Kimberly Grubb Resume With Descriptions-Edited For Weebly

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Kimberly L.

8919 Sharpstone Trail
Austin, Texas, 78717
#ni$ersity o% Texas at Austin
&a"helor o% S"ien"e 'e(ree in )lementary an' Spe"ial )'u"ation
*ith a Spe"iali+ation in ,ea'in(-G-A .!28
Texas State #ni$ersity
/aster o% )'u"ational 0ea'ership-G-A 1!2
OBJECTIVE To share my experien"e an' enthusiasm %or e'u"ation as an a'ministrator
2211 -rin"ipal, Gra'es )3-12
2228 So"ial Stu'ies, Gra'es 1-8
2227 )S405TAG
2229--resent 6alsh /i''le S"hool, ,oun' ,o"7 8S9, ,oun' ,o"7, Texas
Se$enth an' )i(hth Gra'e So"ial Stu'ies Tea"her
-Texas :istory 3on%eren"e -resenter 2212- presente' an ori(inal lesson to Texas
:istory tea"hers %rom a"ross the state in a brea7-out session
-#80 3oa"h %or So"ial Stu'ies 2212-2211- le' stu'ents in trainin( an' "ompetition
at 'istri"t #80
-Team 0ea'er 2212- 2211-'isseminate' in%ormation to the "ross "urri"ular team as
*ell as planne' inte(ration bet*een "ore sub;e"ts
-/ember o% the 3oura(eous 0ea'ership A"a'emy S"hool 0ea'ership Team-
parti"ipate' in an in 'epth re$ie* an' e$aluation o% the systems an' 6alsh
-Tribes Trainer- %a"ilitate' numerous Tribes Trainin(s throu(hout the 'istri"t at
*hi"h 8 tau(ht tea"hers ho* to buil' "ommunity in their "lassrooms
-9epartment 3hair 2211-present- on(oin( responsibilities in"lu'e stren(thenin(
$erti"al ali(nment, buil'in( "olle(iality, 'ispersin( bu'(et monies, an' settin(
$ision %or the 'epartment!
-0o$e %rom :ome Ser$i"e -ro;e"t 3reator an' <a"ilitator 2212-present- 6rote an'
re"ei$e' a =522 (rant %rom the /ea'o*s <oun'ation, %a"ilitate' a >0o$e %rom
:ome? ser$i"e pro;e"t in *hi"h stu'ents brou(ht supplies an' *rote letters,
resultin( in the sen'in( o% 15 "are pa"7a(es to troops 'eploye' %rom <t! :oo',
has been repeate' %or three years
-/i''le S"hool 8nstitute -resenter, ,oun' ,o"7 8S9 Au(ust 2212-presente' a
brea7out session on tea"hin( to your stren(ths on a team
-Site-base' A'$isory Team /ember 2212-2211- on(oin(, in"lu'es *or7in( in a
"ollaborati$e settin( *ith all sta7ehol'ers to ma7e 'e"isions that *ill a%%e"t
-A"a'emi" <air 3oor'inator 221.- in "har(e o% or(ani+in( an' "ommuni"atin(
*ith all sta%% re(ar'in( the s"hool *i'e %air in *hi"h ea"h stu'ent prepare' an'
presente' an ori(inal pro;e"t
-@e* Tea"hers to 6alsh /eetin(s 3o-0ea'er 2212-present-on(oin(, plan,
present, an' %a"ilitate monthly meetin(s %or tea"hers ne* to 6alsh in or'er to
a""limate them to the pro"e'ures an' systems o% the s"hool
-/entor Tea"her 221.-2211- mentore' a +ero year tea"her in"lu'in( meetin(
%reAuently *ith him, mo'elin( lessons an' lesson plannin(
-/entor-/entee -ro(ram 3oor'inator 221.-2211- responsible %or plannin(,
implementin( an' "ommuni"atin( to sta%% re(ar'in( the mentor pro(ram at
6alsh, in"lu'in( or(ani+in( %our brea7%asts atten'e' by o$er 122 stu'ents an'
sta%% members
-3ooperatin( Tea"her %or Stu'ent Tea"her 2122-221.-mentore' an' traine' a
stu'ent tea"her in"lu'in( all aspe"ts o% tea"hin(
-9istri"t A'$isory 3ommittee /ember 221.-2211-met *ith the superinten'ent
monthly %or %ee'ba"7 an' $ision "astin(
-Aspirin( Assistant -rin"ipal 3ohort /ember 221.-2211-met monthly *ith others
to 'is"uss *hat bein( an assistant prin"ipal in ,oun' ,o"7 8S9 entails
2222 - 2229 Great 4a7s )lementary, ,oun' ,o"7 8S9, ,oun' ,o"7, Texas
<ourth an' <i%th Gra'e Tea"her
--ioneere' a multi-a(e >Billa(e? "on"ept in a 0earnin( @ei(hborhoo' settin(
-:ea'e' up an' 'esi(ne' lessons %or 3onstitution 9ay
-3oor'inate' a yearly &ill o% ,i(hts Assembly %eaturin( the Sertoma 3lub
-:el' lea'ership position o% /ission 9ri$er %rom 2221 C 2229
-<a"ilitate' numerous Tribes Trainin(s throu(hout the 'istri"t
-4r(ani+e' an' %a"ilitate' %i%th (ra'e (ra'uation "eremony
-Spent a *ee7 at the 0a* ,elate' )'u"ation 3enter in Austin re"ei$in( trainin(
an' materials %or the mi''le s"hool We the People pro(ram
1995 - 1998 0iberty )lementary, 9an$ille 9istri"t D118 9an$ille, 8llinois
,ea'in( Spe"ialist an' <irst Gra'e Tea"her
--artnere' *ith a 'istri"t le$el a'ministrator to brin( the ,ea'in( is <un'amental
E,8<F pro(ram ba"7 to the "ity, enablin( o$er 1222 stu'ents to re"ei$e a %ree,
ne* boo7
1992 - 199. -amela :o'son )lementary, 4*asso 8S9, 4*asso, 47lahoma
,eme'ial ,ea'in( an' /ath 0ab tea"her
1981!1988 :arrison 0ane )lementary, :urst-)uless-&e'%or' 8S9, :urst, Texas
Thir' an' Sixth Gra'e Tea"her
T,8&)SG Talente' an' Gi%te'G HI1 TraitsG 8nte(rate' Themati" 8nstru"tionG 6e the -eople
8nstituteG 3oura(eous 0ea'ership A"a'emyG 0ea' 16ar'
/ember o% the 3oura(eous 0ea'ership A"a'emy S"hool 0ea'ership Team 2212
6alsh >Tea"her o% the /onth? September 2229, September 2211, /ar"h 2211
Tea"her o% the Jear @ominee 2211, 221., 2211
-resenter at Texas :istory 3on%eren"e in Kanuary o% 2212
/ission 9ri$er %or Great 4a7s )lementary %rom 2221-2229
Team 0ea' %or 6alsh /i''le S"hool 2212-2211
9epartment 3hair %or So"ial Stu'ies 9epartment at 6alsh /i''le S"hool 2211-present
,oun' ,o"7 8S9 9istri"t Tribes Trainer 2222-present
KB#) >/a7e a 9i%%eren"e Tea"her o% the 6ee7? Kuly o% 222H

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