Chapter 1 Summary

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Adrian Ulibarri

Daniel Sutliff
Pilot 2250
Chapter 1 Summary
The first suessful airraft of any !ind "as a hot air balloon "hih "as first desi#ned
and onstruted in $une of 1%&'( This used the )uoyany Priniple "hih simply stated is *The
pressure in any fluid+ li,uid or #as+ inreases "ith the depth-( The term Delta "hih is
represented by a Trian#le is an abbre.iation for differene "hile P represents the pressure on the
top /hen the resultin# "ei#ht of a ontainer and the #as inside it is less than the
surroundin# air+ the ontainer asends until the "ei#ht of the air around it 0/hih is
ompressible and ompresses under the pressure of its o"n "ei#ht1 is e,ual to the "ei#ht of the
ontainer and the #as inside it( 0hot air is not suitable for hi#h altitude fli#ht beause it "ould be
ooled by the surroundin# air(1 0balloons are onsidered Aerostati .ehiles+ they "ill lift in
stati air mass but ha.e no means to mo.e hori2ontally( 3i#hter than air raft are #enerally slo"
and umbersome but fuel effiient(
4t "asn5t until 6i7ed "in# desi#ns ame around that #lidin# fli#ht beame a possibility( /hih
the in.ention of fi7ed "in# #liders ame the need for ontrol( 8ne of the first people to see the
need for ontrols and fli#ht surfaes "as Sir 9re#ory Cayley+ he desi#ned tail surfaes to help
ontrol the #liders( :arly efforts at po"ered fli#ht "ere hindered by la! of li#ht"ei#ht en#ines+
and by the fat that the in.entors only foused on one aspet of fli#ht at a time+ failin# to aount
for "ei#ht or ontrol surfaes( An airraft has to be ontrolled "ith Pith roll and ;a"(
The "rite brothers ta!les one problem at a time until the had a "or!in# desi#n for a po"er
Aerodynamis literally means *Air in <otion-

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