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Large Group Time (Circle Time) Planning Form

Name: Britney Collins Date: Scheduled for Tuesday Due: 05!!!0"#

Length of large group time $%!0 to $%#0
Size of group !# Age of children #5 yrs&
'entor signature ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Activities/Purpose: The purpose of this circle time is to discuss )ith the children )hat is
found and used in the garden and )here to loo* and +y interaction )ith a story and a felt
, -cti.ity /"
o First )e )ill tal* a+out the )eather outside 0 )ill as* them1 23o) does the
)eather feel4 0s the sun shining4 Can you see clouds4 5oes it loo* li*e it is
going to rain4 5o you thin* it is too hotcold to play in the garden4 6hat is
the )eather the garden today% Sun4 6ater4 6ind47 - die )ith multiple
sides and colors on it )ill +e rolled and the child sitting on the color )ill
change the )eather on the )eather+oard&
o 0 chose this acti.ity +ecause the children ha.e an opportunity to share ho) the
)eather ma*es them feel& They )ill interact )ith each other and gain a sense
of empathy for one another through these shared feelings& This acti.ity also them control of the days plans +y deciding if the )eather is too hotcold
to play outside in the garden& The children )ill also1 after time1 *no) ho) the
days )eather helpsharms the garden&

-cti.ity /!
o 8e9t1 6e )ill read Growing Vegetable Soup +y Louis :hlert&

o 0 chose this acti.ity +ecause it is a great )ay to introduce the children to the tools
used in the garden1 ho) to so) seeds1 and the names of different .egeta+les found
in the garden&
-cti.ity /;
o 8e9t1 6e )ill the story +y interacting )ith a felt +oard& There )ill +e a
+urlap sac* placed in the middle of the circle filled )ith small felt pieces that
represent the garden (tools1 )eather1 plants1 etc&)& The children )ill get to pic*
one& 6hen )e tal* a+out their piece1 they )ill get up and place their small felt
pieces in the correct place on the +oard&
o 0 chose this acti.ity +ecause the children )ill +e a+le to reflect on the story in
a )ay that supports memory and *no)ledge1 interest in literacy1 and
e9pression of self through language& Through this acti.ity they )ill learn ne)
.oca+ulary1 ho) plants gro)1 ho) to use the tools1 and )here things are found
in the garden (sun1 soil1 roots1 seeds1 rain1 etc&)&
, -cti.ity /#
o 8e9t1 6e )ill sing the song This is How We Work in the Garden
Tune% 23ere 6e Go <=ound The 'ul+erry Bush7
This is the )ay )e hoe the dirt1 hoe the dirt1 hoe the dirt1This is the )ay )e hoe the
dirt1 for our spring time garden&
This is the )ay )e plant the seeds1 plant our seeds1 plant our seeds1This is the )ay )e
plant the seeds1 for our spring time garden&
This is the )ay )e )ater the seeds1 )ater the seeds1 )ater the seeds1This is the )ay
)e )ater the seeds1 for our spring time garden&
This is the )ay )e pull the )eeds1 pull the )eeds1 pull the )eeds1This is the )ay )e
pull the )eeds1 for our spring time garden
This is the )ay )e pic* the flo)ers1 pic* the flo)ers1 pic* the flo)ers1This is the )ay
)e pic* the flo)ers1 from our spring time garden&
o 0 chose this acti.ity +ecause it )ill pro.ides music and mo.ement to +e
supported& 0t )ill help them +ring all of the information they gained from the
+oo* and the felt +oard into a song they can mo.e to& They )ill learn the
motions of )or*ing in the garden and +e a+le to use them )hen the time
, Transition -cti.ity
o Finally1 0 )ill end my circle time and transition the children +y letting the
children *no) that )e )ill +e free )or* time ne9t& But first )e ha.e to
do the 2Put >our Face in a Place7 -cti.ity& The Children sit on different colors
e.ery day in circle time& 6e )ill ha.e a large dice )ith all the colors on it&
First the teacher )ill roll it and )hen the child?s color is rolled they )ill +e
a+le to come up to the acti.ity +oard and put a picture of their face ()hich has
@elcro on the +ac* of it) in the area they )ant to go& Before they go they )ill
+e a+le to roll the dice to e9cuse the ne9t child1 then they can put their face in
a placeA
o 0 chose this transition acti.ity +ecause it creates a le.el of e9citement and
)onder in the group a+out )hose color )ill +e rolled ne9t )hile remaining
fair and not +ased on )hose 2good7 or 2+ad7& They are a+le to feel
independent +y coming up to the +oard and putting their face in a place they
)ould li*e to play& They are also in.ol.ed in the process of selection1 )hich
de.elops their sense of control and autonomy&

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