Useful Expressions For Pet Speaking Part 2

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OK, we need to decide what to buy / get / do /where to go / what we should take [objects on
a journey]
So, which of these are the most important / are the best / are the most useful?
So, which of these would he / she like?

Saying what you think
I think we should / he should + infinitive
In my opinion, we should + infinitive
It would be a good idea to + infinitive because.
I think it would be better to + infinitive than to + infinitive
I think hed / shed like .

Making suggestions
Why dont we ? + infinitive
We could / she could + infinitive
How about? + - ing form
What about the. ? + object. What do you think about that?
Lets + infinitive
Id like to + infinitive. What about you?
. would be useful. Do you agree?

Asking what your partner thinks
Do you agree?
How about you? Do you agree?
What do you think?

Yes, I agree.
Yes, thats a good / great idea.
That sounds good.
No, I dont think so because.
I dont think thats a very good idea because
Thats not a bad idea but.
Thats true but.
Im sorry, I dont agree.
Im not sure about that. What about.? +object / + - ing form

[Specific occasion] Id rather + infinitive + than + infinitive
[Specific occasion] Id prefer to + infinitive
[In general] I prefer + noun + noun
[In general] I prefer + - ing form + to + - ing form

So, we think . and are the most important things. Is that right?
So, were going to take [objects on a journey] / get / buy / go to . and . . Is that right?
Yes, lets take / get / buy/ go to..
So we think he should + infinitive
So we think hed like + object / + to + infinitive
Yes, I think hed really like that.
Yes, I think that would be best.
Yes, that would be really good.

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