Sith Language

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'Ari "Lord"[25]
Ajak "Doctrine"[5]
Aleph A letter in the Common Sith alphabet[24]
-anjat Ablative noun marker[5]
Asha "Victor"[!"]
-atul Alethic mood verb marker[!"]
Chts "#o $ain"[!"]
Chirikyt "%e &ho Cau'e' #hem to #hrob and #remble in (ear"[5]
Chwayat ")ule* la+"[5]
Chwayatyun "#he )ule o, #+o"[5]
Chwit "#o thro+"[2!]
Chwq "-mber"[!]
Daleth A letter in the Common Sith alphabet[24]
Derriphan "Devourer"[2.]
Dwomutsiqsa "Summon demon"[!]
Dzwol "#o e/i't* abide"[5]
Dzu "Lea,* lea,0'haped ob1ect"[2!]
Grotthu "Slave" 2re,errin$ to the lo+e't ca't o, the Sith 'pecie'3[!]
Hsk "An$ui'h"[5]
Hyal "#o crave"[5]
Itsu "Chain"[!"]
Jen "Dark"* "'hado+"* "hidden"[25]
Jidai "4edi"[25]
Jenari "Dark Lord 2o, the Sith3"[25]
"Dark 4edi" 2re,errin$ 'peci,icall to the Dark 4edi -/ile' o, the %undred05ear
Jensaarai "%idden ,ollo+er' o, truth"[25]
Jiaasjen "6nte$ratin$ the 'hado+"[25]
-jont 6n'trumental noun marker[!"]
!a""ath An ancient rite o, the Sith[27]
!aph A letter in the Common Sith alphabet[24]
!intik "8lacke't" 2plural ,orm3[!]
!issai "9rie't ca'te"[!]
!ots "#o break"[!"]
kun ":nl" 2u'ed a' a 'u,,i/3[!"]
!sk "#o dream"[5]
-kut Collective plural noun marker[5]
#amed A letter in the Common Sith alphabet[24]
$assassi "&arrior ca'te"[!]
$idwan "9o+er"[5]
%in "#ie* knot"[5]
%inshwodzakut ";notter' o, entrail'"[!]
%u "6"[!"]
%un "<e"[!"]
%uyak "<" 2plural3[!"]
%wit "Small* ,e+"[2!]
%wl "9eace"[5]
%ysh "8i$* much* man"[5]
&dojinya "Dark Side &eb"[!] 2not literal meanin$3[2!]
-oksh (uture ten'e verb marker[!"]
-ottoi Dative noun marker[5]
'a((rat "<editation chamber"[2=]
'zoi !yantuska "Suppre'' #hou$ht"[!] 2not literal meanin$3[2!]
'o "&a* path"[!"]
'orit "-nd"[5]
'otsisajak "Code o, the Sith"[!"]
q Comparative particle[5]
'ysik "#he (orce"[!"]
)hak-skuri "Dream 'in$er"[2>]
)orjhan "She0+ho'e0leave'0'+eat0poi'on"["?]
*amekh A letter in the Common Sith alphabet[24]
*edriss Sith +ord o, unkno+n meanin$ adopted b @a$a Lok a' a title["!]
*hakkai #ran'lation unkno+n[!]
*ith "Supreme"* "premier"* "per,ect"[!]
*ithari ":verlordA;in$"* "the per,ect bein$"* "$od"[!]
*aarai "#ruth"[25]
*aarai-kaar ";eeper o, truth"[25]
*hsot "Stru$$le* pa''ion"[!"]
*hin A letter in the Common Sith alphabet[24]
*iqsa "Demon"[5]
*utta "Spear"[2!]
*utta Chwituskak "(lun$ Spear'"[2!]
+aral "%e +ho protect'"* "protector"["2]
+ash "Lie"[!"]
-tok :rdinal number marker[5]
")eanimated Dead"[!] 2not literal meanin$3[2!]
+sawak "-mbodiment"[5]
+sis "Sith"[""]
+sisajak "Sith doctrine"[!"]
+syok "#o 'BueeCe +ith the hand"[5]
+ukata "Sith hound" 2a 'pecie' o, Sith'pa+n3 ["4]
+yphojem "#he Le,t0%anded Dod" 2an ancient Sith deit3[!]
Sith trainee et to become an apprentice to a <a'ter 2E'ed b the Lo't #ribe o,
Sith * ma be ;e'hiri in ori$in3["5]
+yk "Stren$th"[!"]
-sh A$entive verb marker[!]
-ut Fominal verb marker[5]
wai Fe$ation particle[5]
-win "-r$ative verb marker"[!"]
,o ":ne"[5]
,odza "6nte'tine'"[5]
,on "#o ,ree"[!"]
,oyunoks "Little one"[!]
-un "#+o"[5]
.ayin A letter in the Common Sith alphabet[24]
.u"uruk "-n$ineer" 2re,errin$ to a ca't in the Sith 'ociet3[!]
Known phrases
Dzworokka yun/ nyshqwai0 nwiqwai1 ,otok tsawakmidwanottoi0 yuntok hyarutmidwanottoi1
G"#+o there 'hould beH no more* no le''I :ne to embod po+er* the other to crave itI"[5]
2yah seh maat0 shu kor huaan1GEnkno+nI Somethin$ 'oothin$I[".]
Haa0 neyo la yud masur kee0 tah uhnah kahru lur shu1GEnkno+nI Somethin$ menacin$ and
Jaak1G"6 am ,reeI"["7]
%a-hah ur su ka-haat1 *u ka haru aat1GEnkno+nI <o't likel 'omethin$ a'J "Lead the Sith to
u' i, there are an hereI"[".]
+aka zee3h ma toka duuwaj1GEnkno+nI An incantation to $ain acce'' to a Sith obeli'kI[!2]
4r-kaa5GEnkno+nI 9robabl 'omethin$ 'uch a' "%altK" or "(reeCeK"[".]
6e7ok sa8aka1G"&ake up* there i' +ork to doI"["7]
.hol kash dinora1G"6t i' doneI"["7]
All in9ormation within this do3ument 3ourtesy o9

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