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A - Asthma - Airway obstructionAngioneurotic Edema

Aspiration, Altitude sickness
C COPD/Carbon Monoxide toxicity
U - Upper Motor Neuron Lesion or Event
T - Tracheal Obstruction, Tamponade
E - Endocrine: Hyperthyroid/Environmental Inhalation
D - Deformed Chest Wall: Flail Chest,
Y - hYperventilation syndrome
S - Sarcoid, Shock
P - 5 P's of Pleuritic Pain:Pericarditis, Pulmonary Embolus,
Pneumomediastinum Pleurisy/pneumonia, Pneumothorax
N - Neoplasm
E - Edema/Pulmonary: Cardiac and Non-cardiac
A Anemia / Acidosis: DKA, AKA, Salicylism

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