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Specialty Marketing & Entrepreneurship

Work Sample Worksheet

Name: Sara Grace Skalandis
Name of Assignment: Activity Logs
Descrie this !ork sample:
"hroughout the year for our #E$ company% one of my &os !ere too make Activity
Logs and give them to each student'employee( )n the activity logs they !ere
responsile to !rite the ma&or task they did that day and the collaoration and the
*ersonal Accountaility they sho!ed !hile doing that task( My &o !as to collect
them at the end of the !eek% to make sure they !ere filled out correctly and at
the eginning of the !eek% my &o !as to hand out ne! ones
+hat steps did you take to complete this !ork sample, E-plain ho! you !ere
personally accountale for the !ork getting completed(
"he steps $ took to create this pro&ect !ere to first type up the sheet in the
eginning of the year% then to hand them out to each student'employee and in the
eginning to e-plain !hat each line meant% then to continuously throughout the
year hand them out and collect them( $ sho!ed personal accountaility y
getting them out and collected each !eek% if $ didn.t% $ !asn.t doing the &o that $
!as assigned(
E-plain ho! you used collaoration to complete this pro&ect(
$ sho!ed collaoration !hen doing these Activity Logs ecause $ had to e-plain
ho! to fill them out to other students'employees% and $ had to communicate !ith
my teacher on !ho filled out the logs and !ho didn.t(
/riti0ue your !ork sample( 1o! can it e etter,
"here !ere some !eeks that $ missed and didn.t get the Activity Logs out% so $
could have !orked harder to get those out% and also collected consistently(
+hat did you learn from doing this !ork sample,
$n this assignment $ learned more organi2ation( $ had to learn to organi2e in the
completed activity logs% and ho! to record !ho completed them(

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