by
the manufacturer, usually about 1+3? of normal
steam drum operating pressure.
+3. BOILER EFFICIENCY 6 The term MBoiler efficiency4 is
often substituted for combustion or thermal
efficiency. True boiler efficiency is the measure of
fuel6to6steam efficiency.
+. BOILER FEED WATER 6 Beaerated water in the piping
system between the deaerating feed tan$ and the
boiler *The total water fed to a boiler producing
steam. This water is the mi1ture of return steam
condensate and ma$eup water0.
+!. BOILER HORSEPOWER 6 The wor$ re(uired to
evaporate 3.! lb of water per hour into steam from
and at 1++,7.
+#. BOILER LOAD5 The steam output demanded from a
boiler, generally e1pressed in pounds per hour
+&. BOILER LOAD FACTOR 6 The ratio of the actual output
of a boiler to the possible ma1imum output for the
same number of steaming hours.
+). BOILER LAY-UP - 3toring and protecting the boiler
when not in use.
+.. BOILER REFRACTORIES5 Materials used in the boiler
furnace to protect the boiler from the heat of
1+. BOILING - *3ee vapori2ation0
11. BOILING OUT - The boiling of high al$aline water in
boiler pressure parts for the removal of oil, greases,
prior to normal operation or after ma=or repairs.
12. BOILING POINT - The temperature at which the vapor
pressure of a li(uid e(uals the absolute e1ternal
pressure at the li(uid6vapor interface.
13. BOILING TEMPERATURE 6 Temperature at which a
fluid changes from a li(uid to a gas.
1. BONNET5 A cover used to guide and enclose the tail
end of a valve spindle.
1!. BORE - 'nside diameter of a cylinder.
1#. BOSCH METERING SYSTEM5 A metering system with
a helical groove in the plunger, which covers or
uncovers ports in the pump barrel.
1&. BOTTOM BLOW5 A procedure that removes suspended
solids and sludge from a boiler.
1.. BOUNDARY LUBRICATION 6 <ubrication between
bearing surfaces where the lubricant layer is of
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Engineering Dictionary
variable thic$ness because of the impossibility
of obtaining perfectly smooth bearing
2+. BOURDON TUBE 6 Thin6walled tube of elastic
metal flattened and bent into circular shape,
which tends to straighten as pressure inside is
increased. Hsed in pressure gauges.
21. BOYLES, LAW - 'f the temperature on a gas is
constant, the volume is inversely proportional
to the pressure. By formula - FE I F1E1
22. BRAKE HORSEPOWER *bhp05 The usable power
delivered by an engine.
Mean effective pressure acting on the piston,
which would result in a given bra$e
horsepower output if there were no losses
from friction, cooling, or e1haust. Bmep is
e(ual to mean indicated pressure times
mechanical efficiency.
output *in the form of bra$e horsepower0 to
e(uivalent power input *in the form of heat
from fuel.
2!. BRANCH CIRCUIT - Ciring between the last
overcurrent device and the branch circuit
2#. BRASS - A copper62inc alloy containing up to +?
2inc and some smaller amounts of other
2&. BRAYTON CYCLE (/01& (232((24 5& /1 562 J&702
C8902 - A rotating machine in which
compression and e1pansion ta$e place. Gas
turbine are such an e1ample.
2). BRAZE - A weld produced by heating an assembly
to suitable temperatures and by using a filler
metal having a li(uidus above !+,7. The
filler metal is distributed between the closely
fitted facing surface of the =oint by capillary
2.. BRAZING, BLOCK - A bra2ing process in which
the heat re(uired is obtained from heated
bloc$s applied to the parts to be =oined.
3+. BREAKER POINTS5 Metal contacts that open and
close a circuit at timed intervals.
31. BREAKTHROUGH - The first appearance in the
solution flowing from an ion6e1change unit of
unabsorbed ions similar to those which are
depleting the activity of the resin bed.
Brea$through is an indication that
regeneration of the resin is necessary.
32. BRINE - Cater saturated with a chemical such as
salt.@ *10 A highly concentrated solution of salt
in water, normally associated with the over6
board discharge of distilling plants. *20 Any
water in which the concentration of chemical
salts is higher than seawaterA.
33. BRITISH THERMAL UNIT, (BTU - The Btu is defined
as the heat re(uired to raise the temperature of a
pound of water thru 1,-.
3. BRITTLENESS - The tendency of a material to fracture
without first undergoing significant plastic
3!. BRONZE - A copper6rich copper tin alloy with or without
small proportions of other elements.
3#. BRUSH5 The conducting material, usually a bloc$ of
carbon, bearing against the commutator or slip rings
through which the current flows in or out.
3&. BTDC5 Abbreviation for before top dead center.
3). BTU 6 British Thermal Hnit.
3.. BUFFER - A substance used in solution, which accepts
hydrogen ions or hydro1yl ions, added to the
solution as acids or al$aliLs, minimi2ing a change in
+. BULB - The name given to the temperature6sensing
device located in the fluid for which control or
indication is provided. The bulb may be li(uid6filled,
gas filled, or gas6and6li(uid filled. 7hanges in
temperature produce pressure changes within the
bulb which are transmitted to the controller.
1. BULGE - A local distortion or swelling outward caused
by internal pressure on a tube wall or boiler shell
due to overheating.
2. BULL GEAR5 The largest gear in a reduction gear train6
the main gear, as in a geared turbine drive.
3. BURNER 6 A device for the introduction of fuel and air
into a furnace at the desired velocities, turbulence
and concentration.
. BURNER WINDBOX 6 A plenum chamber around a
burner that maintains an air pressure sufficient for
proper distribution and discharge of secondary air.
!. BURNER WINDBOX PRESSURE 6 The air pressure
maintained in the windbo1 or plenum chamber
measured above atmospheric pressure.
#. BUS BAR - A heavy, rigid metallic conductor which
carries a large current and ma$es a common
connection between several circuits. Bus bars are
usually uninsulated and located where the electrical
service enters a building; that is, in the main
distribution cabinet.
&. BUSHING5 A renewable lining for a hole in which a
shaft, rod, or similar part moves.
). BUS TRANSFER5 A device for selecting either of two
available sources of electrical power. 't may be
accomplished either manually or automatically.
.. BUTTERFLY VALVE5 A lightweight, relatively (uic$
acting, positive shutoff valve.
!+. BYPASS 6 A pipe or duct, usually controlled by valve or
damper, for conveying a fluid around an element of
a system.
!1. BYPASS 6 Eassage at one side of, or around, a regular
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Engineering Dictionary
!2. BYPASS FEEDER - A closed tan$ that is installed
in a system in 4bypass,4 that is, in a side
stream ta$en off the system and leading bac$
to the system rather than directly in6line.
!3. CAKING 6 7oals may be broadly classed as non6
ca$ing, slightly6ca$ing, medium6ca$ing and
strong6ca$ing. 9n a furnace grate, ca$ing
coals soften and become plastic within a
certain temperature range; fluid material
e1udes on to the surface of the coal particles;
and gas pressure in the ca$ing mass causes
the fluid material to cover the surface of the
pieces of coal and to act as a cement.
consisting of a mi1ture of calcium carbonate
and magnesium hydro1ide deposited on
surfaces being cathodically protected against
corrosion, because of increased p/
ad=ustment to the protected surface.
!!. CALCIUM - A scale forming element found in
boiler feedwater.
!#. CALCIUM CHLORIDE - A substance used to
obtain calcium chloride brine.
!&. CALCIUM SULFATE - 7hemical compound
*7a390 which is used at a drying agent or
desiccant in li(uid line dryers.
!). CALIBRATION - A process of dividing and
numbering the scale of an instrument; also of
correcting or determining the error of an
e1isting scale, or of evaluating one (uantity in
terms of readings of another.
!.. CALORIE - 't is e(ual to the amount of heat
re(uired to raise the temperature of one gram
of water one degree 7elsius.
#+. CALORIMETER 6 Bevice used to measure
(uantities of heat or determine specific heats.
#1. CALORIFIC VALUE 6 The heat6producing value of
a substance. A measure of the total heating6
power of a fuel, for e1ample coal or oil.
Hsually e1pressed as the number of $ilo
NoulesLs evolved when one $ilogramme of the
fuel is completely burned.
#2. CAM5 A rotating component of irregular shape. 't is
used to change direction of the motion of
another part moving against it. *-or e1ample,
rotary motion is changed into reciprocating or
variable motion.0
#3. CAM FOLLOWER (VALVE LIFTER: A part that is
held in contact with the cam and to which the
cam motion is imparted and transmitted to the
push rod.
#. CAM NOSE5 That portion of the cam that holds the
valve wide open. 't is the high point of the
#!. CAMSHAFT5 A shaft with cam lobes.
##. CAMSHAFT GEAR5 The gear that is fastened to the
#&. CANGE OF STATE - 7hange from one phase, such as
solid, li(uid or gas, to another.
#). CAPACITANCE - The property of an electric current that
permits the storage of electrical energy in an
electrostatic field and the release of that energy at a
later time.
#.. CAPACITOR, (CONDENSER - A device that can store
an electric charge when voltage is applied.
&+. CAPACITY - The adsorption activity possessed in
varying degrees by ion6e1change materials. This
(uality may be e1pressed as $ilograins per cubic
foot, gram6millie(uivalents per gram, pound6
e(uivalents per pound, gram6millie(uivalents per
milliliter, and so on, where the numerators of these
ratios represent the weight of the ions adsorbed and
the denominators represent the weight or volume of
the adsorbent.
&1. CAPILLARY - The name given to the thin tube attached
to the bulb which transmits the bulb pressure
changes to the controller or indicator. The cross
sectional area of the capillary is e1tremely small
compared to the cross section of the bulb so that
the capillary, which is usually outside of the
controlled fluid, will introduce the smallest possible
error in the signal being transmitted from the bulb.
&2. CAPILLARY TUBE - The capillary tube is a metering
device made from a thin tube appro1imately +.! to #
metre long and from +.+2! to +.+.+ inches in
diameter which feeds li(uid directly to the
evaporator. Hsually limited to systems of 1 ton or
less, it performs all of the functions of the thermal
e1pansion valve when properly si2ed.
&3. CARBON DIOXIDE 6 7ompound of carbon and o1ygen
*7920 which is sometimes used as a refrigerant.
:efrigerant number is :6&.
&. CARBON FILTER - Air filter using activated carbon as
air cleansing agent.
&#. CARBON TETRACHLORIDE - 7olorless nonflammable
and very to1ic li(uid used as a solvent. 't should
never be allowed to touch s$in and fumes must not
be inhaled.
materials of limited capacity prepared by the
sulfonation of coal, lignite, peat, and so on.
&). CARBONATE - An ion or salt of carbonic acid,
containing carbon and o1ygen such as calcium
carbonate. *7a7+30
&.. CARBONATE HARDNESS - That hardness caused in
water by bicarbonates and carbonates of calcium,
and magnesium.
method using synthetic polymers, generally used
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Engineering Dictionary
with high hardness *#+6&+0 ppm and high
)1. CARBOXYLIC - A term describing a specific acidic
group *799/0 that contributes cation6
e1change ability to some resins.
)2. CARBURETOR5 An apparatus for supplying
atomi2ed and vapori2ed fuel mi1ed with air to
an internal6combustion engine.
)3. CARRYOVER 6 *10 Boiler water entrained with the
steam *by foaming or priming0. *20 Earticles of
seawater trapped in vapor in a distilling plant
and carried into the condensate. *The
moisture and entrained solids forming the film
of steam bubbles, as a result of foaming in a
boiler. This condition is caused by a faulty
boiler water condition. 3ee also foaming0.
). CASCADE - A series of stages in which the output
of one stage is the input of the ne1t stage.
)!. CASCADE SYSTEMS 6 Arrangement in which two
or more refrigerating systems are used in
series; uses evaporator of one machine to
cool condenser of other machine. Eroduces
ultra6low temperatures.
)#. CASING5 A housing that encloses the rotating
element *rotor0 of a pump or turbine.
)&. CASING THROAT5 An opening in a turbine or
pump casing through which the shaft
)). CASUALTY5 An event or series of events in
progress during which e(uipment damage
and%or personnel in=ury has already occurred.
The nature and speed of these events are
such that proper and correct procedural steps
are ta$en to limit damage and%or personnel
in=ury only.
).. CASUALTY POWER SYSTEM5 Eortable cables
that are rigged to transmit power to vital
e(uipment in an emergency.
.+. CATALYST5 A substance used to speed up or
slow down a chemical reaction, but is itself
unchanged at the end of the reaction.
.1. CATALYTIC ACTION 6 The action whereby
certain substances promote or assist a
chemical change without themselves being
permanently changed.
.2. CATHODE - 'n electrolysis or electrochemical
corrosion, a site on a surface where actions in
solution are neutrali2ed by electrons to
become elements that either plate out on the
surface or react with water to produce a
secondary reaction.
preventing corrosion by ma$ing the metal a
cathode in a conducting medium by means of
a direct electrical current that is galvanic.
.. CATHODIC PROTECTION - :eduction of
corrosion rate by shifting the corrosion
potential of the electrode towards less o1idi2ing
potential by applying an e1ternal electromotive
.!. CATION 6 A positively charged ion that migrates through
the electrolyte toward the cathode under the
influence of a potential gradient.
.&. CATIONIC - The condition of a polymer, colloid, or large
particle having e1changeable anions on its surface
and an opposite, positive charge on the substrata.
.). CAUSTIC CRACKING - A form of stress6corrosion
crac$ing most fre(uently encountered in carbon
steels or iron6chromium6nic$el alloys that are
e1posed to concentrated hydro1ide solutions at
temperature of 2++ to 2!+,7.
... CAUSTIC EMBRITTLEMENT - An obsolete term
replaced by caustic crac$ing.
!++. CAUSTIC SODA - A common water treatment chemical,
sodium hydro1ide.
!+1. CAVITATION - The formation and collapse, within a
li(uid, of cavities or bubbles that contain vapor or
gas or both. 'n general, cavitation originates from
decreases in static pressure in the li(uid. 'n order to
erode a solid surface by cavitation, it is necessary
for the cavitation bubbles to collapse on or close to
that surface.
!+2. CAVITATION EROSION - Erogressive loss of original
material from a solid surface due to continuing
e1posure to cavitation.
scale in which the free2ing point of water is called
+,7 and its boiling point 1++,7 at normal
atmospheric pressure.
!+. CENTANE NUMBER - A measure of ignition (uality of a
fuel or petroleum with reference to normal centane
high6ignition (uality fuel with an arbitrary number of
compresses gaseous fluids by centrifugal force.
!+#. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE - A force e1erted on a rotating
ob=ect in a direction outward from the center of
!+&. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE 69n a centrifugal pump, it is
that force which throws water from a spinning
!+). CENTRIFUGAL PUMP 6 A pump consisting of an
impeller fi1ed on a rotating shaft and enclosed in a
casing, having an inlet and a discharge connection.
The rotating impeller creates pressure in the li(uid
by the velocity derived from centrifugal force.
!+.. CENTRIFUGAL PUMP 6 Eump which produces fluid
velocity and converts it to pressure head.
!1+. CETANE VALUE5 A measure of the ease with which
diesel fuel will ignite.
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Engineering Dictionary
!11. CHAIN GRATER STROKER 6 A grate formed by a
moving continuous chain of cast6iron lin$s,
built in various widths to suit the boiler.
!12. CHANGE OF STATE 6 7ondition in which a
substance changes from a solid to a li(uid or
a li(uid to a gas caused by the addition of
heat. 9r the reverse, in which a substance
changes from a gas to a li(uid, or a li(uid to a
solid, caused by the removal of heat.
!13. CHANNELING - 7leavage and furrowing of the
bed due to faulty operational procedure, in
which the solution being treated follows the
path of least resistance, runs through these
furrows, and fails to contact active groups in
other parts of the bed, *water treatment0.
!1. CHARGE - Amount of refrigerant placed in a
refrigerating unit.
!1!. CHARGING BOARD 6 3pecially designed panel or
cabinet fitted with gauges, valves and
refrigerant cylinders used for charging
refrigerant and oil into refrigerating
!1#. CHARLSL LAW 6 Gas volume is directly
proportional to absolute temperature.
!1&. CHECK VALVE - Bevice which permits fluid flow
in one direction.
!1). CHELATE - 's a molecule, similar to an ion
e1changer, capable to withdraw ions from
their water solutions into soluble comple1es.
!1.. CHEMICAL CLEANING - Hsing a solvent solution
to remove mill scale and corrosion products.
!2+. CHEMICAL ENERGY5 "nergy stored in chemicals
*fuel0 and released during combustion of the
!21. CHEMICAL FEEDLINE - The line which feeds the
boiler treatment chemicals into the boiler.
chemicals react with the dissolved minerals in
the water to produce a relative insoluble
reaction product. A typical e1ample of this
ta$es place with the lime6soda softening
cooling using a disposable refrigerant. Also
called an e1pendable refrigerant system.
!2. CHEMICAL STABILITY - :esistance to chemical
change which ion6e1change resins must
possess despite contact with aggressive
!2!. CHILL FACTOR 6 7alculated number based on
temperature and wind velocity.
!2#. CHILLED-WATER SYSTEM 6 A re6circulating
water system using water chilled in a
refrigeration machine as a source for cooling.
!2&. CHILLER/HEATERS 6 A unit that supplies either chilled
water for cooling or hot water for heating, */FA70.
!2). CHLORIDE 6 An ion, compound, or salt of chlorine, such
as sodium chloride *>a7l0 or calcium chloride
!2.. CHLORINATION - A process in which chlorine gas or
other chlorine compounds are added to the water
for the purpose of disinfecting.
!3+. CHOKE TUBE 6 Throttling device used to maintain
correct pressure difference between high6side and
low6side in refrigerating mechanism. 7apillary tubes
are sometimes called cho$e tubes.
!31. CHORDAL THERMOCOUPLE - A thermocouple
installed in furnace tubes, designed to measure the
effectiveness of water treatment within the boiler.
!32. CIRCUIT - An electrical arrangement re(uiring a source
of voltage, a closed loop of wiring, an electric load
and some means for opening and closing it.
!33. CIRCUIT BREAKER - An electromagnetic or thermal
device that opens a circuit when the current in the
circuit e1ceeds a predetermined amount. 7ircuit
brea$ers can be reset @A switch6type mechanism
that opens automatically when it senses an overload
*e1cess current0A
!3. CIRCULATING WATER5 Cater circulating through a
heat e1changer *condenser or cooler0 to transfer
heat away from an operating component.
!3!. CIRCULATION RATIO 6 The ratio of water entering a
circuit to the steam generated by that passes that
circuit in a unit of time.
!3#. CLARIFIER5 A water tan$ containing baffles that slow
the rate of water flow sufficiently to allow heavy
particles to settle to the bottom and light particles to
rise to the surface. This separation permits easy
removal, thus leaving the MclarifiedO water. The
clarifier is sometimes referred to as a settling tan$ or
sedimentation basin.
!3&. CLAY 6 -inely suspended earth mineral sometimes
found as an impurity in water.
!3). CLEARANCE SPACE - 3pace between top of piston
and the valve plate.
!3.. CLEARANCE VAPOR - The vapor remaining in the
clearance space at the end of each discharge
!+. CLOSED COOLING SYSTEM5 7onsisting of two entirely
separate circuits6a freshwater circuit and a seawater
!1. CLOSED CYCLE - is the gas turbine arrangement, in
which the e1haust is directed bac$ again to
compressor without coming in contact with the
atmospheric air.
!2. CLOSED FEEDWATER HEATER - An indirect6contact
feedwater heater. 3team and water are separated
by tubes.
!3. CLOSED FEED VALVE - A valve for automatically
controlling the condensate level in a condenser
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Engineering Dictionary
when feed6water is introduced directly into the
A system using as a heat6transfer medium
water that continuously circulates through
closed piping and heat e1changer without
!!. CLUTCH5 A form of coupling that connects or
disconnects a driving or driven member.
!#. COCOAGULANT 6 A substance that promotes the
clumping of particulate matter in water,
forming a larger mass and thus promoting
settling of particulates and clarification of the
!&. COAGULATION 6 's the process whereby finely
divided particles of turbidity and color, capable
of remaining in suspension indefinitely, are
combined by chemical means into masses
sufficiently large to effect rapid settling.
!). COALESCENCE - The gathering together of
coagulated colloidal li(uids into a single
continuous phase.
!.. COAL E%UIVALENT OF A FUEL - The amount of
coal which would have to be burned to supply
an amount of electricity e(ual to that supplied
by the other fuel being compared, for e1ample
!!+. COAL SEGREGATION - The tendency for the
small lumps of coal to separate out from the
fine coal between the bun$ers and the sto$er
!!1. COALING RATE - The amount of electricity which
can be generated from one tonne of coal
used. This figure is useful as a chec$ on unit
efficiency, but can also be misleading when
coal (uality varies.
!!2. COCK5 A valve that is opened or closed by a
(uarter turn of a dis$ or a tapered plug. Chen
a plug is used, it is slotted to correspond with
the ports in the valve.
!!3. CODE INSTALLATION - :efrigeration or air
conditioning installation which conforms to the
local code and%or the national code for safe
and efficient installations.
the relative rate at which different materials
conduct heat. 7opper is a good conductor of
heat and, therefore, has a high coefficient of
the change in length or volume of an o=ect,
specifically, a change measured by the
increase in length or volume of an ob=ect per
unit length or volume.
!!#. COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION - The dimensionless
ratio of the friction force *-0 between two
bodies to the normal force *>0 pressing these
bodies together 6 m *f0 I *-%>0
wor$ performed or accomplished as compared to
the energy used under designated operating
!!.. COGENERATION - A term used to describe the
combination of different thermodynamic cycles for
the purpose of increasing all6over cycle efficiency.
!#+. CO-GENERATION GENERATION - a term applied to
identify the generation of people interested in co6
!#1. COLD - The absence of heat; a temperature
considerably below normal.
!#2. COLD DECK -The cooling section of a mi1ed air 2oning
!#3. COLD IRON CONDITION5 An idle plant, when all
services are received from an e1ternal source such
as shore or tender.
!#. COLD JUNCTION 6 That part of a thermoelectric system
which absorbs heat as the system operates.
!#!. COLD PROCESS - A water treatment process carried
out at room temperature.
!##. COLD START - The starting up of a turbine when cold.
3uch starts re(uire a carefully wor$ed out
programme if damage is to be avoided.
!#&. COLD WALL 6 :efrigerator construction which has the
inner lining of refrigerator serving as the cooling
!#). COLLOIDAL - A state of suspension in a li(uid medium
in which e1tremely small particles are suspended
and dispersed but not dissolved.
!#.. COLLOIDS - 9rganic matter of very fine particle si2e,
usually in the range of 1+
to 1+
cm in diameter. 't
tends to inhibit the formation of dense scale and
results in the deposition of sludge, or causes it to
remain in suspension, so that it may be blown from
the boiler.
!&+. COLUMN OPERATION - 7onventional utili2ation of ion6
e1change resins in columns through which pass,
either upflow or downflow, the solution to be treated.
!&1. COMBINED FEEDER CUTOFF - A device that regulates
ma$eup water to a boiler in combination with a low6
water fuel cutoff.
!&2. COMBINED STEAM-GAS PLANT - where a gas turbine
is combined with steam plant in order to utili2e the
waste heat.
!&3. COMBINED TREATMENT - A method of physical
treatment , followed by the addition of chemicals to
remove o1ygen.
!&.COMBUSTIBLE LOSS 6 The loss representing the
unliberated thermal energy occasioned by failure to
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Engineering Dictionary
o1idi2e completely some of the combustible matter
in the fuel.
!&!. COMBUSTION - The burning of fuel in a chemical
process accompanied by the evolution of light
and heat *The act or process of burning0.
!&#. COMBUSTION AIR5 The air delivered to a boiler
furnace, engine, or gas turbine combustor to
support burning of atomi2ed fuel.
!&&. COMBUSTION CHAMBER5 The chamber in which
combustion mainly occurs.
volume of the combustion chamber *when the
piston is at TB70 measured in cubic
!&.. COMBUSTION CYCLE5 A series of thermo6
dynamic processes through which the wor$ing
gas passes to produce one power stro$e. The
full cycle is6inta$e, compression, power, and
!)+. COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY 6 The effectiveness
of the burner to completely burn the fuel. A
well designed burner will operate with as little
as 1+ to 2+? e1cess air, while converting all
combustibles in the fuel to useful energy.
!)1. COMFORT CHART - A chart showing effective
temperatures with dry6bulb temperatures and
humidities *and sometimes air motion0 by
which the effects of various air conditions on
human comfort may be compared.
!)2. COMFORT COOLER 6 3ystem used to reduce the
temperature in the living space in homes.
These systems are not complete air
conditioners as they do not provide complete
control of heating, humidifying,
dehumidification, and air circulation.
!)3. COMFORT COOLING - :efrigeration for comfort
as opposed to refrigeration for storage or
!). COMFORT ZONE - *Average0 the range of
effective temperatures over which the ma=ority
*!+ percent or more0 of adults feels
comfortable; *e1treme0 the range of effective
temperatures over which one or more adults
feel comfortable. An area on the
psychrometric chart which shows conditions of
temperature, humidity and sometimes air
movement in which most people are
!)!. COMMON NEUTRAL - A neutral conductor that is
common to, or serves, more than one circuit.
!)#. 79MMHTAT9:5 The copper segments on the
armature of a motor or generator. 't is
cylindrical in shape and is used to pass power
into or from the brushes.
!)&. COMPENSATING DEVICE5 Mechanical or
hydraulic action which prevents over
correction of change.
!)). COMPONENT5 'ndividual unit, or part, of a system; also,
the ma=or units which, when suitably connected,
comprise a system.
!).. COMPOSITION - The elements or chemical components
that ma$e up a material and their relative
!.+. COMPOUND - They are chemically combined elements
with definite proportions of the component elements.
!.1. COMPOUNDING - The use of many rows of blades in
separate cylinders in a turbine, to absorb more
efficiently the $inetic energy of the steam.
!.2. COMPOUND GAUGE - 'nstrument for measuring
pressures both above and below atmospheric
which has several compressors or compressor
cylinders in series. The system is used to pump low
pressure vapors to condensing pressures.
!.. COMPOUND TURBINE - 9ne in which the steam is
e1panded in a number of separate cylinders. 'n a
tandem compound turbine they are 'n line and the
rotors are coupled. 'n a cross6compound turbine the
cylinders are in two lines driving two generators.
!.!. COMPRESSION 6 Term used to denote increase of
pressure on a fluid by using mechanical energy.
!.#. COMPRESSION RING5 The piston rings used to reduce
combustion lea$age to a minimum.
!.&. COMPRESSION RATIO 6 :atio of the volume of the
clearance space to the total volume of the cylinder.
'n refrigeration it is also used as the ratio of the
absolute low6side pressure to the absolute high6side
!.). COMPRESSION, ADIABATIC - 's compressing a gas
without removing or adding heat.
!... COMPRESSION STROKE5 That stro$e of the operating
cycle during which air is compressed into a smaller
space creating heat by molecular action.
#++. COMPRESSOR - Eump of a refrigerating mechanism
which draws a low pressure on cooling side of
refrigerant cycle and s(uee2es or compresses the
gas into the high6pressure or condensing side of the
#+1. COMPRESSOR - The pump which provides the
pressure differential to cause fluid to flow and in the
pumping process increases pressure of the
refrigerant to the high side condition. The
compressor is the separation between low side and
high side.
#+2. COMPRESSOR DISPLACEMENT 6 Folume, in cubic
inches, represented by the area of the compressor
piston head or heads multiplied by the length of the
#+3. COMPRESSOR SEAL 6 <ea$ proof seal between
cran$shaft and compressor body in open type
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Engineering Dictionary
#+. COMPRESSOR SURGING - An instability of air
flow with a1ial compressor on the first stages
of these compressors. Air flow might even be
reversed that point.
#+!. COMPRESSOR TURBINE - in terms of a gas
turbine arrangement, it is the turbine which
drives the compressor only.
space in a cylinder from which compressed
gas is not completely e1pelled. This space is
called the compressor clearance space or
poc$et. -or effective operation, compressors
are designed to have as small a clearance
space as possible.
for pumping fluid by revolving blades inside
cylindrical housing.
#+). COMPRESSOR, SINGLE-STAGE 6 7ompressor
having only one compressive step between
low6side pressure and high6side pressure.
#+.. COMRESSIBILITY - The ease which a fluid may
be reduced in volume by the application of
pressure, depends upon the state of the fluid
as well as the type of fluid itself.
#1+. CONCENTRATION 6 *10 The weight of solids
contained in a unit weight of boiler or feed
water. *20 The number of times that the
dissolved solids have increased from the
original amount in the feedwater to that in the
boiler water due to evaporation in generating
#11. CONDENSATE 6 The li(uid formed by
condensation of a vapor. 'n steam heating,
water condensed from steam; in air
conditioning, water e1tracted from air, as by
condensation on the cooling coil of a
refrigeration machine.
#12. CONDENSATE DEPRESSION5 The difference
between the temperature of condensate in the
condenser hotwell and the saturation
temperature corresponding to the vacuum
maintained in the condenser.
#13. CONDENSATE POLISHER - A device used to
clean the returning condensate to the boiler
feedwater system.
#1. CONDENSATE PUMP 6 Bevice to remove water
condensate that collects beneath an
#1!. CONDENSATION - Erocess of changing a vapor
into li(uid by e1tracting heat. 7ondensation of
steam or water vapor is effected in either
steam condensers or dehumidifying coils, and
the resulting water is called condensate.
#1#. CONDENSE 6 Action of changing a gas or vapor to
a li(uid.
#1&. CONDENSER 6 An apparatus used to transfer heat from
a hot gas, simultaneously reducing that gas to a
#1). CONDENSER CLINING 6 The removal of deposits on
the circulating6water side of condenser tubes, to
restore efficient heat6transfer.
pressure at the top of a condenser, usually
e1pressed in inches of mercury.
#2+. CONDENSER LEAKAGE 6 <ea$age within the
condenser, whereby condensate becomes
contaminated by impurities contained in the
circulating water.
#21. CONDENSER PRESSURE DROP 6 The difference in
pressure between the e1haust6steam inlet at the top
of the condenser and the condensate ta$e6off at the
#22. CONDENSER SHELL 6 The outer casing and supporting
structure of the condenser.
#23. CONDENSER TUBE 6 The heat transfer surface in a
#2. CONDENSER TUBE FOULING 6 The formation of
foreign matter on the circulating6water side of the
condenser6tube surface.
#2!. CONDENSER-WATER SYSTEM 6 A re6circulating
cooling water used as a heat transfer fluid for the
condensation of a gas.
#2&. CONDENSING TEMPERATURE 6 The temperature at
which the condensing gas is returned to a li(uid at
the same pressure.
#2). CONDENSING TURBINE D The e1haust steam of the
turbine send to condenser for condensing is called
as 7ondensing Turbine.
#2.. CONDENSING UNIT 6 Eart of a refrigerating mechanism
which pumps vapori2ed refrigerant from the
evaporator, compresses it, li(uefies it in the
condenser and returns it to the refrigerant control.
valves mounted on condensing unit to enable
service technicians to install and%or service unit.
refrigerating components designed to compress and
li(uefy a specific refrigerant, consisting of one or
more refrigerant compressors, refrigerant
condensers, li(uid receivers *when re(uired0 and
regularly furnished accessories.
#32. CONDUCTION (THERMAL0 6 The flow of heat along a
substance, or from one substance to another by
actual contact.
#33. CONDUCTANCE5 The ability of a material to conduct or
carry electrical or thermal energy. "lectrical
conductance is the reciprocal of the resistance of
the material and is e1pressed in mhos.
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Engineering Dictionary
#3. CONDUCTANCE, ELECTRICAL - The reciprocal
*opposite0 of resistance and is the current
carrying ability of any wire or electrical
component. :esistance is the ability to
oppose the flow of current.
heat flow per unit area under steady
conditions between a surface and a fluid for
unit temperature difference between the
surface and fluid.
#3#. CONDUCTION 6 /eat transfer by actual contact
between substances or from molecule to
molecule within a substance *Transfer of heat
by direct contact0.
#3&. CONDUCTIVITY (ELECTRICAL - The ability of a
li(uid to conduct an electrical current and
indicating the presence of cations and anions.
7onductivity is usually e1pressed in
Micromohs per cm.
#3). CONDUCTIVITY (THERMAL - The time rate of
heat flow through unit thic$ness of an infinite
slab of homogeneous material in a direction
perpendicular to the surface, induced by unit
temperature difference. *C%m P K0
#3.. CONDUCTIVITY METER 6 An electric instrument
used to measure the conductivity of water to
determine its content of dissolved solids.
#+. CONDUCTIVITY, THERMAL - The time rate of
heat flow through unit area and unit thic$ness
of a homogeneous material under steady
conditions when a unit temperature gradient is
maintained in the direction perpendicular to
area. Materials are considered homogeneous
when the value of the thermal conductivity is
not affected by variation in thic$ness or in si2e
#1. CONDUCTOR 6 3ubstance or body capable of
transmitting electricity or heat.
#2. CONDUIT - A round cross6section electrical
raceway, of metal or plastic.
#3. CONGEALER 6 Also $nown as free2er.
as a coordinated phosphate control but more
restrictive where the e(uilibrium is based on
maintaining a ratio of 2.# >a%1.+ E9, instead
of 3.+%1.+ E9.
#!. CONNECTED LOAD - The sum of all loads on a
circuit. *10 7onnection in Earallel5 3ystem
whereby flow is divided among two or more
channels from a common starting point or
header. *20 7onnection in 3eries5 3ystem
whereby flow through two or more channels is
in a single path entering each succeeding
channel only after leaving the first or previous
##. CONSOLE5 A panel e(uipped with remote manual
controls and visual indicators of system
#&. CONSTRICTOR - Tube or orifice used to restrict flow of
a gas or a li(uid.
#). CONTAMINATION - The introduction into water of
microorganisms, chemicals, to1ic materials, waste
water in a concentration that ma$es the water unfit
for its ne1t intended use.
#.. CONTROL - A device for regulation of a system or
component in normal operation, manual or
automatic. 'f automatic, the implication is that it is
responsive to changes of pressure, temperature or
other property whose magnitude is to be regulated.
#!+. CONTROL AIR SUPPLY5 7lean, dry air at proper
pressure for operation of pneumatic control
#!1. CONTROL POINT - The value of the controlled variable
which the controller operates to maintain.
#!2. CONTROL VALVE 6 Falve which regulates the flow or
pressure of a medium which affects a controlled
process. 7ontrol valves are operated by remote
signals from independent devices using any of a
number of control media such as pneumatic, electric
or electrohydraulic.
#!3. CONTROLLED DEVICE - 9ne which receives the
converted signal from the transmission system and
translates it into the appropriate action in the
environmental system. -or e1ample5 a valve opens
or closes to regulate fluid flow in the system.
#!. CONTROLLER - A device capable of measuring and
regulating by receiving a signal from a sensing
device, comparing this data with a desired value
and issuing signals for corrective action.
#!!. CONVECTION - The movement of a mass of fluid *li(uid
or gas0 caused by differences in density in different
parts of the fluid; the differences in density are
caused by differences in temperature. As the fluid
moves, it carries with it its contained heat energy,
which is then transferred from one part of the fluid to
another and from the fluid to the surroundings.
#!#. CONVECTION, FORCED - 7onvection resulting from
forced circulation of a fluid, as by a fan, =et or pump.
#!&. CONVECTION, NATURAL - 7irculation of gas or li(uid
*usually air or water0 due to differences in density
resulting from temperature changes.
#!). CONVERGENT NOZZLE D A no22le whose bore
narrows down to a smaller diameter.
whose bore narrows down to a smaller diameter
and then gradually increases to the full bore.
##+. COOLER - /eat e1changer which removes heat from a
##1. COOLING EFFECT, SENSIBLE - The difference
between the total cooling effect and the
dehumidifying effect, usually in watts.
##2. COOLING EFFECT, TOTAL - Bifference between the
total enthalpy of the dry air and water vapor mi1ture
entering the cooler per hour and the total enthalpy
Page 20 of 77
Engineering Dictionary
of the dry air and water vapor mi1ture leavirQ
the cooler per hour, e1pressed in watts.
##3. COOLING TOWER - Bevice for lowering the
temperature of water by evaporative cooling,
in which water is showered through a space
through which outside air circulates. A portion
of the water evaporates, its latent heat of
vapori2ation cooling that portion of the water
which does not evaporate.
which used to be prevalent around cooling6
towers5 now overcome by the general use of
spray eliminators.
##!. COOLING, EVAPORATIVE - 'nvolves the
adiabatic e1change of heat between air and
water spray or wetted surface. The water
assumes the wet6bulb temperature of the air,
which remains constant during its traverse of
the e1changer.
###. COOLING, REGENERATIVE - Erocess of utili2ing
heat which must be re=ected or absorbed in
one part of the cycle to function usefully in
another part of the cycle by heat transfer.
treatment to prevent caustic gauging. -ree
caustic is eliminated by maintaining an
e(uilibrium between the sodium and
phosphate. 7ontrol is based on maintaining a
ratio of 3.+ >a to%1.+ E9.
##). COPPER LOSS - "lectrical loss accompanying
the flow of current 'n the rotor and stator
##.. CORONA - The passage of a small electric current
through the air and insulation surrounding
high6voltage e(uipment. Generally visible in
the dar$ as a luminous glow surrounding the
high6voltage conductors.
#&+. CORRATOR - A device or probe employed to
measure current flow in a process flow. 't
consists of two identical electrodes, to which a
small current is applied and measured, from
which corrosion rates can be calculated.
#&1. CORROSION - The wasting away of metal due to
chemical action. 'n a boiler, usually caused by
the presence of 92, 792, or an acid *The
chemical or electrochemical reaction between
a material, usually a metal, and its
environment that produces a deterioration of
the material and its properties0.
#&2. CORROSION, ANODE - The dissolution of an
metal acting as an anode.
degradation or alteration of a material by
contact with substances present in the
atmosphere, such as o1ygen, carbon dio1ide,
water vapor, and sulfur and chlorine
#&. CORROSION, BIOLOGICAL - Beterioration of metals
as a result of the metabolic action of
microorganisms. Also often named fouling.
#&!. CORROSION, CATHODIC - 7orrosion resulting
resulting from a cathodic condition of a structure
usually caused by the reaction of an amphoteric
metal with the al$aline products of electrolysis.
#&#. CORROSION, CAVITATION - A process involving
con=oint corrosion and cavitation.
corrosion caused by the concentration of caustic or
phosphate salts under porous deposits, generally
iron o1ide. 3ometimes found at welded tubes and
due to steam blan$eting.
of corrosion caused by an electrical potential
differential between surfaces of a metal as a result
of deposits or differences in the solution
concentration in contact with the metal.
#&.. CORROSION, COUPONS - Ere6weighed metal strips
installed into fluid systems for the purpose of
monitoring metal losses.
#)+. CORROSION, CREVICE - <ocali2ed corrosion of a
metal surface at, or immediately ad=acent to an area
that is shielded from full e1posure to the
environment because of close pro1imity between
metal and the surface of another metal.
#)1. CORROSION, DEACTIVASION - The process of prior
removal of the active corrosive constituents, usually
o1ygen, from a corrosive li(uid by controlled
corrosion of e1pendable metal or by other chemical
means, therby ma$ing the li(uids less corrosive.
#)2. CORROSION, DEPOSIT (/01& 9/0024 ;&705<92
9&((&1<&= - 7orrosion occuring under or around a
discontinous deposit on a metallic surface.
#)3. CORROSION, EFFECT - A change in any part of the
corrosion system caused by corrosion.
#). CORROSION, ELECTROCHEMICAL - 7orrosion that is
accompanied by a low of electrons between
cathodic and anodic areas on metallic surfaces.
#)!. CORROSION, EMBRITTLEMENT - The severe loss of
ductility of a metal resulting from corrosive attac$,
usually intergranular and often not visible.
#)#. CORROSION, EXTERNAL - A chemical deterioration of
the metal on the fireside of boiler heating surfaces.
#)&. CORROSION, FATIGUE - The process in which a metal
fractures prematurely under conditions of
simultaneous corrosion and repeated cyclic loading
at lower stress levels or fewer cycles than would be
re(uired in the absence of the corrosive
#)). CORROSION, FILIFORM - 7orrosion that occurs under
organic coatings on metals as fine wavy hairlines.
#).. CORROSION, FRETTING - A type of corrosion which
occurs where metals slide over each other. <ong
tubes in heat e1changers often vibrate, causing
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Engineering Dictionary
metal to metal contact, tube supports etc.. The
metal to metal rubbing causes mechanical
damage to the protective o1ide coating.
#.+. CORROSION, GALVANIC 6 7orrosion of a metal
caused by its contact with a metal of lower
activity; this contact results in an electron flow
or current and dissolution of one of the metals.
#.1. CORROSION, GASEOUS - 7orrosion with gas as
the only corrosive agent and without any
a(ueous phase on the surface of the metal.
Also called dry corrosion.
#.2. CORROSION, GENERAL - A form of deterioration
that is distributed more or less uniformly over
a surface.
#.3. CORROSION, GRAPHITIC - 7orrosion of grey
iron in which the iron matri1 is selectively
leached away, leaving a porous mass of
graphite behind. This type of corrosion occurs
in relativel mild a(uous solutions and on
buried piping.
#.. CORROSION, HOT 6 An accelerated corrosion of
metal surfaces that results from the combined
effect of o1idation and ractions with sulfur
compounds or other contminants such as
chlorides, to form a molten salt on a metal
surface that flu1es, destroys or disrupts the
normal protective o1ide. *commonly found in
pulp mills0
erosion6corrosion generally associated with
local impingement of a high velocity, flowing
fluid against a solid surface.
#.#. CORROSION, INFLUENCED - The corrosion
cause by organisms due to their discharge
containing sulfur compounds and the
depolari2ation with other types of discharge
due to the presence of the microorganisms.
#.&. CORROSION, INHIBITORS - 3ubstances that
slow the rate of corrosion.
intergranular crac$ing0
attac$ occurring on the metal grain
boundaries. This is commonly found with
stainless steels which have been improperly
heat treated.
&++. CORROSION, INTERNAL - Hsually refers to the
internal corrosion and is considered an
electrochemical deterioration of the boiler
surface at or below the water surface.
&+1. CORROSION, LOCALIZED - 7orrosion at discrete
sites, for e1ample, crevice corrosion, pitting,
and stress6corrosion crac$ing.
&+2. CORROSION, LOCALIZED - >on6uniform
corrosion of a metal surface highlighted by
spotty or pitting6type corrosion.
&+3. CORROSION, MICROBIAL 6 *see biological corrosion0.
crevice corrosion in which galvanic corrosion
proceeds because o1ygen is prevented from
diffusing into the crevice.
&+!. CORROSION, POTENTIAL - The voltage between a
corroding metal and a reference electrode.
&+#. CORROSION, POULTICE 6 *see corrosion, deposit0
&+&. CORROSION, POULTICE - A term used in the
automotive industry to describe the corrosion of
vehicle body parts due to the collection of road salts
and debries on ledges and in poc$ets that are $ept
moist by weather and washing.
&+). CORROSION, PROTECTION - Modification of a
corrosion system so that corrosion damage is
&+.. CORROSION, RESISTANCE - The ability of a material
to resist deterioration by chemical or
electrochemical reaction with its environment.
&1+. CORROSION, STRAY CURRENT - A form of attac$
caused by electrical currents going through
unintentional path.
&11. CORROSION, STRESS - Ereferential attac$ of areas
under stress in a corrosive environment, where such
a environment alone would not have caused
Material deterioration due to crac$ing, by being
under static stress either applied or residual.
&13. CORROSION, SWEET - The deterioration of metal
caused by contact with carbon dio1ide in water.
resulting from an electrochemical cell caused by a
thermal gradient.
&1!. CORROSION, UNIFORM - The simplest form of
corrosion. 't attac$s all surfaces e1posed to a
&1#. CORROSIVE WEAR - A material deterioration due to
the co6=oint action of corrosion and mechanical
&1&. CORROSIVITY - An indication of the corrosiveness of
the water of material. The corrosivity of a water as
described by the waterLs p/, al$alinity, hardness,
temperature, total dissolved solids, dissolved
o1ygen concentration and the <angerier 'nde1.
&1). COUNTERBALANCE5 A weight, usually attached to a
moving component that balances another weight.
&1.. COUNTERBORE5 *10 The enlargement of the end of a
hole for receiving and recessing the head of a screw
or bolt below or flush with the surface. *20 A tapered
enlargement at the end of an engine cylinder to
reduce ridging by the pistonLs top compression ring.
to be cooled flows against the direction of the
coolant. 'n heat e1change between two fluids,
Page 22 of 77
Engineering Dictionary
opposite direction of flow, coldest portion of
one meeting coldest portion of the other.
&21. COUNTERSUNK HOLE5 A hole tapered or
beveled around its edge to allow a rivet or bolt
head or a rivet point to seat flush with or
below the surface of the riveted or bolted
&22. COUNTERWEIGHT5 Ceights that are mounted on
the cran$shaft opposite each cran$ throw.
These weights reduce the vibration caused by
putting the cran$ in practical balance and also
reduce bearing loads due to inertia of moving
&23. COUPLING5 A device for securing together
ad=oining ends of piping, shafting, and so
forth, in such a manner to permit disassembly
whenever necessary.
&2. COVALENT BOND - A bond in which two atoms
share pair of electrons.
&2!. CRANE5 A machine used for hoisting and moving
pieces of material or portions of structures or
machines that are either too heavy to be
handled by hand or cannot be handled
economically by hand.
&2#. CRANKCAS"5 The part of an engine frame which
serves as a housing for the cran$6shaft.
method that uses the pumping action of the
power piston in the cran$case to pump
scavenging air.
&2). CRANKPIN5 The portion of the cran$ throw
attached to the connecting rod.
&2.. CRANKSHAFT5 A rotating shaft for converting
rotary motion into reciprocating motion.
&3+. CRANKSHAFT GEAR5 The gear that is mounted
to the cran$shaft.
&31. CRANK THROW5 9ne cran$pin with its two webs
*the amount of offset of the rod =ournal0.
&32. CRANKSHAFT SEAL 6 <ea$ proof =oint between
cran$shaft and compressor body.
&33. CRANK WEB5 The portion of the cran$ throw
between the cran$pin and main =ournal. This
ma$es up the offset.
&3. CRAZE CRACKING (9: CHECKING - 'rregular
surface crac$ing of metal associated with
thermal cycling.
&3!. CREEP - The gradual stretching of metal under
stress. -or a given stress, the rate of creep
increases with the temperature *Time
dependent permanent strain under stress.
This is used to rate the resistance of a
material to plastic deformation under
sustained load0.
&3#. CREEP-RESISTANT ALLOY5 A metal, which
resists the slow plastic deformation that
occurs at high temperatures when the material is
under constant stress.
&3&. CREEP STRENGTH - The constant nominal stress that
will cause a specified (uantity of creep in a given
time at constant temperature. 7reep strength is
e1pressed as the stress necessary to produce +.1?
strain in 1+++ hours.
&3). CREEP, DYNAMIC - 7reep that occurs under conditions
of fluctuating load or fluctuating temperatures.
&3.. CREST5 The surface of the thread corresponding to the
ma=or diameter of an e1ternal thread and the minor
diameter of an internal thread.
&+. CRISPER 6 Brawer or compartment in refrigerator
designed to provide high humidity along with low
temperature to $eep vegetables, especially leafy
vegetables 6 cold and crisp.
&1. CRITICAL HUMIDITY - The relative humidity above
which the atmospheric corrosion rate of some
metals increase sharply.
&2. CRITICAL POINT 6 A point at which the saturated li(uid
and saturated vapor states are identical. Also, the
latent heat of evapori2ation is 2ero at this point.
&3. CRITICAL PRESSURE - The pressure at the critical
temperature above which the fluid no longer has the
properties of a li(uid, regardless of further increase
of pressure.
&. CRITICAL SPEED - The speed at which natural
torsional vibrations of a cran$shaft tend to reinforce
themselves, causing vibration and potentially
destructive stresses.
&!. CRITICAL TEMPERATURE 6 That temperature above
which the vapor phase cannot be condensed to
li(uid by an increase in pressure.
&#. CRITICAL VELOCITY - The velocity above which fluid
flow is turbulent.
&). CROSS-CONNECT5 To align systems to provide flow or
to e1change energy between machinery groups.
&.. CROSS-CONNECTED PLANT5 A method of operating
two or more plants as one unit from a common
&!+. CRT - 7athode ray tube terminal.
&!1. CRYOGENIC FLUID 6 3ubstance which e1ists as a
li(uid or gas at ultra6low temperatures 6 1!&,7.
helium to cool conductors to within few degrees of
absolute 2ero where they offer no electric
&!3. CRYOGENICS 6 :efrigeration which deals with
producing temperatures of 61!&,7 below 2ero and
Temperature range in free2ing in which most
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Engineering Dictionary
free2ing ta$es place, i.e., about 2!,- to 3+,-
for water.
&!!. CRYSTALLITES - Atoms arranged in a repeating
and definite structure.
&!#. CRYSTALLIZATION - The separation, usually
from a li(uid phase on cooling, of a solid
crystalline phase.
&!&. CURRENT (I - The electric flow in an electric
circuit, which is e1pressed in amperes *amps0.
&!). CURRENT DENSITY - The current flowing to or
from a unit area of an electrode surface.
&#+. CYCLE 6 A series of thermodynamic processes
during which the wor$ing fluid can be made to
undergo changes involving energy transition
and is subse(uently returned to its original
&#1. CYCLE, REVERSIBLE - Theoretical
thermodynamic cycle, composed of a series of
reversible processes, which can be
completely reversed.
&#2. CYCLE, WATER TREATMENT 6 A complete
course of ion6e1change operation. -or
instance, a complete cycle of cation e1change
would involve regeneration of the resin with
acid, rinse to remove e1cess acid, e1haustion,
bac$wash, and finally regeneration.
&#3. CYCLES - A system that undergoes a series of
processes and always returns to its initial
&#. CYCLONE FURNACE - 7rushed coal is burnt in a
water6cooled cyclone, and the hot gases pass
intoasecondary furnace, where the grits and
semi6molten ash are trapped before the hot
gases continue to the boiler.
&#!. CYCLES OF CONCENTRATION 6 The number of
times the soluble mineral salts in a water
supply have been concentrated in, a system.
&##. CYLINDER5 A solid figure with two circular bases.
A hollow tube which contains the actions of
combustion gases and the piston in an
internal6combustion reciprocating engine.
&#&. CYLINDER BLOCK5 A rigid unit of the engine
frame which supports the engineLs cylinder
liners and heads. A cylinder bloc$ may contain
passages to allow circulation of cooling water
and drilled lube oil passages.
&#). CYLINDER EXPANSION 6 "1pansion of the
turbine cylinders relative to the fi1ed bedplate.
&#.. CYLINDER HEAD 6 Elate or cap which encloses
compression end of compressor cylinder.
&&+. CYLINDER LINER5 A sleeve which is inserted in
the bores of the engine bloc$ which ma$e up
the cylinder wall.
constituent of a mi1ture of gases behaves
thermodynamically as if it alone occupied the space.
The sum of the individual pressures of the
constituents e(uals the total pressure of the mi1ture.
&&2. DAMPER - A device used to vary the volume of air
passing through an air outlet, air inlet or duct.
&&3. DAMPING5 *10 A characteristic of a system that results
in dissipation of energy and causes decay in
oscillations. *20 The negative feedbac$ of an output
rate of change.
&&. DASHPOT - A damping device, usually consisting of a
cylinder and a piston in which relative motion of
either displaces a fluid such as air or oil, resulting in
&&!. DAVIT 6 The structure on large firetube boilers from
which the front and rear doors are suspended when
&&#. DAY TANK5 A fuel tan$ with the capacity to operate an
engine for 2 hours. Also called 3":F'7" TA>K.
&&&. DEADBAND - 'n /FA7, a temperature range in which
neither heating nor cooling is turned on; in load
management, a $ilowatt range in which loads are
neither shed nor restored.
&&). DEAD CENTER5 "ither of the two positions when the
cran$ and connecting rod are in a straight line at the
end of the stro$e.
&&.. DEAERAT"5 Erocess of removing dissolved o1ygen.
&)+. DEAERATING FEED TANK (DFT: A unit in the steam6
water cycle used to *10 free the condensate of
dissolved o1ygen, *20 heat the feed water, and *30
act as a reservoir for feed water.
&)1. DE-AERATING HEATERS - Mechanical device using
steam to strip dissolve gases from the boiler
feedwater and heating the feedwater.
&)2. DE-AERATION 6 Act of separating air from substances
*:emoval of air and gases from boiler feed water
prior to its introduction to a boiler0.
&)3. DE-AERATOR - An apparatus or device which is used
to remove dissolved air or o1ygen from water.
&). DE-ALKALIZATION - The removal of al$alinity from a
water supply by neutrali2ation or ion e1change.
&)!. DE-ALKALIZER - An apparatus or device used to
remove the al$aline carbonate and bicarbonate ions
from a water supply.
&)#. DE-ALLOYING - This is a corrosion process whereby
one constituent of a metal alloy is preferentially
removed from the alloy, leaving an altered residual
&)&. DE-GASIFICATION 6 :emoval of gases from samples of
steam ta$en for purity test. :emoval of 792 from
water as in the ion e1change method of softening.
&)). DEASHING - The removal from a solution of inorganic
salts by means of adsorption by ion6e1change
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Engineering Dictionary
resins of both the cations and the anions that
comprise the salts. 3ee deioni2ation.
&).. DE-CARBONATION - :efers to the removal of
carbon dio1ide from the boiler feedwater.
&.+. DECIBEL (4B - A decibel is a division of a
logarithmic scale for e1pressing the ratio of
two (uantities proportional to power or energy.
The number of decibels denoting such a ratio
is ten times the logarithm of the
&.1. DECONCENTRATOR - This is a cylindrical tan$
connected before the boiler to receive the
boiler feedwater before entering the boiler. 't
is designed to promote settling of suspended
solids, which then could be removed via its
own blowdown device. Cas used for
operation with very high suspended solids.
&.2. DE-FLOCCULANT - An electrolyte adsorbed on
colloidal particles in suspension that charges
the particles to create repulsion forces which
maintain the particles in a dispersed state,
thus reducing the viscocity of the suspension.
&.3. DEFROST CYCLE 6 :efrigerating cycle in which
evaporator frost and ice accumulation is
&.. DEFROST TIMER 6 Bevice connected into
electrical circuit which shuts unit off long
enough to permit ice and frost accumulation
on evaporator to melt.
&.!. DEFROSTING - Erocess of removing frost
accumulation from evaporators.
automatically defrost evaporator. 't may
operate by means of a cloc$, door cycling
mechanism or during 4off4 portion of
refrigerating cycle.
operating at such temperatures that ice and
frost on surface melts during off part of
operating cycle.
&.). DEGREE DAY - A unit, based upon temperature
difference and time, used in estimating fuel
consumption and specifying nominal heating
load of a building in winter. -or any one day,
when the mean temperature is less than #!,-
there e1ist as many degree days as there are
-ahrenheit degrees difference in temperature
between the mean temperature for the day
and #!,-.
&... DEGREES OF SUPERHEAT - The amount by
which the temperature e1ceeds the saturation
temperature *The amount by which the
temperature of a superheated vapor e1ceeds
the temperature of the saturated vapor at the
same pressure0.
)++. DEHUMIDIFICATION - The mechanical process of
removing water vapor from the air* The
condensation of water vapor from air by
cooling below the dewpoint or removal of
water vapor from air by chemical or physical
)+1. DEHUMIDIFIER 6*10 An air cooler or washer used for
lowering the moisture content of the air passing
through it; *20 An absorption or adsorption device for
removing moisture from air.
)+2. DEHUMIDIFYING 6 :emoval of moisture from the air.
)+3. DEHYDRATION 6 The removal of water vapor from air,
stored goods or refrigerants.
)+. DEIONIZATION 6 Beioni2ation, a more general term
than deashing, embraces the removal of all charged
constituents or ioni2able salts *both inorganic and
organic0 from solution.
)+!. DE-IONIZER - An apparatus or device used to remove
the ions of dissolved salts from water.
)+#. DELAYED COMBUSTION 6 A continuation of
combustion beyond the furnace. *3ee also
3econdary 7ombustion.0
)+&. DEMAND - The probable ma1imum rate of water flow as
determined by the number of water supply fi1ture
)+). DEMAND CHARGE - That part of an electric bill based
on $C demand and the demand interval, e>pressed
in dollars per $ilowatt. Bemand charges offset
construction and maintenance of a utility8s need for
a large generating capacity.
)+.. DEMAND CONTROL - A device which controls the $C
demand level by shedding loads when the $C
demand e1ceeds a predetermined set point.
)1+. DEMAND INTERVAL - The period of time during which
$C demand is monitored by a utility service, usually
1! or 3+ minutes long.
)11. DEMAND LOAD - The actual amount of load on a circuit
at any time. The sum of all the loads which are 9>.
"(ual to the connected load minus the loads that
are 9--.
)12. DEMAND READING - /ighest or ma1imum demand for
electricity an individual customer registers in a given
interval, e1ample, 1! minute interval. The metered
demand reading sets the demand charge for the
)13. DEMINERALIZER - A process to remove dissolved
matter from boiler pretreated water by contacting
the water with ion6e1change resins.
)1. DEMULSIBILITY - The ability of an oil to separate
rapidly from water.
)1!. DENSITY - The weight per unit volume of a substance
*The ratio of the mass of a specimen of a substance
to the volume of the specimen. The mass of a unit
volume of a substance. Chen weight can be used
without confusion, as synonymous with mass,
density is the weight per unit volume0.
)1#. DENSITY, ABSOLUTE 6 Mass per unit volume of a solid
material, e1pressed usually in $g%m
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Engineering Dictionary
)1&. DENTAL COUPLING5 A fle1ible coupling
assembly, consisting of a set of
e1ternal%internal gear teeth, that compensates
for shaft misalignment between a driver and a
driven machinery component.
)1). DEPOSITES 6 The collection of fine ash in boiler
and super heater gas6passes, which prevents
heat6transfer and restricts the passage of the
)1.. DEPTH5 The distance from the root of a thread to
the crest, measured perpendicularly to the
)2+. DESALINATION - The removal of inorganic
dissolved solids from water.
)21. DESICANT, LI%UID - A hygroscopic li(uid, such
as glycol, used to remove water from other
)22. DESICCANT 6 Any absorbent or adsorbent, li(uid
or solid, that will remove water or water vapor
from a material. 'n a refrigeration circuit, the
desiccant should be insoluble in the
)23. DESIGN LOAD 6 The load for which a steam
generating unit is designed, considered the
ma1imum load to be carried.
)2. DESIGN PRESSURE - The pressure specified by
a manufacturer as a criterion in design. *'n a
boiler, it is appro1imately 1+3? of operating
pressure.0 @/ighest or most severe pressure
e1pected during operation. 3ometimes used
as the calculated operating pressure plus an
allowance for safetyA.
)2!. DESIGN TEMPERATURE5 The intended operating
temperature of the fresh water and lube oil at
the engine outlet, at some specified rate of
operation. The specified rate of operation is
normal load.
allowable wor$ing pressure for which a
specific part of a system is designed.
)2&. DESILICIZER - An apparatus or device used to
remove silica from a water supply.
)2). DESSERT BAG - A canvas bag which permits
seepage of its li(uid. The li(uid will evaporate
and obtains the to evaporate partly from the
content of the bag and thus cooling its
)2.. DESSERT BAG 6 A canvas bag which permits
seepage of its li(uid. The li(uid will evaporate
and obtains the to evaporate partly from the
content of the bag and thus cooling its
)3+. DESUPERHEATED STEAM5 3team from which
some of the superheat has been removed.
B"T9>AT'9>5 Burning of a portion of the fuel
in the combustion chamber at a rate faster
than desired *$noc$ing0.
)31. DETERGENT ADDITIVE - 'n lubrication technology, a
surface active additive that helps to $eep solid
particles suspended in an oil
)32. DETERGENT CLEANING - A boiler cleaning process
using an al$aline solution, primarily to remove oil
and grease.
)33. DETERGENT OIL - A heavy duty oil containing a
detergent additive. These oils are mainly used in
combustion engines.
)3. DETERGENT-DISPERSANT - A compound mi1ture of
cleaning agents that have both surface6active
properties and suspending properties.
)3!. DEW POINT 6 Temperature at which vapor *at 1++
percent humidity0 begins to condense and deposit
as li(uid.
)3#. DEW POINT DEPRESSION - The difference between
dry bulb and dew point temperatures.
)3&. DEW POINT TEMPERATURE 6 The temperature at
which condensation begins, if air is cooled at
constant pressure.
)3). DIAL GAUGE OR INDICATOR5 A precision micrometer6
type instrument that indicates the reading by a
needle moving across a dial face.
)3.. DIAPHRAGM5 A dividing membrane or thin partition
*-le1ible material usually made of thin metal, rubber
or plastic0.
in which a filter ca$e or precoat of diatomaceous
earth is used as a filter medium.
)1. DIELECTRIC - A nonconductor of electricity.
)2. DIELECTRIC FITTING - A non conductive substance
such as plastic that is placed between two dissimilar
metals to prevent galvanic current flow.
)3. DIELECTRIC STRENGTH 6 A measure of the ability of a
dielectric *insulator0 to withstand a potential
difference across it without electric discharge.
?))! DIESEL -
)!. DIESEL CYCLE (ACTUAL: 7ombustion induced by
compression ignition, begins on a constant6volume
basis and ends on a constant6pressure basis.
)#. DIESEL CYCLE (TRUE: 7ombustion induced by
compression ignition, theoretically occurs at a
constant pressure.
)&. DIESEL ENGINE5 An engine using the diesel or semi
diesel cycle of operation; air alone is compressed
and diesel fuel is in=ected before the end of the
compression stro$e. /eat of compression produces
)). DIFFERENTIAL 6 The temperature or pressure
difference between cut6in and cut6out temperature
or pressure of a control.
).. DIFFERENTIAL AERATION CELL - An electrolytic cell,
the electomagnetic force of which is due to a
Page 26 of 77
Engineering Dictionary
difference in air *o1ygen0 concentration at one
electrode as compared with that at another
electrode of the same material. *see
concentration cell0.
)!+. DIFFERENTIAL EXPANSION - The e1pansion of
the turbine shaft relative to the cylinders.
potential difference between an anode and
cathode on metal, because of a concentration
cell due to dissolved metals.
temperature which are present in the same
pieceof metal,for instance, in a boiler drum,
when large masses of metal are heated
unevenly or too rapidly to allow an even
distribution of heat.
)!3. DIFFUSER 6 *10 A duct of varying cross sections
designed to convert a high6speed gas flow
into low6speed flow at an increased pressure.
*20 A device that spreads a fluid out in all
directions and increases fluid pressure while
decreasing fluid velocity @A circular, s(uare, or
rectangular air distribution outlet, generally
located in the ceiling and com prised of
deflecting members discharging supply air in
various directions and planes, and arranged to
promote mi1ing of primary air with secondary
room airA.
)!. DIONIC RECORDER 6 An instrument for recording
the electrical conductivity of water.
)!!. DIONIC TESTER 6 An instrument for measuring
the degree of purity of a sample of water.
)!#. DIRECT ACTING - 'nstruments that increase
control pressure as the controlled variable
*such as temperature or pressure0 increases;
while reverse acting instruments increase
control pressure as the controlled variable
)!&. DIRECT CURRENT - An electric current that flows
in one direction only.
)!). DIRECT DRIVE5 9ne in which the drive
mechanism is coupled directly to the driven
selectively directs or prevents flow to or from
desired channels. Also referred to as selector
valve, control valve, or transfer valve.
contains only enough li(uid to continue boiling
as heat is absorbed by it.
)#1. DISENGAGING SURFACE 6 The surface of the
boiler water from which steam is released.
)#2. DISPERSANT - A chemical which causes
particulates in a water system to remain in
)#3. DISPERSANT OIL 6 A heavy duty oil containing a
dispersant additive.
)#. DISPLACEMENT5 The volume of air or fluid which can
pass through a pump, motor, or cylinder in a single
revolution or stro$e.
)#!. DISPLACEMENT PUMP 6 Eumps in which energy is
added to the water periodically and the water is
contained in a set volume.
)##. DISPLACEMENT VOLUME 6 The volume displaced by
the piston between top dead center and bottom
dead center.
)#&. DISSOCIATION 6 'oni2ation.
)#). DISSOCIATION 6 The process by which a chemical
compound brea$s down into simpler constituents,
as do 792 and /29 at high temperature.
)#.. DISSOLVED GASES - Gases soluble in water.
)&+. DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS - The measure of the total
amount of dissolved matter.
)&1. DISTILLATE5 The product *fresh water0 resulting from
the condensation of vapors produced by the
evaporation of seawater.
)&2. DISTILLATION5 The process of evaporating seawater,
then cooling and condensing the resulting vapors.
Eroduces fresh water from seawater by separating
the salt from the water *'nvolves boiling water and
condensing the vapor0.
)&3. DISTILLING PLANTS5 Hnits commonly called
evaporators used to convert seawater into fresh
)&. DISTORTION 6 The changing of the shape and
dimensions of the parts of a turbine or other plant
because of uneven temperatures.
)&!. DMA - Birect memory access. A process where bloc$ of
data can be transferred between main memory and
secondary memory without processor intervention.
)&#. DOMESTIC HOT WATER - Eotable hot water as
distinguished from hot water used for house
)&). DOUBLE REDUCTION5 A reduction gear assembly that
reduces the high input rpm to a lower output rpm in
two stages.
)&.. DOUBLE SUCTION IMPELLER5 An impeller with
suction inlet on each side.
))+. DOWEL D
))2. DOWNCOMER 6 A tube or pipe in a boiler or waterwall
circulating system through which fluid flows
))3. DOWNFLOW 6 7onventional direction of solutions to be
processed in ion6e1change column operation, that
is, in at the top, out at the bottom of the column.
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Engineering Dictionary
)). DOWNSTREAM - The outlet side of an instrument,
a pump, valve, etc..
))!. DRAFT 6 The difference between atmospheric
pressure and some lower pressure e1isting in
the furnace stac$ or gas passages of a steam
generating unit.
))#. DRAFT DIFFERENTIAL 6 The difference in static
pressure between two points in a system.
))&. DRAFT GAUGE 6 'nstrument used to measure air
movement by measuring air pressure
))). DRIER 6 3ubstance or device used to remove
moisture from a refrigeration system.
)).. DRIERITE 6 Besiccant which operates by chemical
).+. DRIFT - "ntrained water in the stac$ discharge of
a cooling tower.
).1. DRIFT - Term used to describe the difference
between the set point and the actual operating
or control point.
).2. DROOP 6 Terms used to describe the difference
between the set point and the actual operating
or control point.
).3. DRUM WATER LEVEL LINE - The water level in
the drum during the normal operating mode.
).. DRYBACK BOILER 6 -iretube boiler with a
refractory lined bac$ door. Boor opens to
allow maintenance and%or inspection.
).!. DRY BULB - An instrument with a sensitive
element to measure ambient air temperature.
).#. DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 6 The temperature
registered by an ordinary thermometer. The
dry bulb temperature represents the measure
of sensible heat, or the intensity of heat.
).&. DRY COMPRESSION - The compression of
vapor, in a vapor6li(uid vapor6compression
refrigeration cycle.
).). DRY ICE 6 :efrigerating substance made of solid
carbon dio1ide which changes directly from a
solid to a gas *sublimates0. 'ts subliming
temperature is 6&),7.
)... DRY PIPE - A perforated or slotted pipe or bo1
inside the drum and connected to the steam
.++. DRY STANDBY - A method of sealing al water
and steam connections and placing a
desiccant in the unit and applying an airtight
.+1. DRY SYSTEM 6 :efrigeration system which has
the evaporator li(uid refrigerant mainly in the
atomi2ed or droplet condition.
fraction of the vapor in a vapor6li(uid mi1ture.
.+3. DUAL SHAFT GAS TURBINE 6 a gas turbine
which has one turbine on one shaft driving the
compressor and when the gas discharged from this
turbine is directed to another turbine on a separate
shaft to drive a load.
SYSTEM - A closed re6circulating water system that
uses water either for cooling, by circulating it
through a chiller, or for heating, by circulating it
through a boiler or heat6e1changer depending upon
.+!. DUCTILE GOUGING - :eferring to irregular wasting of
the tube metal beneath a porous deposit The micro
structure of the metal does not change with this
process and the ductility remains, but the thinning
leads to rapture.
.+#. DUCTILITY - The ability of a material to deform
plastically without fracturing.
.+&. DUMMY PISTON - A device used in a reaction6type
turbine, to balance out the thrust caused by the
steam flow through the blading.
.+). DUPLEX STRAINER5 A strainer containing two separate
elements independent of each other.
.+.. DUST - An air suspension *aerosol0 or particles of any
solid material, usually with particle si2e less than
1++ microns.
.1+. DYNAMIC DISCAHRGE HEAD - 3tatic discharge head
plus friction head plus velocity head.
.11. DYNAMIC LOAD - An imposed force that is in motion,
that is, one that may vary in magnitude, sense, and
.12. DYNAMIC PRESSURE5 *10 The pressure of a fluid
resulting from its motion, e(ual to one6half the fluid
density times the fluid velocity s(uared. *20 'n
incompressible flow, dynamic pressure is the
difference between total pressure and static
.13. DYNAMIC PUMPS 6 Eumps in which energy is added to
the water continuously and the water is not
contained in a set volume.
.1. DYNAMIC SUCTION HEAD - Eositive static suction
head minus friction head and minus velocity head.
.1!. DYNAMIC SUCTION LIFT - The sum of suction lift and
velocity head at the pump suction when the source
is below pump centerline.
.1#. DYNAMIC SYSTEM - An ion6e1change operation,
wherein a flow of the solution to be treated is
.1&. EBULLITION CHAMBER - The chamber where the
boiling of water in the evaporator ta$es place.
.1). ECCENTRICITY - The running of a turbine shaft out of
centre with the normal alignment.
.1.. ECONOMIC BOILER LOADING - The distribution of
load between a number of boilers to ensure that
each runs at the highest level of efficiency.
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Engineering Dictionary
.2+. ECONOMIZER - A series of tubes located in the
path of flue gases. -eedwater is pumped
through these tubes on its way to the boiler in
order to absorb waste heat from the flue gas.
.21. EDDY CURRENT TESTING - An electromagnetic
nondestructive testing method in which eddy6
current flow is induced in the test ob=ect.
7hanges in flow caused by variations in the
ob=ect are deflected into a nearby coil or coils
where they are measured.
currents induced in the interior of copper strips
carrying alternating current owing to variations
in the magnetic flu1 surrounding the strip.
.2. EDTA - A chelating agent used with boiler water
treatment. 9ften referred as the replacement
for the phosphate6hydro1yde treatment
.2!. EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE - 9verall effect on a
human of air temperature, humidity and air
.2#. EFFICIENCY5 The ratio of output power to input
power, generally e1pressed as a percentage.
ENERGY CYCLE - The efficiency of the
combined cycle of energy6conversion is the
ratio between the input of energy from the fuel
burnt and the output of energy in the Hnits
generated. This is usually e1pressed as a
.2). EFFLUENT - The solution which emerges from an
ion6e1change column.
.2.. EJECTOR 6 Apparatus for e1tracting air and other
incondensable gases from the system *A
device which utili2es the $inetic energy in a =et
of water or other fluid to remove a fluid or
fluent material from tan$s or hoppers0.
.3+. ELASTICITY5 The ability of a material to return to
its original si2e and shape.
.31. ELBOW6ELL5 A pipe fitting that ma$es an angle
between ad=acent pipes, always .+, unless
another angle is stated.
.32. ELECTRA-MAGNET 6 'f a coil of wire wound on a
piece of soft iron carries current, the iron will
become magnetised. The magnetic effect is
only temporary and ceases when the current
is switched off.
.33. ELECTRICAL ENERGY5 "nergy derived from the
forced induction of electrons from one atom to
.3. ELECTRIC DEFROSTING 6 Hse of electric
resistance heating coils to melt ice and frost
off evaporators during defrosting.
.3!. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT - A power supply, a load, and a
path for current flow are the minimum re(uirements
for an electrical circuit.
process, due to the fluid *boiler water0 being
sub=ected to an electrical current.
.3). ELECTRODE5 A metallic rod *welding rod0, used in
electric welding, that melts when current is passed
through it.
.3.. ELECTRODE BOILER - A boiler which generates steam
or hot water by the action of immersed electrodes
which conduct electricity through the boiler water,
which, in turn, generates heat by its resistance to
electric current.
.+. ELECTRODIALYSIS - This is a membrane process
where an applied electric charge draws impurity
ions through permeable membranes to create high
purity feedwater streams or low purity waste
motor6driven hydraulic pump that creates the force
needed to actuate the rams to position the shipLs
.2. ELECTROLYSIS - 7hemical decomposition caused by
action of an electric current in a solution.
.3. ELECTROLYTE - A chemical compound which
dissociates or ioni2es in water to produce a solution
which will conduct an electric current; an acid, base,
or salt.
.. ELECTROMECHANICAL - 7onverting electrical input
into mechanical action. A relay is an
electromechanical switch.
.!. ELECTROREGENERATION - /ydrogen and hydro1yl
ions are formed be electrical splitting of water
molecules and are swept through the unit by steady,
low6voltage direct current, continuously cleansing
the resin beads and carrying away the unwanted
collecting dust, mist or fume from a gas stream, by
placing an electrical charge on the particle and
removing that particle onto a collecting electrode.
.&. ELEMENT - *10 A substance which consists of
chemically united atoms of one $ind. *20 An
indivisible part of a logic function or circuit. -luidic
elements are interconnected to form wor$ing
circuits. *30 Earts of systems; for e1ample, filter
element, valving element, and so forth *A pure
substance that cannot be bro$en down by chemical
means to a simpler substance0.
.). ELEVATION HEAD 6 The energy possessed per unit
weight of a fluid because of its elevation.
... ELUTION - The stripping of adsorbed ions from an ion6
e1change material by the use of solutions
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Engineering Dictionary
containing other ions in concentrations higher
than those of the ions to be stripped.
device consisting of a spring6loaded pin set in
the shaft, to trip a turbine should the main
governor fail to prevent over6speeding
.!1. EMMISIVITY - The effectiveness of a surface in
emitting or absorbing radiant heat as
compared with a perfect blac$ body.
.!2. EMULSIFIED OIL5 A chemical condition of oil in
which the molecules of the oil have been
bro$en up and suspended in a foreign
substance *usually water0.
.!3. EMULSION - A colloidal dispersion of one li(uid in
.!. ENDOTHERMIC REACTION - Eertaining to a
chemical reaction which is accompanied by an
absorption of heat.
.!!. END TIGHTENING - A type of sealing used on the
blading in high6pressure cylinders of reaction6
type turbines.
.!#. ENERGY - "1pressed in $ilowatt6hours *$Ch0 or
watt hours *Ch0, and is e(ual to the product of
power and time.
.!&. ENERGY - 'n the simplest terms, energy is the
ability to perform wor$. 't may e1ist in several
forms, such as heat energy, mechanical
energy, chemical energy, or electrical energy,
and may be changed from one form to
.!). ENERGY 6 The ability to do wor$. "nergy can e1ist
in one of several forms, such as heat, light,
mechanical, electrical or chemical. "nergy can
neither be created nor destroyed, but can be
transferred from one form to another. "nergy
can also e1ist in one of two states, either
potential or $inetic.
of an electric bill based on $Ch consumption
*e1pressed in cents per $Ch0. "nergy charge
covers cost of utility fuel, general operating
costs, and part of the amorti2ation of the
utility8s e(uipment. @energy I power 1 time A
.#+. ENGINE - Erime mover; device for transforming
fuel or heat energy into mechanical energy.
.#1. ENGINE OIL - An oil used to lubricate an internal
combustion engine.
.#2. ENTHALPY - The total (uantity of heat energy
contained in a substance, also called total
heat; the thermodynamic property of a
substance defined as the sum of its internal
energy plus the (uantity Ev%N, where E I
pressure of the substance, v I its volume, and
N I the mechanical e(uivalent of heat.
.#3. ENTRAINMENT - The transport of water into a gas
stream. 'n a boiler, this is carryover, in a
cooling tower, drift.
.#. ENTRAINMENT (HVAC - The capture of part of the
surrounding air by the air stream discharged from
an outlet *some times called secondary air motion0.
.#!. ENTROPY - The ratio of the heat added to a substance
to the absolute temperature at which it is added
*The term used in steam calculations for a figure
indicating the dilution or spread of heat6energy in
steam indicating the dilution or spread of heat6
energy in steam or water0.
.##. ENVIRONMENT - The aggregate of all conditions *such
as contamination, temperature, humidity, radiation,
magnetic and electric fields, shoc$, vibration0 that
e1ternally influence the performance of a material or
.#&. EPSON SALT - Magnesium sulfate.
.#). E%UALIZER 6 7onnections between parts of a boiler to
e(uali2e pressures.
turbine disc designed to e(uali2e a1ial thrust with
impulse bladed turbines.
.&+. E%UILIBRIUM5 The state of balance between opposing
forces or actions.
.&1. E%UILIBRIUM REACTIONS - The interaction of
ioni2able compounds in which the products obtained
tend to revert to the substance from which they
were formed until a balance is reached in which
both reactants and pacts are present in definite
.&2. E%UIVALENT EVAPORATION 6 "vaporation e1pressed
in pounds of water evaporated from a temperature
of 212 ,- to dry saturated steam at 212 ,-.
.&3. E%UIVALENT WEIGHT - :efers to the amount of an
element combining with a unit weight of hydrogen.
'n terms of water treatment, a method used to
calculate the concentration of a given ion in terms of
its calcium carbonate.
.&. EROSION , ABRASIVE - "rosive wear caused by
relative motion of solid particles which are present in
fluids and are moving parallel to a solid surface.
.&!. EROSION, CAVITATION - Erogressive loss of original
material from a solid surface due to continuing
e1posure to cavitation.
.&#. EROSION, IMPINGEMENT - <oss of material from a
solid surface due to li(uid impingement.
.&&. EROSION, LI%UID - :emoval of films or metal by
mechanical action and corrosion of active metal.
.&). EROSION-CORROSION - A con=oint action involving
corrosion and erosion in the presence of a moving
corrosive fluid, leading to the accelerated loss of
.&.. ETHANE (R-#+@ - :efrigerant sometimes added to
other refrigerants to improve oil circulation.
.)+. EUTECTIC - An isothermal reversible reaction in which a
li(uid solution is converted into two or more
intimately mi1ed solids on cooling.
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Engineering Dictionary
.)1. EUTECTIC POINT - -ree2ing temperature for
eutectic solutions.
.)2. EVACUATION 6 The removal of gases from a
.)3. EVAPORATION - The change of state from a
li(uid to a vapor *The change of state from
li(uid to vapor, for e1ample as water
evaporates to a vapor in a cooling tower0.
.). EVAPORATION RATE 6 The number of pounds of
water that is evaporated in a unit of time.
which has water flowing over coils containing
the refrigerant gas which is thus cooled and
condensed by evaporation of that water.
uses open spray or spill water to cool a
condenser. "vaporation of some of the water
cools the condenser water and reduces water
.)&. EVAPORATIVE COOLING - The adiabatic
e1change of heat between air and a water
spray or wetted surface. The water
approaches the wet6bulb temperature of the
air, which remains constant during its traverse
of the e1changer.
.)). EVAPORATOR 6 The heat e1changer in which the
medium being cooled, usually air or water,
gives up heat to the refrigerant through the
e1changer transfer surface. The li(uid
refrigerant boils into a gas in the process of
the heat absorption.
.).. EVAPORATOR FAN - -an which increases airflow
over the heat e1change surface of
Automatic pressure regulating valve mounted
in suction line between evaporator outlet and
compressor inlet. 'ts purpose is to maintain a
predetermined pressure and temperature in
the evaporator.
..1. EVAPORATOR, FLOODED - "vaporator
containing li(uid refrigerant at all times.
..2. EXCESS AIR 6 Air supplied for combustion in
e1cess of that theoretically re(uired for
complete o1idation.
..3. EXCITER 6 A small generator for supplying the
direct current re(uired for the rotor winding.
... EXF0LTRATION - The flow of air outward from a
space through walls, lea$s, etc.
..!. EXFOLIATION - 3caling off of a surface in fla$es
or layers as the result of corrosion.
..#. EXHAUSTION - The state in which the adsorbent
is no longer capable of useful ion e1change;
the depletion of the e1changer8s supply of
available ions. The e1haustion point is
determined arbitrarily in terms of *10 a value in
parts per million of ions in the effluent solution;
and *20 the reduction ine(uality of the effluent water
determined by conductivity bridge which measures
the resistance of the water to the flow of an electric
..&. EXOTHERMIC 6 7hemical reaction in which heat is
..). EXPANSION JOINT 6 Bevice in piping designed to allow
movement of the pipe caused by the pipe8s
e1pansion and contraction.
.... EXPANSION TANK - A reservoir usually above a closed
re6circulating water system that is blan$eted with a
gas to permit e1pansion and contraction of water in
the system during temperature changes.
1+++. EXPANSION VALVE - Bevice in refrigerating system
which reduces the pressure from the high side to
the low side and is operated by pressure.
small internal diameter used as li(uid refrigerant
flow control and pressure reducer between high and
low sides. Also used to transmit pressure from the
sensitive bulb of some temperature controls to the
operating element.
operated by temperature and pressure within
evaporator. 't controls flow of refrigerant. 7ontrol
bulb is attached to outlet of evaporator.
which discards the refrigerant after it has
1++. EXPLOSION DOOR 6 A door in a furnace or boiler
setting that is designed to be opened by a pre6
determined gas pressure.
1++!. EXTERNAL DRIVE 6 Term used to indicate a
compressor driven directly from the shaft or by a
belt using an e1ternal motor. 7ompressor and motor
are serviceable separately.
1++#. EXTERNAL E%UALIZER 6 Tube connected to low6
pressure side of a thermostatic e1pansion valve
diaphragm and to e1it end of evaporator.
1++&. EXTERNAL THREAD5 A thread on the out6side of a
member *for e1ample, a thread of a bolt0.
1++). EXTERNAL TREATMENT - :efers to the treatment of
water before it enters the boiler.
1++.. EXTRACTION TURBINE D 3ee Bac$ Eressure Turbine.
1+1+. FACE AREA5 The total plane area of the portion of a
grille, coil, or other items bounded by a line tangent
1+12. FAHRENHEIT5 A thermometric scale in which 32 *
denotes free2ing and 212 *
-0 the boiling point of
water under normal pressure at sea level *1.#.#
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Engineering Dictionary
1+13. FAIL5 *10 The loss of control signal or power to a
component. *20 The brea$age or brea$down
of a component or component part.
1+1. FAIL SAFE - 'n load management, returning all
loads to conventional control during a power
failure. Accomplished by a relay whose
contacts are normally closed.
1+1!. FAILURE - A rupture, brea$, or disintegration of a
metal or part of an /FA7 system.
1+1#. FALSE BRINELING - Bamage to a solid bearing
surface characteri2ed by indentations not
caused by plastic deformation resulting from
overload, but thought to be due to other
causes such as fretting corrosion.
1+1&. FAN PERFORMANCE CURVE - -an performance
curve refers to the constant speed
performance curve. This is a graphical
presentation of static or total pressure and
power input over a range of air volume flow
rate at a stated inlet density and fan speed. 't
may include static and mechanical efficiency
curves. The range of air volume flow rate
which is covered generally e1 tends from
shutoff *2ero air volume flow rate0 to free
delivery *2ero fan static pressure0. The
pressure curves are generally referred to as
the pressure6volume curves.
1+1). FAN TUBE AXIAL - A propeller or disc type wheel
within a cylinder and including driving
mechanism supports for either belt drive or
direct connection.
1+1.. FAN, CENTRIFUAL - A fan rotor or wheel within a
scroll type housing and including driving
mechanism sup ports for either belt drive or
direct connection.
1+2+. FAN PERFORMANCE 6 A measure of fan
operation in terms of volume, total pressures,
static pressures, speed, power input,
mechanical and static efficiency, at a stated
air density.
1+21. FAN, PROPELLER - A propeller or disc type
wheel within a mounting ring or plate and
including driving mechanism supports for
either belt drive or direct connection.
1+22. FAN, VANEAXIAL - A disc type wheel within a
cylinder, a set of air guide vanes located
either before or after the wheel and including
driving mechanism supports for either belt
drive or direct connection.
1+23. FARAD 6 A unit of electric capacity, designated by
1+2. FATIGUE - The tendency of a material to brea$
under repeated strain.*The phenomenon
leading to fracture under repeated or
fluctuating stresses having ma1imum value
less than the ultimate strength of the material0.
1+2!. FAULT - A short circuit either line to line, or line to
1+2#. FEEDBACK5 *10 A transfer of energy from the output
circuit of a device bac$ to its input. *20 'nformation
about a process output which is communicated to
the process input.
1+2&. FEEDER5 An electrical conductor or group of conductors
between different generating or distributing units of
a power system.
1+2). FEED HEATER5 A heat transfer device that heats the
feed water before it goes to the boiler.
1+2.. FEED WATER - Cater which is fed to a system such as
a boiler or cooling tower.
1+3+. FEED WATER LINE - The piping leading to a system
through which the feed water flows.
1+31. FEEDWATER HEATER - A device used to heat
feedwater with steam.
1+32. FERRIC COAGULANT - -erric sulfate -e2*3903 act to
precipitate ferric hydro1ide, coagulate at .+ 6 11.+
p/ range.
1+33. FERRIC HYDROXIDE - The complete reaction product
of iron, water, and o1ygen, which forms a red
precipitate in water @-e*9/03A
1+3. FERRIC ION - An iron atom that has a positive electric
charge of R3. *-e
1+3!. FERROUS - Metallic materials in which the principle
component is iron.
1+3#. FERROUS HYDROXIDE - The reaction product of iron
and water in the absence of o1ygen; it remains
soluble in the water @-e*9/02A.
1+3&. FERROUS ION - An iron atom that has a positive
electric charge of R 2*-e
1+3). FIELD WINDING. The coil used to provide the
magneti2ing force in motors and generators.
1+3.. FILMING AMINES - Amines that form a impervious non6
wettable film, which acts as a barrier between the
metal and the condensate and provide protection
against carbon dio1ide and o1ygen. These amines
do not neutrali2e carbon dio1ide.
1++. FILTER - A device to remove solid material from a fluid.
1+1. FILTER-DRIER - A combination device used as a
strainer and moisture remover.
1+2. FILTRATION - 's the process of passing a li(uid
containing suspended matter through a suitable
porous material in such a manner as to effectively
remove the suspended matter from the li(uid.
1+3. FIN - An e1tended surface to increase the heat transfer
area, as metal sheets attached to tubes.
1+. FIRELINE5 3ection of piping and hose on discharge side
of a proportional leading to a fire location.
1+!. FIRE MAIN5 The seawater line that provides firefighting
and flushing water throughout the ship.
1+#. FIRING ORDER5 The order in which the cylinders deliver
their power stro$e.
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Engineering Dictionary
1+&. FIRE POINT - The temperature at which a material
will continue to burn for at least ! seconds
without the benefit of an outside flame.
1+). FIRING PRESSURE5 The highest pressure
reached in the cylinder during combustion.
1+.. FIRING RATE CONTROL 6 A pressure
temperature or flow controller which controls
the firing rate of a burner according to the
deviation from pressure or temperature set
point. The system may be arranged to operate
the burner on6off, high6low or in proportion to
load demand.
1+!+. FIRE TUBE - A tube, in a boiler, through which the
hot gases flow and transfer heat to the water
on the outside of the tube.
1+!1. FIRE TUBE BOILER5 Boilers in which the gases of
combustion pass through the tubes and heat
the water surrounding them.
1+!2. FIRE WALL - The bac$ end of a boiler, opposite
the burner, at which the hot gases change
direction of flow.
1+!3. FIREBRICK - A refractory bric$, often made from
fire clay, that is able to withstand temperature
in the range of 1!++ to 1#++,7, and is used to
line furnaces.
1+!. FIXED CARBON 6 The carbonaceous residue less
the ash remaining in the test container after
the volatile matter has been driven off in
ma$ing the pro1imate analysis of a solid fuel.
1+!!. FIXED DISPLACEMENT PUMP - A pump in which
the displacement per cycle cannot be varied.
1+!#. FLAME 6 A luminous body of burning gas or vapor.
1+!&. FLAME DETECTOR 6 A device which indicates if
a fuel *li(uid, gaseous, or pulveri2ed0 is
burning, or if ignition has been lost. The
indication may be transmitted to a signal or to
a control system.
PROPAGATION 6 The term applied to the
speed at which a flame travels.
1+!.. FLAME PROPAGATION RATE 6 3peed of travel
of ignition through a combustible mi1ture.
1+#+. FLAME SAFEGUARD 6 A control that se(uences
the burner through several stages of operation
to provide proper air purge, ignition, normal
operation, and shutdown for safe operation.
1+#1. FLAMR STABILITY 6 A flame is said to be stable
when it main tains its correct position from the
1+#2. FLAMMABILITY 6 3usceptibility to combustion.
1+#3. FLASH - The portion of a superheated fluid
converted to vapor when its pressure is
1+#. FLASH CHAMBER 6 A separating tan$ placed
between the e1pansion valve and the
evaporator to separate and bypass any gas
formed in the e1pansion valve.
1+#!. FLASH GAS 6 The gas resulting from the instantaneous
evaporation of refrigerant in a pressure6reducing
device to cool the refrigerant to the evaporating
temperature obtaining at the reduced pressure.
1+##. FLASH POINT - The temperature at which a material to
give off sufficient vapor to form a flammable mi1ture.
1+#&. FLASH TANK - A vessel used for separating the li(uid
phase from the gaseous phase formed from a rise in
temperature and%or a reduction of pressure on the
flowing stream.
1+#). FLASHING - "vaporation of a li(uid into a vapor.
1+#.. FLEXIBLE GEAR COUPLING D A connection between
two shafts which allows some relative movement.
1+&+. FLOATING ACTION CONTROLLERS5 "ssentially two
position type controllers which vary the position of
the controlled devices but which are arranged to
stop before reaching a ma1imum or minimum
1+&1. FLOCCULANT - An electrolyte added to a colloidal
suspension to cause the particles to aggregate and
settle out as the result of reduction in repulsion
between particles.
1+&2. FLOCCULATION - The process of agglomerating
coagulated particles into settable flocs, usually of a
gelatinous nature.
1+&3. FLOODBACK - The condition of li(uid refrigerant
returning, usually from an overfed evaporator, to the
compressor through the suction line.
1+&. FLOTATION - A process of separating solids from water
by developing a froth.
1+&!. FLOW RATE - The volume of solution which passes
through a given (uantity of resin within a given time.
-low rate is usually e1pressed in terms of feet per
minute per cubic foot of resin or as milliliters per
minute per milliliter of resin.
1+&#. FLOW, LAMINAR OR STREAMLINE - -luid flow in
which each fluid particle moves in a smooth path
substantially parallel to the paths followed by all
other particles.
1+&&. FLOW, TURBULENT - -luid flow in which the fluid
moves transversely as well as in the direction of the
tube or pipe a1is, as opposed to streamline or
viscous flow.
1+&). FLUID - The general term that includes gas, vapor or
1+&.. FLUID HEAD - The static pressure of fluid e1pressed in
terms of the height of a column of the fluid, or of
some manometric fluid, which it would support.
1+)+. FLUIDIZED BED - A contained mass of finely divided
solid that behaves li$e a fluid when brought into
suspension in a moving gas.
1+)1. FLUSHING PUMP - A pump for supplying oil to turbine
bearings when on barring gear. 3ometimes called a
SturningL or Sbarring gearL oil pump.
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Engineering Dictionary
1+)2. FLY ASH - A finely divided siliceous material
formed during the combustion of coal, co$e, or
other solid fuels.
1+)3. FLYWHEEL5 A heavy wheel attached to the
cran$shaft. 't stores up energy during the
power event and releases it during the
remaining events of the operating cycle.
1+). FLYWEIGHT5 A governor; weights which move
and assume positions in accordance with the
speed of rotation.
1+)!. FOAM CARRYOVER - 's the development of
e1cessive moisture in the steam from
carryover of foam from the drum. Hsually
common in low pressure boilers due to high
concentration of dissolved solids.
1+)#. FOAMING - -ormation of steam bubbles on the
surface of the boiler water due to high surface
tension of the water.
1+)&. FOAM NOZZLE5 A no22le designed to entrain air
and mi1 it with water and foam li(uid to
produce a foam blan$et.
1+)). FOOT-POUND5 *10 The amount of wor$
accomplished when a force of 1 pound
produces a displacement of 1 foot. *20 The
amount of tor(ue produced by 1 pound of
effort applied at a radius of 1 foot.
1+).. FORCE - The action on a body which tends to
change its relative condition as to rest or
1+.+. FORCE-BALANCE5 An arrangement of control
system components using a mechanical force
as the feedbac$ signal. The feedbac$ applied
force must MnullO the forces acting on a
balanced mechanism.
1+.1. FORCED FEED LUBRICATION5 A lubrication
system that uses a pump to maintain a
constant pressure.
1+.2. FORCE PUMP - A device used to in=ect a solution
into a closed system through an opening such
as a drain valve.
1+.3. FORCED CIRCULATION 6 The circulation of
water in a boiler by mechanical means
e1ternal to the boiler.
1+.. FORCED CONVECTION 6 Movement of fluid by
mechanical force such as fans or pumps.
water by mechanically forcing air through the
1+.#. FORCED-DRAFT FAN 6 A fan supplying air under
pressure to the fuel burning e(uipment.
1+.&. FORCE-FEED OILING - <ubrication system which
uses a pump to force oil to surfaces of moving
-orward6curved fan blading is widely used on
induced6draught fans as there is less
tendency for deposits to build up on these blades
than on other types.
1+... FOULING - Beposits of impurities, dirt or foreign matter
that clog systems or restrict flow and interfere with
heat transfer.
11++. FOULING FACTOR - The degree of interference with
heat transfer.
11+1. FREEBOARD - The space provided above the resin bed
in an ion6e1change column to allow for e1pansion of
the bed during bac$washing.
11+2. FREE FLOW5 -low which encounters negligible
11+3. FREEZER - A refrigerating device designed to lower the
temperature below +,7.
11+. FREEZER BURN - 7ondition applied to food which has
not been properly wrapped and that has become
hard, dry and discolored.
11+!. FREEZE-UP - *10 -ormation of ice in the refrigerant
control device which may stop the flow of refrigerant
into the evaporator. *20 -rost formation on an
evaporator which may stop the airflow through the
11+#. FREEZING 6 7hange of state from li(uid to solid.
11+&. FREEZING POINT - The temperature at which a li(uid
becomes solid.
11+). FREON 6 Trade name for a family of synthetic chemical
11+.. FRE%UENCY5 The number of complete cycles per
second *hert20 e1isting in any form of wave motion.
111+. FRESH WATER - Cater that has little or no salt
dissolved in it.
1111. FRICTION - -riction is the resistance found at the duct
and piping walls. :esistance creates a static
pressure loss in systems. The primary purpose of a
fan or pump is to produce a design volume of fluid
at a pressure e(ual to the frictional resistance of the
system and the other dynamic pressure losses of
the components.
1112. FRICTION HEAD - The pressure in psi or feet of the
li(uid pumped which represents system resistance
that must be overcome.
1113. FRICTION PRESSURE DROP5 The decrease in the
pressure of a fluid flowing through a passage
attributable to the friction between the fluid and the
passage walls.
111. FRIGORIFIC MIXTURE - Are substances used in
laboratory methods of producing a drop in
temperature. A common e1ample is a mi1ture of
snow and salt.
111!. FROST 6 -ro2en condensation.
111#. FROST BACK - 7ondition in which li(uid refrigerant
flows from evaporator into suction line; usually
indicated by sweating or frosting of the suction line.
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Engineering Dictionary
111&. FROST CONTROL - 3emiautomatic - 7ontrol
which starts defrost part of a cycle manually
and then returns system to normal operation
111). FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR 6 :efrigerated
cabinet which operates with an automatic
defrost during each cycle.
111.. FROSTING TYPE EVAPORATOR 6 :efrigerating
system which maintains the evaporator at
frosting temperatures during all phases of
112+. FR%UENCY - The number of vibrations, waves, or
cycles of any periodic phenomenon per
second. 'n architectural acoustics, the interest
lies in the audible fre(uency range of 2+ to
2++++ cps /ert2 *cycles per second0.
1121. FUEL KNOCK - A hammer li$e noise produced
when fuel is not burned properly in a cylinder.
1122. FULCRUM5 The pivot point of a lever.
1123. FUEL-AIR MIXTURE 6 Mi1ture of fuel and air.
112. FUEL-AIR RATIO 6 The ratio of the weight, or
volume, of fuel to air.
112!. FULL-FLOATING PISTON PIN5 A piston pin free
to turn in the piston boss of the connecting rod
112#. FULL-FLOW OIL FILTER5 A type of oil filter
through which all engine oil passes before
entering the lubrication channels.
112&. FULL LOAD CURRENT - 3ee :unning 7urrent.
112). FUEL-TO-STEAM EFFICIENCY 6 The ratio of heat
added to boiler feedwater to produce the
output steam to the amount of energy inputted
with fuel.
112.. FUMES - 3olid particles commonly formed by the
condensation of vapors from normally solid
materials such as molten metals. -umes may
also be formed by sublimation, distillation,
calcination, or chemical reaction wherever
such processes create airborne particles
predominantly below one micron in si2e. 3uch
solid particles sometimes serve as
condensation nuclei for water vapor to form
113+. FUNGUS - A lower form of plant life which does
not contain chlorophyll, for e1ample, a mold.
1131. FURNACE 6 An enclosed space provided for the
combustion of fuel.
1132. FURNACE PRESSURE 6 Eressure occurring
inside the combustion chamber; positive if
greater than atmospheric, negative if less than
atmospheric, and neutral if e(ual to
1133. FURNACE VOLUME 6 The cubic contents of the
furnace or combustion chamber.
113. FUSE5 A protective device inserted in series with a
circuit. 't contains a metal that will melt or
brea$ when current is increased beyond a specific
value for a definite period of time.
113!. FUSIBLE PLUG - Elug or fitting made with a metal of a
$nown low melting temperature. Hsed as safety
device to release pressures in case of fire.
113#. GAGE PRESSURE - 5 Eressure above atmospheric
pressure *Absolute pressure minus atmospheric
113&. GALVANIC ACTION - Casting away of two unli$e
metals due to electrical current passing between
them. The action is increased in the presence of
113). GALVANIC CELL - "lectrolytic brought about by the
difference in electric potential between two
dissimilar metals.
113.. GALVANIC COUPLE - The connection of two dissimilar
metals in an electrolyte that results in current flow
through the circuit.
11+. GALVANIZING 6 GA<FA>'T'>G5 The process of coating
one metal with another, ordinarily applied to the
coating of iron or steel with 2inc. The chief purpose
of galvani2ing is to prevent corrosion *The coating of
metal with another by an electrolytic process; for
e1ample, electrolytically 2inc6coat steel is called
galvani2ed steel0.
111. GAS - Hsually a highly superheated vapor which, within
acceptable limits of accuracy, satisfies the perfect
gas laws.
112. GAS - Fapor phase or strata of a substance.
113. GAS CONSTANT - The coefficient 4:4 in the perfect gas
e(uation5 EF I M:T.
11. GASKET(S: *10 A class of material that provides a seal
between two stationary parts. *20 Eac$ing materials
by which air, water, oil, or steam tightness is
secured in such places as on doors, hatches,
cylinders, manhole covers, or in valves, between the
flanges of pipes, and so forth. 3uch materials as
rubber, canvas, asbestos, paper, sheet lead and
copper, soft iron, and commercial products are
e1tensively used.
11!. GAS LUBRICATION 6 A system of lubrication in which
the shape and relative motion of the sliding surfaces
cause the formation of a gas film having sufficient
pressure to separate the surfaces.
11#. GAS REFRIGERATION CYCLE 6 Chere the refrigerant
remains in the gaseous phase throughout.
11&. GAS TURBINE - An engine in which gas , under
pressure is formed by combustion, is directed
against a series of turbine blades. The energy in the
e1panding gas is converted into rotary motion.
11). GAS TURBINE COMPRESSOR - a compressor
designed foe the use with gas turbine installations.
This could be centrifugal or an a1ial compressor.
11.. GAS VALVE 6 Bevice in a pipeline for starting, stopping
or regulating flow of gas.
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Engineering Dictionary
11!+. GAS, INERT - A gas that neither e1periences nor
causes chemical reaction nor undergoes a
change of state in a system or process; e.g.,
nitrogen or helium mi1ed with a volatile
11!1. GASIFICATION - Chen a substance is converted
to become a gas.
11!2. GAUGE MANIFOLD 6 7hamber device
constructed to hold both compound and high6
pressure gauges. Falves control flow of fluids
11!3. GAUGE PRESSURE 6 The pressure above
atmospheric pressure.
11!. GAUGE VACUUM 6 'nstrument used to measure
pressures below atmospheric pressure.
11!!. GEARING5 A term applied to wheels which have
teeth that mesh, engage, or gear with similar
teeth or other wheels in such manner that
motion given one wheel will be imparted to the
11!#. GENERATOR5 A machine that converts
mechanical energy into electrical energy.
11!&. GLAND SEALING5 Cater piped to a pump casing
stuffing bo1 to maintain a seal against air
entering the pump casing.
11!). GENERAL CORROSION 6 Hniform overall
corrosion of metal surfaces.
11!.. GENERATING TUBE - A boiler tube used for
11#+. GENERATOR - A machine that changes that
changes mechanical energy into electrical
11#1. GENERATOR STABILITY - The term used to
describe the limits within which the e1citation
of a generator can be controlled in order to
$eep it in synchronism with other generators
on the interconnected system.
11#2. GFI, GFCI - Ground fault *circuit0 interrupter 6 a
device that senses ground faults and reacts
by opening the circuit.
11#3. GLAND - Bevices fitted to turbines *or other
machinery0 to minimise steam or air lea$age
where the shaft passes through the casing.
11#. GLAND SEALING - The use of steam to seal the
turbine glands at the point where the shaft
passes through the casing.
11#!. GLAND STEAM - 3team used to prevent air from
entering the turbine cylinder between the
turbine shaft and the casing.
11##. GOVERNOR5 A speed6sensitive device designed
to control or limit the speed of the engine.
11#). GRAIN - A unit of weight; +.+#) grams; +.+++13
11#.. GRAIN BOUNDARIES - :eferring to the =unction of
11&+. GRAINS OF MOISTURE - The unit of measurement of
actual moisture contained in a sample of air. *&+++
grains 6 one pound of water0.
11&1. GRAINS PER GALLON - A unit of concentration. 1
gr%gal I 1&.1 mg%<.
11&2. GRAM - A unit of weight; 1!.32 grains; +.++22 pounds.
11&3. GRAM-MILLI%UIVALENTS - The e(uivalent weight in
grams, divided by 1+++.
11&. GRAPHITE5 A crystalline form of carbon having a
slippery feel and blac$ color with metallic luster.
Hsed for a lubricant.
11&!. GRAVITY - The attraction e1erted by the earthLs mass
on ob=ects at its surface.
11&#. GRAVITY HEAD5 A supply of fluid above the suction
level of a pump; also called Mstatic head.O
11&&. GRAVITY, SPECIFIC - Bensity compared to density of
standard material; reference usually to water or to
11&). GREASE - A lubricant composed of an oil thic$ened with
a soap or other thic$ener to a solid or semisolid
11&.. GREASE, BLOCK - A grease that is sufficiently hard to
retain its shape in bloc$ or stic$ form.
11)+. GREASE, SODA BASED - A grease prepared from
lubricating oil and sodium soap.
11)1. GREEN LI%UOR - The li(uor resulting from dissolved
molten smelt from Kraft recovery furnace in water.
11)2. GREENSAND - >aturally occurring materials, composed
primarily of comple1 silicates, which possess ion6
e1change properties.
11)3. GRID - The Transmission 3ystem.
11). GRINDABILITY - The measure of a coalLs hardness. 't
can be indicated by the /ardgrove 'nde1.
11)!. GRIT ARRESTOR 6 A means of e1tracting grit from
boiler gases before they are discharged to the
11)#. GROOVING - A form of deterioration of boiler plate by a
combination of locali2ed corrosion and stress
11)&. GROUND - Tero voltage, or any point connected to the
earth or 4ground4.
11)). GROUND BED - 7athodic protection, an interconnected
group of impressed6current anodes that absorbs the
damage caused by generated electric current
11).. GROUND BUS - A busbar in a panel or elsewhere,
deliberately connected to ground.
11.+. GROUND COIL - /eat e1changer buried in the ground.
May be used either as an evaporator or as a
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Engineering Dictionary
11.1. GROUND CONDUCTOR - 7onductor run in an
electrical system, which is deliberately
connected to the ground electrode. Eurpose is
to provide a ground point throughout the
system. 'nsulation color green. Also called
4green ground4.
11.2. GROUND FAULT - An unintentional connection to
11.3. GROUND PLUG5 A three6pronged electrical plug
used to ground portable tools to the shipLs
structure. 't is a safety device which always
must be chec$ed prior to your using portable
11.. GROUT - To force sealing material into a soil,
sand or confined small space; or the sealing
material used in grouting.
11.!. GUILLOTINE DAMPER / DOOR - The guillotine
door or regulating shutter above a chain grate
is an ad=ustable plate e1tending across the
grate. 't controls the thic$ness of the fuel6bed
fed on to the grate.
11.#. HAC - /ydrogen6 assist crac$ing.
11.&. HALIDE LEAK DETECTOR - A device used to
detect vapor lea$s of halogen refrigerants. 't
uses acetylene as its base.
11.). HALIDE REFRIGERANTS - -amily of refrigerants
containing halogen chemicals.
11... HALIDE TORCH 6 Type of torch used to safely
detect halogen refrigerant lea$s in system.
12++. HALOGENS - 3ubstance containing fluorine,
chlorine, bromine and iodine.
12+1. HARD WATER - Cater that contains dissolved
compounds of calcium, magnesium or both.
12+2. HARDENING5 The treatment or heating and
cooling *(uenching0 of metal to harden the
12+3. HARDGROVE INDEX 6 The measure of
grindability compared to a standard coal
having a /ardgrove 'nde1 of 1++.
12+. HARDNESS 6 Are generally referred to the
presence of calcium and magnesium content
of the water.
12+!. HARDNESS - The scale6forming and lather6
inhibiting (ualities which water, high in
calcium and magnesium ions, possesses.
12+#. HARDNESS CONTROL - An action designed to
remove hardness and at the same time to
produce an e(uivalent amount of suspended
e1pression ascribed to the value obtained
when the hardness6forming salts are
calculated in terms of e(uivalent (uantities of
calcium carbonate; a convenient method of
reducing all salts to a common basic for
12+). HEAD 6 Eressure, usually e1pressed in feet of water,
inches of mercury or millimeters of mercury.
12+.. HEAD 6 The measure of the pressure of water
e1pressed in feet of height of water5 1 psi I 2.31
feet of water.
121+. HEAD DYNAMIC OR TOTAL - 'n flowing fluid, the sum
of the static and velocity heads at the point of
1211. HEAD PRESSURE 6 Eressure which e1ists in
condensing side of refrigerating system.
1212. HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL 6 Eressure6operated
control which opens electrical circuit if high6side
pressure becomes too high.
1213. HEAD STATIC - The static pressure of fluid e1pressed
in terms of the height of a column of the fluid, or of
some manometric fluid, which it would support.
121. HEAD VELOCITY 6 /eight of fluid e(uivalent to its
velocity pressure in flowing fluid.
121!. HEADER 6 <ength of pipe or vessel to which two or
more pipe lines are =oined carries fluid from a
common source to various points of use.
121#. HEADLOSS 6 The loss of energy as a result of friction;
commonly e1pressed in feet.
121&. HEAT 6 5 A thermal form of energy *-orm of energy
which acts on substances to raise their temperature;
energy associated with random motion of
121). HEAT CAPACITY - The amount of heat necessary to
raise the temperature of a given mass one degree.
>umerically, the mass multiplied by the specific
121.. HEAT CONDUCTOR 6 A material capable of readily
conducting heat. The opposite of an insulator or
122+. HEAT CYCLE 6 The cycle of events in the conversion of
heat into mechanical energy.
1221. HEAT DROP 6 The difference between the heat contents
of the steam at the turbine inlet and at the e1haust.
1222. HEAT ENGINE - Mechanical devices which convert heat
to wor$, such as the steam boiler, gas turbine, solar
energy, refrigerators, steam engines, steam
1223. HEAT EXCHANGER - Bevice used to transfer heat from
a warm or hot surface to a cold or cooler surface.
*"vaporators and condensers are heat e1changers.0
122. HEAT LAG 6 The time it ta$es for heat to travel through
a substance heated on one side.
122!. HEAT LEAKAGE 6 -low of heat through a substance.
122#. HEAT OF COMPRESSION 6 Mechanical energy of
pressure changed into energy of heat.
122&. HEAT OF CONDENSATION - The latent heat given up
by a substance as it changes from a gas to a li(uid.
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Engineering Dictionary
122). HEAT OF FUSION - The latent heat absorbed
when a substance changes from a solid state
to a li(uid state.
122.. HEAT OF RESPIRATION 6 Erocess by which
o1ygen and carbohydrates are assimilated by
a substance; also when carbon dio1ide and
water are given off by a substance.
123+. HEAT OF VAPORIZATION - The latent heat
absorbed by a substance as it changes from a
li(uid to a vapor.
1231. HEAT PIPE 6 A refrigeration device with no moving
parts, but containing a refrigerants.
1232. HEAT PUMP 6 A device used to transfer heat from
a low temperature to a high temperature
medium also a reversed cycle in which wor$ is
the input and heat is re=ected to a sin$ at a
higher temperature than the source.
1233. HEAT PUMP - A refrigerating system employed to
transfer heat into a space or substance. The
condenser provides the heat while the
evaporator is arranged to pic$ up heat from
air, water, etc. By shifting the flow of air or
other fluid, a heat pump system may also be
used to cool the space.
123. HEAT RELEASE RATE 6 :ate that describes the
heat available per s(uare foot of heat6
absorbing surface in the furnace or per cubic
foot of volume.
123!. HEAT SINK 6 :elatively cold surface capable of
absorbing heat.
123#. HEAT TRANSFER - -low of heat by conduction,
convection and radiation.
123&. HEAT TRANSFER - Movement of heat from one
body or substance to another. /eat may be
transferred by radiation, conduction,
convection or a combination of these three
123). HEAT, SENSIBLE 6 /eat which is associated with
a change in temperature; specific heat
e1change of temperature; in contrast to a heat
interchange in which a change of state *latent
heat0 occurs.
123.. HEAT, SPECIFIC6 The ratio of the (uantity of heat
re(uired to raise the temperature of a given
mass of any substance one degree to the
(uantity re(uired to raise the temperature of
an e(ual mass of a standard substance
*usually water at !. -0 one degree.
12+. HEAT, TOTAL (ENTHALPY - The sum of
sensible heat and latent heat between an
arbitrary datum point and the temperature and
state under consideration.
materials of construction of a heat e1changer.
indicating the temperature difference for a
given amount of heat to flow between a hot surface
and a gas cooring the surface.
123. HEAT-TRANSFER MEDIUM 6 The fluid, often water,
which acts as the agent or medium in a heat
e1changer through which heat is e1changed from
one side to the other.
12. HEATING COIL 6 /eat transfer device consisting of a
coil of piping, which releases heat.
12!. HEATING CONTROL 6 Bevice which controls
temperature of a heat transfer unit which releases
12#. HEATING SURFACE - The e1posed surface of a
heating unit in a heat e1changer which is directly
e1posed to the heat of the flue gases *That surface
which is e1posed to the heating medium for
absorption and transfer of heat to the medium0.
12&. HELICAL5 A spiraling shape such as that made by a coil
12). HELIX5 The curve formed on any cylinder by a straight
line in a plane that is wrapped around the cylinder
with a forward progression.
12.. HELM5 *10 The term applied to the tiller, wheel, or
steering gear, and also the rudder. *20 A mechanical
device used to turn the rudder; usually a wheel
aboard ship, or a lever *tiller0 in boats.
12!+. HENRYAS LAW 6 An e1pression for calculating the
solubility of a gas in a fluid based on temperature
and partial pressure.
12!1. HENRY 6 The unit of self6inductance or mutual
inductance in the metric system. 'ts symbol is H.
12!2. HERMETIC 6 3ealed so that the ob=ect is gas tight.
12!3. HERMETIC COMPRESSOR 6 7ompressor which has
the driving motor sealed inside the compressor
housing. The motor operates in an atmosphere of
the refrigerant.
12!. HERMETIC MOTOR 6 7ompressor drive motor sealed
within same casing which contains compressor.
12!!. HERMETIC SYSTEM 6 :efrigeration system which has
a compressor driven by a motor contained in
compressor dome or housing.
12!#. HERTZ 6 A unit in the metric system used to measure
fre(uency in cycles per second. 'ts symbol is Hz.
12!&. HIC 6 /ydrogen6induced crac$ing. *3ame as hydrogen
12!). HIDDEN DEMAND CHARGE 6 "lectric bill charges that
are based on cents per $Ch per $C demand
contain a hidden demand charge. A low load factor
for a building then penali2es the energy user
through this 4hidden4 charge.
12!.. HIDE-OUT 6 's the accumulation of chemicals on
surfaces, in crevices or in deposits within the
system during normal operation.
12#+. HIGH LIMIT CONTROL 6 A device which normally
monitors the condition of the controlled medium and
interrupts system operation if the monitored
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Engineering Dictionary
condition be comes e1cessive, for e1ample a
high level of fluid in a storage tan$.
12#1. HIGH SIDE 6 Earts of the refrigerating system
sub=ected to condenser pressure or higher;
the system from the compression side of the
compressor through the condenser to the
e1pansion point of the evaporator.
12#2. HIGH-PRESSURE CUT-OUT 6 "lectrical control
switch operated by the high6side pressure
which automatically opens electrical circuit if
too high pressure is reached.
12#3. HIGH-SIDE FLOAT 6 :efrigerant control
mechanism which controls the level of the
li(uid refrigerant in the high6pressure side of
12#. HIGH-VACUUM PUMP 6 Mechanism which can
create a vacuum in the 1+++ to 1 micron
range./9T B"7K 6 The heating section of a
multi2one system.
12#!. HOGGING 6 Bending of a turbine or other shaft
upwards above its centre line.
12##. HORSEPOWER (6;: A unit for measuring the
power of motors or engines, e(ual to a rate of
33,+++ foot6pounds per minute. The force
re(uired to raise 33,+++ pounds at the rate of
1 foot per minute.
12#&. HOT GAS BYPASS 6 Eiping system in
refrigerating unit which moves hot refrigerant
gas from condenser into low6pressure side.
12#). HOT GAS DEFROST 6 Befrosting system in which
hot refrigerant gas from the high side is
directed through evaporator for short period of
time and at predetermined intervals in order to
remove frost from evaporator.
12#.. HOT JUNCTION 6 That part of thermoelectric
circuit which releases heat.
12&+. HOT PROCESS 6 A water treatment process,
when the water is heated above the room
process whereby the calcium and magnesium
salts containing, constituting the hardness of
water, are chemically precipitated and
removed with phosphate in con=unction with
caustic soda.
12&2. HOT WELL 6 A tan$ used to receive condensate
from various sources on its passage bac$ to
the boiler through a feedwater system.
12&3. HOT-WATER HEATING BOILER 6 A boiler in
which no steam is generated and from which
hot water is circulated for heating purposes
and then returned to the boiler.
heating system using water as a heat6transfer
medium through a heat e1changer or boiler to
terminal heating unit.
12&!. HSC 6 /ydrogen stress crac$ing./377 6 /ydrogen6
assisted stress6corrosion crac$ing.
12&#. HUMIDIFIER 6 A device to add moisture to air.
12&&. HUMIDIFYING - Adding of moisture to the air.
12&). HUMIDIFYING EFFECT 6 The latent heat of vapori2ation
of water at the average evaporating temperature
times the weight of water evaporated per unit of
12&.. HUMIDISTAT 6 A regulatory device, actuated by
changes in humidity, used for the automatic control
of relative humidity.
12)+. HUMIDITY 6 Bampness of air.
12)1. HUMIDITY RATIO - The ratio of the mass of the water
vapor to the mass of dry air contained in the
12)2. HUMIDITY, ABSOLUTE - The weight of water vapor per
unit volume.
12)3. HUMIDITY, PERCENTAGE - The ratio of the specific
12). HUMIDITY, RELATIVE - The ratio of the mol fraction of
water vapor present in the air, to the mol fraction of
water vapor present in saturated air at the same
temperature and barometric pressure;
appro1imately, it e(uals the ratio of the partial
pressure or density of the water vapor in the air, to
the saturation pressure or density, respectively, of
water vapor at the same temperature.
12)!. HUNTING - A rhythmic variation of speed that can be
eliminated by bloc$ing the fuel supply manually or
with load limit. The speed variation will reappear
when the engine is returned to governor control *A
surge of engine speed to higher number of
revolutions per minute, followed by a drop to normal
engines speed without manual movement of the
trottle. 's often caused by a faulty or improperly
ad=usted governor0.
12)#. HVAC 6 /eating, Fentilating, and Air 7onditioning.
12)&. HVAC BOILER 6 Boiler for heating or air conditioning
*Absorption :efrigeration0
12)). HVAC E%UIPMENT - Apparatus or e(uipment used in
heating, ventilating, and air conditioning.
12).. HYDRATION 6 Absorption of water by a mineral that
results in a change in the nature of the mineral.
12.+. HYDRAULIC CLASIFICATION - The rearrangement of
resin particles in an ion6e1change unit. As the
bac$wash water flows up through the resin bed, the
particles are placed in a mobile condition wherein
the larger particles settle and the smaller particles
rise to the top of the bed.
12.1. HYDRAULIC COUPLING - A fluid connection between a
prime mover and the machine it drives. 't uses the
action of li(uid moving against blades to drive the
12.2. HYDRAULIC HEAD - The force e1erted by a column of
li(uid e1pressed by the height of the li(uid above
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Engineering Dictionary
the point at which the pressure is measured.
Although head refers to a distance or height, it
is used to e1press pressure, since the force of
the li(uid column is directly proportional to its
height. Also called head or hydrostatic head.
12.3. HYDROCARBONS 6 9rganic compounds
containing only hydrogen and carbon atoms in
various combinations.
12.. HYDRAZINE 6 A chemical now largely ta$ing the
place of sodium sulphite used for removal of
o1ygen from feed and boiler waters.
generator stator winding is cooled with
12.#. HYDROGEN CYCLE 6 A complete course of
cation6e1change operation in which the
adsorbent is employed in the hydrogen or free
acid form.
12.&. HYDROGEN DAMAGE - A type of corrosion
occurring beneath a relative dense deposit.
This type of damage can only occur if
hydrogen was present in the metal. -ailure
ta$es place at thic$ edges in the form of
fracture, rather then thinning. /ydrogen
produces the corrosion reaction, moving into
underlying metal, causing decarburi2ation and
intergranular fissuring of the structure.
Bamages usually result in larger pieces of
metal being blown away, rather then =ust
the introduction of hydrogen during the
welding process.
12... HYDROGEN ION 6 A portion of the molecule of
water containing one atom of hydrogen which
has a positive electric charge.
degree or (uantity of hydrogen ions in a water
13+1. HYDROGEN SEAL 6 9il seals fitted at the ends of
the shaft of a hydrogen6cooled alternator to
prevent the escape of hydrogen.
13+2. HYDROLOGIC CYCLE 6 The cycle of water from
evaporation through condensation to
13+3. HYDROLYSIS - A chemical reaction between a
mineral and water that results in dissolution of
the mineral.
13+. HYDROMETER 6 -loating instrument used to
measure specific gravity of a li(uid.
13+!. HYDRONIC SYSTEM 6 A re6circulating water
system used for heating and%or comfort
13+#. HYDROPHILIC - /aving an affinity for water.
13+&. HYDROSTATIC5 3tatic *nonmoving0 pres6sure
generated by pressuri2ing li(uid.
13+). HYDROSTATIC PRESURE - The pressure at any point
in a li(uid at rest; e(ual to the depth of the li(uid
multiplied by its density.
13+.. HYDROSTATIC TEST5 A test using pressuri2ed water to
detect lea$s in a closed system.
131+. HYDROXYL 6 The term used to describe the anionic
radical *9/60 which is responsible for the al$alinity
of a solution.
1311. HYGROMETER - 'nstrument used to measure degree of
moisture in the atmosphere.
1312. HYGROSCOPIC 6 Ability of a substance to absorb and
release moisture and change physical dimensions
as its moisture content changes.
1313. ICE CREAM CABINET 6 7ommercial refrigerator which
operates at appro1imately 61),7; used for storage
of ice cream.
131. IGNITION, COMPRESSION5 Chen the heat generated
by compression in an internal6combustion engine
ignites the fuel *as in a diesel engine0.
131!. IGNITION, SPARK5 Chen the mi1ture of air and fuel in
an internal6combustion engine is ignited by an
electric spar$ *as in a gasoline engine0.
131#. IGNITION TEMPERATURE 6 <owest temperature of a
fuel at which combustion becomes self6sustaining.
131&. IGNITION %UALITY - The ability of a fuel to ignite when
it is in=ected into the compressed6air charge in a
diesel cylinder. 't is measured by an inde1 called the
cetane number.
131). IMMISCIBLE - >ot capable of mi1ing *as oil and water0.
131.. IMPEDANCE (Z - The total opposition offered to the
flow of an alternating current. 't may consist of any
combination of resistance, inductive reactance, and
capacitive reactance *The (uantity in an A7 circuit
that is e(uivalent to resistance in a B7 circuit,
inasmuch as it relates current and voltage. 't is
composed of resistance plus a purely A7 concept
called reactance and is e1pressed, li$e resistance,
in ohms0.
132+. IMPELLER 6 A rotating set of vanes designed to impart
rotation to a mass of fluid.
1321. IMPINGEMENT - /igh6velocity flow of water or gas over
a metal surface, causing premature failure by
1322. IMPULSE LINES5 Eiping that connects a sensing
element to the point at which it is desired to sense
pressure, flow, temperature, etc.

132. IMPULSE TYPE TURBINE 6 A machine in which steam
is e1panded in fi1ed blades or no22les and, by its
change of direction, does wor$ by giving an impulse
to the moving blades.
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Engineering Dictionary
132!. INCONDENSABLE GASES 6 Gases such as
carbon dio1ide which, li$e air, will not
condense into a li(uid at normal temperatures
and pressures.
132#. INDICATED HORSEPOWER (<6;05 The power
transmitted to the pistons by the gas in the
indicated horsepower to e(uivalent power
input in the form of heat from fuel.
132). INDICATOR5 An instrument for recording the
variation of cylinder pressure during the cycle.
132.. INDICATOR CARD5 A graphical record of the
cylinder pressures made by an indicator.
133+. INDIRECT DRIVE5 A drive mechanism coupled to
the driven member by gears or belts.
1331. INDUCTANCE - The process when a second
conductor is placed ne1t to a conductor
carrying A7 current *but not touching it0, the
ever6changing magnetic field will induce a
current in the second conductor.
1332. INDUCED DRAUGHT - The draught it developed
by a fan drawing the gases through the boiler
and discharging to the chimney.
1333. INDUCTANCE - An effect occurring in a coil or
winding which when alternating current flows
in the coil, increases the voltage above that
which is needed to pass a direct current of a
similar value through the coil.
133. INDUCTION - The capture of part of the ambient
air by the =et action of the primary air stream
discharging from a controlled device.
133!. INDUCTION HEATING - /eating by combined
electrical resistance and hysteresis losses
induced by sub=ecting a metal to varying
magnetic field surrounding a coil carrying
alternating current.
133#. INDUCTIVE LOADS - <oads whose voltage and
current are out6of6phase. True power
consumption for inductive loads is calculated
by multiplying its voltage, current, and the
power factor of the load.
133&. INDUCTOR - '>BH7T'9>5 The act or process of
pro6ducing voltages by the relative motion of a
magnetic field across a conductor *A
fundamental element of electrical systems
constructed of numerous turns of wire around
a ferromagnetic or air core0.
133). INERT GAS - A gas that does not readily enter
into or cause chemical reactions.
133.. INFILTRATION - Air flowing inward as through a
wall, crac$, etc.
13+. INFLUENT - The solution which enters an ion6
e1change unit.
131. INHIBITOR - Any substance which retards or
prevents such chemical reactions as corrosion
or o1idation *An additive used to retard undesirable
chemical action in a product. 't is added in small
(uantities to gasolineLs to prevent o1idation and
gum formation, to lubricating oils to stop color
change, and to corrosive environments to decrease
corrosive action0
132. INJECTION NOZZLE5 A device which protrudes into the
combustion chamber and delivers fuel to the
133. INJECTION SYSTEM5 A system designed to deliver fuel
to the cylinder at the proper time and in the proper
(uantity under various engine loads and speeds.
13. IN-LINE ENGINE5 An engine in which the cylinders are
arranged in one straight line.
13!. INORGANIC MATERIAL - Are substances not derived
from living things.
13#. IN PHASE5 Applied to the condition that e1ists when two
waves of the same fre(uency pass through their
ma1imum and minimum values of li$e polarity at the
same instant.
13&. INPUT SIGNAL5 A pressure or flow of fluid that is
directed into an input port to control an element or
logic function.
13). INRUSH CURRENT - The current that flows the instant
after the switch controlling current flow to a load is
closed. Also called 4loc$ed rotor current4.
13.. INSTANTANEOUS RATE - Method for determining
when load shedding should occur. Actual energy
usage is measured and compared to a present
$ilowatt level. 'f the actual $ilowatt level e1ceeds a
designated set point, loads will be shed until the
actual rate drops below the set point.
13!+. INSULATION 6 A material of low thermal conductivity
used to reduce heat losses.
13!1. INSULATION, THERMAL 6 Material which is a poor
conductor of heat; used to retard or slow down flow
of heat through wall or partition.
13!2. INSULATOR - A material of such low electrical
conductivity that a flow of current through it can
usually be neglected. 3imilarly, a material of low
thermal conductivity, such as that used to insulate
13!3. INTAKE SYSTEM5 7ombination of components
designed to supply air re(uired for combustion.
13!. INTEGRAL5 "ssential to completeness, as an integral
part. *The valve stem is an integral part of the
13!!. INTEGRAL BLOWER 6 A blower built as an integral part
of a device to supply air thereto.
13!#. INTEGRAL-BLOWER BURNER 6 A burner of which the
blower is an integral part.
13!&. INTERCOOLED CYCLE - :efers to a gas turbine
employing two compressors. The compressed air
from the first compressor is cooled before being
discharged to second compressor.
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Engineering Dictionary
13!). INTERCOOLING 6 :emoval of heat from
compressed gas between the compression
13!.. INTERGRANULAR CRACKING - 7rac$ing or
fracturing that occurs between the grains or
crystal in a polycrystalline aggregate. Also
called intercrystalline crac$ing. 7ontrast with
transgranular crac$ing.
13#+. INTERMITTENT BLOWDOWN - The blowdown is
ta$en from the mud drum, waterwall headers
or the lowest point of circulation.
13#1. INTERSTAGE DIFFERENTIAL - 'n a multistage
/FA7 system, the change in temperature at
the thermostat needed to turn additional
heating or cooling e(uipment on.
13#2. ION - An atom or radical in solution carrying an
integral electric charge, either positive *cation0
or negative *anion0.
13#3. ION EXCHANGE - A reversible process by which
ions are interchanged between solids and a
13#. ION EXCHANGE RESIN - 7ross lin$ed polymers
that form salts within ions from a(ueous
13#!. IONIC STRENGTH - A measure of strength of a
solution based on both the concentrations and
valences of the ions present.
13##. IONIZATION - The process of separation of a
molecule into its electrically charged atoms or
13#&. IRON - A metallic element found as an impurity in
water in very small amounts. Also a metal
which is widely used in the construction of
/FA7 and plumbing e(uipment; the ma=or
component of steel.
13#). IRON BACTERIA - Are filementous organisms
encountered in iron6bearing water.
13#.. IRON LOSS - The electrical loss in the iron core
when sub=ected to an alternating magnetic
13&+. ISENTROPIC PROCESS 6 A process carried out
reversibly without energy interchange as heat.
Also a processes carried out with no entropy
process carried out at constant pressure.
process during which the specific volume
remains constant.
13&3. ISOLATOR 6 A device for ma$ing or brea$ing a
circuit only when it is dead.L The contacts may
wor$ in oil or in air.
13&. ISOMETRIC PROCESS 6 A process carried out at
constant volume.
13&!. ISOTHERMAL 6 7hanges of volume or pressure under
conditions of constant temperature.
Action which ta$es place without a temperature
13&&. JACKBOX5 A receptacle, usually secured to a bul$head,
in which telephone =ac$s are mounted.
13&). JACKET5 An outer case such as a water =ac$et or an
insulative covering.
13&.. JACKET WATER5 Cater used as a coolant in the
cooling system of an engine *usually chemically
treated distilled water0.
13)+. JACKING5 Mechanically rotating an engine or reduction
gear at very low speed.
13)1. JACKING OIL PUMP D A pump used for supplying small
(uantities of high6pressure oil for lifting turbine
shafts off their bearings and maintaining an oil film
when low6speed barring is in progress.
13)2. JAM NUT5 A second nut used on a bolt or stud to loc$
the holding nut. 3ee <97K >HT.
13)3. JET COMPRESSOR - A device employing a ventury
tube so that a high pressure stream flowing through
the no22le creates a lower pressure or a vacuum
into which the gas to be compressed flows. The gas
is discharged from the no22le with the e1panded
high6pressure medium.
13). JET CONDENSER - A condenser where cooling is
achieved by mi1ing the steam with a spray of water.
13)!. JOB ORDER5 An order issued by a repair activity to its
own subdivision to perform a repair =ob in response
to a wor$ re(uest.
13)#. JOULE 6 "nglish 3cientist Names Erescott Noule *1)1) 6
13)&. JOULE - The unit used to measure heat, wor$, and
energy in the metric system. 'ts symbol is J. 't is the
amount of energy re(uired to move an ob=ect of 1 $g
mass to a height of 1 m. Also called a newton6
13)). JOULE-THOMSON EFFECT - The change in gas
temperature which occurs when the gas is
e1panded adiabatically from a higher pressure to a
lower pressure. The effect for most gases, e1cept
hydrogen and helium, is a cooling of the gas.
13).. JOURNAL - The portion of a shaft running in a bearing
*That part of a shaft or a1le that rotates relative to a
radial bearing0.
13.+. JUMPER5 Any connecting pipe, hose, or wire normally
used in emergencies aboard ship to bypass
damaged sections of a pipe, hose, or wire. 3ee
13.1. KATA THERMOMETER 6 <arge6bulb alcohol
thermometer used to measure air speed or
atmospheric conditions by means of cooling effect.
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13.2. KELVIN SCALE (K - Thermometer scale on
which unit of measurement e(uals the 7elsius
degree and according to which absolute 2ero
is + degree, the e(uivalent of 62&3.1#,7.
Cater free2es at 2&3.1# K. and boils at
3&3.1# K. The relationship - TK I T7 R 2&3.1#
13.3. KENOTOMETER - An instrument in common use
'n power stations for measuring condenser
bac$6pressure in inches of mercury.
13.. KEROSINE - a light, hydrocarbon fuel or solvent.
13.!. KILO CALORIE - This is the amount of heat
*energy0 necessary to raise the temperature of
1 $g of water 1,7. *Kilo calorie I $cal0
13.#. KILO CALORIE 6 This is the amount of heat
*energy0 necessary to raise the temperature of
1 $g of water 1,7. *Kilo calorie I $cal0
13.&. KILOGRAIN - A unit of weight; 1+++ grains.
13.). KILOVOLT AMPERE - Eroduct of the voltage
times the current. Bifferent from $ilowatts
because of inductive loads in an electrical
system. Abbreviated5 $FA $ilo watts is e(ual
to KFA times power factor. Kilowatt5 1+++
watts. Abbreviated5 $C.
13... KILOWATT - A metric unit of power e(ual to
appro1imately 1.3 horsepower.
1++. KILOWATT-HOUR - A measure of electrical
energy consumption. 1+++ watts being
consumed per hour. Abbreviated5 $Ch.
1+1. KINETIC ENERGY 6 The ability of an ob=ect to do
wor$ by virtue of its motion. *Cater moving in
a pipe has $inetic energy.0 The energy terms
that are usually used to describe the operation
of a pump are 4pressure4 and 4head4. 'n
classical mechanics, e(ual to one half of the
bodyLs mass times the s(uare of its speed.
1+2. KINETIC FRICTION 6 -riction between two bodies
when motion e1ists.
1+3. KING VALVE 6 <i(uid receiver *refrigeration only0
service valve.
1+. KIRCHOFFAS SECOND LAW - The law stating
that, at each instant of time the increase of
voltage around a close loop in a networ$ is
e(ual to the algebraic sum of the voltage drop.
1+!. KNOCK - 'n a spar$ ignition engine, uneven
burning of the fuel%air charge that causes
violent, e1plosive combustion and an audible
metallic hammering noise. Knoc$ results from
premature ignition of the last part of the
charge to burn.
1+#. KRAFT PROCESS - A wood6pulping process in
which sodium sulfate is used in the caustic
soda pulp6digestion li(uor. Also called Kraft
pulping or sulfate pulping.
1+&. BW DEMAND - The ma1imum rate of electric
power usage re(uired to operate a facility
during a period of time, usually a month or billing
period. 9ften called 4demand4.
1+). BW6 CONSUMPTION 6 The amount of electric energy
used over a period of time; the number of $Ch used
per month. 9ften called 4consumption4.
1+.. LABYRINTH PACKING / SEAL5 A soft metal ring or
rings arranged inside a casing throat in such a
manner that the inside diametrical edges will form a
series of seals along the surface of the rotating
shaft. The edges fit either close to the surface of the
shaft or in grooves machined in the shaft.
11+. LAG - A delay in the effect of a changed condition at one
point in the system, on some other condition to
which it is related. Also, the delay in action of the
sensing element of a control, due to the time
re(uired for the sensing element to reach
e(uilibrium with the property being controlled; i.e.,
temperature lag, flow lag, etc.
111. LAMBERT SEAL5 The hydraulic e(uivalent of labyrinth
112. LAMINAR FLOW - A non6turbulent flow regime in which
the stream filaments glide along the pipe a1ially with
essentially no transverse mi1ing.
based upon the p/ of saturation of calcium
carbonate; used to determine the tendencies of a
water supply toward corrosion or scaling. A positive
inde1 indicates scaling tendencies; a negative one
means corrosion tendencies. *<anglier 'nde1 I p/ 6
p/s, where p/ I actual p/ of water and p/s I p/ at
which water having the same al$alinity and calcium
content is =ust saturated with calcium carbonate.
11. LATENT HEAT - 7hange of enthalpy during a change of
state, usually e1pressed in Btu per lb. Cith pure
substances, latent heat is absorbed or re=ected at
constant pressure.
11!. LATENT HEAT 6 /eat energy absorbed in process of
changing form of substance *melting, vapori2ation,
fusion0 without change in temperature or pressure.
released *lost0 by a pound of a substance to change
its state from a vapor *gas0 to a li(uid.
11&. LATENT HEAT OF FUSION 6 The heat re(uired to
change 1.+ $g of a substance from the solid to the
li(uid state.
re(uired to produce saturated vapor from saturated
li(uid at constant pressure per unit mass of fluid.
constituent of a mi1ture of gases behaves
thermodynamically as if it alone occupied the space.
The sum of the individual pressures of the
constituents e(uals the total pressure of the mi1ture.
12+. LEADING EDGE - :efers to the point where the steam
enters the blade of an impulse turbine.
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121. LEAK DETECTOR - Bevice or instrument such as
a halide torch, an electronic sniffer; or soap
solution used to detect lea$s.
122. LEAKAGE - 'n water treatment, it refers to the
passing of impure steam or boiler water
through the drum internals.
123. LEAKAGE - 'n water treatment, the phenomenon
in which some of the influent ions are not
adsorbed and appear in the effluent when a
solution is passed through an under
regenerated e1change resin bed.
12. LEAVING LOSS - The loss of energy in the
velocity of the e1haust steam.
12#. LIFT CHECK VALVE - A valve having a guide6
mounted, spring6loaded dis$ wherein li(uid
e1erting pressure on the bottom of the dis$
will lift the dis$ and pass through. Eressure
against the top of the dis$ shuts the dis$ and
ensures only one direction of flow.
12&. LIGHT CRUDE OIL - A crude oil of relatively high
AE' gravity *usually +,7 degrees or higher0.
12). LIGHT EMITTING DIODE - A low current and
voltage light used as an indicator on load
management e(uipment. Abbreviated5 <"B.
12.. LIME - A common water treatment chemical.
13+. LIME BASE GREASE - A grease with water6
resistant properties5 used for lubrication under
wet or moist operating conditions.
131. LIME-SODA SOFTENING - A process by which
the calcium and magnesium salts, constituting
the harness content of a water, are chemically
precipitated and removed.
132. LIMIT CONTROL 6 A switching device that
completes or brea$s an electrical circuit at
predetermined pressures or temperatures.
Also $nown as an interloc$. 3ee interloc$.
133. LINING 6 The material used on the furnace side of
a furnace wall. 't is usually of high grade
refractory tile or bric$ or plastic refractory
13. LINE VOLTAGE - 'n the control industry, the
normal electric supply voltages, which are
usually 12+ or 2+ volts.
13!. LI%UEFACTION - The change of state from a gas
to a li(uid. *The term li(uefaction is usually
used instead of condensation when referring
to substances which are in a gaseous state at
ordinary pressures and temperatures.0
13#. LI%UID 6 3ubstance whose molecules move freely
among themselves, but do not tend to
separate li$e those of gases.
13&. LI%UID ABSORBENT 6 7hemical in li(uid form
which has the property to 4ta$e on4 or absorb
other fluids. Glycol is such a li(uid and widely use in
the petroleum chemical industry
13). LI%UID IMPINGEMENT - Material removal due to action
of an impingement stream of a fluid.
13.. LI%UID INDICATOR 6 Bevice located in li(uid line which
provides a glass window through which li(uid flow
may be watched.
1+. LI%UID LINE - Tube which carries li(uid refrigerant from
the condenser or li(uid receiver to the refrigerant
control mechanism.
11. LI%UID LINE CHARGING VALVE - The line used for
charging from the high side of the refrigeration
12. LI%UID NITROGEN 6 >itrogen in li(uid form which is
used as a low temperature refrigerant in e1pendable
or chemical refrigerating systems.
nondestructive inspection that locates
discontinuities that are open to the surface of a
metal by first allowing a penetrating dye or
fluorescent li(uid to infiltrate the discontinuity,
removing the e1cess penetrant, and then applying a
developing agent that causes the penetrant to seep
bac$ out of the discontinuity and register as an
1. LI%UID RECEIVER 6 7ylinder *container0 connected to
condenser outlet for storage of li(uid refrigerant in a
way manual valve located at the outlet of the
receiver and used for installation and service
purposes. 't is sometimes called the $ing valve.
Bual hand valve on refrigerant cylinders, which is
used to release either gas or li(uid refrigerant from
the cylinder.
1&. LI%UOR 6 3olution used in absorption refrigeration.
1). LITHIUM BROMIDE 6 A chemical used in combination
with water in absorption cooling systems.
1.. LOAD 6 The amount of heat per unit time imposed on a
refrigeration system or the re(uired rate of heat
1!+. LOAD (AIR CONDITIONING - The amount of heat per
unit time imposed on a refrigeration system or the
re(uired rate of heat removal.
1!1. LOAD FACTOR 6 The ratio of the average load in a
given period to the ma1imum load carried during
that period.
1!2. LOAD SHEDDING - <oad on the system is shed if
insufficient generating plant is available to meet the
demand for current.
1!3. LOAD SUPPRESSION - Automatic e(uipment for
reducing the load on a turbine should the condenser
vacuum fall to a predetermined level.
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Engineering Dictionary
1!. LOAD TURBINE (GAS - 's the turbine which is
directly coupled to the load, which can only be
the case with a multishaft gas turbine
1!!. LOCK NUT5 *10 A thin nut that is turned down over
the regular nut on a bolt to loc$ the regular nut
against turning off. *20 A thin nut placed on a
pipe to hold pac$ing at a =oint or used on both
sides of a bul$head through which a pipe
passes to secure tightness.
1!#. LOCKED ROTOR CURRENT - 3ee 4'nrush
(LMTD - The mathematically derived
temperature6difference between the two fluids
of a heat6e1changer, such that if the whole of
the surface had this temperature6difference
between the two fluids, the rate of heat6
transfer would remain unaltered.
1!). LONGITUDINAL SEAM - A riveted or welded
seam along the longitudinal a1is of a boiler
shell or drum.
1!.. LOW SIDE - The refrigerating system from the
e1pansion point to the point where the
refrigerant vapor is compressed; where the
system is at or below evaporated pressure.
REFRIGERATON - A pressure or temperature
actuated device with sensing element in the
evaporator, which will shut the system down
at its control setting to prevent free2ing chilled
water or to prevent coil frosting. Birect
e1pansion e(uipment may not use this device.
1#1. LOW VOLTAGE - 'n the control industry, a power
supply of 2! volts or less.
1#2. LOW WATER CUTOFF 6 3afety device that shuts
off the boiler%burner in the event of low water,
preventing pressure vessel failure.
1#3. LOW-SIDE FLOAT VALVE 6 :efrigerant control
valve operated by level of li(uid refrigerant in
low6pressure side of system.
1#. LOW-SIDE PRESSURE 6 Eressure in cooling side
of refrigerating cycle.
to $eep low side evaporating pressure from
dropping below certain pressure.
1##. LOOP SEAL5 A vertical H6bend in drain piping in
which a water level is maintained to create an
airtight seal.
1#&. LUBE OIL PURIFIER5 A unit that removes water
and sediment from lubricating oil by
centrifugal force.
1#). LUBRICANT - A substance 6 usually petroleum
based, that is used to reduce friction between
two moving parts.
1#.. LUBRICANT, BONDED FILM - *see lubricant, bonded
1&+. LUBRICANT, BONDED SOLID - A solid lubricant
dispersed in a continuous matri1 of a binder or
attached to a surface by an adhesive material.
1&1. LUBRICANT, CHLORINATED - A lubricant containing a
chlorine compound that reacts with a rubbing
surface at elevated temperatures to protect it from
sliding damage, *see e1treme pressure lubricant0.
1&2. LUBRICANT, SYNTHETIC - A lubricant produced by
synthesis rather than by e1traction or refinement.
1&3. LUBRICATION, AERODYNAMIC - *see gas lubrication0.
1&. LUBRICATION, AEROSTATICS - *see pressuri2ed gas
1&!. LUBRICATION, BATH - *see lubrication, flood0.
1&#. LUBRICATION, BOUNDARY - A condition of lubrication
in which the friction and wear between two surfaces
in relative motion are determined by the properties
of the surfaces and by the properties of the lubricant
other than bul$ viscosity.
1&&. LUBRICATION, DRIP FEED - A system of lubrication in
which the lubricant is supplied to the bearing
surface in the form of drops at regular intervals.
1&). LUBRICATION, DRY FILM - <ubrication that involves
the application of a thin film of solid lubricant to the
surface or surfaces to be lubricated.
1&.. LUBRICATION, FLOOD - A system of lubrication in
which the lubricant is supplied in a continuos stream
at low pressure and subse(uently drains away.
1)+. LUBRICATION, FULL FILM - A type of lubrication
wherein the solid surfaces are separated completely
by an elstohydrodynamic fluid film.
/ydrodynamic lubrication in which a significant force
contribution arises from electromagnetic interaction.
1)2. LUBRICATION, MELT - <ubrication provided by steady
melting of lubricating species. Also phase6change
1)3. LUBRICATION, MIST - <ubrication by an oil mist
produced by in=ecting oil into a gas stream.
1). LUBRICATION, OIL FOG 6 *see mist lubrication0.
1)!. LUBRICATION, OIL RING - A system of lubrication for
hori2ontal shafts. A ring of larger diameter rotates
with the shaft and collects oils from a container
1)#. LUBRICATION, PAD - A system of lubrication in which
the lubricant is delivered to a bearing surface by a
pad of felt or similar material.
lubrication in which a gaseous lubricant is supplied
under sufficient e1ternal pressure to separate the
opposing surfaces by a gas film.
1)). LUBRICATION, SOLID-FILM - <ubrication by
application of a solid lubricant.
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Engineering Dictionary
1).. LUBRICATION, SPLASH - A system of lubrication
in which the lubricant is splashed onto the
moving parts.
1.+. LUBRICATION, THICK FILM - *also $nown as
flood lubrication0.
1.1. LUBRICATION, THIN FILM - *also $nown as
boundary lubrication0.
lubrication in which one or more gaseous
reactants are supplied to the vicinity of the
surface to be lubricated and which
subse(uently react to form a lubricious
deposit on that surface.
1.3. LUBRICATION, WASTE - A system of lubrication
in which the lubricant is delivered to a bearing
surface by cloth waste or yarn.
1.. LUBRICATION, WICK - A system of lubrication in
which the lubricant is delivered to a bearing
surface by means of a wic$.
1.!. LUBRICITY - The ability of a lubricant to reduce
wear and friction, other than by its pure
viscous properties.
1.#. LUG5 An earli$e pro=ection that is fre(uently split,
such as the clamping lug on the tailstoc$ of a
1.&. MACHINABILITY5 The ease with which a metal
may be turned, planed, milled, or other6wise
1.). MACHINE FINISH5 9peration of turning or cutting
an amount of stoc$ from the surface of metal
to produce a finished surface.
1... MAGNESIUM - A scale forming element found in
some boiler feed water.
1!++. MAGNETIC FIELD - The region within which a
body or current e1periences magnetic force.
1!+1. MAGNETIC FLUX - The rate of flow of magnetic
energy across or through a surface.
1!+2. MAGNETIC IRON OXIDE (F2"O' - Eartially
o1idi2ed iron.
nondestructive method of inspection for
determining the e1tent of surface crac$s and
similar imperfection in ferromagnetic
1!+. MAGNETIC POLE -The area on a magneti2ed
part at which the magnetic field leaves or
enters the part. 't is the point of ma1imum
attraction in a magnet.
1!+!. MAGNETIC REFRIGERATION 6 Chere very low
temperatures are obtained by using
paramagnetic salts with magnets.
1!+#. MAGNETIC SEPERATOR 6 A magnetic device
incorporated 'n a conveyor system to attract
and remove any tramp iron in the coal.
1!+&. MAGNETO5 A generator that produces alternating
current and has a permanent magnet as its field.
1!+). MAKEUP WATER 6 Cater fed to a system to replace
that which is lost 6 for e1ample, water fed to a boiler
to replace that lost as steam or condensate; water
fed to a cooling tower to replace that lost by
evaporation, drift, or other causes.
1!+.. MALLEABILITY - That property of a material, which
enables it to be stamped, hammered, or rolled into
thin sheets *The characteristic of metals that permits
plastic deformation in compression without fracture0.
1!1+. MANGANESE 6 A metallic element occasionally found in
very small amounts as an impurity in well6water
1!11. MANIFOLD, SERVICE 6 7hamber e(uipped with
gauges and manual valves, used by service
technicians to service refrigerating systems.
1!12. MANIFOLDING 6 A method of circulating the refrigerant
through separate rows of tubes and mostly used
with direct6e1pansion or dry evaporators.
1!13. MANOMETER - A device to measure small to moderate
pressure differentials. Bevice is general constructed
from glass or plastic tubes filled with water, oil,
alcohol or other suitable fluids.
1!1. MANOMETER - An instrument for measuring pressures5
especially a H6tube partially filled with a li(uid,
usually water, mercury, or a light oil, so constructed
that the amount of displacement of the li(uid
indicates the pressure being e1erted on the
1!1!. MANUAL FROST CONTROL 6 Manual control used to
change operation of refrigerating system to produce
defrosting conditions.
operated valve in a gas line for the purpose of
completely turning on or shutting off the gas supply.
1!1&. MANUFACTURED GAS 6 -uel gas manufactured from
coal, oil, etc., as differentiated from natural gas.
1!1). MASS - The (uantity of matter in a body as measured
by the ratio of the force re(uired to produce a given
acceleration, to the acceleration.
1!1.. MASTER (CENTRAL CONTROL - 7ontrol of all outlets
from one point.
ma1imum gauge pressure permissible in a
completed boiler. The MACE of the completed
boiler shall be less than or e(ual to the lowest
design pressure determined for any of its parts. This
pressure is based upon either proof tests or
calculations for every pressure part of the boiler
using nominal thic$ness e1clusive of allowances for
corrosion and thic$ness re(uired for loadings other
than pressure. 't is the basis for the pressure setting
of the pressure relieving devices protecting the
1!21. MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS LOAD 6 The ma1imum load
which can be maintained for a specified period.
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Engineering Dictionary
sudden load demand on a boiler beyond
which an unbalanced condition may be
established in the boiler8s internal flow pattern
and%or surface release conditions.
highest pressure that can e1ist in a system or
subsystem under normal operating conditions.
pressure that can e1ist in a system or sub6
system during any condition.
1!2!. MCM - Thousand circular mill used to describe
large wire si2es.
calculated combustion in pounds per s(uare
inch *average0 during the power stro$e, minus
the pounds per s(uare inch *average0 of the
remaining three stro$es.
mean gas pressure acting on the piston to
produce wor$.
advantage *leverage0 gained by the use of
devices, such as wheels, to open large valves
and chain falls; bloc$s and tac$les to lift heavy
weights; and wrenches to tighten nuts on
burner which uses the pressure of the oil for
1!3+. MECHANICAL CLEANING5 A method of cleaning
the firesides of boilers by scraping and wire
1!31. MECHANICAL CYCLE5 The number of piston
stro$es occurring during any one series of
events *for e1ample, 26stro$e or 6stro$e
1!32. MECHANICAL DRAFT 6 The negative pressure
created by mechanical means.
1!33. MECHANICAL DRAWING5 3cale drawings of
mechanical ob=ects. *3ee B:AC'>G.0
1!3. MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY5 *10 The ratio of
bra$e horsepower to indicted horsepower, or
ratio of bra$e mean effective pressure to
mean indicated pressure. *20 An engineLs
rating, which indicates how much of the
potential horsepower is wasted through
friction within the moving parts of the engine.
removing grits from flue gases by sub=ecting
the gases to a high degree of swirl in a
number of cyclones.
1!3#. MECHANICAL SEALS 6 A mechanical device
used to control lea$age from the stuffing bo1
of a pump. Mechanical seals are usually made
of two flat surfaces, one of which rotates on a
shaft. The two flat surfaces are of such
tolerances as to prevent the passage of water
between them.
1!3&. MECHANICAL WEAR - :emoval of material due to
mechanical process under conditions of sliding,
rolling, or repeated impact. 'ncluded are abrasive
wear, fatigue wear and adhesive wear, but not the
corrosive and thermal wear.
1!3). MELTING POINT - -or a given pressure, the
temperature at which the solid and li(uid phases of
the substance are in e(uilibrium.
1!3.. MELTING POINT 6 Temperature at atmospheric
pressure at which a substance will melt.
1!+. MEMBRANE - A barrier, usually thin, that permits the
passage only of particles up to a certain si2e or of
special nature.
1!1. MEMBRANE - A thin sheet or layer.
1!2. MERCAPTAN - A compound chemically similar to
alcohol, with sulfur replacing the o1ygen in the
chemical structure. Many mercaptans have an
offensive odor and are used as deodorants in
natural gas.
1!3. METALLURGICAL FACTOR - The condition of the
metal, such as inclusions, chemical segregationLs,
cold wor$ and others, which have an impact upon
the rate of electrochemical corrosion rates.
1!. MHO5 The unit of conductance; the reciprocal of an ohm.
1!!. MICA - A silicate material used with high pressure gauge
glasses on boilers.
1!#. MICHELL THRUST BEARING - A bearing for locating
the a1ial position of a turbine rotor. A collar on the
shaft runs between pads faced with white6metal.
1!&. MICRO5 A prefi1 meaning one millionth.
1!). MICROBAR 6 A unit of pressure e(ual to 1 dyne%cm
*one millionth of the pressure of the atmosphere0.
1!.. MICROFILTRATION - A membrane filtration process,
which forces water through a porous barrier. Eores
are usually between +.1 to 2+ m m, when used for
water purification. -or filtering purposes, pore si2es
are .+! m m.
1!!+. MICRON - A unit of length, the thousandth part of 1 mm
of the millionth of a meter.
1!!1. MICROMHO5 "lectrical unit used with salinity indicators
for measuring the conductivity of water.
1!!2. MICROPROCESSO( - A small computer used in load
management to analy2e energy demand and
consumption such that loads are turned on and off
according to a predetermined program.
1!!3. MILD STEEL 6 A low6carbon steel of ordinary
1!!. MILLI5 A prefi1 meaning one6thousandth.
1!!!. MILL SCALE - A natural blac$ iron o1ide coating loosely
adhering to the interior of new piping or tubes.
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1!!#. MINERAL - A naturally occurring inorganic
substance having specified chemical
composition and crystalline structure.
1!!&. MINIATURE BOILER 6 -ire pressure vessels
which do not e1ceed the following limits5
1# in. inside diameter of shell; 2 in., overall
length to outside of heads at center; 2+ s( ft
water heating surface; or 1++ psi ma1imum
allowable wor$ing pressure.
1!!). MISCIBILITY - The ability of two li(uids, not
mutually soluble, to mi1.
1!!.. MIX BED DEMINERALIZER - /aving a mi1ture of
cation and anion e1change resin in the same
1!#1. MIXTURE - A physical blend of two or more
1!#2. MODULATING 6 Type of device or control which
tends to ad=ust by increments *minute
changes0 rather than by either 4full on4 or 4full
off4 operation.
1!#3. MODULATING CONTROL - A mode of automatic
control in which the action of the final control
element is proportional to the deviation, from
set point, of the controlled medium.
:efrigerating system of variable capacity.
1!#!. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY (E - The measure of
rigidity or stiffness of a material.
1!##. MOISTURE INDICATOR 6 'nstrument used to
measure moisture content of a refrigerant.
1!#&. MOISTURE LOSS 6 The boiler flue gas loss
representing the difference in the heat content
of the moisture in the e1it gases and that at
the temperature of the ambient air.
1!#). MOLLIER DIAGRAM - An enthalpy6entropy or
enthalpy6pressure chart showing the
thermodynamic properties of a fluid.
1!#.. MONOMER - A molecule, usually an organic
compound, having the ability to =oin with a
number of identical molecules to form a
1!&+. MONITORING POINT5 The physical location at
which any indicating device displays the value
of a parameter at some control station. 3ee
1!&1. MOTOR5 *10 A rotating machine that transforms
electrical energy into mechanical energy. *20
An actuator, which
1!&2. MOTOER CONTROL CENTER - A single metal
enclosed assembly containing a number of
motor controllers and possibly other devices
such as switches and control devices.
1!&3. converts fluid power to rotary mechanical, force
and motion.
1!&. MOTOR CONTROLLER5 A device *or group of devices0
that governs, in some predetermined manner, the
operation of the motor to which it is connected.
1!&!. MOTOR GENERATOR SET5 A machine consisting of a
motor mechanically coupled to a generator and
usually mounted on the same base.
1!&#. MUD DRUM - A pressure chamber of a drum or header
type located at the lower e1tremity of a water tube
boiler and fitted with blowoff valve.
1!&&. MULLION HEATER 6 "lectrical heating element
mounted in the mullion. Hsed to $eep mullion from
sweating or frosting.
having two or more compressive steps. Bischarge
from each step is the inta$e pressure of the ne1t in
1!&.. MULTIPLE SYSTEM - :efrigerating mechanism in
which several evaporators are connected to one
condensing unit.
1!)+. MULTI-SHAT GAS TURBINE - A gas turbine having
more than one shaft, li$e the dual shaft
SYSTEM - Chere the refrigerant is vapori2ed and
condensed alternately and is compressed in the
vapor phase.
1!)2. MULTISTAGE THERMOSTAT 6 A thermostat which
controls au1iliary e(uipment for heating or cooling in
response to a greater demand for heating or
1!)3. NAPHTA - A volatile, flammable li(uid hydrocarbon
distilled from petroleum and used as a solvent or
1!). NATURAL CIRCULATION - The circulation of a boiler
caused by differences in density. Also referred as
thermal or thermally induced circulation.
1!)!. NATURAL CONVECTION - Movement of a fluid caused
only by temperature differences *density changes0.
1!)#. NATURAL DRAFT COOLING TOWER - 7ools water by
moving air at low velocities.
1!)&. NATURAL GAS - A highly compressible, highly
e1pandable mi1ture of hydrocarbons having a low
specific gravity and occurring naturally in gaseous
form. Besides hydrocarbon gases, natural gas may
contain (uantities of nitrogen, helium, carbon
dio1ide, hydrogen sulfide and water vapor.
1!)). NATURALLY ASPIRATED - A term used to describe a
diesel engine in which air flows into the engine by
means of atmospheric pressure only.
1!).. NAVAL DISTILLATE DIESEL FUEL5 The fuel normally
used in diesel engines. The most commonly used
for boilers and diesel engines is naval distillate
*>AT9 symbol -6&#0, but other fuels such as NE6!
*>AT9 symbol -60 and naval distillate lower pour
point *>AT9 symbol -6&!0 are also used.
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Engineering Dictionary
1!.+. NC - >ormally closed contacts of a relay.
1!.1. NEEDLE VALVE5 Type of valve with a rod6
shaped, needle6pointed valve body which
wor$s into a valve seat so shaped that the
needle point fits into it and closes the
passage. 3uitable for precise control of flow.
1!.2. NEGATIVE CHARGE - The electrical potential
which an atom ac(uires when it gains one or
more electrons; a characteristic of an anion.
1!.3. NEOPRENE5 A synthetic rubber highly resistant to
oil, light, heat, and o1idation.
difference between total pressure and vapor
pressure in a fluid flow, e1pressed in terms of
e(uivalent height or 4head4.
1!.!. NEUTRAL - The circuit conductor that is normally
grounded or at 2ero voltage difference to the
given to (uenching oils that reflect the oilLs
tendency toward o1idation and sludging.
1!.&. NEUTRALIZER 6 A substance that will combine
with an acid or al$ali chemically, thus
removing the acidity or al$alinity.
1!.). NEUTRALIZING AMINES - Are amines used to
neutrali2e the acid generated by the
dissolution of carbon dio1ide.
1!... NEWTON - The unit of force in the metric system.
A newton is the force re(uired to accelerate
an ob=ect of 1 $ilogram mass to a velocity of 1
meter per second in 1 second.
1#++. NIPPLE - A short, threaded tubular coupling, used
for ma$ing connections between pipe =oints.
1#+1. NITROGEN BLANKETING - Hsed with wet
standby, where the space above the water
level is filled with nitrogen at about ! to 1+
psig in order to $eep the o1ygen out.
1#+2. NITROGEN DIOXIDE 6 Mildly poisonous gas
*>920 often found in smog or automobile
1#+3. NO - >ormally open contacts of a relay.
1#+. NOBEL METAL - A chemically inactive metal,
such as gold.
1#+!. NO-FROST FREEZER 6 <ow6temperature
refrigerator cabinet in which no frost or ice
collects on free2er surfaces or materials
stored in cabinet.
1#+#. NOISE - Any undesired sounds, usually of different
fre(uencies, resulting in an ob=ectionable or
irritating sensation.
1#+&. NOMINAL SIZE - A designated si2e that may be
different from the actual si2e.
1#+). NOMINAL SIZE TUBING 6 Tubing measurement
which has an inside diameter the same as iron
pipe of the same stated si2e.
1#+.. NON-CARBONATED HARDNESS - /ardness in water
caused by chlorides, sulfates, and nitrates of
calcium and magnesium.
1#1+. NON-CODE INSTALLATION 6 -unctional refrigerating
system installed where there are no local, state, or
national refrigeration codes in force.
1#11. NON-CONDENSABLES - Gaseous material not
li(uefied when associated water vapor is condensed
in the same environment.
such as ultrasonic or radiographic inspection, for
determining the (uality of a material without
permanently altering anything *Testing plant parts,
such as drums, tubes, headers and welds, for
soundness by means of electronic apparatus and
other methods, with out necessarily dismantling the
parts concerned0.
1#13. NON-FERROUS ALLOY - Alloy containing less then !+
? iron.
1#1. NON-FROSTING EVAPORATOR 6 "vaporator which
never collects frost or ice on its surface. Hses only
thermostatic e1pansion valves.
obtain the re(uired high and low pressure by some
method other than a mechanical compressor.
1#1#. NON-REACTIVE SILICA - 's a polymeric form of silica;
thermally unstable which reverts to normal silica
when heated. Bifficult to detect, but may be present
when boiler feedwater shows none, but boiler water
reads silica.
1#1&. NORMAL CARRYOVER - :efers to the carryover which
occurs in any boiler operating under the best
1#1). NORMAL CHARGE - Thermal element charge which is
part li(uid and part gas under all operating
position of a valve, damper, relay contacts, or switch
when e1ternal power or pressure is not being
applied to the device. Falves and dampers usually
are returned to a 4normal4 position by a spring.
pressure at which an essentially constant6pressure
system operates. This pressure is used for the
systemLs basic pressure identification.
1#21. NONFERROUS METAL5 Metal that is composed
primarily of a metallic element, or elements other
than iron.
1#22. NORMALIZE5 To heat steel to a temperature slightly
above its critical point and then allow it to cool
slowly in air.
1#23. NO> 6 Abbreviation for all of the family of o1ides of
1#2. NOZZLE5 A taper or constriction used to speed up or
direct the flow of gas or li(uid.
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Engineering Dictionary
1#2!. NOZZLE AREA5 3mallest opening *area0 of a
no22le that is at a right angle to the direction
of flow.
1#2&. NTU - >ephelometric turbidity unit. A light
6interference analytical method to measure
the turbidity of water.
1#2). NUCLEATE BOILING 6 The even boiling of water
in which steam bubbles are formed within the
boiler water gradually and are evenly
distributed rather than being suddenly formed
and erratically distributed.
1#3+. OCCLUSION - An absorption process by which
one solid material adheres strongly to another,
sometimes occurring by coprecipitation.
1#31. OCTANE RATING - A classification of gasoline
according to its anti$noc$ (ualities. The higher
the octane number or rating, the greater are
the anti$noc$ (ualities of the gasoline.
in absorption machines to reduce surface
tension in the absorber.
1#33. OFFSET - Term used to describe the difference
between the set point and the actual operating
or control point.
1#3. OHM - The unit of electrical resistance e(ual to the
resistance through which a current of 1
ampere will flow when there is potential
difference of one volt across it.
1#3!. OHMAS LAW - The relationship between current
and voltage in a circuit. 't states that current is
proportional to voltage and inversely
proportional to resistance. "1pressed
algebraically, in B7 circuits I=E/R; in AC
circuits I=E/Z.
1#3#. OIL - A li(uid of vegetable, animal, mineral, or
synthetic origin that feels slippery to the touch.
1#3&. OIL BINDING 6 7ondition in which an oil layer on
top of refrigerant li(uid may prevent if from
evaporating at its normal pressure
1#3). OIL GROOVE - A channel or channels in a
bearing to improve oil flow through the
1#3.. OIL KING5 A petty officer who receives, transfers,
discharges, and tests fuel oil and maintains
fuel oil records.
1#+. OIL RING LUBRICATION - A system of lubrication
for hori2ontal shafts. A ring of larger diameter
rotates with the shaft and collects oils from a
container below.
1#1. OIL SEPARATOR - Bevice used to remove oil from
gaseous refrigerant or steam.
1#2. OIL STRAINER5 A strainer placed at the inlet end of the
oil pump to prevent dirt and other particles from
getting into moving parts.
1#3. OIL, MINERAL - A refined hydrocarbon oil without
animal or vegetable additives.
1#. OIL, MULTIGRADE - An oil having relative little change
in viscosity over a specified temperature range.
1#!. OIL, NEUTRAL - A lubricating oil obtained by distillation,
not treated with acid or with al$ali.
1##. OIL, TURBINE - An oil used to lubricate bearings in a
steam or gas turbine.
1#&. OILTIGHT5 /aving the property of resisting the passage
of oil.
1#). ONCE-THROUGH BOILER - A steam generating unit
usually operated above the critical pressure in which
there is no re6circulation of the wor$ing fluid in any
part of the unit.
1#.. ON-OFF CONTROL - A two position action which allows
operation at either ma1imum or minimum condition,
or on or off, depending on the position of the
1#!+. ON LOAD WASHING - A method of cleaning surfaces
by applying a carefully controlled amount of water
from spray no22les on to the fouled surface with the
boiler on load.
1#!1. OPEN CIRCUIT - The absence of a direct connection
between two points in an electrical networ$.
1#!2. OPEN CYCLE - A gas turbine arrangement, in were the
e1haust gases from the turbine are e1hausted to the
atmosphere without any further treatment.
system, using continuously circulated water as a
heat6transfer medium, in which the water is e1posed
at one point to the atmosphere for either discharge
or absorption of heat.
1#!. OPERATING POINT - The value of the controlled
condition at which the controller actually operates.
Also called control point.
1#!!. OPERATING PRESSURE 6 Actual pressure at which the
system wor$s under normal conditions. This
pressure may be positive or negative *vacuum0.
1#!#. OPERATING TEMPERATURE5 The actual temperature
of a component during operation.
1#!&. OPERATION (AUTOMATIC05 The regulation of a
process by a controlling system without manual
1#!). OPERATION (LOCAL-MANUAL05 Eositioning of a final
control element by attending personnel from the
elementLs manual control station.
1#!.. OPTICAL PYROMETER 6 An instrument to measure
visually the temperature of a glowing body or of a
flame. 9ften used also to measure furnace
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Engineering Dictionary
1##+. ORGANIC GROWTH - A substance resulting from
the growth of biological organisms such as
fungi, algae, and slime bacteria.
1##1. ORGANIC MATERIAL - 7ontain carbon and
usually hydrogen and are derived from living
organic compounds such as hydro(uinone
and ascorbate to remove dissolved o1ygen
from the boiler feedwater and condensate.
1##3. ORIFICE 6 Accurate si2e opening for controlling
fluid flow.
1##. ORSAT ANALYZER - A furnace atmosphere
analysis device in which gases are absorbed
selectively *volumetric basis0 by passing them
through a series of pre6selected solvents.
1##!. OSCILLATION5 A bac$ward and forward motion; a
1###. OSHA - 9ccupational 3afety and /ealth
1##&. OSMOSIS - The passage of water through
permeable membrane separating two
solutions of different concentration; the water
passes into the more concentrated solution.
1##). OTTO COMBUSTION CYCLE5 7ombustion
induced by spar$ ignition occurring at constant
volume. The basic combustion cycle of a
gasoline engine.
1##.. OUTPUT SIGNAL5 The pressure or flow of fluid
leaving the output port of a fluidic device.
1#&+. OUTSIDE AIR OPENING (HVAC - Any opening
used as an entry for air from outdoors.
1#&1. OVERCURRENT DEVICE - A device such as a
fuse or a circuit brea$er designed to protect a
circuit against e1cessive current by opening
the circuit.
1#&2. OVERFLOW PIPE - A pipe installed at a top of a
tan$ to enable the li(uid within to be
discharged to another vessel when the tan$ is
filled to capacity.
1#&3. OVERLOAD - A condition of e1cess current; more
cur rent flowing than the circuit was designed
to carry.
1#&. OVERRIDE - A manual or automatic action ta$en
to by pass the normal operation of a device or
1#&!. OVERHAUL5 To inspect, repair, and put in proper
condition for operation.
1#&#. OVERLOAD5 A load greater than the rated load of
an engine or electrical device.
generator re=ects load and is disconnected
from the busbars, sensing devices come 'nto
action to close the steam throttle valves in about
half the time the speed governor would ta$e.
1#&). OVERSPEED TRIP D 3topping the Turbine at a
specified 3peed Falue* generally 11+? of rated
1#&.. OXIDATION - The reaction of an element or substance
with o1ygen, e.g., iron is o1idi2ed by reaction with
o1ygen to form rust *iron o1ide0.
1#)+. OXIDATION STABILITY - The ability of an oil to resist
o1idation. 'mproved by the addition of o1idation
1#)1. OXIDIZING AGENT - Any substance such as o1ygen, or
chlorine, that will readily add *ta$e on0 electrons.
1#)2. OXIDIZING ATMOSPHERE - A furnace atmosphere
with an oversupply of o1ygen that tends to o1idi2e
materials placed in it.
1#)3. OXIDIZING BIOCIDE - An agent, such as chlorine,
which will $ill bacteria by the chemical process of
1#). OXYACETYLENE WELDING 6 An o1yfuel gas welding
process in which the fuel gas is acetylene.
1#)!. OXYGEN ATTACK 6 7orrosion or pitting in a boiler
caused by o1ygen.
1#)#. OXYGEN CONCENTRATION CELL - *see differential
aeration cell0.
1#)&. OXYGEN CONCENTRATION CELL - The surface area
in contact with the media of higher o1ygen
concentration becomes the cathodic area, and the
area with the lower o1ygen concentration becomes
the anode.
1#)). OXYGEN-FREE FEEDWATER5 Cater from which
dissolved o1ygen has been removed
1#).. OXYGEN PITTING - Bamage caused due to the
presence of o1ygen in the feedwater. Bamage
results are small pit6li$e holes in the metal.
1#.+. OXYGEN SCAVENGER - A substance that will absorb
o1ygen by chemical reaction.
1#.1. OZONE - Triatomic o1ygen *+30. 3ometimes used in cold
storage or air conditioning installations as an odor
eliminator. 7an be to1ic in certain concentrations.
1#.2. PACKAGED BOILER 6 A boiler supplied with all of its
components 6 burner, controls and au1iliary
e(uipment, designed as a single engineered
pac$age, and ready for on6site installation.
refrigerating system including compressor,
condenser and evaporator located in the
refrigerated space.
1#.. PACKED COLUMN - A tower filled with small ob=ects,
designed to obtain large surfaces per volume
between rising vapors and a descending li(uid.
1#.!. PACKING 6 Material made usually of woven animal,
plant, mineral or metal fiber and some type of
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Engineering Dictionary
lubricant, placed in rings around the shaft of a
pump and used to control lea$age from the
stuffing bo1.
1#.#. PACKING - The fill in a confined space in a
stripping vessel, ranging from simple shaped
units such as roc$s or slats to comple1
shapes that provide large surface area per
unit volume.
1#.&. PACKING GLAND - The metal part that
compresses and holds pac$ing in place in a
stuffing bo1.
1#.). PARALLEL CIRCUIT - 9ne where all the
elements are connected across the voltage
source. Therefore, the voltage on each
element is the same but the current through
each may be different.
1#... PARALLEL OPERATION5 Two or more units
operating simultaneously and connected so
their output forms a common supply, as
opposed to series or independent operation.
1&++. PARALLEL SLIDE VALVE 6 A valve having a pair
of discs carried on the valve stem and thereby
movable into the space between the valve
1&+1. PARAMETER5 A variable such as temperature,
pressure, flow rate, voltage, current,
fre(uency, etc., which may be indicated,
monitored, chec$ed or sensed in any way
during operation or testing.
1&+3. PARTIAL PRESSURES - 7ondition where two or
more gases occupy a space and each one
creates part of the total pressure.
1&+. PARTIAL SECTION5 A sectional view consisting
of less than a half6section. Hsed to show the
internal structure of a small portion of an
ob=ect. Also $nown as bro$en section.
1&+!. PARTICULATE5 Minute particles or (uantities of
solid matter resulting from incomplete
combustion. 7arbon, sulphur, ash, and
various other compounds are all referred to as
particulate, either collectively or individually,
when discharged into a flue or into the
1&+#. PASCAL - The accepted metric unit of
measurement or pressure and stress
component in the measurement of viscosity. A
Eascal is e(ual to a force of 1 >ewton acting
an area of 1 s(uare meter. The symbol is Pa.
1&+&. PASCAL,S LAW 6 Eressure imposed upon a fluid
is transmitted e(ually in all directions.
material capable of forming a protective o1ide
film on metal surfaces.
1&+.. PASSIVATION - The process of rendering a metal
surface chemically inactive, either by
electrochemical polari2ation or by contact with a
passivating agent.
1&1+. PASSIVATOR - A type of corrosion inhibitor that
appreciably changes the potential of a metal to a
more noble *positive0 value.
1&11. PASSIVATOR - A type of corrosion inhibitor that
appreciably changes the potential of a metal to a
more positive value.
1&12. PASSIVE-ACTIVE CELL - A corrosion cell in which the
anode is a metal in that active state and the cathode
is the same metal in the passive state.
1&13. PASSIVITY - A condition on metal surfaces that inhibits
electrochemical action between the metal and its
environment, such as with boiler water.
1&1. PASS-OUT TURBINE - A turbine from which some of
the steam is e1tracted for use in a factory process
or for central heating. The remaining steam is
passed to a condenser as in a condensing turbine.
1&1!. PATHOGENIC BACTERIA - Bisease6causing bacteria.
1&1#. PEAK DEMAND - The greatest amount of $ilowatts
needed during a demand interval.
1&1&. PEAK LOAD PRICING - A pricing principle that charges
more for purchases that contribute to the pea$
demand and, thereby, cause the e1pansion of
productive capacity when the pea$ demand
e1ceeds the pea$ capacity *less minimum e1cess
capacity0. 'n the electric power industry, this means
charging more hr electricity bought on or near the
seasonal pea$ of the utility or on or near the daily
pea$ of the utility. The latter re(uires special meters;
the former does not.
1&1). PEAKING LOAD - 's the electrical load drawn on the
system during high power usage. Hsually on very
hot or cold days or during the supper hour.
1&1.. PELTIER EFFECT 6 Chen direct current is passed
through two ad=acent metals one =unction will
become cooler and the other will become warmer.
This principle is the basis of thermoelectric
1&2+. PENDANT SUPERHEATER 6 A superheater in which
the tubes are 'nstalled vertically.
1&21. PERFECT COMBUSTION 6 The complete o1idation of
all the combustible constituents of a fuel, utili2ing all
the o1ygen supplied.
1&22. PERFECT GAS - A hypothetical gas obeying the relation
pv = RT.
1&23. PERMANENT GASES - 7ryogenic refrigerants.
1&2. PERMEABILITY - The ability of a body to pass fluid
under pressure.
systematic and descriptive study of roc$s. This
method also allows the identification of boiler
scales, since scale can consist of a large variety of
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Engineering Dictionary
1&2#. PETROLEUM OIL 6 *see mineral oils0.
1&2&. ;H 6 The negative logarithm of the hydrogen6ion
concentration of a solution; simply a measure
of the relative acidity or al$alinity of a water
solution. *p/ 1 very acidic; p/ 1, very basic;
p/ &, neutral0.
1&2). ;H OF SATURATION (;H1 6 The p/ at which a
sample of water is saturated with a specific
salt; for e1ample, the p/ of saturation of
calcium carbonate is the p/ of a saturated
solution of calcium carbonate.
1&2.. PHANTOM VIEW5 A view showing the alternate
position of a movable ob=ect, using a bro$en
line convention.
1&3+. PHASE - Eart of an A7 voltage cycle. :esidential
electrical service is 26phase; commercial
facilities are usually 36phase A7 voltage.
1&31. PHIAL 6Term sometimes used to denote the
sensing element on a thermostatic e1pansion
1&32. PHOSPHATE 6 An ion, compound, or salt
containing phosphorus and o1ygen, such as
sodium phosphate *>a3E+0.
1&33. PHYSICAL CHANGE5 A change that does not
alter the composition of the molecules of a
substance, such as from gas to li(uid.
1&3. PHOSPHATE TREATMENT - An internal boiler
water treatment method to reduce calcium in
the boiler with low hardness feedwater.
1&3!. PHYSICAL STABILITY - The (uality which an ion6
e1change resin must possess to resist
changes that might be caused by attrition,
high temperatures, and other physical
1&3#. PHYSICAL WATER TREATMENT - :efers to the
treatment of removing dissolved gases from
the boiler feedwater, using steam.
1&3&. PICTORIAL DRAWING5 A drawing, which gives
the real appearance of an ob=ect showing
general location, function, and appearance of
parts and assemblies.
1&3). PIG IRON - /igh6carbon iron made by reduction of
iron ore in the blast furnace.
1&3.. PILOT DUTY RELAY - A relay used for switching
loads such as another relay or solenoid valve
coils. The pilot duty relay contacts are located
in a second control circuit. Eilot duty relays
are rated in volt6amperes *FA0.
1&+. PILOT VALVE5 A small valve dis$ and seat,
usually located within a larger dis$, which
controls the operation of another valve or
1&2. PILOT VALVE (GOVERNOR05 A hydraulic control
valve that regulates hydraulic pressure to a
piston and cylinder.
between the e1haust6gas temperature leaving the
evaporator and the saturation temperature within
the evaporator tubes *The pinch temperature
indicates whether the evaporator section is
absorbing as much heat as predicted. Typical pinch
temperatures range from 6. to D1
7. *! D1+
1&. PINION5 A gear that meshes with a larger gear.
1&!. PINTLE-TYPE NOZZLE5 A closed6type no22le having a
pro=ection on the end of the fuel valve which
e1tends into the orifice when the valve is closed.
1&#. PIPE5 A tube or hollow body for conducting a li(uid or
gas. Bimensions of a pipe are designated by
nominal *appro1imate0 outside diameter *9B0 and
wall thic$ness.
1&&. PIPING5 An assembly of pipe or tubing, valves, and
fittings that forms the transferring part of a system.
1&). PIPE SCALE 6 :ust or mill scale found on the interior of
water pipe.
1&.. PIT - 7orrosion locali2ed in a small spot.
1&!+. PITOTE TUBE - An open ended tube arrangement to
face against the current of a stream of fluid; used in
measuring the velocity head of a flowing medium.
1&!1. PITS - Eetroleum 'ndustry Training 3ervice. *7anada0
1&!2. PISTON5 A cylindrical plug which slides up and down in
the cylinder and which is connected to the
connecting rod.
1&!3. PISTON BOSS5 The reinforced area around the piston6
pin bore.
1&!. PISTON DISPLACEMENT5 The volume of air moved or
displaced by a piston as the piston moves from BB7
to TB7.
1&!!. PISTON HEAD5 The portion of the piston above the top
1&!#. PISTON LANDS5 The spaces in pistons between the
ring grooves.
1&!&. PISTON PIN (WRIST PIN: A cylindrical alloy pin that
passes through the piston bore and connects the
connecting rod to the piston.
1&!). PISTON RING5 A split ring of the e1pansion type placed
in a groove of the piston to seal the space between
the piston and the wall.
1&!.. PISTON-RING END GAP5 The clearance between the
ends of a piston ring.
1&#+. PISTON-RING GROOVE5 The grooves cut in the piston
into which the piston rings are fitted.
between the sides of the ring and the ring lands.
1&#2. PISTON SKIRT5 The portion of the piston that is below
the piston bore.
1&#3. PISTON SPEED5 The total distance traveled by each
piston in one minute.
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Engineering Dictionary
1&#. PITCH5 A term applied to *10 the distance a
propeller will advance during one revolution;
*20 the distance between the centers of the
teeth of a gear wheel; *30 the a1ial advance of
one convolution of the thread on a screw; and
*0 the spacing of rivets, and so forth.
1&#!. PITOT TUBE 6 An instrument which will register
total pressure and static pressure in a gas
stream, used to determine its velocity.
1&##. PITTING 6 <ocali2ed corrosion of a metal
characteri2ed by small blisters under which
holes have perforated the metal.
1&#). PLASTICITY - The ability of a substance to be
deformed without rupturing.
1&#.. PLENUM CHAMBER - An air compartment
connected to one or more distributing ducts.
1&&+. PLENUM CHAMBER 6 7hamber or container for
moving air or other gas under a slight positive
1&&1. PLUG VALVE - A valve that has a rotating plug,
which is drilled for the passage of fluid.
1&&2. PNEUMATIC - 9perated by air pressure.
Bevice that operates an electric switch from a
change of air pressure.
1&&. ;OH 6 An e1pression of the al$alinity of a solution;
the negative logarithm of the hydro1yl6ion
1&&!. POINT, CRITICAL - 9f a substance, state point at
which li(uid and vapor have identical
properties; critical temperature, critical
pressure, and critical volume are the terms
given to the temperature, pressure, and
volume at the critical point. Above the critical
temperature or
1&&#. POLARITY - The direction of current flow in a B7
circuit. By convention, current flows from plus
to minus. "lectron flow is actually in the
opposite direction.
1&&&. POLAR TIMING DIAGRAM5 A graphic method of
illustrating the events of an engine cycle with
respect to cran$shaft rotation. *3ee figures 261
and 262.0
1&&). POLARIZE - 'n corrosion, to develop a barrier on
the anodic or cathodic surface, disrupting the
corrosion process.
1&&.. POLE - An electrical connection point. 'n a panel,
the point of connection. 9n a device, the
terminal that connects to the power.
1&)+. POLYELECTROLYTE 6 A water6soluble polymer
that is highly charged with cationic or anionic
sites. Hsed as an aid with coagulants.
1&)1. POLYMER 6 A chemical compound formed by the
ad=oining of many molecules of the same
characteristics; for e1ample, polyvinyl chloride is a
polymer of the molecule vinyl chloride.
1&)2. POLYMERIC DISPERSANT 6 A water6soluble polymer
that acts as a suspending agent; that is, it promotes
suspension of particles in water so that they resist
1&)3. POLYPHOSPHATE 6 A chemical compound formed by
the ad=oining of phosphate ions, hence a polymer of
1&). POLYTHROPIC PROCESS 6 A nonadiabatic reversible
process characteri2ed by the e(uation of path, pv I
1&)!. POROUS VASE - A vase having a porous construction,
which was used to cool its content.
1&)#. PORT SCAVENGING5 'ntroducing scavenging air
through ports in the cylinder wall when they are
uncovered by the piston near the end of the power
1&)&. POSITIVE CHARGE - The electrical potential ac(uired
by an atom which has lost one or more electrons; a
characteristic of a cation.
1&)). POTABLE WATER5 Cater that is suitable for drin$ing.
The potable water system supplies scuttlebutts,
sin$s, showers, sculleries, and galleys, as well as
provides ma$eup water for various freshwater
cooling systems.
1&).. POTENTIAL ENERGY 6 *10 "nergy at rest; stored
energy. *20 The energy a substance has because of
its position, its condition, or its chemical
composition. @The energy, that a body has by virtue
of its position or state, enabling it to do wor$. *Cater
in a reservoir has potential energy by virtue of its
elevation above some other point.0A.
1&.+. POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER - A voltage transformer.
The voltage supplied to a primary coil induces a
voltage in a secondary coil according, to the ratio of
the wire windings in each of the coils.
1&.1. POTENTIOMETER - An electromechanical device
having a terminal connected to each and to the
resistive element, and a third terminal connected to
the wiper contact. The electrical input is divided as
the contact moves over the element, thus ma$ing it
possible to mechanically change the resistance.
1&.2. POUR POINT - The lowest temperature at which a
lubricant can be observed to flow under specified
conditions. -or oil, the pour point is a temperature
61!,7 above the temperature at which the oil is
1&.3. POUR-POINT DEPRESSANT - An additive that lowers
the pour point of a lubricant.
1&.. POWER (P - The rate of doing wor$ or the rate of
e1pending energy. The unit of electrical power is the
watt; the unit of mechanical power is horsepower.
"1pressed in watts *C0 or $ilowatts *$C), and is
e(ual to5
1&.!. POWER ELEMENT 6 3ensitive element of a
temperature6operated control.
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Engineering Dictionary
1&.#. POWER FACTOR (;3 - A (uantity that relates the
volt amperes of an A7 circuit to the wattage
*power I volt6amperes 1 power factor0. Eower
factor also is the ratio of the circuit resistance
*:0 to the impedance *T0 e1pressed as a
decimal between 2ero and one *pf I :%T0.
Chen the power factor e(uals one, all
consumed power produces useful wor$. *'n an
alternating current circuit, the factor by which
the product of current and voltage must be
multiplied to give the true power. 't can vary
between unity and 2ero0.
1&.&. POWER FACTOR CHARGE - A utility charge for
4poor4 power factor. 't is more e1pensive to
provide power to a facility with a poor power
factor *usually less than +.)0.
1&.). POWER FACTOR CORRECTION - 'nstalling
capacitors on the utility serviceLs supply line to
improve the power factor of the building.
1&... POWER OIL SYSTEM - The high6pressure part of
the turbine oil system. 't supplies oil for
governor operation of the control and
emergency trip valves.
1)++. PPB (PARTS PER BILLION - e(uals +.++1 ppm
1)+1. PPM (PARTS PER MILLION: 7oncentration of
the number of parts of a substance dissolved
in a million parts of another substance. Hsed
to measure the salt content of water. 'f 1
pound of sea salt were dissolved in l,+++,+++
pounds of water, the sea salt concentration
would be 1.++ ppm.
1)+2. PRECIPITATE - An insoluble reaction product; in
an a(ueous chemical reaction, usually a
crystalline compound that grows in si2e to
become settable.
The are chemicals which form insoluble
precipitates that are able to coat and protect
surfaces. They are less durable then the
passivating type inhibitors.
1)+. PRECIPITATION 6 A process whereby salts drop
or come out of a water solution.
1)+!. E:"7'3'9> '>3":T B"A:'>G5 A precision type
of bearing consisting of an upper and lower
phosphate treatment based upon maintaining
2 to ppm of phosphate and 1! to !+ ppm of
hydrate al$alinity in the boiler.
1)+&. PREDICTING METHOD - A method for
determining when load shedding should
occur. A formula is used to arrive at a preset
$ilowatt limit. Then the actual amount of
energy accumulated during the utility8s
demand intervals is measured. A pro=ection is
made of the actual rate of energy usage
during the rest of the interval. 'f the predicted value
e1ceeds the preset limit, loads will be shed.
1)+). PREIGNITION - A condition in an internal combustion
engine characteri2ed by a $noc$ing sound and
caused by the fuel6air mi1ture having been ignited to
soon because of an abnormal condition.
1)+.. PRECOMBUSTION CHAMBER5 A portion of the
combustion chamber connected to the cylinder
through a narrow throat. -uel is in=ected into and is
partly burned in the pre6combustion chamber. /eat
released by this partial burning causes the contents
of the pre6combustion chamber to be e=ected into
the cylinder with considerable turbulence.
1)1+. PRESSURE - The normal force e1erted by a
homogeneous li(uid or gas, per unit of area, on the
wall of its container.
1)12. PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL5 The difference in pressure
between any two points of a system or a
1)13. PRESSURE DROP - Eressure loss in fluid pressure, as
from one end of a duct or pipe to the other, due to
friction, dynamic losses, and changes in velocity
1)1. PRESSURE GAUGE 6 'nstrument for measuring the
pressure e1erted by the contents on its container.
1)1!. PRESSURE HEAD 6 The height to which li(uid can be
raised by a given pressure *sometimes referred to
as pump head0.
1)1#. PRESSURE MILL 6 Mills 'n which the air carrying the
coal within the mill is under pressure and not under
suction as in a suction type mill.
1)1&. PRESSURE MOTOR CONTRO< 6 Bevice which opens
and closes an electrical circuit as pressures change.
Temperature indicator which is controlled by
bellows, a capillary or remote sensitive bulb.
GERATION COMPRESSORS - An automatic valve
designed to limit the suction pressure to prevent
motor overload.
1)2+. PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE5 A valve designed to open
when pressure in the system e1ceeds a certain limit.
1)21. PRESSURE SWITCH5 An electrical switch operated by
the increase and decrease of pressure.
1)22. PRESSURE-TIME FUEL SYSTEM5 A system in which
fuel is in=ected into the cylinders at a specific
pressure in separately timed events.
1)23. PRESSURE VELOCITY - 'n moving fluid, the pressure
capable of causing an e(uivalent velocity, if applied
to move the same fluid through an orifice such that
all pressure energy e1pended is converted into
$inetic energy.
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Engineering Dictionary
1)2. PRESSURE, ABSOLUTE - Eressure referred to
that of a perfect vacuum. 't is the sum of
gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure.
1)2!. PRESSURE, ATMOSPHERIC - 't is the pressure
indicated by a barometer. 3tandard
atmosphere is the pressure e(uivalent
1)2#. PRESSURE, CRITICAL - Fapor pressure
corr2sponding to the substance8s critical state
at which the li(uid and vapor have identical
1)2&. PRESSURE, GAGE - Gauge5 Eressure above
1)2). PRESSURE, HYDROSTATIC - The normal force
per unit area that would be e1erted by a
moving fluid on an infinitesimally small body
immersed in it if the body were carried along
with the fluid.
1)2.. PRESSURE, OPERATING 6 Eressure at which a
system is operating.
1)3+. PRESSURE, PARTIAL - Eortion of total gas
pressure of a mi1ture attributable to one
1)31. PRESSURE, SATURATION- The saturation
pressure for a pure substance for any given
temperature is that pressure at which vapor
and li(uid, or vapor and solid, can coe1ist in
stable e(uilibrium.
1)32. PRESSURE, STATIC - The normal force per unit
area that would be e1erted by a moving fluid
on a small body immersed in it if the body
were carried along with the fluid. Eractically, it
is the normal force per unit are at a small hole
in a wall of the duct through which the fluid
flows *pie2ometer0 or on the surface of a
stationary tube at a point where the
disturbances, created by inserting the tube,
cancel. 't is supposed that the thermodynamic
properties of a moving fluid depend on static
pressure in e1actly the same manner as those
of the same fluid at rest depend upon its
uniform hydrostatic pressure
1)33. PRESSURE, TOTAL - 'n the theory of the flow of
fluids, the sum of the static pressure and the
velocity pressure at the point of measurement.
Also called dynamic pressure.
1)3. PRESSURE, VAPOR - The partial pressure
e1erted by the water vapor contained in air.
refrigerant pressure, heat and temperature
properties. *Mollier8s diagram.0
1)3#. PRESSURESTAT 6 A control which reacts to
pressure changes in the evaporator.
1)3). PRETREATMENT - Also referred to as e1ternal
treatment, consisting of treating the raw ma$e6
up water, and include removing dissolved o1ygen,
carbon dio1ide, suspended solids, hardness,
al$alinity, silica, dissolved solids, etc..
1)3.. PRIMARY AIR - Air introduced with the fuel at the
burner *The initial air stream discharged by an air
outlet *the air being supplied by a fan or supply
duct0 prior to any entrainment of the ambient air or
for he purpose of combustion0.
1)+. PRIMARY CONSTITUENTS - :efers to the category of
dissolved solids present in water at a level of more
then ! mg%<.
1)1. PRIMARY CONTROL - A device which directly or
indirectly controls the control agent in response to
needs indicated by the controller. Typically a motor,
valve, relay, etc.
1)2. PRIMARY ELEMENT - The portion of the controller
which first uses energy derived from the controlled
medium to produce a condition representing the
value of the controlled variable; for e1ample, a
thermostat b<metal.
1)3. PRIMARY SYSTEM 6 A closed water system in which
the water is circulated directly through a chiller for
cooling or heat e1changer or boiler for heating.
1). PRIME MOVER - An engine or other device by which
natural source of energy is converted into
mechanical energy.
1)!. PRIMING (BOILER 6 The phenomenon in which the
level of water in a boiler is changed by bouncing
rapidly. The result is, that boiler water will enter the
steam flow.
1)#. PRIMING (PUMP - The replacement of residual air in a
pump or pipe system by the fluid being pumped.
1)&. PROCESS HOT WATER - /ot water needed for
manufacturing processes over and above the
4domestic hot water4 that is for the personal use of
industrial wor$ers.
1)). PROPANE - A paraffin hydrocarbon *73/)0 that is a gas
at ordinary atmospheric conditions but easily
li(uefied under pressure.
1).. PROPELLER ARCH5 The arched section of the stern
frame above the propeller.
1)!+. PROPELLER GUARD5 A framewor$ fitted somewhat
below the dec$ line on narrow, high6speed vessels
with large screws, designed to overhang and thus
protect the tips of the propeller blades.
1)!1. PROPELLER THRUST5 The effort delivered by a
propeller in pushing a vessel ahead.
1)!2. PROPORTIONAL BAND - The range of values of a
proportional positioning controller through which the
controlled variable must pass to move the final
control element through its full operating range.
7ommonly used e(uivalents are 4throttling range4
and 4modulating range4.
1)!3. PROPULSION PLANT5 The entire propulsion plant or
system, including prime movers and those
au1iliaries essential to their operation.
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Engineering Dictionary
1)!. PROTECTIVE DIVICE 6 A fuse, relay or coil which
is connected electrically to the circuit or
apparatus to be protected, to enable the
circuit to be isolated from the supply on the
occurrence of a fault. The fuse disconnects
itself the occurrence of a fault. The fuse
disconnects itself when it blows. The coil or
relay operates to 8tripL a circuit brea$er or
1)!!. PSI - 3ymbol or initials used to indicate pressure
measured in pounds per s(uare inch.
1)!#. PSIA 6 3ymbol or initials used to indicate pressure
measured in pounds per s(uare inch absolute.
Absolute pressure e(uals gauge pressure
plus atmospheric pressure. The 4A4 indicates
that the gauge pressure is reading in absolute.
1)!&. PSIG 6 3ymbol or initials used to indicate pressure
in pounds per s(uare inch gauge. The 4G4
indicates that is gauge pressure and not
absolute pressure.
1)!). PSYCHROMETER - An instrument for
ascertaining the humidity or hygrometric state
of the atmosphere.
HYGROMETER D An instrument for
measuring the relative humidity of
atmospheric air.
1)#+. PSYCHROMETRIC CHART D A chart that shows
relationship between the temperature,
pressure and moisture content of the air.
Measurement of temperature pressure and
humidity using a psychometric chart.
1)#2. PSYCHROMETRY - The study of air6vapor
1)#3. PULL DOWN 6 An e1pression indicating action of
removing refrigerant from all or part of a
refrigeration system.
1)#. PULSATION DAMPENER - Any gas or li(uid
charged, chambered device that minimi2es
periodic increases and decreases in pressure.
1)#!. PULSE-ECHO TECHNI%UES - 7orrosion
detecting processes which, by recording the
action of ultrasonic waves artificially
introduced into production structures, can
determine metal thic$ness and detect flaws.
1)##. PUMP - A device that increases the pressure on a
fluid or raises it to a higher level.
1)#&. PUMP CAPACITY5 The amount of fluid a pump
can move in a given period of time, usually
stated in gallons per minute *gpm0.
1)#). PUMP DOWN 6 The act of using a compressor or
a pump to reduce the pressure in a container
or a system.
moves a measured (uantity of fluid with each
stro$e of a piston or each revolution of vanes or
1)&+. PUMP, ROTARY - A pump that moves fluid by positive
displacement, using a system of rotating vanes,
gears, or lobes.
1)&1. PUMP-DISCHARGE PRESSURE 6 The point of highest
pressure in a re6circulating water system which is at
the discharge side of the re6circulating pump.
1)&2. PURGING 6 :eleasing compressed gas to atmosphere
through some part or parts for the purpose of
removing contaminants from that part or parts.
1)&3. PURGING VALVES - Bevices used to remove non6
condensable gases from the refrigeration system.
1)&. PURPLE-K-POWDER (PKP: A purple powder
composed of potassium bicarbonate that is used on
class B fires. 7an be used on class 7 fires;
however, 792 is a better agent for such electrical
fires because it leaves no residue.
1)&!. PYRITES - A hard, yellow sulphide of iron which 's found
often as an impurity in coal deposits.
1)&#. PYROMETER - A device for measuring temperatures
above the range of li(uid thermometers.
1)&&. %UALITY 6 Ceight fraction of the vapor in a vapor6li(uid
1)&). %UICKLIME - Hnsla$ed lime *calcium o1ide0.
1)&.. RACE (BEARING: The inner or outer ring that provides
a contact surface for the balls or rollers in a bearing.
1))+. RACEWAY - Any support system, open or closed, for
carrying electric wires.
1))1. RADIAL BEARINGS5 Bearings designed to carry loads
applied in a plant perpendicular to the a1is of the
shaft and used to prevent movement in a radial
1))2. RADIAL EXPANSION 6 "1pansion outwards from the
line of the rotor and at right6angles to it.
1))3. RADIAL THRUST D Thrust in the direction of radius
called radial thrust.
1)). RADIAL THRUST BEARINGS5 Bearings designed to
carry a combination of radial and thrust loads. The
loads are applied both radially and a1ially with a
resultant angular component.
1))!. RADIAL EXPANSION 6 "1pansion outwards from the
line of the rotor and at right6angles to it.
1))#. RADIAL FLOW 6 3team6flow outwards to the casing
from the line of the rotor and at right6angles to it.
1))&. RADIAL TIP FAN BLADE 6 9pen radial6bladed fans are
used for e1hauster fans.
1))). RADIANT HEATING - 5 /eat transferred without
physical contact between the emitting region and
the receiving region.
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Engineering Dictionary
1)).. RADIATION 6 Transfer of heat by electromagnetic
1).1. RADIU35 A straight line from the center of a circle
or sphere to its circumference or surface.
1).2. RAM AIR 6 Air forced through the condenser due
to the rapid movement of steam from the
turbine e1it.
1).3. RAM TYPE CYLINDER5 A fluidic actuating
cylinder in which the cross6sectional area of
the piston rod is more than one6half the cross6
sectional area of the movable piston6li$e
element. The piston used is also referred to as
a E<H>G":.
1).. RANGE PLANT (RANGE SYSTEM 6 Turbine and
boiler plant connected by a common steam
main which enables a turbine to draw steam
from two or more boilers, and for the steam
from any boiler to be ta$en to two or more
generating sets.
1).!. RANKINE SCALE 6 >ame given the absolute
*-ahrenheit0 scale. Tero *+0 : on this scale is
1).#. RANKINE TEMPERATURE 6 Begrees -ahrenheit
plus .1.#+.
1).&. RANKING CYCLE 6 An ideal steam cycle giving
the theoretical limit of efficiency for
conventional steam power plant. >amed after
the engineer.
1).). RAPTURE MEMBRANE 6 A metal membrane
*pressure relief device0 designed to rapture at
a predetermined pressure.
1)... RATE ACTION5 That action of a control system
component whose output is proportional to the
rate of change in its input for slowly changing
signals and proportional to the input for rapidly
changing signals.
1.+1. RATED CAPACITY 6 The manufacturer8s stated
capacity rating for mechanical e(uipment; for
instance, the ma1imum continuous capacity in
pounds of steam per hour for which a boiler is
1.+2. RATE OF BLOWDOWN 6 A rate normally
e1pressed as a percentage of the water fed.
1.+3. RATING 6 3ee 4<oad.4
1.+. RAW MAKEUP WATER 6 Hntreated water fed to a
system to replace that lost.
1.+!. RAW WATER - Cith water treatment it means
untreated feedwater or water in its natural
state, prior to any treatment.
1.+#. REACH ROD5 A length of pipe or bar stoc$ used
as e1tension on valve stems.
1.+&. REACTION TYPE TURBINE - A machine in which
the steam is e1panded in both fi1ed and
moving blades.
1.+). REAGENT 6 A substance, chemical, or solution used in
laboratory to detect, measure, or react with other
substances, chemicals or solutions.
1.+.. RE-CARBONATION - A process using carbon dio1ide
gas to stabili2e and thereby prevent precipitation of
calcium carbonate from cold process lime or lime6
soda softened water.
1.1+. RECEIVER - An au1iliary storage receptacle for fluids.
1.11. RECEIVER DEHYDRATOR 6 3mall tan$ which serves
as li(uid refrigerants reservoir and which also
contains a desiccant so remove moisture. Hsed on
most automobile air conditioning installations.
1.12. RECEIVER HEATING ELEMENT 6 "lectrical resistance
mounted in or around li(uid receiver. 't is used to
maintain head pressures when ambient temperature
is low.
1.13. RECEIVER-DRIER - 7ylinder *container0 in a
refrigerating system for storing li(uid refrigerant and
which also holds a (uantity of desiccant.
1.1. RECIPROCAL - A format defined by 1 divided by the
comple1 number.
1.1!. RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR - 7ompressor which
uses a piston and cylinder mechanism to provide
pumping action.
measuring instrument which has a pen mar$ing a
moving chart.
1.1&. RECTIFIER - A device used to convert A7 current into
B7 current.
1.1). RECUPERATOR - "(uipment for transferring heat from
gaseous products of combustion to incoming air or
fuel. The incoming material passes through pipes
surrounded by a chamber through which the
outgoing gases pass.
1.1.. RED WATER 6 Cater that has a red, cloudy appearance
caused by suspended red iron o1ide.
1.2+. REDOX POTENTIAL - A process designed to determine
if a corrosion process will occur.
1.21. REDWOOD SECONDS - The viscosity of an oil is
usually determined by measuring the time ta$en for
a standard volume of oil to run through astandard
orifice at a given temperature.
1.22. REDUCING ELBOW - A fitting that ma$es an angle
between two =oints of pipe and that decreases in
diameter from one end to the other.
1.23. REDUCING ATMOSPHERE 6 An atmosphere which
tends to 10 promote the removal of o1ygen from a
chemical compound; 20 promote the reduction of
immersed materials.
1.2. REDUCING FLANGE - A flange fitting used to =oin pipes
of different diameters.
1.2!. REDUCING NIPPLE - A pipe fitting that is threaded on
both ends and decreases in diameter from one end
to the other.
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Engineering Dictionary
1.2#. REDUCING TEE - A 4T4shaped pipe fitting with
openings of two different si2es. The
1.2&. REDUCTION - :eduction is the addition of
hydrogen, removal of o1ygen, or the addition
of electrons to an element or compound.
1.2). REED VALVE 6 Thin, flat, tempered steel plate
fastened at one end.
1.2.. REFRACTORY 6 Bric$wor$ or castable used in
boilers to protect metal surfaces and for boiler
1.3+. REFRIGERANT - The fluid used for heat transfer
in a refrigerating system, which absorbs heat
at a low temperature and a low pressure of
the fluid and re=ects heat at a higher
temperature and a higher pressure of the fluid,
usually involving changes of state of the fluid.
1.31. REFRIGERANT - The wor$ing fluid used in
1.32. REFRIGERANT CHARGE 6 Juantity of refrigerant
in a system.
1.33. REFRIGERANT CONTROL 6 Bevice which meters
flow of refrigerant between two areas of a
refrigerating system. 't also maintains
pressure difference between high6pressure
and low6pressure side of the mechanical
refrigerating system while unit is running.
1.3. REFRIGERATING CAPACITY 6 The ability of a
system to remove heat as compared with the
cooling effect produced by melting of ice.
1.3!. REFRIGERATING EFFECT - The amount of heat
transferred by one $g of refrigerant as it
circulates in the refrigeration system.
1.3#. REFRIGERATION 6 7ontrolled transfer of heat
from a lower temperature to a higher
temperature region.
1.3&. REFRIGERATION OIL 6 3pecially prepared oil
used in refrigerator mechanism which
circulates, to some e1tent, with refrigerant.
1.3). REFRIGERATOR 6 A device to transfer heat from
a low temperature to a high temperature
1.3.. REGENERANT - The solution used to restore the
activity of an ion e1changer. Acids are
employed to restore a cation e1changer to its
hydrogen form; brine solutions may be used to
convert the cation e1change to the sodium
form. The anion e1changer may be
re=uvenated by treatment with an al$aline
1.+. REGENERATION - :estoration of the activity of
an ion e1changer by replacing the ions
adsorbed from the treated solution by ions
that were adsorbed initially on the resin.
1.1. REGENERATIVE CONDENSER - A condenser which
not only condenses the steam but also heats the
1.2. REGENERATIVE CYCLE - 's a gas turbine cycle
employing a heat e1changer to recover some of the
heat before discharging the gases from the gas
turbine to the atmosphere, to recover some of the
1.3. REGENERATIVE FEED HEATING - The use of steam
bled from the turbine to heat the feed6water for the
1.. REGENERATIVE GAS TURBINE - :eferring to a gas
turbine employing heat e1changer between the
compressor and the combustor for the purpose of
recovering heat.
1.!. REGISTER5 A grille e(uipped with an integral damper or
control valve.
1.#. REJUVENATION - *see regeneration0
1.&. REHEAT (REHEAT CYCLE 6 The e1haust steam from
the high6pressure cylinder of a turbine is passed
through the reheater section of the boiler. 't is
thereby reheated, usually to its original temperature,
before entering the intermediate6pressure cylinder
of the turbine for further wor$.
1.). REHEAT MACHINE - A turbo6generator wor$ing on a
reheat cycle.
1... RELATIVE HUMIDITY - The amount of moisture the air
holds relative to the ma1imum moisture the air can
hold at the same temperature.
1.!+. RELATIVE HUMIDITY (RH: The ratio of water vapor in
the air as compared to the ma1imum amount of
water vapor that may be contained.
1.!1. RELATIVE HUMIDITY -The ratio, e1pressed as a
percentage, of the amount of water vapor present in
a given volume of air at a given temperature to the
amount re(uired to saturate the air at that
1.!2. RELAY - An electromechanical switch that opens or
closes contacts in response to some controlled
action. :elay contacts can be normally open *>90
and% or normally closed *>70. :elays may be
electric, pneumatic, or a combination of both.
1.!3. RELAY, THERMAL - A switching relay in which a small
heater warms a bimetal element which bends to
provide the switching force.
1.!. RELIEF VALVE 6 5 A pressure control valve used to limit
system pressure 3afety device on a sealed system.
't opens to release fluids before dangerous pressure
is reached. Also called pressure relief valve.
1.!!. REMOTE OPERATING GEAR5 -le1ible cables or shafts
attached to valve wheels so the valves can be
operated from another compartment.
1.!#. REMOTE SYSTEM 6 :efrigerating system in which
condensing unit is away from space to be cooled.
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Engineering Dictionary
set a temperature control point for a space
from outside the space. 9ften used in public
1.!). RESET 6 A process of automatically ad=usting the
control point of a given controller to
compensate for changes in outdoor
temperature. The hot dec$ control point is
normally reset upward as the outdoor
temperature drops. The cold dec$ control
point is normally reset downward as the
outdoor temperature increases.
1.!.. RESET RATIO - The ratio of change in outdoor
temperature to the change in control point
temperature. -or e1ample, a 251 reset ratio
means that the control point will increase 1
degree for every 2 degrees change in outdoor
1.#+. RESIDUAL - Means small amount of, li$e o1ygen,
sulfite, acid., etc.
1.#1. RESIN 6 A bead6li$e material used in chemical
e1change for softeners and deal$ali2ers.
1.#2. RESISTANCE 6 The opposition which limits the
amount of current that can be produced by an
applied voltage in an electrical circuit,
measured in ohms.
1.#3. RESISTANCE, THERMAL 6 The reciprocal of
thermal conductance.
1.#. RESISTIVE LOADS 6 "lectrical loads whose
power factor is one. Hsually contain heating
1.#!. RESONANCE 6 A condition of vibration of a shaft
when the thrust of off6centre weight is added
to the effect of the natural fre(uency of
vibration. This normally occurs at some
definite speed, according to the design of the
particular shaft.
1.##. RESPONSE TIME5 The time lag between a signal
input and the resulting change of output.
1.#&. RESTRICTOR 6 A device for producing a
deliberate pressure drop or resistance in a line
by reducing the cross6sectional flow area.
1.#). RETORT STROKER 6 A number of alternate
troughs or retorts and ban$s of tuyere plates.
The retorts are rectangular and gradually
reduce in depth from front to rear of the grate.
The coal is raised up and over the tuyere
plates, through which the air for combustion is
1.#.. RETURN AIR5 Air returned from conditioned or
refrigerated space.
1.&+. RETURN FLOW OIL BURNER 6 A mechanical
atomi2ing oil burner in which part of the oil
supplied to the atomi2er is withdrawn and
returned to storage or to the oil line supplying
the atomi2er.
produced by a boiler which returns to the boiler after
it has condensed.
1.&2. REVERSE CYCLE DEFROST - Method of heating
evaporator for defrosting. Falves move hot gas from
compressor into evaporator.
system which uses re=ect heat to produce warmth.
1.&. REVERSE DEIONIZATION - The use of an anion6
e1change unit and a cation6e1change unit6in that
order6to remove all ions from solution.
1.&!. REVERSE OSMOSIS - A process that reverses *by the
application of pressure0 the flow of water in the
natural process of osmosis so that it passes from
the more concentrated to the more dilute solution.
1.&#. REVERSIBLE PROCESS 6 A process by which a fluid is
made to undergo a change of state and by
traversing the path in e1actly the reverse of the
original path is returned to its original state, and all
associated systems are similarly returned to their
original state.
1.&&. REVERSING VALVE 6 Bevice used to reverse direction
of the refrigerant flow depending upon whether
heating or cooling is desired.
1.&). RINGELMANN CHART 6 A chart used by an observer to
estimate the density of smo$e emitted by a chimney
by comparison with four standard sections *A series
of four rectangular grids of blac$ lines of varying
widths printed on a white bac$ground, and used as
a criterion of blac$ness for determining smo$e
density in stac$ gas streams0.
lubricated by a loose running ring which dips into
and lifts oil from a well.
1.)+. RINSE - The operation which follows regeneration; a
flushing out of e1cess regenerant solution.
1.)1. ROLLIMG SPEED - The initial turning under steam of
the turbine rotor when starting up.
1.)2. ROOT5 The surface of the thread corresponding to the
minor diameter of an e1ternal thread and the ma=or
diameter of an internal thread.
1.)3. ROOT VALVE5 A valve located where a branch line
comes off the main line.
1.). ROTOR 6 The rotating part of a turbine or a generator.
1.)!. ROTOR BALABCING 6 7hec$ing of a shaft or rotor for
smooth running, and correcting the balance, where
necessary, by the addition of counter6balance
1.)#. ROTARY COMPRESSOR 6 Mechanism which pumps
fluid by using rotating motion.
1.)&. ROTARY OIL BURNER 6 A burner in which atomi2ation
is accomplished by feeding oil to the inside of a
rapidly rotating cup.
1.)). ROTOR5 The rotating element of a motor, pump, or
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Engineering Dictionary
1.).. RROSION, SELECTIVE - The selective corrosion
of one or more components of a solid solution
1..+. RUDDER STOCK5 A vertical shaft that has a
rudder attached to its lower end and a yo$e,
(uadrant, or tiller fitted to its upper portion by
which it may be turned.
1..1. RUDDER STOPS5 -ittings attached to the ship
structure or to shoulders on the rudder post to
limit the swing of the rudder.
1..2. RUNNING CURRENT - The current that flows
through a load after inrush current. Hsually
called 4full load current4.
1..3. RUNNING TIME 6 Amount of time a condensing
unit is run per hour or per 2 hours.
1... RUST - A visible corrosion product consisting of
hydrated o1ides of iron. Applied only to
ferrous alloys.
1..!. RYZNAR STABILITY INDEX 6 An inde1 based on
calcium carbonate p/ of saturation vs. actual
p/ to determine scaling or corrosion
tendencies of a water *:.'. I 2 p/s0.
1..#. SACRIFICIAL ANODES - 7oupling of a more
active metal to a structure resulting in a
galvanic current flow through the corroding
1..&. SACRIFICIAL PROTECTION - :eduction of
corrosion of a metal in an electrolyte by
galvanically coupling it to a more anodic
metal. A form of cathodic protection.
1..). SADDLE 6 A casting, fabricated chair, or member
used for the purpose of support.
1.... SADDLE VALVE (TAP-A-LINE - Falve body
shaped so it may be silver bra2ed or clamped
onto a refrigerant tubing surface.
2+++. SADDLE VALVE (TAP-A-LINE 6 Falve body
shaped so it may be silver bra2ed or clamped
onto a refrigerant tubing surface.
2++1. SAFETY CAN 6 Approved container of not more
than ! gallon capacity. 't has a spring closing
lid and spout cover. 't is designed to relieve
internal pressure safely when e1posed to fire.
2++2. SAFETY CONTROL 6 Bevice to stop refrigerating
unit if unsafe pressure and%or temperatures
and%or dangerous conditions are reached.
2++3. SAFETY VALVE5 An automatic, (uic$ opening
and closing valve that has a reset pressure
lower than the lift pressure.
2++. SAFETY PLUG 6 Bevice which will release the
contents of a container before rupture
pressures are reached.
2++!. SAFETY SHUT-OFF VALVE 6 A manually
opened, electrically latched, electrically
operated safety shut6off valve designed to
automatically shut off fuel when de6energi2ed.
2++#. SAFE WORKING PRESSURE 6 3ee 4Besign Eressure.4
2++&. SAGGING 6 Bending of a turbine or other shaft
downwards below its centre line.
2++). SALIENT POLE MACHINE 6 A machine which has a
rotor whose poles pro=ect from the central shaft or
2++.. SALINITY - A measure of the concentration of dissolved
mineral substances in water.
2+1+. SALINOMETER5 A hydrometer that measures the
concentration of salt in a solution.
2+11. SALT SPITTING - The ability of an anion e1changer to
convert a salt solution to caustic; the ability of a
cation e1changer to convert a salt solution to acid.
2+12. SATURATED AIR 6 Chen the air cannot hold any more
2+13. SATURATED LI%UID - A li(uid which is at saturation
pressure and saturation temperature; in other
words, a li(uid which is at its boiling point for any
given pressure.
2+1. SATURATED VAPOR - A vapor which is at saturation
pressure and saturation temperature. A saturated
vapor cannot be superheated as long as it is in
contact with the li(uid from which it is being
2+1!. SATURATION 6 7ondition e1isting when substance
contains all of another substance it can hold for that
temperature and pressure.
2+1#. SATURATION INDEX - The relation of calcium
carbonate to the p/, al$alinity, and hardness of a
water to determine its scale forming tendency.
2+1&. SATURATION PRESSURE 6 The point, where at a
given temperature a pure substance starts to boil.
2+1). SATURATION TEMPERATURE 6 The point, where at a
given pressure a pure substance starts to boil.
measure of viscosity e1pressed as a time in
seconds re(uired for #+ m< of a fluid to flow through
the orifice of the standard 3aybolt universal
viscometer at a given temperature under specific
conditions; used for the lighter petroleum products
and lubrication oils.
2+2+. SCALE - 3urface o1idation, consisting of partially
adherent layers of corrosion products, left on metals
by heating or casting in air or in other o1idi2ing
atmosphere. Also a deposit on a heat6transfer
surface resulting from precipitation of salts present
in water in contact with that surface, forming a hard,
dense material.
2+21. SCALE CAUSING ELEMENTS - 7alcium and
magnesium elements forming scale.
2+22. SCALE REMOVAL - Caterside, removal of scale using
either the mechanical, the water treatment or the
acid cleaning process.
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Engineering Dictionary
2+23. SCAVENGING AIR5 'ncreased amount of air
available as a result of blower action used to
fill an engine cylinder with a fresh charge of air
and, during the process, to aid in clearing the
cylinder of the gases of combustion.
2+2. SCC - 3tress corrosion crac$ing.
2+2!. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM5 A diagram using graphic
symbols to show how a circuit functions
2+2#. SCREENS - "(uipment designed to prevent larger
ob=ects to enter water treatment system.
2+2&. SCREW PUMP 6 7ompressor constructed of two
mated revolving screws.
2+2). SCRUBBER - An apparatus for the removal of
solids from gases by entrainment in water.
2+2.. SEA CHEST5 An arrangement for supplying
seawater to engines, condensers, and pumps
and for discharging wastewater from the ship
to the sea. 't is a cast fitting or a built6up
structure located below the waterline of the
vessel and having means for attachment of
the piping. 3uction sea chests are fitted with
strainers or gratings.
2+3+. SEA COCK, SEA CONNECTION5 A sea valve
secured to the plating of the vessel below the
waterline for use in flooding tan$s, maga2ines,
and so forth, to supply water to pumps and for
similar purposes.
2+31. SEAWATER5 The water in the sea. 3eawater is an
a(ueous solution of various minerals and salts
*chlorides0. 'n suspension also, but not
dissolved in the water, may be various types
of vegetable and animal growths, including, in
many cases, bacteria and organisms harmful
or actually dangerous to health.
2+32. SEAL, MAGNETIC - A seal that uses magnetic
material, instead of springs or bellows, to
provide the closing force.
2+33. SEAL, ROTARY - A mechanical seal that rotates
with a shaft and is used with a stationary
mating ring.
will flow only from material at higher
temperature to material at lower temperature.
2+3!. SECONDARY AIR 6 Air for combustion supplied to
the furnace to supplement the primary air.
2+3#. SECONDARY REFRIGERANT - 7hilled li(uid6li$e
water, which is circulated to distance units
where air is to be cooled in individual rooms.
2+3&. SECONDARY SYSTEM 6 A re6circulating water
system that is a ta$eoff from a primary
system; it does not circulate directly through
the source of heat or cooling but only
indirectly through a heat e1changer.
2+3). SECONDARY TREATMENT - Treatment of boiler
feedwater or internal treatment of boiler water after
primary treatment.
2+3.. SECTION5 A view showing internal features as if the
viewed ob=ect had been cut or sectioned.
2++. SEDIMENT5 An accumulation of matter that settles to
the bottom of a li(uid.
2+1. SEDIMENTATION - Gravitational settling of solid
particles in a li(uid system.
2+2. SEEBECK EFFECT 6 Chen two different ad=acent
metals are heated, an electric current is generated
between the metals.
2+3. SENSIBLE HEAT 6 /eat that is given off or absorbed by
a substance without changing its state */eat which
causes a change in temperature of a substance0.
2+. SENSIBLE HEAT - 3ensible heat is any heat transfer
that causes a change in temperature. /eating and
cooling of air and water that may be measured with
a thermometer is sensible heat. /eating or cooling
coils that simply increase or decrease the air
temperature without a change in moisture content
are e1amples of sensible heat.
2+!. SENSIBLE HEAT FACTOR - The ratio of sensible heat
to total heat.
2+#. SENSING DEVICE - A device that $eeps trac$ of the
measured condition and its fluctuations so that
when sufficient variation occurs it will originate the
signal to revise the operation of the system and
offset the change. "1ample5 a thermostat 4bulb4. A
sensing de vice may be an integral part of a
2+&. SENSING ELEMENT - The first system element or
group of elements. The sensing element performs
the initial measurement operation.
2+). SENSING POINT5 *10 The physical and%or functional
point in a system at which a signal may be detected
and monitored or may cause some automatic
operation to result. *20 Chere parameters are
2+.. SENSITIVITY5 The change in speed re(uired before the
governor will ma$e a corrective movement.
2+!+. SENSOR5 A component that senses physical variables
and produces a signal to be observed or to actuate
other elements in a control system. Temperature,
sound, pressure and position sensors are e1amples.
2+!1. SENTINEL VALVE5 A relief valve designed to emit an
audible sound; does not have substantial pressure6
relieving capacity.
2+!2. SEPARATOR - A tan$ type pressure vessel installed in
a steam pipe to collect condensate to be trapped off
and thus providing comparatively dry steam to the
connected machinery.
2+!3. SEPARATOR 6 Bevice to separate one substance from
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Engineering Dictionary
2+!. SE%UENCER - A mechanical or electrical device
that may be set to initiate a series of events
and to ma$e the events follow in se(uence.
2+!!. SE%UESTER 6 To form a stable, water6soluble
2+!#. SE%UESTRANT 6 A substance that holds a
mineral or metal in solution beyond its
saturation point.
2+!&. SERIES CIRCUIT - 9ne with all the elements
connected end to end. The current is the
same throughout but the voltage can be
different across each element.
2+!). SERVICE DROP - The overhead service wires
that serve a building.
2+!.. SERVICE SWITCH - Bisconnect switches or
circuit brea$ers. Eurpose is to completely
disconnect the building from the electric
2+#+. SERVICE VALVE 6 Manually operated valve
mounted on refrigerating systems used for
service operation.
2+#1. SERVO5 A device used to convert a small
movement into a greater movement or force.
2+#2. SET POINT - The value of the controlled condition
at which the instrument is set to operate.
2+#3. SETTLING BASIN - A containment design with
e1ternal water treatment to settle sediments
and to clarify.
2+#. SHAFT ALIGNMENT - The relative positions of
two shafts with respect to their centre lines.
Hsually chec$ed at coupling faces.
2+#!. SHAFT AXIAL POSITION - The position of the
shaft in relation to the thrust bearing.
2+##. SHAFT ECCENTRICITY - :adial displacement, at
the point of measurement, from the true
central position of a shaft.
difference in e1pansion and contraction of the
turbine shaft and cylinder.
2+#). SHAFT SEAL 6 Bevice used to prevent lea$age
between shaft and housing.
2+#.. SHAFT RISING GEAR 6 A =ac$ing device for
supporting a shaft.
2+&+. SHORT RAIN CLEANING 6 A method of cleaning
fouled tube surfaces by raining a large
(uantity of steel shot over the surfaces
2+&1. SETSCREW5 A machine screw with a slotted,
alien, or s(uare head used to hold a part in
2+&2. SHAFT ALLEY5 A watertight passage, housing the
propeller shafting from the engine room to the
bul$head at which the stern tube commences.
2+&3. SHARP FREEZING 6 :efrigeration at temperatures
slightly below free2ing, with moderate air circulation.
2+&!. SHED - To de6energi2e a load in order to maintain a $C
demand set point.
2+&#. SHED MODE - A method of demand control that
reduces $C demand through shedding and
restoring loads.
which flows water through tubes built into cylindrical
evaporator or vice versa.
2+&). SHELL TYPE CONDENSER 6 7ylinder or receiver
which contains condensing water coils or tubes.
2+&.. SHELL-AND-TUBE 6 Besignation of a heat e1changer
having straight tubes encased inside a shell.
2+)+. SHIELDED CABLE - 3pecial cable used with e(uipment
that generates a low voltage output. Hsed to
minimi2e the effects of fre(uency 4noise4 on the
output signal.
2+)1. SHIM5 A thin layer of metal or other material used to true
up a machine or inserted in bearings to permit
ad=ustment after wear of the bearing.
2+)2. SHOCK DOSAGE 6 The feeding of treatment to a
system all in one slug or dose rather than gradually
*also called a slug dosage0.
2+)3. SHOCK FEEDER 6 A device which is used to add
treatment to a system in an instantaneous manner.
2+). SHORT CIRCUIT - A direct connection of low resistive
value that can significant alter the behavior of an
element or system.
2+)!. SHORT CYCLING - Hnit runs and then stops at short
intervals; generally this e1cessive cycling rate is
hard on the system e(uipment.
2+)#. SHROUD, TURBINES - Also referred to as the sealing
strip on turbine blades. 'ts purpose is to supply
rigidity to the blades, lessen vibration and provide
sealing between stages.
2+)&. SHROUD, PUMPS 6 The front and%or bac$ of an
2+)). SHUNT - A device to divert part of an electric current.
2+).. SHUTOFF VALVE5 A valve which operates fully open or
fully closed.
2+.+. SIGHT GLASS 6 Glass tube or glass window in
refrigerating mechanism. 't shows amount of
refrigerant or oil in system and indicates presence of
gas bubbles in li(uid line.
2+.1. SILICA 6 3ilicon dio1ide *3i+20, a mineral found naturally
as (uart2 or in comple1 combination with other
elements such as silicates.
2+.2. SILICA GEL - Absorbent chemical compound used as a
drier. Chen heated, moisture is released and
compound may be reused.
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Engineering Dictionary
2+.3. SILICA, COLLOIDAL - 3ilica in colloidal form.
2+.!. SILICA, VOLATILE - 3ilica carryover with steam.
2+.#. SILT DENSITY INDEX - A measure of the
tendency of a water to foul a reverse osmosis
membrane, based on time flow through a
membrane filter at constant pressure.
2+.&. SIMPLE CYCLE - :eferring to the gas turbine
cycle consisting only of compression,
combustion and e1pansion.
2+.). SIMPLEX PUMP5 A pump that has only one li(uid
2+... SINGLE PHASING - The condition when one
phase of a multiphase *poly6phase0 motor
circuit is bro$en or opened. Motors running
when this occurs may continue to run but with
lower power output and over heating.
21++. SINGLE SHAFT GAS TURBINE - A gas turbine
arrangement in which the compressor and the
gas turbine are all coupled to one shaft.
21+1. SINGLE STAGE COMPRESSOR 6 7ompressor
having only one compressive step between
inlet and outlet.
21+2. SKIN CONDENSER 6 7ondenser using the outer
surface of the cabinet as the heat radiating
21+3. SLAG 6 Arises from high furnace temperatures,
which cause particles of ash to melt and stic$
to furnace walls and other parts.
21+. SLEEVE5 A casing fitted over a line or shaft for
protection against wear or corrosion.
21+!. SLIME 6 A soft, stic$y, mucus6li$e substance,
originating from a bacterial growth.
21+#. SLING PSYCHROMETER 6 Measuring device with
wet and dry bulb thermometers. Moved rapidly
through air it measures humidity.
21+&. SLIP COUPLING 6 7ontrol by means of a split
coupling between the motor and the fan. The
speed of the fan is varied by altering the slip
between the two coupling halves either
magnetically or hydraulically.
21+). SLIP RING 6 :ings mounted on but insulated from
a shaft, as in the rotor of an alternating current
machine. The coils of the rotor are connected
to the rings and carbon brushes rubbing
against the latter carry the current.
21+.. SLUDGE 6 A deposit on a heat6transfer surface
that does not have the hard, crystalline
structure of a scale but is softer and less
211+. SLUG - A unit of measure for mass in the "nglish
system, which e(uals 1.# $g in the 3'
2111. SLUGGING 6 7ondition in which mass of li(uid enters
compressor causing hammering.
2112. SLURRY - A water containing high concentration of
suspended solids, usually over !+++ mg%<.
2113. SLURRY EROSION - Material removal due to the
combined action of corrosion and wear.
211. SMOKE DENSITY METER - A photo6electric instrument
to show the density of smo$e in the base of a
chimney or other convenient point.
211!. SODA ASH - A common water treatment chemical,
sodium carbonate.
211#. SODA BASE GREASE - A grease with a high melting
temperature, used in high6speed bearings of the
anti6friction type. >ot suitable for wet or moist
211&. SODIUM CHLORIDE 6 7ommon table salt, used to
produce a brine solution, used a secondary
211). SODIUM SULFITE (N/'S@" 6 A chemical used with
water treatment to remove small amounts of
211.. SODIUM TRACER METHOD - A techni(ue used to
measure dissolved solids in steam to values as low
as +.++1 ppm.
212+. SODIUM ZEOLITE SOFTENING - The process of
removing scale forming ions of calcium and
magnesium and replacing them with the e(uivalent
amount of sodium ions.
2121. SOFT WATER - Cater that is free of magnesium or
calcium salts.
2122. SOFTENING - The removal of hardness *calcium and
magnesium0 from water.
2123. SOLAR HEAT - /eat created by visible and invisible
energy waves from the sun.
212. SOLENOID - A powerful coil with steel plunger used for
closing circuit6brea$ers. The coil usually operates by
direct current, and is only energised during the
closing period.
212!. SOLENOID VALVE - "lectromagnet with a moving core.
't serves as a valve or operates a valve.
system which uses solid substance as absorber of
the refrigerant during the cooling part of the cycle
and releases refrigerant when heated during
generating part of cycle.
212&. SOLID COUPLING5 A device that =oins two shafts
electronic lea$ detector for all halogen. related
212.. SOLUBLE IRON - Hsually present in cooling water
systems and can arise from metallurgical corrosion.
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Engineering Dictionary
213+. SOLU-BRIDGE 6 An electronic instrument used to
measure conductivity of a water sample to
determine the dissolved solids content.
2131. SORBENT 6 3ee absorbent.
2132. SOOT 6 Hnburned particles of carbon derived from
2133. SOOT BLOWER 6 A mechanical device for
discharging steam or air to clean heat
absorbing surfaces.
213. SOUR GAS - A gaseous environment containing
hydrogen sulfide and carbon dio1ide in
hydrocarbon reservoirs.
213!. SOUR WATER - Caste water containing
malodorous materials, usually sulfur
213#. SPALLING 6 The brea$ing off of the surface of
refractory material as a result of internal
213&. SPARGER 6 An e1tension into the bottom of a
tan$ of a pipe which has a distribution no22le
on the end for mi1ing one fluid with another.
213). SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE - Measures the ability
of a water to conduct electricity. 7onductivity
increases with total dissolved solids and is
therefore used to estimate dissolved solids
present in the water.
213.. SPECIFIC DENSITY - Ceight per unit volume of a
21+. SPECIFIC GRAVITY - The density of a substance
compared to the density of a standard
material such as water.
211. SPECIFIC HEAT 6 :atio of (uantity of heat
re(uired to raise temperature of a body 1
degree to that re(uired to raise temperature of
e(ual mass of water 1 degree.
212. SPECIFIC HEAT (C; - The ratio of the mount of
heat re(uired to raise a mass of material 1
degree in temperature to the amount re(uired
to raise n eual mass of reference substance,
usually water, 1 degree in temperature.
213. SPECIFIC HUMIDITY - :atio of weight of vapor to
the weight of gas in a unit volume of an air6
water vapor mi1ture.
21. SPECIFIC VOLUME 6 Folume per unit mass of a
21!. SPECIFIED PERFORMANCE 6 Eower station
plant is usually guaranteed by the contractor
to produce a certain standard of performance.
This is $nown as the specified performance.
21#. SPEED DROOP5 A progressive drop in speed as
load is pic$ed up by the prime mover from no
load to full load without manually changing the
speed setting.
limiting the speed of a prime mover.
maintains a constant speed on an engine that is
operating under varying load conditions.
21.. SPLASH SYSTEM, OILING - Method of lubricating
moving parts by agitating or splashing oil in the
21!+. SPLIT PLANT5 A method of operating propulsion plants
so that they are divided into two or more separate
and complete units.
21!1. SPLIT-STREAM DEALKALIZER - Chere the flow of
water is divided through a parallel arrangement of
hydrogen and sodium cation e1changer. The
combined product being soft and low in al$alinity.
21!2. SPRAY ANGLE 6 The angle included between the sides
of the cone formed by li(uid fuel discharged from
mechanical, rotary atomi2ers and by some forms of
steam or air atomi2ers.
21!3. SPRAY CARRYOVER - Are referred to a mist or fog and
are a degree of atomi2ation of the boiler water and
carried with the steam. This type of carryover is to
be prevented by the drum internals.
21!. SPRAY COOLING 6 Method of refrigerating by spraying
e1pendable refrigerant or by spraying refrigerated
21!!. SPRAY ELIMINATORS 6 'nclined battens or pac$ing in
a cooling tower to prevent spray being carried to
atmosphere by the draught through the tower.
21!#. SPRAY MANIFOLD 6 A pipe, or e1tension of a water
line, that has several openings fitted with no22les
which spray water.
21!&. SPRAY-COIL UNIT 6 A cooling circuit that sprays water
over cooling coils through inflowing air to humidify or
dehumidify that air, as re(uired.
21!). SPRAY-COOLING CIRCUIT 6 An open cooling6water
circuit which sprays water and cools by evaporation,
for e1ample, a cooling tower, all evaporative
condenser, an air washer, or a spray6coil unit.
21!.. SPRAY NOZZLE 6 A no22le from which a li(uid fuel is
discharged in the form of a spray.
21#+. SPREAD5 The divergence of the air stream in a
hori2ontal or vertical plane after it leaves the outlet.
21#1. SPREADER STROKER 6 A unit which discharges
crushed coal into the furnace by means of rotary
blades while a chain grate runs from the rear wail
towards the front.
21#2. SPRING BEARINGS5 Bearings positioned at varying
intervals along a propulsion shaft to help $eep it in
alignment and to support its weight.
21#3. STABILITY5 The ability of a governor to correct a speed
disturbance with a minimum of corrective motions.
21#. STABILITY DIAGRAM 6 A chart to show the operator
the limits of stability defined for the satisfactory
operation of the generator.
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Engineering Dictionary
21#!. STABILITY INDEX - An imperical modification of
the saturation inde1 used to predict scaling or
corrosive tendencies in water systems.
21##. STACK 6 A vertical conduit, which due to the
difference in density between internal and
e1ternal gases, creates a draft at its base.
21#&. STACK DRAFT 6 The magnitude of the draft
measured at the inlet to the stac$.
21#). STACK EFFECT 6 That portion of a pressure
differential resulting from difference in
elevation of the points of measurement.
21#.. STACK EFFLUENT 6 Gas and solid products
discharged from stac$s.
21&+. STAGE 6 The point in the turbine blade system
where a 3team pressure6drop ta$es place.
21&1. STAGNATION 6 The condition of being free from
movement or lac$ing circulation.
21&2. STANDARD AIR CONDITIONS - 3tandard air
density has been set at +.+&! 'b%cu ft. This
corresponds appro1imately to dry air at &+,-
and 2...2 in /g. 'n metric units, the standard
air density is 1.2+1 $g%m
at 2+,7 and at
1+1.32! $Ea.
21&3. STANDARD CONDITIONS - The standard
conditions referred to in environmental system
wor$ for air are5 dry air at &+,- and at an
atmospheric pressure of 2...2 inches mercury
*in /g0. -or water, standard conditions are
#),- at the same barometric pressure. At
these standard conditions, the density of air is
+.+&! pounds per cubic feet and the density of
water is #2. pounds per cubic foot.
21&. STANDARD FLUE GAS 6 Gas weighing +.+&) lb
per cu ft at sea level *2...24 Barometric
Eressure0 and &+ ,-.
21&!. STAR C DELTA 6 The names applied to the two
more usual methods of interconnecting
windings in a three6phase generator, motor or
21&#. STATE - :efers to the form of a fluid, either li(uid,
gas or solid. <i(uids used in environmental
systems are water, thermal fluids such as
ethylene glycol solutions, and refrigerants in
the li(uid state. Gases are steam, evaporated
refrigerants and the air6water vapor mi1ture
found in the atmosphere. 3ome substances,
including commonly used refrigerants, may
e1ist in any of three states. A simple e1ample
is water, which may be solid *ice0, li(uid
*water0, or gas *steam or water vapor0.
21&&. STATIC HEAD - The pressure due to the weight of
a fluid above the point of measurement.
21&). STATIC PRESSURE 6 The measure of potential
energy of a fluid.
21&.. STATIC SUCTION HEAD - The positive vertical
height in feet from the pump centerline to the
top of the level of the li(uid source.
21)+. STATIC SUCTION LIFT - The distance in feet between
the pump centerline and the source of li(uid below
the pump centerline.
21)1. STATOR - The stationary part of an alternator.
21)2. STATOR CORE - An assembly of magnetic iron
laminations slotted to contain the stator windings.
21)3. STATOR FRAME - The main structure which supports
the stator core and windings.
21). STEAM 6 Cater in vapor state.
21)!. STEAM ATOMISER 6 A type of oil burner with a double
concentric tube which allows steam generally in
e1cess of the oil pressure to impinge on the oil
supply and brea$ it into a number of =ets of finely
divided oil and steam.
21)#. STEAM BINDING 6 A restriction in circulation due to a
steam poc$et or a rapid steam formation.
21)&. STEAM CONDITION 6 The pressure and temperature of
the steam. 3pecified either at the boiler main stop
valve or the turbine stop valve.
21)). STEAM DRUM - A pressure chamber located at the
upper e1tremity of a boiler circulatory system, in
which the steam is generated in the boiler and
separated from the water.
21).. STEAM JET REFRIGERATION 6 :efrigerating system
which uses a steam venturi to create high vacuum
*low pressure0 on a water container causing water
to evaporate at low temperature.
21.+. STEAM PURITY - :efers to all matter but water in the
21.1. STEAM SEPARATOR 6 A device for removing the
entrained water from steam.
21.2. STEAM SOAKING 6 A method of softening the hard
deposits on the e1ternal surfaces of boiler tubes.
of heating pipelines carrying fuel oil by means of
steam pipes or electric heating placed in contact
with the oil pipe along its length under the lagging.
The heat is to ma$e the oil flow easily.
21.. STEAM TRAP 6 A device fitted at the lowest point of a
heating pipewor$ system, to provide automatic
drainage of water.
21.!. STEAM TURBINE 6 A heat engine used to convert the
heat6energy in steam to mechanical energy
21.#. STEAM PRESSURE CONTROL 6 Ad=ustments to give
correct steam pressure at all times, either manually
or by an automatic system.
21.&. STEAM PURUTY METER 6 An instrument for detecting
impurities carried over in the steam.
21.). STEAM %UALITY - The percentage by weight of vapor
in a steam and water mi1ture.
steam6absorption machine in which the water
refrigerant is condensed by cooling6tower water and
returned to the evaporator or chiller.
22++. STEAM-ABSORPTION MACHINE 6 A refrigeration or
air6conditioning machine which uses, as a
refrigerant, water evaporated by absorption in a
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Engineering Dictionary
brine regenerated by steam and condensed
by cooling6tower water.
22+1. STEP-TOOTHED LABYRINTH5 <abyrinth type
pac$ing having each alternate tooth ring
installed on the shaft and running in close
pro1imity to the fi1ed pac$ing ring.
22+2. STERN TUBE5 *10 The bearing supporting the
propeller shaft where it emerges from the
ship. *20 A watertight enclosure for the
propeller shaft.
circulated through the stern tube from in6board
to prevent accumulation of debris in the stern
tube while the ship is at rest or bac$ing down.
22+. STICTION (STATIC FRICTION0 - :esistance of
start of motion.
22+!. STOICHIOMETRIC - The ratio of chemical
substances reacting in the water that
correspond to their combining weights in the
theoretical chemical reaction.
oil burner. 9il is fed under pressure into
tangential ports and after spinning in a vorte1
chamber is emitted as a cone.
22+&. STRAIGHT STEAM CYCLE - 9ne 'n which steam
from the boiler passes straight through the
turbine and thence to the condenser and
reheat 's not used.
22+). STRAINER 6 A device, such as a filter, to retain
solid particles allowing a li(uid to pass.
22+.. STRATIFICATION 6 >on6homogeneity e1isting
transversely in a gas stream.
221+. STRATIFIED AIR5 Hnmi1ed air in a duct that is in
thermal layers that have temperature
variations of more than five degrees.
2211. STRESS RAPTURE - A general type of damage
referring to carbon steel tubing, when heated
above !+,7. Material will plastically deform
*creep0 and then rapture.
2212. STUFFING BOX 6 That portion of the pump which
houses the pac$ing or mechanical seal, The
stuffing bo1 is usually referred to as the dry
portion of the pump, and is located in bac$ of
the impeller and around the shaft.
2213. SUBCOOLING - The difference between the
temperature of a pure condensable fluid below
saturation and the temperature at the li(uid
saturated state, at the same pressure.
221. SUBCOOLING - The process of cooling a li(uid to
a temperature below its saturation
temperature for any given saturation pressure.
221!. SUBLIMATION - A change of state directly from
solid to gas without appearance of li(uid.
221#. SUBLIMATION - 7ondition where a substance
changes from a solid to a gas without
becoming a li(uid.
221). SUCTION HEAD - The positive pressure on the pump
inlet when the source of li(uid supply is above the
pump centerline.
221.. SUCTION LIFT - The combination of static suction lift
and friction head in the suction piping when the
source of li(uid is below the pump centerline *A
pumping condition where the eye of the impeller of
the pump is above the surface of the water from
which the pump is pumping0.
222+. SUCTION LINE - Tube or pipe used to carry refrigerant
gas from evaporator to compressor.
2221. SUCTION PRESSURE 6 Eressure in low6pressure side
of a refrigerating system.
located in the suction line which maintains constant
pressure in evaporator during running portion of
located in the suction line which maintains constant
pressure in evaporator during running portion of
222. SUCTION SERVICE VALVE - Two6way manually
operated valve located at the inlet to compressor. 't
controls suction gas flow and is used to service unit.
222!. SUCTION SIDE - <ow6pressure side of the system
e1tending from the refrigerant control through the
evaporator to the inlet valve of the compressor.
222#. SULFAT" 6 A compound, ion, or salt of sulfur and
o1ygen, such as sodium sulfate *>a23+0.
222&. SULFITE DECOMPOSITION - 3odium sulfite, which is
used as an o1ygen scavenger, may decomposes
with higher temperatures and concentration. The
decomposition results in forming sulfur dio1ide and
thus leading to an acidic anhydride causing
222). SULFONIC - A specific acidic group *393/0 on which
depends the e1change activity of certain cation
6 An old refrigerant.
223+. SUMP5 A container, compartment, or reservoir used as a
drain or receptacle for engine oil.
2231. SUN EFFECT - 3olar energy transmitted into space
through windows and building materials.
2232. SUPERCHARGE5 To supply a charge of air at a
pressure higher than that of the surrounding
2233. SUPERCHARGER5 A device for increasing the volume
of the air charge of an internal6combustion engine.
above the critical pressure of 3,2+# lb.%s(. in.
absolute. This is the pressure at which the value of
latent heat 's at 2ero.
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Engineering Dictionary
223!. SUPERHEAT - The heat added to a fluid above its
saturation point.
223#. SUPERHEATED STEAM - 3team heated above
its saturation temperature.
223&. SUPERHEATED VAPOR 6 A vapor which is not
about to condense.
223). SUPERHEATER 6 /eat e1changer arranged to
ta$e heat from li(uid going to evaporator and
using it to superheat vapor leaving evaporator.
223.. SUPERHEATING - The process of adding heat to
a vapor in order to raise its temperature above
saturation temperature. 't is impossible to
superheat a saturated vapor as long as it is in
contact with the li(uid from which it is being
generated; hence the vapor must be led away
from the li(uid before it can be superheated.
22+. SUPERSATURATED SOLUTION 6 A solution of a
salt or mineral with a concentration beyond
the normal saturation point.
222. SURFACE BLOWDOWN - :emoval of water,
foam, etc. from the surface at the water level
in a boiler.
223. SURFACE CONDENSER 6 A condenser where
cooling water flows through tubes but does
not mi1 with the steam condensing on the
outer surfaces of the tubes.
22. SURFACE HEATING - The e1terior surface of a
heating unit. "1tended heating surface *or
e1tended surface0, consisting of fins, pins, or
ribs which receive heat by conduction from the
prime surface. Erime surface5 heating surface
having the heating medium on one side and
air *or e1tended surface0 on the other.
22!. SURFACE-SPRAY UNIT 6 A spray6coil unit.
22#. SURFACTANT - A compound that affects
interfacial tension between two li(uids. 't
usually reduces surface tension.
22&. SURFACTANTS - A wetting agent used to prevent
fouling, mainly in water cooling systems.
22). SURGE - The sudden displacement or movement
of water in a closed vessel or drum.
22.. SURGE SURPRESSOR - A device that reduces
harmonic distortion in line voltage circuits by
clipping off transient voltages which are fed
through the power lines from operating
22!+. SURGE TANK 6 7ontainer connected to the low6
pressure side of a refrigerating system which
increases gas volume and reduces rate of
pressure change.
22!1. SUSPENDED SOLIDS 6 Hn6dissolved solids in
boiler water.
22!2. SWAMP COOLER 6 "vaporative type cooler in which air
is drawn through porous mats soa$ed with water.
22!3. SWELLING - The e1pansion of an ion6e1change which
occurs when the reactive groups on the resin are
converted from one form to another.
22!. SWING CHECK VALVE - A valve that has a guide6
mounted dis$ swung from the top by a hori2ontal
pin. A li(uid e1erting pressure against the dis$ will
cause it to open, allowing a flow. Eressure e1erted
in the opposite direction will close the valve,
ensuring only one direction of flow.
22!!. SWINGING LOAD 6 A load that changes at relatively
short intervals.
22!#. SWITCHBOARD5 A panel or group of panels with
automatic protective devices, used to distribute the
electrical power throughout the ship.
22!&. SYNCHRONIZE5 *10 To ma$e two or more events or
operations occur at the proper time with respect to
each other. *20 To ad=ust two engines to run at the
same speed.
22!). SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR 6 An alternating current motor
the speed of which is directly proportional to the
fre(uency of the supply.
22!.. SYNERGISM - The combined action of several
chemicals which produce an effect greater than the
additive effects of each.
22#+. SYNTHRON SEAL5 A rubber strip seal installed on the
shaft to prevent seawater from lea$ing into the ship
along the shaft.
22#1. SYSTEM - A series of ducts, conduits, elbows, branch
piping, etc. designed to guide the flow of air, gas or
vapor to and from one or more locations. A fan
provides the necessary energy to overcome the
resistance to flow of the system and causes air or
gas flow through the system. 3ome components of
a typical system are louvers, grilles, diffusers, filters,
heating and cooling coils, air pollution control
devices, burner assemblies, volume flow control
dampers, mi1ing bo1es, sound attenuators, the
ductwor$ and related fittings.
22#2. SYSTEM, CENTRAL FAN - A mechanical, indirect
system of heating, ventilating, or air conditioning, in
which the air is treated or handled by e(uipment
located outside the rooms served, usually at a
central location, and conveyed to and from the
rooms by means of a fan and a system of
distributing ducts.
22#3. SYSTEM, CLOSED - A heating or refrigerating piping
system in which circulating water or brine is
completely enclosed, under pressure above
atmospheric, and shut off from the atmosphere
e1cept for an e1pansion tan$.
22#. SYSTEM, DUCT - A series of ducts, conduits, elbows,
branch piping, etc. designed to guide the flow of air,
gas or vapor to and from one or more locations. A
fan provides the necessary energy to overcome the
resistance to flow of the system and causes air or
gas to flow through the system. 3ome components
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Engineering Dictionary
of a typical system are louvers, grilles,
diffusers, filters, heating and cooling coils
energy recovery de vices, burner assemblies,
volume dampers, mi1ing bo1es, sound
attenuators, the ductwor$ and related fittings.
22#!. SYSTEM, FLOODED - A system in which only part
of the refrigerant passing over the heat
transfer surface is evaporated, and the portion
not evaporated is separated from the vapor
and recirculated.
22##. SYSTEM, UNITARY - A complete, factory6
assembled and factory6tested refrigerating
system comprising one or more assemblies
which may be shipped as one unit or
separately but which are designed to be used
22#&. SYSTEMS CURVE - A graphic presentation of the
pressure vs. volume flow rate characteristics
of a particular system.
22#). TACHOMETER5 An instrument for indicating
revolutions per minute.
22#.. TA0L PIPE 6 9utlet pipe from the evaporator.
22&+. TAIL SHAFT5 The aft section of the shaft that
receives the propeller.
22&1. TAKE LEADS5 A method of determining bearing
and other clearances. Mostly replaced by
other methods such as plastigage and bearing
shell thic$ness measurements.
this arrangement the burners, positioned in
the four corners of the furnace, are ad=usted to
fire tangentially to an imaginary circle at the
centre of the combustion chamber.
7ombustion "ngineering *now part of ABB0 V
their licencees use this method.
22&. TANNINS - A chemical used as an inhibitor in
relation with caustic embrittlement.
22&!. TDC (TOP DEAD CENTER05 The position of a
reciprocating piston at its uppermost point of
22&#. TEFLON5 A plastic with e1cellent self6lubricating
bearing properties.
22&&. TELEGRAPH5 An apparatus, either electrical or
mechanical, for transmitting orders, as from a
shipLs bridge to the engine room, steering
gear room, or elsewhere about the ship.
22&). TELEMOTOR5 A device for operating the steering
engine from the pilothouse by means of either
fluid pressure or electricity.
22&.. TEMPER5 To harden steel by heating and sudden
cooling by immersion in oil, water, or other
22)+. TEMPERATURE - Begree of hotness or coldness as
measured by a thermometer.
22)1. T"ME":ATH:" 6 Begree of hotness or coldness as
measured by a thermometer.
22)2. TEMPERATURE CONTROL - Temperature6operated
thermostatic device which automatically opens or
closes a circuit.
22)3. TEMPERATURE CRITICAL - The saturation
temperature corresponding to the critical state of the
substance at which the properties of the li(uid and
vapor are identical.
22). Temperature, Absolute Tero5 The 2ero point on the
absolute temperature scale, !..#. degrees below
the 2ero of the -ahrenheit scale, 2&3.1# degrees be
low the 2ero of the 7elsius scale.
22)!. TEMPERATURE, DEWPOINT - The temperature at
which the condensation of water vapor in a space
begins for a given state of humidity and pressure as
the temperature of the vapor is reduced. The
temperature corresponding to saturation *1++
percent relative humidity0 for a given absolute
humidity at constant pressure.
22)#. TEMPERATURE, DRYBULB - The temperature of a gas
or mi1ture of gases indicated by an accurate
thermometer after correction for radiation.
22)&. TEMPERATURE, EFFECTIVE - An arbitrary inde1
which combines into a single value the effect of
temperature, humidity, and air movement on the
sensation of warmth or cold felt by the human body.
The numerical value is that of the temperature of
still, saturated air which would induce an identical
22)). TEMPERATURE, SATURATION - The temperature at
which no further moisture can be added to the air
water vapor mi1ture. "(uals dew point temperature.
22).. TEMPERATURE, WET BULB 6 Thermodynamic wet
bulb temperature is the temperature at which li(uid
or solid water, by evaporating into air, can bring the
air to saturation adiabatically at the same
temperature. Cet bulb temperature *without
(ualification0 is the temperature indicated by a wet
bulb psychrometer constructed and used according
to specifications.
temperature and humidity of air sample compared to
air at standard conditions.
22.1. TENSILE STRENGTH 6 'n tensile testing, the ratio of
ma1imum load to original cross6sectional area. Also
called ultimate strength.
22.2. TENSILE STRESS - A stress that causes two parts of
an elastic body, on either side of a typical stress
plane, to pull apart.
22.3. TENSION - The force or load that produces elongation.
temperature6difference between the e1haust steam
and the cooling6water at the top of the condenser or
point where the cooling water leaves.
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Engineering Dictionary
22.!. TERMINAL VELOCITY - The ma1imum air stream
velocity at the end of the throw.
22.#. THE FIRST LAW - *1 0 Chen wor$ is e1panded in
generating heat, the (uantity of heat produced
is proportional to the wor$ e1pended; and,
conversely, when heat is employed in the
performance of wor$, the (uantity of heat
which disappears is proportional to the wor$
done *Noule0; *20 'f a system is caused to
change from an initial state to a final state by
adiabatic means only, the wor$ done is the
same for all adiabatic paths connecting the
two states *Temans$y0; *30 'n any power cycle
or refrigeration cycle, the net heat absorbed
by the wor$ing substance is e1actly e(ual to
the net wor$ done.
22.&. THE SECOND LAW5 *10 't is impossible for a self
acting machine, unaided by any e1ternal
agency, to convey heat from a body of lower
temperature to one of higher temperature
*7lausius0; *20 't is impossible to derive
mechanical wor$ from heat ta$en from a body
unless there is available a body of lower
temperature into which the residue not so
22.). TERTIARY AIR 6 Air for combustion supplied to
the furnace to supplement the primary and
secondary air.
22... THEORETICAL AIR 6 The (uantity of air re(uired
for perfect combustion.
23++. THEORETICAL DRAFT 6 The draft, which would
be available at the base of a stac$ if there
were no friction or acceleration losses in the
4Adiabatic -lame Temperature.4
23+2. THERM 6 Juantity of heat e(ual to 1+++++ Btu.
23+3. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY - The rate at which
heat is transferred through an ob=ect.
23+. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY - The rate of heat
flow, under steady conditions, through unit
area, per unit temperature gradient in the
direction perpendicular to the area. 't is given
in the 3' nits s watts per meter Kelvin *C%m W
23+!. THERMAL EFFICIENCY 6 :atio of shaft wor$ out
of a system to the heat energy into the
's the energy output of the gas turbine divided
by the energy input of the gas turbine.
electromotive force generated in a circuit
containing two dissimilar metals when one
=unction is at temperature different from that of
the other. *see also thermocouple0.
23+). THERMAL ENERGY5 "nergy contained in or
derived from, heat.
23+.. THERMAL E%UILIBRIUM - Chen two bodies originally
at different temperatures, have attained the same
231+. THERMAL EXPANSION - The change in length of a
material with change in temperature.
2311. THERMAL EXPANSION VALVE5 The metering device
or flow control which regulates the amount of li(uid
refrigerant which is allowed to enter the evaporator.
2312. THERMAL SHOCK - The development of a steep
temperature gradient and accompanying high stress
within a material or structure.
2313. THERMAL STRESS D 3tresses which are set up in
heated metals.
231. THERMAL TREATMENT - :efers to the treatment of
water with heat to drive off the dissolved gases and
soften certain minerals for easy removal.
231!. THERMISTOR - A two6terminal semiconductor device
whose resistance is temperature sensitive.
231#. THERMOBANK 6 A ban$ for storing heat.
231&. THERMOCOMPRESSOR 6 A compressor using high6
pressure high6temperature steam to compress low6
pressure vapour.
231). THERMOCOUPLE - Bevice for measuring temperature
utili2ing the fact that an electromotive force is
generated whenever two =unctions of two dissimilar
metals in an electric circuit are at different
temperature levels.
231.. THERMOCOUPLE - Bevice which generates electricity,
using the principle that if two unli$e metals are
welded together and =unction is heated, voltage will
develop across the open ends.
232+. THERMOCOUPLE 6 Bevice which generates electricity,
using the principle that if two unli$e metals are
welded together and =unction is heated, voltage will
develop across the open ends.
2321. THERMOCOUPLE PYROMETER - An instrument in
which two wires of dissimilar metals are toined at
one end. Chen the =unction is heated a thermo6
electric force is generated proportional to the
temperature and indicates it on an electrical meter.
instrument using thermocouple as source of
electrical flow, connected to millimeter calibrated in
temperature degrees.
2323. THERMODISK DEFROST CONTROL 6 "lectrical switch
with bimetal dis$ controlled by temperature
232!. THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES - Basic (ualities
used in defining the condition of a substance, such
as temperature, pressure, volume, enthalpy,
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Engineering Dictionary
232#. THERMODYNAMICS 6 Eart of science which
deals with the relationships between heat and
mechanical action.
refrigeration is produced by the passage of
electric current through two dissimilar
232). THERMOELECTRICITY - 'n physics, electricity
generated by the application of heat to the
=unction of two dissimilar materials. 'f two
wires of different materials are =oined at their
ends and one end is maintained at a higher
temperature than the other, a voltage
difference will arise, and an electric current
will e1ist between the hot and the cold
232.. THERMOMETER - Bevice for measuring
233+. THERMOMODULE 6 >umber of thermocouples
used in parallel to achieve low temperatures.
2331. THERMOPILE 6 >umber of thermocouples used in
series to create a higher voltage.
2332. THERMO DSIPHON 6 A means of securing
circulation; often used in cooling bearings.
2333. THERMOSTAT - Bevice, which senses ambient
temperature, conditions and, in turn, acts to
control a circuit.
233. THERMOSTATIC CONTROL 6 Bevice which
operates system or part of system based on
temperature change.
233!. THERMOSTATIC VALVE 6 Falve controlled by
temperature change response elements.
233#. THERMOSTATIC WATER VALVE - Falve used to
control flow of water through system, actuated
*made to wor$0 by temperature difference.
Hsed in units such as water6cooled
compressor and%or condenser.
233&. THREAD5 The spiral part of a screw.
233). THREE-WAY VALVE 6 Multi6orifice *opening0 flow
control valve with three fluid flow openings.
233.. THRESHOLD TREATMENT 6 7hemical treatment,
used to prevent scale formation, which acts to
hold hardness in solution at the threshold of
23+. THROAT5 9pening in the cylinder bloc$ through
which the cran$shaft end is e1tended.
232. THROTTLEMAN5 Eerson in the engine room who
operates the throttles to control the main
233. THROTTLE VALVE5 A type of valve especially
designed to control rate of flow.
23. THROTTLING - 5 9perating a valve partially open to
produce a pressure drop with flow *An irreversible
adiabatic steady flow process in which the fluid is
caused to flow through an obstruction in a pipe with
a resulting drop in pressure0.
23!. THROTTLING RANGE - The amount of change in the
variable being controlled to ma$e the controlled
device more through the full length of its stro$e.
23#. THRUST ADJUSTING GEAR - "(uipment for
controlling, within strictly defined limits, the a1ial
position of a turbine rotor.
23&. THRUST BEARINGS5 Bearings that limit the a1ial
*longitudinal0 movement of the shaft.
23.. TILLER5 An arm attached to the rudder head for
operating the rudder.
23!+. TIMER-THERMOSTAT 6 Thermostat control which
includes a cloc$ mechanism. Hnit automatically
controls room temperature and changes
temperature range depending on time of day.
23!1. TIMING GEARS5 Gears attached to the cran$shaft,
camshaft, idler shaft, or in=ection pump to provide a
means to drive the camshaft and in=ection pump and
to regulate the speed and performance.
23!3. TITRATION - A chemical process used in analy2ing
23!. TOLERANCE5 The amount that a manufactured part
may vary from its specified si2e.
23!!. TON REFRIGERATION UNIT 6 Hnit which removes
same amount of heat in 2 hours as melting of 1 ton
of ice.
23!#. TONNS OF REFRIGERATION 6 The capacity of a
refrigeration system that can free2e 1 tonne *1+++
$g0 of li(uid water at +,7 into ice at +,7 in 2 hour is
said to be 1 tone.
23!&. TOOL STEEL - Any steel used o ma$e tools for cutting,
forming, or otherwise shaping a material into a final
23!.. TOR%UE5 A force or combination of forces that
produces or tends to produce a twisting or rotary
23#+. TOTAL AIR 6 Total air for complete combustion is the
theoretical (uantity necessary, plus the correct
amount of e1cess air.
23#1. TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD - Bynamic discharge head
*static discharge head, plus friction head, plus
velocity head0 plus dynamic suction lift, or dynamic
discharge head minus dynamic suction head.
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Engineering Dictionary
23#2. TOTAL HARDNESS 6 3ee /ardness.
23#3. TOTAL HEAT 6 3um of both the sensible and
latent heat.
23#. TOTAL HEAT (ENTHALPY - Total heat is the
sum of the sensible heat and latent heat in an
e1change process. 'n many cases, the
addition or subtraction of latent and sensible
heat at terminal coils appears simultaneously.
Total heat also is called enthalpy, both of
which can be defined as the (uantity of heat
energy contained in that substance.
23#!. TOTAL SOLIDS - Are the sum of the dissolved
and suspended solids.
of dissolved and suspended impurities in a
unit weight of boiler water, usually e1pressed
in ppm.
23#&. TOUGHNES35 The property of a material that
enables it to withstand shoc$ as well as to be
deformed without brea$ing.
23#). TOWER FILL - The interior structure of a cooling
tower over which the water flows.
23#.. TRACE CONSTITUENTS - Materials present at a
concentration less than +.+1 mg%<.
23&+. TRACE HEAT - The heating of oil in a pipe by
means of steam or electric heating elements.
The time rate of heat flow per unit area under
steady conditions from the fluid on the warm
side of a barrier to the fluid on the cold side,
per unit temperature difference between the
two fluids.
23&2. TRANSDUCER - The means by which the
controller converts the signal from the sensing
device into the means necessary to have the
appropriate effect on the controlled device.
-or e1ample, a change in air pressure in the
pneumatic transmission piping.
23&3. TRANSFER VALVE5 A manually operated
direction valve used to switch automatic
control systems from automatic to manual
operation and vice versa.
23&. TRANSFORMER - 5 A device composed of two or
more coils, lin$ed by magnetic lines of force,
used to transfer energy from one circuit to
another. Also, an electrical device used to
step up or step down an a.c. voltage.
constituents which change in concentration or
activity by changes in the a(uatic
environment. The change my be due to
o1idation potentials, biological activities, etc..
23&#. TRANSISTOR - An active semiconductor device
capable of providing power amplification and
having three or more terminals.
23&&. TRAP 6 A receptacle for the collection of undesirable
23&). TREATMENT 6 A process whereby impurities are
removed from water; also a substance added to
water to improve its physical or chemical properties.
23&.. TRIBOLOGY - The science concerned with the design,
friction, lubrication and wear of contacting surfaces
that move relative to each other *as in bearings,
cams, or gears0.
23)+. TRICK WHEEL5 A steering wheel in the steering engine
room or emergency steering station of a ship, used
in case of emergency.
23)1. TRIM 6 Ancillary boiler components, li$e water level
controls, pressure controls, and temperature
23)2. TRIP COIL 6 A smaller and less powerful coil with
plunger, used for StrippingL the mechanism which
holds the circuit6brea$er in the SclosedL position.
23)3. TUBE BALL MILL 6 A low6speed mill in the form of a
drum rotating on a hori2ontal a1is. 3mall steel balls
within the mill act as the coal6grinding medium.
23). TUBE NEST 6 The general assembly of condenser of
feed heater tubes.
23)!. TUBE PLATE 6 -i1ing and supporting plates for
condenser tubes.
23)#. TUBING5 That type of fluid line the dimensions of which
are designated by actual measured outside
diameter *9B0 and by actual measured wall
23)&. TUBE SHEET - The portion of a heat e1changer or
boiler in to which the tubes are rolled or secured.
23)). TUBERCLE - A protective crust of corrosion products
*rust0 which builds up over a pit caused by the loss
of metal due to corrosion.
23).. TUBERCULATION - A corrosion process that produces
hard $nob6li$e mounds of corrosive products on
metal surfaces, increasing friction and reducing flow
in a water distribution system.
23.+. TUBE-WITHIN-A-TUBE - Cater6cooled condensing unit
in which a small tube is placed inside large unit.
:efrigerant passes through outer tube, water
through the inner tube.
23.1. TURBIDITY - The measure of suspended matter in, a
water sample which contributes to the reflection of
light or cloudiness.
23.2. TURBIDITY UNIT - The unit of measure of suspended
matter in water. 't is the measure of light compared
against light reflected by a reference standard as
defined by the standard methods of water analysis
in, AE/A.
23.3. TURBINE5 *10 A rotary motor actuated by the reaction,
impulse, or both, of a flow of pressuri2ed fluid. A
turbine usually consists of a series of curved vanes
on a centrally rotating shaft. *20 A multi bladed rotor,
driven by steam, hot gas, or water.
23.. TURBINE CYLINDER 6 The casing assembly of a
turbine which houses the fi1ed blades and the rotor.
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Engineering Dictionary
23.!. TURBINE HEAT RATE 6 The amount of heat
consumed by a turbo6generator usually in
$ilo=oules per $ilowatt hour.
23.#. TURBINE METER - A device used to measure
water consumption in industrial plants.
23.&. TURBINE ROTOR D The rotating part within the
cylinder, to which the moving blades are
attached. These rotors are of the drum, disc,
solid6forged or welded type, according to the
design of the machine.
23.). TURBINE SUPERVISORY 6 "lectronic apparatus
giving rapid indications and recordings of
e1pansions and contractions of the rotor and
casing and rotor shaft eccentricity. 3ometimes
called Turbovisory e(uipment.
ratio between the heat6energy in the steam
entering the turbine and the heat converted by
the turbine into mechanical energy.
2++. TURBULATOR 6 3piral wound or spiral shaped
piece located in the li(uid tube of a heat
2+1. TURBULENCE5 Air in the combustion space in
2+2. TURBULENT BURNER 6 A burner in which fuel
and air are mi1ed and discharged into the
furnace in such a manner as to produce
turbulent flow from the burner.
2+3. TURNDOWN RATIO 6 The ratio between full
output and minimum output of an oil burner
*:atio of ma1imum to minimum fuel or steam
input or boiler output0.
2+. TURNER GAUGE - A device used to measure the
actual scale6thic$ness in boiler tubes.
2+!. TWO-TEMPERATURE VALVE - Eressure6opened
valve used in suction line on multiple
refrigerator installations, which maintains
evaporators in a system at different
2+#. TWO-WAY VALVE - Falve with one inlet port and
one outlet port.
2+&. ULTIMATE STRENGTH - The ma1imum stress
*tensile, compressive or shear0 a material can
sustain without fracture. 't is determined by
dividing ma1imum load by the original cross6
sectional area of the specimen.
2+). ULTRA FILTRATION - A process that forces
water through a filtering membrane by means
of pressure gradients in order to obtain ultra
pure water.
2+.. UNBURNABLE OIL5 That (uantity of oil below the
stripping suction in storage tan$s and below
the service suction in service tan$s.
21+. UNDERDEPOSIT ATTACK - 7orrosion under or around
a locali2ed deposit on a metal surface *a form of
crevice corrosion0.
211. UNITARY SYSTEM - A room unit which performs part or
all of the air conditioning functions. 't may or may
not be used with a central fan system.
212. UNIT INJECTOR5 A diesel engine in=ector that combines
a pump and a fuel6spray no22le in a single unit.
213. UNLOADER - A device in or on the compressor for
e(uali2ing high6side and low6side pressures for a
brief time during starting and for controlling
compressor capacity by rendering one or more
cylinders ineffective.
21. UNLOADING VALVE - A valve which automatically
opens when the pressure in the air receiver rises to
a pre6set value, and thus allows the air to escape
safely to atmosphere.
21!. UNSTABLE5 That action of an automatic control system
and controller process that is characteri2ed by a
continuous cycling of one or more system variables
for a degree greater than a specified ma1imum.
21#. UPFLOW - The operation of an ion6e1change unit in
which solutions are passed in at the bottom and out
at the top of the container.
21&. UPFLOW FILTER - A unit containing a single filter
medium, usually with graded sand.
21). UPFLOW FURNACE - A furnace in which the heated air
flows upward as it leaves the furnace.
21.. UPSTREAM - The inlet side of an instrument, a pump,
valve, etc..
22+. UTILITY TRANSFORMER - Erimary and secondary
coils of wire which reduce *step down0 the utility
supply volt age for use within a facility.
221. U-TUBE MANOMETER - A H6shaped section of plastic
or glass tubing that is partially filled with water or
mercury. They are used to measure the lower
pressure ranges of gases.
222. VACUUM - Eressure lower than atmospheric pressure.
223. VACUUM BREAKER - A device to prevent a suction in
a water pipe.
22. VACUUM DELOADING - A turbine is protected against
falling vacuum by an oil6operated device to reduce
the load on the machine.
22!. VACUUM PUMP - 3pecial high efficiency device used
for creating high vacuums for testing or drying
22#. VALV"5 A mechanism that can be opened or closed to
control or stop the flow of a li(uid, gas, or vapor
from one place to another place.
22&. VALVE GUIDE5 A hollow6si2ed shaft pressed into the
cylinder head to $eep the valve in proper alignment.
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Engineering Dictionary
designed to loc$ the valve6spring retainer to
the valve stem.
22.. VALVE LASH5 7learance between the top of the
valve stem and the valve6lifting mechanism.
23+. VALVE LIFT5 The distance a valve moves from
the fully closed to the fully open position.
231. VALVE, MODULATING - A valve which can be
positioned anywhere between fully on and
fully off to proportion the rate of flow in
response to a modulating controller *see
modulating control0.
232. VALVE, NEEDLE - A form of globe valve that
contains a sharp pointed, needle li$e plug that
is driven into the and out of a cone shaped
seat to accurately control a relatively small
rate of flow of a fluid.
233. VALVE OVERLAP5 The period of cran$shaft
rotation during which both the inta$e and
e1haust valves are open. 't is measured in
23. VALVE, POP - A spring loaded safety valve that
opens automatically when pressure e1ceeds
the limits for which the valve is set. 't is used a
safety device on pressuri2ed vessels and
other e(uipment to prevent damage from
e1cessive pressure, also called relief valve or
a safety valve.
23!. VALVE, POPPET - A device that controls the rate
of flow of fluid in a line or opens or shuts of
the flow of fluid completely. Chen open, the
sealing surface of the valve is moved away
from a seat. Chen closed, the sealing surface
contacts the seat to shut of the flow. Eoppet
valves are used e1tensively as pneumatic
controls and as inta$e and e1haust valves in
most internal combustion engines.
23#. VALVE, PRESSURE RELIEF 6 A valve designed
to minimi2e the possibility of e1plosion when
air temperature surrounding a refrigeration
system may rise to a point where the pressure
of the refrigerant gas to increase to a danger
23&. VALVE, RELIEF - Also called pressure relief
23). VALVE ROTATOR5 A mechanical device loc$ed to
the end of the valve stem that forces the valve
to rotate about !, with each roc$er6arm action.
23.. VALVE SEAT5 The surface, normally curved,
against which the valve dis$Ls operating face
comes to rest to provide a seal against
lea$age of li(uid, gas, or vapor.
2+. VALVE SEAT INSERT5 Metal ring inserted into a
valve seat, made of a special metal that can
withstand operating temperature satisfactorily.
21. VALVE SPRING5 The compression6type spring that
closes the valve when the valve6operating cam
assumes a closed6valve position.
22. VALVE, TWO-POSITION - A valve which is either fully
on or fully off with no positions between. Also called
an 4on6off valve4.
23. VANE - That portion of an impeller which throws the
water toward the volute case.
2. VANE CONTROL - The control of fan output by
producing by means of inlet vanes a pre6rotation of
the air or gas entering the fan.
2!. VAPOR - The gaseous state of a substance that is
usually a li(uid or solid at atmospheric temperature
and pressure *A gas, particularly one near to
e(uilibrium with the li(uid phase of the substance
and which does not follow the gas laws. Hsually
used instead of gas for a refrigerant, and, in
general, for any gas below the critical temperature0.
2#. VAPOR BARRIER - A moisture6impervious layer applied
to the surfaces enclosing a humid space to prevent
moisture travel to a point where it may condense
due to lower temperature.
2&. VAPOR LOCK 6 A condition where li(uid flow is
impeded by vapor trapped in a li(uid line.
2). VAPOR PHASE INHIBITORS - A system using an
organic nitrite compound, a powder which vapori2es
slowly to protect ferrous metal from contact with
2.. VAPOR PRESSURE - Fapor pressure denotes the
lowest absolute pressure that a given li(uid at a
given temperature will remain li(uid before
evaporating into its gaseous form or state.
2!+. VAPOR, SATURATED - Fapor in e(uilibrium with its
li(uid; i.e., when the numbers per unit time of
molecules passing in two directions through the
surface dividing the two phases are e(ual.
2!1. VAPOR, SUPERHEATED - Fapor at a temperature
which is higher than the saturation temperature *i.e.,
boiling point0 at the e1isting pressure.
2!2. VAPOR, WATER - Cater used commonly in air
conditioning parlance to refer to steam in the
2!3. VAPOROUS CARRYOVER - :eferring to impurities
carried over with the steam and then forming a
deposit on turbine bladings. This type of carryover is
difficult to prevent.
2!. VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT5 The type of pump or
motor in which the volume of fluid delivered per
cycle can be varied.
2!!. VELOCITY - A vector (uantity which denotes, at once,
the time rate and the direction of a linear motion.
2!&. VELOCITY HEAD - The pressure needed to accelerate
the fluid being pumped *The vertical distance a
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Engineering Dictionary
li(uid must fall to ac(uire the velocity with
which it flows through the piping system. -or a
given (uantity of flow, the velocity head will
vary indirectly as the pipe diameter varies0.
2!). VELOCITY PRESSURE 6 The measure of the
$inetic energy of a fluid.
2!.. VELOCITY, TERMINAL - The highest sustained
air stream velocity e1isting in the mi1ed air
path at the end of the throw.
2#+. VENA CONTRACTA - The place along the a1is of
flow, =ust below the orifice, when the =et
stream contracts to its minimum.
2#1. VENT - An opening in a vessel or other enclosed
space for the removal of gas or vapor.
2#2. VENTILATION - The process of supplying or
removing air by natural or mechanical means,
to or from a space; such air may or may not
have been conditioned.
2#3. VENTURI TUBE METER - A flow meter used to
determine the rate of flow and employing a
venturi tube as the primary element for
creating differential pressure in flowing gases
or li(uids.
2#. VERNIER FINES - The fins in a vernier6type
labyrinth steam gland.
for low6volatile coals which burn with a long
flame where turbulence is not re(uired.
2##. VISCOSITY - The internal resistance of a fluid that
tends to prevent it from flowing.
2#&. VISCOSITY INDEX - A commonly used measure
of the change in viscosity of a fluid with
temperature. The higher the viscosity inde1,
the smaller the relative change in viscosity
with temperature.
2#). VITAL CIRCUITS5 "lectrical circuits that provide
power or lighting to e(uipment and spaces
necessary for propulsion, ship control, and
2#.. VITAL HEAT - The heat generated by fruits and
vegetables in storage; caused by ripening.
2&+. VOID5 An empty tan$.
2&1. VOLATILE MATTER 6 /ydrocarbons in coal are
given the collective name ef volatile matter.
2&2. VOLATILE SOLIDS - Those solids in water or
other li(uids that are lost on ignition of dry
solids at !!+,-.
2&3. VOLATILE TREATMENT - Based on the use of
hydra2ine and neutrali2ing amines or
ammonia. <eaves no solids in the boiler.
2&. VOLATILITY - Folatility, surface tension and
capillary action of a fluid are incidental to
environmental systems. Folatility is the
rapidity with which li(uids evaporates e1tremely
rapidly and therefore is highly volatile.
2&!. VOLT - The unit of potential difference or electromotive
force in the meter6$ilogram6second system, e(ual to
the potential difference between two points for
which 1 coulomb of electricity will do 1 =oule of wor$
in going from one point to another.
2&#. VOLTAGE (E - The electromotive force in an electrical
circuit. The difference in potential between two
unli$e charges in an electrical circuit is its voltage
measured in 4volts4 *F0.
2&&. VOLTAGE DROP - The voltage drop around a circuit
including wiring and loads must e(ual the supply
volt age.
2&). VOLTAIC CELL - A storage device that converts
chemical to electrical energy.
2&.. VOLTAGE REGULATOR - A device which varies the
rotor e1citation as re(uired in order to $eep the
terminal voltage of a generator constant.
2)+. VOLUME, SPECIFIC - The volume of a substance per
unit mass; the reciprocal of density.
2)1. VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER - A device used on
switchgear to reduce the high system voltages down
to 11+ volts for safe use for instruments, relays,
lamps and meters, and for synchronising.
2)2. VOLUTE5 A gradually widening spiral. A section or
component of a centrifugal pump where velocity
head becomes pressure head (The spiral6shaped
casing surrounding a pump impeller that collects the
li(uid discharged by the impeller0.
2)3. WAGON TIPPLER 6 A cradle in which a wagon of coal is
secured and then rotated sufficiently to empty the
coal into a conveyor.
2). WALK-IN-COOLER - A large commercial refrigerated
space often found in supermar$ets or places for
whole sale distribution.
2)!. WASTE WATER - The used water and solids from
industrial processes that flow to a treatment plant.
2)#. WATER - A tasteless, odorless, colorless li(uid in its
pure state.
2)&. WATER ABSORPTION - The amount of weight gain *?0
e1perienced in a polymer after immersion in water
for a specific length of time under controlled
2)). WATER BOX - -ittings at the condenser ends, for entry
and e1it of cooling water.
2).. WATER DRUM5 A tan$ at the bottom of a boiler,
sometimes called MHB B:HM, that e(uali2es
distribution of water to the generating tubes and
collects loose scale and other solids in boiler water.
2.+. WATER HAMMER - Banging of pipes caused by the
shoc$ of closing valves *faucets0.
2.1. WATER HARDNESS - Among the substances found in
raw water are salts of calcium and magnesium.
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Engineering Dictionary
Cater containing large amounts of these salts
is termed 8hard8.
2.2. WATER JACKET5 'nternal passages and cavities
cast into the cylinder bloc$ of engines and air
compressors through which water is circulated
around and ad=acent to friction *heat0 areas.
2.3. WATER LUBRICANT - Cater used as a lubricant;
for e1ample, in a mechanical seal on a
centrifugal water pump.
2.. WATER TUBE BOILER5 Boiler in which the water
flows through the tubes where it is heated by
the gases of combustion.
2.!. WATER SEALED GLAND D The gland of valves
sealed by the pressuri2ed water. Generally
used in the vacuum pulling device, in air
2.#. WATER SOFTENER - A device or system used to
remove calcium and magnesium hardness
minerals from a water supply.
2.&. WATER TUBE - A boiler tube through which the
fluid under pressure flows. The products of
combustion surround the tube.
2.). WATER VAPOR - 'n air conditioning, the water in
the atmosphere.
2... WATER WALL - The walls of tubes surrounding
the combustion chamber, ta$ing the place of
the flrebric$ walls used in earlier types of
water6tube boilers.
2!++. WATER WASHING - A method of off6load boiler
cleaning, carried out by using hoses and large
(uantities of water at fairly high pressure.
2!+1. WATER, BRAKISH - *10 Cater having less salt
than sea water, but undrin$able. *20 Cater
having salinity values ranging from about +.!
to 1& parts per thousand.
2!+2. WATER, POTABLE - Cater that is safe to drin$.
2!+3. WATER, SOUR - Caste waters containing fetid
materials, usually sulfur compounds.
is absorbed as ice melts and thus producing a
cooling effect.
2!+!. WATERLEG - That space that is full of boiler
water between two parallel plates. 't usually
forms one or more sides of internally fired
2!+#. WATERWALL - A row of water tubes lining a
furnace or combustion chamber, e1posed to
the radiant heat of the fire.
2!+&. WATT (W - A measure of electric power e(ual to
a current flow of one ampere under one volt of
pressure; or one =oule per second in 3' units.
2!+). WAVE TYRE VIBRATION - A type of vibration
where the rotating turbine disc or wheel ta$es
on a wave formation at its outer edge.
2!+.. WEDGE SLUICE VALVE - A type of valve in which the
tightness depends on the wedge action of a tapered
gate between the valve faces.
2!1+. WEEP 6 A term usually applied to a minute lea$ in a
boiler =oint, which forms droplets *or tears0 of water
very slowly.
2!11. WEIGHT TO POWER RATIO - 't is the weight of the
machine producing wor$. -or e1ample 6 the gas
turbine is capable of producing more horse power
per given mass of its machinery, then the same
amount of horse power produced by a machine
having many times that mass.
2!12. WET BULB - Bevice used in measurement of relative
humidity. "vaporation of moisture lowers
temperature of wet bulb compared to dry bulb
temperature in same area.
2!13. WET BULB TEMPERATURE (WB - The temperature
registered by a thermometer whose bulb is covered
by a saturated wic$ and e1posed to a current of
rapidly moving air. The wet bulb temperature also
represents the dew point temperature of the air,
where the moisture of the air condenses on a cold
2!1. WET STANDBY 6 Boiler is filled completely with water or
maintained at normal operating level with a positive
nitrogen pressure of 3! to &+ $Ea.
2!1!. WET-BULB DEPRESSION - The difference between the
dry6bulb temperature and the wet bulb temperature.
2!1#. WINCH5 A hoisting or pulling machine fitted with a
hori2ontal single or double drum. A small drum is
generally fitted on one or both ends of the shaft
supporting the hoisting drum. These small drums
are called gypsies, or winch heads. The hoisting
drums either are fitted with a friction bra$e or are
directly $eyed to the shaft. They are in the form of a
spool and carry the wor$ing wire rope. The driving
power is usually electricity, but hand power is also
used. A winch is used principally for handling,
hoisting, and lowering cargo from a doc$ or lighter
to the hold of a ship and vice versa.
2!1&. WINDAGE 6 The mechanical loss when circulating the
cooling medium *air or hydrogen0 through the
2!1). WINDAGE DRIFT - That water lost from an open re6
circulating6water system by means of wind blown
through the spray area that carries water out of the
system. This is not the same as loss by evaporation,
since such a loss can occur even without
2!1.. WINDBOX 6 A chamber below the grate or surrounding
a burner, through which air under pressure is
supplied for combustion of the fuel.
2!2+. WINDBOX PRESSURE 6 The static pressure in the
windbo1 of a burner or sto$er.
2!21. WINDLAS35 An apparatus in which hori2ontal or vertical
drums or gypsies and wildcats are operated by
means of a steam engine or motor for the purpose
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Engineering Dictionary
of handling heavy anchor chains, hawsers,
and so forth.
2!22. WIPED BEARINGS5 A bearing in which the babbit
has melted because of e1cess heat.
compressor designed to compress gas, with
piston motion parallel to cran$shaft.
2!2. WORK5 The transference of energy from one body
or system to another.
2!2!. WORKING FLUID - is the substance which does
the wor$ in a heat engine. The air is one of the
wor$ing fluids used with gas turbines. -reons
are the wor$ing fluids used with some
refrigeration systems. Cater is the wor$ing
fluid used with steam boilers.
2!2#. WORK RE%UEST5 :e(uest issued to naval
shipyard, tender, or repair ship for repairs.
2!2&. WORM, WORM SHAFT5 A threaded shaft
designed to engage the teeth of a wheel lying
in the plane of the shaft a1is. This type of gear
is used for the transmission of heavy loads at
low speeds.
2!2). WYE GATE5 A fitting with two separately
controlled hose fittings, designed to connect to
an outlet.
2!2.. YOKE5 A frame or bar having its center portion
bored and $eyed or otherwise constructed for
attachment to the rudder stoc$. 3teering effort
from the steering gear is applied to each end
of the yo$e for the purpose of turning the
2!3+. ZEOLITE - A natural mineral *hydrous silicates0
that has the capacity to absorb hardness,
calcium, and magnesium ions from water.
2!31. ZEOLITE SOFTENING - :efers to the process,
where 2eolite chemicals are capable to
e1change ions with the hardness causing
impurities of the water.
2!32. ZERK FITTING5 A small fitting to which a grease
gun can be applied to force lubricating grease
into bearings or moving parts of machinery.
2!33. ZETA POTENTIAL - The difference in voltage
between the surface of the diffuse layer
surrounding a colloidal particle and the bul$
li(uid beyond.
2!3. ZERO SETTING5 The output of a device when its
input is minimum.
2!3!. ZINC5 *10 A primary metal useful in a number of
anticorrosion applications. *20 A metal bloc$ or
form placed in seawater systems to
counteract the effects of electrolysis.
2!3#. ZONING - The practice of dividing a building into
small sections for heating and cooling control.
"ach section is selected so that one thermostat can
be used to determine its re(uirements.
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