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Our school from a different poi nt of view

by The Newcomer
Our school, that we all know and where we spend quite a big
part of our day, is a place we have
all formed a specific opinion about.
However, this opinion is from a
different kind of student who just
came and knows about other schools.
This is my opinion
Our school has got a huge variety of
advantages, most of which you guys!gals e"perience
every day while not even
knowing and take them
for granted. Nevertheless this recent change in my school
environment and the differences between these schools
are quite significant for me.
To start with, this school is
filled with joy. #ome of you
might say $hat is he talking
about% so let me e"plain most of all, the students are
cheerful and congratulate somebody if they do something e"tra
than what is needed& furthermore, everyone accepts you for
what you are and always finds a way to make you feel happy
with their warmth and joy which is impossible not to see' (n
addition, most of our teachers are helpful and are always encouraging you to feel
better as well as helping you to understand the slightest detail during the lesson. )inally,
each teaching period flies by
without you even realising it'
To sum up, this school has got a
lot of hidden gems!easter eggs
that most of you have never imagined
can make such a big difference.
*ecember +,-. /dition . +,cents

#eahorses are
unusual fish. 0any
believe...see page +
Xmas fun '
See page .
1lant 1rogramme
On 0onday +2
of November,
the school plant....see page 3
...#TO1 14/##...#chool /lection 4esults p3...#TO1 14/##...#chool /lection 4esults p3...#TO1 14/##...
The Anoixi Herald theanoi"
by 6thina 1anta7i
*o you like animals% (f yes, check this out' The
okapi is a kind of giraffe but
it has stripes similar to a
7ebra. The structure of its
body, especially the neck
reminds us of a horse.
This strange herbivorous
animal, which is not particularly
well known, was discovered in
the forests of the 8ongo. (t
can live for ., years, reaching a weight of +2, kg.
9ltimate 8hocolate 8hip 8ookies
by *ainai :omenou
;ust like the name says, this is the chocolate chip cookie
e"traordinaire' <0akes .,=3, cookies>
cup sugar
cup brown sugar
- cup butter
- teaspoon vanilla
- egg
+ cups all=purpose flour
- teaspoon baking soda
teaspoon salt
- pack <+,,=+2, gr> chocolate chips
-. Heat oven to +,, 8 .
+. 0i" sugars, butter, vanilla and egg in a large bowl. #tir in
flour, baking soda and salt <the dough will be stiff. 6dd a
cup of milk if necessary>. #tir in the chocolate chips.
.. *rop dough in rounded tablespoonfuls about 2cm apart on
to ungreased cookie sheet.
4. ?ake for @=-, minutes or until light brown <centres will be
soft>. 8ool slightly& remove from cookie sheet. 8ool on wire
Aictoria )al ls
by 8hristian #alis
(n -@3, #cot *r *avid Bivingstone visited 6frica
as a medical missionary, but, impressed by its awe=
inspiring natural beauty,he e"tended his stay. ?y -@3C
he had e"plored #outh and central 6frica. Bivingstone
was the first /uropean to travel the entire continent
west to east. On -C
November -@22 he stumbled upon a
waterfall. He named Aictoria )alls in honour of his
queen. Aictoria )alls
border :ambia and
:imbabwe. They are
the largest waterfalls
in the world at
-,D,@m. wide and -,@m.
height. /very minute
2,, million litres of
water plunge into a
gorge. The spray
produced rises to a height of 3,,m. and the smoke
can be seen up to 2,km. away. (t is one of the seven
natural wonders and an 9nesco $orld Heritage site as
it is a very popular tourist attraction for both
/uropeans and locals.
by 8hristian #alis
#eahorses are unusual fish. 0any scientists believe that
seahorses evolved at least 3,m years ago. Their bodies are covered
in bony plates and they have tiny eyes similar to a chameleon. )or a
long time, owing to their strange anatomy, people didn t know for
certain whether seahorses were fish, insects or shellfish. Nowadays it
is known that they are fish as they have gills, a swim bladder and
fins. This creature mostly lives in shallow and warm waters, due to
the fact that it is not a very strong swimmer. #eahorses have the
ability to hang on to sea grass by wrapping
their tails around the stems and most of the
time live attached to seaweed. 8onsequently,
they avoid being swept away by strong
currents. This delicate fish has no teeth and
consumes plankton. ?ecause of its lack of
stomach it cannot store food and as a
result eats almost constantly. 6long with the
pipefish, it is the only creature where the male
becomes pregnant and gives birth to babies.
?asically, the female produces 2=+,, eggs,
which are put in a pouch inside the male.
6fter an hour, the male gives birth to
babies.The eggs are always produced by the same female as
seahorses mate for life. 9nfortunately, seahorses are in danger of
e"tinction. Their habitats are being destroyed while people catch them
for pets or souvenirs. (n addition to this, in 6sia they are used for
8hinese medicine. However, the most endangered species of seahorse
is the Enysna seahorse which is only found in #outh 6frica. (t is
endangered because of its e"ceptionally limited distribution range. (f
the locals and the environmental organisations don t do anything for
the Enysna seahorse s protection, then #. 6frica will lose its unique
seahorse forever.
The Hobbi t The *esolation of #maug
by (sabella *imitroulatou=0arouga
)or those of you
who have seen the previous
film FThe Hobbit 6n
9ne"pected ;ourneyF, and
enjoyed it, you should be
getting e"cited because the ne"t movie of the trilogy,
FThe *esolation of #maugF, is coming out'
HereGs a glimpse of what to look forward to'
(n this part of the series, the 8ompany continue their
adventure towards the Bonely 0ountain. On their way,
they meet ?eorn, a shape=shifter, and eventually they
enter the gloomy forest of 0irkwood, where theyGre
captured by the $ood /lves.
6s you can see, itGs a film full of action and
suspense. 6 great story, with great actors and an
even greater director, 1eter ;ackson' #o, see you all
at the movies on the -+th of *ecember'
The Anoixi Herald theanoi"
christmas fun
;oin the dots'
by *anai :omenou
8hristmas is an annual commemoration of the birth
of ;esus 8hrist and a widely observed holiday, celebrated on
*ecember +2
by millions of people around the world.
The traditional colours of 8hristmas decorations are
red, green, and gold. 4ed symbolises the blood of ;esus, shed
in His 8rucifi"ion, green symbolises eternal life, particularly the
evergreen tree, which keeps its leaves in winter, and gold is
the first colour associated with 8hristmas, as one of the three
gifts of the 0agi, symbolising royalty.
6 special 8hristmas family meal is traditionally an
important part of the celebration, and the food served varies
greatly from country to country. (n some regions a standard
8hristmas meal includes turkey, goose, gravy, potatoes,
vegetables, sometimes bread and cider. #pecial desserts are
also prepared, such as 8hristmas pudding, mince pies, and
fruit cake.
The e"changing of gifts is one of the core aspects of
the modern 8hristmas celebration, making it the most profitable
time of year for retailers and businesses throughout the
world. 1eople e"change gifts based on the tradition associated
with #t. Nicholas, and the gifts of gold, frankincense, and
myrrh which were given to the baby ;esus by the 0agi.
The earliest e"tant specifically 8hristmas hymns
appeared in 3th=century 4ome. ?ut now we have evolved a new
tradition with fun carols such as #anta 8laus is coming to
town , *eck the Halls and 4udolph the red=nosed reindeer .
8hristmas ;okes
by *anai :omenou
$hat never eats at 8hristmas%
The turkey Gcause itGs usually stuffed''
$hat king is the childrenGs favourite at 8hristmas%
6 stocE(NH'
$hy is it always cold at 8hristmas%
?ecause itGs *ecemberrrrrrrr'
$hy did #antaGs helper see the doctor%
?ecause he had a low FelfF esteem'
$hat do you get when you cross a snowman with a
$hat do snowmen eat for breakfast%
$hatGs the best thing to put into a 8hristmas cake%
Iour teeth'
$hich elf was the best singer%
/B)is 1resley.
$hat 8hristmas carol is a favourite of parents%
#ilent Night.
#anta went to the *octor with a problem.
*octor $hat seems to be the problem%
#anta ( seem to have a mince pie stuck up my bottom'
*octor $ell youGre in luck because (Gve got just the cream
for that'
The Anoixi Herald theanoi"
#chool News
*ue to the resignation of seven members of the school council,
new elections were held. The new members are
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1lant 1rogramme
by Bucy Eotsiopoulou </ditor>
On 0onday +2
of November, the school plant
programme began. $e started digging up the two flower
beds in front of the school entrance and later on we
made some wooden crates, so that we can put them
round the school to look pretty. $eGre planning on
putting soil in them and planting some flowers, and
probably make even more'
There are twenty pupils in the programme and
the teachers supervising it and helping are 0iss Eoniari
and 0iss 0pe7irianidou. 6t the end of the school year we
will probably use our plants and vegetables to make
tasty salads and pies'
*onGt forget to donate food and cleaning stuffs'

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