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Burns Night

by Lucy Kotsiopoulou
On the 25 January, Scotland celebrates Burns Night. It is a feast that honours the
life and poes of !obert Burns. "e is the ost #ell $no#n poet of Scotland and also
their national poet. %ost of his #or$s are in the Scottish dialect, although soe are also
#ritten in standard &nglish.
Burns Night celebrations are held all o'er the #orld, including
(reece. )he enu consists of haggis, neeps *turnip+ and tatties
*ashed potato+ and lots of #his$y for toasts. Burns, poes are
recited, especially the ode -ddress )o - "aggis. )oasts also
include a )oast to the Lads and to the Lassies.
In (reece the celebrations are organised by the St.
-ndre#s Society, naed after Scotland,s patron saint.
!obert Burns #as born the 25
of January /051 *that,s #hy
it,s celebrated then+ in -llo#ay, -yrshire, Scotland and died on the 2/
of July /012 in
3ufries, Scotland. "is ost faous poes are )o - %ouse, -uld Lang Syne, and )o -
Louse. One of his poes, - %an,s - %an 4or -, )hat, #as sung at the opening of the
Scottish 5arliaent in /111.
)o - "aggis
4air fa, your honest, sonsie face,
(reat chieftain o, the
-boon the a, yet ta$ your place,
5ainch, tripe, or thair7
8eel are ye #ordy o,a grace
-s lang,s y ar. ...
January 29/: &dition : 29cents
School ;hri stas Sho#
-noi<i "igh
School organised an e'ent
#hich...see page :
!ed S=uare
S=uare is a city
s=uare in....see
page 2
The Anoixi Herald theanoi<iherald>
!ed S=uare
by ;hristian Salis
!ed S=uare is a city s=uare in %osco#, !ussia. Its
nae *in !ussian Krasnaya 5loshchad6 + goes
bac$ decades. It has nothing to do neither #ith the color
of the surrounding bric$s nor
counis. Basically, it coes fro
the !ussian #ord $rasnaya #hich
used to ean beautiful . No#adays,
!ussian people use this #ord #ith its
odern eaning red .
In ancient ties, the #ord
$rasnaya *beautiful+ referred to
Saint Basil s ;athedral, but, after
soe years, it #as also applied to
the s=uare of the sae nae. !ed
S=uare is often considered to be the
centre not only of %osco#, but of
the #hole country *!ussia+. )his is because e'ery single road
in !ussia originates fro the s=uare, #hich, by the #ay,
separates the Krelin *#here the president li'es+ fro Kitai
(orod . %oreo'er, the s=uare #as the place #here public
cereonies and coronations of the !ussian )sars too$ place.
It #as the ain ar$etplace of %osco# and since then has
been used for official cereonies by all !ussian
go'ernents. )he ost popular and agnificent sites that
can be seen in the s=uare are7
Lenin s ausoleu
Saint Basil s ;athedral
;athedrals of the Krelin
Ka?an ;athedral
"istoric useu of !ussia
Kusas %inin and 3iitris 5o?arsh$i s statues
Since /119, both !ed S=uare and the Krelin ha'e been
@nesco 8orld "eritage Sites.
8hat,s bro#n and stic$yA
- stic$.
8hy did the chic$en cross the roadA
)o get to the other side.
8hat do you call a #ingless flyA
- #al$.
8hat,s soft and slipperyA
- slipper
8hy is 2 afraid of 0A
Because 0 B 1
8here does the $ing $eep his ariesA
@p his slee'ies.
"o# any holes in a poloA
8hat can you put in a buc$et to a$e it lighterA
- torch.
8hat do you need to a$e a green houseA
"o# do you a$e se'en an e'en nuberA
)a$e the s out.
8hy are ghosts bad liarsA
Because you can see right through the.
8hat has four legs, but can,t #al$A
- chair.
;an a atch bo<A
No, but a tin can.
8hat,s the ans#er to life, the uni'erse and
8hat does 3.N.-. stand forA
National 3ysle<ic -ssociation
8hen is a door not a doorA
8hen it,s a Car.
The Anoixi Herald theanoi<iherald>
The Anoixi Herald theanoi<iherald>
School Ne#s
School ;hri stas Sho#
by )ania $ rassa
-noi<i "igh School organised an e'ent
#hich included any things. )he choir of the
school sang &nglish and (ree$ songs concerning
;hristas. In addition soe girls in our school
danced to ;hristas usic. -t the end the boys
and girls of the third grade presented a
theatre sho# #ith the nae EEBarba 5anofFF.
)his play #as the idea of %s. )heodorou. )he
e'ent #as perfect.
Happy New Year!

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