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Kevin Reinhard

Jane Krause

Drug Name: FI XI TOL
Experiment 1:
The dependent variable for experiment one is the reduction of heartburn symptoms.
The independent variable for experiment one is 2 teaspoons of medicine.
The control group is 1 of the two patients (40 year old man) taking Pepto-Bismol.
The experimental group is the other patient (40 year old man) taking Fixitol.
Our hypothesis is that our medicine will work on the patient, as well as the Pepto-Bismol.
Our procedure for this experiment is that each patient will be given 2 teaspoons of their
medicine, and we will see results after one hour.
Experiment 2:
The dependent variable for experiment two is the reduction of heartburn symptoms.
The independent variable for experiment two is 2 teaspoons of medicine.
The control group is 1 of the two patients (25 year old woman) taking just a sugar pill (Placebo
The experimental group is the other patient (25 year old woman) taking Fixitol.
Our hypothesis is that the sugar pill might work, but its hard to tell, because the Placebo Effect
doesnt always work. The Fixitol medicine will work in our opinion.
Our procedure is to give one patient the pill, and the other patient 2 teaspoons of Fixitol. See
results after one hour.
Experiment 3:
The dependent variable for experiment three is the reduction of heartburn symptoms.
The independent variable for experiment three is 2 teaspoons of medicine.
The control group is 1 of the two patients (70 year old man) taking Alka-Seltzer.
The experimental group is the other patient (70 year old man) taking Fixitol.
Our hypothesis is that our medicine will work on the patient, as well as the Alka-Seltzer.
Our procedure for this experiment is that each patient will be given 2 teaspoons of their
medicine, and we will see results after one hour.

Fixitol is a quality medicine made up of a mixture between Tums and Alka-Seltzer.
This drug reduces heartburn quickly, and effectively. CaCO3 and NaHCO3 are the two
ingredients combined to create our medicine, each ingredient from one of the two medicines
listed above. Fixitol was experimented on a wide variety of individuals, such as 40 year old men,
25 year old women, and 70 year old men. This proves that our medicine can be used on many
different people, regardless of age or gender. Fixitol was experimented 3 times, each with
different details. Our first experiment consisted of two 40 year old men. One man was given 2
teaspoons of Pepto-Bismol, and the other patient was given 2 teaspoons of Fixitol. Our next
experiment consisted of two 25 year old women. One woman was given a sugar pill (Placebo
Effect), and the other was given 2 teaspoons of Fixitol. In our third and final experiment, we had
two 70 year old men test our medicine. One man was given 2 teaspoons of Alka-Seltzer, and the
other was given 2 teaspoons of Fixitol. In all three of our experiments, Fixitol worked just as
well, if not better, than the other drugs. Based on the results from our experiments, there is no
reason as to why Fixitol shouldnt be on the shelves in every drug store. Patients were relieved of
their heartburn symptoms quickly, and effectively as well. This drug is indeed still in the process
of being sold to drug stores, but when it is, it will be beneficial to many individuals suffering
from heartburn. Fixitol is such a high quality drug, and we are excited for it to be in close
convenience for everyone shortly.

-Kevin and Jane

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