Release Form

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lC8 AuuL1S

Any and All LvenL(s): ____________________________________________________________

uaLe: _________________________________________________________________________

1he underslgned (on my own behalf and on behalf of my helrs, personal represenLaLlves, successors and
asslgns) for and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe opporLunlLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln a 8lde", oker 8un", 8ally", or AcLlvlLy"
(herelnafLer LvenL[s] sponsored and/or conducLed by Lhe 3 AnCLLS MLSSLnCL8S MC1C8C?CLL ASSCClA1lCn
and Lhelr respecLlve dlrecLors, offlcers, agenLs and/or 8eleased arLles releases and holds harmless Lhe 8eleased
arLles from any and all clalms and demands, rlghLs and causes of acLlon of any klnd whaLsoever whlch l now have
or laLer may have agalnsL Lhe 8eleased arLles ln any way resulLlng from, arlslng ouL of, or ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
performance of Lhelr duLles and my parLlclpaLlon ln any sald LvenL.
1hls 8elease exLends Lo any and all clalms l have or laLer may have agalnsL Lhe 8eleased arLles resulLlng
from or arlslng ouL of Lhelr performance of Lhelr duLles wheLher or noL such clalms resulL from negllgence (excepL
wlllful neglecL) on Lhe parL of any or all of Lhe 8eleased arLles wlLh respecL Lo Lhe LvenL(s) or wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
condlLlons, quallflcaLlons, lnsLrucLlons, rules or procedures under whlch Lhe LvenL(s) are conducLed or from any
oLher cause. l unuL8S1Anu 1PA1 1PlS MLAnS 1PA1 l AC8LL nC1 1C SuL An? C8 ALL Cl 1PL 8LLLASLu A81lLS
lC8 An? ln!u8? 8LSuL1ln 1C M?SLLl C8 M? 8CL81? A8lSlnC l8CM, C8 ln CCnnLC1lCn Wl1P 1PL
L8lC8MAnCL Cl 1PLl8 uu1lLS ln SCnSC8lnC, LAnnlnC C8 CCnuuC1lnC 1PL LvLn1(S).
l am experlenced ln and famlllar wlLh Lhe operaLlon of moLorcycles and relaLed acLlvlLles and undersLand
Lhe rlsks and dangers lnherenL ln moLorcycllng. l am volunLarlly parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe LvenL(s) and l expressly agree
Lo assume Lhe enLlre rlsk of any accldenLs or personal ln[ury, lncludlng deaLh, whlch l mlghL susLaln Lo my person
and properLy as a resulL of my parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe LvenL(s), and any negllgence (excepL wlllful neglecL) on Lhe parL
of any or all of Lhe 8eleased arLles ln performlng Lhelr duLles. l unuL8S1Anu 1PA1 nC lnSu8AnCL lS 8CvluLu
8? 1PL 3 AnCLLS MLSSLnCL8S MC1C8C?CLL ASSCClA1lCn, Anu l AC8LL 1C 8CvluL M? CWn lnSu8AnCL AS
L8 8LCul8Lu 8? 1PL SAlu S1A1L(S) ln WPlCP LvLn1(S) CCCu8.

WAlvL8 Cl 8lCP1S unuL8 S1A1L S1A1u1LS
l furLher agree Lo walve all beneflLs flowlng from any sLaLe sLaLuLe whlch would negaLe or llmlL Lhe scope
of Lhls release and lndemnlflcaLlon AgreemenL, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo any secLlons of Lhe sald SLaLe's Clvll
Codes whlch provlde LhaL a general release does noL exLend Lo Lhe clalms whlch Lhe credlLor does noL know or
suspecL Lo exlsL ln hls/her favor aL Lhe Llme of execuLlng Lhls release, whlch lf known Lo hlm/her musL have
maLerlally affecLed hls/her seLLlemenL wlLh Lhe debLor.
8y slgnlng Lhe 8elease lorm lor AdulLs, l cerLlfy LhaL l have read Lhls sLaLed 8elease lorm lor AdulLs and
fully undersLand lL and LhaL l am noL relylng on any sLaLemenLs or represenLaLlons made by Lhe 8eleased arLles.

1PlS lS A 8LLLASL lC8M - LLASL 8LAu & unuL8S1Anu luLL? 8LlC8L SlCnlnC

-8luL8- -ASSLnCL8-

SlgnaLure________________________ SlgnaLure__________________________
rlnL name______________________ rlnL name_________________________
Address_________________________ Address____________________________
ClLy/SLaLe/Zlp____________________ ClLy/SLaLe/Zlp_______________________

uaLe____________________________ uaLe_______________________________

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