By Pepper Mason Smashwords Edition: Hunter's Kiss

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Hunters Kiss

Book One of the Hunter Trilogy

By Pepper Mason
Copyright 2012 Pepper Mason
Smashwords Edition
There she was again. Intoxicating. Her gae !"rned sweeter than a #ine dar$ scotch. Her
hair was %i$e !%ac$ #ire& re#%ecting in the %ight #rom the hearth. She mo'ed with %i("id grace& cat)
%i$e in e'ery way. *o" wo"%d ne'er $now yo" were !eing h"nted !y her "nti% yo" %oo$ed "p
#rom yo"r e'ening tea to #ind her emera%d eyes %oc$ed on yo"rs& and her co%d stee% against yo"r
Her !ody was per#ect. She had %arge s"pp%e !reasts !a%anced atop an ho"rg%ass waist and
shape%y hips& shown o## night%y in c%othes tight and re'ea%ing eno"gh to ma$e most men !ow to
her e'ery whim. Her s$in was %i$e i'ory& her %ips as red as #resh spi%t !%ood. She seemed to
practica%%y ooe sex #rom her 'ery po"rs. There was nothing to dis%i$e& and o# co"rse she+d
p%anned it that way. It was part o# how she did her ,o!& and -a"ry hated her #or it.
They had !een in the same !"siness together #or %onger than the man wo"%d+'e %i$ed to
remem!er& and !eing that they wor$ed in the same district& it was sometimes hard to a'oid her.
Especia%%y when there was rea%%y on%y one good p%ace to go #or %eads and in#ormation a!o"t ,o!s&
and that was the %oca% p"!. It was here that -a"ry now sat& n"rsing a t"m!%er o# whis$y and
co'ert%y ea'esdropping on 'ario"s con'ersations& whi%e expert%y ignoring a certain other h"nter&
who he was s"re had !een watching him #rom her p%ace !y the #ire.
She was %eaning against the !ar on his other side. .hen had she gotten "p/ He sighed
("iet%y& and then too$ a %arge g"%p o# whis$y. Here it comes.
Her !reath was against his ear& sweet as honey. He sh"t his eyes instincti'e%y. 01
Her %ips c"r'ed into a smi%e. 0How many times ha'e I as$ed yo" to ca%% me 4i%y/2 She
shi#ted c%oser to him& the warmth o# her !ody pressing into -a"ry+s space "ncom#orta!%y.
0Pet names hard%y s"it yo" 3a%ithia12 he m"rm"red& rising #rom his seat and throwing a
#ew coins onto the !ar. 0I# yo"+%% exc"se me& I ha'e e%sewhere to !e.2 He t"rned away #rom her
and started to wa%$ toward the door& p"%%ing his coat on across his !road sho"%ders.
0I ha'e a proposition #or yo"&2 3a%ithia p"rred& s%ipping into -a"ry+s 'acated seat and
crossing her %egs with an in'iting smi%e.
He $new he wo"%d regret it& !"t -a"ry pa"sed& t"rning !ac$ to #ace her. She m"st ha'e
noticed how his eyes tra'e%ed "p the %ength o# her %egs !e#ore coming to rest on her #ace& !eca"se
her smi%e widened in an annoying%y satis#ied way& her eye%ids %owering sed"cti'e%y.
0I+m %istening&2 he #ina%%y rep%ied.
3a%ithia croo$ed a #inger at him. 0There are too many ears here& -a"ry. .e+re a%ready
ma$ing a scene.2
0You are)0
0Meet me in the a%%ey at midnight !etween Third and Ch"rch Street.2 She was !eside him
now& %etting her hand sna$e into his ,ac$et& her #ingers p%aying across his hip. Her green eyes
connected with -a"ry+s honey !rown as she pa"sed #or ha%# a !eat. 0Ma$e s"re to !ring yo"r
g"n.2 Then she was gone& %ea'ing -a"ry to stand a%one in the midd%e o# the room& trying to wrap
his mind aro"nd the #act that she+d sto%en his %ast word and his exit& e'en as the p"! door #e%%
hea'i%y !ac$ into its #rame& and the p%ace where she+d to"ched him sti%% !"rned.
5 5 5
0I hate her. I can+t stand her and I+%% dance na$ed in town s("are !e#ore I go a%ong with
any #oo% p%an o# hers62 -a"ry s%ammed his g%ass down onto the ta!%e #or emphasis& s%oshing a !it
o# a%e down the side in the process. He was !ac$ at his ho"se& sharing a drin$ with his good
#riend and sometimes partner& Erin. She was short and thin& with c%ose cropped !rown hair and
matching eyes. Her stat"re and yo"ng appearance made her in'a%"a!%e #or reconnaissance&
switching her #orm #rom man to !oy to gir% with ease. -ight now& tho"gh& she was p%aying the
ro%e o# ad'isor& %istening and ma$ing s"re to $eep her #riend+s g%ass #"%% as he ranted on.
0I mean a%% she wants to do is em!arrass me. That+s a%% she e'er wants to do. She thin$s
she can ,"st) swing that !%oody ass o# hers and get whate'er she wants) !"t I+m not ha'ing it
anymore6 I+m sic$ and tired o# her ma$ing a #oo% o"t o# me) and do yo" $now what/ It stops
tonight. She can go o"t and try to do whate'er it is she wants to do a%% a%one and I hope she gets
what she deser'es #or once.2 He nodded to his g%ass& then %i#ted it to his %ips again to ta$e a
Erin co"%dn+t he%p thin$ing to herse%# that -a"ry was aw#"%%y c"te when he was dr"n$.
She c%eared her throat as she too$ a seat with him at the ta!%e& #o%ding her hands dip%omatica%%y in
#ront o# her. 017%% that may !e we%% and good1!"t #i'e tho"sand po"nds is a %ot o# money
-a"ry. Thin$ o# what yo" co"%d do with that $ind o# money.2
The man %oo$ed o'er at her. 0That $ind o# money1 i# it+s e'en rea%%y there.2 He snorted&
then snatched the cr"mp%ed piece o# paper o## the ta!%e. He+d #o"nd it in his tro"ser poc$et once
he+d regained his senses in the p"!. The snea$y %itt%e !itch. The note had detai%ed again the time
and p%ace o# the proposed meeting& a%ong with the tanta%iing promise o# #i'e tho"sand po"nds
"pon comp%etion o# the ,o!. 08# co"rse she wo"%dn+t act"a%%y say in the note& yo" $now& what I+d
!e doing) or what we+d !e) 8h god1we. 9o I a!so%"te%y re#"se to partner "p with her #or any
reason& e'en i# it is #or #i'e tho"sand po"nds. .here wo"%d she get that $ind o# money anyway/
:n%ess it+s a rea% ,o! and the !o"nty is ten tho"sand do%%ars& and she p%ans to sp%it it1with
me12 He trai%ed o##& his gae distant.
0:h)oh1 I $now that %oo$.2 Erin g%anced at the c%oc$& then too$ -a"ry+s g%ass away
#rom him and stood& ta$ing it into the $itchen. 0.e%% then& i# yo"+re going to go& yo" ha'e #i'e
ho"rs to so!er "p and get yo"r head together. 7nd -a"ry12 She %oo$ed !ac$ at him and co"%d
practica%%y see the gears t"rning in his head. 01do !e care#"%& won+t yo"/2
5 5 5
;o"r and a ha%# ho"rs %ater& -a"ry was ma$ing his way toward Third and Ch"rch. He was
$eeping to the shadows& the co%%ar o# his %eather d"ster t"rned "p against the co%d. He was
pac$ing two co%t re'o%'ers and a good amo"nt o# si%'er coated stee%& a%% strategica%%y p%aced. He
wasn+t s"re what 3a%ithia had in store #or him& !"t he wanted to !e ready #or anything. There was
a sma%% part o# his !rain that $ept te%%ing him that this was a 'ery !ad idea& !"t he had %ong since
!anished that notion to the !ac$ o# his mind. 3a%ithia needed his he%p< this m"ch was #or certain&
and he wo"%d ne'er %et her #orget it. He smir$ed to himse%# as he ro"nded a !end& his mind #i%%ing
with ways to ho%d this o'er the other h"nter+s head.
It was on%y when he t"rned the %ast corner onto Ch"rch Street that -a"ry #ina%%y rea%ied
something was wrong. He ca"ght a g%impse o# a shadowed #ace re#%ected in the #%ic$ering %ight o#
a street%amp in a shop window. Damn. He was !eing #o%%owed. He si%ent%y c"rsed himse%# #or his
care%essness& ("ic$%y assessing the sit"ation. There were two crossroads !etween -a"ry and
Third Street< he too$ the #irst %e#t& then an immediate right into a tight wa%$way !etween two
!"i%dings. He had one #oot o"t o# the other end when it happened. The street pitched "nder his
#eet as he was p"%%ed !ac$ into the wa%$way and thro"gh a door. Strong arms sho'ed him against
a damp !ric$ wa%%& one hand c%amping o'er his mo"th as he tried to ca%% o"t.
0*o"+re ear%y1 In the wrong p%ace1 and yo" !ro"ght a #riend. 9ot a good way to start
o"t the night& -a"ry12 7 #ami%iar 'oice whispered against his ear.
-a"ry re%axed "nder her ho%d& and the hand %e#t his mo"th. 03a%ithia. 8# co"rse it+s
yo"12 He m"ttered& and co"%d #ee% his chee$s !"rn with h"mi%iation.
0.e+%% wait "nti% they+'e gone1 and then we can #ind a more com#orta!%e p%ace to
disc"ss the rest o# the night&2 She m"rm"red.
-a"ry co"%d #ee% e'ery inch o# her pressing into him #rom !ehind& her heat in star$
contrast to the co%d !ric$ !eneath his chee$. He a%%owed himse%# to en,oy the sensation #or on%y a
moment whi%e his eyes ad,"sted to the dar$ness !e#ore spea$ing again. 03o yo" rea%%y thin$ it+s
necessary to $eep me pinned/2
0*o" and I !oth $now that i# yo" rea%%y wanted to& yo" co"%d+'e p"shed me o## a %ong
time ago -a"ry12 Her tone he%d a smir$.
0Indeed.2 He sho'ed o## the wa%% and sp"n aro"nd& gra!!ing her arm and yan$ing her
!ac$ c%ose to him. He #e%t her me%t wi%%ing%y into his arms and had to menta%%y sha$e himse%#.
This was exact%y what she wanted. 0.hat+s yo"r game tonight& rea%%y.2 He tensed as he #e%t her
#ingers #ind their way "nder his shirt& s%iding "p across his toned stomach and %ea'ing a trai% o#
#ire !ehind.
03id yo" $now1 that yo"+re the on%y man worth ha'ing in this town that I ha'en+t
con("ered at %east once/2 Her #ingernai%s graed his hip& and he #e%t the #ire !"i%d& thro!!ing to
%i#e !etween his %egs.
0I intend to $eep it that way&2 he !reathed o"t& p"tting his hands o'er hers& gripping them.
0Is that the on%y reason yo" dragged me o"t here tonight/ To p"t another notch in yo"r !e%t/2 He
co"%d ma$e o"t her #ace now& and her eyes were %a"ghing at him. 0There is no ,o!1 is there.2
09ow -a"ry12 She chided& her %ips po"ting. 0.o"%d I rea%%y !ring yo" a%% the way o"t
here to pay #or yo" to ha'e sex with me/ I+'e ne'er had to pay a man #or that in my %i#e12 She
smi%ed de'i%ish%y. 0I need yo"r he%p with something1and !e#ore yo" as$1 the ,o! and the
money are !oth 'ery rea%12 She he%d "p a ro%% o# !i%%s to show him. 01I e'en got a cash
-a"ry considered her #or a moment. 0=i'e it to me. That+s the on%y way I+%% e'en
consider he%ping yo" tonight. 7nd I a%so want yo" to remem!er that yo" as$ed #or my he%p1 in
the #"t"re.2 He nodded to himse%#& then he%d a hand o"t #or the money. 0Ta$e it or %ea'e it.2
3a%ithia smir$ed at him and s%apped the ro%% into his o"tstretched hand. 0I+%% ta$e it.2
5 5 5
The p%an was simp%e> search and destroy. There was a 'ampire on the %oose& and he was
o"t o# contro%. So #ar in his !%ood%"st& he?d $i%%ed near%y a doen peop%e in the area. His #ondness
#or yo"ng gir%s had earned him a partic"%ar%y nasty rep"tation& a%ong with the high !o"nty on his
head. There was a we%%)to)do #ami%y that %i'ed near!y& their %itt%e gir% a !%onde and !%"e eyed
!ea"ty named Char%otte. She was r"mored to !e the 'ampire+s next target.
It was across the street #rom the grand ho"se where the %itt%e gir% %i'ed that -a"ry and
3a%ithia now cro"ched& hidden #rom 'iew and t"c$ed away in the narrow space !etween two
dar$ ho"ses. The two h"nters were %arge%y hidden #rom 'iew !y a ta%% stac$ o# crates pi%ed in the
a%%ey& which ga'e them #reedom to re%ax in the shadows as they watched the empty street ahead.
-a"ry g%anced o'er at his partner. Her "s"a% ha"ghty expression was gone& rep%aced !y one o#
intensity and #oc"s that he+d ne'er seen !e#ore. He #o"nd himse%# staring at her& the way the
co%or o# her eyes ca"ght the %amp%ight #rom the street< the way the %ight p%ayed gent%y down the
c"r'e o# her chee$& the ro"nd swe%%s o# her %ips. He tore his gae #rom the h"nter with some
di##ic"%ty and set his sights once again on the ho"se across the street& dar$ except #or a #ew o# the
windows on the "pper #%oor. @7re yo" s"re we sho"%dn?t !e watching the !ac$& too/@ He
whispered& not happy that he had to shi#t c%oser to her to do so.
@8# co"rse I+m s"re. .here e%se wo"%d a 'ampire as$ #or entrance !"t the #ront door/@
She rep%ied with a $nowing smi%e.
-a"ry stared at her. .hat was she going on a!o"t/ S"re%y she didn?t !e%ie'e that o%d
wi'es+ ta%e a!o"t 'ampires ha'ing to as$ permission to gain access to a person?s ho"se. There
had !een eno"gh o!'io"s !rea$)ins in the past wee$ a%one to re#"te that. 3a%ithia had a%so !een a
'ampire h"nter %ong eno"gh to $now !etter. He ga'e a derisi'e snort. 9o& it wasn+t ignorance.
8!'io"s%y she was $eeping something #rom him. 7gain.
-a"ry shi#ted away #rom the other h"nter with so#t h"## o# a sigh& and then #roe as he
t"rned his gae !ac$ to the street. There it was> a dar$ shadow ripp%ing across the !ric$ o# a
near!y ho"se. I# he #oc"sed& he co"%d ,"st ma$e o"t the #orm o# the 'ampire& #%ic$ering in and o"t
o# the shadow as it mo'ed. 7s he watched& the shadow made its way ("ic$%y to the #ront door o#
the ho"se.
I'll be damned& -a"ry tho"ght. She as right.
The shadow s%ow%y gained 'o%"me as it stood in #ront o# the door& ro"nding o"t into what
%oo$ed %i$e a ("ite "nremar$a!%e man. He might ha'e !een se%%ing carpets& or anything e%se #or
that matter. -a"ry readied himse%#& one hand on his g"n as he waited #or 3a%ithia?s signa%. He
watched as the door opened& as the man was in'ited inside !y the smi%ing #ace o# what co"%d
on%y !e the %itt%e gir%?s mother& her #%axen hair spi%%ing down her sho"%ders and g%owing in the
%ight #rom the %amp she m"st?'e %it on her way down to answer the door. -a"ry was growing
anxio"s& !"t sti%% there was no signa%.
He chanced a g%ance o'er at the other h"nter and was start%ed to see her %oo$ing ("ite
re%axed. @.hat are yo" doing/@ He hissed at her. @.e sho"%d !e going in6@
3a%ithia g%anced o'er at him with a smir$& then %oo$ed !ac$ and waited "nti% the #ront
door had c%osed "pon !oth the 'ampire and the woman& !e#ore getting to her #eet grace#"%%y.
@9ow the #"n !egins.@
She stepped cas"a%%y o"t #rom their hiding p%ace and !egan to sa"nter across the street in
p%ain sight. -a"ry was d"m!#o"nded& and it too$ a #ew seconds #or him to rea%ie she was
%ea'ing him !ehind. He got "p and #o%%owed her ("ic$%y& %oo$ing right and %e#t #or any signs o#
tro"!%e. 9othing. The streets were deserted. 7%% was si%ent& e'en the ho"se in ("estion. Sho"%dn?t
there ha'e !een screaming !y now/
He !it his %ip& then h"rried to catch "p with 3a%ithia& "na!%e to he%p noticing how good
her ass %oo$ed in her tight %eather pants& despite the serio"sness o# the sit"ation. He shoo$ his
head c%ear as he ,ogged to catch "p with her. The other h"nter was wa%$ing down a sma%%
pathway that %ead !etween Char%otte?s ho"se and the ho"se on the right& heading into an
o'ergrown garden in the !ac$ yard. -a"ry had his g"n o"t now& coc$ed and ready.
3a%ithia stopped a #ew #eet into the garden& %oo$ing toward the !ac$ o# the ho"se. @Te%%
me -a"ry...what do yo" see/@ She whispered& that smir$ing tone !ac$ in her 'oice.
-a"ry %oo$ed "p and #e%t his mo"th #a%% open in shoc$. There was a dar$ shadowy #ig"re
c%inging to the !ac$ wa%% o# the ho"se& s%ow%y c%im!ing "p a %attice toward a %arge& !right%y %it
!ay window on the second #%oor& what was pres"ma!%y the %itt%e gir%?s !edroom. @How the)@ He
too$ aim instant%y and #ired at the #ig"re. 9o sooner did he hear the !"%%et ricochet o## the !ric$s
than he noticed that the #ig"re was gone. did)@
S"dden%y -a"ry?s #ie%d o# 'ision was !%oc$ed& #"%% o# !%ac$ #a!ric %i$e smo$e& red eyes
and sharp pointed teeth& a ghost%y pa%%or. @Shit6@ He st"m!%ed !ac$wards and #ired !%ind%y& !"t
the 'ampire was gone again& and then it was !ehind him. -a"ry co"%d sme%% the stin$ o# rotting
#%esh. He whipped aro"nd and p"%%ed o"t one o# his $ni'es& s%ashing "pward.
The #ight was ("ic$ and !r"ta%. By the end o# it& !oth h"nters were spattered in !%ood and
a pi%e o# ashes %ay amongst the #%owers in the garden& a%% that was %e#t o# the 'ampire. -a"ry
stared across the six #eet that separated the two s"r'i'ors& his heart sti%% po"nding as he re%i'ed
the moments when he+d a%most %ost his %i#e. It was the r"sh that a%ways #o%%owed a good $i%%< one
o# the reasons -a"ry %o'ed his ,o!.
He smir$ed& c%osing the distance !etween himse%# and 3a%ithia in a #ew %ong strides.
0That was #"n1 what+s next/2
-a"ry+s partner smi%ed wic$ed%y "p at him& her #ingers #inding his shirt #ront and p"%%ing
him c%ose to her& pressing "p against his chest. 0*o" te%% me12 She p"rred o"t& watching his
Perhaps he was sti%% preocc"pied with the $i%%& or may!e his resid"a% e"phoria was to
!%ame& !"t ne'erthe%ess -a"ry #o"nd himse%# %ess than opposed to ta$ing 3a%ithia "p on the o##er
!%atant in !oth her eyes and !ody %ang"age. 7nd why sho"%dn+t he& a#ter a%%/ He was a grown
man& a!%e to ma$e his own decisions a!o"t who he wo"%d and wo"%dn+t #"c$. He a%so had the
needs o# a grown man< needs that hadn+t !een met in ("ite some time) that %ength o# time thrown
into sharp re%ie# !y the adrena%ine and testosterone sti%% s"rging thro"gh his 'eins #rom the $i%%&
heating his !%ood.
In one #%"id motion -a"ry had one arm aro"nd 3a%ithia+s waist& p"%%ing her hips into his
as he c%aimed her mo"th. He #e%t her me%t into his arms ,"st as she+d done in the a%%ey& her hands
s%iding "p his chest& parting his coat. She pressed her %ips against his with a #e'ered intensity& her
si%$en tong"e p"shing into his mo"th.
The %eather coat was o## -a"ry+s sho"%ders& #a%%ing into the %ong grass o# the garden
!ehind the ho"se. In the next moment& the #airer o# the two h"nters was on her !ac$ on top o# the
coat. -a"ry was on top o# her in an instant& his hands #"m!%ing with the !"ttons on her shirt as he
attac$ed her throat with his mo"th& $issing& s"c$%ing& and !iting at the tender s$in there "nti% he
co"%d expose more. He co"%d #ee% his coc$ thro! with e'ery moan and m"rm"red word he was
drawing #rom 3a%ithia& her head ti%ted !ac$ in p%eas"re& her !reath ("ic$ !eneath him.
0-a"ry)&2 She gasped o"t& her arms wrapped aro"nd his !ac$& hands gripping at his shirt.
03a%i)&2 He started to m"rm"r against her s$in& !"t she c"t him o##.
0Ca%% me 4i%y. P%ease.2
!lease" she said.
04i%y.2 7nd again. 04i%y1 4i%y I want to #"c$ yo" 4i%y12 He grow%ed the words against
her nec$& ma$ing ("ic$ wor$ o# the shirt and "ndergarments that were $eeping him #rom her
s$in. She %et o"t a so#t p%eas"red noise as -a"ry+s hands #o"nd her !reasts& his th"m!s s%iding
across her nipp%es ro"gh%y& !ringing them to two ta"t pea$s. The ro"nd g%o!es were more per#ect
than -a"ry co"%d ha'e e'er imagined. Her !reasts #it per#ect%y in his hands& her s$in %i$e si%$
and her nipp%es a !ea"ti#"% dar$ rosy co%or& ,"st 'isi!%e in the %ight #rom the !ay window. He
co"%d+'e admired them a%% day& !"t his dic$ reminded him that there was a ,o! to do& p"%sing
pain#"%%y !etween his %egs& the swo%%en mem!er straining against the restricting c%oth o# his
tro"sers. The h"nter reached down and %oosened his pants with one hand& !"sying himse%# with
p%anting so#t $isses across the pa%e s$in o# 3a%ithia+s !reasts. He co"%d #ee% her hands g%ide "p to
the !ac$ o# his nec$& her #ingers tang%ing in his !rone co%ored hair. He heard her gasp as his
mo"th #ina%%y #o"nd one rosy !"d& teasing it with his tong"e and teeth "nti% he co"%d #ee% her start
to trem!%e !eneath him& her grip tight at the !ac$ o# his head.
0-a"ry1 p%ease&2 She panted o"t& 0*o"+re setting me on #ire12 The words came as
!reathy whispers.
0That+s the idea14i%y.2 He mo'ed tho"gh& shi#ting downward a%ong her !ody& drin$ing
in e'ery c"r'e and n"ance& exp%oring e'ery inch o# her exposed s$in with his hands. The h"nter
reached his partner+s waist!and and de#t%y re%eased the catch !e#ore s%iding the %eather down o##
o# her shape%y hips. He pa"sed #or ha%# a !eat when he rea%ied she wasn+t wearing anything
0S"rprised& -a"ry/2 She as$ed ("iet%y.
He %oo$ed "p to #ind her watching him& propping herse%# "p on her e%!ows. The man
co"%d see her chest rising and #a%%ing with !ated !reath. Her eye%ids were %owered sed"cti'e%y&
green eyes c"tting thro"gh the night.
0I+'e !een waiting #or this #or s"ch a %ong time12 Her 'oice was h"s$y with desire. She
s%id #irst one %eg& then the other o"t o# her %eather pants& casting them aside with a #%ic$ o# her
an$%e !e#ore spreading her %egs in'iting%y #or her partner.
7s -a"ry watched 3a%ithia+s inner %ips part #or him& he co"%dn+t he%p noticing the s$in
inside was the same rosy co%or as her nipp%es& and so #ragi%e %oo$ing. She was g%istening& a%ready
s%ic$ with anticipation. He #o"nd himse%# s"dden%y o'ercome with the need to #ind o"t how she
0I thin$ yo" can wait 1,"st a moment %onger&2 He m"m!%ed in de%ayed response&
%owering himse%# down !etween her %egs and s%iding one hand "p her inner thigh& spreading her
%egs a !it wider as he started to $iss at the p%ace where her %eg met her hip.
03on+t tease me -a"ry&2 She gasped& and he co"%d #ee% a shi'er r"n thro"gh her !ody at
his to"ch.
He $issed and %apped at her tender #%esh as he s%ow%y made his way to her pro##ered
womanhood. Her s$in tasted o# sa%t and something m"ch sweeter& her scent #i%%ing his nostri%s as
he reached her s%it& s"c$ing at the s$in o# one side !e#ore %ic$ing "p the center& her taste
exp%oding on his tong"e. 0=od12
03o I taste good -a"ry/2 She panted o"t& and he #e%t her #ingers #ind their way into his
hair again& gripping it tight%y& pressing his #ace into her heat.
The h"nter %et o"t a moan as he opened his mo"th wi%%ing%y& starting to %ap "p her
wetness. He s%id a hand "p and spread her swo%%en %ips wide& #inding her c%it with his tong"e and
s"c$ing it into his mo"th& e%iciting a sharp cry #rom his partner. He #o"nd her soa$ing ho%e and
s%ipped a #inger inside& starting to p"mp it in and o"t. He %et o"t a satis#ied noise aro"nd her c%it
as the man #e%t her start to writhe "nder him& so#t cat%i$e noises escaping her throat.
0-a"ry stop.2 Her !ac$ arched "p o## the gro"nd as she yan$ed his head !ac$ "p. 0-a"ry)
-a"ry p%ease& I need yo".2
The other h"nter gaed "p at her. She was panting and her chee$s were #%"shed& her eyes
c%o"ded with want. She %oo$ed more '"%nera!%e than he co"%d e'er remem!er seeing her. It was
this more than anything that ca"sed a #resh wa'e o# desire to #%ood thro"gh -a"ry+s !ody. He rid
himse%# o# his pants ("ic$%y& shi'ering as the coo% night air connected with his #e'erish manhood.
04i%y12 He was !etween her %egs again swi#t%y& cra'ing her heat. He gra!!ed his needy
dic$ and shi#ted c%oser to her& ta$ing a sharp !reath as he #e%t his tender s$in to"ch hers. The
h"nter %oo$ed down at his partner+s #ace as he pressed his swo%%en coc$head against her s%it&
r"!!ing it "p and down to coat it with her ,"ices.
3a%ithia+s !reath was catching in her throat& her eyes %oc$ed on -a"ry+s. 0I want yo"
-a"ry& p%ease) do it now&2 She whispered& reaching "p to gra! his hips& p"%%ing him toward her.
The other h"nter was more than happy to o!%ige. He s%id his s%ic$ened coc$head down
"nti% he #o"nd her h"ngry ca'ern& the strong m"sc%es a%ready desperate to p"%% him in. Instant%y&
he !ecame en'e%oped in a heat so intense that he co"%dn+t stop the p%eas"red whimper that
escaped him. He had to ha'e more. The man p"shed #orward "nti% he #e%t her heat s"rro"nding
him in entirety& her 'e%'et wa%%s s("eeing him& ca"sing him to momentari%y #orget how to
!reathe. *es& it had !een #ar too %ong.
0;"c$ -a"ry1yo"r dic$ #ee%s so good&2 3a%ithia !reathed o"t. 0Come here& come to
7 whisper& and -a"ry #e%t hands drawing him down c%oser to his partner. He pressed his
!ody against hers and !"ried his #ace in her nec$ as he started to thr"st his thro!!ing coc$ in and
o"t o# her. He #e%t hands on his !ac$& #ingers s%iding "nderneath his shirt& nai%s digging into his
s$in. He #e%t wa'e a#ter wa'e o# de%icio"s sensation wash o'er him as he !"ried himse%# time and
time again. He heard a chor"s o# moans and dis,ointed words that co"%d+'e come #rom either or
!oth o# them. -a"ry #o"nd he no %onger $new anything a!o"t the wor%d except that he was
#"c$ing his ri'a%)t"rned)partner& and that it #e%t incredi!%e.
0-a"ry) more& harder. I want yo" to ta$e me. Ma$e me yo"rs.2
Her words c"t thro"gh the #og o# ecstasy s"rro"nding -a"ry %i$e a searing $ni#e. His
!reath ca"ght in his throat. Hearing 3a%ithia say that was %i$e something #rom a dream. 7rrogant&
se%#)satis#ied 3a%ithia was !egging #or his comp%ete dominance. He co"%dn+t he%p the groan that
escaped him as his coc$ p"%sed "rgent%y at the tho"ght.
03a%ithia12 -a"ry s%ammed into her& m"##%ing his cry in her nec$ as he started to $iss it&
a!"sing the s$in there with his mo"th. He #e%t her %egs %i#t& wrapping tight%y aro"nd his waist as
she arched "p to meet him. The h"nter !egan to hear %o"der& $eener cries #rom his partner as they
connected 'io%ent%y time a#ter time& and he $new she had #ina%%y %et go o# her tight contro%. Her
head was thrown !ac$ in a!andon& her !ody writhing and !"c$ing !eneath him. She was gasping
o"t something that so"nded %i$e 0#ercy$% with each thr"st now& ming%ed in with her cries o#
It seemed %i$e no time had passed !e#ore -a"ry !egan to #ee% the a%ready maddening heat
start to !"i%d rapid%y within him. He gasped as he p"%%ed away #rom his partner+s nec$& %oo$ing
down at her #ace as he started to #ee% himse%# %ose contro%. 04i)4i%y).2 His thr"sts !ecame erratic&
and he #e%t her !ody s("eee aro"nd him. The %ast thing he saw was her green eyes connecting
sharp%y with his !e#ore he was o'ercome with a hot s"rge o# !%iss. He cried o"t as he s%ammed
into her one %ast time& his coc$ !"rsting within her& #%ooding her insides with his hot seed.
Thro"gh the hae& he heard 3a%ithia+s sharp cry& #e%t her insides tighten again on his spent dic$.
-a"ry gasped and s%ow%y opened his eyes to %oo$ down at her again& his chest hea'ing& !reath
coming in ragged p"%%s.
0Hm12 She smi%ed "p at him& ,"st a hint o# her "s"a% cat)%i$e mischie# p%aying across her
%ips. 0That #e%t nice -a"ry12
The h"nter #e%t his chee$s !"rn& !"t gi'en his present condition& he co"%dn+t !e !othered
to !e proper%y em!arrassed. Instead& he p"%%ed away #rom 3a%ithia gent%y and !"sied himse%#
with gathering "p their assorted c%othing. He had no idea what time it was& !"t he $new it wo"%d
!e a good idea i# they got o"t o# there !e#ore dawn. He t"rned !ac$& on%y to #ind his partner on
her $nees in #ront o# him& waiting. She gra!!ed the !ac$ o# his head and p"%%ed him into a deep&
%ingering $iss that %e#t -a"ry #ee%ing %ightheaded when she #ina%%y p"%%ed !ac$. The next thing he
$new 3a%ithia was on her #eet& #astening the c%asps o# his %eather d"ster aro"nd herse%#.
0.hat are yo" doing& 3a%ithia12 He got sha$i%y to his #eet and gra!!ed his pants&
("ic$%y yan$ing them on.
0=i'ing yo" a reason to see me again&2 She p"rred o"t with a win$. 0:nti% next time&
-a"ry.2 She !%ew him a $iss& and then too$ o##.
0Hang on& yo" can+t ,"st)62
B"t she was a%ready gone& ha'ing s%ipped into an a%%ey& her #orm disso%'ing into the
shadows o# the night. -a"ry s%ow%y %oo$ed aro"nd& ta$ing in the scene< the strewn c%othing and
the dried and smeared !%ood sti%% dotting his s$in #rom the h"nt. 9ot #or the #irst time that night&
-a"ry #o"nd himse%# wondering i# he had act"a%%y come o"t on top& or i# a%% o# this had !een part
o# 3a%ithia+s p%an #rom the start. 7#ter a moment& he decided he rea%%y co"%dn+t e'en !egin to
thin$ a!o"t that "nti% he had at %east two or three shots o# whis$y in him. That !eing sett%ed& the
h"nter gathered "p the remaining c%othes #rom the dew dampened grass and started #or home.
Than$ yo" #or p"rchasing my e)!oo$6 P%ease don+t #orget to %ea'e a re'iew. This a"thor thri'es
"pon tho"ght#"% criti("e. 7%so& I+d %o'e to $now i# yo" en,oyed my wor$6 7nd as a%ways& spread
the na"ghty word6 < A
About the Author
Pepper Mason is an "p and coming a"thor o# high)("a%ity erotic short no'e%s. .hen she?s not
writing& she?s creating art and p%aying with her two !ea"ti#"% cats.
Connect with Me Online:
Twitter> https>BBtwitter.comBC6BPepperMason
;ace!oo$> http>BBwww.#ace!oo$.comBpagesBPepper)MasonB1DE2FGH2H2F2IGI
Smashwords> http>BBwww.smashwords.comBpro#i%eB'iewBPepperMason
.e!site and B%og> http>BBpeppermason!oo$s.wee!%y.comBindex.htm%
Pepper's Other Works:
The Hunter Trilogy
Book To
Hunters Ebr!ce
7ttracti'e 'ampire h"nter -a"ry has to choose !etween his per$y partner Erin and his smo$ing
hot ri'a%& 3a%ithia. .i%% %oya%ty win o"t o'er %"st& or wi%% -a"ry en,oy the !est o# !oth wor%ds on
the s%y/ .hat+s wrong with #riends with !ene#its& a#ter a%%/ ;ind o"t in this sexy se("e% to
Hunter&s 'iss.
Book Three
Hunters Choice
7#ter a%% is said and done& -a"ry #inds himse%# #aced with ("estions that !"rn to !e answered.
8nce again& howe'er& the woman he needs to answer them is nowhere to !e #o"nd. 8n his search
#or the e'er e%"si'e 3a%ithia& -a"ry has to come to terms with the #act that his %i#e is a!o"t to
change& #or !etter or #or worse. 7 new #ace comes onto the scene& and when -a"ry #ina%%y
disco'ers his temptress& a sexy s"rprise awaits the h"nter. .i%% -a"ry #ina%%y ma$e the choice
that !egins a new chapter o# his %i#e/ ;ind o"t in the third and #ina% insta%%ment o# the H"nter
Tri%ogy& H"nter+s Choice.
Ensl!"e# in Ecst!sy
In,"red and shac$%ed& 3"s$ has #o"nd himse%# "na!%e to escape the c%"tches o# his $in$y captor&
9ash. .i%% he !e a!%e to de#y his new master& or wi%% he !ecome his wi%%ing sex s%a'e/
.7-9I9=> Contains MBM B%ow,o!s& Sex and Power P%ays
7'ai%a!%e at> https>BBwww.smashwords.comB!oo$sB'iewB1JH2F1
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